@@nemanjamitric3727 what are you talking about according to Muhammad peace be upon nothing in the Quran is according to him he is just the messenger all the words are from Allah
@@nemanjamitric3727 yes according to him and there is enough reason to believe him in one word Quran it self is enough not to mention all the knowledge of the unseen which was revealed to him. But you say jesus is God, according to who? Probably not jesus.
Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus Muslim : Is Jesus the son of Mary. Christian : Yes Muslim : Who created Mary? Christian : God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian: Jesus Muslim : Jesus is the begotten son. Christian : Yes Muslim : Who is his father? Christian : God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus. Muslim : Jesus is a servant of God. Christian : Yes Muslim : Jesus died on the cross? Christian : Yes Muslim : Who resurrected him? Christian : God. Muslim : Is Jesus a messenger. Christian : Yes Muslim : Who sent him? Christian : God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus. Muslim: Did Jesus worship while on earth. Christian: Yes Muslim: Whom did he worship? Christian: God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus. Muslim : Did God have a beginning? Christian : No Muslim: Then who was born on 25/DEC? Christian : Jesus. Muslim : Is Jesus God. Christian : Yes Muslim : Where's God? Christian : In Heaven. Muslim : How many Gods are there in heaven? Christian : Only one God. Muslim : Where's Jesus? Christian : He is seated on the right hand of his father. Muslim : Then how many are they in heaven? Christian : Only one God. Muslim : Then how many seats? Christian : One Muslim : Where's Jesus? Christian: Seated next to God. Muslim : How are they seated on one chair? Christian : It's only understood by those with the Ghost. You need Ghost my friend. Allah clearly tells us in Qu'ran :- "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." - Surah An-Nisa [4:171] Bible says :- “... God is not the author of confusion ...” (Corinthians 14:33 ). "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?." (Numbers (23:19) King James Version (KJV)
Both are Mythological books , worshipping Dinosaurs is more logical than worshipping God whose name is not even existed before 2000 yrs ago, muhmmad is just a man who want to start his new religion so he start spreading believe to people that Jesus is not a god history have proof of 1400 yrs ago Islam was created before that no one knows who is allah and before 2000s no one knows who is Jesus , I don't believe in man made God if i can then I go for the oldest one like Egyptians , but still GOD is just a belief that started from our ancestors who used to kill mammoths they started workshiping fire,lighting because they think it's magical. THAT fire God is older than this religion God drama , people still argue for non logical things dieing is best option to find it before that we need to live as human and follow humanity
Yeah I rather trust The Bible over 9000+ people witnessed Jesus and his miracles and over 40 people wrote the Bible while the quran got 1 person plus black stones?!?
And how can Muhammad say Jesus isn’t God when he claimed he was God he didn’t even see Jesus you believe that guy Muhammad? If I did the exact same thing people would think I’m crazy. And people who followed Jesus knows he is God in human form.
We as Muslim believe that Jesus Christ, was the messiah and is among 4 major messengers and also among the 5 major Prophets and will returned to the earth to kill the antichrist and rule the world with justice but he wasn't God..
Philippians 2:5-6 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
@@zarghamali5132 Philippians 2:5-6 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
@@williamcoreli6248 no and stop spreading false information when you do not know anything, the Quran was revealed around 1400 years ago by Allah SWT, to his messanger, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which the Prophet began spreading and preaching Islam later in Medina.
Exactly. In in shariah state, Christians and Jews even have their own judges, and communities. They also have to pay jizya which ensures the Muslims provide protection to them.
Exactly. In in shariah state, Christians and Jews even have their own judges, and communities. They also have to pay jizya which ensures the Muslims provide protection to them.
*Surah Maryam (**19:30**-35)* 1. He (Jesus) said, "I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet." 2. And He has made me blessed wherever I am, and has commanded me to establish prayer and give charity as long as I live. 3. And He has made me kind to my mother, and not arrogant or miserable. 4. And peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I am raised alive." 5. Such is Jesus, son of Mary. It is a statement of truth, about which they doubt. 6. It is not befitting for Allah to take a son. Glory be to Him. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.
@ brother do your own research before saying something like that. The Bible has been changed from the old testament to new testament. The Holy Quran is a book where every word, every verse are from the God and hasn’t been alter in any way. Please do the research before you say what you say.
I come from a Christian family, but individually I believe that all religions who support and praise God are accepted. I love all religions, and while I may be identified as a Christian, I will never argue against another religion, I want everyone to follow and practice faith under whatever beliefs they have for the afterlife. All religions are different, and I do believe in Christianity but I will always be open minded to other religions.❤
I’m a proud born Muslim. Your religion is a bit confusing to me lol so I was hoping you could clear some things up. My biggest question would have to be.. Is being catholic and Christian the same thing?? I also completely agree with your comment❤️
@Aishiii_1as a Christian the main difference I see between Christianity and catholosism is that in Christianity we worship Jesus Christ/ God only. We recognize Jesus as our way to god and accepting Jesus’s sacrifice is the way to get into heaven Catholics believe Mary (Jesus’ mother) carries prayers up to god and they also pray to other “saints” and “angels”. They confess to a priests where as we Christians confess to Jesus/ God directly.
Well no because Muhammad spoke the "revelation" to his followers, he never met or spoke to Allah, neither did Allah speak to any of them. So him saying "muhammad says in the qur'an..." is not wrong. Just because you believe the qur'an is the word of Allah doesn't make it true or doesn't mean others must abide by that belief.
With alot of respect good sir , Quran is not the word of Muhammad pbuh but the word of Allah SAW . He often says that in the Quran , Muhammad pbuh said this or that .
@@IrtazaSheikh-l8n The Bible very obviously states that Jesus LIMITED himself to human capabilities, and once his physical form "died" He still had CONSCIOUSNESS, and a soul. Being dead and being non existent are two completely different things.
John 3 NIV. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus, Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked. “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. John Testifies Again About Jesus After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, where he spent some time with them, and baptized. Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water, and people were coming and being baptized. (This was before John was put in prison.) An argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan-the one you testified about-look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.” To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.” The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them." John 3 NIV Dear Friend. When you Die where will you go? pray, Jesus forgive me of my sin, save me ,be my Lord & my Saviour, you have come in the flesh, died & risen for me, fill & baptise me with your Holy Spirit, Jesus is my Lord ! Amen.
These are the last of the very last days!!!. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth no one will see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." For God so loved the world that He give His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the World through Him. " For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, and All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." God's Word in the Bible also says " If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved . For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" Romans 10v9 . Holy Bible . If you want to be sure of Heaven and avoid the other place below say the following prayer sincerely from your heart." Lord Jesus I repent and am sorry for my sins forgive me. I forgive all who have offended me.I believe you died and Rose again .Come into my heart and save me. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and baptise me with your Holy Spirit. Fulfill your plan and purpose in my life. "I recommend you read John's Gospel especially chapter 3.Gbu.John 3v3v22,John 14v6.
@@Ammy.... no is not. In Quran are Verse which gives Permission to Mohammed to having Sex with particular women (Azhab 50). Now is this your so-called “holy book” ? What kind of message should I take from this book? It doesn’t give me any direction. It’s sooo obviously that this book is made by humans and not from god!
@Rjj-g5h and plus, a "god" that sent a prophet to spread his word,but the people who believed the prophet worshipped him,not the god. if the islam god is real,he made a biiiiig mistake
there’s no proof that allah talked to mohammed. in fact there’s a lot that disproves it. only thing mohammed does was lie about the history of jesus when we have proof
The problem is for all other religions the quran will never change We have one version of Quran and all other religions during time their book will change for better but we believe quran is the best we don't need to change from beginning to end
This is so sad,but King Jesus Christ already know some won't see him as God, King Jesus Christ said it,if ye know me than you know the father, so those people who said King Jesus Christ is not God then you never have a relationship with God the almighty, if you had a relationship with God then you will know that King Jesus Christ and God are one in the same
in islam there is a surah i think surah an nasr - where it says (according to tafsir) that after his passing people will go and come to Islam in crowds.
