I actually really enjoy the phantom now, very satisfing when you go on a kill streak, just be accurate and it is not as bad as you think it may be, it's like my 3 or 2nd most used weapon, top being the SVD-12 and the F2000 is somewhere up there
Ode to an M4 Whose 2 burst kill I trust. Ode to an M4 Whose range is a must. Ode to an M4 Whose accuracy is more than luck. Ode to an M4 Who will surely kick your butt.
+etienne toonen just the angled grip is enough to control recoil. I run mine with a heavy barrel and an angled grip and have no issue controlling recoil. the muzzle break and angled grip make the thing near recoilless.
It depends A LOT on the map. Since here it's only Deathmatch, there is a lot more of close combat, and it makes no big difference. But on bigger maps (on Conquest mode for example), you sometimes can't really make it to close combat. Then I think, for middle to longer distance engagements, the Ak-5C is still the best choice... Personnally it's my default choice when I'm not sure what carbine to take.
"Im ruling out the M4 because I don't like burst fire weapons" How is that even a fair argument? The M4, if you can use the trigger right, can shoot fairly close to an automatic. At least test it out first before coming to that ridiculous conclusion
this guy have gotten to the point that he is to full of himself... what he says is the true the rest is bullshit... giving opinions about guns and only played on TDM get the fuk out of here.....
on Android there are color correction settings. its system-wide so it'll correct everything on your phone. if ur on pc there's probably a way to do it. Google is your friend.
Dude the M4 is amazing, it's easily my favourite. It's effective at any range once you master it, thus becoming the most versatile. Also the fire rate is awesome as well once you get the burst-timing down.
Maybe in some alternate reality, the PDW class of weapons is a universal class of weapons in BF4, whilst the carbine class of weapons is relegated to the Engineer class only in BF4 (like in BF3, I believe). It is something to ponder and think about. That, or perhaps the carbine class can somehow be a bit more differentiated from the assault rifle class (for instance, slighter quicker reload times, in a relative sense, maybe [I don't know]).
I always had the impression that giving every class the option to use carbines was a pretty good idea. especially for the recon class. He has so many tools that are not so much usefull for a sniper, but really helpfull for someone that uses this class in an aggressive way. always be upfront. drop your beacons and intel things and stay on the field fighting. Either like an assault class player or maybe a bit more stealth orientated with silencer and stuff. You could do that with PDW's but you would be stuck at the close range area but that is not going well in battlefield 4 where the maps are large and close quarter combat pretty much only happens when you accidently run into somebody. alot of combat stays in the mid-range area from my experience atleast. So long story short. I hope carbines will remain availible for all classes in the future, but also make PDW's availible for all classes.
If im going to be honest, i feel as though the aku12 is the ultimate mid to long range carbine. It isnt as accurate as the ak5c, however its muzzle velocity is so low that you can run it suppressed and it has virtually no recoil. Top notch for that fully automatic camp machine you envisioned!
High rate of fire doesn't mean it's the best choice. My SAR or SKS outguns higher "DPS" guns all the time. It doesn't matter how fast it shoots if it's so inaccurate you can't land half of your rounds. Accuracy sometimes will overpower higher rate of fire weapons.
I'm surprised you know so much about weapon systems in real life, it's pretty impressive that a gamer actually knows the correct terminology and fact about the weapons in real life. I like it man, keep it up
@@marcusburke55 also I dont know if this is just me but when i first unlocked it it was really buggy like I would be 5-8 feet away from somebody and it would take me like 12 shots to kill them and sometimes i could be even further away and I could 7 shot them while they were at full hp
Barrel length has more to do with performance than "extreme long ranges." 1. A longer barrel is a heavier barrel. A heavier barrel is a heavier firearm. A heavier firearm has a less significant recoil impulse. Carbines, in real life, have more recoil. 2. A longer barrel means the bullet is propelled by the expanding gases more longer, increasing the muzzle velocity. That's what makes the firearm more accurate(depending on the ammunition used). It gets to the target faster and thus doesn't drop as much, as well as rotates more due to more rifling and thus you see less windage variation. This higher velocity also plays a factor in the kinetic energy delivered by the bullet. Velocity x mass = force. More force means more damage inflicted(again, dependent on ammunition. Rounds like 5.56x45mm NATO FMJ will do more damage to only tissue are lower velocities because if the tumbling effect). It makes sense the Carbines do a little less damage and have slower muzzle velocity.
If you put 3000h into this game, you really get bored with playing meta and best weapons, you want to play more with the underrated, meme and various overlooked ones to spice things up ex. CS5 sniper with acog etc.
