Crisis Series #19 with Fr. MacGillivray: The Disastrous Start to Vatican II

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • Today, we’re diving into the Second Vatican Council itself with Father William MacGillivray. This is the first of three episodes on the Council. After having reviewed the preparation for the Council in the last two episodes, today we’ll see what happened during the first two sessions, or the first two years of the Council. We’ll see how the Neo-Modernists came to the council absolutely prepared - and in effect caused the first session to end with nothing accomplished, and how a group of Council Fathers - the Rhine Group - would go back home after the first session and prepare to reshape the course of the rest of the Council.
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ความคิดเห็น • 54

  • @VuNguyen-sy6uv
    @VuNguyen-sy6uv 3 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    God bless the SSPX.

  • @Tommx1967
    @Tommx1967 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    It was not only Cardinal Ottaviani who was silenced, humiliated and ridiculed by the modernists, but the Holy Catholic Tradition itself.

    • @NothosXXI
      @NothosXXI 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      My goodness... I am speechless... clearly, a counterfeit church was born in 1968....
      Where are all these men today, responsible for this catastrophe... what became of them in the life to come?
      Death comes to all of us, sooner or later...
      Blessed is the man who Fears the Lord +
      I see so many unknown Saints who fought for the Church in this most unholy Council...
      They are the true Martyrs, the Martyrs for Truth, the True Saints which the Conciliar Church silenced, who are seated today in Thrones of Justice on Seats of Judgement +
      _Ave Maria_

  • @donaldmorgan9149
    @donaldmorgan9149 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    One cannot study the facts of Vatican Council II in the light of what has transpired from 1965 to the present and not come to the conclusion that this was a disaster for the Church. Thank you for presenting this series for the education of the Faithful as to who, what, when and where the modernists inserted errors into the Church.

  • @Regina-zx3ex
    @Regina-zx3ex 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you Father. Great program. Pax Christi

  • @stthomasmore4811
    @stthomasmore4811 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I struggle interiorly with the existence of the SSPX - but I do not for one moment dismiss you. I struggle even more with this shocking "Council." You occupy a very very difficult place which, perhaps, you have received a special Grace to endure. I pray for all the clergy of the Society and pray daily for all to be revealed. Thank you.

    • @TiJacQc18
      @TiJacQc18 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi, if it is not too late, I would really like to hear if there was any change about your struggle with the SSPX since then? I myself have currently mixed feelings about them and yet, one cannot ignore the crisis and I wish with all of my heart that they are correct because I like the work they do in my country and see in them a long term solution to a lot of the problems going on around in our society. Let me know if there was anything new you learned during those past 2 years.
      God bless you.

  • @carolynkimberly4021
    @carolynkimberly4021 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Thank you for addressing the elephant in the room. SSPX is the only one to speak out.

    • @deadpoet4662
      @deadpoet4662 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @Tom Berryhill SSPX was the only one that spoke out. That is the reason of the not so "normal" relation with Rome. Except very recently in Francis pontificate that they started to voice out because the errors, which the late Archbishop Lefebvre had warned us, are now very obvious. That is also the reason of the not "normal" relation of Archbishop Vigano with Rome.
      SSPX was alone fighting for the Truth when the errors were introduced. As if the "normal" relation even matter. We don't want to have a normal relation with error. Never accept compromise. Keep fighting with our Rosaries.

    • @jackieforestieri3010
      @jackieforestieri3010 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Tom Berryhill and I hope they are allowed to continue offering the Latin Mass. I’m not sure I’d feel secure going to one of those churches in these times.

    • @NothosXXI
      @NothosXXI 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Tom Berryhill - unfortunately, these institutes - PFS, ICK, under their Canonical Regularity, will have to cave into the elephant in the room, every time they have to celebrate Mass in a Novus Ordo Parish or bend the knee to the unholy interdicts of this Pope Francis -the great "humanist" of our time, and his new "tower of babel"

  • @sr.mariafrancisherrera5400
    @sr.mariafrancisherrera5400 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you very much Father for the enlightening explanations of the misdeeds that happened during the Second Vatican Council. It has caused so much sadness in the Church especially among it's faithful members. Great numbers left the faith even among the clergy and the Religious due to the errors wrought by many members in the Council. Yet, our hope is in the name of the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. Your work of preaching the truth, of Truth Himself is what the Whole Church needs to hear. There's so much falsehoods, lies and even silence very prominent in the world. The triumph of the Immaculate Heart will happen and your powerful preaching will greatly help in it's accomplishment. May God bless you and the whole of your Fraternity. Glory be to God! Happy Easter to you all!!!

