Sarah Silverman | Let My People Vote 2012 - Get Nana A Gun
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Ever since watching her on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, I love who she is!
Awesome work Sarah!
Love her voice :D
(Wreck it Ralf Brought me here.)
Why would old people vote for obama? Aren' t they more conservative?
spacelevator2020 I am not a us citisen, so my personal situation is irrelevant to the video. It was just an opinion that old people wouldn't be more likely to vote for Obama. The gassing part comes from your own fucked up mind.
Old people know better not to vote for a fucking socialist fuckwad.
Older people are a mixed bag, just like any demographic. Those in inner cities tend to be more liberal, just like the younger demographic in the same environment. And every demographic has it's ignorant fucktards, just like these assholes here.
Is she saying black people are too poor to have ID's? I call BS.
How about free photo ID?
The yellow discharge...
Even if you can't drive, you can still easily get a state ID. Why would you need a gun permit instead? This is such a strawman argument. Who would get a gun permit in order to vote?
thanks for posting this and thanks to sara for doing her bit in the last election
if you can register to vote you can take the fucking time to get an i.d. card i dont see whats the problem? anyways, you need identification for lots of other things besides voting too
Getting a state issued identification card requires money. That constitutes a poll tax, which is illegal. It was used to disenfranchise certain persons after the Civil War. If free voter identifications would be provided, I'd support this measure.
Yesss! Preach it Sarah
Hey Sarah- stop with the hyperbolic sarcasm and try supporting your arguments with logic
she's a comedian idiot
You are an inspiration , you make me laugh but more importantly you make me THINK. Today i was really looking for some new thought provoking jokes about Miley or even Kim, NOT, but holy shit I found some smart humor coming from a woman instead of about a woman , WHOA! What a lucky day I've had! Oh , and when people say you're just saying the most inappropriate, vulgar and taboo things to get people to pay attention to you, well that adds to the humor and importance of it all because they consider this stuff vulgar and inappropriate. At one point the right to free speech was inappropriate to talk about but I bet the people writing these comments are happy someone spoke of that taboo!
Sarah i just love you.
I have been married for 40 years
But i got my wifes permision to
Love you - she loves you too.
As she said in your age you are
Aloved to love evrybody.
A fan from DK.
I like your comedy but your politics.....not so much. Frankly I have no idea why people listen to actors and/or comedians it isn't like the constitution, economics, or politics is your field of expertise.
hey everyone, look it's the republican!
hey everyone look it's Captain Obvious
As a comedian I can tell you that you know jack shit about how much research we put into a subject when we are writing.
I don't listen to actors and/or comedians in general. I listen specifically to Sarah because of her creativity, humor, and truth. Coincidentally, the US Constitution and politics are a couple of my areas of expertise. Not like I lectured on Constitutional Law at University of Chicago like Barack Obama, but I studied it and aced the course and I can sing the preamble song from Schoolhouse Rock, which is more than what a lot of fucktards have to offer when they invoke the Constitution. I mean fucktards in general, not you specifically, my good man.
everyone including comedians and actors have the right to say what they want about anything, except Alec Baldwin, shut the fuck up already AB.
You didn't specifically say how these laws prevent any of the groups you listed from voting.
“If you get a gun you can get a ride virtually anywhere” LOL
"yellow dischrage" oh my god that made me laugh out loud. so unexpected! love it!
Those first 10 seconds could apply to any law in existance.
LOL I couldnt possibly disagree with her more having lived in Philly and seen voter fraud numerous times, but she is still hilarious and its a good discussion point. Thanks! ROTFL
7 Days from now we have an election in Sweden. In Sweden we require photo ID to vote, or someone with a photo ID who can testify that you are who you say you are.
MaskinJunior You know, I have to tell you something. I like the Swedes, because whereas the insane fringe left (who now unfortunately are becoming more mainstream, through media domination), we are also told somehow by these same kooks that your European models are the ones to follow, when in reality even the American left is far more leftist/socialistic than even you are in those countries. I really do think that if many (if not most of them these days, which didn't so much used to be the case), if they actually had their way, would make even _you_ people look like regular uber right wing Rush Limbaughs (a largely misunderstood man, I might add, namely, by the fringe left). I realize this all stems from ignorance, though, but as someone who actually studies these kinds of's just so damned frustrating, especially when people want to accuse you of being a "hater" for simply speaking common sense truth.
