Become a TH-cam member here - The BEST Classes to Play in The War Within - Top 10 reasons to be excited for The War Within - MELEE Dps RANKED - 23 Small but AMAZING changes in the War Within - Timestamps - 00:00 - Huge Class Changes and end game reward updates 00:49 - Class changes 01:40 - Death Knight 02:19 - Demon Hunter 02:41 - Druid 04:28 - Evoker 05:05 - Hunter 06:26 - Mage 07:12 - Monk 07:58 - Paladin 09:40 - Priest 10:50 - Rogue 11:22 - Shaman 12:23 - Warlock 13:01 - Warrior 13:53 - Dungeon loot changes reverted 15:07 - Upgrade gear further 16:22 - Crafted gear more powerful? 17:22 - Get higher tiers of crests easier than before 18:17 - Mythic mount updates 18:57 - Easier raid progression
Last month, my Frost mage had no problem killing Nurgash Muckformed in Shadowlands. This week, I take him down maybe 10% before dying. I'm going to find something to do outside.
For me its the game play. Claw claw bite claw bite bite slash 😅 I love how feral looks and the fantasy but everytime i make one i get bored of all the skills looking similar 😢
@@RaulSanchez-mp4om I just hate sub and assassin combat/outlaw main since 2008 unfortunately I’ll stick with it even if it’s not the meta just a little rougher for m+ invites I guess
What's the point of having Hero talents that basically forces you to choose a talent or miss out on DPS or function of the Hero talent. Listening to Nerfs of my favourite classes is sooooo depressing.
My friend i "know" you for a long time now and between all the WoW info channels you are among the best. Keep up the good work and warm greetings from the Netherlands!
Have you seen BM on the pre-patch? They are utterly insane right now. The best performing spec (BM) is doing 100% more damage than the lowest performing spec (Outlaw). There is no spec that even comes close to BMs power right now.
Please blizz remove Aug from the game. Having a sup class means you have to balance the whole game around 1 class just in case its in your party. If ones not in your party the game is still balanced as if one is in your party. Either add 3 more sup classes to the game and make m+ 1-1-1-2 or remove Aug.
For anyone that is complaining about the long list of Ret nerfs, that crap was busted. I played Ret on beta and after 5 min I said "This will be nerfed". It was a bit ridiculous. I gathered over 10 mobs of the same level and melted them in 2 seconds. Literally 2 GCD's and they were all dead. I hit Wake and DS and they all fall down ... LOL. These nerfs needed to happen. Ret was feeling stronger than it did during the original WOTLK prepatch at the end of BC.
Never played ret in that patch but I heard about it. Most of their damage was holy iirc and no holy resistance to be found. Everyone practically getting globalled by Rets on compound V At least tanks mostly got a damage buff to kill mobs faster to help reduce the impact of the survival nerfs.
@@wills.8662 oh I remember it like it was yesterday. I was tanking through all the BC raid tiers. They dropped the WOTLK prepatch. I picked up a 2h and kept my tank gear and was still melting stuff. Ret turned into God's overnight. It was ridiculous ... FUN ... but ridiculous. They even needed it the following week and we were still OP. Lol.
Hey Kelani, as long as there are mechanics to dodge, things to interrupt there will always be outliers unfortunately. But for the people who know their classes and capabilities it won't be too bad for them. I currently struggling to heal in legion time walking because no one is paying attention to the mechanics, which is kind of important if you don't want to rip lol.
well to be fair, shaman wasnt just "good" they were op. But aug evoker only getting hit a ittle is very confusing, because aug evoker was as op as ele shaman (maybe even more broken), but only got hit by such a small bit that it doesnt change anything haha (The aug nerf seems heavier than it is)
rip shaman hype, im ok since always being ele shaman so im used to be treated like that from blizzard, it was only a matter of time and main shamans knew it
Currently on pre-patch outlaw rogues have a bug on Blade Flurry not dealing critical damage anymore making them useless in packs, hope they will fix that :( it's really annoying
@@ACKryder other classes have simular simple rotations or even easier (Ret Pala for example). BM Hunter might not be that hard, but i've seen soooooo many hunters, that couldn't even press there multi shot in aoe, or spammed it... which is totally playing wrong. Sooo.. might be not as hard, but surely not THAT simple either if people can play it wrong.
they were well ahead of any other spec, this is just normal beta tuning. Don't consider it buffs/nerfs since it was never intended to go live in the previous state
This is why it's so frustrating that they leave so many tests and changes to the last moment. It's hard to decide which class to play when every other week their output is completely swapped around.
