  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 37

  • @anthonymoya9443
    @anthonymoya9443 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anthony P. Moya
    1. When Jheiss found Andrei in the cafeteria and say hi to him.
    2. First it's all about the treasure that Jheiss found.
    3. In the backyard of an abandoned house near the dormitory building.
    4. There's a creepy story behind that chest that there is a family that been killed at the abondoned house.
    5. He planned to put the chest at the school museum.
    6. By saying, "by the way" or "anyway".
    7. Hunted means, searching something or looking for the thing you interested with. Haunted means, something creepy, abondoned places or houses, many ghost stories.
    8. Yes, because they had turn taking, letting the one who's talking finish what he's saying, and let the other one reply to it.
    9. No, because there is more topic involve in there conversation.
    10. By saying goodbye to each other, signal that they will end already their conversation.

  • @johnmichaelgallarte477
    @johnmichaelgallarte477 ปีที่แล้ว

    John Michael S. Gallarte
    1. The communication started when Jheiss started the conversation by greeting Andrei when he saw him in the canteen.
    2. The conversation focused on the treasure chest that Jheiss discovered close to his dormitory.
    3. It was in an abandoned home's backyard next to Jheiss' dormitory.
    4. The creepy story does the treasure chest have that Jheiss found belonged to the murdered family who had lived in the abandoned home.
    5. Jheiss planned to give the treasure chest to their school museum.
    6. For me, signal changes by saying "by the way"
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted:
    Hunted is briefly about being hunt or searched, While Haunted is like ghost or supernatural fanfiction.
    8. By sharing opinions in their conversation.
    9. For me, they didn't focus on a specific topic, topic changing is involved.
    10. They said goodbye to each other.

  • @samanthajamon6990
    @samanthajamon6990 ปีที่แล้ว

    Samantha P. Jamon 11-ICT 2
    1. It started when Jheiss said "hi"
    2. It was about the treasure that Jheiss found
    3. At the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory
    4. A family had been murdered at that house during the 1990's
    5. He planned to put the treasure at the school museum
    6. By the way & anyway
    7. Haunted means it has a ghost living or it is full of paranormal stuffs and the hunted means an animals or people are being targeted
    8. By sharing their opinion on the specific topic
    9. Yes, by answering the questions and not interrupting/cutting off of what the other person is saying
    10. By bidding their goodbyes

  • @vxyqmcxii
    @vxyqmcxii ปีที่แล้ว

    Bea Belanizo
    11-ICT 6
    January 9, 2023
    1. It started when Jhiess greeted Andrei.
    2. It's about the treasure chest that Jhiess found and a story behind it.
    3. Jhiess found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near of his dormitory building.
    4. It is said that a family has been killed at that house during the 1900's.
    5. He might just put the chest to the school museum for keep.
    6. Jhiess used "anyway" and Andrei used "by the way".
    7. Hunted means to search and to capture while haunted is like a scary and creepy place where there are ghosts.
    8. By exchanging topic and they speak one at a time.
    9. Yes, because they were be able to exchange their information one at a time.
    10.Paul said "see you around and Jhiess said "have a great day and bye", they end their conversation by saying bye.

  • @rhiannagojo2396
    @rhiannagojo2396 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rhianna Coleen E. Gojo
    11- ICT4
    1. Jheiss started the conversation by greeting Andrei when he saw him in the canteen.
    2. The conversation centers on the treasure chest that Jheiss discovered close to his dormitory.
    3. It was in an abandoned home's backyard next to Jheiss' dormitory.
    4. The treasure chest that Jheiss found belonged to the murdered family who had lived in the abandoned home.
    5. Jheiss had a plan to give the treasure chest to their school museum.
    6. By the way, Anyway, and Speaking of.
    7. While haunting was done by supernatural entities like ghosts, hunting was done by living things like humans and animals.
    8. Following each other's comments, one would speak first, the other would listen, and then they would each respond to the other's previous statement.
    9. Yes, as their knowledge of the topic increased as they continued to share details during the conversations about it.
    10.They exchanged farewells, and that's where the conversation came to an end.