I know I don't speak for everyone, but I subscribed way back in the day for the bf3 content, and bf4 is the ONLY game I play now. I think a lot of us really appreciate that you're going back to what drew us to your channel originally. thx lvl
I think the AN-94 is the best weapon overall and for all ranges IF, you can control it. It takes quite some time to master that weapon. I LOVED it in BF3 and still love it in BF4 even though it doesn't feel as powerful as it was.
I have to disagree. PDWs have their place. I also seem to squeeze more range out of them than most carbines, once I master their recoil. Well, okay, not as much as the Ak5c.
At the end of your video you talk about how each carbine can have an advantage in different situations. My personal choice has always been the ACW-R but the AK5C is so useful at longer ranges I switch to it on maps that have longer range. The ability to switch weapons on the fly in Battlefield, compared to say CoD, gives you more flexability in your combat situations. Thanks for reading this ramble and keep up the good work Level.
i think it just comes down to personal preference towards which gun performs the best at the different ranges, to me mtar is better then acw-r at close range, mainly because of its hip fire. the acwr only really has its quicker reload as its main advantage. i actually prefer the mtar over aek and use it most of the time im engi or medic. you can easily blow through your ammo when shooting at range but u just gotta learn to do burst fire with it and that doesnt become a problem.
With a shorter barrel your round will usually not reach the cartridges full velocity potential. Thus meaning it travels slower and hits with less energy
most viable carbines SG553: if you have decent aim and want an optimal carbine for CQC and medium range ACE52: If you have amazing aim, I mean that you can land at least 95% of all shots on someone.
I like how he talks about how rifles and carbines are the same on the battlefield. Wrong. Going from a carbine length to a rifle length barrel, cartridges are going to be moving substantially faster. Although it doesn't matter as much for full-powered cartridges, intermediate cartridges like 5.56x45 need as much barrel as possible.
You rules out the M4 because you don't like burst fire. How is your bias going to help anyone? I personally have no problem with burst fire at all. I use the M16 and M4 more than any other weapon, while keeping a high KDR.
The reason carbines are universal is because when picking the universal weapons you have a choice of a short, medium and long distance weapon. Shotguns - Short Range Carbines - Medium Range DMRs - Long Range
I've also used DPS once, but DPS isn't everything. Time To Kill is. Let's say there is a gun that deals 33 max damage at 600 RPM, and another gun that deals 25 damage max at 780 RPM. Doing the math, the former deals 333 DPS, while the latter deals 325 DPS. In theory, that should mean the former gun should kill faster than the latter gun. Right? Wrong. Both kill in 4 hits up close, and the latter has a higher fire rate which would mean a faster TTK. Doing the math, the slower firing gun dishes out a 300 millisecond TTK, while the faster firing gun dishes out a 230 millisecond TTK. When it comes to CQB, time to kill means everything, and even with a lower DPS, the faster fire rate gun still kills in 70 fewer milliseconds, which means the faster firing gun will kill faster of course, due to killing in the same amount of hits. Here's the formula to check out: TTK = 60/RPM*(Hits to Kill-1)+(meters/velocity)
I think there is 4 best in my opinion, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The ones I like are the ace-21 CQB, ace-52 CQB, ACWR, and the MTAR-21.
It's just less effective than full auto. With full auto guns, you always have the max fire rate whereas burst fire hinders if you can't keep up the timing
+Klocksy Burst weapons need to be understood in order to use them properly. With an AEK you just keep pulling the trigger and the RPM does the rest. Let's be honest, these guides were never about skill these were about ease of use.
Said this before but doing videos like this is really where you shine Level! Love it. Thanks for the updates as well. Just got into BF4 to get the feel right for "BF5" and this is really helpful.
I personally run a A-91 with suppressor, target indicator, angled grip, and kobra sight. COmbine that with the wire guided aimy rpg thingy for long range infantry kills and some tanks.
I like the m16 holographic with 2x folding grip and sometimes muzzle break. I can win most Close quarters fights and make a lot of long range kills. The burst doesn't slow me down in close quarters and it makes the long range shots easy. If your accurate and have a trigger finger I would go with the m16. I wish there were more skill cannons like it. It's only good if you are accurate and have a trigger finger for close range.
Currently playing for, like, twenty hours or so. The P90 I unlocked through the campaign is a real life saver up close, while the AK5c delivers as an all-arounder.
I love the G36C for it has a quick reload speed, I like its full select fire capability, and the 650 ROF is very good for anyone. Like coyote RDS, 2x magnifier, stub grip, and heavy barrel.