What do you mean ? Play Mage / Hunter / Warlock, since it's the most popular classes, Blizzard won't take risk offending them with a huge nerf and they'll always be the brainless top DPS.
Well, even with all these tunings and changes, and testing. They will still not get it right and will come in with class changes 1 week after launch, and then again when the raid opens and they can study logs. Sometimes it feels like we have to wait half an expansion for things to be somewhat balanced.
it is OP. My 515 BM alt even out dmg a number of 526+ geared classes in raid. As I expected it was the Dire Beast talent, especially when used with current set gear.
Apparently there's a bug with Laceration that Blizz didn't know about, causing 20%+ increase in overall DPS. That's why they nerfed.. but who knows if they'll reverse it when they fix the bug or how long it will take.
Let me tell you then, BM is completely busted right now. It is doing twice the damage of certain specs. There is no spec that even comes close to BM at the moment.
BM hunter nerfs hurt bad! My 519 hunter now feels like a fresh level 70. It is really really bad! There is no way hero talents can make up for these hits to our damage. Went from being able to easily pull 3-400k dps single target down to the 200k range. It is atrocious how bad it feels.
I was going to main ele but it looks like that is a very bad idea and ill get no more invites with it. They finally looked good and then their dps straight up gets lessend by 20%+
Admittedly I'm not the sharpest 'tack in the box' but if you're not an elite player some of this stuff is unobtanium. (kind of like playing Monopoly and the rules change just when you seem to catch up)
@@-.-Monster Yeah, that's funny; how about when you use Free Parking space for a collection of all the fines and 'you pay' fees (and those that land there , get the pot).
I’ve more or less accepted this is the life cycle of maining a shaman. We get 2 weeks of broken content, followed by knee jerk nerfs that floor us back to our red headed step child closet. Couple seasons later it happens again. But hey! At least our tier has been looking decent and they’re updating spell aesthetics *grossly stares and TWW water noodle hat and 15 year old ascendence model*.
You can hear kelani struggling to hold a laugh in reading the hunter nerfs. 5:20, additionally you can hear the surprised smile continue as he follows on to the survival changes. Blizzard is the best comedian around!
Blame it on the twinks that abuse the system in random bgs all the way before hitting lv 70. I seen a BM and Marksman Hunter both have over 50kbs in a wsg in the 60s bracket.
Decent? As it already shows in his gameplay, the playstyle and damage output is just stupid. I really hope they get another rework instead of tweaking.
So 100% healing increase to nourishment is what it takes to bring it to being on par with the abundance talent. So instead of listening to all the feedback on how to change the guardian of the Grove talents, all the feedback from some of the world's most famous and talented druids in World of Warcraft just straight up ignored. Hundreds of people, some of the leaders in the druid community on the discords and on the forums and in game as well are all talking about how guardian of the Grove talents need to be changed around and fixed up to provide alternatives instead of just forcing everybody into one and only one talent path. But instead they double down literally 100% double down. But that also tells you how powerful abundance was and still is. You can't beat the 70% increase healing and 70% increase crit heals.
@UltimateGamerCC biased as in they have been playing the spec for nearly 20 years? That's called experience and having a knowledge base. I am also one of those people. We can see bad design. You speak from a place of clear ignorance. When hundreds of your most veterans players of just one spec are all speaking up for the first time since Legion, it should tell you something. But idiots like you say stupid shit like calling it biased. You just use words without understanding the meaning. Hush little one, or your parents will know you didn't take your nap.
Why does Fire Mage have to be run down the the grave whenever it even shows any promise... 75% reduced Living bomb after finally showing some use after so many years absent is really despicable!
