Crisis Series #18 with Fr. Loop: The Secret Work that would Take Over the Council

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024
  • In this episode, we're happy to welcome back Fr. Jonathan Loop, the Principal of ICA in Post Falls, ID, to discuss the second part of the preparations for the Second Vatican Council. Last time, we saw the good preparations that were done, and caused many, including Archbishop Lefebvre, to be very optimistic about the Council. Today, we'll see the behind the scenes work that was carried out by the liberal Council Fathers, before the Council even started. This would have disastrous effects for the entire Council, and the intervening years of the post-conciliar Church.
    If you want to learn more about this series we're doing on the Crisis in the Church, or go back and revisit our previous 17 episodes, please subscribe on your favorite podcast app or program by searching "SSPX" or visit
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ความคิดเห็น • 44

  • @makethisgowhoosh
    @makethisgowhoosh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    This is a great series. It doesn't matter if you are affiliated with the SSPX, you should still watch all of these.

  • @NoChicanery
    @NoChicanery 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Andrew you are a wonderful host and interviewer. I love your humility and summaries 🥂

  • @laurent-8235
    @laurent-8235 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you Fr and Andrew

  • @Niklaus777
    @Niklaus777 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Truth will set us free. Christ Our Lord will set us free. Great series. Thank you.

  • @kentpurdy92
    @kentpurdy92 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    This is a fantastic series, and the episodes with Father Loop on the preparation for V2 are especially good.
    One small note... Father is off a year on his comment about the Cuban Missle Crisis. That was in 1962, not 1961. Perhaps he was thinking of the failed “Bay of Pigs” invasion of Cubs, which was in early 1961.

  • @76katster
    @76katster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    More more more! These are amazing!!! Wonderful work! These would be great on a dvd set! Thank you so very much!

  • @gloriacheon5952
    @gloriacheon5952 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is sooo SAD to hear
    God Help Us 😪🙏💒

  • @John_21601
    @John_21601 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s interesting reading Abp Vigano’s Christmas 2022 letter in light of this series.

  • @user-mr1um1cg5v
    @user-mr1um1cg5v 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you so much. Amazing series.

  • @donaldmorgan9149
    @donaldmorgan9149 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Thank you for this series. In this disturbing time these are truths we need to understand where we are and how to prepare to weather what is coming.

  • @elizabethdarley8646
    @elizabethdarley8646 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We are eternally grateful to Our Lord God Almighty for bringing us to the great SSPX in 2018 after 10 years in the Church of England and Anglo Catholicism. Thank you, God. We love you xxx

  • @gloraykid
    @gloraykid 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    SURREXIT DOMINUS! Magnificent series - I am learning so much (of the distressing) history... but CHRIST REIGNS IN HIS CHURCH! Thank you SSPX Podcast!

  • @liammccann8763
    @liammccann8763 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The attention to detail and rigour of enquiry, presented in this series, has been a revelation. One cannot help but suspect that the groundwork for Vatican III is underway. Thank you for illuminating aspects that where hidden. Nar laga Dia thu.

    • @paulawarnes9951
      @paulawarnes9951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I respond 6 months later - looks like you were right about the "Vatican III." God forgive us.

  • @tebennett1
    @tebennett1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Outstanding presentation. I read a few books and listen to a lot talks. I particularly find the late Fr Gregory Hesse informative but, these last two episodes made the info coalesce like no other talks before. Excellent job. My only complaint is that we don't get the videos more frequently. Keep up the good work.

