ONE REACTION TO RULE THEM ALL! 🌋 EARLY ACCESS and FULL LENGTH REACTIONS for Two Towers, ROTK, and The Hobbit available on our Patreon! ▶ Come hang out in our Discord! ▶
Y'all got no idea how cool it was growing up in the 70"s playing Dungeons & Dragons and watching the ORIGINAL Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit animated cartoon movies..collecting X-Men comic books and living to see the day CGI catch up with the imaginations we had and beyond... Harry Potter too... total trip guys👍 we're lucky to be alive to see such cinematic awesomeness 🔥🤘
Excellent commentary after the movie from the guys who haven't seen these movies. Looking forward to the next two and their thoughts. Also kudos for watching the extended.
The reason why Sam refers to Frodo as Mr.Frodo is because JRR Tolkien, the author of the books, was using them to represent The British soldier and the soldier's assigned personal servant. This was the case in the British army in World War One. To refer to the soldier, who would have been higher class compared to the personal servant, as Mr was a sign of respect. Tolkien served in the British Military in World War One.
I just got to that moment and paused to look at the comments, I think I'll stop here, I hope the others in this video who are experiencing the movie for the first time call him out on it but this is where I stop, I have no interest in continuing to the other two movies.
@@davidthompson662Blake wasn't being serious. These reactors are hecklers and trolls. This is how they react. They will constantly grief each other and joke about what they are watching. Their reactions aren't meant to be taken seriously. Blake is also very dry and sarcastic. He obviously doesn't hate Sam. If you don't like this brand of humor, don't watch.
Ikr.... Not sure if he was trying to just be a sh*t stirrer or it's true dislike but either way.... Only someone severely lacking in self esteem & maturity wld trash talk Sam like that. I will give the next one a try but ONE MORE NEGATIVE WORD & I will 👎 all parts. As well as blocking them.
Sam's loyality to Frodo has vast amounts of pride and possessiveness in it. And in general, irl that kind of obsessive "loyalty" is very toxic. Judging someone who sees that and doesn't like it is a wild take. People viewing Sam like some kind of all-good character that can't ever be criticized are baffling to me.
@@PohjanKarhu have you read the actual books??? If not, You might give it a try (if you are able). Either that or seek sone therapy as it sounds like more of a "you" problem than a "Sam" problem
@PohjanKarhu Sam has literally zero negative qualities. He is steadfast, loyal, and in the books is such a beacon of good will and hope that he isn't even phased by the temptations of the Ring. And he was right about Gollum.
Right? 😅 And the reason why he is so subservient or whatever is because he literally *is* Frodo's servant (his gardener) and he's just being respectful...
Everyone to their opinion. I don't hate Sam, but I also don't like him much. Too much of something even if it's as good as loyalty is not good imo. It makes his character look very submissive which is a flaw in itself.
Sam calls Frodo Mr. Frodo and Aragorn Strider because he is a servant. He is not a Lord/Prince/Wizard like everyone else in the Fellowship. You wouldn’t walk up to Queen Elizabeth and call her Lizzy. To put it bluntly he’s staying in his station. They don’t treat him like a servant but like a friend but Sam respects their position
Yeah. It’s not really clear that everybody in the fellowship is an important person other than same. Even merry is a sort of prince, as his father is the head of another hobbit town.
Not only is Sam Frodo's gardener, Sam's father 'Old Gaffer' Gamgee was Bilbo's gardener for decades. Sam literally grew up tending the garden of Bag End with his dad.
I’m sorry if Blake has watch it many times, and said he hates Sam for me that means he doesn’t truly understand the lord of the rings. He failed miserably in understanding the importance of TRUE friendship, loyalty and goodness of Sam.
Hobbits are most definitely NOT NOMADS. They are the most settled people imaginable, so tied to their land that (until the eccentric Bilbo) they are loath to travel anywhere beyond the Shire.
So glad you mentioned that. I was like "WHAT?" when he said that's a good term for them. It's shown quite a bit in the movie that Hobbits like their simple and settled life with routine--when Sam mentions he's never been farther than the corn field, as well as how Bilbo is a bit of an outcast for his adventurous life and how Gandalf was termed a disturber of the peace.
It's likely because they watched Amazon's _The Rings of Power_ where it is wrongly established that the Harfoots are a nomadic ancestor of the Hobbits. In the books, the Harfoots are one of the ethnic groups of the Hobbit race, alongside the Fallohides and the Stoors. Tolkien never mentions any race that precedes the Hobbits. The closest he gets to this is in explaining Gollum's history, where Gandalf says that Smeagol was of Hobbit kind but then also says that Smeagol's line was probably descended from the Stoors. As far as we know, there was no preceding race before the Hobbits other than Men. Hobbits are descendants of humans, probably the Atanatari. No one else was mentioned.
The reason Frodo is not AS tempted by the ring is because Hobbits don't really aspire to greatness, they're content living their lives in a small village while growing food and brewing ale - the ring deceives those the easiest who have great ambition (men most of all). There is so much more to the lore and the ring that the movie doesn't really get deep into because it's complicated and doesn't serve the overall plot, but after you finish the movies you should look up what exactly the ring does, because the movies aren't very clear on that.
Reason why dwarfs were affected by the rings in very different way too. All they care about is the mountains and mining lol. That really backfired on Sauron there. But also brought ruin to dwarfes too in the long run.
Gimli isn’t weird for asking Galadriel for a hair. It’s one of the most important moments of Fellowship, if not the entire series. In the past, Feanor, a great Elven smith asked Galadriel for a single hair 3 times, so he could make what became known as The Silmarils. Read The Silmarillion for more information on these. Anyway, She always refused bc she sensed his selfish desires and greed. So when Gimli, a (hated) dwarf asks her out of genuine affection and admiration, she reciprocated his gesture and throws off old prejudice in the process. It’s a turning point for the relationship between elves and dwarves, and helps solidify the growing friendship between Gimli and Legolas.
It is also common in medieval literature for a Lady to give her Knight a token of her affection, that could well be lock of hair. Gimli is not her knight, but the gift is still important. Gifts of that sort were favors and were given to knights before battle or a joust. Having grown up on fantasy and medieval lit, I asked my girlfriend for a lock of her hair when went to college. She complied, having also been raised on the same books as I.
All these demonstration of humanity and true chivalry and sincerity are too much for the modern generation. They grew up terrified from real human connection.
If you think about it they didn’t have cell phones and easy pics. A lock of hair is a handy way to provide human connection for the ones going off to war. So yeah nowadays it might seem weird but we have ways to connect that they didn’t. OTOH Gimli a dwarf asking an elf queen just met is unusual. But hey maybe elves just shine with charisma.
its because he knows how beloved sam is and hating on him will get people to comment out of anger. any comment is a good one to the alg on youtube and they know this im sure.
I had to look this up. Apparently Sam is someone who applies a glaze or cuts glass to fit size ;( I watched Raggedy Pack's GOT reactions and Blake has some unusual takes! Sam does come off a little overprotective at times but he's one of the most pure lovable characters in literature.
"I really need to watch rings of power again; I've forgotten everything" the rings of power has almost nothing to do with the source material, so you're good.
@@Hollow_Vamp You're insane if you actually believe that. They took a sliver of story, altered EVERYTHING, then slapped the LotR branding on it, nothing more.
@@Hollow_Vamp I don’t want to be mean, but it is not book accurate. It had vague similarities at best. The timeline, characters, general world lore is all way off
Blake I love you but how can you hate Sam? Not only is he the friend everyone deserves but he is the friend everyone should be. Not here for the Sam hate!
@@creekfishingny5448 It's actually the other way around. They put SO MUCH "easter eggs" in that show it's insane. Every scene is inspired by or hide some token of cool lore. Everything in that show have been proved to have great basis in the books and the lore. They gambled to make a show out of a few pages, and so far it works. If you want a 1:1 you'd have to make it a documentary since even if they had rights to all of Tolkiens books, they'd still need to write 90% on their own since the 2nd age have very little written about it.
I agree. "Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway." as Neil Gaiman wrote. Not being scared is not being brave at all. There is nothing to be brave about if something doesn't scare a person. Thinking that being afraid makes you a coward is such a toxic masculinity trait.
@@12judgejudyBilbo yüzüğü Frodo'ya bırakarak köyden ayrılır. Frodo'nun da Shire'dan ayrılması tam 17 yıl sonra. Frodo ve arkadaşları bu yolculuğa çıktıklarında 40'lı yaşların dalar. Genç değiller ve daha bilgili ve olgun karakterler hepsi. Filmde tüm süreç bir belki iki yıl gibi bir süreye sığdırılıyor.