+FeliSC00 none of the squad up guys plays hardcore? Why you might ask? The faster time to kill gives to much edge to the guy who ambushes/shoots first, not who has the most skill. That and it allows sniper noobs to get one hit kills without hitting the head. Dont get me wrong, I play both modes and enjoy them both, but I do seem to get a whole lot more cheap deaths on hardcore. I have found I tend to enjoy games less and less the more "realistic" they are, but thats just me.
+SU_ Shadow any gun is good if u are accurate, snipers arent that good compared to dmrs as u can get a two shot in the body or a one shot in the head, I prefer them much more. U can also supress snipers so they cant be accurate if they shoot at u. Also u dont get that light coming from your scope. U can play as a medic with a dmr habing the ability to heal yourself
Honestly, I think that the SG553 is the best carbine. It is so versatile in the ranges that carbines are best at, and even though it can be out damaged by the MTAR or ACW-R in CQC, but I usually find that because it has lower recoil than both of those, it's easier to get my shots on target.
im so glad im not the only one who prefer sg553 over all carbine. sg553 has decent recoil stat it so easy to control your shot. and it also has very decent rpm.
***** Koren12345 Fuck the bow and it's creator. After using it and failing multiple times, I had to go play Far Cry for a bit just to feel better about myself.
In the Land of Absurdity (battlefield play4free) the best "lmgs" alongside the infamous MG36 were the RPK 74m and the M27 iar. Boy did the AR/Lmg hybrids hurt.
Meanwhile Engineers mainly used the MP5 (play4free's Ace 21cqb sorta) or the AK74u which was in Play4Free the highest damage per bullet gun. Imagine a Scar H SV with 30 bullets 600rof.
ACW-R is for tryhards. SG553 is the best carbine imo. Everything is perfect. Rate of fire, reload, accuracy, recoil... MTAR is not bad, but ACW-R beats it. ACE 52 is a great weapon. 25 rounds, high damage model and manageable recoil makes it sooooo effective. And ACE 21? Its like ACE 23 but for every class with some drawbacks.
+oOizoOo Two people with enough skill, will probably never face off. It will be all about engagement priority. Who's going to get the other flat-footed. Also you nabsters play Normal (aka legal ESP) in BF4. In hardcore a lot of you guys are lost (no Minimap among others). So the fights become "chaotic".
Nope, if he can't shoot first. Fact is that suppression when actually enabled will do as much damage than ROF. Once again, ROF might enter this discussion only in very close combat. The fact it's an argument now at basically any range, is plain silly. This is why BF is going down the drain. The basic mindset is still close combat oriented.
if you really watch esl or bcl tournaments you'll see ACWR is used even on assault class by most of the players, because of it's hipfire accuracy wich is really better than aek and usually those tournaments allow short range engagements. So yes, in my opinion there's a use of carbines for the assault class
Hey Levelcap, The Transformers 3 NEST loadout Class: Engineer ACW-R: Holo sight, magnifier, heavy barrel and angled grip FN57: Ghost ring, laser sight SMAW and Repair tool M67 Survival knife Offensive upgrade I have been having some trouble on deciding a good loadout and thought this was different and honestly I liked it alot when I used it. Use the SMAW to take out Decepticons (enemy vehicles) and the repair tool to repair Autobots (friendly vehicles). Be sure to stay on the move as much as possible as the NEST team has to be quick around giant killer robots. Have fun and good luck.
in hardcore the best carbine is the M4, when on single shot it is very easy to take down targets at long range (like 200 meters plus) and just switch to burst when cqb.
According to this guide, the SMAW is the best carabine
Um the SMAW isn't a carbine its a rpg type 😑
FuZe Chronical no shit
@@nirvanakramos4192 WAIT REALLY??
@@nirvanakramos4192 r/woooosh
@@sneakycactus8815 lol yea
talkin about carbines, showing us smaw kills half the time. :)
classic level
He is still just talking about. So it's justified.
Why would you not use the phantom bow?? Best carbine, if not weapon in the game right there
Nice joke
+Oliver Russell so true
I actually really enjoy the phantom now, very satisfing when you go on a kill streak, just be accurate and it is not as bad as you think it may be, it's like my 3 or 2nd most used weapon, top being the SVD-12 and the F2000 is somewhere up there
1:41 Did u see that body ? xDD
XD whoa!
+DET---IPhone_SK xD so derpy
+DET---IPhone_SK OMG
"You can always close the gap"
..."there are just not enough situations to make use of a PDW"
**Laughs in PP-2000**
notice the "because i dont like burst fire" way to make sure its unbiased
Ode to an M4
Whose 2 burst kill I trust.