    • @GABRIELLA3254
      @GABRIELLA3254 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree, also love Father Hesse, I wish he wouldn't have died so soon tho but I'm hoping he is in Heaven now

  • @fr.johnpeterboucher3008
    @fr.johnpeterboucher3008 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There are two threads that run completely through the entire Scripture and actually continue on until today. These are in Genesis 3:15, the Woman and Her Seed. Just as this episode is about the Council and the undercurrent that was trying to destroy it, that same undercurrent is there also in Genesis 3:15 as the one who will lie in wait for Her heel.
    The same duet of the Woman and Her Seed show up in Apocalypse 12 as the Woman clothed with the sun and the child to whom She struggles to give life. Again, concurrently, we have the dragon whose tail "drew the third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth". Apocalypse 1:20 defines the "stars" as "angels of churches" and the italic intro to chapter 2 of Apocalypse (DRV) says that these angels are Bishops; and certainly the number from the Rhine and those that joined them constituted one third of the Bishops at Vatican II. Certainly these are the Bishops and their periti, and this absolutely is the devil striking at Our Lady's heel... Our Lady being Holy Mother Church.
    Certainly the prophecy of Apocalypse 12 about the serpent has the same three characters: Our Lady, Our Lord Jesus, and Lucifer. With the Bible showing this epic struggle throughout, certainly we must recognize the connection between Fatima and the refusal of John XXIII to fulfill Our Lady's request to read the Third Secret as being one of the major contributors to what happened at Vatican II. After all, the Secret was to be read in 1960 which is the year the Church highjackers were planning their new schemas.
    BXVI speaks of "hermaneutics of continuity". The Church had already approved of the apparitions at Fatima to be worthy of belief. The refusal to read the Secret as Our Lady had requested was in and of itself a giant disconnect from what the Church had already decided. Just like dominos, Vatican II was the next domino of Our Lady as Holy Mother Church to be knocked over. Now the continuity is broken with the Deposit of Faith which is another attack at Our Lady's heel.
    Let us not forget that Our Lord came to visit Lucia also and complained that His Church was failing to fulfill His Mother's wishes at Fatima. He even forewarned her for His Church that the fate of the Church would be the same as the French monarchy.
    Can we miss the imagery parallel between the French monarchy and the Vicar of Christ Our King, the Papacy? Can we not recognize, again, Vatican II as taking the authority away from the Papacy? "Off with his head!" And, as for the faithful, "let them eat cake", and the change of the wording of the Consecration, "for some" versus "for all". That was an attack on Her Seed as His own words were changed, calling into question what the faithful are actually receiving in the Eucharist, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, or cake?
    Thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer and the Bishops/stars of the SSPX who are in continuous harmony with Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary and the fight against the red dragon... one continuous line from Jesus to today protecting Our Lady as Her heel!

  • @Tommx1967
    @Tommx1967 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This broke my heart. So far I'd had a deep love and veneration for Popes John XXIII and Paul VI. Now, knowing that they delivered the Church into the hands of modernists is more than I can take. I don't know where to turn. Something inside me just died.

    • @theparodymaker1801
      @theparodymaker1801 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @Tommx1967 Be glad that something inside you just died for that is the salvation that you need if you really wanted to enter God's kingdom. If you remained unaware of the truth behind Vatican 2, have you ever imagined where your soul would be when you die? I used to be a number 1 fan of totus tuus jpII (I don't revere him anymore so I don't use italics on anything associated with him and all post vatican 2 popes), falling hook, line and sinker for what I would later learn were blasphemous and heretical teachings. Again be glad that the truth was revealed to you and the gift of wisdom given to you by the Holy Spirit (hoping you use it wisely). There are countless others who, despite the truth staring down their faces, refuse to believe that anything to do with vat2 is anti-church, anti-Rome, anti-Christ. Sometimes, people just doesn't want to use their God-given intellect and will rather seek the approval of their peers before acting, when everything is too late. Like you, I have so much to learn, so much to digest and put to action. Amidst all these crisis in faith, what I'm sure of is I'll never, ever attend a novus ordo mass ever again. Until a new pope who will bring back Catholicism to what it truly should be, I don't want anything to do with Rome nd the Vatican.