@@Sunmocker brother, fire mage is runned to the ground every expansion ever since Cataclysm, all that to promote stupid Arcane and Frost, since before that nobody played it....
they need a catch-up system for crests. so alts receive them faster than your main. lets assume i need those 10 dungeons to cap my crests. no if i would play 2 alts that would mean to keep up i would have to run 30 dungeons. if i could transfer those crests like 1 month into the patch, that would be helpful. or after 1 month alts receive twice the crests or something
Ret paladins didn’t even get past the beta before we got neutered, again! Meanwhile, Havoc DH’s, the special olympians of the WoW community, got their goddamn eye beam buffed? Yo, to anyone in PvP who complains that rets do too much damage, 🖕🏾 lol
@@JSeminole56 yeah…. And how long did it takes ret pallys to get one expansion where we were solid? A long ass time, ya ding dong. In fact, I’m betting players like you got so jealous, yall cried to blizzard and we got knocked down, again. Dude, ret pallys and feral druids have had the shittiest end of the stick; it’s been 20yrs and we only got on expansion where we were S tier in PvE and PvP. Now, per the norm, we might hit B tier in PvP…. Might.
The Bonestorm change is a NERF not a buff, Consuming 12 stacks of Bone Shield was an instant almost 1minute off the cd of Dancing Rune Weapon, and then cuz you have dancing rune weapon active (unless you're a spud) your next marrorend instantly takes you to 12 stacks again
Crazy question coming from a 17 year WoW vet... where the hell can I find this comprehensive list of class changes? I've looked on Wowhead's Blue Tracker and the Blizzard Content Update Notes. I don't see anything. I remember it used to be easy to see all of this stuff, but I must be having a stroke because I can't figure where to find it now. I wanted to screenshot the Boomkin changes to send to my wife.
What do you think they should do to help with alts catch up on crest gains? I love playing alts but it’s so frustrating having to run so many dungeons when I’ve already maxed out on a character?
@@OwnedGamer96 check 9:00 and later talking about Ret, look at the list of nerfs in damage. But they give us more healing through word of glory.. amazing for a damaging spec.
Other than a few outliers, these buffs/nerfs go against everything iv watched about the War within classes. Every CC I've watched has said Arms is terrible and in a really bad place, holy pala is really strong, arcane mage is broken etc. Who do you believe?
i have an army of alts, but no idea what class/spec to play next season - i don't want to invest alot of time in a class that will be gutted by Blizz and become a low-tier in day ... this is the main issue that discourage me playing this game. very annoying
Yah, you can’t one shot everything and do a years worth of content in a week… You people crack me up 😂. You are supposed to be weak entering a new xpac so you feel more powerful as you put the time in getting better gear. Then again I have played since launch so none of this bothered me. Picking mains based off of 2 releases behind beta numbers is silly to begin with. Enjoy!
This patch is going to be an absolute shit show. Classes that needed nerfs got buffs, classes that could use a buff got nerfed or untouched. Obvious shit like ret and elemental got nerfs but that’s about the only reasonable changes.
I'll bet we get another stat squish by the time we hit midnight. Unless they plan to let us get ilvl gear in the 1000s in The Last Titan and then do a big ass reset.
It feels like these adjustments are to make every class feel just miserable enough for Blizzard to be happy than actually fun. Things in good spots that people are happy with are always hit with sledge hammers.
Thanks for another great video!! Your channel is the first one I go to for WoW news, your voice is calm and nice to listen to and I really like how easily digestible your format makes all the info. I'm picking Assassination rogue back up for this next expac so I'm quite happy with the buffs this week.
First they nerf Prot Pala into the ground, then give them the same generic dmg buff as every other tank class and thing that will help the spec. That seems the prove that they don't play their own game.
Become a TH-cam member here -
The BEST Classes to Play in The War Within -
Top 10 reasons to be excited for The War Within -
23 Small but AMAZING changes in the War Within -
Timestamps -
00:00 - Huge Class Changes and end game reward updates
00:49 - Class changes
01:40 - Death Knight
02:19 - Demon Hunter
02:41 - Druid
04:28 - Evoker
05:05 - Hunter
06:26 - Mage
07:12 - Monk
07:58 - Paladin
09:40 - Priest
10:50 - Rogue
11:22 - Shaman
12:23 - Warlock
13:01 - Warrior
13:53 - Dungeon loot changes reverted
15:07 - Upgrade gear further
16:22 - Crafted gear more powerful?
