I am a new Christian since September and I have been wondering how I am going to share the gospel with other people since i am still struggling with social anxiety and can barely leave my house most days.. on top of that I have experienced years of verbal abuse from my husband and those words and memories still haunt me today..I keep praying the Lord will make me unafraid of people emotionally or physically!! Lord give me your strength and courage and teach me how to be an effective witness for you!!
Hi Sara, hope you're doing well, courage will come to you in its own time, it did for me, look after yourself, eat and sleep well, exercise (that's what helped my confidence anyway, I'm against antidepressants that they are so willing to pass over, going for a walk is just the best escape , and just having time for yourself, do what you want and what you like !)
I feel the exact same way about this. All I can do is pray to Jesus that I overcome this feeling. I know that He will help me. But it’s still a very hard thing to do
Show the world the fruits of the spirt Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control. Your behavior is the best witness you can have family friend's coworkers whatever will see your change and then God will use you for his kingdom. This is such a hard verse to live by but one we should all strive for I swear this world was designed to cripple us. 2 Timothy 1:7-8 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. Fear and anxiety are not of God.
How crazy is this brother? I am from Argentina. I've been sharing my faith recently and for the first time I've been heavily mocked for the past 3 days, from people that I know which makes it worse.. Last night I couldn't sleep and been constantly thinking about this.. These days have been very though for me and this video came in the perfect moment. Thank God and you Daniel.
I have struggled with bullies my entire life, most authority figures and also working in customer service. As an only child, I had to take the abuse and was never taught how to defend myself without being “rude”. Thank you so much for this video!
As a Muslim i respect you because in my religion our prophet MUHAMMAD peace be upon him teachs us the one who teaches somethings you....u have to respect them...and he is most beloved to ALLAH Almighty even every angle and every living and even every fish in the ocean and even Allah also sends blessings to that man😊
Very wise words brother Daniel, I had a debate with a lost sister this week, I was so gentle with her and she was so rude and she kept mocking God, I listened to what God said to me and I understood that her anger came from her feeling convicted by the message I shared. I ended the debate even though she went on and on. I prayed for her and still do. ❤
I wish you posted this earlier :( I have bad relationship with my parents and as I was staying over with my own family at their house last week they just provoked me and started fights to say this and that about me , mocked my faith and said horrible things about the Bible. Oh how much this troubles my heart, I’m not even angry or hold any grudges, no, I’m just so hurt that my relationship with my own parents is like that… they don’t know me as a person, they just have this image of who they think I am and when I tried to explain myself when we had the arguments they just kept interrupting me and wouldn’t stop talking badly … I tried my best to resolve this conflict but had no success.. normally I’d leave this behind but these are my parents … I know I was lead by the Spirit this whole time , so I truly don’t know what did I do wrong.. I’ve been praying about this but I’d still like to hear opinions from my brothers and sisters in Christ on what should I do.. I feel really hurt because of us having such relationship and just to add, it’s always been like this with my parents, my whole life. I just always hope for the best but it only gets worse with them
Luckily both my parents raised me as a follower of Christ, but I feel the only way I can relate is that when I’m on my own on the other side of the country, I look to the father as he is our true father, our parents are nothing more than people he placed in our life to lead us to him. No hate on our parents at all I love them unconditionally, but I hope you know what I’m trying to say, I find comfort and peace in the true father❤️
My friend, you keep praying continuously for your parents and hopefully God will touch their lives and open their eyes. Keep honoring and loving your parents, just remember, you can love them from a distance, it will save you the confrontational mocking of our Lord Jesus Christ and yourself. God be with you and Bless you and yours my friend. 🕊️✝️🙏
I recently went no contact with all my family. Like yourself I was the scapegoat & all their projections . It never got better no matter how much I did for them. I wasted so many years of time effort, resources trying to please them but it was never enough. It makes no sense to treat your own kid so badly with harsh words unfounded accusations & plain disrespect, even when you have given nothing but the opposite back. That's why it's hard for your own self to believe & of course they will have others believing their bs too. I stayed so long because I'm an only child & your supposed to honour your mother and father. I think in our cases we have to honour them from a distance, was they will drain you to a point that even your relationship with God will suffer. Go make your own family, ❤
Remember, if your parents are not for Jesus Christ, then they are vulnerable to the Devil, to Satan, to Lucifer. Remember, he is a master manipulator and the ultimate deceiver. He is, “The Father of all lies.” If they have been this way all your life, not of faith, not having Christ in their life… then they ARE susceptible to Lucifer and the other Fallen Ones, Demons. Even I of powerful faith have had many many trials since I was Saved by Jesus 18 months ago. I was raised Presbyterian, but for 23 years I have been a witch, a Buddhist, and even a Taoist. The Devil will pull out all stops to turn a Christian back to evil. He will make you believe you’re expendable, you don’t matter. The devil wants you to believe this because then you will be indifferent, you will give up trying to be pure and good. Remember, Lucifer fought against God, in Heaven, with 10,000 Angels! They were all cast down to Earth for thousands and thousands of years. Now we call those fallen ones, Demons. They can Influence your parents to feel pure contempt toward you, they can possess your parents when they are in extreme anger, and they can even just inhabit your parents’ home and wait for your return. Lucifer already has them right where he wants them as unbelievers for most of their lives. He wants YOU. You piss him off. When he loses a Soul to Christ, he flips out like a psycho older brother or uncle that always smokes too much weed and gets drunk at every party. Lucifer HATES to lose. I know, I was not a Wiccan. I was a Witch. I served him directly. He is quite powerful, but nothing compared to Jesus Christ. Because your faith in Christ makes the lesser Demons Flee. Lucifer, on the other hand, “Roams the Earth like a roaring Lion looking for souls to devour.” …”like a hungry wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Lucifer unlike those other Demons, will NOT back down. Like his besties Azreal and Ba’el, Extremely powerful fallen ones. They won’t back away from Christ. They don’t give a shit about God’s wrath. They despise, loathe, and HATE everything that God stands for. They hate this world and ALL humans. They blame humans for God’s love shifting more to them than the angels. That is WHO’s attention YOU have gained. They want as many souls to take down to Hell with them as possible because they know that’s where they’re going and they want to prove Jehovah to be Fallible.