  • @danicemargaritaputian7004
    @danicemargaritaputian7004 ปีที่แล้ว

    Danice Margarita E. Putian
    11- ICT 3
    1. By greeting each other.
    2. About the chest and story about it.
    3. On the abandoned house near of his dormitorium building.
    4. Story about family been killed last 1900s
    5. Give or put it to school museum.
    6. By using phrases like anyway or by the way.
    7. Hunted defines hunting something or want to catch something while haunted is talking about scary or ghost.
    8. by giving answer or answering the question
    9. Yes it because they completely give each other information about the specific topic
    10. By saying goodbye or bye.

  • @johnmichaelareola1997
    @johnmichaelareola1997 ปีที่แล้ว

    John Michael Areola ICT 6
    1.Its start the conversation by greeting's
    2.About the treasure chest that jhessie found
    3. He find it in the backyard of the haunted abandoned dormitory house.
    4.The creppy story is that a family during the 1900's killed and died.
    5.He planned to donate it in the school museum
    6.the signal is anyway and by the way
    7.The hunted is a searching for something and the haunted is a place where people are afraid. giving thier opinions in the situation
    9.No,because they change the specific topic by giving other topic.
    10.By saying goodbye in the conversation.

  • @christianmichaelpide3115
    @christianmichaelpide3115 ปีที่แล้ว

    christian michael pide
    1. jheiss said hi to andrei
    2. about the treasure chest that Jheiss found
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building
    4. about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s
    5. Jhiess plans to put the treasure chest at the school museum
    6. By The Way and Anyway
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is that hunted is a word used for people or animals that is being targeted and haunted is a word used for a certain place with a ghost or a creepy place
    8. By sharing opinions on the specific topic
    9. Yes, because by sharing opinions and adding questions can help them understand and focus on that said topic
    10. by saying goodbye to each other.

  • @jhessicamuidas1221
    @jhessicamuidas1221 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jhessica Muidas
    11-ICT 6
    1. By greeting each other.
    2. About the chest and story about it.
    3. On the abandoned house near of his dormitorium building.
    4. Story about family been killed last 1900s
    5. Give or put it to school museum.
    6. By using phrases like anyway or by the way.
    7. Hunted defines hunting something or want to catch something while haunted is talking about scary or ghost.
    8. by giving answer or answering the question
    9. Yes it because they completely give each other information about the specific topic
    10. By saying goodbye or bye.

  • @realynbunafe2791
    @realynbunafe2791 ปีที่แล้ว

    Realyn B. Bunafe
    11-ICT 4
    01 - 09 - 2023
    1. The communication started when Jheiss greeted Andrei.
    2. The communication is about the treasure chest that Jheiss found in the backyard near his dormitory.
    3. He found the treasure chest at the backyard of the abandoned house.
    4. The treasure chest that he found was owned by a family that was killed at that house during the 1900s.
    5. He planned to put the chest in the school museum to keep.
    6. The signal's of changing topics are By the way, Anyway and Speaking of.
    7. The word hunted means an animal or person is being chased by someone, while the word haunted means abandoned items or places with some paranormal activity.
    8. They were able to effectively turn-take in the conversation by asking questions or responding to the others' statements.
    9. Yes, they were able to focus on a specific topic. As time passed their knowledge about the chest increased by Paul sharing the origin of the chest.
    10. They end the conversation by exchanging farewells to each other.

  • @lynx4161
    @lynx4161 ปีที่แล้ว

    Curt Gerald C. Marquillero ICT4
    1. The communication started when one of them started to greet the other party/person.
    2. It's about the treasure chest that found at the backyard of the dormitory.
    3. At the backyard of the dormitory.
    4. At the dialogue, they said that the treasure chest was hunted or haunted.
    5. He said that he's planning to give the treasure chest to the school museum.
    6. By the way,
    7. Hunted means being chased and haunted means old or have a creepy background/back stories.
    8. By asking question.
    9. Yes, because after they greet each other, one of them started to talk about the treasure chest that found at the backyard.
    10. By saying goodbye.