So the reason we have 3 religions worshipping the same God is because when a kid is born, kid learns to crawl, then learns to walk and then when he is confident and strong enough, it learns to run. Before Moses when we read about prophets/messengers, what do we hear in the scripture?! Their people did not follow them. Noah, he had to build the ark because people were corrupt and non believers. Abraham, his people were non believer, you take the line of prophets, their people did not believe. Moses, their people believed but their faith was weak. When they were in Egypt, the plagues came from God as a sign… then they were led by Moses to the Sea where Moses split the sea/River infront of them and they crossed it and saw Pharaoh’s army perish in it… but then when Moses went up to the mountains gone for days, what did they do in his absence?! They created a Calf and started worshipping it. In scriptures, we can see that God has constantly given them signs, provided for them but they always tried to out smart God by being over efficient. There are stories in the scriptures about it! When Jesus came, what were the Jews doing in the Temple that made Jesus furious that he flipped their tables?! Were they allowed to do that?! No… It is said, that they would crucify or kill or mock prophets they didn’t want to follow.. they did the same with Jesus because they didn’t want to follow what he was teaching them?! They wanted eye for and eye but Jesus was saying forgive and love one another. They continued to mischief. Not all some of them were good people who followed the prophets and advised people to do good. Christians say that Quran plagiarized Bible but that’s hypocrisy because an entire half of the Bible comes from Torah which they call the “Old Testament”…they basically didn’t even use their own words but straight up “copy pasted”. But if we understand or just for sake of it think for one second, that perhaps… if Quran is from the same God, do you think besides the “Newer Testament or more details and stuff”… the older stories of other prophets would be any different than those already there?! Like if one person writes the History of England or America.. yes, there will be other details in it, but do you think that the names of the founders or any main characters of history would be any different?! No, it’s going to have same character just, different sections of the story that may not have been covered, but it will also confirm certain events the same. When Jews came to Muhammad(p.b.u.h) and said tell us they story of the people of the cave… Quran has a detailed chapter in it which is not exactly alike of what they knew but actually had details to it. Muhammad(p.b.u.h) was not a literate man. And Just like Abraham, he was raised and born in a nation of Polytheism. And let’s say for example even if he was inspired by Jews and Christians… what is wrong of him to guide his people to worshipping of One God/The Creator?! He preached his people to instead of worshipping multiple gods into worshipping the 1 true God… What is wrong with that?? We have created a difference out of our arrogance and ignorance but if we actually look deep inside, it makes sense. The historians say “annunaki” we say fallen angels…take out the names and you will see its pretty much talking about the same thing. Angels saw mankind was in trouble so they fell from grace or came to earth to help or teach mankind. They found women of mankind pretty and had offsprings with them which were hybrids… also called demi-gods because they were hybrids so, not a normal mankind. And based on perception, people called them what they thought was best in their perception. If someone in remote tribe with no knowledge of a modern world will see person FaceTiming another person, they will think it’s some sort of magic… if they saw a person paragliding they will think man can fly… or if they see a man pointing someone at someone and all of a sudden a loud noise and smoke and another man dies feet’s/yards away from that person..they will wonder something else… Knowledge is based on perception or perception is based on knowledge. Moses had his miracles, and Jesus had his. In time of Moses, magic was at its peak… so God gave Moses power of Magic… he was competing against magicians of Pharaoh. When Jesus came, disease and medicine and Jesus cured, that was his miracle, but the Jews called him a magician. Lack of faith.c perception and knowledge. No one before Moses has done what Moses did, and no one before Jesus did what Jesus did. Each prophet/Messenger came with their own sets of tools. According to Islam “all messengers are prophets, but not all prophets are messengers”. There is a difference between prophets and messengers. There are some who were one or the other while there are some like Moses(p.b.u.h), Jesus(p.b.u.h) and Muhammad(p.b.u.h) who were both prophets and messenger. May God bless us all to seek knowledge, and love one another and have a better understanding of our Creator! And unify our hearts into glorifying him and performing good deeds for mankind and other living beings without discrimination or prejudice, Amen
@@MaAmal-gv3qs no, not Shakespeare..a philosopher maybe. Because Shakespeare didn’t do philosophy, or logic or reason, but was more of a dramatics story teller. Also, since you asked… if one doesn’t just follow blindly like sheep but actually use logic, reason and intellect, we will find answer to everything if one just ponders. Just remember, Newton discovered gravity doesn’t mean it didn’t exist before it. It’s just no one ever ponder on the thought “why?”!!! Because others just blindly followed. But those who take the time, slow down and observe, signs are everywhere
@@donquixoterocinante8600 You don't know whats real and whats not because your books were burned and complied into one book by Uthman, you dont know whats real and what's not
@@kckillakrack9714shit is made up. Jesus (wasn't even his real name) did exist that doesn't mean he did all this shit. People back then believed in all sorts of untrue magical fairytale type shit. God is just as real as Santa. There are all these stories about Santa and his magic that arnt true. Same for God.
I have a very simple question for my christian brothers. In the bible there were many instances of jesus praying. If Jesus was God whom he was praying to?
Bro we don't say that jesus is god but we surely say that he is one only son of God. For ex: won't u ask help or something else from your father??? Will u be able to survive in this World without your father?????
When we say God, we refer to the Father. Jesus is God in that he is the image of the Father who comes in his name. He prays to the Father as the Father is his God and the foundation of his being, but we pray to Jesus as he is the Father's representation and perfect self-expression.
A core of Christian beliefs is the holy Trinity, the son (Jesus) the father and the Holy Spirit All are truly God but are United So to answer your question, he prayed to the father
@@GeertenHaze there's no concept of a trinity in gospel. Then where did it come from. The new testament is just a book that some of the Christian liberals wrote for their own benefit. You would know if you have read it atleast once 😂
Well iam muslim for this reason: I studied from fear if iam wrong but Quran has more logic is the true peace and with a science the Quran has never been changed since 1400years and it founded that the old testament and new testament has been changed thats why Quran camed to tell they were books of God but jews changed these books and also Jesus has spoken in Aramic language which you translate God mean Aalah which is similiar to be Allah so when jesus was saying god in aramic language was meaning Alaha which is similiar Allah
@@Tashreeq-wl1ks There are over 500 eyewitness accounts of people seeing Jesus resurrection. If you follow Jesus, you will actually feel love instead of reading it.
Christianity is the easiest to follow and simplest message. It gets to the core or essence of your relationship with God and who you are spiritually. Judaism and Islam are more legalistic and what you physically do or can’t do daily
If you could have used your ears a little more you could hear he said Islam had more respect for Jesus(or whatever you call my god) than a typical american
The Hebrew Bible is 72% of the Entire Holy Scriptures 1%Aramaic & the rest is NT Greek quotes OT a bunch of times so in reality NT is only 22% of the entire Holy Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew pictographs is the first Alpha-Bet created were all other languages Alpha-Bets stem from. The Hebrew Bible was written by Hebrew Israelites for Hebrew Israelites Abraham, Isaac & Jacob just like the Prophets & our Savior & apostles & disciples faith/belief was & anyone can joined that Exodus 12:49; Numbers 15:15-16; IsaiYah 56:6 is Romans 11:23-25 Israel. Did you know that the OT & NT covenants are with the same group of people Israel Jeremiah 31:31-34. The only reason our Savior came the first time was for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24;10:6;2:6) who does the promises belong to?Romans 9:4 read verses 1-6 for context. The Church was started in the Wilderness according to Acts 7:37-38 is Israel. The New Jerusalem is Israel Revelation 21:12 12 Gates with 12 Angels with the names of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel...HALLELU-YAH
The Hebrew Bible is 72% of the Entire Holy Scriptures 1%Aramaic & the rest is NT Greek quotes OT a bunch of times so in reality NT is only 22% of the entire Holy Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew pictographs is the first Alpha-Bet created were all other languages Alpha-Bets stem from. The Hebrew Bible was written by Hebrew Israelites for Hebrew Israelites Abraham, Isaac & Jacob just like the Prophets & our Savior & apostles & disciples faith/belief was & anyone can joined that Exodus 12:49; Numbers 15:15-16; IsaiYah 56:6 is Romans 11:23-25 Israel. Did you know that the OT & NT covenants are with the same group of people Israel Jeremiah 31:31-34. The only reason our Savior came the first time was for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24;10:6;2:6) who does the promises belong to?Romans 9:4 read verses 1-6 for context. The Church was started in the Wilderness according to Acts 7:37-38 is Israel. The New Jerusalem is Israel Revelation 21:12 12 Gates with 12 Angels with the names of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel...HALLELU-YAH
I now believe our Father is 1 Monotheism is our everything there is nothing he is not capable of. There is no God Head theology doctrine in the Bible or the word Trinity neither that is man made by the Catholic Church. The US in Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:26 TS2009 [26] And Elohim/Yahweh said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the ground.” The US is Yahweh & His Spirit from it's context as we see here. Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:2 TS2009 [2] And the earth came to be formless and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim was moving on the face of the waters. Hallelu-YAH 🙌❤
Not Muhammed prophet saying he is not god he is not an author our holy book came from the god but we are loving Jesus I hope after the pas away I wanna see all of them, every prophet I love them . Because they explained god’s rules
Jesus fell on his face and prayed and fasted and did not eat pork and was circumcised and his mother was covered and wore a headscarf! Which religion practices that Christianity or Islam? Did Abraham(as) believe in the Trinity? Did Jesus(as) preach the Bible of Mark, John, Paul... in his time? Aren't you thinking? Jesus(as) was a muslim(submitting his will to god) Islam is the truth and the only way to paradise! All prophets from adam(as) to Muhammed(saw) were muslims(submitting their will to god) and to allah(swt) we will return after death
Hey bro I don't know if your going to respond to this because it's been 2 weeks but of course Jesus didn't preach Matthew mark Luke and John those gospels are the gospels that tell you how Jesus lived life of course he didn't preach them he lived them And also Abraham did believe in the Trinity because he saw each person of said Trinity not the face of the father but he saw the father son and the holy Spirit it's in Genesis Allah is false he is Baal come back to Jesus Christ the one true God that loves you 🙏
@@chrisscragg68first of all allah isn't the name of islamic God, it's the arabic translation of the word God itself, secondly the arabic word "Allah" derives from the aramaic word (language spoken by jesus) "elaha", jesus himself referred to the father with these words in the middle east where arabs now associate the word with their religion and call him allah, don't you think your indirectly disrespecting christianity by talking bad about allah because he is unironically the exact words jesus spoke off when referring to the "father" aka the true God. Thirdly the book of genesis derives from Jewish faith and Jews strongly opposed the idea of trinity so there isn't much point to be made there. Everybody is free to belive what they want to believe but don't come out here talking bad about islam for no reason.
@@Uzy_71 no I don't think I'm talking bad about Christianity because of the word Elah and Allah there two different people so we both know I'm talking about Allah in the Islamic sense but let's say your right I'm disrespecting my religion go to Hebrews 1-10 and you will see God the father calls Jesus Ya Allah so Jesus is Allah no wayyyyy.
@@chrisscragg68 how are they 2 different people, that's like saying moses from judaism is an different moses from christianity. Islam acts as an extension to some of the Christian and jewish beliefs the same way christianity does with judaism. Lastly islam dosent take everything from judaism the same way christianity doesn't either and it's interpretation differ massively or else judaism and christainity would be one religion alongside with Islam, the book of psalms spans over 1000 years of writing with mutlitple authors and an sentence as vague as the one you showed could have an million different interpretations. No need to have an ego old man, different religions are established to be meant to be different so you shouldn't be out here disrespecting anything that's non Christian.