I once was a people pleaser. It was fear. I was trying to fit in and I had a need for people to like me. The thing I found was some people were taking advantage and using me. I felt I couldn't say NO. I am not like that now. If I choose not to do something, then I say NO and not feel bad about it.
For the first half of my life, I was surrounded by people trying to make me constantly look down and feel weak even though I never felt weak. Today I won't tolerate it, try to rise up against me unjustly and you'll get crushed. Don't even think about it. Praise be to God
Starting a new job today and having anxiety due to things I’ve gone through I deal with this a lot in work environments. so many different people in factories and no matter how nice and respectful you are or how much you stay to yourself some ppl do not care and may not like you and will make it hard and I was never taught how to stand up for myself my mom always used to say to ignore everything but that doesn’t always work some people will keep pushing and pushing your buttons or bullying indirectly it’s so hard to just ignore
Thank you so much! It’s so encouraging and powerful. It open mind and really helpful for me to face the people that’s trying to control me with their own wrong thoughts, with my side that doesn’t really have any idea what should be my principles in this part. I believe God is always talking to us in many ways, and today God answers my prayer about my struggles through your video. May God bless you!
I’m glad that you posted this video, especially the part where you explained the meaning of “turn the other cheek.” I think that is one of the most misinterpreted by people if not THE most misinterpreted.
Thank you for sharing this. I know this channel is for men...but woman really can learn alot here. I have struggled with standing up for myself my whole life...something happened last night and I prayed and asked God is it even ok for me to stand up for myself because usually when I do I get even more blasted by the people I try to tell how what they did made me feel...I asked must I just roll over and allow people to continue have their way...am I even allowed to have a say...then I find this on my feed. Thank you. Blessings, from South Africa 🇿🇦 🙏
@@DLMMensLifestyle Should I call the police, have them arrested and lock up these cowardly lazy bullies who are so miserable and super jealous of me being the top worker and that I own a condo too Been working for 40 years as a top worker. I will never let bullies ever win. I'm 56 now and they are trying to destroy my reputation with defamation of character at work. Saying I go harassing women, I'm a stalker and that I drink, I'm crazy, insecure, unstable. All 100% pure bs.I don't even drink and never stalked anyone in my life and my manager is 100% on my side too. I've never been suspended. But these bullies gaslight me, using flying monkeys and kind of gang stalking me at my condo with the same rumors. These bullies have been doing this to me for the last 16 years. This started 2 years before getting my condo for the past 16 years. I'm being targeted over and over trying to make me quit or make lots end up hating me for my professional reputation with very fake bad rumors. I will never quit to let these low life cowards ever win. But they will never get fired by these 2 bullies who also never work. I would need solid proof to get them arrested. No one wants to investigate. Maybe I should hire an investigator myself. lol or get them to do a lie detector test. lol My manager wants to do nothing because he's too afraid that the bullies could end up perhaps destroying his reputation.. Now that is a huge red flag. Making people scared of me in my condo and to hate me thinking that they will kick me out. I'm very respectful and have owned my condo for 14 years now. Bullies at work are so jealous. I just ignore it at work and in my condo too and try not to defend myself or react while they are trying to provoke me or should I do something about it since it will never stop, by trying to destroy me? This is criminal.
Yes DLM I totally agree that verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. I think verbal abuse hurts & does emotional & mental damage that lasts the reciever's whole lifetime. I know this may not be 100% easy but,as Christians need to treat others the way they themselves would like to be treated.
Daniel @DLM I am sorry for challenging you about Paul and saying negative things about your ministry. I am very happy you’re coming to America 😍. As you know or probably remember about me, I was a Buddhist and a Witch before that, for 2 decades. I was raised Presbyterian for 6 years, church every Wednesday night and Sunday for my childhood. I have only been Saved for 18 months now, but my Faith, daily scripture readings, daily positive affirmations(w/ God’s help), and daily prayers have all grown much more powerful. The biggest hurdle is that I was so close in relationship to Lucifer and a few of His friends, He will stop at nothing to defeat me and make me break my faith. I posted a lot about how You and DTBM John Barnett, you are my favorite ministers on YT. Just 2 weeks later, I found myself turning on you and every Christian around me about Apostle Paul. Even though I still do not like or trust Paul or Luke, I serve Christ and should promote Christ as I see fit. From John, Matthew, James, Jude, and Revelations. I should promote Jehovah from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Daniel, Haggai, and I am sure I am forgetting some other ones! 😆 Anyway, sorry for publicly being a dick to you and… the Devil will stop at nothing to tempt me to come back to him and walk away from Jehovah and Christ and the Spirit. I have NEVER in my life, had more difficulties and sufferings than AFTER being Saved. This is NOT Jesus Christ testing me. I know when I am being tested because I can feel Christ near me. It’s when I Sin and when I turn away from our Lord. Even for just a minute, Lucifer is ALWAYS there… waiting for me to come with him. He Wants ME and YOU and John Barnett to Sin and Sin some more. To become corrupted, against Jesus or simply indifferent and of no faith. The struggle is real and daily. I love you Daniel. In a non-gay way. 😂 welcome to America 😄
Hey 👋 thanks for your encouraging and inspiring videos.l have a question l have been trying much in my studies despite of hardwork and commitment but I always not not my target l also do pray for my studies but my results always disappoints this makes me to be angry and not to pray please 🙏 advise me what can do to solve this problem 😢
I paid for someone to do a job for me and she didn't it properly and her unprofessional task failed the whole project. I paid for someone to ruin my project and she didn't take any responsibility. Should I drop the case or collect all of the evidence and to bring to the court?