  • @johnjorcelocampo1512
    @johnjorcelocampo1512 ปีที่แล้ว

    john jorcel ocampo 11-ICT6
    1. The conversation started when jheiss said hi to andrei
    2. The topic that the three were conversing about is the treasure chest that Jheiss found
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building
    4. The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s
    5. Jhiess plans to put the treasure chest at the school museum
    6. By The Way and Anyway
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is that hunted is a word used for people or animals that is being targeted and haunted is a word used for a certain place with a ghost or a creepy place
    8. By sharing opinions on the specific topic
    9. Yes, because by sharing opinions and adding questions can help them understand and focus on that said topic
    10. By saying goodbye to each other

  • @eboyocampo9969
    @eboyocampo9969 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ayoboy B. Ocampo ICT 2
    1. Jheiss greet andrei
    2. It's about treasure chest jheiss found
    3. Jheiss found a treasure chest at the backyard on the abandoned house
    4. The chest they found is the family has been killed on the abandoned house
    5. Jheiss plans to put treasure chest at the shool museum
    6. By the way and anyways
    7. The difference between haunted and hunted, haunted is something scary and hunted is searching to people or animals
    8. By sharing opinions on topic
    9. Yes, by sharing opinion and listening to topic can help understand and focus on the topic
    10. By saying goodbye to each other.

  • @nicolequezada3506
    @nicolequezada3506 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nicole Anne R. Quezada
    11-ICT 4
    1. The conversation started when Jheiss greeted Andrei when he saw him in the canteen.
    2. The conversation is about the treasure chest that Jheiss found near his dormitory.
    3. Jheiss found it in the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory.
    4. The family who lived in the abandoned house were killed, and the treasure chest that Jheiss found was owned by them.
    5. Jheiss planned to give the treasure chest to their school museum.
    6. By the way, Anyway, and Speaking of.
    7. Hunting was done by living things like humans and animals, while haunting was done by paranormal things like ghosts.
    8. One would say something, and the other would listen to what that person was saying and then give them a reply to what they just said, and so on and so forth.
    9. Yes, because the more they talked about the topics, the more they learned about them. And that's how they are able to focus on their topics.
    10. The conversation ended when they bid each other goodbye.

  • @bryansarong5360
    @bryansarong5360 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bryan sarong
    11-ict 5 getting each other
    2. About the chest
    3.on the abandoned house near of his dormitorium building
    4.the story about the chest
    5.he planned out it in the school
    6. The signal anyway and by the way
    7.the hunted is a place where people are afraid giving answer on answering the question beacuse they change the specific topic saying goodbye to each other

  • @CohaNutty
    @CohaNutty ปีที่แล้ว

    Antoque, Edwin
    11-ICT 4
    1. The conversation starts with greetings
    2. The treasure chest
    3. At the backyard of an abandoned house near Jheiss' dormitory
    4. It is owned by a family who lived at the "haunted" house, the same family who is claimed to be killed.
    5. Jheiss plans to donate to the school museum.
    6. The words used to change topics are "By the way" and "Anyways"
    7. Hunted; got cought in a chase
    Haunted; refers to a place that has paranormal sightings or claims
    8. they're able to change roles by asking questions, giving each other fair share on the conversation
    9. Somehow yes, The whole conversation was focused on the Treasure chest.. By What, Where, Who's, and Why
    10. The conversation ended with farewells

  • @Rodel_Baristo
    @Rodel_Baristo ปีที่แล้ว

    Rodel Baristo
    11- ICT 1
    1. The conversation started when jheiss started greet to his friends.
    Or when they started greetings.
    2. It's all about the treasured chest, haunted house, and all about school
    3. In the backyard at the dormitory building
    4. its all about a family was a killed at 1900s
    5. Jheiss decided to take the treasured chest at the school museum
    6. by the way or anyway
    7. Hunted is all about chasing someone and haunted is all about spirit or paranormal activity
    8. Yes thier conversation is effective because they share They're thought and opinion
    9. Yes they are by asking questions
    10. by saying goodbye to each other.

  • @aliceborderlands
    @aliceborderlands ปีที่แล้ว

    Demver Cajegas ICT-2
    1. When Jheiss greet Andrei.
    2. About the treasure chest that Jheiss found.
    3. Jheiss found it in the backyard of the Abandoned house near the dormitory building he live.
    4. In that Abandoned house there was a family that been murdered in 1900s.
    5. Jheiss plan to put it on the school museum.
    6. By the way and anyway.
    7. Hunted mean is target or targeted, haunted mean is creepy or scary.
    8. By adding informations about the specific topic.
    9. Yes, because by adding questions and giving informations that make that topic to be understood.
    10. By saying "see you again" each other.