17:22 - Get higher tiers of crests easier than before
18:17 - Mythic mount updates
18:57 - Easier raid progression
Hey Kelani, this is folks.
Can confirm. Folk here.
More folk here!
Folk o/
90% positive Im folk too
Yo folks !
Makes me glad i leveled so many remix alts, got plenty of choices with this absolute roller coaster of nerfs and buffs.
Same every class 70 twice 😂
leveling in prepatch like 6 hrs from 1 to 70
@@clawtoris lmao that's a LOOOOONG time. Remix prepatch is 1.5 hours 1-70
Lol samr
@@drakebane9527 for a new toon? without the extra experience buff?
Would be nice if ele shaman could get one exp where they are doing more than just barely above the tanks in damage.
Last month, my Frost mage had no problem killing Nurgash Muckformed in Shadowlands. This week, I take him down maybe 10% before dying. I'm going to find something to do outside.
As Augmentation, you are only as good as your team... low keys are a nightmare, but end game feels great.
exactly, sometimes i had players telling i sucked as aug but was like, you guys are always dying and not timing your cds 😂
I wish I was good at Feral; I love the class fantasy.
For me its the game play. Claw claw bite claw bite bite slash 😅
I love how feral looks and the fantasy but everytime i make one i get bored of all the skills looking similar 😢
Not sure you'd wish that considering blizzard's tendency to nerf it to the ground.
Yay all buffs for pirate rogue. Still miss combat spec
Of course it's all buffs. Outlaw absolutely blows chunks on beta.
Yeah man, outlaw is in terrible shape, proly the worst I have seen at the start of an xpac 😅
@@RaulSanchez-mp4om I just hate sub and assassin combat/outlaw main since 2008 unfortunately I’ll stick with it even if it’s not the meta just a little rougher for m+ invites I guess
Ret: *Nerfed into the ground after 2 patches of being decent*
Pallies who've been around since vanilla: Oh right, almost forgot how that felt.
What's the point of having Hero talents that basically forces you to choose a talent or miss out on DPS or function of the Hero talent. Listening to Nerfs of my favourite classes is sooooo depressing.
like 99% of the players we don't care about the DPS you get or lose with hero talents
It's the Same as set bonuses. Just a different name
My friend i "know" you for a long time now and between all the WoW info channels you are among the best. Keep up the good work and warm greetings from the Netherlands!
I’m sure those overly excessive BM nerfs went well over on the forums lol. I expect several of them to be reverted once the expansion is live.
Have you seen BM on the pre-patch? They are utterly insane right now. The best performing spec (BM) is doing 100% more damage than the lowest performing spec (Outlaw). There is no spec that even comes close to BMs power right now.
I m so mad about shaman nerfs !!!
Please blizz remove Aug from the game. Having a sup class means you have to balance the whole game around 1 class just in case its in your party. If ones not in your party the game is still balanced as if one is in your party. Either add 3 more sup classes to the game and make m+ 1-1-1-2 or remove Aug.
well there goes Ret Paladin, thanks blizzard. thats not a nerf, thats an annihilation
It's about time tbh. They've been far too strong for far too long.
@@sproosemoose285they've been strong for 75% of ONE expansion... 🤦
@@sproosemoose285 yes strong not OP , ha why i quit this shit show
@@sproosemoose285 ah yes, ret was finally fun for the sum total of two patches. cant have that!
@@Gungrave123 precisely
play a real class or unsub, nobody cares pinky
I was so excited for shaman :(
For anyone that is complaining about the long list of Ret nerfs, that crap was busted. I played Ret on beta and after 5 min I said "This will be nerfed". It was a bit ridiculous. I gathered over 10 mobs of the same level and melted them in 2 seconds. Literally 2 GCD's and they were all dead. I hit Wake and DS and they all fall down ... LOL. These nerfs needed to happen. Ret was feeling stronger than it did during the original WOTLK prepatch at the end of BC.
Never played ret in that patch but I heard about it. Most of their damage was holy iirc and no holy resistance to be found. Everyone practically getting globalled by Rets on compound V
At least tanks mostly got a damage buff to kill mobs faster to help reduce the impact of the survival nerfs.