  • @nieves8160
    @nieves8160 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God Bless the SSPX. Know that people here in San Juan Puerto Rico are praying for you all and the Church.

  • @avaloncarr5429
    @avaloncarr5429 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This is so wonderfully explained, thank you and God bless. Laudetur Jesus Christus

  • @noeliediendere651
    @noeliediendere651 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank's for this interview!
    GOD bless you too!

  • @laurent-8235
    @laurent-8235 ปีที่แล้ว

    thanks Fr

  • @rscottlogan9471
    @rscottlogan9471 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I hope there will be an episode showing how the new mass was implemented around the world in 1969 and after.With a focus on how latin was completely abolished despite what the Vatican Council Fathers asked for.

  • @selinam8805
    @selinam8805 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Thank you very much for all your work in educating us! May God bless your work and allow it to continue!

  • @talinasilva8738
    @talinasilva8738 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    God bless you all. Your message is crossing borders. From Costa Rica, thank you.

  • @BJ-cb6di
    @BJ-cb6di 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Many blessings society society

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Roman Catholic Church
    The Church is one
    The Church is holy
    The Church is apostolic
    The Church is dynastic
    The Church is Hierarchical
    The Church is messy
    The Church is Mystery
    The Church is teacher
    The Church is Mother
    The Church is universal
    The Church is sacramental
    The Church is authoritative
    The Church is visible
    The Church is unchangeable
    The Church is missionary
    The Church is the Kingdom of God
    The Church is TRUTH
    The Church is the bride of Christ.
    The Church is the mystical body of Christ
    The Church is in the world not of the world.

  • @alamedavigilante
    @alamedavigilante 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow--I just discovered this series. Very well done! I can only hope prelates who need to see this-- like Bp Robert Barron-- actually do.

  • @paulfaigl8329
    @paulfaigl8329 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Iota Inum is a great book.🙏❤️🙏 God bless you Fathers of SSPX. Yet, significantly, it started with gutting out the Liturgy! Which is modus of our relation to God. Wow😃 Very smart move! 🤣🙏🤣 and enter the new "Boss" 😈

  • @jackieann5494
    @jackieann5494 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The glorious , strong , life-giving river of tradition was poisoned by these sneaky , underhanded operators .
    So sad .

  • @jamiejaegel7962
    @jamiejaegel7962 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Leaven of malice and evil

  • @eldermillennial8330
    @eldermillennial8330 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A MacGillvary. Very composed for a “Wildcat”!😁

  • @pegonzellschmidt6225
    @pegonzellschmidt6225 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Any discussion of John xxiii calling for the council always includes the observation that it was 'lucky' for the Rhine group as to the vacuous purpose for the calling. Strange that there is never any hint that he has connived with them or at least tipped them off or for that matter was pressured into calling a council.

  • @ClavesCoelorum
    @ClavesCoelorum 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The "prophets of doom", from what I know, refer particularly (though maybe not exclusively) to Cardinal Ottaviani, who just a short while before gave an interview in which he expressed his conviction that the Council would condemn modern errors.

  • @kathleencurran7805
    @kathleencurran7805 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So the council was about man and not God. Bound to fail.

  • @gloriacheon5952
    @gloriacheon5952 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow the German Schism started with John XXIII .UNBELIEVABLE 😪
    But I REFUSE to include St. John Paul II or Pope Benedict as part of this Scheme. I NEVER heard anything CONTRARY to the Gospel comming from Them.
    Contrary to the "empty" preaching coming from Francis, I was always Nourished by them and came closer to Jesus because of what they Preach.🙏💒

  • @eldermillennial8330
    @eldermillennial8330 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think my maternal great grandfather and his paternal great great grandfather were brothers. There’s not a lot of MacGillvarys in the states, we’re mostly descended from Just a few migrant families in the 1850s.