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo qui tombe à point. Je dois confronter mon employeur demain, car il m’a laissé travailler dans un local sans ventilation (je l’ignorais) et sans fenêtre jusqu’à affecter ma santé. Je vais demander l’aide de l’Esprit pour parler avec courage et garder mon sang froid.
That is me am always kind to others that I never stand up for myself. I was in foster care my whole life and abused in every way you can think of I seen more by the time I was 5 then most people have their whole life and then after 14.5 years of marriage my ex told me she chetted on me with over 20+ guys over the whole marriage and she belittled me and talked to me in away that I felt like that foster kid all over again that I became a yes mama. I need to learn how to stand up for myself in a way that God wants me to and how the Bible says to
Very good that he explains the bible verse like what is meant by resist the devil, turn the other cheek. Most church pastors and teachers just simply quote the verses without explaining, like that even i also know how to preach by just quoting verses. Without clear understanding, we don't grow and will make mistakes when we misinterpret bible verses literally! I used to be kind, without understanding and was therefore taken advantage of, being bullied. Now i nolonger bother to walk in godly ways! No point being kind, patient at all just bec i wanted to live a godly life unto the Lord.
You know the backstory with your sister, I don't, but she may have had a valid reason, or something difficult was going on she doesn't want to share. If it is possible to have a civil conversation with her, you might tell her you were disappointed and ask her to help you understand what happened. If you have a good relationship doing that might clear things up quickly for you. In any case, this does not seem (on the surface) to be a case of "bullying," but she definitely disappointed you. Forgive her, this is what Jesus instructs us to do, and don't miss the fact that this is a wonderful opportunity to teach your 4-year old how to forgive others, and how to try 🎉to have understanding and patience when people fail us. When she realizes that this will sometimes happen in life and that she has tools to handle it, she will not expect the world to revolve around her, and she will be a happier child and a more resilient, loving adult. I absolutely hope that this is not what you are facing, but, IF your relationship with your sister is an abusive one, and if speaking with her could cause a row or be dangerous in any way, get help (if necessary) to process your feelings with the ultimate goal that you are willing to forgive. Carrying bitterness and resentment around in your heart will be detrimental to your walk with the Lord, your peace, potentially your health, and potentially other relationships. The Lord loves you and has good things for you but to receive them you must have open hands, not clenched fists. So, yes, you still need to forgive. However, you do not have to be in an unsafe situation to prove that you are a good Christian; remember, Satan tried to tempt Jesus to throw Himself from the pinnacle of the temple. He didn't do it, neither should you. As you go through the process of learning to forgive an abusive person, learn to set holy, healthy boundaries that will protect you and your child from any further abuse, and stick with those boundaries no matter what. I hope this is helpful for you. May God's peace, that passes all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge of His love for you.
🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 love this, thank you! I’m in the process of making a war/prayer binder, this will be going in there. This is where I fail badly, this is where I don’t like to leave my house because I can’t deal with ppl these days, like I loose it. So I’m gonna try it a different way. I’m gonna try it this way. I’m one of those ppl that gets bullied, even by adults. Thank you! I love your videos and how you explain things! Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏼🫶🏼
Thanks Daniel. This is just what I need. Encouragement because I get sad all the time when I can't share the gospel of Jesus Christ. TH-cam algorithms really work...all glory to God...
It is so hard to not to anger for the beast like or snake like behaviors of those evil ones. When I scream to them, I can quickly realize that I have lost the spiritual war. Please pray for me! Too many troubles stirred up by the evil ones that I lose my temper!
May God bless all who has prayed for me! Today, I have changed into a peaceful and joy person from yesterday's anger and anxiety. Thanks again in Jesus!
I feel awful for children who grow/grew up with heavily physical, verbal, and psychological abusive parents. Ones who were never taught how to love, only hate.
let me make this clear to EVERYONE. if the person being rude to you or crossing your boundary is a narcissist (covert, overt, etc)..... do NOT confront them. Instead just go NO CONTACT. Trust me and thank me later. These people are sick and twisted and will make up lies about you, smear campaign, mess with your kids and more. Do not confront everyone. Just walk away and do not engage with them ever again.
Should I call the police, have them arrested and lock up these cowardly lazy bullies who are so miserable and super jealous of me being the top worker and that I own a condo too Been working for 40 years as a top worker. I will never let bullies ever win. I'm 56 now and they are trying to destroy my reputation with defamation of character at work. Saying I go harassing women, I'm a stalker and that I drink, I'm crazy, insecure, unstable. All 100% pure bs.I don't even drink and never stalked anyone in my life and my manager is 100% on my side too. I've never been suspended. But these bullies gaslight me, using flying monkeys and kind of gang stalking me at my condo with the same rumors. These bullies have been doing this to me for the last 16 years. This started 2 years before getting my condo for the past 16 years. I'm being targeted over and over trying to make me quit or make lots end up hating me for my professional reputation with very fake bad rumors. I will never quit to let these low life cowards ever win. But they will never get fired by these 2 bullies who also never work. I would need solid proof to get them arrested. No one wants to investigate. Maybe I should hire an investigator myself. lol or get them to do a lie detector test. lol My manager wants to do nothing because he's too afraid that the bullies could end up perhaps destroying his reputation.. Now that is a huge red flag. Making people scared of me in my condo and to hate me thinking that they will kick me out. I'm very respectful and have owned my condo for 14 years now. Bullies at work are so jealous. I just ignore it at work and in my condo too and try not to defend myself or react while they are trying to provoke me or should I do something about it since it will never stop, by trying to destroy me? This is criminal.