  • @kristineantoque7830
    @kristineantoque7830 ปีที่แล้ว

    Kristine T. Antoque 11- ICT 3
    1. The communication started when Jhiess and Andrei greeted eachother.
    2.They were talking about the treasure chest that Jheiss found.
    3.Jheiss found it at the backyard of an abandoned house near at his dormitory.
    4.It said that the owner of the treasure chest was the family that had been killed ,years ago.
    5.He plans to donate it at tha school museum.
    6.The words that they used are "by the way" and "anyways"
    7.The difference between them is the word "hunted " means to get caught while the word " haunted" refers to a place that has paranormal activity or creepy stuffs .
    8.By taking turns of exchanging their thoughts and opinions.
    9.No , because they were creep out to continue the topic so they ended it immediately.
    10.They ended it by saying goodbye and parted ways.

  • @paulinesapungan8650
    @paulinesapungan8650 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pauline Sapungan
    1. The conversation start by greeting's
    2.About the treasure chest that Jhiess found
    3. He find it in the backyard of the haunted abandoned Jhiess's dormitory.
    4. The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s.
    5.He planned to put it in the school museum for keep.
    6. Oh!, Anyway and by the way
    7.The hunted is a searching for something and the haunted is a place where people are afraid.
    8.By giving thier opinions in the situation
    9.No,because they change the specific topic by giving other topic.
    10.By saying goodbye in the conversation.

  • @jedricksayson3240
    @jedricksayson3240 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jedrick Lester D. Sayson
    1. Conversation starts with Jheiss when he say hi to Andrei.
    2. It's all about the treasure chest that Jhiess found
    3. He found it on backyard to an abandoned house near his dormitory building.
    4. Story behinds the chest is about a family has been killed at that abandoned house.
    5. He plans to put the chest at the school museum
    6. Signals that change are "anyway" and "by the way"
    7. Difference between hunted and haunted, hunted means being pursued or searched for while haunted means something scary or creepy happens.
    8. By listening to each other and give some opinions on the topic.
    9. Yes, by listening and giving opinions on the topic will make them focus.
    10. Conversation ends by saying goodbye to each other.

  • @Posting-randomss
    @Posting-randomss ปีที่แล้ว

    Mark jason M.Salvador
    1.jheiss greeted andrei.
    2.about the chest that jheiss found. the backyard of an abandoned house near the dormitory building.
    4.theres a family has been killed at the house during the 1900s.
    5.jheiss put the chest to the school museum for keep.
    6.anyway and by the way.
    7.hunted is searching or hunting animals, haunted is a place with a ghost or creepy background.
    8.when someone ask, someone answer.
    9.yes, listening and sharing opinion can help to focus on the topic.
    10. By saying goodbye to each other.

  • @mikejustinedejamco9305
    @mikejustinedejamco9305 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mike Justine Dejamco 11-ICT 4
    1. The conversation started when Jhiess said hi to Andrei.
    2. Their topic is about the treasure chest that Jhiess found.
    3. Jhiess found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near at his dormitory.
    4. This treasure chest belongs to a family that has been killed in that abandoned/haunted house during 1900s.
    5. Jhiess plans to put that treasure chest at the school museum.
    6. By The Way and Anyway.
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is, "hunted" is you're being chased. And the other one which is "haunted" is an abandoned place and has a grim or tragic past.
    8. By asking and sharing their opinions on the specific topic.
    9. Yes, by sharing their own opinions on the certain topic.
    10. The conversation ended after they bid a goodbye for each other.