    • @ElkArrow
      @ElkArrow 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theparodymaker1801 Frankly, once one leans this history and the truth about what has happened in the past 60 years, coupled with all the liturgical "reforms", I don't see how anyone can attend the Novus Ordo Missae. In my opinion, attendance at that "service" is giving one's consent to its legitimacy. It's like attending a Protestant service. You couldn't get me to attend the Novus Ordo Missae even at gunpoint

    • @paulawarnes9951
      @paulawarnes9951 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theparodymaker1801 I write this 6 months after you posted your comment. Are you fortunate enough to live near an SSPX chapel? We just lost our Latin Mass where I live. My only option is to attend a Byzantine Rite, which I am finding very difficult to do. It's beautiful, but it feels like I'm on another planet. 2-1/2 hours to the nearest Latin Mass.

    • @paulawarnes9951
      @paulawarnes9951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ElkArrow So, where do you go to church?

  • @carledwardvincent7131
    @carledwardvincent7131 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Extremely sad and infuriating.

    • @jackieann5494
      @jackieann5494 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It IS sad , Carl .
      But I think the Bible says these things must come to pass ?
      How blessed you are that , even though you're sad and furious about it , you can SEE .
      Keep the Faith .
      God IS in control .

  • @sr.maryofjoseph
    @sr.maryofjoseph 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Although this episode is very informative, there seems to be a huge factor missing involving the success of the takeover at Vatican II. That is disobedience to Our Lady of Fatima, and therefore to Her Son!
    The famous, "It's not for our time", was the shot that was heard around the world signaling to the "Little Lady" that She didn't know what She was talking about. Where was the faith in Her protection for being obedient to Her request?
    Any and all of Her promises of a conversion of Russia were made void with the disobedience of the Church hierarchy to Consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. Our Lord's own words confirm that in His sentencing of the Ministers of His Church to the same misfortune as the King of France.
    Let's never forget! Her instructions were clear. The Consecration was to be done by the Pope AND all the Bishops! How many Popes were forced into doing a "Consecration" that was not in compliance with Heaven's mandate, because their Bishops refused, and those same Popes are still today being maligned as being disobedient to Our Lady.
    We have first hand proof of the Bishops' roles in thwarting Our Lady with Fr. Gruner's efforts for years traveling all over the world trying to get all the Bishops on board with a Consecration.
    When we thumb our noses at Our Lady, we are essentially telling the Blessed Trinity to take a hike!
    Is there any wonder AT ALL why(!) the Council takeover by the modernists was such a success?! Could there be ANY blessing from God for such a Council when from the beginning His Mother was cast aside?
    The Council was a poisoned fruit of disobedience, freemasonry, and Christ killers.
    Thank you, Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer for corresponding to the Graces and carrying the torch of the True Faith. The SSPX is no doubt the Remnant Church, a small piece of the original. This is undoubtedly the fulfillment of Christ's words that the gates of Hell will not prevail against His Church. Note: He did not say "against the Church in Rome", but "His Church". That Church resides in people's hearts which is what He wants.

  • @traceyedson9652
    @traceyedson9652 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a non-Catholic Christian (not Protestant) who doesn’t accept the “
    universal and immediate jurisdiction” of the bishop of Rome, and thus the recipient of efforts by “conservative” Catholics to covert (of course SSPX is but one grouping) - I still do not understand how the authority of the pope is construed. It seems that traditional Catholics accept “universal” (they don’t like synods very much) and “immediate” (they don’t like local bishops’ autonomy) jurisdiction, but when they don’t like a pope’s actions they feel quite free to not only criticize but condemn & assert quite nefarious motivations or at least gross lack of wisdom.
    I understand the very narrow confines of “infallibility” but what Catholics posit to those of us not in his communion is much more than that. It’s his authority, and that unchecked, in daily church life.
    Does he or does he not have a charism? And does he or does he not have authority to make secretariats into commissions, or call councils, or discern a need to “open the windows,” or focus church messaging to the modern world, or update the liturgy?
    Catholic teaching says he has this authority. Why do trads balk at its inevitable application? I believe the teaching is that no one is above the Pope to judge him?
    In another video in this series, it’s stated that the pope “guarantees the infallibility of a council.” But not Vatican II, I gather.
    As a receiver of condemnation for not accepting that very authority, it’s rich to see the same folk judging their own popes. But it begs a real question: Other than a mere formal relationship of communion (it was stated in #19 that we were to “submit,” which sounds an awful lot like Islam to me, as I read no such things in the Gospels, St Paul or the early Fathers), what practical authority is it Im called to submit to if not the big and hard things?