@@Uzy_71 the Allah of Islam and Allah of Arabic Christianity are different in the same way me and you are completely different people the Allah in the Bible is true because that's the same God he just has a different name Yeshua Yahweh and no it doesn't act like an extension because it completely denies everything Christianity stands for Jesus dying on the cross for our sins islam says that Jesus never died on the cross and Christianity doesn't totally reject Judaism they just don't believe Jesus is God thats why we reject it and also sorry for acting like that I had family stuff going on.
@@yuhhhhhh44 I hope I can prove you. But it depends on you. If you are open minded, honest and use your general common sense, then you will accept it as the word of god after I explain to you.
Jesus had the same actions as did all the other prophets before him as they all performed miracles, but that does not make them God, Jesus said himself worship the creator who created me and you do not worship any creation or any idols. So I suggest to all the Christians to read the gospel book of Barnabas, in which are the true fact about Jesus.
There's 2 parts of the Bible- Old Testament and New Testament. Basically Jews follow the Old Testament (which DOES NOT include Jesus), and it contains the story of the Israelites and their relationship with God. The New Testament contains the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, and I have absolutely ZERO idea how the two came to be related with each other.
Old Testament is the story of Genesis, Abraham, David, ... It's set in the lands of Palestine much before Jesus, during the times of Moses etc. The New Testament is the story of Jesus Christ and its the scripture that separates Christianity from Judaeism.
That’s because they follow Paul .. Paul basically did a lot of b.s even true Christian’s who don’t agree with Islam say that Paul was a snake also a lot of paganism was Roman and other occult influence
Also, everyone thinks that their God/The Creator is different from each other within the monotheistic religions..btw, in Christianity, is Jesus is son of God then it’s basically not a monotheistic religion because monotheism means 1 God. And many Christian like to debate going round in circles that Jesus is God so it’s still 1 God, but then when you ask them so he is not the son, they say no, he is the son but him and God are 1 which technically does not make sense. But let’s put Jesus to aside and talk about God, The Creator. People like to Argue, His name is Yahweh.. or Hebrew, El, or Allah and for some reason people think that they are talking about different Gods… but in reality, it’s the same God, just a different name depending on the language. Example; in English we take the word “Chair”… in Spanish same thing is called “Sila”… in Arabic and Urdu it’s called “Kursi”… so just because the name has changed, doesn’t mean the person is talking about something else. A chair, does not become an aeroplane just because someone calls it Sila or kursi, it’s still a chair. Yes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have different practices and different ways of worshipping the Creator but it does not mean, that one is wrong than the other. I read into Hinduism which is polytheism.. worshipping of idols which basically Christianity has fallen into as they have made idols of Jesus and worship that idol… But in Hinduism, in their scripture(main) on the first page it starts “In the beginning, there was only one, the rest came after. And the one who was in beginning, it’s not certain if He existed before the beginning or not, but since the beginning He has been there”… Same question, if a tree falls but there is no one there to hear it fall, then how would we know it fell. But doesn’t mean that the tree didn’t fall. If I exist, but no one has seen me then what’s the proof of my existence. But it doesn’t mean that I didn’t exist.. just that there is no one to witness it. All Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that “The God” the Creator, created everything. Jews believe in the God of Abraham, Christians believe in that same God of Abraham and so do Muslims. We have divided ourselves but we do not see that we all worship the same God. Just because someone is white, and someone is brown and someone is black doesn’t mean they are not humans. They are still humans, just different ethnicities… Question that arises is… why 3 religions?! Why can’t be just one?! And for that… we actually have to read the scripture and history.. I’ll explain in next…
Correct, I've been searching any answer to my question, but nobody seems to have questioned/answered it on the internet. So, the thora came first. The people who follow it are called Jews. Correct? And then Christians follow the word of Christ, who was a Jew and states the Thora in his own understanding, then Mohammed came and did the same. So my question is: Can we, by this knowledge, refer to all Christians and Muslims as Jews? And why would this be insulting to those people if they all, in essence, are defending their believe on the same scripture?
@@kaanjel you have placed a very good answer question at the end and some people will not like the answer but only if they wish to, they might. You have me confused by saying “Thora”… it’s “Torah”. And technically, although they may be by the same author(God) but the message in it goes further in details. Example, there is a mention of a creation “Gog and Magog”… which you will find in Torah, but will not find in Bible, but you will find it again in Quran with more further details. So each book, contains same stories but with extra detail that was not there in prior books to authenticate the books that they are not just simple copy pastes. I have a personal story to explain this, but that will take long and only if you are interested, I will explain… but it is same as the answer I had given on the original video regarding a kid. If you have read the scripture, or know about Jewish history from time of Moses(not prior to that), you will learn that the Jewish people(children of Israel) for a while kept falling into to disbelief. Some Jews will disagree but let me explain: When Moses was trying to get them away from Pharaoh, and the pharaoh wasn’t letting them go, the children of Israel witnessed the 7 plagues of Egypt which harmed everyone else besides them. So that should have been a sign. Then, when Moses took them to the sea, and Pharaoh’s army was approaching, they said to Moses(p.b.u.h) : “have you brought us to our death?! We would have been better if we had stayed in Egypt. Now the Pharaoh will surly kill us!!”… they had witnessed the plagues, followed Moses(p.b.u.h) for what if they didn’t have firm faith. Maybe just to get out slaver, I don’t know. But then Moses(p.b.u.h) split the sea, and they walked through and Pharaoh’s army was drowned. The Children of Israel, saw yet another miracle of the splitting of the sea. So belief should have been firm. But then when Moses(p.b.u.h) went up to the mountain to see the commandments but took longer, what did they do behind him while he was gone?! They build a “idol of Calf” to worship it. Now if someone saw those miracles, that should have been enough but no. They constantly went into disbelief. There are stories in the Quran which should be in Torah/Old Testament as well. They used to get food sent from heaven, but then they said to Moses to get food which is grown from earth. Then when they were told to not eat fish while on a certain day, sabbath they found plenty fish on that day, so they would make small channels and used sticks to derive the fish into those holes other end of the channel to gather them so they can fetch them to eat after that day. They are the only ones that God reveal Himself to, because they wanted to see God, but it was barely, not even a glimpse of it, and they all passed out/died but God brought them back to life. So they are like an elder child, brats, who just push their way. The reason that they are chosen was because they were the first that God didn’t want to punish a nation, but let it be. We read history, before him, many nations were parishes for there disbelief and oppressions/sins. The great flood is also in Hinduism. Noah, entire mankind and creation completely wiped down except a few. But the Jews finally accepted the fact that “1 God”, they held to the belief but they were not kind to other humans. Look what they did to Jesus(p.b.u.h) and they have a history of doing it to other prophets as well. Note: if Jesus was indeed righteous, then when Jews crucified him, why did God not punish them, answer, like always, God forgave them for an appointed time. Note: is Jews are God’s chosen people that Christians so loudly preach as well, why don’t they become Jews. Note: Muslims believe that God did favors on them, forgave them even when they disbelief. As long as they didn’t not cause corruption in the land to other humans. So in a way chosen because, he favored them over other nations of that period. They have a history of being beaten by nations and displaced whenever God wanted to punish them, or test them. That’s when Jesus(p.b.u.h) came in. What was his message?! And I joke about it but in a good positive way. jesus(p.b.u.h) was a hippie(not pot head)… but his message was love everyone, mankind. Be kind, etc. but they lost track of oneness of God(for most cases). I know some Christian believe in oneness but that’s quite a few comparatively. Also, you have to understand that Bible is not the world of Christ but what God had reveal to him through arc Angel Gabriel. Besides Moses, every other prophet got revelations through arc Angel Gabriel. When the 2 angels came to Lot, and many incidents. If you read Bible Jesus will say “My Lord, our father(this …that)”. Even the Quran, is not a word of Muhammad(p.b.u.h) but word of God, that’s why at some places, it actually speaks directly to Muhammad(p.b.u.h) as well. And as for your question: Muslims believe, that all prophets were technically Muslims both Moses, and Jesus were seen prostrating infront of God with head on ground like Muslims do. But because, people before Islam, were not ready for this strict(in a way, not really) 5times prayer, 30day fasting, along with other things… people would not have followed. You know, when you want to teach someone something, you just don’t start with everything. You teach them step by step. And when they graduate from one step, you take them to the next, and to the next till finally, you can let them go on their own. But I believe, we are all humans. Just like going to a different city, you can take multiple routes. One longer, one shorter, the idea is to get to the destination, as safe and sound as possible.
Bruhh it's for you just imagine if on the day of judgment allah says I didn't send Muhammad(pbuh) and quaran it's not my book the fact is prophet Muhammad(pbuh) claimed to be prophet and we don't know that he was actually a prophet because of his. Action marrying 9 years old and killing banu quaraiza community for attacking him, i didn't mean to be disrespect him actually his character is confusing so if you want to understand his character go study sahih al Bukhari(an authentic hadid) Sirat Al rassolallah(biography of Muhammad) These books are authentic you can study his character by yourself don't believe on what you see on internet ❤❤
Fr it was allah idea allah made islam muhammad revealed it the quran was allah's words and muhammad wrote the quran with the help of angel Gabriel and adam and eve were muslims bud did not reveal it your smart
The Hebrew Bible is 72% of the Entire Holy Scriptures 1%Aramaic & the rest is NT Greek quotes OT a bunch of times so in reality NT is only 22% of the entire Holy Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew pictographs is the first Alpha-Bet created were all other languages Alpha-Bets stem from. The Hebrew Bible was written by Hebrew Israelites for Hebrew Israelites Abraham, Isaac & Jacob just like the Prophets & our Savior & apostles & disciples faith/belief was & anyone can joined that Exodus 12:49; Numbers 15:15-16; IsaiYah 56:6 is Romans 11:23-25 Israel. Did you know that the OT & NT covenants are with the same group of people Israel Jeremiah 31:31-34. The only reason our Savior came the first time was for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24;10:6;2:6) who does the promises belong to?Romans 9:4 read verses 1-6 for context. The Church was started in the Wilderness according to Acts 7:37-38 is Israel. The New Jerusalem is Israel Revelation 21:12 12 Gates with 12 Angels with the names of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel...HALLELU-YAH
The origin of Islam, Juadism and Chistianity is the same. He is Ibrahim (Abraham), the original father of all these 3 religions. He had two sons, Ismail and Israel. Islam oiriginates from Ismael and Judaism and Christianity are originated from Israel. In 2 sentences this is jist of origin. That is why we find lots of similarities in rituals of all these 3 religions.