@12judgejudy Hobbits age differently than humans, frodo is 33 and is just coming of age at the tile of bilbos party. So 17 years is not that long in a Hobbits life
This was so frustrating. At least keep it to yourself so you don’t taint the first time viewing. So be so pissed if someone watching a movie with m that I’ve never seen was just so emphatically hating on a character for no apparent reason.
A woman giving a man a lock of hair before going to war was a common thing at one time. There weren't photographs, or letters to mail. Why this generation thinks anything to do with hair is creepy is depressing. It's depressing that you don't know history or in the case of this story how significant it was for her to give the dwarves this gift. She is the oldest and one of the most powerful beings in this world. Sorry, but getting a selfie wasn't a option.
Hobbits are the opposite of nomads. They never go anywhere. The Rings of Power has almost nothing to do with Lord of the Rings. It’s pretty much just fan fiction.
They’re getting corrupted by watching the rings of power, a corrupted show. The funny thing is that Tolkien once said, “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made”.
@@PeverellTheThird fortunately there is a fan base that blows gate keeping out of the water. I just watched a 58 minute synopsis of the Second age of Middle Earth. It blows my mind how Jeff Bezo’s spent a billion dollars and got ripped off so badly. The costumes are Cheap the set look like hell, the acting is horrendous, the writing embarrassing rip off of Peter Jackson’s LOTR. The show has people at the begining of the Second age that were not alive until 3441 years later. Episode 7 has Elrond kissing his mother in-law and her husband and Daughter are not even mentioned. The orc story is stupid. In the Two Towers Faramir relates to Frodo that Gandalf never went to the East so he couldn’t be in Rhune. Seriously I cannot believe that Jeff Bezo’s doesn’t know how badly he has been swindled.
33:43- Actually, no it's not. What many assume is CGI in this film, and the next two- isn't. They made miniatures or what they called "Bigatures" of over 22 different locations and set pieces in two sizes. 1/72 scale and a 1/14 scale of the actual size. This allowed them to paint everything naturally, get AMAZING camera shots, and then do a lot of green screen work and place a real set piece with actual flowing water, natural smoke, mini-floods, etc, behind the actors. They also only didn't use CGI in this film to make the hobbits appear small, everything was camera tricks and staging. Rivendell was also all "bigatures". You can look up pictures of all of them- they are very impressive. Even when Bilbo's face went all crazy in Rivendell- not CGI. 7 takes laid over each other with different layers of make-up. 1:04:35 even here, a "Bigature" shot cut into a set shot. When Galadriel loses her s* all done practically, reverse lenses, filters and lighting. When the "lead orc" is born- practical. 1:35:41 these statues were also 1/72 and 1/14 scale "bigatures" which is again why they look so real. Here is where CGI was used in this- The Balrog Gollum The "Other Dimension" when Frodo is wearing the Ring The Internal Location of Moria The Opening War (Making The Army Appear Larger) The Opening Scenes of the Ring Spinning in front of a flame The flame on the Ring AFTER the reflection faded out in Rivendell Sauron and The Eye (but not the Eye's tower) Mt. Doom Everything else was done practically. They didn't even use CGI with the elves. They used lighting and lens flares and filters. Even Frodo's eyes, he didn't once wear contacts and they didn't digitalize them. He put drops in to make them bloodshot and everything was done through filters and lighting. This is VERY, VERY important to know going into the next two films, there is a TON that people assumed was cgi that wasn't. De-aging scenes (shot in 10 takes and overlayed), or aerial shots of cities lie Edoras that people assumed were not built and.... they actually were, on the top of that very mountain. This film is one of the LAST films to truly, TRULY depend on PRACTICAL effects. YES, CGI was used, but it was SO limited. There is a reason that The Hobbit films are not as loved. THEY leaned heavily into CGI and while the films are still great, they are not masterpieces.
I loved the "making of the movie" extras that came with this and the other two films. Seeing some of what they did to create this whole world and the lengths they went to to make it so compelling was fascinating.
Viggo Mortensen was thinking about not taking the roll because they were going to shoot all the movies at once, so he would be away from family for more than a year. His young son apparently told him, "Dad, you could be Aragorn." They shot for 438 days + pick-up shots for the next 3 years. Shooting all the films at once meant all the sets, props, etc... could be used without needing to go to storage. The costumes and armour for the extras were nearly as detailed as the main characters. They made 48,000 pieces of armour and 19,000 costumes. Long story short, the movies hold up extremely well and match each other because they were shot at the same time. It is kinda crazy that a studio signed off on shooting all 3 at once, ~280 million cost to produce up to the final release in 2003. Which is crazy small for 11 hours of film. As a note, The Force Awakens cost ~450 million.
They did it for that small because they really did let New Zealand be the star. They used their budget well. If if that meant just taking the actors up in mountains with small crews to film. It saved so much on sets.
Cojo, back in the day when their weren't pictures that were easily created or portable, people gave locks of their hair so their loved one would have a piece of them.
@@xayzerit’s also very historic in the story as well. See another elf a long time ago once asked for her hair. But he wasn’t a good person and she refused. Yet gimi she could see was good of heart.
Eleven minutes in: nomads, traders? Seconds earlier, you were told Hobbits have been living and farming in the Four Farthings for many hundreds of years. How do you get nomads and traders from that? Sorry guys. This is where I bail out.
Lord Of The Rings trilogy is a beautiful diamond that reflects the sublime writings of Tolkien's experiences in WWI... Rings Of Power is like the foul 💩 my cat left last night in her litter box.
Starting a Lord of the Rings reaction with: I should watch the Rings of Power again... Not the best line. Then he hates Sam? Our guy is against his faith.
Yeah if you guys could just leave Blake out of the next reaction. He reminds me of that person that just hates dogs. His opinion is just invalid at this point.
“A last alliance of MEN and ELVES” “Where are the dwarves?!” “You have to look hard to see them” Definitely, as they weren’t there. Hence the last alliance of MEN and ELVES.
I think Cojo was just having a good time and wasn't really paying attention. The dude "forgot about those guys" 5 minutes after seeing Merry and Pippin getting abducted.
They were there in the books, though a small number of them. Durin's Longbeards, the ones who settled in Khazad-dûm, were on good terms with elves of Lórien and with the men of Númenor. Most other dwarf clans just didn't pick a side or didn't care enough.
@@artbagley1406 I know this is an old comment but they said at the beginning that they already released the other parts on Patreon or whatever, so I am sure they've seen the end by the time this video was released.
@@zybch Almost all modern television and movies are disgraceful Hollywood pushed out real talent for an agenda which is easy to spot on the Amazon show with casting alone.
@@harbl99exactly, given how money hungry the industry is today, there’s no chance they would waste so much time making a proper movie. Also, movies produced today are filled with political messages or some sort of stupid braindead social narrative. Not to mention that the censorship is delusional so that you don’t hurt this snowflake society. Movies from the past are so much better and it’s not even close.
Blake turned from handsome boy to Gollum in my eyes for hating on Sam and chewing on Igli for the smallest reasons 🚩🚩🚩mind you, he doesn't get everything right about this movie/franchise either but acting like he's Peter Jackson
Thanks. This is the best comment. Seen so many reaction of friends watching lotr with first timers. Hate the jock mindset. If he has seen the movie so many times he does not have to search up who Howard Shore is, or claiming Gandalf is million years old.. He should be like the dude far right shutting up..
please avoid mentioning that abomination of a show made by amazon, it isnt Tolkien or anything like Lord of the Rings. it's a poor attempt of a fan fiction project made by those who gleefully disgrace the source material.
simply hearing about rings of power, one of the worst shows to ever exist, in the same context as lord of the rings, the best piece of cinema ever created, is sickening
12:45 "rings of power" is not Canon, and has nothing to do with anything tolkein wrote, because they didn't have the rights to adapt the actual lore. It's just fan fiction that they are making up, that contradicts everything about the real story. It's fine to enjoy it if you like it, but don't mistake it for the actual backstory of the world. It's just a pale imitation that is false. Sauron was never a man named Halbrand, and Galadriel was never thirsting after him, she's married. Mordor was not created by turning a sword key pouring water into a volcano. Also Galadriel was not on a vengeance quest against Sauron, she had basically nothing to do with him until the events of the movies. Read The Silmarillian to get the real story of what happened during that period of time.
