thanks Tribune sport for best memory of Peter Drury and i like his sound special when Arsenal Vs man united when antony scored the 3 goal he said Antony on the first date he is already red
There are something's that will never repeat in football history again Peter Drury and Leo Messi are one of them... Thank you for making football wonderful🙏
I used to like Martin Taylor. But Peter is best of the best I watch 4 world cup final he is goat 👌💪 he are my favorite Cometator 1 Peter drury 2 Martin Taylor 3. Roy Hudson from Spain 4. Andy Townsend 👌👊
listen with tears in your eyes sports contain great love . When I listen to peter Drury my heart is filled with love and tears he is a sportsman who uses poems and heartbreaking words PeterDrury therefore, he should not use it to describe it
Hmmm, i have no spicy words to explicitly describe him. Simply, special, staggering commentator of the blessed planet. Peter Drury. Catch him if you can. In front of an exploding cup! This is anfiled! Peter Drury on mo Salah's goal against city @75' /2022.
peter drury መስማት ኳስ ከማየትም በላይ ነው🥰
ፍቅር ኢትዮጵያ ለ31ኛው የአፍሪካ ስታልፍ የሳላድንን ጎል የገለፅክበት መንገድ መቸም አልረሳውም።
Football beautiful with peter drury
He's wonderful comatater really
I like him always
I can’t even keep my tears when i heard his voices … long live peter
Thank you Tribune. He is my legend ❤️
I love you Peter drury
በጣም የማደነቀው ነው ፒተር ዱሩሪ🙏🙏🙏ከሀገራችን ደሞ ፍቅር ይልቃል የምታቀርበውም ነገር በጣም ደስ ይላል በርታ!!🙏🙏🙏
peter drury is best best best commentary of the world hi is the great man!❤
world cominitator wow Peter Drury
thanks Tribune sport for best memory of Peter Drury and i like his sound special when Arsenal Vs man united when antony scored the 3 goal he said Antony on the first date he is already red
Peter drury my favorite comintatery
I like vioce peter Drury... handsome vioce
World class cominitator
i love peter ever and ever.
Peter i adore u, u are my role model👏👏👏👏
ዋው ሁሌም እሱን ስሰማ የሆነ ነገር ውስጤን ይነዝረኛል እሱ ልዩ ሰው ነው ሁሌም የእግር የኳስ ድምቀት ነው፣
He is gifted.
Thank you! Best Ever comentery Drury Drury. I love him.
Peter Durury great 👍
There are something's that will never repeat in football history again Peter Drury and Leo Messi are one of them... Thank you for making football wonderful🙏
ፍቅር የሀገራችንን ኮሜንተሪ የገለፅክበት መንገድ ተመችቶኛል በተለይ ጩኸታቸው እውነትም 100 ጎል እንደገባ በእያንዳንዱ ደቂቃ ጎል ሚቆጠር ነው ሚመስለው አሁን ራሱ የአለም ዋንጫ በtv እና በሬድዮ እኩል እያየው የማየውና የምሰማው ፍፁም የተለያዩ ናቸው ትክክለኛውኝ ሁኔታ ቢናገሩ ጥሩ ነው
ትረቡን ስፖርት እናመሰግናለን የእግርኳስ ህይዎት የሆነውን ሰው በሚያምር አቀራረቅ ስላጣጣማችሁን!!
Fikir ante erasu treka yemserabet melku yeteleye new . ene sisemah wusten simit biye botaw lay yalehu new yemimeslegn. "ይህ የግራኒት ዣካ ታሪክ ነው" ሁሌም ስሰማው አዲስ ነው የሚሆንብኝ።
ልዩ ነው በውነቱ
He is the living legend.
ፍቅር ትልያል
Petrn mesmat malet eko😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
You Both ! yo are more than Peter Dury In ethiopia. Amazing Matching.
ፍቅር በፍቅር ድምፅ
ጫወታ ድሥ የሚለኝ በpeter ነወ ድምፁ ናፍቆኝ ነበር እናመሰግናለን ቲሪቡኖች
በጣም ደስ የሚል ፕሮግራም ነው
እንደ ሀገር ያዱትሪቡን ስፖርት ሰዎች እንደ ፊቂሬ እና ኤፍሬም በነሱ ደረጃ ጠንካራ ናቸው።
መስማት የምፈልገውና የምወደው ኮሜንታተር።
PETER DRURY 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏⚽⚽⚽🥇🥇🥇
እናመሰግናለን🙏 really impressive commentator #peter
ወይኔ ፍቅር እና ኤፍሬም እንዴት እደምወዳቹ ግን የምተቃርቡት ነገር ሁሉ በውስጤ እየሰብኩት የነበራ ነው ወላሂ በኮሜንታታር በጣም ደስ ሚላኝ ፒታር እና ጆን ቻምፒዮን ሁለቱንም በቃ ቲሪቡን ለኔ ልዩ ነው በጣም ከምገልፃው በለይ።
Peter is the greatest of all time
Thanks a lot for your beautiful description of Drury. He makes me difficult to watch football without his commentary in recent times.
sport zana endesema mekneyatocha nachu thank you
Peter Drury The best Commentator
legendry Drury mn yadergal EPL lay nafikonal enji
የምገርም የኮሜንታተርነት ጥበብ
Peter my best commentary ,sewudewu 🥰 and his voice is unique
big respect Drury !!!