51MontyPython The problem is that we trail behind you. Less swedes follow the news every year, and the news is made more entertainment for every year that passes. The key to the good life we have, (Yes I believe I have a better life given the conditions I had when I was born, then I would if I was born in the same blue to white-collar family in the USA) is enough of our electorate make wise informed decisions.
Populist parties are unfortunately trending. Earlier when more of our population informed themselves better populist parties got nowhere. It is a old saying "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is". That is why our left wing is so moderate, as well as our conservative wing. A bit boring when they try to debate why half a percent is leading to the end of the world, but I rather have a boring government that is good at governing, than a exciting government that isn't.
MaskinJunior lol, yeah, I'll bet the differences between the parties over there is basically insubstantial.
Yeah, and I'll also say that what works in Sweden (to whatever extent that it does) wouldn't work here in the U.S. This has been stated even by Swedish economists, and living here myself, and can tell you this is very true. To the extent that you do make your system work, I think it has not even so much to do with the policies themselves as it does the people as a more homogenous group simply working it more responsibly. For example, I think it was back the 70s (or sixties maybe, I forget) that Sweden's economy tanked, and they rolled back by implementing austerity measures, and then sure enough it came roaring back. The left would never do that here. They would simply call for more of the same excesses that got us into the mess in the first place, always ever assuming is that the problem is that we just haven't done _enough_ of it. It's the definition of insanity, and so why I say the far left here _is_ literally insane (among many other reasons). There is also a great deal that the American progressives misunderstand about the Swedish system. A lot of myths and misconceptions. Their perception of it here is not in line with reality, even the way it actually works.
I understand why those of the leftist persuasion don't get fiscal conservatism though, because it's largely counter-intuitive (the reason I actually like to engage people in debate -- _real_ debate, which with certain factions I find simply impossible. I digress) and takes a certain mind and level of understanding to really get it, though for some it just comes natural, because their brains are just wired that way. That's why I really admire men like economist and professor Thomas Sowell of Hoover Institute, who actually started out as a Marxist, but then started asking questions and thinking critically for himself (which of course is just not allowed by the far left here -- the reason why academia has been taken over by absolutely _INSANE_ Marxist professors who censor their students in ever-so typical Maoist/Stalinist fashion -- it really is ridiculous the degree to which this is true, and it really is scary to see the zombie like herd mentality of their useful idiot flocks who just mindlessly accept everything fed to them without question. The only so-called "critical thinking" they employ is to parrot off mindless platitudes they've had instilled in them ad naseum. They can never engage in *REAL,* _true_ debate. It's all emotional appeals and ad hominems without any realism or rationality, anyhoo, I'm rambling...I digress)....back to Sowell, after noticing just how typically vicious the attitudes and reactions toward him were from his fellow "comrades," for any questioning of their paradigms -- anything other than pure lockstep unquestioning solidarity, naturally felt that there was something wrong there. And so being a more rational, analytical, numbers oriented kind of guy, started really investigating his preconceived paradigms more critically, and with more scrutiny, which inevitably led him to do a full 180 turn around, even going on to study under the eventual Nobel prize winning economist Milton Friedman. I personally think the man is a literal genius. He has an uncanny ability to explain the complex in simple and concise terms that is easy enough for anyone to understand, and debunks common myths like no one else (and why the left hates him). And it is _these_ people in particular who I most admire, because it shows that they actually have a brain and can think for themselves, unlike all the mind numbed robots we see all over the place these days. I always say it's a lot harder to be a conservative, because being what they call a "liberal" today is easy. All you have to do is say how much you "care," and you're in the club, without ever actually having to defend the case for your positions. Not so with conservatism. And it always chaps my ass when the libs just automatically assume (and make the ridiculous accusation) that those of the conservative persuasion have arrived at such because of a 'lack of _"compassion,"'_ as opposed to just the opposite based on what they see to be more reasoned _in addition_ to actually being best for _everyone._ It is precisely on _that_ point which the uber leftists can never allow the debate to really center around, and that's what's most frustrating of all. They always have to sell the emotional narrative; that's how their persuasion works. Emotion without logic is a dangerous thing for the mind, and for society at large.