The writers and director were given only the Lotr appendix to work with because the higher ups were too shortsighted to get the rights to the sillmarillion too. So they're stuck trying to fill in the gaps of a collection of bullet points about the second age. With what they've got to work with it's a miracle that the show isn't worse.
I remember how monumental this movie was post 9/11. The energy shift from the way people went into this movie to leaving the theater was something else to see. It was all anyone talked about all the way through Christmas and New Year's.
It wasn’t about that. After 9/11 it was like the whole country was mourning and in shock. Even on happy occasions the tragedy wasn’t far from your minds. They were still pulling out bodies/parts. The cleanup and everything it was just heavy everywhere. For me, this, even if it was only a moment inspired hope. Now, we look back and think about all the nuts & the conspiracy theories surrounding it but at the time you felt like the fellowship did when Gandalf died, hopeless. “So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?” Theoden said it best and that’s how you felt; day in and day out. Even if it was just movies they gave you a reprieve and we had Sam😊 “It's like the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad has happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. I know now folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something. That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.”
I didn't think that there was anyone left on earth who hadn't seen LOTR! This is the best trilogy ever, so I hope you enjoy them! Welcome to Middle Earth! ❤❤❤
"I really need to watch Rings of Power again..." if you want to learn about the world of Tolkien, Rings of Power is the last thing you should watch. You'd honestly have more luck watching Harry Potter than that sorry excuse of a TV show
Game of thrones is a better adaptation of lotr than amazon's sauron/galadriel wattpad fanfiction 🤮 the newest Spongebob Squarepants movie is a better adaptation
@@xenomorph6599 game of thrones is a terrible show lol and no it is not a good adaptation of lord of the rings. In LOTR, supposedly a contrast to Game of Thrones in being about actual heroes as opposed to “morally gray” nincompoops, Boromir, for example, is infinitely more complex than Ned Stark.
It’s still a variation on the stories which were inspired by myths and legends, variations on stories. Whether you like it or not. That’s kind of fundamental to the “world of Tolkien.” Harry Potter is obviously not an adaptation, interpretation, or variation of LOTR, which The Ring of Power is. Again it’s fine if people criticize it! It’s just I don’t think I’ve ever seen any legit criticism lol. And there could be plenty. I’m confused about how Tolkien experts don’t get this
Best movie trilogy ever made in my opinion, i was born in 2001 and grew up watching the movies from a very young age, now as an adult ive read the books multiple times and Middle Earth is the best fictional universe ive been in by far, so much history and lore in the world, its awesome. Cant wait for this!
@@inquisitive6786however, the prequels are by no means shit tier compared to the Hobbit movies, so on balance Star Wars wins over combined double trilogy of LOTR-Hobbit
Honestly, how in the heck can you hate Sam? he’s the best friend you could ever ask for. Most reactions I see are people hating on Frodo and praising Sam which annoys me. The reaction was great, but Sam is straight up the epitome of selfless love. He always puts Frodo before himself like a true friend.
Frodo wouldnt say shut your mouth to Sam who is just having a genuine moment of discomfort & enjoying a moment of confidingin a friend going through it just like him. Frodo isn't rude like Blake.
I have, too many joke about Frodo & Sam because unlike Tolkien that lived through horrific war with his friends and brothers in arms, kids today can't fathom true friendship.
Think of it this way Cojo. The line of Aragorn hasnt been ruling this whole time. Boromir's family are the stewards of Gondor. They have been the ones working & dying to protect their people. I imagine seeing Aragorn just hanging out with the elves felt like an insult & that the supposed leader he "owed allegiance" to had been no where to be found his entire life.
WHAT? Some of you have never seen LOTR and you've been sitting on THAT gold mine and not releasing a reaction? This is, like, my THE go-to movie trilogy to watch a reaction of, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Literally, channels that have nothing to do with reactions still post videos of them reacting to Lord of the Rings because it's THAT iconic - I'm surprised it wasn't at the very top of the list when you guys started the reaction channel.
Lord of the Rings was shot entirely in New Zealand, outdoors, indoor sets, and WETA studios for the CGI were all based there for the entirety of the shoot which lasted years since they were filming it straight through essentially. My (not at that time) brother-in-law was part of the CGI team and is featured in one of the making of docs.
There is a line that Frodo says which says everything you need to know how important Sam is in the Story. He says “Frodo wouldn’t have gotten far without Sam”. It has also been said that Sam is the true hero of the movie. So the hate that Blake has for Sam is ridiculous and unjustified. Can’t trust someone who hate the embodiment of true friendship.
After watching them for a while, it was very predictable after all his other ridiculous takes & incorrect assumptions & his rude comments that Blake would hate Sam.
The inscription on the Doors of Moria was Elvish because Elves were the ones mainly visiting. They used to have a realm next to Moria and at that time had a very good and profitable relationship with the dwarves. So kind of like how foreign countries have signs in English at airports and so on for tourists :)
Something really interesting is that Tolkein does not use the word human in LOTR they are always referred to as man, men, and the Race of Men. Because he structured his human language with Germanic roots and the word "human" is of Latin origin.
Weird take here. Thats pretty much my only gripe with the Return of the King. I wish it came out a year earlier. These movies completely drowned everything else lol The RoTK came out the same year as Master and Commander, won pretty much everything and any other movies that involved a fantasy/historical setting with costumes and stuff paled in comparison. That movie is an absolute favourite of mine and I wish it had gotten the recognition it deserved ( because it does ). That being said I adore these movies, I am still getting the emotional highs when watching it and consider them the pinnacle of cinema. Have seen them over 20 times.
At 1:33:55, modern audiences don't seem to understand the significance of Galadriel's gift to Gimli, but for many centuries until very recently, it was customary to wear a lock of a lover's hair in a locket worn around the neck or next to the heart. In the book, Galadriel asks Gimli what he would do with such a gift. Gimli replies, "Treasure it, memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days." Galadriel's hair has additional powers which you can read about in The Silmarillion, Tolkien's "Bible" of Middle-earth.
It also references the 3 times Feanor pleaded with Galadriel for a strand of her hair, but she refused him sensing only greed and vanity as his motives, wherehas Gimli simply admired her hair for what it was, so she gave him the 3 she refused to give to Feanor.
It was also a big thing in WWI and WWII for soldiers to have a lock of hair or a photo of their "girl." Tolkien experienced both of those wars. He was an officer in the first.
Sir Christopher Lee (Saruman) read "The Lord of the Rings" once a year until his death in 2015, and had done so since the year it was published. He was also the only member of the cast and crew ever to have met J.R.R. Tolkien
The spider, centipede, and worms were trying to get out of the presence of the Ringwraith. The Ringwraiths are the antithesis of life, only existing through the will of Sauron and his One Ring. They are unlife, if you will. And so all living things abhor them, and try to put distance to keep away from them. This was in the book. Their shrieks are not only audible, but are sharply “heard” inside the mind, causing pain. Keep that in mind (no pun intended) going forward. Great reaction!
First - The “Ring of Power” series is a terrible series and not at all representative of the world JRR Tolkien created. Second - why are younger viewers so amazed that the effects and graphics in these movies “still hold up”? The twenty year gap between 2001 and 2021 is not nearly the same as the quality gap between like 1970 and 1990. Technology was available or invented for big movies in the early 2000’s that will “hold up” for ever. And practical effects will always hold up because (for the most part) if they are done right it’s like watching life sized actual things. And movie scores in the 1980’s through mid 2000’s was at its highest, golden age. Movie quality from the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s was excellent and mostly way better story telling than the crap Hollywood is putting out since 2018. They are bereft of originality.
I mean you just answered your own question. People are of course going to be amazed considering how poor some effects are even now. On top of that, contrary to your insinuations, there were also terrible effects and cgi in that era as well. Third, the show is still representative of that world, whether poorly or well done, and I know this because every comment hating on the show says almost this exact thing without any details (except the occasional bigoted rant, and lists of insulting but non specific adjectives).
The hate on Sam is weird. Hating someone for being a true loyal friend who keeps you going, keeps you in check, and is not afraid to show emotion, and is arguably the hero of the movie? Says not so great things about this person.
Rings of Power had nothing to do with this story. It was just a ridiculous attempt to borrow some characters and create a bastardized version of Tolkien's epic Middle Earth and its characters.
Galadriel's gift to Gimli isn't weird at all if you actually know the context of it. Long ago, there were two trees that shone the brightest of light, and it is said that Galadriel's hair reflected that same light. Her uncle, Feanor, asked her three times for a single strand of her golden hair, but she foresaw his greed and lust for power, so she denied him every time. The significance of the gift to Gimli is probably the greatest that any other gift other members got. She had seen through him and concluded his heart is pure. She gave him three strands as a symbolism to Feanor, who asked her three times. Gimli promised to put them in a jewel which will represent the rekindled friendship between Elves and Dwarves, which he did.
