People Share Their 'We Need To Leave Right Now!' Experiences

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  • Fresh AskReddit Stories: [serious] What was your biggest ‘we need to leave... Now!’ moment? --- LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!
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  • @russthompson5614
    @russthompson5614 4 ปีที่แล้ว +711

    My sister-in-law has a grandma who just exudes loving-grandma-energy. She and her daughter, who was a teen then, had gone to a concert which got out late. Her grandma knew the city well and told her daughter about a shortcut to their car. Her daughter got an uneasy feeling as they stepped into the alley, but the grandma paid it no mind. Suddenly a dude popped out from behind a trash can holding a knife, demanding them to give him their money. Without skipping a beat, the grandma said, "Well, I don't have any money, but I do have a hug." Stunned silence. Dude looks at the grandma then her daughter then back to her. She opens her arms, smiling. Her daughter in inwardly losing her mind with fear. This was pre-cell phone era so she couldn't call 911. But then the dude drops the knife and hugs the grandma. He starts to cry, telling her that he was sorry, that he was just in a tough spot financially. She said it was okay, still smiling and hugging him. The daughter is still speechless. The guy apologies again and offers to walk her and her daughter to their car. She agrees and they walk to the car. She wishes him well and they drive away without another incident. Once they were down the street, the daughter turns to her, and yells, "WHAT THE FUCK. HE HAD A KNIFE." And her mom just shrugs, saying she had a feeling he was all bark and no bite. She's had numerous occasions like this. She could stop a war and get two enemies to hug, 100%. Nana Dixie, you may be a 80 yr old tiny woman, but you are a goddamn badass.

    • @soniaegg9669
      @soniaegg9669 3 ปีที่แล้ว +124

      Imagine being a super hero but instead of fighting crime you hug it.

    • @wheresdarice3988
      @wheresdarice3988 3 ปีที่แล้ว +54

      Such a sweet grandma.

    • @larspossum9201
      @larspossum9201 3 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      This is beautiful...

    • @medicgaming6317
      @medicgaming6317 3 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      That is the most badass but also the most wholesome moment ever.

    • @blakedavis2447
      @blakedavis2447 3 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      That could backfire so horribly

  • @isettech
    @isettech 4 ปีที่แล้ว +542

    My wife and I had a secret code for "Get me out of here now!". Her side of the family had a couple of people that were not great when intoxicated. She had been avoiding weddings and parties because they may show up. To go to the events and have a safe escape, all she had to do was give me a quarter, and I would say we had to go and take her with me. In all the years we were married, I got a quarter once, and most funny, I got a dime and she said "I owe you 15 cents". She can smell trouble before it exploded. Both times we heard about the issues later. With that in place, we were able to go to many family events we would have otherwise missed. I never needed to give her a quarter, but it was understood what it meant if I did. No excuses, no complaints, "We need to leave right now!".

    • @nicolestoughton2986
      @nicolestoughton2986 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      Love this. Will be doing this with my hubs from now on. Family can be crazy, but I don't want to keep missing the good times.

    • @candyluna2929
      @candyluna2929 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I would stay to watch it all go down

    • @isettech
      @isettech 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      @@candyluna2929 Not a good idea if you wife wants to avoid the family fight. You might not ever go to any family functions where there might be drinking problems.

    • @robertspink450
      @robertspink450 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pop po0p0 pop

    • @OmicronX-1999
      @OmicronX-1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      My sister and I also have a codeword for 'situation is FUBAR, GTFO right now!'
      That codeword is 'Funkytown.' Yes, we did steal it from Supernatural.

  • @mlgredvine8897
    @mlgredvine8897 4 ปีที่แล้ว +633

    The problem with animals is some can smell your fear literally. I live with horses and if you are afraid of them they know and sometimes change their behavior because of it.

    • @mlgredvine8897
      @mlgredvine8897 4 ปีที่แล้ว +74

      @@ThatWasPrettyFunny yes true but they can sense it nonetheless

    • @raellskys4083
      @raellskys4083 4 ปีที่แล้ว +72

      Lol, yea, they change their behavior to include MESSING with you for FUN because a horse DEFINITELY has a sense of humor too. Its just more subtle

    • @mlgredvine8897
      @mlgredvine8897 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@raellskys4083 yes that too.

    • @MrFunnyP
      @MrFunnyP 4 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      @@mlgredvine8897 I forgot where but I think I heard that when humans are fearing of something they will give off a chemical scent and as to why other people have a bad feeling around someone.

    • @creamingiren6666
      @creamingiren6666 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      So we're like ants spreading fear hormones, nice

  • @bladeofbattousai
    @bladeofbattousai 4 ปีที่แล้ว +163

    I was riding in an arena with a bunch of buddies, and my horse suddenly went nuts, trying to get out, and then started chasing all the kids out. He'd never done anything like that, and my hair was like standing up, feeling that something was really wrong. I decide we have to go home, and drag my sister out. We got to the edge of the lawn and there was a huge BOOM and I couldn't see or hear for several seconds. Our horses bolted down the street. Before we got them under control, the sun vanished and a torrential thunderstorm started out of nowhere. It had been sunny with one tiny cloud in the sky when we left. The horses ran in a panic all the way home and we were stuck in the barn until the storm stopped. Then we called our friends. That huge boom right as we were leaving was lightning striking the arena where we were riding. It zigzagged through their yard and narrowly missed several of the kids before hitting the house. My horse must have sensed it, and if we hadn't been weirded out and let him run us out, we would have been charcoal.