Ode to an M4
Whose range is a must.
Ode to an M4
Whose accuracy is more than luck.
Ode to an M4
Who will surely kick your butt.
+etienne too With a muzzle break and an angled grip, you can pick people off from miles away
+etienne toonen just the angled grip is enough to control recoil. I run mine with a heavy barrel and an angled grip and have no issue controlling recoil. the muzzle break and angled grip make the thing near recoilless.
+etienne toonen med to CQB. I play a lot of metro and locker.
+etienne toonen I have done long range on it though. works very well except against snipers
I want to use the m4 but the burst tho... why.
The M4 is really good if you know how to use it
+Zindre games Yup, he always discredits the burst fire weapons although they are some of the best guns in the game.
+Zindre games i dont like m4 at all. :I Don't know how to use it either xd
So how are you meant to use those type of guns? Whenever I use the m4 I use it as it it were a normal ass rifle
Steven Woodard I can't really use burst fire in bf... I only use burst at AN-94... there the double shot burst is OP with them 1200RPM
It depends A LOT on the map. Since here it's only Deathmatch, there is a lot more of close combat, and it makes no big difference. But on bigger maps (on Conquest mode for example), you sometimes can't really make it to close combat. Then I think, for middle to longer distance engagements, the Ak-5C is still the best choice... Personnally it's my default choice when I'm not sure what carbine to take.
"Im ruling out the M4 because I don't like burst fire weapons"
How is that even a fair argument? The M4, if you can use the trigger right, can shoot fairly close to an automatic. At least test it out first before coming to that ridiculous conclusion
it is his rating of the best carbines. he could say he won't rate the m4 because he doesn't like the colour, it all his opinions.
+Harry Holt its the most retarded argument for a weapon I've ever heard.
this guy have gotten to the point that he is to full of himself... what he says is the true the rest is bullshit...
giving opinions about guns and only played on TDM get the fuk out of here.....
"each shot does 33 damage per shot"
Each shot shoots for 33 shot damage per shot
@@Satsujiki each shot shoots for 33 shot damage per shot while shooting
@@austinhawkins3307 every shot you shoot does 33 shot damage per every shot shooted
hey level I'm colorblind and I was wondering if you could do a video with one of the colorblind settings on preferably the pro colorblind setting
Or you could learn colours. So lazy.
+Fazori uhhh what?
on Android there are color correction settings. its system-wide so it'll correct everything on your phone. if ur on pc there's probably a way to do it. Google is your friend.
everyone like this
+Bazukah187 the colorblind settings on bf4
Dude the M4 is amazing, it's easily my favourite. It's effective at any range once you master it, thus becoming the most versatile. Also the fire rate is awesome as well once you get the burst-timing down.
Been running with the AK 5C since I started playing BF4, love that weapon.
all them disgusting SMAW on inf. kills
+Andrew Bedford oh yes! Thought iam the only one who noticed!
1:32 uses a rocket luncher point blank.
On a guy who was sleeping to.
why does everyone on the Internet say 'to' instead of 'too'...
The Freeman Initiative because they’re dumb brehhh
The Freeman Initiative just like I’m dumb for replying to a two year old comment haha
Anyone else fucking tired of Mobile Strike ads?
Maybe in some alternate reality, the PDW class of weapons is a universal class of weapons in BF4, whilst the carbine class of weapons is relegated to the Engineer class only in BF4 (like in BF3, I believe). It is something to ponder and think about. That, or perhaps the carbine class can somehow be a bit more differentiated from the assault rifle class (for instance, slighter quicker reload times, in a relative sense, maybe [I don't know]).
I always had the impression that giving every class the option to use carbines was a pretty good idea. especially for the recon class. He has so many tools that are not so much usefull for a sniper, but really helpfull for someone that uses this class in an aggressive way. always be upfront. drop your beacons and intel things and stay on the field fighting. Either like an assault class player or maybe a bit more stealth orientated with silencer and stuff. You could do that with PDW's but you would be stuck at the close range area but that is not going well in battlefield 4 where the maps are large and close quarter combat pretty much only happens when you accidently run into somebody. alot of combat stays in the mid-range area from my experience atleast.
So long story short. I hope carbines will remain availible for all classes in the future, but also make PDW's availible for all classes.
If im going to be honest, i feel as though the aku12 is the ultimate mid to long range carbine. It isnt as accurate as the ak5c, however its muzzle velocity is so low that you can run it suppressed and it has virtually no recoil. Top notch for that fully automatic camp machine you envisioned!