Tolkien later wrote, "Gandalf as Ring-Lord would have been far worse than Sauron. He would have remained 'righteous', but self-righteous. Thus while Sauron multiplied evil, he left 'good' clearly distinguishable from it. Gandalf would have made good detestable and seem evil."
Hating Sam makes me concerned. I will count it up to your youth when you last saw it. He calls him Mr. Frodo because they aren't just friends. He is Frodo's gardener, thus he calls him Mr. Frodo. Sam's self-sacrificing action of going into the water even though he couldn't swim is symbolic to Frodo. In the books, Frodo's parents drowned in a boating incident. Also, all the movies are amazing because they don't rely on CGI, but use forced perspective, fantastic models of structures, etc. These movies are the GOAT of all series and movies because they don't default to CGI, but trust in techniques that have been used in the past. Musically, Howard Shore wrote a masterpiece! Fun fact, he and Peter Jackson are characters in the movies. I hope you come to appreciate Sam. He models faithfulness, devotion, and self-sacrifice, which are lacking in the present times.
Frodo and all the hobbits have a natural resistance to the ring, because of the nature of hobbits. They have no desire for power and very little ambition. The things they love the most are food, family, friends, and growing things. Their only real vices are sloth, gluttony, and the love of pipeweed. There is little that the ring can do to tempt them. Bilbo had the ring for decades before it began to corrupt him.
Sam still calls Aragorn "Strider" and Frodo "Mr. Frodo" because he is the ultimate servant. Sam knows his place, and unless told otherwise won't use the familial name except in extreme situations. This is because Sam knows who he is, he isn't the hero, he isn't the warrior, he isn't the king. He is the gardener. He stays in his lane, and in the end...well. The smallest people sometimes have the biggest impact.
@@beachamj it is the greatest...the godfather could be the best but the third brings down the trilogy... and the rest like star wars and dark knight are below.
An interesting fact- In the scene where the Uruk-Hai throws Aragorn's dagger at him that dagger was real! The actor was supposed to throw it far to Aragorn's left and a separate scene with him throwing a rubber dagger at Aragorn would be inserted in post production. When the Actor threw the real dagger towards Aragorn , the forehead piece of his makeup/costume slipped over his' eyes and he threw it directly at Viggo! Viggo actually blocked it with his sword.! Peter Jackson was so impressed that they never filmed the rubber dagger scene and used the actual take!
11:95 "A wizard is never late." 52:23 "I was delayed." I see why Ian McKellen makes this seem so awkward; Gandalf probably didn't have to eat his words in a few hundred years.
EARLY ACCESS and FULL LENGTH REACTIONS for Two Towers, ROTK, and The Hobbit available on our Patreon!
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The version is extended. My lauding is expected.
Y'all got no idea how cool it was growing up in the 70"s playing Dungeons & Dragons and watching the ORIGINAL Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit animated cartoon movies..collecting X-Men comic books and living to see the day CGI catch up with the imaginations we had and beyond... Harry Potter too... total trip guys👍 we're lucky to be alive to see such cinematic awesomeness 🔥🤘
Excellent commentary after the movie from the guys who haven't seen these movies. Looking forward to the next two and their thoughts. Also kudos for watching the extended.
I wonder after meeting all 4 hobbits. Who relates to who out of these 4 guys? 👀👀
The reason why Sam refers to Frodo as Mr.Frodo is because JRR Tolkien, the author of the books, was using them to represent The British soldier and the soldier's assigned personal servant. This was the case in the British army in World War One. To refer to the soldier, who would have been higher class compared to the personal servant, as Mr was a sign of respect. Tolkien served in the British Military in World War One.
boy, calling Sam a bitch is about the worst note you could start off on for a LOTR reaction
Yep, its gonna age so well ;)
I just got to that moment and paused to look at the comments, I think I'll stop here, I hope the others in this video who are experiencing the movie for the first time call him out on it but this is where I stop, I have no interest in continuing to the other two movies.
@@davidthompson662 totally fair but fwiw if you can ignore him then the two new guys have genuinely great reactions
@@davidthompson662Blake wasn't being serious. These reactors are hecklers and trolls. This is how they react. They will constantly grief each other and joke about what they are watching. Their reactions aren't meant to be taken seriously. Blake is also very dry and sarcastic. He obviously doesn't hate Sam. If you don't like this brand of humor, don't watch.
We can't carry that mistake for him, but we can carry him.
I’m a Blake fan, but hating Sam because he’s loyal and loves his friend is the wildest take to which I’ve ever borne witness.
Not sure if he was trying to just be a sh*t stirrer or it's true dislike but either way....
Only someone severely lacking in self esteem & maturity wld trash talk Sam like that.
I will give the next one a try but ONE MORE NEGATIVE WORD & I will 👎 all parts. As well as blocking them.
Sam's loyality to Frodo has vast amounts of pride and possessiveness in it. And in general, irl that kind of obsessive "loyalty" is very toxic.
Judging someone who sees that and doesn't like it is a wild take.
People viewing Sam like some kind of all-good character that can't ever be criticized are baffling to me.
@@PohjanKarhu We never see Sam as possessive. The only negative trait We see in him is his judgement of Gollum for which he turns out to be correct.
@@PohjanKarhu have you read the actual books???
If not, You might give it a try (if you are able). Either that or seek sone therapy as it sounds like more of a "you" problem than a "Sam" problem
@PohjanKarhu Sam has literally zero negative qualities. He is steadfast, loyal, and in the books is such a beacon of good will and hope that he isn't even phased by the temptations of the Ring.
And he was right about Gollum.
Blake hating on Sam makes me not trust him at all, just like anyone who hates dogs XD
Sam is the GOAT, he's the truest of friends
Right? 😅 And the reason why he is so subservient or whatever is because he literally *is* Frodo's servant (his gardener) and he's just being respectful...
Blake and Cojo made this almost unwatchable tbh. They seemed bored, plus constantly making jokes gets annoying as the video goes on.
@@johanna2076 A lot of Americans don't get the class differential between them, but for Tolkien, the Hobbits are very much the yeomanry of England.
Hating Sam is a serious character flaw.
Big red flag
Signs of psychopathic tendencies.
Everyone to their opinion. I don't hate Sam, but I also don't like him much. Too much of something even if it's as good as loyalty is not good imo. It makes his character look very submissive which is a flaw in itself.
He also liked it when Galadriel started going power-crazy. Kinda sus :D But seriously, I have a crush on these movie's Galadriel too, so I get it.
@@nobu3358 red flag☝️
Sam calls Frodo Mr. Frodo and Aragorn Strider because he is a servant. He is not a Lord/Prince/Wizard like everyone else in the Fellowship. You wouldn’t walk up to Queen Elizabeth and call her Lizzy. To put it bluntly he’s staying in his station. They don’t treat him like a servant but like a friend but Sam respects their position
Well said
Yeah. It’s not really clear that everybody in the fellowship is an important person other than same. Even merry is a sort of prince, as his father is the head of another hobbit town.
Not only is Sam Frodo's gardener, Sam's father 'Old Gaffer' Gamgee was Bilbo's gardener for decades. Sam literally grew up tending the garden of Bag End with his dad.
Dang, I never thought about that
I would, she isn’t my queen.
Did I hear correctly? Blake calling Sam a b*tch is the lowest & dumbest he's ever gone.
It makes me not want to watch the other reactions.
Yeah it’s totally put me off watching this, what a horrible, mean spirited take on one of the bastions of goodness and loyalty in all of literature.
@@CarlyMcc It's mostly them comparing it to other, more recent movies/video games. I'm almost halfway through and I'm tapping out.
is he trolling?
he said he was a bitch becuase he wasn't hitting on Rosie who he was in love with.
How is it possible to hate Sam? Crazy. Sam is the MVP of the entire trilogy.
They don’t know yet
I've just started watching the reaction, but I don't even need to ask to know which of the boys it is who is hating on Sam.
@@MarvelRivalsIsAmazing Blake does XD he's watched it before many times, but that was long ago so he doesn't remember everything.
Came here to say this specifically. He's seen it before and hates Sam? Red flag.
