Larry McCrea, 7th C. R. Parekh Memorial Lecture on ‘India's Early Enlightenment’

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2024
  • Institute of Indian Thought, CSDS
    invites you to 7th C. R. Parekh Memorial Lecture
    India's Early Enlightenment
    The Ideal of Rational Belief in First Millennium South Asia
    by Lawrence McCrea
    Shail Mayaram will Chair
    Monday, 24 July 2023, 6 pm IST
    Lecture Room II, Annexe
    India International Centre
    40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi
    Please join us for tea at 5.30 pm
    Indian philosophers in the mid-first millennium elevated epistemology to a commanding position, insisting that all knowledge claims be grounded in complete theory of knowledge argued out from first principles. This shift, which largely cut across sectarian lines, radically transformed the approach to the most basic questions of cosmology and hermeneutics, ushering in a period in which claims regarding knowledge provided by scripture, even within the authors' own traditions, were radically scaled back, under the strain of increasingly skeptical inquiry. This talk will chart the overall contours of these developments, and consider their broader implications for Indian cultural and intellectual history.
    Lawrence McCrea has published extensively on classical Indian philosophy, poetics, and scriptural hermeneutics. He is the author, most recently, (with Yigal Bronner) of First Words, Last Words: New Theories for Reading Old Texts in Sixteenth-Century India (2021). He is currently Professor of Sanskrit Studies at Cornell University.
    Shail Mayaram is Honorary Fellow at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.

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