I'll say this, it always is a breath of fresh air when I can find someone on the left who is actually capable of engaging in civil and reasoned debate, which I find much much more difficult (even impossible, it seems) from the American left. (The most intelligent, civil, and respectful debate I've had on these things was with a person who is also from Sweden, to the point that I was taken aback, from the contrast to what I'm used to. It was a rather pleasant covo). Pretty much all the ones (uber leftists) I run into all have this disturbingly typical personality type of being narcissistic, elitist, arrogant, condescending, and very very childish and obnoxious in their approach, only thinking with their emotions and never listening to sound reason. I've even experienced it personally from those who are _supposedly_ more right wing/conservative such as Mike Doocey ("Douchey," as I call him) from FOX News when I had to tell him to act his age one day in a back and forth we had. I mean just extraordinarily childish, so juvenile I couldn't believe it, especially since he had no clue what he was talking about and simply would not listen (ignorance combined with arrogance, a volatile mix) -- reminded me of a child when they plug their fingers in their ears, "I'm not listening! I can't hear you! na na na na! ...and the language he used....I found it rather unbecoming.
Anyhoo....Yeah, it's hard to find people who can engage in proper debate especially when they think they already know everything (those are the most ignorant of them all). It requires someone with intellectual humility. A rare quality I find. I might even come across as rather arrogant myself at times, but, it's because I just get so frustrated with those who are to arrogant themselves to even _question_ their own ideas. I might make bold assertions myself, but always willing and able to back them up, and it's really only those who _aren't_ willing much less able to do this who I can have a tendency to get short with. I always try to start out my conversations civilly, but with certain types it always inevitably descends into anything but rational discussion, and I lose patience.
Okay, this has gotten way too apologies; I'm just interested in this kinda stuff. :)
you don't need a gun license to own a gun...
I don't live in the US, but my compliments on a very nice video, and congratulations on four more years.
And it's funny how I watched a 1996 episode of Star Trek with Sarah as the guest star and then find this on the same evening, browsing for election commentary.
"Make sure that everyone you know gets the ID necessary to vote" - S. Silverman
Great advice since the MAJORITY of Americans are conservative.
I love how the people complaining about this video have zero regard for grammar/spelling/punctuation. I love Sarah Silverman!
"It only makes sense, cars cost 10's of thousands of dollars, but with a gun you can get a ride practically anywhere" :)
I'm kind of tired of people commenting nasty things on videos and photos with an opposite political viewpoint. If you disagree don't waste your time in the comments section, simply go watch something that you agree with. The internet is fairly vast, there's probably something out there for you. 😘love ya Sarah
This is so much better then your shopmall sketch. Keep doing this type of videos!
i love her voice!!!!
OMG THE GOLDEN GIRLS!!! I used to watch that wen I was little every time :)
If you say something, it's not on me to disprove it. If I were to claim "There are pink unicorns dancing on Venus underneath the opaque atmosphere" and you were unable to disprove it, that doesn't make it true.
Crippled Veteran: I have a purple heart!
Sarah Silverman: Big deal! I have a yellow discharge!
That was fucking classic! Talk about a one of a kind brilliant comic quote!
You lost me at yellow discharge...
(much appreciation to Sarah and her messages)
Not at all meant sarcastically or to be mean. Get them IDs on general principles. Facilitate them to get trained and permits and their own guns for themselves, for their betterment, for their independence and safety.
If they're capable of getting around on their own and making rational decisions, let them be armed if they wish.
"Anyone you can't trust with their own gun, you probably shouldn't trust to walk freely unsupervised in a civil society"
A rare combination of concise wit, wry intellect, and natural beauty. Love it, Miss. Silverman.
She's actually wrong on this. The fact is, every state issues a state ID. Even if you don't have a driver's license, you can still get a state ID.
I love your stuff and I truly wish you all the best.
Changing America... One video at a time.
Sarah, you are quite truly a genius.
Thank you Sarah!
HEY!!! The other guy after the old guy was also in the Sarah Silverman program as her dad who was dead, but then they figured out that he was actually alive and then he actually died
the old guy was from the Sarah Silverman program as well as this video. He was one of Sarah's replacement friends in the episode "Making new Friends"
Unlike some other idiots in the comments section, Sarah has EVERY right to say what she wants to. This is America. First Amdendment, tea partiers!
Joy Williams
What do you mean "unlike...other idiots?" If from the United States of America, everyone has that right. America is two, very large continents. Not a country!