A lot of christians think that the Quran is prophet Muhammad's (SAW) word, but that's not true, the Hadith are the words and the sayings of him, but the Quran is the revelation he received by god.
Yeah that guy is talking rubbish. No knowledge to talk about islam. He thought Quran was like the bible which was written by men but even worse because the men who wrote the bible are anonymous. Lol
I'm not a muslim but i know one thing about Quran and that is that it's not the words of Muhammad or any other human, it's claimed to be the words of god not Muhammad or anyobe else!
Mohammad is mentioned by name in the Torah and the Bible. Look it up. Open your hearts. For your own sake and the sake of the almighty. Listen to Jesus, Moses, and Mohammad. (Peace be upon them) This isn’t opinion
Hazrat Isa(Jesus)is a human being but he came to give the message of God to people and then he will come back to this world again in the near resurrection.
so they basically found sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in America......i said this because , me as a Hindu believe that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a form of Krishna , and Krishna is god !
The main difference between islam and Christianity is not mainly focused on Prophet Jesus(Isa) peace be upon him. Christians and Muslims both believe there was a man Named Jesus(Isa) born to a virgin mother Mary(maryam) who received revelations from God to command his people to worship. We also both believe in the accession of Jesus. Now in Islam The number one meaning and definition of being a Muslim or following Islam is to Believe in the oneness of Allah, never ever associate partners with him. Allah rules alone, when the everything allah created gets turned to dust only allah will be the last one standing he is the king. In islam like other religions we have prophets. Our holy prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was the last and final prophet of mankind. We are all under his teachings or anyone born after him. The people who lived before him had others prophets they were under. In conclusion although we have prophets sent by god as warners and messangers we do not worship them we worship allah alone. In islam when you think of it you think of allah, in Christianity when you think of it you think of a man
Yes as im muslim we believe in jesus as a prophet but if he did a miracle that doesn’t mean he is god, that means he was blessed by god same as moses same as Muhammad, so in bible John 5:30, where Jesus says: “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” Literally seeking jesus finding true god not anyone on the earth nor jesus and moses and other prophets including Muhammad so simply we need to open mind my brother we dont want to make it complicate..❤ and ( trinity ) this word is not in the bible so thank you, im not preaching literally that’s from Paul
Philippians 2:5-6 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
I'm Turkish and agnostic. But my grandmother and father were muslims. So was my mom but I don't think religion was important to her. In my grandmother's town there were no chuches so when she visited Istanbul, she was very insistent on going to a church. She prayed there for close to half an hour and told my father Jesus was our prophet, too. She always believed a good Muslim should emulate the prophets and try to be like them. It was common practice to name muslim children Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses) in Turkiye. Americans should try to understand CIA's role in radicalizing Islam.
Islam, in essence, teaches that all beings, including humans, have limited understanding and awareness. They seek guidance from their Creator, asking 17 times a day to be shown the straight path. It embraces belief in Moses, Jesus, and all prophets, and its greatest distinction is that it is entirely free from priestly intermediaries.
Imagine a picture of a human. That picture is revealing the human but isnt inherently the human himself. I think what Christians think about Jesus is that he is similar to taking a picture of God. He is revealing him (in a way) but isnt exactly him.
Psalms 55:1-3 NIV [1] Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; [2] hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught [3] because of what my enemy is saying, because of the threats of the wicked; for they bring down suffering on me and assail me in their anger.
There truly creditable people in the world, the issue it takes a level of competency to recognize those people. He's one of them but you can't even only listen to him for perspectives. I was blessed to be born protestant Christian so I knew what my mom believed I was also encouraged to learn and find that I needed to be the best me.... a jew or Muslim can live a good life in a Christian country. I can't live a good life in an Islamic country. I don't hate Islamic people but...... I refuse to live and accept your world. I have a mother and a daughter and nieces. I understand the ideal, I also understands humans and too much power is corrupting. God bless us all, I hope we can figure out how to live together ❤
The Quran is the pure word of God. If you read it, you will find that the words are directed to the Prophet Muhammad. We have another thing called the Hadith, which contains the words and life of the Prophet Muhammad.
Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet according to Bible Matthew 13:57 "But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not dishonored except in his own country and in his own house." Here we describe ourselves as a prophet. Luke 24:19 "He said to them: What words? They said to him: The words of Jesus of Nazareth, who was a mighty prophet in deed and word before God and all men." This verse makes it clear that Jesus was known as a great prophet John 4:19 "The woman said to him: O sir! I see that you are a prophet." Here a woman recognizes Jesus as a prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him never said anything in the Quran Allah did
Dutch is a Muslim believer??
According to him
@@nemanjamitric3727 what are you talking about according to Muhammad peace be upon nothing in the Quran is according to him he is just the messenger all the words are from Allah
@@Thedudewhoasked987 yeah, according to muhammad. That is only true if you believe him. Do you have a reason to trust him saying that?
@@nemanjamitric3727 yes according to him and there is enough reason to believe him in one word Quran it self is enough not to mention all the knowledge of the unseen which was revealed to him.
But you say jesus is God, according to who? Probably not jesus.
Actually ,Quran is not the word of Muhammad sallalahu allihe wasalam but it is of ALLAH( SWT) 👍
That's just Mohammad claim. For the one believer. Of course you could believe it's the word of God.
Actually Islam is a scam😂
@@AkashYadav-tx1ut that's why hindus, christians, are converting to islam, cry more😂
No😂 its the word of the angel Jibril (gabriel) God never told those things to Muhammed he claims it
@abiipache God chose him, so he claimed👍
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus
Muslim : Is Jesus the son of Mary.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who created Mary?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian: Jesus
Muslim : Jesus is the begotten son.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who is his father?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Jesus is a servant of God.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Jesus died on the cross?
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who resurrected him?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Is Jesus a messenger.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who sent him?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim: Did Jesus worship while on earth.
Christian: Yes
Muslim: Whom did he worship?
Christian: God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Did God have a beginning?
Christian : No
Muslim: Then who was born on 25/DEC?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Is Jesus God.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Where's God?
Christian : In Heaven.
Muslim : How many Gods are there in heaven? Christian : Only one God.
Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian : He is seated on the right hand of his father.
Muslim : Then how many are they in heaven? Christian : Only one God.
Muslim : Then how many seats?
Christian : One
Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian: Seated next to God.
Muslim : How are they seated on one chair? Christian : It's only understood by those with the Ghost. You need Ghost my friend.
Allah clearly tells us in Qu'ran :- "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." - Surah An-Nisa [4:171]
Bible says :- “... God is not the author of confusion ...” (Corinthians 14:33 ). "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?." (Numbers (23:19) King James Version (KJV)
Both are Mythological books , worshipping Dinosaurs is more logical than worshipping God whose name is not even existed before 2000 yrs ago, muhmmad is just a man who want to start his new religion so he start spreading believe to people that Jesus is not a god history have proof of 1400 yrs ago Islam was created before that no one knows who is allah and before 2000s no one knows who is Jesus , I don't believe in man made God if i can then I go for the oldest one like Egyptians , but still GOD is just a belief that started from our ancestors who used to kill mammoths they started workshiping fire,lighting because they think it's magical. THAT fire God is older than this religion God drama , people still argue for non logical things dieing is best option to find it before that we need to live as human and follow humanity
Alhumdullilah 😅😅
Yeah I rather trust The Bible over 9000+ people witnessed Jesus and his miracles and over 40 people wrote the Bible while the quran got 1 person plus black stones?!?
And how can Muhammad say Jesus isn’t God when he claimed he was God he didn’t even see Jesus you believe that guy Muhammad? If I did the exact same thing people would think I’m crazy. And people who followed Jesus knows he is God in human form.
The son of Maria is a servant of God Almighty. Who whorshipped The One Unseen God 👍
Exactly so doesn’t that make everyone a Muslim as that is what we believe
In Bible : Jesus 💖
In Quran : Prophet Isa 💖
Absolutely we Respect to Jesus Christ
We as Muslim believe that Jesus Christ, was the messiah and is among 4 major messengers and also among the 5 major Prophets and will returned to the earth to kill the antichrist and rule the world with justice but he wasn't God..
Nice but Bible say that Jesus died got crucified rise from death and has been poor while Islam also disagree
Philippians 2:5-6
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
@kmteststudio bible says various contradictory things
@@zarghamali5132 Philippians 2:5-6
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
@@zarghamali5132 How about that?
I am muslim and Love prophet Jesus ❤
@@Uroojchhm Who judges you on Judgement day?
@@TheRevenantNIgod not Jesus
@logogamer Prove Jesus is not God
@@TheRevenantNIprove jesus is god
@@MohammedSameer-fz9zk Prove He is not, I'm still waiting for the other guy to answer me
the man made a mistake, the Quran is not written by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it is the word of Allah swt.
Said Muhammad. Allah doesn't exist.
No, it was written by Muhammad about 300 years after the Bible was regarded as a reliable source.
@@williamcoreli6248try and error.. It's not true at all what are you talking about
no and stop spreading false information when you do not know anything, the Quran was revealed around 1400 years ago by Allah SWT, to his messanger, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which the Prophet began spreading and preaching Islam later in Medina.
@@mae_r7 you basically agreed with the commentary above
Even tho Jews, Muslims, and Christian’s have a different belief about a certain person doesn’t mean that they can’t get along! I love them all!
yeah,that is the right thing.
We should respect the PERSON.
But we shold not respect the RELIGION
All the beliefs share one thing in common. They are about as real as Santa.