  • @ashleygenemadridano2030
    @ashleygenemadridano2030 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ashley Gene Madridano - ICT 2
    1. jess said hi to andrei
    2. about the treasure chest
    3. an abandoned dormitory
    4. a family has been killed in 1900's
    5. he'd put it in the school museum
    6. anyway and by the way
    7. hunted is hunting for something haunted is a place or thing that's scary
    8. by sharing opinions in the conversation
    9. no, they changed it because they got scared of the chest and the story
    10. by saying goodbye

  • @vincentrelojas1863
    @vincentrelojas1863 ปีที่แล้ว

    Vincent Relojas Ict-6
    1.the communication started when jhiess greet andrei.
    2.its all about the treasure chest that find out of jhiess.
    3. Jhiess found the treasure chest at the backyard of the abandoned house near on her dormitory building.
    4.the creepy story that tresure chest have is a family killed on the abandoned house during 1900s.
    5. He planned to put the treasure chest at the school museum. the way , any way .
    7.Hunted is finding something,and haunted is the place is have a ghost or creppy place. sharing opinions.
    9.yes, listening and giving opinion can help them to understand/focus on the topic .
    10.saying bye.

  • @rosejanecortez5767
    @rosejanecortez5767 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ross Jane R. Cortez
    Grade 11 ICT-2
    January 9,2023
    1. The communication started when one of them started to greet the other party/person.
    2. It's about the treasure chest that found at the backyard of the dormitory.
    3. At the backyard of the dormitory.
    4. At the dialogue, they said that the treasure chest was hunted or haunted.
    5. He said that he's planning to give the treasure chest to the school museum.
    6. By the way,
    7. Hunted means being chased and haunted means old or have a creepy background/back stories.
    8. By asking question.
    9. Yes, because after they greet each other, one of them started to talk about the treasure chest that found at the backyard.
    10. By saying goodbye.

  • @rustymoldez6906
    @rustymoldez6906 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rusty A Moldez
    1. The conversation started when jheiss said hi to andrei
    2. The topic that the three were conversing is about the treasure chest that Jheiss found
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building
    4. The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s
    5. Jhiess plans to put the treasure chest at the school museum
    6. By The Way and Anyway
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is that hunted is a word used for people or animals that is being targeted and haunted is a word used for a certain place with a ghost or a creepy place
    8. By sharing opinions on the specific topic
    9. Yes, because by sharing opinions and adding questions can help them understand and focus on that said topic
    10.Conversation ends by saying goodbye to each other.

  • @jamaicalomugdang3355
    @jamaicalomugdang3355 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jamaica E. Lomugdang ICT-6
    1.Its start the conversation by greeting's
    2.About the treasure chest that jhessie found
    3. He find it in the backyard of the haunted abandoned dormitory house.
    4.The creppy story is that a family during the 1900's killed and died.
    5.He planned to donate it in the school museum
    6.the signal is anyway and by the way
    7.The hunted is a searching for something and the haunted is a place where people are afraid. giving thier opinions in the situation
    9.No,because they change the specific topic by giving other topic.
    10.By saying goodbye in the conversation.

  • @guillanroserobino62
    @guillanroserobino62 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gelli Marie Robino 11 ICT-6
    1.Its start the conversation by greeting's
    2.About the treasure chest that jhessie found
    3. He find it in the backyard of the haunted abandoned dormitory house.
    4.The creppy story is that a family during the 1900's killed and died.
    5.He planned to donate it in the school museum
    6.the signal is anyway and by the way
    7.The hunted is a searching for something and the haunted is a place where people are afraid. giving thier opinions in the situation
    9.No,because they change the specific topic by giving other topic.
    10.By saying goodbye in the conversation.

  • @bennytamayo5365
    @bennytamayo5365 ปีที่แล้ว

    Benny I. Tamayo
    1. The communication started when one of them started to greet each other
    2. It's about the treasure chest that found at the backyard of the dormitory
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building
    4.The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s
    5. He said that he's planning to give the treasure chest to the school museum.
    6. By The Way and Anyway
    7. Hunted means being chased and haunted means some kind of paranormal
    8. By asking question
    9. Yes, because after they greet each other, one of them started to talk about the treasure chest that found at the backyard
    10.the conversation end when they say goodbye to each other.