    • @NothosXXI
      @NothosXXI 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Pope guarantees the infallibility of a council for as long as both the Pontiff and the Council remain in unity with the Magisterium. In other words, neither a Pontiff nor a Council can break unity with the Depositum Fidei and guarantee "infallibility" at the same time. Vatican II is arguably a departure from the Catholic Church and her Deposit of Faith. Therefore neither the Council nor the Pontiffs calling the Council and closing the same guarantee "infallibility."
      We need to understand the rigor of INFALLIBILITY in its strict Catholic sense.
      A Pontiff can no objectively ever act/speak "ex-cathedra" against the Depositum Fidei, or it's Apostolic Constitutions -such Quo Primum - and remain neither Catholic nor Infallible.
      in contrast, Popes can reject a Council that is not Catholic. Pope St. Leo I, condemned the Robers Council, its proceedings, and perpetrators

    • @gregmarra9457
      @gregmarra9457 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      As I understand it, the pope's approval is necessary but not sufficient for a council's infallibility. The episode you're referring to mentioned several councils that commenced with papal approval but concluded under papal censure, e.g. the robber council of Ephesus in 449. That video also pointed out that councils only have as much papal authority as the pope intends. The Vatican II popes have been clear that they did not intend the Council to make any extraordinary pronouncements.

  • @JustCallMeKen
    @JustCallMeKen 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dec. 1961 wasn't two months after the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened in October 1962.

  • @NothosXXI
    @NothosXXI 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I find it so disturbing that John XXIII will permit that all these condemned ideas and even theologians and churchmen would even have a part at the Council... that Council clearly is not a Catholic Concil...
    Did not Our Lady ask Blessed Catherine Emerich to petition God Father - rising at midnight to pray every night - for the removal of the church of darkness from Rome?
    And did not Our Lady also warned that Rome will lose the Faith?
    God help us +

  • @davidstanton4241
    @davidstanton4241 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Actually John 23 there was one man in the past who was an anti pope who chose that name...he is well documented ...the man was signifying the traditions of an anti-pope

  • @carolynkimberly4021
    @carolynkimberly4021 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why did these Council members want to destroy the Church? What did they think they would get out of it? Did Christ leave the Church?

    • @peterdarley5161
      @peterdarley5161 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Quite! I would read about this and pray for understanding.
      The main direction of Satan is to destroy the Church. Never underestimate the intelligence of demons.
      Lord, have mercy upon us,
      Christ have mercy upon us,
      Lord have mercy upon us.

    • @peterdarley5161
      @peterdarley5161 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Dear SSPX podcast, please tell us how we can send a monthly donation from the UK.
      Mr and Mrs D.
      SSPX chapel of Saint Pius X

    • @peterdarley5161
      @peterdarley5161 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dear sir, this is a very high quality video series. It is professionally presented in both sound and vision and is well edited too. As a sound engineer, my husband recognises that this is high quality. Praise God!
      Mrs Darley
      Chapel of Saint Pius X,
      Great Britain

    • @SSPX
      @SSPX  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@peterdarley5161 Thank you!

    • @garyolsen3409
      @garyolsen3409 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's really complicated, but basically everything was done in the spirit of ecumenism. To be more appealing to non-Christians and Protestants. There are a lot of books on Amazon dealing with the council.

  • @argo_nonya
    @argo_nonya 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is there a sspx in Boston?