Exactly. In in shariah state, Christians and Jews even have their own judges, and communities. They also have to pay jizya which ensures the Muslims provide protection to them.
Exactly. In in shariah state, Christians and Jews even have their own judges, and communities. They also have to pay jizya which ensures the Muslims provide protection to them.
*Surah Maryam (**19:30**-35)*
1. He (Jesus) said, "I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet."
2. And He has made me blessed wherever I am, and has commanded me to establish prayer and give charity as long as I live.
3. And He has made me kind to my mother, and not arrogant or miserable.
4. And peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I am raised alive."
5. Such is Jesus, son of Mary. It is a statement of truth, about which they doubt.
6. It is not befitting for Allah to take a son. Glory be to Him. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.
Said the book 600 years after Jesus....
I respect this Christian so much since he studied his religion and understood it meaning (Im Muslim)
Islam and Christianity have more similarities than Judaism
They pray differently and worship differently. Only Similarities are that they believe in a God.
@@i.am.ronin. yup
Because Muhammad copy bible and paste stories in quran
@ brother do your own research before saying something like that. The Bible has been changed from the old testament to new testament. The Holy Quran is a book where every word, every verse are from the God and hasn’t been alter in any way. Please do the research before you say what you say.
I come from a Christian family, but individually I believe that all religions who support and praise God are accepted. I love all religions, and while I may be identified as a Christian, I will never argue against another religion, I want everyone to follow and practice faith under whatever beliefs they have for the afterlife. All religions are different, and I do believe in Christianity but I will always be open minded to other religions.❤
I’m a proud born Muslim. Your religion is a bit confusing to me lol so I was hoping you could clear some things up. My biggest question would have to be.. Is being catholic and Christian the same thing?? I also completely agree with your comment❤️
@@BBallerShorts tysm for the advice, have a nice day!!
@Aishiii_1as a Christian the main difference I see between Christianity and catholosism is that in Christianity we worship Jesus Christ/ God only. We recognize Jesus as our way to god and accepting Jesus’s sacrifice is the way to get into heaven
Catholics believe Mary (Jesus’ mother) carries prayers up to god and they also pray to other “saints” and “angels”.
They confess to a priests where as we Christians confess to Jesus/ God directly.
@ okay tysm for the new info! Have a nice day!
Christianity Islam and judaism are three of the Abrahamic faiths
He broke it down simply and clearly
But incorrectly
abrohamic reliegons have similarities but diffrent types of views on it
Quran is not a word of Mohammed PBUH it’s Allah’s word
yeah yeah,700 later than the TRUE ONE
Well no because Muhammad spoke the "revelation" to his followers, he never met or spoke to Allah, neither did Allah speak to any of them. So him saying "muhammad says in the qur'an..." is not wrong.
Just because you believe the qur'an is the word of Allah doesn't make it true or doesn't mean others must abide by that belief.
With alot of respect good sir , Quran is not the word of Muhammad pbuh but the word of Allah SAW . He often says that in the Quran , Muhammad pbuh said this or that .
First of all sir, Mohammad SAW (PBUH) doesn't say anything in Quran! Quran is the word of the Allah Almighty!
Jesus is God.
@ORYTHE how can God die??
Only according to him
@@IrtazaSheikh-l8nhow can Satan live in your nose
@@IrtazaSheikh-l8n The Bible very obviously states that Jesus LIMITED himself to human capabilities, and once his physical form "died" He still had CONSCIOUSNESS, and a soul. Being dead and being non existent are two completely different things.
Why do Christians never report Muslim and Islam quotes accurately? No prophet said anything in the Qur'an, it is Allah's words.
I love Jesus✝️
Also I love him as a muslim❤
@@ChristiansDecors-t9f loving Jesus and saying he got murdered for your sins... Quite contradictionary
@SariaInabarre May Christian’s and Muslims live together in peace ✝️☪️
@@joeybattlefieldv2641it’s quite difficult when they both condemn non believers to hell
@ Majority of Christians do not believe non Christian’s will go to hell
John 3
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus,
Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
“How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
John Testifies Again About Jesus
After this, Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside, where he spent some time with them, and baptized. Now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water, and people were coming and being baptized. (This was before John was put in prison.) An argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan-the one you testified about-look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.”
To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.”
The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever has accepted it has certified that God is truthful. For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them." John 3 NIV
Dear Friend.
When you Die where will you go? pray, Jesus forgive me of my sin, save me ,be my Lord & my Saviour, you have come in the flesh, died & risen for me, fill & baptise me with your Holy Spirit, Jesus is my Lord ! Amen.
These are the last of the very last days!!!. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth no one will see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." For God so loved the world that He give His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the World through Him. " For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, and All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." God's Word in the Bible also says " If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved . For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" Romans 10v9 . Holy Bible . If you want to be sure of Heaven and avoid the other place below say the following prayer sincerely from your heart." Lord Jesus I repent and am sorry for my sins forgive me. I forgive all who have offended me.I believe you died and Rose again .Come into my heart and save me. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and baptise me with your Holy Spirit. Fulfill your plan and purpose in my life. "I recommend you read John's Gospel especially chapter 3.Gbu.John 3v3v22,John 14v6.
News flash: John did not write the book of John. It was written by many anonymous writers. Facts are facts
Who’s gonna tell him that the Quran is the words of the most High Allah, not prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh)
Who’s gonna tell you that other people don’t follow what you believe
@@Friendlyneighboorhoodspiderman wether he believes it or not isn’t going to change that the Quran is indeed the word of Allah.
@@Ammy.... no is not. In Quran are Verse which gives Permission to Mohammed to having Sex with particular women (Azhab 50). Now is this your so-called “holy book” ? What kind of message should I take from this book? It doesn’t give me any direction. It’s sooo obviously that this book is made by humans and not from god!
@@Ammy.... Who wrote the Quran? Who wrote the words down?
@@Ammy.... When you say allah is the highest authority? Why does your Allah pray? Who is he praying to?
So basically they are assuming that jesus was god,its just as allah said in the quran 4:157
Jesus is a messanger of ALLAH.
ALLAH is only God and Prophet Muhammad is the last and final prophet of ALLAH.
Why would God send a messenger who was so ineffective that his word was completely perverted by St Paul?
@Rjj-g5h and plus, a "god" that sent a prophet to spread his word,but the people who believed the prophet worshipped him,not the god.
if the islam god is real,he made a biiiiig mistake
there’s no proof that allah talked to mohammed. in fact there’s a lot that disproves it. only thing mohammed does was lie about the history of jesus when we have proof
The problem is for all other religions the quran will never change We have one version of Quran and all other religions during time their book will change for better but we believe quran is the best we don't need to change from beginning to end
This is so sad,but King Jesus Christ already know some won't see him as God, King Jesus Christ said it,if ye know me than you know the father, so those people who said King Jesus Christ is not God then you never have a relationship with God the almighty, if you had a relationship with God then you will know that King Jesus Christ and God are one in the same
Who tf are you, fym if you know me. NOBODY knows you 😭😭🙏
@@Uzy_71funny guy
in islam there is a surah i think surah an nasr - where it says (according to tafsir) that after his passing people will go and come to Islam in crowds.
@@veronicablossom9070 and God is praying to God in the Bible? 🙄😃
And Isa Alisalam has never claimed to be God rather he announced that he is a slave almighty like all of us are.
So the reason we have 3 religions worshipping the same God is because when a kid is born, kid learns to crawl, then learns to walk and then when he is confident and strong enough, it learns to run.
Before Moses when we read about prophets/messengers, what do we hear in the scripture?! Their people did not follow them.
Noah, he had to build the ark because people were corrupt and non believers.
Abraham, his people were non believer, you take the line of prophets, their people did not believe.
Moses, their people believed but their faith was weak. When they were in Egypt, the plagues came from God as a sign… then they were led by Moses to the Sea where Moses split the sea/River infront of them and they crossed it and saw Pharaoh’s army perish in it… but then when Moses went up to the mountains gone for days, what did they do in his absence?! They created a Calf and started worshipping it.
In scriptures, we can see that God has constantly given them signs, provided for them but they always tried to out smart God by being over efficient. There are stories in the scriptures about it!
When Jesus came, what were the Jews doing in the Temple that made Jesus furious that he flipped their tables?! Were they allowed to do that?! No…
It is said, that they would crucify or kill or mock prophets they didn’t want to follow.. they did the same with Jesus because they didn’t want to follow what he was teaching them?!
They wanted eye for and eye but Jesus was saying forgive and love one another. They continued to mischief. Not all some of them were good people who followed the prophets and advised people to do good.
Christians say that Quran plagiarized Bible but that’s hypocrisy because an entire half of the Bible comes from Torah which they call the “Old Testament”…they basically didn’t even use their own words but straight up “copy pasted”.
But if we understand or just for sake of it think for one second, that perhaps… if Quran is from the same God, do you think besides the “Newer Testament or more details and stuff”… the older stories of other prophets would be any different than those already there?!
Like if one person writes the History of England or America.. yes, there will be other details in it, but do you think that the names of the founders or any main characters of history would be any different?! No, it’s going to have same character just, different sections of the story that may not have been covered, but it will also confirm certain events the same.
When Jews came to Muhammad(p.b.u.h) and said tell us they story of the people of the cave… Quran has a detailed chapter in it which is not exactly alike of what they knew but actually had details to it.
Muhammad(p.b.u.h) was not a literate man. And Just like Abraham, he was raised and born in a nation of Polytheism.
And let’s say for example even if he was inspired by Jews and Christians… what is wrong of him to guide his people to worshipping of One God/The Creator?! He preached his people to instead of worshipping multiple gods into worshipping the 1 true God…
What is wrong with that??
We have created a difference out of our arrogance and ignorance but if we actually look deep inside, it makes sense.
The historians say “annunaki” we say fallen angels…take out the names and you will see its pretty much talking about the same thing.
Angels saw mankind was in trouble so they fell from grace or came to earth to help or teach mankind.