This should be called my favorite carbines not best carbines
Thank you
+Koen Kraft thank you
Before you clicked, you should've known. It was going to be based off his personal opinion.
thank you
+Zachary Aguilar when someone says best it means there is some sort of ranking system and it is not purely preferential
High rate of fire doesn't mean it's the best choice. My SAR or SKS outguns higher "DPS" guns all the time. It doesn't matter how fast it shoots if it's so inaccurate you can't land half of your rounds. Accuracy sometimes will overpower higher rate of fire weapons.
Chris King yes, but hes a PC master race player, he doesnt miss 😂
Ohhhh, forgot about the master race.
Chris King I'd smash you with my Aek/Acwr or even Desert Eagle.
One Piece for Life That's nice.
In this class (carbines) my favorite is the the M4. I just like burst fire weapons.
I'm surprised you know so much about weapon systems in real life, it's pretty impressive that a gamer actually knows the correct terminology and fact about the weapons in real life. I like it man, keep it up
Anybody notice how he completely forgot about the AKU-12?
It's rate of fire is too slow anyways, though it is a good weapon.
Blobbins NA Yeah, it's 680 rpm sure, but he didn't even mention it at all. It's such a good gun though I love it.
+Blobbins NA Clearly because long range combat doesn't exist.
(Though honestly, who'd go for a *long range carbine* anyway?)
@@marcusburke55 also I dont know if this is just me but when i first unlocked it it was really buggy like I would be 5-8 feet away from somebody and it would take me like 12 shots to kill them and sometimes i could be even further away and I could 7 shot them while they were at full hp
@ASOLUTAMENTE NADIE then you’d have to use Assault/Medic.
DICE needs to make PDW's accessible to ALL classes in a future update.
eh, then the engineer class will only be played for rpgs and repairs, and will have no real value over the others.
kenny Dhal True.
Make it like bf3's system
Then give the DMR's to the engineers.
bf 1 is coming out this game won't be getting much more updates
A little too late to recommend this, TH-cam
Lol I felt that
I absolutely love the ak5c and the sg553 but for the 553 I use it in burst mode and it works like a gem for me and never noticed the gun until now
Kills infantry with rpgs, never revives teamates, spreading wrong informations... Levelcap, the voice of the community ladies and gents.
8:55 universal weapon categories: shotguns=close combat, carbines:mid, dmrs:long.
ACW R is my bae.
Love the AK5C for longer range also.
Glad to see this game is still relevant after 2.5 years, and you're still posting videos Level. It really turned out to be a great game after all!
I still play it too :)
Barrel length has more to do with performance than "extreme long ranges."
1. A longer barrel is a heavier barrel. A heavier barrel is a heavier firearm. A heavier firearm has a less significant recoil impulse. Carbines, in real life, have more recoil.
2. A longer barrel means the bullet is propelled by the expanding gases more longer, increasing the muzzle velocity. That's what makes the firearm more accurate(depending on the ammunition used). It gets to the target faster and thus doesn't drop as much, as well as rotates more due to more rifling and thus you see less windage variation.
This higher velocity also plays a factor in the kinetic energy delivered by the bullet. Velocity x mass = force. More force means more damage inflicted(again, dependent on ammunition. Rounds like 5.56x45mm NATO FMJ will do more damage to only tissue are lower velocities because if the tumbling effect).
It makes sense the Carbines do a little less damage and have slower muzzle velocity.
If you put 3000h into this game, you really get bored with playing meta and best weapons, you want to play more with the underrated, meme and various overlooked ones to spice things up ex. CS5 sniper with acog etc.
3:40 head-glitching fail xD
I know I don't speak for everyone, but I subscribed way back in the day for the bf3 content, and bf4 is the ONLY game I play now. I think a lot of us really appreciate that you're going back to what drew us to your channel originally. thx lvl
DMR's next!
MK11 Mod 0
+Grant Winburn bruh, I'm guessing you have never used the SKS
+Tunergi Archoz M39 EMR!!
scar h sv or gtfo XD
RFB!!!! I know am probably like the only person that likes it. I loved that gun. The ScarH-SV is alright aswell.
If you want more ammo for the MTAR-21, run with Offensive field upgrade, it is available to all classes.
Defensive perk for life
who still loves battlefield 4 in 2018
We are in 2019 now
We are in 2020 now
mmmkbro itz COOF20 now bois
we are in 2021 now
@@irgendeinname9256 ace 21 and AK5C are both overall great and Mtar is the best for close range
I got pretty devastating with the ace 52 cqb. I found it pretty decent at med to long range with single fire.