@@wills.8662 oh I remember it like it was yesterday. I was tanking through all the BC raid tiers. They dropped the WOTLK prepatch. I picked up a 2h and kept my tank gear and was still melting stuff. Ret turned into God's overnight. It was ridiculous ... FUN ... but ridiculous. They even needed it the following week and we were still OP. Lol.
I will still main druid and paladin because tht’s the best classes for transmog and fantasy theme. I hate the rest, idc what is meta
Same. I play what I like and how they look. Just a filthy casual 😂
Would be nice too if the equipment professions were really worth having long term where currently only enchanting and alchemy are.
Hey Kelani, as long as there are mechanics to dodge, things to interrupt there will always be outliers unfortunately. But for the people who know their classes and capabilities it won't be too bad for them. I currently struggling to heal in legion time walking because no one is paying attention to the mechanics, which is kind of important if you don't want to rip lol.
For those who dont know (and is intrested in arcane). They reverted the double dip «bug».
I knew Ele Shamans were about to get absolutely blasted
Breaks my little shaman heart! We were in such a good place!
did you really expect Blizz to let Ele Shaman be good for once? Ha ! don't make me laugh, they will be trash once more for the 7th x-pac in a row
Arenas are flooded with blue
well to be fair, shaman wasnt just "good" they were op. But aug evoker only getting hit a ittle is very confusing, because aug evoker was as op as ele shaman (maybe even more broken), but only got hit by such a small bit that it doesnt change anything haha (The aug nerf seems heavier than it is)
You're all dilusional. Elemental is still amazing.
I blame a lot of Elemental's nerfs on the people who posted videos "OMG! THIS CLASS IS SO OVERPOWERED!".
it was broken... its not an opinion it completely broke pvp overnight
rip shaman hype, im ok since always being ele shaman so im used to be treated like that from blizzard, it was only a matter of time and main shamans knew it
@@DanielSmith-r3t Screw PvP. The game should not be designed around PvP, now Elemental won't even be used in PvE.
Agreee !@@MrRyanfisher
No one cares about pvp happiness endure a week in beta not even one day in live server...
Currently on pre-patch outlaw rogues have a bug on Blade Flurry not dealing critical damage anymore making them useless in packs, hope they will fix that :( it's really annoying
BM Hunters absolutely nuked. 😞
I was like whoa
Good. Play a real class
@@nicklepkowski5315 like what
@@BawssPlayer If the rotation isn't convoluted, it isn't a real class. /s
@@G3N0Unknown have to press all the buttons on your keyboard and watch 15 cooldowns I guess 🤣
The war within: the expansion where you change mains weekly
If you choose your main this way:
a) no, this is how it always is
b) your own damn fault
@@Nulgarit’s a joke but thank you 😊
Wtf are these BM hunter nerfs? First you give them the most boring hero talents in the game, then you nerf them into the ground 😂
Blizzard hates BM hunters. Any time the spec gets anywhere close to fun it gets nuked into the ground.
@@MrLewisC93 that's completely untrue, it has no right being as powerful as it is for THAT simple a "rotation"
@@ACKryder other classes have simular simple rotations or even easier (Ret Pala for example). BM Hunter might not be that hard, but i've seen soooooo many hunters, that couldn't even press there multi shot in aoe, or spammed it... which is totally playing wrong. Sooo.. might be not as hard, but surely not THAT simple either if people can play it wrong.
they were well ahead of any other spec, this is just normal beta tuning. Don't consider it buffs/nerfs since it was never intended to go live in the previous state
@@michelledoesnotcare3636 hunter has been the most picked class by new players ever since launch my guy. It's always been like that.
75% nerf on living bomb is INSANE
Good. For once mages don't get to be so OP lmao
@devilsadvocate2643 only fire is dog, arcane and frost are S tier atm
This is why it's so frustrating that they leave so many tests and changes to the last moment.
It's hard to decide which class to play when every other week their output is completely swapped around.
What do you mean ?
Play Mage / Hunter / Warlock, since it's the most popular classes, Blizzard won't take risk offending them with a huge nerf and they'll always be the brainless top DPS.