They found women of mankind pretty and had offsprings with them which were hybrids… also called demi-gods because they were hybrids so, not a normal mankind.
And based on perception, people called them what they thought was best in their perception.
If someone in remote tribe with no knowledge of a modern world will see person FaceTiming another person, they will think it’s some sort of magic… if they saw a person paragliding they will think man can fly… or if they see a man pointing someone at someone and all of a sudden a loud noise and smoke and another man dies feet’s/yards away from that person..they will wonder something else…
Knowledge is based on perception or perception is based on knowledge.
Moses had his miracles, and Jesus had his.
In time of Moses, magic was at its peak… so God gave Moses power of Magic… he was competing against magicians of Pharaoh.
When Jesus came, disease and medicine and Jesus cured, that was his miracle, but the Jews called him a magician. Lack of faith.c perception and knowledge. No one before Moses has done what Moses did, and no one before Jesus did what Jesus did.
Each prophet/Messenger came with their own sets of tools.
According to Islam “all messengers are prophets, but not all prophets are messengers”.
There is a difference between prophets and messengers. There are some who were one or the other while there are some like Moses(p.b.u.h), Jesus(p.b.u.h) and Muhammad(p.b.u.h) who were both prophets and messenger.
May God bless us all to seek knowledge, and love one another and have a better understanding of our Creator!
And unify our hearts into glorifying him and performing good deeds for mankind and other living beings without discrimination or prejudice, Amen
Whom do u think u r, Shakespeare?
@@MaAmal-gv3qs no, not Shakespeare..a philosopher maybe. Because Shakespeare didn’t do philosophy, or logic or reason, but was more of a dramatics story teller.
Also, since you asked… if one doesn’t just follow blindly like sheep but actually use logic, reason and intellect, we will find answer to everything if one just ponders.
Just remember, Newton discovered gravity doesn’t mean it didn’t exist before it. It’s just no one ever ponder on the thought “why?”!!!
Because others just blindly followed.
But those who take the time, slow down and observe, signs are everywhere
ain't reading allat
@@barabaapu564Nothing new under the 🌞 sun
The prophet (sawws) was literate. May Allah curse u for lying on him
Matthew 5 11
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
and result is this all are Ibrahimic religion and brothers but now a days why they are getting enemies
Did he mistook hadith (words of prophet muhammad pbuh) and qur'an (words of allah SWT)?
He as a christian dont believe the Quran to be Word of Allah/God he thinks its all what Muhammad (sm) claimed
@@donquixoterocinante8600 You don't know whats real and whats not because your books were burned and complied into one book by Uthman, you dont know whats real and what's not
He's not a Muslim, why would he believe that the Quran is from god?
I am a Muslim ❤❤❤
03 different religion all say this one person existed
And people still think he is made up like mickeyouse
@@kckillakrack9714shit is made up. Jesus (wasn't even his real name) did exist that doesn't mean he did all this shit. People back then believed in all sorts of untrue magical fairytale type shit. God is just as real as Santa. There are all these stories about Santa and his magic that arnt true. Same for God.
Good prophet Jesus Christ (a.s)
The word is God. The word is Christ. The word has all the answers. But, can you hear the truth ?
@@brucecoe1908 Jeremia 8:8. The authors lied
@@nurguelaslan8568 fact!! Truth!! The Answers!! The Creator only shares what we too share lol. Safe keeping reflective sakes, for God.
الكتب الاصليه السماويه جميعا والرسل في اليمن المقدس بس وكل الكتب المزيفة لين الناس يضحكون على الشعوب
Muhammed ﷺ doesnt speak in the quran. Its god who speaks
I have a very simple question for my christian brothers.
In the bible there were many instances of jesus praying. If Jesus was God whom he was praying to?
Bro we don't say that jesus is god but we surely say that he is one only son of God. For ex: won't u ask help or something else from your father??? Will u be able to survive in this World without your father?????
Jesus is the christ the redeemer, the son of God who came to save us from our sins
When we say God, we refer to the Father. Jesus is God in that he is the image of the Father who comes in his name. He prays to the Father as the Father is his God and the foundation of his being, but we pray to Jesus as he is the Father's representation and perfect self-expression.
A core of Christian beliefs is the holy Trinity, the son (Jesus) the father and the Holy Spirit
All are truly God but are United
So to answer your question, he prayed to the father
@@GeertenHaze there's no concept of a trinity in gospel. Then where did it come from. The new testament is just a book that some of the Christian liberals wrote for their own benefit. You would know if you have read it atleast once 😂
new testament "my God and your God" 😊
Okay which reason out of the three is the most easiest to understand?
I would like to know your answer only on logic no being bias
Well iam muslim for this reason:
I studied from fear if iam wrong but Quran has more logic is the true peace and with a science the Quran has never been changed since 1400years and it founded that the old testament and new testament has been changed thats why Quran camed to tell they were books of God but jews changed these books and also Jesus has spoken in Aramic language which you translate God mean Aalah which is similiar to be Allah so when jesus was saying god in aramic language was meaning Alaha which is similiar Allah
@@Tashreeq-wl1ks There are over 500 eyewitness accounts of people seeing Jesus resurrection. If you follow Jesus, you will actually feel love instead of reading it.
@@JoshThegreat-lu7bxone source says 500. You can't bring 500 different sources or even 50. Hearsay.
@@JoshThegreat-lu7bx500 eye witness? Any proof?
Christianity is the easiest to follow and simplest message. It gets to the core or essence of your relationship with God and who you are spiritually.
Judaism and Islam are more legalistic and what you physically do or can’t do daily
Was there people who were living in America when Jesus was in this world the way he said Americans lol 😂
If you could have used your ears a little more you could hear he said Islam had more respect for Jesus(or whatever you call my god) than a typical american
The Hebrew Bible is 72% of the Entire Holy Scriptures 1%Aramaic & the rest is NT Greek quotes OT a bunch of times so in reality NT is only 22% of the entire Holy Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew pictographs is the first Alpha-Bet created were all other languages Alpha-Bets stem from. The Hebrew Bible was written by Hebrew Israelites for Hebrew Israelites Abraham, Isaac & Jacob just like the Prophets & our Savior & apostles & disciples faith/belief was & anyone can joined that Exodus 12:49; Numbers 15:15-16; IsaiYah 56:6 is Romans 11:23-25 Israel. Did you know that the OT & NT covenants are with the same group of people Israel Jeremiah 31:31-34. The only reason our Savior came the first time was for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24;10:6;2:6) who does the promises belong to?Romans 9:4 read verses 1-6 for context. The Church was started in the Wilderness according to Acts 7:37-38 is Israel. The New Jerusalem is Israel Revelation 21:12 12 Gates with 12 Angels with the names of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel...HALLELU-YAH
He said typical American because many Americans today mock Christianity.
Quran is not the words of Mohammad( PBUH). Its the words of God.
Being FROM YHWH and being YHWH are really different.
The Hebrew Bible is 72% of the Entire Holy Scriptures 1%Aramaic & the rest is NT Greek quotes OT a bunch of times so in reality NT is only 22% of the entire Holy Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew pictographs is the first Alpha-Bet created were all other languages Alpha-Bets stem from. The Hebrew Bible was written by Hebrew Israelites for Hebrew Israelites Abraham, Isaac & Jacob just like the Prophets & our Savior & apostles & disciples faith/belief was & anyone can joined that Exodus 12:49; Numbers 15:15-16; IsaiYah 56:6 is Romans 11:23-25 Israel. Did you know that the OT & NT covenants are with the same group of people Israel Jeremiah 31:31-34. The only reason our Savior came the first time was for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24;10:6;2:6) who does the promises belong to?Romans 9:4 read verses 1-6 for context. The Church was started in the Wilderness according to Acts 7:37-38 is Israel. The New Jerusalem is Israel Revelation 21:12 12 Gates with 12 Angels with the names of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel...HALLELU-YAH
Jesus is the image of the Father, is that wrong?
@joshuaparsons887 that is correct, Yeshua (Jesus) is the visible portion of the Godhead.
I now believe our Father is 1 Monotheism is our everything there is nothing he is not capable of. There is no God Head theology doctrine in the Bible or the word Trinity neither that is man made by the Catholic Church.
The US in Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:26 TS2009 [26] And Elohim/Yahweh said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the ground.”
The US is Yahweh & His Spirit from it's context as we see here.
Berĕshith (Genesis) 1:2 TS2009
[2] And the earth came to be formless and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim was moving on the face of the waters.
Hallelu-YAH 🙌❤
Surah Maryam..verse 34.. Jesus son of Mary
Not Muhammed prophet saying he is not god he is not an author our holy book came from the god but we are loving Jesus I hope after the pas away I wanna see all of them, every prophet I love them . Because they explained god’s rules
Proud of being Muslim 😊
the eye witness never saw jesus claimed he was god.
Judism is classVIII christianity Class X Islam is Graduation
If say a man has godly powers which doesn't make them god like heal and splitting the the sea god gave them the power all the prophets are good
Except he literally claimed to be the unique Son of God and the image of the Father who comes in the Father's name.
Allah says in quran, not muhammad. Peace be upon him
Jesus fell on his face and prayed and fasted and did not eat pork and was circumcised and his mother was covered and wore a headscarf! Which religion practices that Christianity or Islam? Did Abraham(as) believe in the Trinity? Did Jesus(as) preach the Bible of Mark, John, Paul... in his time? Aren't you thinking? Jesus(as) was a muslim(submitting his will to god)
Islam is the truth and the only way to paradise! All prophets from adam(as) to Muhammed(saw) were muslims(submitting their will to god) and to allah(swt) we will return after death
Hey bro I don't know if your going to respond to this because it's been 2 weeks but of course Jesus didn't preach Matthew mark Luke and John those gospels are the gospels that tell you how Jesus lived life of course he didn't preach them he lived them
And also Abraham did believe in the Trinity because he saw each person of said Trinity not the face of the father but he saw the father son and the holy Spirit it's in Genesis
Allah is false he is Baal come back to Jesus Christ the one true God that loves you 🙏
@@chrisscragg68first of all allah isn't the name of islamic God, it's the arabic translation of the word God itself, secondly the arabic word "Allah" derives from the aramaic word (language spoken by jesus) "elaha", jesus himself referred to the father with these words in the middle east where arabs now associate the word with their religion and call him allah, don't you think your indirectly disrespecting christianity by talking bad about allah because he is unironically the exact words jesus spoke off when referring to the "father" aka the true God.