This is great advice!👆🏼One of the things I also found very powerful and effective is praying for your enemies. There’s been times where I had to work with rude women. They were rude to me and to others for no reason! I sensed a darkness in them, so I prayed to God to help alleviate them from the darkness within and to give them peace and happiness. The next day they were a completely different person! This is real, powerful, effective stuff! Praise be to God❤️
I thank GOD for your video. He knows when you really need to hear things. I have had a lot of trauma, and still battle with things. This being one of them. Standing up for myself. But doing it with the Holy Spirit. Not letting my emotions overcome my mouth. I am in constant attack in my home so there are times I have to withdrawal and leave it to Jesus. There is only so much I can take and Jesus knows that. It is very hard when your dealing with family members. Any GODLY advice it great help. Thank youu
What must I do,, I'm constantly being picked on talk like I'm rubbish by my sister son I don't matter and I don't have anything or money to be my own life
Hello friend, I believe it's a sin because it affects your body and your thinking. Remember Your Body is the temple of christ and its to be used to glorify Him. I doubt whether you can feel meek when you are high, do you?... Ephesians 5:18 Amplified Bible (AMP)Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him. Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple. ( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17) May God bless you friend.
Thank you, we all have this in our lives 🙏 in some way: family, friend, neighbors, co-workers... Satan get behind me Be kind, spread love, keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, our way to SALVATION ❤ 🕊 God bless 🙌 🙏
understanding is one thing But annoying is another thing RIGHT AWAY I PRAY TO GOD AND PRAY TO GOD ABOUT EVERYTHING🙏👈even if God already know I still pray to God until I feel better🙏👈
The problem I have is with my only sister in Christ . I don’t have any other woman of God on my life . The problem is she tried to make everyone feel stupid and gives a bad attitude I held it in for too long and now I couldn’t take it and sorta blew things up . We aren’t talking because she didn’t hear me out . I pray for her I’m hurt but she is prideful and talks to people in a rude Manner I pray for her healing and I pray we can reconcile
Daniel When I'm mad I stay quiet, so people think I'm weak at school when they see someone disrespect me scream at me or even slap me I do nothing back or scream back it feels like I'm the rubbish of the world and I know girls want tough guy that people respect and I can't be that man I try to be myself and people just act so tuff and get mad when I do a mistake man I'm just Gonnna forget about being myself if this is what it's like. But I don't want to pretend being something I'm not I don't really got anyone I can really call my friends to they just benefited off me never hit me up or invite me over it's always me my parents sometimes have mocked me for trying to speak of Jesus saying I don't know any better than anyone and that they went through my phase as well when in fact I didn't boast but was trying to speak of the bible. Anyways it feels nice spreading my pain but you have a good one man ty for this video.
If you could look into the private lives of all those you would like to punish, you would find in each, enough suffering, that you would not want to wish anything more on them. ❤
Saying to someone "Let's talk like adults" is not loving. With saying this you act like you are supperiour and take the other one down, saying he's like a child. That will bring more anger. Unnecessary to say it like this. :)
No matter how nice you can be These world know nothing what nice or kind is all about That is why I love love talking about God only to forget the whole evil things It can be family👈aquiantance👈neighbors👈 it happened all the time GOD I LOVE TALKING WITH HIM EVERYTHING BECOMES PERFECT🙏👈
I am a new Christian since September and I have been wondering how I am going to share the gospel with other people since i am still struggling with social anxiety and can barely leave my house most days.. on top of that I have experienced years of verbal abuse from my husband and those words and memories still haunt me today..I keep praying the Lord will make me unafraid of people emotionally or physically!! Lord give me your strength and courage and teach me how to be an effective witness for you!!
Hi Sara, hope you're doing well, courage will come to you in its own time, it did for me, look after yourself, eat and sleep well, exercise (that's what helped my confidence anyway, I'm against antidepressants that they are so willing to pass over, going for a walk is just the best escape , and just having time for yourself, do what you want and what you like !)
And god bless of course!!!
I feel the exact same way about this. All I can do is pray to Jesus that I overcome this feeling. I know that He will help me. But it’s still a very hard thing to do
Show the world the fruits of the spirt Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control. Your behavior is the best witness you can have family friend's coworkers whatever will see your change and then God will use you for his kingdom.
This is such a hard verse to live by but one we should all strive for I swear this world was designed to cripple us.
2 Timothy 1:7-8 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.
Fear and anxiety are not of God.
Phil 4: 6-7
Mark 13: 11
Matt 10: 19
How crazy is this brother? I am from Argentina. I've been sharing my faith recently and for the first time I've been heavily mocked for the past 3 days, from people that I know which makes it worse.. Last night I couldn't sleep and been constantly thinking about this.. These days have been very though for me and this video came in the perfect moment. Thank God and you Daniel.
Matt 10: 22
Prov 9: 7-17
As spiritual warfare reaches a fever pitch, we who are one/ won, in Christ have a large target on our back.
Praise be to God
I have struggled with bullies my entire life, most authority figures and also working in customer service. As an only child, I had to take the abuse and was never taught how to defend myself without being “rude”. Thank you so much for this video!