I’m sorry if Blake has watch it many times, and said he hates Sam for me that means he doesn’t truly understand the lord of the rings. He failed miserably in understanding the importance of TRUE friendship, loyalty and goodness of Sam.
hating Sam is a serious red flag, watch out for this man
Hobbits are most definitely NOT NOMADS. They are the most settled people imaginable, so tied to their land that (until the eccentric Bilbo) they are loath to travel anywhere beyond the Shire.
So glad you mentioned that. I was like "WHAT?" when he said that's a good term for them. It's shown quite a bit in the movie that Hobbits like their simple and settled life with routine--when Sam mentions he's never been farther than the corn field, as well as how Bilbo is a bit of an outcast for his adventurous life and how Gandalf was termed a disturber of the peace.
Yah, my immediate thought was, 'kids today, don't even know what words mean.'
It's likely because they watched Amazon's _The Rings of Power_ where it is wrongly established that the Harfoots are a nomadic ancestor of the Hobbits. In the books, the Harfoots are one of the ethnic groups of the Hobbit race, alongside the Fallohides and the Stoors. Tolkien never mentions any race that precedes the Hobbits. The closest he gets to this is in explaining Gollum's history, where Gandalf says that Smeagol was of Hobbit kind but then also says that Smeagol's line was probably descended from the Stoors. As far as we know, there was no preceding race before the Hobbits other than Men. Hobbits are descendants of humans, probably the Atanatari. No one else was mentioned.
They were farmers lol, the exact opposite of a Nomad
Thank you!
The reason Frodo is not AS tempted by the ring is because Hobbits don't really aspire to greatness, they're content living their lives in a small village while growing food and brewing ale - the ring deceives those the easiest who have great ambition (men most of all).
There is so much more to the lore and the ring that the movie doesn't really get deep into because it's complicated and doesn't serve the overall plot, but after you finish the movies you should look up what exactly the ring does, because the movies aren't very clear on that.
Reason why dwarfs were affected by the rings in very different way too. All they care about is the mountains and mining lol. That really backfired on Sauron there. But also brought ruin to dwarfes too in the long run.
Someone expressing fear or trepidation doesn’t make them a coward, bravery is not an absence of fear but a mastery of it
Gimli isn’t weird for asking Galadriel for a hair. It’s one of the most important moments of Fellowship, if not the entire series. In the past, Feanor, a great Elven smith asked Galadriel for a single hair 3 times, so he could make what became known as The Silmarils. Read The Silmarillion for more information on these. Anyway, She always refused bc she sensed his selfish desires and greed. So when Gimli, a (hated) dwarf asks her out of genuine affection and admiration, she reciprocated his gesture and throws off old prejudice in the process. It’s a turning point for the relationship between elves and dwarves, and helps solidify the growing friendship between Gimli and Legolas.
It is also common in medieval literature for a Lady to give her Knight a token of her affection, that could well be lock of hair. Gimli is not her knight, but the gift is still important. Gifts of that sort were favors and were given to knights before battle or a joust. Having grown up on fantasy and medieval lit, I asked my girlfriend for a lock of her hair when went to college. She complied, having also been raised on the same books as I.
All these demonstration of humanity and true chivalry and sincerity are too much for the modern generation. They grew up terrified from real human connection.
Not only did she give him what he asked... she gave him three times what he asked. She saw his heart being a good one.
Ok now _that_ is romantic
If you think about it they didn’t have cell phones and easy pics. A lock of hair is a handy way to provide human connection for the ones going off to war. So yeah nowadays it might seem weird but we have ways to connect that they didn’t.
OTOH Gimli a dwarf asking an elf queen just met is unusual. But hey maybe elves just shine with charisma.
Blake, explain yourself. Seriously? You hate people who are loyal? Well, I guess you're not used to being loyal.
Sam is the best character in the entire series and Blake shit talking him fills me with unimaginable rage.
Same…I know it’s a movie… but, IT’S SAM!!!!
Ah chill out!!
Yeah, downvote for sure
its because he knows how beloved sam is and hating on him will get people to comment out of anger. any comment is a good one to the alg on youtube and they know this im sure.
Alright everyone you heard Blake, if you ever think about even supporting your friends or sticking by their side you’re a glazer 😭😂
I had to look this up. Apparently Sam is someone who applies a glaze or cuts glass to fit size ;( I watched Raggedy Pack's GOT reactions and Blake has some unusual takes! Sam does come off a little overprotective at times but he's one of the most pure lovable characters in literature.
**Ring shows it has a mind of its own & changes size at will**
Cojo: how'd he lose it then?
"I really need to watch rings of power again; I've forgotten everything" the rings of power has almost nothing to do with the source material, so you're good.
It was pretty book/sim and lore accurate
@@Hollow_Vamp You're insane if you actually believe that. They took a sliver of story, altered EVERYTHING, then slapped the LotR branding on it, nothing more.
@@Hollow_Vamptf u been smoking.
@@Hollow_Vamp I don’t want to be mean, but it is not book accurate. It had vague similarities at best. The timeline, characters, general world lore is all way off
@@Hollow_Vamp holy no
Blake I love you but how can you hate Sam? Not only is he the friend everyone deserves but he is the friend everyone should be. Not here for the Sam hate!
Blake has a Sam in his life and it's Igli -Corey
@@RaggedyPack Everyone needs an Igli in their lives!
@@RaggedyPack Don’t you leave him Igliwise Raggedy
@RaggedyPack I doubt they're of the same Caliber of Sam.
@@RaggedyPackthat doesn’t explains why he hates Sam. Gonna need an explanation and apology to Sam.
"now you will understand the plot of the rings of power" has to be the funniest line of the reaction
there's s plot to rings of power?
The more LOTR you know the less sense it makes. It can only make sense to the most casual of fans.
@@creekfishingny5448 It's actually the other way around. They put SO MUCH "easter eggs" in that show it's insane. Every scene is inspired by or hide some token of cool lore. Everything in that show have been proved to have great basis in the books and the lore.
They gambled to make a show out of a few pages, and so far it works. If you want a 1:1 you'd have to make it a documentary since even if they had rights to all of Tolkiens books, they'd still need to write 90% on their own since the 2nd age have very little written about it.
@@Askyl so far it works? brother in christ that show was one of the worst things ive ever seen
@@talibandit Yes it does, it's not cool and edgy anymore to hate on it just to hate.
Coward Blake? Having a moment to express your fear & dread isn't cowardice. You can't be brave without first having fear.
Someone watched the aappendices 😉
I agree. "Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway." as Neil Gaiman wrote.
Not being scared is not being brave at all. There is nothing to be brave about if something doesn't scare a person.
Thinking that being afraid makes you a coward is such a toxic masculinity trait.
No fear in that situation would just be lack of inhibitions 😅
Blake..... hates Sam? Maybe because Sam is a great supportive friend & brother while Blake isn't?
right in the moral climax they call frodo a coward and completely ignore gandalf's message.
17 years passed between Bilbo leaving the Shire Gandalf was gone all that time researching and looking for Gollum
I never knew this! - Blake
That's not the case in the movies. We see Merry and Pippin at Bilbo's party and they definitely do not age 17 years.
@@12judgejudyBilbo yüzüğü Frodo'ya bırakarak köyden ayrılır. Frodo'nun da Shire'dan ayrılması tam 17 yıl sonra. Frodo ve arkadaşları bu yolculuğa çıktıklarında 40'lı yaşların dalar. Genç değiller ve daha bilgili ve olgun karakterler hepsi. Filmde tüm süreç bir belki iki yıl gibi bir süreye sığdırılıyor.
@12judgejudy Hobbits age differently than humans, frodo is 33 and is just coming of age at the tile of bilbos party. So 17 years is not that long in a Hobbits life
@@RaggedyPackthats only in the books not in the movies
Blake hating Sam is ridiculous. Frodo wouldn't have been able to finish the quest if not for Sam. Sam is the best friend anyone could ask for.
But Blake isn't therefore he hates Sam.
You know... if any person I willingly watch, listen or otherwise spend my free time on could hate Samwise Gamgee, it is Blake.
@@michaelklausIt’s just in his nature to hate honest and good people?
This was so frustrating. At least keep it to yourself so you don’t taint the first time viewing. So be so pissed if someone watching a movie with m that I’ve never seen was just so emphatically hating on a character for no apparent reason.
He also hates cats so not surprising.
A woman giving a man a lock of hair before going to war was a common thing at one time. There weren't photographs, or letters to mail. Why this generation thinks anything to do with hair is creepy is depressing. It's depressing that you don't know history or in the case of this story how significant it was for her to give the dwarves this gift. She is the oldest and one of the most powerful beings in this world. Sorry, but getting a selfie wasn't a option.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is the greatest movie trilogy ever made
Hobbits are the opposite of nomads. They never go anywhere. The Rings of Power has almost nothing to do with Lord of the Rings. It’s pretty much just fan fiction.