Thirdly the book of genesis derives from Jewish faith and Jews strongly opposed the idea of trinity so there isn't much point to be made there. Everybody is free to belive what they want to believe but don't come out here talking bad about islam for no reason.
@@Uzy_71 no I don't think I'm talking bad about Christianity because of the word Elah and Allah there two different people so we both know I'm talking about Allah in the Islamic sense but let's say your right I'm disrespecting my religion go to Hebrews 1-10 and you will see God the father calls Jesus Ya Allah so Jesus is Allah no wayyyyy.
@@chrisscragg68 how are they 2 different people, that's like saying moses from judaism is an different moses from christianity. Islam acts as an extension to some of the Christian and jewish beliefs the same way christianity does with judaism. Lastly islam dosent take everything from judaism the same way christianity doesn't either and it's interpretation differ massively or else judaism and christainity would be one religion alongside with Islam, the book of psalms spans over 1000 years of writing with mutlitple authors and an sentence as vague as the one you showed could have an million different interpretations. No need to have an ego old man, different religions are established to be meant to be different so you shouldn't be out here disrespecting anything that's non Christian.
@@Uzy_71 the Allah of Islam and Allah of Arabic Christianity are different in the same way me and you are completely different people the Allah in the Bible is true because that's the same God he just has a different name Yeshua Yahweh and no it doesn't act like an extension because it completely denies everything Christianity stands for Jesus dying on the cross for our sins islam says that Jesus never died on the cross and Christianity doesn't totally reject Judaism they just don't believe Jesus is God thats why we reject it and also sorry for acting like that I had family stuff going on.
And Jesus never claimed divinity in the bible. And there is no historic eye witness.
Muhammad does not speak in the Quran..The Quran is purely God's word...
Muhammad's teachings, sayings and life is found in the hadiths...
same tree different branches
Yeah yeah not like God took a pen and wrote it down on a paper
how is it purely Gods word. can you prove it?
Jesus warned us about false prophets, muhammad was one of them, like it or not, seek the thruth and you shall find it
@@yuhhhhhh44 I hope I can prove you. But it depends on you. If you are open minded, honest and use your general common sense, then you will accept it as the word of god after I explain to you.
Jesus had the same actions as did all the other prophets before him as they all performed miracles, but that does not make them God, Jesus said himself worship the creator who created me and you do not worship any creation or any idols. So I suggest to all the Christians to read the gospel book of Barnabas, in which are the true fact about Jesus.
I just don't get it when christians say the new testament, like does the bible update every few months????
There's 2 parts of the Bible- Old Testament and New Testament. Basically Jews follow the Old Testament (which DOES NOT include Jesus), and it contains the story of the Israelites and their relationship with God.
The New Testament contains the teachings and life of Jesus Christ, and I have absolutely ZERO idea how the two came to be related with each other.
Old Testament is the story of Genesis, Abraham, David, ... It's set in the lands of Palestine much before Jesus, during the times of Moses etc. The New Testament is the story of Jesus Christ and its the scripture that separates Christianity from Judaeism.
@opaquez because the new Testament is the fulfillment of the old and is directly linked? Jesus is claiming to be the image of the God of the OT
@@joshuaparsons887 This is the reason why Christianity makes 0 sense to me.
That’s because they follow Paul .. Paul basically did a lot of b.s even true Christian’s who don’t agree with Islam say that Paul was a snake also a lot of paganism was Roman and other occult influence
Do people forget we had 3 books before the Quran?
Also, everyone thinks that their God/The Creator is different from each other within the monotheistic religions..btw, in Christianity, is Jesus is son of God then it’s basically not a monotheistic religion because monotheism means 1 God.
And many Christian like to debate going round in circles that Jesus is God so it’s still 1 God, but then when you ask them so he is not the son, they say no, he is the son but him and God are 1 which technically does not make sense.
But let’s put Jesus to aside and talk about God, The Creator.
People like to Argue, His name is Yahweh.. or Hebrew, El, or Allah and for some reason people think that they are talking about different Gods… but in reality, it’s the same God, just a different name depending on the language.
Example; in English we take the word “Chair”… in Spanish same thing is called “Sila”… in Arabic and Urdu it’s called “Kursi”… so just because the name has changed, doesn’t mean the person is talking about something else.
A chair, does not become an aeroplane just because someone calls it Sila or kursi, it’s still a chair.
Yes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have different practices and different ways of worshipping the Creator but it does not mean, that one is wrong than the other.
I read into Hinduism which is polytheism.. worshipping of idols which basically Christianity has fallen into as they have made idols of Jesus and worship that idol…
But in Hinduism, in their scripture(main) on the first page it starts “In the beginning, there was only one, the rest came after. And the one who was in beginning, it’s not certain if He existed before the beginning or not, but since the beginning He has been there”…
Same question, if a tree falls but there is no one there to hear it fall, then how would we know it fell. But doesn’t mean that the tree didn’t fall.
If I exist, but no one has seen me then what’s the proof of my existence. But it doesn’t mean that I didn’t exist.. just that there is no one to witness it.
All Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that “The God” the Creator, created everything.
Jews believe in the God of Abraham, Christians believe in that same God of Abraham and so do Muslims.
We have divided ourselves but we do not see that we all worship the same God.
Just because someone is white, and someone is brown and someone is black doesn’t mean they are not humans. They are still humans, just different ethnicities…
Question that arises is… why 3 religions?! Why can’t be just one?! And for that… we actually have to read the scripture and history.. I’ll explain in next…
Correct, I've been searching any answer to my question, but nobody seems to have questioned/answered it on the internet.
So, the thora came first. The people who follow it are called Jews. Correct?
And then Christians follow the word of Christ, who was a Jew and states the Thora in his own understanding, then Mohammed came and did the same.
So my question is: Can we, by this knowledge, refer to all Christians and Muslims as Jews? And why would this be insulting to those people if they all, in essence, are defending their believe on the same scripture?
Christianity has one god.
@@kaanjel you have placed a very good answer question at the end and some people will not like the answer but only if they wish to, they might.
You have me confused by saying “Thora”… it’s “Torah”.
And technically, although they may be by the same author(God) but the message in it goes further in details.
Example, there is a mention of a creation “Gog and Magog”… which you will find in Torah, but will not find in Bible, but you will find it again in Quran with more further details.
So each book, contains same stories but with extra detail that was not there in prior books to authenticate the books that they are not just simple copy pastes.
I have a personal story to explain this, but that will take long and only if you are interested, I will explain… but it is same as the answer I had given on the original video regarding a kid.
If you have read the scripture, or know about Jewish history from time of Moses(not prior to that), you will learn that the Jewish people(children of Israel) for a while kept falling into to disbelief. Some Jews will disagree but let me explain:
When Moses was trying to get them away from Pharaoh, and the pharaoh wasn’t letting them go, the children of Israel witnessed the 7 plagues of Egypt which harmed everyone else besides them. So that should have been a sign.
Then, when Moses took them to the sea, and Pharaoh’s army was approaching, they said to Moses(p.b.u.h) : “have you brought us to our death?! We would have been better if we had stayed in Egypt. Now the Pharaoh will surly kill us!!”… they had witnessed the plagues, followed Moses(p.b.u.h) for what if they didn’t have firm faith. Maybe just to get out slaver, I don’t know.
But then Moses(p.b.u.h) split the sea, and they walked through and Pharaoh’s army was drowned. The Children of Israel, saw yet another miracle of the splitting of the sea. So belief should have been firm. But then when Moses(p.b.u.h) went up to the mountain to see the commandments but took longer, what did they do behind him while he was gone?! They build a “idol of Calf” to worship it.
Now if someone saw those miracles, that should have been enough but no. They constantly went into disbelief.
There are stories in the Quran which should be in Torah/Old Testament as well. They used to get food sent from heaven, but then they said to Moses to get food which is grown from earth.
Then when they were told to not eat fish while on a certain day, sabbath they found plenty fish on that day, so they would make small channels and used sticks to derive the fish into those holes other end of the channel to gather them so they can fetch them to eat after that day.
They are the only ones that God reveal Himself to, because they wanted to see God, but it was barely, not even a glimpse of it, and they all passed out/died but God brought them back to life.
So they are like an elder child, brats, who just push their way. The reason that they are chosen was because they were the first that God didn’t want to punish a nation, but let it be.
We read history, before him, many nations were parishes for there disbelief and oppressions/sins.
The great flood is also in Hinduism. Noah, entire mankind and creation completely wiped down except a few.
But the Jews finally accepted the fact that “1 God”, they held to the belief but they were not kind to other humans. Look what they did to Jesus(p.b.u.h) and they have a history of doing it to other prophets as well.
Note: if Jesus was indeed righteous, then when Jews crucified him, why did God not punish them, answer, like always, God forgave them for an appointed time.
Note: is Jews are God’s chosen people that Christians so loudly preach as well, why don’t they become Jews.
Note: Muslims believe that God did favors on them, forgave them even when they disbelief. As long as they didn’t not cause corruption in the land to other humans. So in a way chosen because, he favored them over other nations of that period.
They have a history of being beaten by nations and displaced whenever God wanted to punish them, or test them.
That’s when Jesus(p.b.u.h) came in. What was his message?! And I joke about it but in a good positive way. jesus(p.b.u.h) was a hippie(not pot head)… but his message was love everyone, mankind. Be kind, etc. but they lost track of oneness of God(for most cases).