As a Muslim i respect you because in my religion our prophet MUHAMMAD peace be upon him teachs us the one who teaches somethings you....u have to respect them...and he is most beloved to ALLAH Almighty even every angle and every living and even every fish in the ocean and even Allah also sends blessings to that man😊
Very wise words brother Daniel, I had a debate with a lost sister this week, I was so gentle with her and she was so rude and she kept mocking God, I listened to what God said to me and I understood that her anger came from her feeling convicted by the message I shared. I ended the debate even though she went on and on. I prayed for her and still do. ❤
I think and know and pray for all to live in this way. This will take hard work for most of us, but try each day. ❤
I agree with you, we need to see the situation with different eyes, as you said what is behind their speaking and acting
I wish you posted this earlier :( I have bad relationship with my parents and as I was staying over with my own family at their house last week they just provoked me and started fights to say this and that about me , mocked my faith and said horrible things about the Bible. Oh how much this troubles my heart, I’m not even angry or hold any grudges, no, I’m just so hurt that my relationship with my own parents is like that… they don’t know me as a person, they just have this image of who they think I am and when I tried to explain myself when we had the arguments they just kept interrupting me and wouldn’t stop talking badly … I tried my best to resolve this conflict but had no success.. normally I’d leave this behind but these are my parents … I know I was lead by the Spirit this whole time , so I truly don’t know what did I do wrong.. I’ve been praying about this but I’d still like to hear opinions from my brothers and sisters in Christ on what should I do.. I feel really hurt because of us having such relationship and just to add, it’s always been like this with my parents, my whole life. I just always hope for the best but it only gets worse with them
Luckily both my parents raised me as a follower of Christ, but I feel the only way I can relate is that when I’m on my own on the other side of the country, I look to the father as he is our true father, our parents are nothing more than people he placed in our life to lead us to him. No hate on our parents at all I love them unconditionally, but I hope you know what I’m trying to say, I find comfort and peace in the true father❤️
My friend, you keep praying continuously for your parents and hopefully God will touch their lives and open their eyes. Keep honoring and loving your parents, just remember, you can love them from a distance, it will save you the confrontational mocking of our Lord Jesus Christ and yourself. God be with you and Bless you and yours my friend. 🕊️✝️🙏
I recently went no contact with all my family.
Like yourself I was the scapegoat & all their projections . It never got better no matter how much I did for them.
I wasted so many years of time effort, resources trying to please them but it was never enough.
It makes no sense to treat your own kid so badly with harsh words unfounded accusations & plain disrespect, even when you have given nothing but the opposite back. That's why it's hard for your own self to believe & of course they will have others believing their bs too. I stayed so long because I'm an only child & your supposed to honour your mother and father.
I think in our cases we have to honour them from a distance, was they will drain you to a point that even your relationship with God will suffer.
Go make your own family, ❤
Just breathe Give it to the LORD ❤he will guide you and your family just pray and keep the faith brother 🙏❤️🙏
Remember, if your parents are not for Jesus Christ, then they are vulnerable to the Devil, to Satan, to Lucifer. Remember, he is a master manipulator and the ultimate deceiver. He is, “The Father of all lies.” If they have been this way all your life, not of faith, not having Christ in their life… then they ARE susceptible to Lucifer and the other Fallen Ones, Demons. Even I of powerful faith have had many many trials since I was Saved by Jesus 18 months ago. I was raised Presbyterian, but for 23 years I have been a witch, a Buddhist, and even a Taoist. The Devil will pull out all stops to turn a Christian back to evil. He will make you believe you’re expendable, you don’t matter. The devil wants you to believe this because then you will be indifferent, you will give up trying to be pure and good. Remember, Lucifer fought against God, in Heaven, with 10,000 Angels! They were all cast down to Earth for thousands and thousands of years. Now we call those fallen ones, Demons. They can Influence your parents to feel pure contempt toward you, they can possess your parents when they are in extreme anger, and they can even just inhabit your parents’ home and wait for your return. Lucifer already has them right where he wants them as unbelievers for most of their lives. He wants YOU. You piss him off. When he loses a Soul to Christ, he flips out like a psycho older brother or uncle that always smokes too much weed and gets drunk at every party. Lucifer HATES to lose. I know, I was not a Wiccan. I was a Witch. I served him directly. He is quite powerful, but nothing compared to Jesus Christ. Because your faith in Christ makes the lesser Demons Flee. Lucifer, on the other hand, “Roams the Earth like a roaring Lion looking for souls to devour.” …”like a hungry wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Lucifer unlike those other Demons, will NOT back down. Like his besties Azreal and Ba’el, Extremely powerful fallen ones. They won’t back away from Christ. They don’t give a shit about God’s wrath. They despise, loathe, and HATE everything that God stands for. They hate this world and ALL humans. They blame humans for God’s love shifting more to them than the angels. That is WHO’s attention YOU have gained. They want as many souls to take down to Hell with them as possible because they know that’s where they’re going and they want to prove Jehovah to be Fallible.
Such a great channel! I came first for model tips and advice but landed here learning from a real reborn Christian! Thank you for all the work you do!
My fellow Daniel woke up today and decided to preach FACTS 🔥
As a woman recovering from spousal and religious abuse (EX Jehovah's Witness), this message was balm to my ❤
I once was a people pleaser. It was fear. I was trying to fit in and I had a need for people to like me. The thing I found was some people were taking advantage and using me. I felt I couldn't say NO. I am not like that now. If I choose not to do something, then I say NO and not feel bad about it.
He who the Son makes free is free indeed. ❤
@@Myrrhandroses2497 Yes
For the first half of my life, I was surrounded by people trying to make me constantly look down and feel weak even though I never felt weak.
Today I won't tolerate it, try to rise up against me unjustly and you'll get crushed.
Don't even think about it.
Praise be to God
. For out of the heart the mouth speaks.
Starting a new job today and having anxiety due to things I’ve gone through I deal with this a lot in work environments. so many different people in factories and no matter how nice and respectful you are or how much you stay to yourself some ppl do not care and may not like you and will make it hard and I was never taught how to stand up for myself my mom always used to say to ignore everything but that doesn’t always work some people will keep pushing and pushing your buttons or bullying indirectly it’s so hard to just ignore
Thank you, Daniel. God bless you.
Thank you so much! It’s so encouraging and powerful.
