Hi, Tbstang122 I appreciate the feedback! All the H column does is give the value of scheduled staff per each interval. You can do that with sumifs. The column X should always be zeroes when running the model, but it is values, no formula needed there. The connections between the maps and column X, and then column G and H are important but I do think I did cover this. I hope you can make it work. Feel free to ask if you have another question.
Thanks for the video, but not clicking into individual cells to reveal all of the formulas/set up is a big miss here. For instance, I have no idea what you're doing in cell H19, X19, or the maps created.
Hi, Tbstang122 I appreciate the feedback! All the H column does is give the value of scheduled staff per each interval. You can do that with sumifs. The column X should always be zeroes when running the model, but it is values, no formula needed there. The connections between the maps and column X, and then column G and H are important but I do think I did cover this. I hope you can make it work. Feel free to ask if you have another question.
Thanks for the video, but not clicking into individual cells to reveal all of the formulas/set up is a big miss here. For instance, I have no idea what you're doing in cell H19, X19, or the maps created.