They’re getting corrupted by watching the rings of power, a corrupted show. The funny thing is that Tolkien once said, “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made”.
I was thinking the same thing.
And a bad fan fiction at that.
Conditioned gatekeeping
@@PeverellTheThird fortunately there is a fan base that blows gate keeping out of the water. I just watched a 58 minute synopsis of the Second age of Middle Earth. It blows my mind how Jeff Bezo’s spent a billion dollars and got ripped off so badly. The costumes are Cheap the set look like hell, the acting is horrendous, the writing embarrassing rip off of Peter Jackson’s LOTR. The show has people at the begining of the Second age that were not alive until 3441 years later. Episode 7 has Elrond kissing his mother in-law and her husband and Daughter are not even mentioned. The orc story is stupid. In the Two Towers Faramir relates to Frodo that Gandalf never went to the East so he couldn’t be in Rhune. Seriously I cannot believe that Jeff Bezo’s doesn’t know how badly he has been swindled.
The eagle was Gwaihir the Windlord, lord of the great eagles, and not a minion to be summoned.
As a massive LOTR fan, I shed a small tear every time Rings of Power was mentioned
33:43- Actually, no it's not. What many assume is CGI in this film, and the next two- isn't. They made miniatures or what they called "Bigatures" of over 22 different locations and set pieces in two sizes. 1/72 scale and a 1/14 scale of the actual size. This allowed them to paint everything naturally, get AMAZING camera shots, and then do a lot of green screen work and place a real set piece with actual flowing water, natural smoke, mini-floods, etc, behind the actors. They also only didn't use CGI in this film to make the hobbits appear small, everything was camera tricks and staging. Rivendell was also all "bigatures". You can look up pictures of all of them- they are very impressive. Even when Bilbo's face went all crazy in Rivendell- not CGI. 7 takes laid over each other with different layers of make-up. 1:04:35 even here, a "Bigature" shot cut into a set shot. When Galadriel loses her s* all done practically, reverse lenses, filters and lighting. When the "lead orc" is born- practical. 1:35:41 these statues were also 1/72 and 1/14 scale "bigatures" which is again why they look so real.
Here is where CGI was used in this-
The Balrog
The "Other Dimension" when Frodo is wearing the Ring
The Internal Location of Moria
The Opening War (Making The Army Appear Larger)
The Opening Scenes of the Ring Spinning in front of a flame
The flame on the Ring AFTER the reflection faded out in Rivendell
Sauron and The Eye (but not the Eye's tower)
Mt. Doom
Everything else was done practically. They didn't even use CGI with the elves. They used lighting and lens flares and filters. Even Frodo's eyes, he didn't once wear contacts and they didn't digitalize them. He put drops in to make them bloodshot and everything was done through filters and lighting.
This is VERY, VERY important to know going into the next two films, there is a TON that people assumed was cgi that wasn't. De-aging scenes (shot in 10 takes and overlayed), or aerial shots of cities lie Edoras that people assumed were not built and.... they actually were, on the top of that very mountain.
This film is one of the LAST films to truly, TRULY depend on PRACTICAL effects. YES, CGI was used, but it was SO limited. There is a reason that The Hobbit films are not as loved. THEY leaned heavily into CGI and while the films are still great, they are not masterpieces.
I loved the "making of the movie" extras that came with this and the other two films. Seeing some of what they did to create this whole world and the lengths they went to to make it so compelling was fascinating.
So bizarre he hates Sam!The first person in history I’ve heard say that.
Viggo Mortensen was thinking about not taking the roll because they were going to shoot all the movies at once, so he would be away from family for more than a year. His young son apparently told him, "Dad, you could be Aragorn."
They shot for 438 days + pick-up shots for the next 3 years. Shooting all the films at once meant all the sets, props, etc... could be used without needing to go to storage. The costumes and armour for the extras were nearly as detailed as the main characters. They made 48,000 pieces of armour and 19,000 costumes.
Long story short, the movies hold up extremely well and match each other because they were shot at the same time. It is kinda crazy that a studio signed off on shooting all 3 at once, ~280 million cost to produce up to the final release in 2003. Which is crazy small for 11 hours of film. As a note, The Force Awakens cost ~450 million.
They did it for that small because they really did let New Zealand be the star. They used their budget well. If if that meant just taking the actors up in mountains with small crews to film. It saved so much on sets.
Cojo, back in the day when their weren't pictures that were easily created or portable, people gave locks of their hair so their loved one would have a piece of them.
Back then, when a woman gave you a lock of her hair, it was serious business. You dared not take it for granted.
Yeah, it really bothers me when people think Gimli's request was weird. It's incredibly touching.
@@xayzerit’s also very historic in the story as well. See another elf a long time ago once asked for her hair. But he wasn’t a good person and she refused. Yet gimi she could see was good of heart.
Eleven minutes in: nomads, traders? Seconds earlier, you were told Hobbits have been living and farming in the Four Farthings for many hundreds of years. How do you get nomads and traders from that? Sorry guys. This is where I bail out.
Bye Kevin!
At least you didn't stay to hear Blake hating on Sam the whole movie like an idiot.
@@RaggedyPacky'all aren't up to standards of humanity that make it possible to benefit from the lessons this story contains.
Rings of Power and it’s consequences….
@@stefannydvorak7919 seriously stop
Lord Of The Rings trilogy is a beautiful diamond that reflects the sublime writings of Tolkien's experiences in WWI... Rings Of Power is like the foul 💩 my cat left last night in her litter box.
Starting a Lord of the Rings reaction with: I should watch the Rings of Power again... Not the best line. Then he hates Sam? Our guy is against his faith.
Yeah if you guys could just leave Blake out of the next reaction. He reminds me of that person that just hates dogs. His opinion is just invalid at this point.
I’ll be there no worries!
“A last alliance of MEN and ELVES”
“Where are the dwarves?!”
“You have to look hard to see them”
Definitely, as they weren’t there. Hence the last alliance of MEN and ELVES.
I think Cojo was just having a good time and wasn't really paying attention. The dude "forgot about those guys" 5 minutes after seeing Merry and Pippin getting abducted.
They were there in the books, though a small number of them. Durin's Longbeards, the ones who settled in Khazad-dûm, were on good terms with elves of Lórien and with the men of Númenor. Most other dwarf clans just didn't pick a side or didn't care enough.
@@knightowl5552Americans in 1916
Dwarves were busy fighting orcs in their own backyard 😊
How dare Blake call Sam a B*tch!
Without Sam Frodo would have died like 8 times.
PEOPLE: STOP WITH THE SPOILERS ALREADY! Let these fellows discover the characters, roles, and plot by themselves!!!
@@artbagley1406THIS!! They’re spoiling the rest
@@artbagley1406 I know this is an old comment but they said at the beginning that they already released the other parts on Patreon or whatever, so I am sure they've seen the end by the time this video was released.
Ну да, а Сэм бы умер без Фродо раза 4, в чем твоя мысль? А да, тупое соревнование.
Its kind of ridiculous how good this movie is.
Shows off to great effect how woeful that disgraceful Amazon show is.
Are they watching the extended?
@@zybch Almost all modern television and movies are disgraceful Hollywood pushed out real talent for an agenda which is easy to spot on the Amazon show with casting alone.
Seven years of prep. Eighteen _months_ of active filming. Three+ years of FX work. It's unmatched.
@@harbl99exactly, given how money hungry the industry is today, there’s no chance they would waste so much time making a proper movie.
Also, movies produced today are filled with political messages or some sort of stupid braindead social narrative. Not to mention that the censorship is delusional so that you don’t hurt this snowflake society.
Movies from the past are so much better and it’s not even close.
Blake hates Sam? Wow, it takes courage to be that wrong in public.
Blake turned from handsome boy to Gollum in my eyes for hating on Sam and chewing on Igli for the smallest reasons 🚩🚩🚩mind you, he doesn't get everything right about this movie/franchise either but acting like he's Peter Jackson
Thanks. This is the best comment. Seen so many reaction of friends watching lotr with first timers. Hate the jock mindset. If he has seen the movie so many times he does not have to search up who Howard Shore is, or claiming Gandalf is million years old.. He should be like the dude far right shutting up..
please avoid mentioning that abomination of a show made by amazon, it isnt Tolkien or anything like Lord of the Rings. it's a poor attempt of a fan fiction project made by those who gleefully disgrace the source material.