It open mind and really helpful for me to face the people that’s trying to control me with their own wrong thoughts, with my side that doesn’t really have any idea what should be my principles in this part. I believe God is always talking to us in many ways, and today God answers my prayer about my struggles through your video. May God bless you!
I’m glad that you posted this video, especially the part where you explained the meaning of “turn the other cheek.” I think that is one of the most misinterpreted by people if not THE most misinterpreted.
Dankie vir die Bybelstudie dit baie geniet, ek leer so baie uit jou videos.
Thank you for sharing this. I know this channel is for men...but woman really can learn alot here. I have struggled with standing up for myself my whole life...something happened last night and I prayed and asked God is it even ok for me to stand up for myself because usually when I do I get even more blasted by the people I try to tell how what they did made me feel...I asked must I just roll over and allow people to continue have their way...am I even allowed to have a say...then I find this on my feed. Thank you. Blessings, from South Africa 🇿🇦 🙏
Love and prayerful blessings in CHRIST! ✝️🙏❤
Beautiful! God is good!
Pray immediately when i feel something is not right there. Fight the evil immediately, don’t run away, stay back or sit down. Awsome!
This was a very much needed video cause I couldn’t understand how I’m supposed to turn the other cheek for a bully
God bless you, my dear brother!!
Same to you!
@@DLMMensLifestyle Amen! 🙂
@@DLMMensLifestyle Should I call the police, have them arrested and lock up these cowardly lazy bullies who are so miserable and super jealous of me being the top worker and that I own a condo too Been working for 40 years as a top worker. I will never let bullies ever win. I'm 56 now and they are trying to destroy my reputation with defamation of character at work. Saying I go harassing women, I'm a stalker and that I drink, I'm crazy, insecure, unstable. All 100% pure bs.I don't even drink and never stalked anyone in my life and my manager is 100% on my side too. I've never been suspended. But these bullies gaslight me, using flying monkeys and kind of gang stalking me at my condo with the same rumors. These bullies have been doing this to me for the last 16 years.
This started 2 years before getting my condo for the past 16 years. I'm being targeted over and over trying to make me quit or make lots end up hating me for my professional reputation with very fake bad rumors. I will never quit to let these low life cowards ever win. But they will never get fired by these 2 bullies who also never work. I would need solid proof to get them arrested. No one wants to investigate. Maybe I should hire an investigator myself. lol or get them to do a lie detector test. lol My manager wants to do nothing because he's too afraid that the bullies could end up perhaps destroying his reputation.. Now that is a huge red flag. Making people scared of me in my condo and to hate me thinking that they will kick me out. I'm very respectful and have owned my condo for 14 years now. Bullies at work are so jealous. I just ignore it at work and in my condo too and try not to defend myself or react while they are trying to provoke me or should I do something about it since it will never stop, by trying to destroy me? This is criminal.
Thank you brother
I am a Cristian Love this advice and channel ❤❤😊 amen!
Your tongue is the "Rudder" of your ship 🙏🏻😇🇿🇦
God bless you for sharing your wisdom......!😊🙏🕊
Excellent video. Thank you and God bless brother.
To have faith like you...
Yes DLM I totally agree that verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. I think verbal abuse hurts & does emotional & mental damage that lasts the reciever's whole lifetime. I know this may not be 100% easy but,as Christians need to treat others the way they themselves would like to be treated.
Thanks very much for these productive words
Thank you brother for the video and thank you lord amen
Thank you brother... I need to hear this today so I may respond in Christlikeness. Still learning everyday how to navigate on my relationship. ❤
Thanks for the video ❤❤❤may God bless you your words has make a change in my life AMEN ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 😇🙏🙏🙏
Thank you 🙏🏻
Great video, thanks! 🙏🏾
Amen brother
God bless you brother 😇❤️
Thank you, Daniel, for allowing God to use you, Blessings 🕊🤍💛
Amen Brother! I Struggle With Meekness & Zeal! Learning Daily! HalleluJah!
A video def worth watching
Daniel @DLM I am sorry for challenging you about Paul and saying negative things about your ministry. I am very happy you’re coming to America 😍. As you know or probably remember about me, I was a Buddhist and a Witch before that, for 2 decades. I was raised Presbyterian for 6 years, church every Wednesday night and Sunday for my childhood.
I have only been Saved for 18 months now, but my Faith, daily scripture readings, daily positive affirmations(w/ God’s help), and daily prayers have all grown much more powerful. The biggest hurdle is that I was so close in relationship to Lucifer and a few of His friends, He will stop at nothing to defeat me and make me break my faith. I posted a lot about how You and DTBM John Barnett, you are my favorite ministers on YT. Just 2 weeks later, I found myself turning on you and every Christian around me about Apostle Paul. Even though I still do not like or trust Paul or Luke, I serve Christ and should promote Christ as I see fit. From John, Matthew, James, Jude, and Revelations. I should promote Jehovah from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Daniel, Haggai, and I am sure I am forgetting some other ones! 😆 Anyway, sorry for publicly being a dick to you and… the Devil will stop at nothing to tempt me to come back to him and walk away from Jehovah and Christ and the Spirit. I have NEVER in my life, had more difficulties and sufferings than AFTER being Saved. This is NOT Jesus Christ testing me. I know when I am being tested because I can feel Christ near me. It’s when I Sin and when I turn away from our Lord. Even for just a minute, Lucifer is ALWAYS there… waiting for me to come with him. He Wants ME and YOU and John Barnett to Sin and Sin some more. To become corrupted, against Jesus or simply indifferent and of no faith. The struggle is real and daily. I love you Daniel. In a non-gay way. 😂
welcome to America 😄
Great video 😢😢😢 I really needed this words from you because fear is making us lose the battle of war. But with God's wisdom we can win.