@@devilsadvocate2643 BM Hunter literally got a huge nerf with this patch.
@@devilsadvocate2643Bliz loves nerfing Hunters to appease the forums that complain.
Well, even with all these tunings and changes, and testing. They will still not get it right and will come in with class changes 1 week after launch, and then again when the raid opens and they can study logs. Sometimes it feels like we have to wait half an expansion for things to be somewhat balanced.
@@devilsadvocate2643you sound so salty lol
I can't give a single shit about the BDK dmg until they revert the death strike change
As a only warrior main, i can say that the ret nerf is unfair.
In the irger hand is most nerf to all 😅
Thanks for the video
Why is BM getting such heavy nerfs? I haven’t heard a single thing about them even being OP
Some streamers kept saying "BM is tanky and bursty now" maybe thats why?
it is OP. My 515 BM alt even out dmg a number of 526+ geared classes in raid. As I expected it was the Dire Beast talent, especially when used with current set gear.
Or those players just suck. BM is not op. STFU.
Apparently there's a bug with Laceration that Blizz didn't know about, causing 20%+ increase in overall DPS. That's why they nerfed.. but who knows if they'll reverse it when they fix the bug or how long it will take.
Let me tell you then, BM is completely busted right now. It is doing twice the damage of certain specs. There is no spec that even comes close to BM at the moment.
So basically, they buffed them, then nerfed them, putting them back to pre-war within damage or less.
always get excited for new updates then remember Kelanis videos are a week behind lately
for real, every other channel covered this days ago. wonder why the fall off in regards to staying up to date
BM hunter nerfs hurt bad! My 519 hunter now feels like a fresh level 70. It is really really bad! There is no way hero talents can make up for these hits to our damage. Went from being able to easily pull 3-400k dps single target down to the 200k range. It is atrocious how bad it feels.
I was going to main ele but it looks like that is a very bad idea and ill get no more invites with it. They finally looked good and then their dps straight up gets lessend by 20%+
Why people still believe that there are logic and common sense behind those changes, still beyond me...
Admittedly I'm not the sharpest 'tack in the box' but if you're not an elite player some of this stuff is unobtanium. (kind of like playing Monopoly and the rules change just when you seem to catch up)
@@chuckgrenci6404 oh you didn't know about the multiple hotels rule? let me... let me educate you. xD xD
@@-.-Monster Yeah, that's funny; how about when you use Free Parking space for a collection of all the fines and 'you pay' fees (and those that land there , get the pot).
Only way for Blizzard to justify these stupid nerfs and buffs... is to nerf the price of the expansion by 50%.
I’ve more or less accepted this is the life cycle of maining a shaman. We get 2 weeks of broken content, followed by knee jerk nerfs that floor us back to our red headed step child closet. Couple seasons later it happens again. But hey! At least our tier has been looking decent and they’re updating spell aesthetics *grossly stares and TWW water noodle hat and 15 year old ascendence model*.
Been an ele/resto main since vanilla and this just took the wind out of my sails...
one day Blizzard will get the Shaman class right
its only been 20 years right?
Jokes aside I feel bad
You can hear kelani struggling to hold a laugh in reading the hunter nerfs. 5:20, additionally you can hear the surprised smile continue as he follows on to the survival changes. Blizzard is the best comedian around!
Kinda crazy they buffed frost and blood. Also crazy they didn't buff Devastation Evoker.
Are these changes active on live or beta ATM?
for once elemental shaman would be good, i was happy, i forgot that fun was not allowed on shamans .
Someone at Blizzard had their spouse stolen by a BM Hunter.
Blame it on the twinks that abuse the system in random bgs all the way before hitting lv 70. I seen a BM and Marksman Hunter both have over 50kbs in a wsg in the 60s bracket.
hoping my beloved Unholy DK wont get changed further
Mage 6:25
After rework Survival was getting HOPE to back to be decent
but after 25% bomb dmg we kinda dead now :(((((((
Decent? As it already shows in his gameplay, the playstyle and damage output is just stupid. I really hope they get another rework instead of tweaking.
So 100% healing increase to nourishment is what it takes to bring it to being on par with the abundance talent.