Damn right man!!! Peter Jackson made a masterpiece with very little resources and Amazon made an abomination with endless resources
the source material outside of LOTR would be pretty hard to adapt though. It's like reading the Bible or really dry ancient Greek mythology.
@@lara1208-b1p dont do it then
bro hates sam for being a 'glazer'??? but SIMPS over every piece of tang and would literally die for them BRUHHHHH
The way I can quote this movie and the following 2 is ridiculous lol. I never get tired of watching these.
@@ashleyf423 so do all who live to see such titles, but that is not for them to decide.
Every reminder of rings of power brings me great pain.
I agree. I tried to watch it and couldn't get through one episode. I wonder if any devoted LOTR fans can?
Sam is literally the most wholesome character ever , a True friend, without him so many things wouldn't have happened
simply hearing about rings of power, one of the worst shows to ever exist, in the same context as lord of the rings, the best piece of cinema ever created, is sickening
Lol for real
12:45 "rings of power" is not Canon, and has nothing to do with anything tolkein wrote, because they didn't have the rights to adapt the actual lore. It's just fan fiction that they are making up, that contradicts everything about the real story. It's fine to enjoy it if you like it, but don't mistake it for the actual backstory of the world. It's just a pale imitation that is false. Sauron was never a man named Halbrand, and Galadriel was never thirsting after him, she's married. Mordor was not created by turning a sword key pouring water into a volcano. Also Galadriel was not on a vengeance quest against Sauron, she had basically nothing to do with him until the events of the movies. Read The Silmarillian to get the real story of what happened during that period of time.
The writers and director were given only the Lotr appendix to work with because the higher ups were too shortsighted to get the rights to the sillmarillion too. So they're stuck trying to fill in the gaps of a collection of bullet points about the second age. With what they've got to work with it's a miracle that the show isn't worse.
I mean to be fair it takes place in the world he created and has the characters he made. But yeah pretty much.
I remember how monumental this movie was post 9/11. The energy shift from the way people went into this movie to leaving the theater was something else to see. It was all anyone talked about all the way through Christmas and New Year's.
why is this so funny to me
picturing a guy absolutely livid about 9/11 watching this and coming out the theatre giddy as hell
It wasn’t about that. After 9/11 it was like the whole country was mourning and in shock. Even on happy occasions the tragedy wasn’t far from your minds. They were still pulling out bodies/parts. The cleanup and everything it was just heavy everywhere. For me, this, even if it was only a moment inspired hope.
Now, we look back and think about all the nuts & the conspiracy theories surrounding it but at the time you felt like the fellowship did when Gandalf died, hopeless.
“So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?”
Theoden said it best and that’s how you felt; day in and day out.
Even if it was just movies they gave you a reprieve and we had Sam😊
“It's like the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad has happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. I know now folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something. That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.”
I remember moral guardians being offended that the second part was called The Two Towers and wanted the title changed.
I didn't think that there was anyone left on earth who hadn't seen LOTR! This is the best trilogy ever, so I hope you enjoy them! Welcome to Middle Earth! ❤❤❤
"I really need to watch Rings of Power again..." if you want to learn about the world of Tolkien, Rings of Power is the last thing you should watch. You'd honestly have more luck watching Harry Potter than that sorry excuse of a TV show
It's nothing but really bad fan fiction. Best thing to do is forget you ever saw it. Applies even more as season 2 goes on.@@ChrisCloudStaringAtFire
Game of thrones is a better adaptation of lotr than amazon's sauron/galadriel wattpad fanfiction 🤮 the newest Spongebob Squarepants movie is a better adaptation
@@xenomorph6599 game of thrones is a terrible show lol and no it is not a good adaptation of lord of the rings. In LOTR, supposedly a contrast to Game of Thrones in being about actual heroes as opposed to “morally gray” nincompoops, Boromir, for example, is infinitely more complex than Ned Stark.
It’s still a variation on the stories which were inspired by myths and legends, variations on stories. Whether you like it or not. That’s kind of fundamental to the “world of Tolkien.” Harry Potter is obviously not an adaptation, interpretation, or variation of LOTR, which The Ring of Power is. Again it’s fine if people criticize it! It’s just I don’t think I’ve ever seen any legit criticism lol. And there could be plenty. I’m confused about how Tolkien experts don’t get this
F Blake. He wishes he could be a Sam. No wonder he is so quick to be hateful & rude as he knows he never will be.
Best movie trilogy ever made in my opinion, i was born in 2001 and grew up watching the movies from a very young age, now as an adult ive read the books multiple times and Middle Earth is the best fictional universe ive been in by far, so much history and lore in the world, its awesome. Cant wait for this!
Empire Strikes Back > Two Towers so Star Wars wins. Star Wars with the prequels wins the 6 film box set over Hobbit/LotR too.
@@orphanedhanyoustar wars is shit tier compared to lotr
@@orphanedhanyou go to sleep dude
@@inquisitive6786however, the prequels are by no means shit tier compared to the Hobbit movies, so on balance Star Wars wins over combined double trilogy of LOTR-Hobbit
Honestly, how in the heck can you hate Sam? he’s the best friend you could ever ask for. Most reactions I see are people hating on Frodo and praising Sam which annoys me. The reaction was great, but Sam is straight up the epitome of selfless love. He always puts Frodo before himself like a true friend.
Frodo wouldnt say shut your mouth to Sam who is just having a genuine moment of discomfort & enjoying a moment of confidingin a friend going through it just like him. Frodo isn't rude like Blake.
I have NEVER seen anyone hate on Sam before!!! WTH? I'm with Cojo - can't understand it!
I have, too many joke about Frodo & Sam because unlike Tolkien that lived through horrific war with his friends and brothers in arms, kids today can't fathom true friendship.
@@orphanedhanyouit’s not kids today. Many other young reactors love the dynamic between Sam and Frodo
Ok, humble request as a Tolkien fan, please stop mentioning Rings of Poop. Otherwise I don't think I can continue.
Blake is a sitting red flag
Think of it this way Cojo. The line of Aragorn hasnt been ruling this whole time. Boromir's family are the stewards of Gondor. They have been the ones working & dying to protect their people. I imagine seeing Aragorn just hanging out with the elves felt like an insult & that the supposed leader he "owed allegiance" to had been no where to be found his entire life.
WHAT? Some of you have never seen LOTR and you've been sitting on THAT gold mine and not releasing a reaction? This is, like, my THE go-to movie trilogy to watch a reaction of, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Literally, channels that have nothing to do with reactions still post videos of them reacting to Lord of the Rings because it's THAT iconic - I'm surprised it wasn't at the very top of the list when you guys started the reaction channel.
We were scared of the runtime 😅
Yeah no one cares about that once you've seen it. You almost wish there was more. @@RaggedyPack
Yes I agree once you're watching these films those 4 hours go by so fast 🥴😁
I've never watched your channel before, only watched because you are reacting to LOTR. Best movies ever!
Lord of the Rings was shot entirely in New Zealand, outdoors, indoor sets, and WETA studios for the CGI were all based there for the entirety of the shoot which lasted years since they were filming it straight through essentially. My (not at that time) brother-in-law was part of the CGI team and is featured in one of the making of docs.
15:26 That wasnt scripted , Ian Mckellen legit banged his head on that beam accidentally
I love how they use shots like that!
There is a line that Frodo says which says everything you need to know how important Sam is in the Story. He says “Frodo wouldn’t have gotten far without Sam”. It has also been said that Sam is the true hero of the movie. So the hate that Blake has for Sam is ridiculous and unjustified. Can’t trust someone who hate the embodiment of true friendship.
After watching them for a while, it was very predictable after all his other ridiculous takes & incorrect assumptions & his rude comments that Blake would hate Sam.
Galadriel giving three hairs is such a touching scene. Moreso if you know the history between her and Feanor.
The inscription on the Doors of Moria was Elvish because Elves were the ones mainly visiting. They used to have a realm next to Moria and at that time had a very good and profitable relationship with the dwarves. So kind of like how foreign countries have signs in English at airports and so on for tourists :)
Something really interesting is that Tolkein does not use the word human in LOTR they are always referred to as man, men, and the Race of Men. Because he structured his human language with Germanic roots and the word "human" is of Latin origin.
That’s really interesting! Didn’t know that
Nominated for 13 Oscars including Best Picture but won for
Best Visual Effects
Best Original Score
Best Cinematography
Best Makeup.