And God also gives us courage
Wonderful video. Gof bless
I found it! I’m watching!
Hey 👋 thanks for your encouraging and inspiring videos.l have a question l have been trying much in my studies despite of hardwork and commitment but I always not not my target l also do pray for my studies but my results always disappoints this makes me to be angry and not to pray please 🙏 advise me what can do to solve this problem 😢
I need this today. 🙏😇
I require it,each and every day
This is beautiful ❤
i love this channel ever☺️
I paid for someone to do a job for me and she didn't it properly and her unprofessional task failed the whole project. I paid for someone to ruin my project and she didn't take any responsibility. Should I drop the case or collect all of the evidence and to bring to the court?
Merci beaucoup pour cette vidéo qui tombe à point. Je dois confronter mon employeur demain, car il m’a laissé travailler dans un local sans ventilation (je l’ignorais) et sans fenêtre jusqu’à affecter ma santé. Je vais demander l’aide de l’Esprit pour parler avec courage et garder mon sang froid.
That is me am always kind to others that I never stand up for myself. I was in foster care my whole life and abused in every way you can think of I seen more by the time I was 5 then most people have their whole life and then after 14.5 years of marriage my ex told me she chetted on me with over 20+ guys over the whole marriage and she belittled me and talked to me in away that I felt like that foster kid all over again that I became a yes mama. I need to learn how to stand up for myself in a way that God wants me to and how the Bible says to
Very good that he explains the bible verse like what is meant by resist the devil, turn the other cheek. Most church pastors and teachers just simply quote the verses without explaining, like that even i also know how to preach by just quoting verses. Without clear understanding, we don't grow and will make mistakes when we misinterpret bible verses literally! I used to be kind, without understanding and was therefore taken advantage of, being bullied. Now i nolonger bother to walk in godly ways! No point being kind, patient at all just bec i wanted to live a godly life unto the Lord.
My sister cancelled on her niece 4th b day. I was and still am very mad/upset with her. What’s the best way to let go of his anger I have? 🙏🏻❤️
You know the backstory with your sister, I don't, but she may have had a valid reason, or something difficult was going on she doesn't want to share. If it is possible to have a civil conversation with her, you might tell her you were disappointed and ask her to help you understand what happened. If you have a good relationship doing that might clear things up quickly for you. In any case, this does not seem (on the surface) to be a case of "bullying," but she definitely disappointed you. Forgive her, this is what Jesus instructs us to do, and don't miss the fact that this is a wonderful opportunity to teach your 4-year old how to forgive others, and how to try 🎉to have understanding and patience when people fail us. When she realizes that this will sometimes happen in life and that she has tools to handle it, she will not expect the world to revolve around her, and she will be a happier child and a more resilient, loving adult.
I absolutely hope that this is not what you are facing, but, IF your relationship with your sister is an abusive one, and if speaking with her could cause a row or be dangerous in any way, get help (if necessary) to process your feelings with the ultimate goal that you are willing to forgive. Carrying bitterness and resentment around in your heart will be detrimental to your walk with the Lord, your peace, potentially your health, and potentially other relationships. The Lord loves you and has good things for you but to receive them you must have open hands, not clenched fists. So, yes, you still need to forgive. However, you do not have to be in an unsafe situation to prove that you are a good Christian; remember, Satan tried to tempt Jesus to throw Himself from the pinnacle of the temple. He didn't do it, neither should you. As you go through the process of learning to forgive an abusive person, learn to set holy, healthy boundaries that will protect you and your child from any further abuse, and stick with those boundaries no matter what. I hope this is helpful for you. May God's peace, that passes all understanding, keep your heart and mind in the knowledge of His love for you.
Great Channel!!
Thank you brother in our Lord jesus Christ and saviour
Why when I pray I get attacked almost always right away? What can I do so I don't curse when that happens?
Such a good Video🙏🏽🔥 Thank you Lord Yeshua Ha Mashiah ♥️♥️♥️
🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 love this, thank you! I’m in the process of making a war/prayer binder, this will be going in there. This is where I fail badly, this is where I don’t like to leave my house because I can’t deal with ppl these days, like I loose it. So I’m gonna try it a different way. I’m gonna try it this way. I’m one of those ppl that gets bullied, even by adults. Thank you! I love your videos and how you explain things! Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏼🫶🏼
Amen 🙏🏻❤️
Amen 🙏
Amen 💖
❤ truth
Thanks Daniel. This is just what I need. Encouragement because I get sad all the time when I can't share the gospel of Jesus Christ. TH-cam algorithms really work...all glory to God...
AMEN ❤️🙏❤️
It is so hard to not to anger for the beast like or snake like behaviors of those evil ones. When I scream to them, I can quickly realize that I have lost the spiritual war. Please pray for me! Too many troubles stirred up by the evil ones that I lose my temper!
May God bless all who has prayed for me! Today, I have changed into a peaceful and joy person from yesterday's anger and anxiety. Thanks again in Jesus!
I feel awful for children who grow/grew up with heavily physical, verbal, and psychological abusive parents. Ones who were never taught how to love, only hate.
let me make this clear to EVERYONE. if the person being rude to you or crossing your boundary is a narcissist (covert, overt, etc)..... do NOT confront them. Instead just go NO CONTACT. Trust me and thank me later. These people are sick and twisted and will make up lies about you, smear campaign, mess with your kids and more. Do not confront everyone. Just walk away and do not engage with them ever again.
What if that narcissist is your child’s father? Then what? 😕
@@kaylabarchuleta low contact. never confront
Should I call the police, have them arrested and lock up these cowardly lazy bullies who are so miserable and super jealous of me being the top worker and that I own a condo too Been working for 40 years as a top worker. I will never let bullies ever win. I'm 56 now and they are trying to destroy my reputation with defamation of character at work. Saying I go harassing women, I'm a stalker and that I drink, I'm crazy, insecure, unstable. All 100% pure bs.I don't even drink and never stalked anyone in my life and my manager is 100% on my side too. I've never been suspended. But these bullies gaslight me, using flying monkeys and kind of gang stalking me at my condo with the same rumors. These bullies have been doing this to me for the last 16 years.