But, did you notice the little disclaimer at the end? It's called being paid, not free speech. When you're paid to say something it's a bit different.
You should also note that (since I live in Tennessee), some student ID's do not have an address on them. You can't tell me the people you mentioned can buy perscriptions, write checks, and use credit cards WITHOUT an ID.Back to students... Many come from out of state, and are not registered to vote here... Concealed carry permits (which are issued through the DMV after an FBI background check) have a photo, address, and are more intensely scrutinized than issued drivers licenses...
sorry there are so many trolls here, Sarah. Let's hope THEIR names are scrubbed from their state voting rolls and they find out when they go to vote, and it's too late to re-register.
The fabulous Mark Cohen plays the amputee in this video. One of the best stand ups from NYC. He played at the Village Gate with the improv group Noo Yawk Tawk. Many people's careers took off from that group, Debra Wilson (Mad TV), Stan Taffel won three Emmys (The News In Revue), Marc Kudisch nominated for a Tony (Broadway).
Hey, Sarah. You make me smile. Have a nice day.
You know majority elderly vote republican right?
SmelliestElm Your point?
Back in the day, before the mid 60's, 'liberal' meant libertarian, now in practice it means social democrat in the US, and being 'conservative' practically meant Fascist. By the way there were liberal Democrats, who were mostly libertarian, just racist. Other than getting more social conservative in response to the counter culture movement in the 60's, the Republican party never really changed it's beliefs.
California gives Drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Should we give them the right to vote too. And that guy crying around about not being able to use his VA card, use your military ID instead. Plus when I voted I wasn't even asked to show my ID so I'm sure there's no way that I couldn't have voted twice... or did I?
What incredibly calculated B.S. you do spot
If someone has a VA card, it means you are a veteran. You turn in your military ID card for a TA180 card.
My dad served 30 years in the corps still has a military id
Then it's a TA180 card.
I love how there's the whole "the rich don't understand the middle class and poor" except in the cases of celebrities, in which case, they actually do. :D
I like her she's honest about her opinions and has a strong point. I'm sure all of you have an opinion as well.
I'd buy her a drink. Hope she doesn't mind drinking alone. lol
Actually, yes it is so. My argument still stands. While it's true that most people already have some form of ID that would allow them to vote under these new laws, anyone who doesn't have an ID would now have to pay money to vote. Therein lies the conundrum.
The one main thing I do agree with you on here, Sarah, is that indeed we ALL _SHOULD_ go out and get our necessary IDs to vote. But, that goes without saying.
nothing about Iran? Iraq? Sudan? Mauritania? C.A.R.? need an ID for driving? get one for voting.
Huh? You mean you're OK with a person needing an ID to get a driver's license -or get a bank loan, but not for the very important voting? What up!
Have people ever heard of a ID card in 2012? With that you could vote and drink.
this was an awesome video i really hope i could've seen it earlier.
The problem isn't the voter ID laws. The system is complex and F'd up enough that fraud is a possibility. The problem is the lack of effort to take care of people who don't have an ID or have the ability to get one. Like most politicians across the board. They are so focused on getting a law passed they don't bother to fine tune and correct mistakes "before" they put it out there. Can't help but notice a similarity between them and those who make games, movies, and t.v. shows. Does it really hurt so much to actually fine tune it and make sure it works first? It isn't an us vs them issue. All political parties are guilty of it. All should be held to a higher standard.
As a conservative I find this funny, I dont agree with her sarcasm but I understand it. I chucked
I worked at a voting precinct in virginia and we accepted anything, even your voter card and social security card.
the right to vote doesn't mean you have to spend money if you want to vote.
2021 and this is still fucking relevant.
Oh, I love this woman. Great message.
On the surface it seems like requiring an ID makes perfect sense to prevent possible fraud. However, there is a clear conflict of interest since the GOP chose such a specific time to push so hard for these laws, and don't have very much proof that voter fraud is widespread. Also, this could be considered a poll tax since most states charge for the required IDs.
Your voice is what makes you funny! Especially your beginning!!
You're so wonderfully right.
Holy Crap. Tears. She is awesome!
Dear Sarah, you should do a video on legalization. I firmly believe that if enough celebrities raise awareness about legalization that weed will be legalized in at least a decade if not sooner. I think weed is what this country needs! :D
Most states require you to carry a state issued ID anyway. How do these people buy cigarettes or alcohol without an ID? The reason for making people have an ID to vote is to stop non citizens from voting.
