As a fairly fit 70 years old, I'm very impressed that you are going to do the Barkley. I have watched several doucumentaries on it. I wish you all the best!
Thank you for watching! Good question, I'm not sure. I have been told 68. I know that I will be one of the oldest of the old timers in the event and that I have my work cut out for me. Thank you again for watching!
As a fairly fit 70 years old, I'm very impressed that you are going to do the Barkley. I have watched several doucumentaries on it. I wish you all the best!
I tried finding out who the oldest participant & finisher in the Barkley, couldn't, do you know?
Thank you for watching! Good question, I'm not sure. I have been told 68. I know that I will be one of the oldest of the old timers in the event and that I have my work cut out for me. Thank you again for watching!