This started 2 years before getting my condo for the past 16 years. I'm being targeted over and over trying to make me quit or make lots end up hating me for my professional reputation with very fake bad rumors. I will never quit to let these low life cowards ever win. But they will never get fired by these 2 bullies who also never work. I would need solid proof to get them arrested. No one wants to investigate. Maybe I should hire an investigator myself. lol or get them to do a lie detector test. lol My manager wants to do nothing because he's too afraid that the bullies could end up perhaps destroying his reputation.. Now that is a huge red flag. Making people scared of me in my condo and to hate me thinking that they will kick me out. I'm very respectful and have owned my condo for 14 years now. Bullies at work are so jealous. I just ignore it at work and in my condo too and try not to defend myself or react while they are trying to provoke me or should I do something about it since it will never stop, by trying to destroy me? This is criminal.
This is great advice!👆🏼One of the things I also found very powerful and effective is praying for your enemies. There’s been times where I had to work with rude women. They were rude to me and to others for no reason! I sensed a darkness in them, so I prayed to God to help alleviate them from the darkness within and to give them peace and happiness. The next day they were a completely different person! This is real, powerful, effective stuff! Praise be to God❤️
I thank GOD for your video. He knows when you really need to hear things. I have had a lot of trauma, and still battle with things. This being one of them. Standing up for myself. But doing it with the Holy Spirit. Not letting my emotions overcome my mouth. I am in constant attack in my home so there are times I have to withdrawal and leave it to Jesus. There is only so much I can take and Jesus knows that. It is very hard when your dealing with family members. Any GODLY advice it great help. Thank youu
What must I do,, I'm constantly being picked on talk like I'm rubbish by my sister son I don't matter and I don't have anything or money to be my own life
this us so true we chistian need to show love to others the way christ do it !!
Praying for your enemies doesn't mean taking L
Bible study verses
Psalm 51:5
Ephesians 6:12
Luke 23:34
Mathew 12: 34-36
Mathew 10: 16
James 4:7
James 1:19-20
Colossians 4:6
Proverbs 18:21
Ephesians 4:29
Proverbs 18:2
Hebrews 13:6
1 Peter 3:15
Romans 12:18
Ephesians 4:17-20
1 Corinthians 9:20-22
Romans 2:11
Romans 1:16
Is smoking weed a sin can I smoke when I have nothing going on?
Hello friend, I believe it's a sin because it affects your body and your thinking.
Remember Your Body is the temple of christ and its to be used to glorify Him. I doubt whether you can feel meek when you are high, do you?...
Ephesians 5:18 Amplified Bible (AMP)Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple. ( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
May God bless you friend.
@paulmedia-techsolutions9264 thank you my spirit telling me this is true God Bless you and pray for my strength from Christ Jesus 🙏
🙏 🕊️🙌
It is a sin cause it harms the tempel of God , your body.
Thank you, we all have this in our lives 🙏 in some way: family, friend, neighbors, co-workers...
Satan get behind me
Be kind, spread love, keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, our way to SALVATION ❤ 🕊 God bless 🙌 🙏
understanding is one thing
But annoying is another thing
RIGHT AWAY I PRAY TO GOD AND PRAY TO GOD ABOUT EVERYTHING🙏👈even if God already know I still pray to God until I feel better🙏👈
The problem I have is with my only sister in Christ . I don’t have any other woman of God on my life . The problem is she tried to make everyone feel stupid and gives a bad attitude I held it in for too long and now I couldn’t take it and sorta blew things up . We aren’t talking because she didn’t hear me out . I pray for her I’m hurt but she is prideful and talks to people in a rude
Manner I pray for her healing and I pray we can reconcile
Daniel When I'm mad I stay quiet, so people think I'm weak at school when they see someone disrespect me scream at me or even slap me I do nothing back or scream back it feels like I'm the rubbish of the world and I know girls want tough guy that people respect and I can't be that man I try to be myself and people just act so tuff and get mad when I do a mistake man I'm just Gonnna forget about being myself if this is what it's like. But I don't want to pretend being something I'm not I don't really got anyone I can really call my friends to they just benefited off me never hit me up or invite me over it's always me my parents sometimes have mocked me for trying to speak of Jesus saying I don't know any better than anyone and that they went through my phase as well when in fact I didn't boast but was trying to speak of the bible. Anyways it feels nice spreading my pain but you have a good one man ty for this video.
Islam is the truth i hope everyone goes on the true path
Amen :)
as possible I hate talking eartly
with God and Heavenly everything light up🙏👈
i thought this was how to stand up for yourself now bible lesson
If you could look into the private lives of all those you would like to punish, you would find in each, enough suffering, that you would not want to wish anything more on them. ❤
Saying to someone "Let's talk like adults" is not loving. With saying this you act like you are supperiour and take the other one down, saying he's like a child. That will bring more anger. Unnecessary to say it like this. :)
Can you please talk about slavery from the Bible
Proverbs 29 : 11
The fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control
No matter how nice you can be
These world know nothing what nice or kind is all about
That is why I love love talking about God only to forget the whole evil things
It can be family👈aquiantance👈neighbors👈
it happened all the time
Day of judgement is coming
I was recently told you resist the devil with scripture and praising God
So true. They don’t know Jesus but they swear they do. Pick bits and pieces from the scripture
So it's all about including them?,.. no? Sorry I don't understand,..
Valhalla ? Isn’t that a Klingon afterlife ?