start of a good machine. but in reality it needs a redesign. why aren't the legs on rams so you don't need 2 men to fold them down. same goes for the cyclone and log loader.
Hello, I am in France, I am looking for this type of autonomous processor in order to market it, I am a trader and users of this type of equipment, I also sell and transform firewood in the Alps in savoie forest regions.
you can meet a lot of ladies with this type of machine.
start of a good machine. but in reality it needs a redesign. why aren't the legs on rams so you don't need 2 men to fold them down. same goes for the cyclone and log loader.
The conveyor is too short & needs to pivot too.
how much does that machine cost you
Hello, I am in France, I am looking for this type of autonomous processor in order to market it, I am a trader and users of this type of equipment, I also sell and transform firewood in the Alps in savoie forest regions.
sure is quiet
super tare
Valentin Popescu was your birthday I Justin Justin
Bardzo prosze o podanie ceny
tej maszyny ?
+Kaczor Boleslaw
biuro sprzedaży
Pinosa Ltd : +39 0432 783298
Kaczor Boleslaw
pleas EURO??
And the block out the guys face like hes a wanted man
Skeets K pavimenti pavimenti
Skeets K potmo
WTF are you trying to say little dude?