When i use the mtar i usually carry smokes or a GL with smokes to help with cover to get closer
Maybe Ill try this with my support class. I don't really like LMGs for the most part anyway.
I think the AN-94 is the best weapon overall and for all ranges IF, you can control it. It takes quite some time to master that weapon. I LOVED it in BF3 and still love it in BF4 even though it doesn't feel as powerful as it was.
I have to disagree. PDWs have their place. I also seem to squeeze more range out of them than most carbines, once I master their recoil. Well, okay, not as much as the Ak5c.
the CBJ-MS is on par if not better than most of the BF4 carbines
zachyj94 Ssshhh! Don't tell anybody! I think the CBJ-MS is still the best-kept-secret in this game...as is the PDW-R.
At the end of your video you talk about how each carbine can have an advantage in different situations. My personal choice has always been the ACW-R but the AK5C is so useful at longer ranges I switch to it on maps that have longer range. The ability to switch weapons on the fly in Battlefield, compared to say CoD, gives you more flexability in your combat situations. Thanks for reading this ramble and keep up the good work Level.
I can't be the only one who runs Carbines with the support class for ammo purposes can I?
You arent. Infinite ammo Carbines w/claymores/c4 ftw
Acwr on support is my fav setup with air burst and ammo box. It's really good on metro
no me 2
+Ba02 Eddie123 Yeah man. It's the best.
The Ace 21 CQB was pretty good too, I liked it.
Do LMGs next!
i think it just comes down to personal preference towards which gun performs the best at the different ranges, to me mtar is better then acw-r at close range, mainly because of its hip fire. the acwr only really has its quicker reload as its main advantage. i actually prefer the mtar over aek and use it most of the time im engi or medic. you can easily blow through your ammo when shooting at range but u just gotta learn to do burst fire with it and that doesnt become a problem.
He didn't even mention the G36C. That thing is an amazing carbine
Ztc1996 coyote sight with heavy barrel and angled grip and green dot is great.
@@jessesimmons9238 but you will want something more versatile than that
0:43 turn on subtitles when he says symthic
"I don't like burst weapons"
That's what she said
Dan™ L
With a shorter barrel your round will usually not reach the cartridges full velocity potential. Thus meaning it travels slower and hits with less energy
most viable carbines
SG553: if you have decent aim and want an optimal carbine for CQC and medium range
ACE52: If you have amazing aim, I mean that you can land at least 95% of all shots on someone.
I like how he talks about how rifles and carbines are the same on the battlefield. Wrong. Going from a carbine length to a rifle length barrel, cartridges are going to be moving substantially faster. Although it doesn't matter as much for full-powered cartridges, intermediate cartridges like 5.56x45 need as much barrel as possible.
You rules out the M4 because you don't like burst fire. How is your bias going to help anyone? I personally have no problem with burst fire at all. I use the M16 and M4 more than any other weapon, while keeping a high KDR.
The reason carbines are universal is because when picking the universal weapons you have a choice of a short, medium and long distance weapon.
Shotguns - Short Range
Carbines - Medium Range
DMRs - Long Range
I've also used DPS once, but DPS isn't everything. Time To Kill is. Let's say there is a gun that deals 33 max damage at 600 RPM, and another gun that deals 25 damage max at 780 RPM. Doing the math, the former deals 333 DPS, while the latter deals 325 DPS. In theory, that should mean the former gun should kill faster than the latter gun. Right? Wrong. Both kill in 4 hits up close, and the latter has a higher fire rate which would mean a faster TTK. Doing the math, the slower firing gun dishes out a 300 millisecond TTK, while the faster firing gun dishes out a 230 millisecond TTK. When it comes to CQB, time to kill means everything, and even with a lower DPS, the faster fire rate gun still kills in 70 fewer milliseconds, which means the faster firing gun will kill faster of course, due to killing in the same amount of hits. Here's the formula to check out:
TTK = 60/RPM*(Hits to Kill-1)+(meters/velocity)
I think there is 4 best in my opinion, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The ones I like are the ace-21 CQB, ace-52 CQB, ACWR, and the MTAR-21.
what about the G36C? That gun is amazing.
Nedtheshred I know right I love it with coyote heavy barrel and stub grip.
Thank you for being current and updating the weapons. With Dice's patches, this is a necessity. Thanks again!
Phantoms is best carbine 10/10
ACW-R is the overall king
G36c if u want effective range
SSG553 solid CQB weapon
PDW next, oh lovely Level?
I'm glad you're bringing back these class weapon reviews! The game changed so much that it seems necessary. Thanks for putting the work in!