  • @jandranrebferrer8139
    @jandranrebferrer8139 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jan Dranreb Ferrer 11-ICT3
    1. The conversation started when jheiss said hi to andrei
    2. The topic that the three were conversing about is the treasure chest that Jheiss found
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building
    4. The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s
    5. Jhiess plans to put the treasure chest at the school museum
    6. By The Way and Anyway
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is that hunted is a word used for people or animals that is being targeted and haunted is a word used for a certain place with a ghost or a creepy place
    8. By sharing opinions on the specific topic
    9. Yes, because by sharing opinions and adding questions can help them understand and focus on that said topic
    10. By saying goodbye to each other

  • @leilaingreso6253
    @leilaingreso6253 ปีที่แล้ว

    Leila Joy N. Ingreso
    11-ICT 6
    1. When Jhiess greets Andrei.
    2. About the treasure chest that Jhiess found.
    3. At the backyard of an abandoned house near Jhiess dormitory building.
    4. The treasure chest is owned by the family who has been killed at that house during the 1900s.
    5. He plans to put the chest to the school museum for keep.
    6. By the way and Anyway.
    7. Hunted means being the subject of a hunt and Haunted means a place that's occupied by a ghosts.
    8. By asking questions and sharing opinions.
    9. No, because they change topics.
    10. By saying goodbye.

  • @silentassassin6564
    @silentassassin6564 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alfred Jainne C. Regalado - ICT - 2
    1. The conversation started when jheiss said hi to andrei
    2. The topic that the three were conversing about is the treasure chest that Jheiss found
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building
    4. The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s
    5. Jhiess plans to put the treasure chest at the school museum
    6. By The Way and Anyway
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is that hunted is a word used for people or animals that is being targeted and haunted is a word used for a certain place with a ghost or a creepy place
    8. By sharing opinions on the specific topic
    9. Yes, because by sharing opinions and adding questions can help them understand and focus on that said topic
    10. By saying goodbye to each other

  • @rommelgarcia7477
    @rommelgarcia7477 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rommel Garcia G11 ICT-4
    January 10,2023
    1. The conversation started when jheiss said hi to andrei
    2. The topic that the three were conversing about is the treasure chest that Jheiss found

  • @pauleenlabutap1140
    @pauleenlabutap1140 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pauleen E. Labutap
    1. The conversation start by greetings
    2. About the treasure chest that jhiess found near his dormitory
    3.Jhiess found it in the backyard of an abandoned house near in jhiess dormitory building
    4.The story behinds the chest is about a family has been killed at that abounded house
    5.He planned to put it in the school museum for keep.
    6.Anyway and by the way.
    7.Hunted is a searching for something, while haunted is something
    creepy happens or place where have a ghost.
    8.By listening to each other and give their some opinions in the conversation.
    9.Yes, because they talked more about the topics and each other give their information about the specific topic.
    10.The conversations ends by saying goodbye to each other.

  • @nuestraamormateo8310
    @nuestraamormateo8310 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nuestra amor S Mateo
    Ict 4
    1. When jheiss said hi to andrei
    2.its about treasure chest that jeiss found
    3. In the backyard of an abandoned house which is near to dormitory building
    4. The story of this treasure is that the family who own this treasure has been killed
    5.jheiss wants to surrender the chest at the school museum the way
    7.the hunted is it means to chased and the haunted is like a abandoned house who got a paranormal feeling sharing opinions and also like turn take
    9.for me ithink no because they changing topic and at the same time their giving another topic that not related to their topic
    10. By saying goodbye to each other

  • @isabelsancho1127
    @isabelsancho1127 ปีที่แล้ว

    Isabel A Sancho 11 ICT 1
    1. The conversation started when jheiss said hi to Andrei.
    2. The topic that the three were conversing about is the treasure chest that Jheiss found.
    3. Jheiss found the treasure chest at the backyard of an abandoned house near his dormitory building.
    4. The story about the chest they found is that a family has been killed at that abandoned house during the 1900s.
    5. Jhiess plans to put the treasure chest at the school museum.
    6. By the way and anyway.
    7. The difference between hunted and haunted is that hunted is a word used for people or animals that is being targeted and haunted is a word used for a certain place with a ghost or a creepy place.
    8. By sharing opinions on the specific topic.
    9. Yes, because by sharing opinions and adding questions can help them understand and focus on that said topic.
    10. by saying goodbye to each other.