RICH: Ilir-ilir Ost Sang Pencerah [HQ]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • Rich: ilir-ilir yang menjadi salah satu soundtrack untuk film sang pencerah, film Karya Hanung Bramantyo yang menceritakan mengenai kehidupan KH. Ahmad Dahlan sang pendiri Muhammadiyah
    Label: RPM
    Produksi: PLATISA Management
    #INDOSAT : SET(spasi)1705755 kirim ke 808
    #TELKOMSEL :RING(spasi)SUB(spasi)3160111 kirim ke 1212
    #ESIA Ketik :RING(spasi)3160111 kirim ke 888
    #FLEXI Ketik : RING(spasi)SUB(spasi)3160111 kirim ke 1212XL Ketik : 10305467 kirim ke 1818
    #TRI Ketik : RBT(spasi)3160111 kirim ke 1212
    #AXIS Ketik : ON(...spasi)3160111 kirim ke 333
    #SMART Ketik : 3160111 kirim ke 2525
    lir-ilir song meanings in English:
    Lir-Ilir, a Famous Traditional Song from Central Java
    When I was listening to the radio, I heard a song that I rarely listen to today. That song is a song of Central Java and is a masterpiece of Sunan Kalijaga. Yes, the song was called Lir-Ilir. This song have so deep meaning, my father have ever sing to me and tell the meaning but not detail. Finally I tried to find out about the meaning of this song.
    Lir-ilir, lir-ilir
    tandure wis sumilir
    Tak ijo royo-royo tak senggo temanten anyar
    Cah angon-cah angon penekno blimbing kuwi
    Lunyu-lunyu yo penekno kanggo mbasuh dodotiro
    Dodotiro-dodotiro kumitir bedhah ing pinggir
    Dondomono jlumatono kanggo sebo mengko sore
    Mumpung padhang rembulane mumpung jembar kalangane
    Yo surako... surak hiyo...
    And this is the deep meaning of this song :
    • portrayal of the young age of hope, full of potential, and ready to work. Star fruit often bergigir five is symbolizing the five pillars of Islam, and fruit juice-starch was used to clear the behavior and our mental attitude. This must we seek no matter how slippery the tree, no matter how difficult the obstacles we face.
    • Shepherd children can be interpreted as a teenager who is still innocent and still in early stages of spiritual development. These connotations that often appears instantly when the Javanese called 'bocah angon. But understanding can also be improved to become leaders, good leaders of families, community leaders, or leaders formal at all levels. "Sebo" is the term used to act 'sowan' or the king or other lords in the kingdom.
    • The meaning of clothing is the behavior or our mental attitude.
    Overlooking meaningful to God. Later in the evening dusk symbolize life, on the eve our death.
    • Take advantage of any bright light, do not wait until darkness
    arrived. Make the breadth of opportunities that exist, do not wait
    until it becomes narrow for us.
    This song ao reflect the Indonesian culture in any way. By this song we can learn many thing in good way. Spirit to be a better people for our better future.
    Diposkan/di tulis oleh Fransisca Dian dikutip dari

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