This reminds me of the Canova system. Sometimes, when the hard sessions are almost as hard as the marathon itself, he gives his athletes 4, 5 or 6 easier days, before the next session.
Really strong, maybe your strongest run on that loop ever? How you finding the AF3, I'm having a hard time switching to them from the AF1, but reckon it's just in my head! See you in Valencia, gotta get Berlin done first though!
What do you think would be a reasonable marathon race pace for someone who does (most recently) 20 mile long run in 2:25 (7:16, with mile 20 at 6:57 pace) and earlier (March) diagnostic 15k run in 59:37 (6:24 min/mile) pace… would 3:05 marathon be realistic?
Quality session, good to feel strong. Are they Alphafly 3 and what size soft flask 150 or 250ml with the Maurten 320 (79g carbs)? What arm HR strap used, Coros? Thanks
"you're sweating your tits off now in the garage, in a massive oversize" 😂😂 I'm sorry Matt but Kel makes these videos so much more watchable! 😂
The banter was mint in this one. Good luck with Valencia training!
So many good quote’s in this but my favourite has to be:
‘not a fan of direct sunlight’ Matt the Welsh runner 2024
This reminds me of the Canova system. Sometimes, when the hard sessions are almost as hard as the marathon itself, he gives his athletes 4, 5 or 6 easier days, before the next session.
Looking strong, coach! All the best in Valencia!
Smashed it Matt. Looking in really good shape 👌. It's great when you have a training session like that !
Another amazing video you guys. Wishing you all the best in Valencia 😊👊🏾
Singlet tucked in for races and out for training!
Hugely inspiring. Let's get it!
3.5 min/km warmup.💪. Nice trick with the fuel to expose the a.s more 😂
Brilliant session, but we need more puppy in these videos 🐕
Really strong, maybe your strongest run on that loop ever? How you finding the AF3, I'm having a hard time switching to them from the AF1, but reckon it's just in my head! See you in Valencia, gotta get Berlin done first though!
What do you think would be a reasonable marathon race pace for someone who does (most recently) 20 mile long run in 2:25 (7:16, with mile 20 at 6:57 pace) and earlier (March) diagnostic 15k run in 59:37 (6:24 min/mile) pace… would 3:05 marathon be realistic?
Quality session, good to feel strong. Are they Alphafly 3 and what size soft flask 150 or 250ml with the Maurten 320 (79g carbs)? What arm HR strap used, Coros? Thanks
Tucked in or tucked out? Depends on the runner’s physique I suppose.
Definitely out. Tucked in you might as well put a tie on while you're at it.
"you're sweating your tits off now in the garage, in a massive oversize" 😂😂 I'm sorry Matt but Kel makes these videos so much more watchable! 😂
Out. the tuck in is just for the looks and you are reducing the air flow /wicking effect.. Sorry about the shirt 😞
That’s impressive 🫡. Being fresher for the key sessions is key!