What do you have against burst?
It's just less effective than full auto. With full auto guns, you always have the max fire rate whereas burst fire hinders if you can't keep up the timing
+Klocksy Burst guns suck in BF
+Klocksy Burst weapons need to be understood in order to use them properly. With an AEK you just keep pulling the trigger and the RPM does the rest. Let's be honest, these guides were never about skill these were about ease of use.
+Dah Magpie you clearly haven't used them/you are too bad to use the effectively
+Klocksy the delay between bursts, but I personally love burst.
My top 3 favourites are ACW-R for smaller maps, sg553 for medium engagements and AK5C for all around use
Said this before but doing videos like this is really where you shine Level! Love it. Thanks for the updates as well. Just got into BF4 to get the feel right for "BF5" and this is really helpful.
I personally run a A-91 with suppressor, target indicator, angled grip, and kobra sight. COmbine that with the wire guided aimy rpg thingy for long range infantry kills and some tanks.
Noob help: How do you change the reticle colors and hit-marker colors? Is it a CTE or a Premium thing?
Settings > Video > Advanced settings ;)
you know, honestly I put up this comment and then found a tutorial about how to do it...thanks for all the replies, though!
can you do this for the ps4 as well?
Burak Korkmaz yeh
Angled+heavy barrel on ACWR and Stubby+Suppressor on MTAR 21 are amazing been getting over 30 kills a game on locker
I love the ak models. Aku12 was a great weapon.
I love the ace because his country (;
i like the sig with the pka (the 1x not the 3.4x) and the g36c with holo. it feels so much better if you have the same set up as many other games use.
I like the m16 holographic with 2x folding grip and sometimes muzzle break. I can win most Close quarters fights and make a lot of long range kills. The burst doesn't slow me down in close quarters and it makes the long range shots easy. If your accurate and have a trigger finger I would go with the m16. I wish there were more skill cannons like it. It's only good if you are accurate and have a trigger finger for close range.
Currently playing for, like, twenty hours or so. The P90 I unlocked through the campaign is a real life saver up close, while the AK5c delivers as an all-arounder.
The Ace 21 is a great all rounder but will sometimes still lose close quarters fights. Especially if you get jumped by an MTAR user.
@@DAN007thefoxx1 I'll check out some guides. Thanks for the reminder.
sg553 is god
fk u
+Mohammed Alyami why exactly?
Finally, a video that is going to be permanently relevant to BF4. Unless DICE LA randomly comes back and overhauls balance again.
M4 master race
I love the G36C for it has a quick reload speed, I like its full select fire capability, and the 650 ROF is very good for anyone. Like coyote RDS, 2x magnifier, stub grip, and heavy barrel.
If u want the gane to be at least a bit realistic play hardcore :)
+FeliSC00 none of the squad up guys plays hardcore? Why you might ask? The faster time to kill gives to much edge to the guy who ambushes/shoots first, not who has the most skill. That and it allows sniper noobs to get one hit kills without hitting the head. Dont get me wrong, I play both modes and enjoy them both, but I do seem to get a whole lot more cheap deaths on hardcore. I have found I tend to enjoy games less and less the more "realistic" they are, but thats just me.
+SU_ Shadow any gun is good if u are accurate, snipers arent that good compared to dmrs as u can get a two shot in the body or a one shot in the head, I prefer them much more. U can also supress snipers so they cant be accurate if they shoot at u. Also u dont get that light coming from your scope. U can play as a medic with a dmr habing the ability to heal yourself
+Kyle Butler that hurts. Im crying right now. 😭😭😭
+FeliSC00 great, now go run into traffic as fast as you can
Honestly, I think that the SG553 is the best carbine. It is so versatile in the ranges that carbines are best at, and even though it can be out damaged by the MTAR or ACW-R in CQC, but I usually find that because it has lower recoil than both of those, it's easier to get my shots on target.
im so glad im not the only one who prefer sg553 over all carbine. sg553 has decent recoil stat it so easy to control your shot. and it also has very decent rpm.
So u have never played the a-91? :P
HeadHunter5898 Yeah I've used it a fair bit. But I'm a full on try-hard, and the reload on the A-91 is a bit long for my tastes. :P
i think the top 5 are:
5)Ace 52 cqb
4)Groza 1
1)Ace 21 cqb
my New fav is the mtar :)
Albert Wesker weeeeee
Really like these weapon break downs. Now I don't recall, have you done these with the other types of guns? If not, please do them for each category.
he did assault rifles yesterday so hell he probably be doing the other classes in the next few days
+Schweich224 What??? How did I miss that? WTF???