I know some Christian believe in oneness but that’s quite a few comparatively.
Also, you have to understand that Bible is not the world of Christ but what God had reveal to him through arc Angel Gabriel.
Besides Moses, every other prophet got revelations through arc Angel Gabriel. When the 2 angels came to Lot, and many incidents.
If you read Bible Jesus will say “My Lord, our father(this …that)”.
Even the Quran, is not a word of Muhammad(p.b.u.h) but word of God, that’s why at some places, it actually speaks directly to Muhammad(p.b.u.h) as well.
And as for your question: Muslims believe, that all prophets were technically Muslims both Moses, and Jesus were seen prostrating infront of God with head on ground like Muslims do.
But because, people before Islam, were not ready for this strict(in a way, not really) 5times prayer, 30day fasting, along with other things… people would not have followed.
You know, when you want to teach someone something, you just don’t start with everything. You teach them step by step. And when they graduate from one step, you take them to the next, and to the next till finally, you can let them go on their own.
But I believe, we are all humans. Just like going to a different city, you can take multiple routes. One longer, one shorter, the idea is to get to the destination, as safe and sound as possible.
@@barabaapu564 You are very smart👏🏽
Muslims you have to understand. Jesus was before he came and born in body on earth.
What do you mean by Muhammad said? Quran is the words of Allah
Bruhh it's for you just imagine if on the day of judgment allah says I didn't send Muhammad(pbuh) and quaran it's not my book the fact is prophet Muhammad(pbuh) claimed to be prophet and we don't know that he was actually a prophet because of his. Action marrying 9 years old and killing banu quaraiza community for attacking him, i didn't mean to be disrespect him actually his character is confusing so if you want to understand his character go study sahih al Bukhari(an authentic hadid)
Sirat Al rassolallah(biography of Muhammad)
These books are authentic you can study his character by yourself don't believe on what you see on internet ❤❤
Fr it was allah idea allah made islam muhammad revealed it the quran was allah's words and muhammad wrote the quran with the help of angel Gabriel and adam and eve were muslims bud did not reveal it your smart
The Hebrew Bible is 72% of the Entire Holy Scriptures 1%Aramaic & the rest is NT Greek quotes OT a bunch of times so in reality NT is only 22% of the entire Holy Scriptures. Ancient Hebrew pictographs is the first Alpha-Bet created were all other languages Alpha-Bets stem from. The Hebrew Bible was written by Hebrew Israelites for Hebrew Israelites Abraham, Isaac & Jacob just like the Prophets & our Savior & apostles & disciples faith/belief was & anyone can joined that Exodus 12:49; Numbers 15:15-16; IsaiYah 56:6 is Romans 11:23-25 Israel. Did you know that the OT & NT covenants are with the same group of people Israel Jeremiah 31:31-34. The only reason our Savior came the first time was for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24;10:6;2:6) who does the promises belong to?Romans 9:4 read verses 1-6 for context. The Church was started in the Wilderness according to Acts 7:37-38 is Israel. The New Jerusalem is Israel Revelation 21:12 12 Gates with 12 Angels with the names of the 12 tribes of the house of Israel...HALLELU-YAH
@@ayanokoji695 because Mohammad and his scribes wrote it.
The origin of Islam, Juadism and Chistianity is the same. He is Ibrahim (Abraham), the original father of all these 3 religions. He had two sons, Ismail and Israel. Islam oiriginates from Ismael and Judaism and Christianity are originated from Israel. In 2 sentences this is jist of origin. That is why we find lots of similarities in rituals of all these 3 religions.
"Muhammad SAW says?" is a wrong statement,
It's supposed to be, "Allah says"
Yh, a bit concerning
A lot of christians think that the Quran is prophet Muhammad's (SAW) word, but that's not true, the Hadith are the words and the sayings of him, but the Quran is the revelation he received by god.
The Quraan is words of Allah ❤ . What a propaganda 😢
Wow! The simple and ultimate difference.
Mohammed does not "say" in the Quran .
It is the word of god..
Jesus actually in the current new testament repeatedly said he is not God
Yeah that guy is talking rubbish. No knowledge to talk about islam. He thought Quran was like the bible which was written by men but even worse because the men who wrote the bible are anonymous. Lol
I'm not a muslim but i know one thing about Quran and that is that it's not the words of Muhammad or any other human, it's claimed to be the words of god not Muhammad or anyobe else!
Gives reference of Bible which is changed hundreds of times over centuries
Mohammad is mentioned by name in the Torah and the Bible. Look it up. Open your hearts. For your own sake and the sake of the almighty. Listen to Jesus, Moses, and Mohammad. (Peace be upon them)
This isn’t opinion
Hazrat Isa(Jesus)is a human being but he came to give the message of God to people and then he will come back to this world again in the near resurrection.
so they basically found sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in America......i said this because , me as a Hindu believe that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a form of Krishna , and Krishna is god !
Mohammad Didn't say anything in the Quran... Almighty Gad says Jesus is the Messenger of god and not the son of God in Quran.
I am not anything but a Child of God. The Almighty himself the Architect of the Universe and the Creator 🙏
The main difference between islam and Christianity is not mainly focused on Prophet Jesus(Isa) peace be upon him.
Christians and Muslims both believe there was a man Named Jesus(Isa) born to a virgin mother Mary(maryam) who received revelations from God to command his people to worship. We also both believe in the accession of Jesus. Now in Islam The number one meaning and definition of being a Muslim or following Islam is to Believe in the oneness of Allah, never ever associate partners with him. Allah rules alone, when the everything allah created gets turned to dust only allah will be the last one standing he is the king. In islam like other religions we have prophets. Our holy prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was the last and final prophet of mankind. We are all under his teachings or anyone born after him. The people who lived before him had others prophets they were under. In conclusion although we have prophets sent by god as warners and messangers we do not worship them we worship allah alone. In islam when you think of it you think of allah, in Christianity when you think of it you think of a man
Yes as im muslim we believe in jesus as a prophet but if he did a miracle that doesn’t mean he is god, that means he was blessed by god same as moses same as Muhammad, so in bible John 5:30, where Jesus says:
“By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.”
Literally seeking jesus finding true god not anyone on the earth nor jesus and moses and other prophets including Muhammad so simply we need to open mind my brother we dont want to make it complicate..❤ and ( trinity ) this word is not in the bible so thank you, im not preaching literally that’s from Paul
Please pray for my friend. He is very sick.
Quran is the word of Allah not the word of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Quran is not a word of Muhammad SAW is the word of god
Correction, In the quran, God says Jesus is not God!!!!
Philippians 2:5-6
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
Because everyone knows eye witnesses are the most accurate form of testimony especially thousands of years ago
Muhammad didnt say in quran....your full conception about quran is wrong..God said this.
The Quran isn’t Mohammed (pbuh) saying it God the almighty 🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾
Who wrote the New Testament? And why the book of god changed by the church.
I'm Turkish and agnostic. But my grandmother and father were muslims. So was my mom but I don't think religion was important to her.
In my grandmother's town there were no chuches so when she visited Istanbul, she was very insistent on going to a church. She prayed there for close to half an hour and told my father Jesus was our prophet, too. She always believed a good Muslim should emulate the prophets and try to be like them. It was common practice to name muslim children Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses) in Turkiye. Americans should try to understand CIA's role in radicalizing Islam.
Islam, in essence, teaches that all beings, including humans, have limited understanding and awareness. They seek guidance from their Creator, asking 17 times a day to be shown the straight path. It embraces belief in Moses, Jesus, and all prophets, and its greatest distinction is that it is entirely free from priestly intermediaries.
Imagine a picture of a human. That picture is revealing the human but isnt inherently the human himself.
I think what Christians think about Jesus is that he is similar to taking a picture of God. He is revealing him (in a way) but isnt exactly him.
I am Christian and I believe that Jesus is the only way and only god but I still respect all religions!!!
Jesus Christ is Lord and God
And basically as a man i dont believe God is a man..
Psalms 55:1-3 NIV
[1] Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea; [2] hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught [3] because of what my enemy is saying, because of the threats of the wicked; for they bring down suffering on me and assail me in their anger.
Buddhist believe jesus was a buddhist yogi who died in. Kashmir
The comments proved that Muslims are just as lost as Christians.. 😂
The world is so doomed 😂
Even in the bible jesus is a messenger
There truly creditable people in the world, the issue it takes a level of competency to recognize those people. He's one of them but you can't even only listen to him for perspectives. I was blessed to be born protestant Christian so I knew what my mom believed I was also encouraged to learn and find that I needed to be the best me.... a jew or Muslim can live a good life in a Christian country. I can't live a good life in an Islamic country. I don't hate Islamic people but...... I refuse to live and accept your world. I have a mother and a daughter and nieces. I understand the ideal, I also understands humans and too much power is corrupting. God bless us all, I hope we can figure out how to live together ❤
Dear friend New testament was written by christian missionaries
The Quran is the pure word of God. If you read it, you will find that the words are directed to the Prophet Muhammad. We have another thing called the Hadith, which contains the words and life of the Prophet Muhammad.
Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet according to Bible
Matthew 13:57
"But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not dishonored except in his own country and in his own house."
Here we describe ourselves as a prophet.
Luke 24:19
"He said to them: What words? They said to him: The words of Jesus of Nazareth, who was a mighty prophet in deed and word before God and all men."
This verse makes it clear that Jesus was known as a great prophet
John 4:19
"The woman said to him: O sir! I see that you are a prophet."
Here a woman recognizes Jesus as a prophet
There is not a single ambiguous statement that Jesus said “ I am God”
Revelation 1:8
John 8:58
João 14:6
João 10:30, João 8:58, João 1:14,Tito 2:13, Apocalipse 19:10
who were those "eye witness" and please would you qoute the chapter from new testament!
Koran was written 600 years later therefore, in the Koran Mohammed said Jesus is not God .
Jesus is prophet not god
Jesus was Messiah ,Messenger ,not God ...😊