I've noticed that most teppanyaki chefs try to use every bit of food, but the chef in the second video is one of the all time best. I don't think a single grain of rice was lost. Is that some sort of cultural thing when times were much harsher and food was scarce?
I like this way of cooking, I also try once in a while
Exciting food, i like seeing you cook it, like your channel
I've noticed that most teppanyaki chefs try to use every bit of food, but the chef in the second video is one of the all time best. I don't think a single grain of rice was lost. Is that some sort of cultural thing when times were much harsher and food was scarce?
I think it's just the general attitude. Wasting food is not good, it's disrespectful towards the people who work hard to grow and maintain the food.
I am jonesing so hard for some teppanyaki now
Osaka fried rice game strong.
Hella lot of work for two mouthfuls of rice🤦🏼♂️
I think it's your longest video so far? 🤔
Get the Japanese sauce an mix it to anything with garlic teriyaki sauce, an lots of fat , u got unselfish Japanese food.
When my son was a toddler he ate more than this!!!!!
.c'est mal filmé, que des gros plans ,en fin de compte on ne voit rien