So instead of listening to all the feedback on how to change the guardian of the Grove talents, all the feedback from some of the world's most famous and talented druids in World of Warcraft just straight up ignored. Hundreds of people, some of the leaders in the druid community on the discords and on the forums and in game as well are all talking about how guardian of the Grove talents need to be changed around and fixed up to provide alternatives instead of just forcing everybody into one and only one talent path.
But instead they double down literally 100% double down.
But that also tells you how powerful abundance was and still is. You can't beat the 70% increase healing and 70% increase crit heals.
@UltimateGamerCC biased as in they have been playing the spec for nearly 20 years? That's called experience and having a knowledge base.
I am also one of those people.
We can see bad design. You speak from a place of clear ignorance. When hundreds of your most veterans players of just one spec are all speaking up for the first time since Legion, it should tell you something.
But idiots like you say stupid shit like calling it biased. You just use words without understanding the meaning.
Hush little one, or your parents will know you didn't take your nap.
Why does Fire Mage have to be run down the the grave whenever it even shows any promise... 75% reduced Living bomb after finally showing some use after so many years absent is really despicable!
Ret Pally looks over: First time?
@@Sunmocker brother, fire mage is runned to the ground every expansion ever since Cataclysm, all that to promote stupid Arcane and Frost, since before that nobody played it....
@@tomislavlukicloznica bro what are talking about. Fire mage is meta every season.
@@AntonKlermon meta when you have end gear from mythic, but try being fire with blue gear at the start of expansion?
LOL no it's not, share what your smoking cause it's good shit
please add time stamps!
Hey folks, this is Time Stamps.
Why would they touch ret when it was an absolute blast. Instead of nerfing buff the weak classes, their answer for balancing is always destroy the fun
Because they are fucking stupid and don't know how to do anything except nerf shit and ruin fun.
I play a BM hunter, nothing new here, f bliz.
they need a catch-up system for crests. so alts receive them faster than your main. lets assume i need those 10 dungeons to cap my crests. no if i would play 2 alts that would mean to keep up i would have to run 30 dungeons. if i could transfer those crests like 1 month into the patch, that would be helpful. or after 1 month alts receive twice the crests or something
Ret paladins didn’t even get past the beta before we got neutered, again! Meanwhile, Havoc DH’s, the special olympians of the WoW community, got their goddamn eye beam buffed? Yo, to anyone in PvP who complains that rets do too much damage, 🖕🏾 lol
You played an entire expansion being in S or A tier.
@@JSeminole56 yeah…. And how long did it takes ret pallys to get one expansion where we were solid? A long ass time, ya ding dong. In fact, I’m betting players like you got so jealous, yall cried to blizzard and we got knocked down, again.
Dude, ret pallys and feral druids have had the shittiest end of the stick; it’s been 20yrs and we only got on expansion where we were S tier in PvE and PvP. Now, per the norm, we might hit B tier in PvP…. Might.
The Bonestorm change is a NERF not a buff, Consuming 12 stacks of Bone Shield was an instant almost 1minute off the cd of Dancing Rune Weapon, and then cuz you have dancing rune weapon active (unless you're a spud) your next marrorend instantly takes you to 12 stacks again
Giving the fact that frost mage didnt receive so much nerf and even boost ray of frost, is it one or the winner?
7:18 you say "mistweaver will see a 30% nerf to yu'lon's whisper". Dude, the tool tip says 30% increase.
At this point, what classes are worth playing? Instead of buffing other classes, it feels like anything remotely fun or strong just gets nuked
Crazy question coming from a 17 year WoW vet... where the hell can I find this comprehensive list of class changes? I've looked on Wowhead's Blue Tracker and the Blizzard Content Update Notes. I don't see anything. I remember it used to be easy to see all of this stuff, but I must be having a stroke because I can't figure where to find it now. I wanted to screenshot the Boomkin changes to send to my wife.
Tell me about it, I've spent 30min trying to find any blue post with these notes
Of course here goes wow.
so BM hunters are back to crap. roger that
What do you think they should do to help with alts catch up on crest gains? I love playing alts but it’s so frustrating having to run so many dungeons when I’ve already maxed out on a character?
so blizzard just ripped my balls off. great.
I'll give you one of mine!
