Hello Ma'am ,my 3 yr old daughter has congenital nystagmus with no head tilt with vission problems+5,-2 on both eyes.do u think this procedure will help her ?
Dear Himakshi Sharma, thank you for your comment.......this procedure is only applicable in case of Nystagmus with Abnormal Head Posture and I would recommend it only in those cases. There are several surgical methods to treat Nystagmus without AHP but those require a very careful preoperative examination with determining the specific indications for the surgery. The patients have to really get a proper explanation about the examination results and possible prognosis after surgery. And then you as a parent have to decide if you want to go for a surgery or not.
Is Kestenbaum procedure anda the starbismus surgery the same?
After this surgery is it stay permanent or it may be back for some times?
Hello Ma'am ,my 3 yr old daughter has congenital nystagmus with no head tilt with vission problems+5,-2 on both eyes.do u think this procedure will help her ?
Dear Himakshi Sharma, thank you for your comment.......this procedure is only applicable in case of Nystagmus with Abnormal Head Posture and I would recommend it only in those cases. There are several surgical methods to treat Nystagmus without AHP but those require a very careful preoperative examination with determining the specific indications for the surgery. The patients have to really get a proper explanation about the examination results and possible prognosis after surgery. And then you as a parent have to decide if you want to go for a surgery or not.