wawae Petare Durure Amazege
Peter Drury🔥🔥
Drury spices of football ever
የማደንቀው ኮሜንታተር 🥰🥰🥰
ፒተር ዱረሪ ለኳስ ጨዋታ ድምቀት ነው ። አንዳንዶች ግን ግነት አለበት ሲሉ ይደመጣሉ ግን ለእኔ ዱረሪ ለጨዋታው ድምቀት ነው ። ጓጉተን እንድናይ ያስችለናል !
peter Drury😍😍😍
ይለያል ድንቅ ሰው ✊
What an amazing commentater✔
I used to like Martin Taylor. But Peter is best of the best I watch 4 world cup final he is goat 👌💪 he are my favorite Cometator 1 Peter drury
2 Martin Taylor
3. Roy Hudson from Spain
4. Andy Townsend 👌👊
Forever king 👑
Peter Druryin መስማት ኳስ ከማየትም በላይ ነው 🥰
ትችላለህ ፍቅር
just a respect
ተሰምቶ የማይጠገብ የcr7 መመለስ thanks peter Drury
He is my legend 💪
He is extraordinary 😍 ✨️ ❤️
he is simply BEST
Amazing Commentater 🥰
Wwwwwww Peter drury is best Commentater
We love you peter drury 😊😊
ወለሂ እኔ ሲሰመው ሁልጊዜ አለቅሳለሁ በፊት የሳኡዲው ፈሃድ ኢለቴቤ ነበር የምወደው
His intro in Ned vs Arg, Arg vs Mexico and France were out of this world.... he's out in his own 👏👏
እንግሊዝ ፕሪሚየር ሊግን የምወደው እኮ በ peter Drury እና Jon Champion ምክንያት ነው
This man is so crazy 🤪 i can't wait to hear her voice every moment and every game
drury tnxz
It's better listing to him than watching Ethiopian soccer 😄
He is unbelievably good hand unimaginably artistic, what else can we say thank you you are a blessing 🤞🤞🤞
Fiker Yilikal betam mewdke plus madnkeke sew nke
He can make it every footballs games triple delicious 😋 😜
listen with tears in your eyes sports contain great love . When I listen to peter Drury my heart is filled with love and tears he is a sportsman who uses poems and heartbreaking words PeterDrury therefore, he should not use it to describe it
Gaol bafana bafana goal is south africa goal is all south africa
Tribuኖች ትለያላችሁ
روف خلف ❤️❤️❤️⚽️⚽️⚽️🌷🌷🌷
Peter Drury የእግርኳሱ ሼክስፒር።
ከጫወታ ድምቀት ጀርባ የፒተር ድምጽ ጎልልልል ቻባላላ ጎልልልልል ባፋና ባፋና ጎልልል ሳውዝ አፍሪካ ጎልልልል ኦል አፍሪካን እስቲ እምያስታውሰው
መቸ የት ነበር ተጋጣሚዎችስ ማንና ማን?
የ ስቴቨን ጄራርድን ታሪክ pls 😰😔😙
እኔ አንድ ያልገባኝ ነገር አለ ማን ለማን ነው የተፈጠረው ፒተር ለሙያው ወይስ ሙያው ለፒተር …አስደናቂ ነው በጆሮ ሳይሆን በነፍስ እሚደመጡ ገለፃዋች የዛ ሠው ድምፅ የዛሰው አገላለፅ እድሜን ይጨምር ይሆን እንዴ…
ፍቅር ይልቃል:- እኔምኮ የአንተ ድምፅና አቀራረብን ከልጅነቴ ጀምሮ እየሰማሁ እንዳንተ ማንበብን እየተመኘሁኮ ነው ያደግሁ
የ ስቴቨን ጄራርድን ታሪክ pls
የኮሜንታተር ሜሲ ነው በጣም ነው ስሜት ውስጥ የሚከት ይችላል አይገልፀውም
Alan Smith former player currently commentator 👏
The spice to football
የኔ አንደኛ
Daniel mann, guy mowbray, darren Fletcher, simon brotherton hulum mirt nachew🤞🤞🤞
የሱን ድምፅ ስሰማ የሆነ ስሜት ይሰማኛል የምር ኳስ የለሱ ይከብዳል
Hmmm, i have no spicy words to explicitly describe him. Simply, special, staggering commentator of the blessed planet. Peter Drury. Catch him if you can. In front of an exploding cup! This is anfiled! Peter Drury on mo Salah's goal against city @75' /2022.
ፍቅር ይልቃል ትለያለክ አቀራርብክ
በቃላት ስዕልን የሚስለው የምድራችን ብቸኛው ሰው ፒተር ዱረሪ
አንድ ቀን ባገኝው deruy
هلا وسهلا مرحبا 🌷🌷🌷❤️⚽️❤️⚽️❤️⚽️❤️
Morocco Atlas's Lion 🦁🦁🦁🦁
Fikr Yilkal ante erasih betam tidenkegnaleh... kuasn endayehu ena tarik azegagebih yigermegnal
Peter drury መቼም ተስተካካይ የሌለው commentator ነው።
yh Sew Wuste New Wow