That's just this movie, not counting the next 2 :P
Weird take here.
Thats pretty much my only gripe with the Return of the King. I wish it came out a year earlier. These movies completely drowned everything else lol The RoTK came out the same year as Master and Commander, won pretty much everything and any other movies that involved a fantasy/historical setting with costumes and stuff paled in comparison. That movie is an absolute favourite of mine and I wish it had gotten the recognition it deserved ( because it does ).
That being said I adore these movies, I am still getting the emotional highs when watching it and consider them the pinnacle of cinema. Have seen them over 20 times.
You really don’t need to watch Rings of Power. It has little to do with Lord of the Rings.
Calling Sam a "Glazer" bevause he's loyal and a friend deserves you an uppercut from Mike Tyson 😂
You dont need to watch ROP again. Here is a full course meal. Why return to Dollar Store corn chips?
To be fair..........the economy?? 😄😄😄 I joke.
Viggo (Aragorn) bought the horse that Arwen's stunt double rode in the chase to Rivendale and gifted it to that stuntwoman!
1:03:14 They don't ride horses because they're on a secret mission. Horses are big and hard to hide.
Yeah, that's a pony.
And the terrain
@janeathome6643 the boys say horse and asked in the reaction why they don't have more
At 1:33:55, modern audiences don't seem to understand the significance of Galadriel's gift to Gimli, but for many centuries until very recently, it was customary to wear a lock of a lover's hair in a locket worn around the neck or next to the heart. In the book, Galadriel asks Gimli what he would do with such a gift. Gimli replies, "Treasure it, memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days." Galadriel's hair has additional powers which you can read about in The Silmarillion, Tolkien's "Bible" of Middle-earth.
It also references the 3 times Feanor pleaded with Galadriel for a strand of her hair, but she refused him sensing only greed and vanity as his motives, wherehas Gimli simply admired her hair for what it was, so she gave him the 3 she refused to give to Feanor.
It was also a big thing in WWI and WWII for soldiers to have a lock of hair or a photo of their "girl." Tolkien experienced both of those wars. He was an officer in the first.
This would be so much better without Blake's lame comments...esp about Sam.
Sadly that's the state of most of their videos.
He also called Frodo a coward
The only movie version of Tolkien we'll ever need, couldn't be done better.
Sir Christopher Lee (Saruman) read "The Lord of the Rings" once a year until his death in 2015, and had done so since the year it was published. He was also the only member of the cast and crew ever to have met J.R.R. Tolkien
The spider, centipede, and worms were trying to get out of the presence of the Ringwraith. The Ringwraiths are the antithesis of life, only existing through the will of Sauron and his One Ring. They are unlife, if you will. And so all living things abhor them, and try to put distance to keep away from them. This was in the book. Their shrieks are not only audible, but are sharply “heard” inside the mind, causing pain. Keep that in mind (no pun intended) going forward. Great reaction!
First - The “Ring of Power” series is a terrible series and not at all representative of the world JRR Tolkien created.
Second - why are younger viewers so amazed that the effects and graphics in these movies “still hold up”? The twenty year gap between 2001 and 2021 is not nearly the same as the quality gap between like 1970 and 1990. Technology was available or invented for big movies in the early 2000’s that will “hold up” for ever. And practical effects will always hold up because (for the most part) if they are done right it’s like watching life sized actual things. And movie scores in the 1980’s through mid 2000’s was at its highest, golden age. Movie quality from the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s was excellent and mostly way better story telling than the crap Hollywood is putting out since 2018. They are bereft of originality.
I mean you just answered your own question. People are of course going to be amazed considering how poor some effects are even now. On top of that, contrary to your insinuations, there were also terrible effects and cgi in that era as well. Third, the show is still representative of that world, whether poorly or well done, and I know this because every comment hating on the show says almost this exact thing without any details (except the occasional bigoted rant, and lists of insulting but non specific adjectives).
@@NoelleMar 👏👏👏
The hate on Sam is weird. Hating someone for being a true loyal friend who keeps you going, keeps you in check, and is not afraid to show emotion, and is arguably the hero of the movie? Says not so great things about this person.
Rings of Power had nothing to do with this story. It was just a ridiculous attempt to borrow some characters and create a bastardized version of Tolkien's epic Middle Earth and its characters.
Galadriel's gift to Gimli isn't weird at all if you actually know the context of it. Long ago, there were two trees that shone the brightest of light, and it is said that Galadriel's hair reflected that same light. Her uncle, Feanor, asked her three times for a single strand of her golden hair, but she foresaw his greed and lust for power, so she denied him every time.
The significance of the gift to Gimli is probably the greatest that any other gift other members got. She had seen through him and concluded his heart is pure. She gave him three strands as a symbolism to Feanor, who asked her three times. Gimli promised to put them in a jewel which will represent the rekindled friendship between Elves and Dwarves, which he did.
Let’s gooo, FINALLY LOTR TIME! So looking forward to the rest of the trilogy too
Tolkien later wrote, "Gandalf as Ring-Lord would have been far worse than Sauron. He would have remained 'righteous', but self-righteous. Thus while Sauron multiplied evil, he left 'good' clearly distinguishable from it. Gandalf would have made good detestable and seem evil."
As soon as that guy said he hated Sam I ran to the comments and I am pleased I’m not the only one
Hating Sam makes me concerned. I will count it up to your youth when you last saw it. He calls him Mr. Frodo because they aren't just friends. He is Frodo's gardener, thus he calls him Mr. Frodo. Sam's self-sacrificing action of going into the water even though he couldn't swim is symbolic to Frodo. In the books, Frodo's parents drowned in a boating incident. Also, all the movies are amazing because they don't rely on CGI, but use forced perspective, fantastic models of structures, etc.
These movies are the GOAT of all series and movies because they don't default to CGI, but trust in techniques that have been used in the past.
Musically, Howard Shore wrote a masterpiece! Fun fact, he and Peter Jackson are characters in the movies.
I hope you come to appreciate Sam. He models faithfulness, devotion, and self-sacrifice, which are lacking in the present times.
Justice for Sam! Looking forward to watching these incredible movies with y'all.
I got pretty triggered by how much rings of dogshit was mentioned during this video
Rings of Power have nothing to do with the original story of Lord of The Rings, its just Jeff Bezos fan fiction
Frodo and all the hobbits have a natural resistance to the ring, because of the nature of hobbits. They have no desire for power and very little ambition. The things they love the most are food, family, friends, and growing things. Their only real vices are sloth, gluttony, and the love of pipeweed. There is little that the ring can do to tempt them. Bilbo had the ring for decades before it began to corrupt him.
They're hipsters.
Every Rings of power reference makes me cringe
Sam still calls Aragorn "Strider" and Frodo "Mr. Frodo" because he is the ultimate servant. Sam knows his place, and unless told otherwise won't use the familial name except in extreme situations.
This is because Sam knows who he is, he isn't the hero, he isn't the warrior, he isn't the king. He is the gardener. He stays in his lane, and in the end...well.
The smallest people sometimes have the biggest impact.
Welcome to the Lord of the rings, family the greatest movie trilogy of all time
One of?
@@beachamj probably should have said that differently
@@themccallpack1089 We all make mistakes sometimes😅
@@beachamj oh yeah
@@beachamj it is the greatest...the godfather could be the best but the third brings down the trilogy... and the rest like star wars and dark knight are below.
The soundtrack in the hobbit and the lord of the rings series is amazing! It’s one of my favorite soundtracks in a film!
An interesting fact- In the scene where the Uruk-Hai throws Aragorn's dagger at him that dagger was real! The actor was supposed to throw it far to Aragorn's left and a separate scene with him throwing a rubber dagger at Aragorn would be inserted in post production. When the Actor threw the real dagger towards Aragorn , the forehead piece of his makeup/costume slipped over his' eyes and he threw it directly at Viggo! Viggo actually blocked it with his sword.! Peter Jackson was so impressed that they never filmed the rubber dagger scene and used the actual take!
Calling hobbits nomads is contamination by Rings of Power.
I think we found the only human on the planet that hates Sam. I find that rather odd and might I suggest some therapy for what troubles you?
I can’t stand Sam either 🙋🏻♂️
@@mirkosuzarteskarica9726bet you can't explain why
11:95 "A wizard is never late."
52:23 "I was delayed."
I see why Ian McKellen makes this seem so awkward; Gandalf probably didn't have to eat his words in a few hundred years.
The idea that people are now being introduced to LotR through the travesty that is Rings of Power first is actually heartbreaking