@@MrEye4get well that took some balls to offer, i salute you !!
@@Thundercloud1969 well, it took at least one, otherwise, it would have been an empty gesture.
Is, folks this hey Kelani.
Elemental, Arms, BM. All the dps I play. Sadge
Stop making healers goddamn DPS
All these rollercoaster numbers changes in the past week or so make me nervous for the expansion. It just sounds so chaotic and rushed.
Well, RIP Ret Paladins... it was nice while it lasted.
There's no ret paladin changes showed in the video, what am I missing?
@@OwnedGamer96 check 9:00 and later talking about Ret, look at the list of nerfs in damage. But they give us more healing through word of glory.. amazing for a damaging spec.
Other than a few outliers, these buffs/nerfs go against everything iv watched about the War within classes. Every CC I've watched has said Arms is terrible and in a really bad place, holy pala is really strong, arcane mage is broken etc.
Who do you believe?
Please do new class ranking videos at TWW launch. ❤️
Damn ret paladin got nerfhammered badly...
i have an army of alts, but no idea what class/spec to play next season - i don't want to invest alot of time in a class that will be gutted by Blizz and become a low-tier in day ... this is the main issue that discourage me playing this game. very annoying
How hard is it to make timestamps
BM Hunter got hit HARD, still gonna main though!!!
Its starting to really get hard to look forward to the new expansion.
Yah, you can’t one shot everything and do a years worth of content in a week…
You people crack me up 😂. You are supposed to be weak entering a new xpac so you feel more powerful as you put the time in getting better gear.
Then again I have played since launch so none of this bothered me. Picking mains based off of 2 releases behind beta numbers is silly to begin with. Enjoy!
dorki is saying aug is still gonna be good and dorki is the goat
This patch is going to be an absolute shit show. Classes that needed nerfs got buffs, classes that could use a buff got nerfed or untouched. Obvious shit like ret and elemental got nerfs but that’s about the only reasonable changes.
So Living Bomb is Living Firecracker now?
more like one of those handheld rocket things that does literally nothing
@@kaiberuss or some bang snaps
I get Ret Paladin was kinda strong but the Nerfs given was too much. No need for that much decreased damage
I'll bet we get another stat squish by the time we hit midnight. Unless they plan to let us get ilvl gear in the 1000s in The Last Titan and then do a big ass reset.
Blizzard already confirmed they are doing another stat squish. More then likely during Midnight.....
@@ablueduck1 Ah, i missed that! Thanks. I guess my intuition was spot on then :)
Those ret paladin nerfs are really disappointing. They aren't over performing that much.
In rbgs they are absolutely broken. Too much survivability with the amount of damage they can pump. The nerf was needed in battle grounds.
Did I just hear that the 1st raid of TWW gear LvL on normal is going to be around 506? I was distracted by taking care of a RL pet. LoL
Hey Kelani, Folks Here
It feels like these adjustments are to make every class feel just miserable enough for Blizzard to be happy than actually fun.
Things in good spots that people are happy with are always hit with sledge hammers.
Blizzard hates fun and hates thier customers. They are all idiots with no clue.
And me who was starting to enjoy playing my Paladin again...I guess I'll put him on the shelf again because these nerfs are bullshit.
RIP paladin
Fuck em.
Pally will be fine bruh
Thanks for another great video!! Your channel is the first one I go to for WoW news, your voice is calm and nice to listen to and I really like how easily digestible your format makes all the info. I'm picking Assassination rogue back up for this next expac so I'm quite happy with the buffs this week.
Just when i decided to play Ret for TWW they nerf it to the Ground again
Glad my toons got some nice buffs this time. but knowing Blizz, by the time TWW goes live, I'm sure they will change their minds! lol
Im really liking blood so far
First they nerf Prot Pala into the ground, then give them the same generic dmg buff as every other tank class and thing that will help the spec. That seems the prove that they don't play their own game.
You left out Prot Warrior’s 8% increase to Shield Slam
@Blizzard STOP NERFING every class and screwing up the game !
ruined my plans! guess due to leveling and gearing so fast ill just get every class up and decide day before launch day lol
Hey folks, this is Salami
If a hero spec requires a talent, it should probably be baseline.