  • @KoalaBear499
    @KoalaBear499 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Was John XXIII the first of the Modernists’ victims, deceived into calling a Council which they promised him held only upside? Or was calling a Council the quid pro quo he owed influential cardinals for getting him elected in the first place? A fool, or a vain, worldly man? His opening statement (written by Montini, if memory serves) indicates the former, while his reaction to the revealing of the Third Secret points to the latter.

  • @BujangMelaka90
    @BujangMelaka90 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To hell with Vatican II

  • @andrewangelopacheco9960
    @andrewangelopacheco9960 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is important to note that Pope Benedict XVl in his Biography speaks of the Council of Pope John XXlll, it was a completed finished Council and what is called the beginning of the Council was actually the end. All the Bishops were called to Rome to sign the Decrees of the Council and by an evil plot by the Modernists and company they voted out the "second Holy Vatican Synod" (Vatican ll) of Pope John XXlll. Pope Benedict XVl says he still has qualms for helping voting out the Council of Pope John XXlll, his Cardinal, His Eminence Frings, Pope Benedict says suffered immensely afterward for taking part in overthrowing what Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre said would have been a "Great Council". Why is attention not given to this? It shows Pope John XXlll was a Traditionalist.

  • @guntert.9239
    @guntert.9239 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am not sure what you say about Josef Ratzinger being a "protégé" of Karl Rahner is really true. In fact I am quite sure he didn't work "under Karl Rahner". Ratzinger was "peritus" for Cardinal Frings of Cologne, if I am not mistaken, and although he certainly felt rather close to Rahner and his ideas at the beginning, he later famously wrote that he soon realized that what Rahner meant when he talked about reforming (or reviving) the Church was not at all what he, Ratzinger, meant by it. I can imagine that you are no friend of Josef Ratzinger, but his later actions as Pope Benedict XVI concerning the traditional Latin mass and his attempts at a reconciliation with the SSPX speak volumes, in my humble opinion. Personally, I am convinced that Ratzinger may have been a little over-enthusiastic (maybe also a lttle naive) about certain things going on in the Church in his earlier years, but that he always tried to be open and honest about what he was doing - and humble and faithful to the tradition of the Church. I wouldn't say any of these things about Francis.

  • @TheGringoSalado
    @TheGringoSalado ปีที่แล้ว

    It's very Interesting how "modern" men are held to such a low standard.

  • @iliya3110
    @iliya3110 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    At the end of the day, it was ratified and we are required to assent with intellect and will. If it teaches error, the Church has defected from the truth, but we have a dogma that the Church cannot defect habitually from the truth. If the Church has defected, then the Catholic Church is false. We need to take it to its logical conclusion to be intellectually consistent. Since that is an unreasonable position, it must be that there is an orthodox way of interpreting the Council. Otherwise, we're in the wrong Church. Be Orthodox or do the hard work and use the hermeneutic of continuity. It's pretty simple.

    • @76katster
      @76katster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That is what is leaving me in so much confusion. IF this council has errors and hidden agendas what can be said of the other councils? Could they all have been the same? I have been attending a mix of Masses this past year, SSPX, Eastern Melkite Catholic and TLM. I have never felt more lost and confused. When I see pictures of the Cardinals all I can think of is brood of vipers. Princes of Satan. We really have no where to turn- I trust very little at this point and question everything. 😢

    • @andremetrejean5782
      @andremetrejean5782 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@76katster My heart goes out to you. Prayers for you. But be at peace. Christ has overcome the world. A council CAN have errors in those areas that are not proposed as binding by faith. Any Errors at Vatican 2 do not contradict the indefectibility and infallibility of the Church. The Council does not teach false Dogmas, that is it doesn't bind the faithful to accept errors by faith. Newman has a great quote: "1000 difficulties do not equal 1 doubt." -- JMJ

    • @marymagdalene113
      @marymagdalene113 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Start listening to Fr Gregory Hesse (canon lawyer) RIP. He very clearly explains why V2 was never a council of the Catholic church as it does not fulfil the matter, form and intent necessary for it to be a valid council. Rather it just fulfills all of our ladies prophecies and those of many mystics about a wicked council in which many would leave the faith and souls would be lost.

    • @76katster
      @76katster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @EJ K I agree it did not define any dogma. Changing the Mass would be labeled as pastoral?

    • @76katster
      @76katster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@andremetrejean5782 I thank the gracious Lord for sending me sweet messages as yours!