Best Carbine: Phantom Bow
hell no this weapon is the worst weapon in bf4
***** Koren12345 Fuck the bow and it's creator. After using it and failing multiple times, I had to go play Far Cry for a bit just to feel better about myself.
+Celibate Carl XD in fatcry its even worst
***** Thanks dad
Actually this is what people call a joke and you are what people call a boring person insulting anyone for no reason. No offense.
In the Land of Absurdity (battlefield play4free) the best "lmgs" alongside the infamous MG36 were the RPK 74m and the M27 iar. Boy did the AR/Lmg hybrids hurt.
Meanwhile Engineers mainly used the MP5 (play4free's Ace 21cqb sorta) or the AK74u which was in Play4Free the highest damage per bullet gun. Imagine a Scar H SV with 30 bullets 600rof.
ACW-R is for tryhards.
SG553 is the best carbine imo. Everything is perfect. Rate of fire, reload, accuracy, recoil...
MTAR is not bad, but ACW-R beats it.
ACE 52 is a great weapon. 25 rounds, high damage model and manageable recoil makes it sooooo effective.
And ACE 21? Its like ACE 23 but for every class with some drawbacks.
Then I have been a try hard for the entire life of the game.
Tryhards might be the gayest term in the world
+Jmo Fosho "tryhards" is not a term, it is the plural for a tryhard.
Its also gay
Woopty Do It has fast rate of fire and reload, exactly like AEK-971. And that weapon is for extreme pussies. I like to use more challenging weapons.
I'd like to see the Light Machine guns come up next. Personally i always end up with the QBB-95-1 and LSAT
I got 47 kills on a Metro 64 player map with just the LSAT. The thing is a freaking laser.
ehhh wheres the G36C
Thank you! I was wondering the same. that's about my goto carbine. curious what specific stat he ruled it out instantly with.
that gun is useless
+PBoogerwood gun is trash
Addisondavis - Daily Destiny Nope.
that's what I was gonna say!!!
I dig this format of video. Best in a while
Best carbine is and always will be the MTAR
a-91 went from underrated to one of the most versatile carbines if used properly with good attachments
G36C master race
hell yeah
how good is it?
+Callum Butler pretty good if it's used right
What are the best all round carbines as of now?
+Callum Butler do you even play battlefield
the m-tar 21 won't run out of ammo so quick if you just use it on your support class
you lose gun fights not because your rate of fire is slow you just suck at aiming.. plain and simple...
+oOizoOo Two people with enough skill, will probably never face off. It will be all about engagement priority. Who's going to get the other flat-footed. Also you nabsters play Normal (aka legal ESP) in BF4. In hardcore a lot of you guys are lost (no Minimap among others). So the fights become "chaotic".
Nope, if he can't shoot first. Fact is that suppression when actually enabled will do as much damage than ROF. Once again, ROF might enter this discussion only in very close combat. The fact it's an argument now at basically any range, is plain silly. This is why BF is going down the drain. The basic mindset is still close combat oriented.
Don noi you think slower rpm makes you shoot slower??
then sniper rifles will always start shooting late
When he said, "...has lesser..." I yelled " HAS LESSER!? GET GOODER GRAMMAR!" at the top of my lungs. lol
I have already mastered the acwr I used to use that on PS3 now I look back at it and it's still my best weapon
The reviewers what's your name on psn? I play bf4 too on ps3
the mtar is actually the same length as the tavor. but the made some tweaks to it to make it feel smaller and a it weights 2 ounces more(in real life)
Hey lvl if you are playing tdm use the offensive perk so you get extra ammo so you dont run out of bullets fast
if you really watch esl or bcl tournaments you'll see ACWR is used even on assault class by most of the players, because of it's hipfire accuracy wich is really better than aek and usually those tournaments allow short range engagements. So yes, in my opinion there's a use of carbines for the assault class
Hey Levelcap,
The Transformers 3 NEST loadout
Class: Engineer
ACW-R: Holo sight, magnifier, heavy barrel and angled grip
FN57: Ghost ring, laser sight
SMAW and Repair tool
Survival knife
Offensive upgrade
I have been having some trouble on deciding a good loadout and thought this was different and honestly I liked it alot when I used it. Use the SMAW to take out Decepticons (enemy vehicles) and the repair tool to repair Autobots (friendly vehicles). Be sure to stay on the move as much as possible as the NEST team has to be quick around giant killer robots. Have fun and good luck.
in hardcore the best carbine is the M4, when on single shot it is very easy to take down targets at long range (like 200 meters plus) and just switch to burst when cqb.