Best video ever.
I can't believe I watched this video again and I laughed!
This is weird. My state has voter ID laws and I've never had trouble voting, or my black neighbors.
If we had compulsory voting it wouldn't matter.
Good thing you bought Nana that gun now that they want to ban it.
However, I would agree that if the government require an ID, they should pay for it if the person is poor.
Lmao. Good vid!
I got the trailer for The Purge just before this video. How relevant!
There's something I don't get. Why would these sects of people not have voter IDs?
while I may agree with the post I didn't write it
not sure how someone uses my handle...
I've just found you by accident, and I know our story it's impossible but I love you! (As many others commented before me). But mine it's true love. :-)
It's because people don't care about politics. Why wouldn't you care about what's going on? People really need to start seeing what is really going down.
"Woah it has a kick on it... Just like your lemonade... :|" lol
Well, I'm with Mrs. Silverman. I'm a senior citizen and when I went to vote, I got lost. I went through a whole box of Depends before I found the polling place. I saw a young woman wearing no bra and I was so offended that I shit my pants yelling at her about what a cheap floozy she was. That was bad because I had just used my last Depends. Then, they threw me out of the voting booth because they said I smelled like shit! A donnybrook broke out and I lost my toupe'. Please help us Sarah!
thank you Sarah...
I love her
just pictured Vanellope sayin' "I got a yellow discharged... What I got a cream for it!" ROFLMAO
To get on a plane, to buy alcohol, to buy cigarettes, to buy a stripper... all require IDs, are all those things racists? Do the elderly, blacks, students etc being discriminated against and are known never to do those things? ARE THEY!
great video!
New subscriber - you are hilarious!!
oh my god this is too good
It is not the fact you need an ID it is that the laws allow certain ID's and not other ID's. Like you can use gun permit to vote ( teabag republican ) but you can not use a college student ID ( educated Democrat )
I've never understood the money argument. It costs $20 to get a state issued ID card. If you can't afford that, you're probably on welfare. Why don't we just issue a free ID to the people that are on welfare? You need a state photo ID to get a job anyway.
They can go to the DMV and get a state issued ID like they've given for as long as I can remember.
I'm not sure whether to take you seriously. They walk around on the street almost every day with the latest Air Jordans or the latest iPhone, or whatever, and you're seriously going to say they can't afford $20 to get a state issued ID? When I was 18, I was literally penniless, but I made sure I had an ID. People need to get their priorities straight, and before you open your mouth, make sure you're making sense.
It's illegal to ask for a license if you vote in
Cook County...( Chicago), I don't know what she is talking about
Love you Sarah. And yes, she did the voice of the glitch in Wreck it Ralph.
Aren't conservatives advocating less government interference? Not wanting these laws would actually be more conservative than liberal.
They are saying poor or black people votes are blocked by this law because poor and black people can't afford to get photo identification. Where I lived if you were poor you could get a redced cost photo ID for about the cost of a pack of cigarettes. Most people that poor get some kind of government assistance which requires them to have some identification.
I do agree, guns in hands of convicted felons is dangerous, but we are not talking about going after those people and those guns. All the talk is about going after law abiding citizen and not convicted felon. They are doing that because they know convicted felons will never comply with the laws and will always be on the wrong side of the law, so they go after the law abiding citizens who bend over backwards to try to stay on the right side of the law and yet maintain their freedom and liberties.
Don't you have citizen ID card in America?
Yes we do. The state can and do issue them... In fact it is required to have them without a driver's license. This video is a massive lie so that illegal immigrants can be used as a voter base...
+TheTyrial86 Then what is voter card? Citizen ID should have picture, address, date of bird and so on. So what is the point of voter card? I like Sarah and Obama, but this seems wierd. At least for me as a European.
Thanks for clarifying that :-)
Wait a second, *can* issue them? It is not mandatory to have citizen ID card from certain age? Well then no wonder...
Wait a second, *can* issue them? It is not mandatory to have citizen ID card from certain age? Well then no wonder...
nesto That is also a good question. To show you are a registered voter in the area. It is really meant for the state/district you are in...
Honestly republicans want ID's to replace voter cards to show residency, and citizenship. Much like other countries. It also streamlines the process while saving money on voter cards.