    • @chuckchuck8487
      @chuckchuck8487 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      My old husky saved my ass once. It's strange how when a animal makes your hair stand up. You go into 100% alert and ready. He kept me form getting attacked.. Very strange he knew what was happening

    • @larspossum9201
      @larspossum9201 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Damn.....God bless horses!
      Smart.... absolutely fascinating animals!

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Dang, that sounds like a good story, if you feel up to sharing.

  • @jamesevans1176
    @jamesevans1176 4 ปีที่แล้ว +322

    I think I prevented a kidnapping. I was in middle school, and a very suspicious kid because I watched a lot of documentaries and shit cause I wanted to be a cop. So I'm hanging out with my friend and my friends little brother, my friend went inside for some reason (bathroom or drinks) and a truck pulls up. The driver rolls down the window and says he "lost his dog" and wanted to know if we would help him. The little brother stepped forward because lost dog needs help! But I put my arm out and something like "no, we'll keep an eye out, if we see a dog we'll take it to the church for you" because there's a church across the street and the pastor was cool. The guy used the most common thing besides "you want candy", if he really lost his pet then I'm sorry, but I was in like 6 or 7th grade and the kid with me was in like 4th

    • @Tes-ve4mr
      @Tes-ve4mr 4 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      J YOOO GOOD JOB MAN you may have prevented something very bad

    • @fhpurcell5364
      @fhpurcell5364 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      you were onto some freaky shit for sure, which adult in their right mind goes to kids for help if they "lost their dog".

    • @raellskys4083
      @raellskys4083 4 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      @@fhpurcell5364 One time, when I was about 11, 12, a couple in a car came around looking for a dog, I was with a group of kids, I stepped forward and said, "sure we saw a dog", and described some bizarre looking dog with a strange marking on its head to see what they would say.....they were VERY enthusiastic about my imaginary spotted dog that I DIDN'T see, really wanted to find him, WTF?! I tricked them and they fell for it, I was one of th older ones so I ushered th rest of us off somewhere else. Th lady in th car could tell she fucked up and drove off when my demeanor changed. So tell your kids to describe some bizarre looking dog, if someone comes looking for one,(while th other kid gets their license plate #) if they lost THAT imaginary animal, you know what's really going on.

    • @toxicstarfish6327
      @toxicstarfish6327 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Wait... I bro i think i was almost kidnapped twice. The same thing except i was alone and i just flat out said “No” i surprised myself im usually nice and say yes.

    • @emrmakeup9889
      @emrmakeup9889 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That's really clever, quick thinking, well done!

  • @QahnaarinDovah
    @QahnaarinDovah 4 ปีที่แล้ว +152

    When I was younger, I and a group of friends were playing out in our front lawn. At one point, this black Jeep drives past slowly. I figured they were looking for an address and thought nothing of it. Until it came back around a few minutes later, again slowing down as it drove past. Now I was quite suspicious. It did the same a third time and as soon as it was out of view, I told everyone to get inside asap. I watched out the window and a couple minutes later he was back. He stopped for just a second, then sped off and didn’t come back. I’m convinced whoever was there was looking for a straggler to grab

    • @hlb9834
      @hlb9834 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      Man. Good looking out! I'm always on the lookout for any suspicious vehicles that drive slowly past children. People can truly be monsters...

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Smart girl.

    • @santinosalamanca4378
      @santinosalamanca4378 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@deettekearns9092 what if the person is not a girl? 🤦‍♂️

    • @maggiesmith856
      @maggiesmith856 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@santinosalamanca4378 Then Smart Boy

    • @santinosalamanca4378
      @santinosalamanca4378 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@maggiesmith856 yes
      also I legit forgot my comment even existed

  • @maubrey2095
    @maubrey2095 4 ปีที่แล้ว +163

    My mom's story:
    She used to go to Church with her cousins a lot when she was dating my dad. They did it routinely but one day, my mom had a gut feeling to not go to Church and told one of her cousins. That cousin went to Church and a bomb went off at that Church. Luckily that bomb did not seriously injure many people, and her cousin was safe. Surprisingly, this was the second time she dodged a bomb attack.

    • @emmiegirl17
      @emmiegirl17 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      SECOND time??

    • @maubrey2095
      @maubrey2095 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      The first was when she rode a ferry (the boat that also carries cars). Well, a bomb blew up just a while after she got off.

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@maubrey2095 Did it sink? Also,is there a third time yet?

    • @maubrey2095
      @maubrey2095 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It was docked so people were getting on and off

  • @mbyerly9680
    @mbyerly9680 4 ปีที่แล้ว +341

    The moral of the story: TRUST YOUR GUT!

    • @Jdabomb93
      @Jdabomb93 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      _”The force will be with you... always.”_

    • @pennydavis9940
      @pennydavis9940 3 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @JustAKomiFan
      @JustAKomiFan 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I live in constant fear as I named my cat simba
      I’m waiting for someone named scar to appear now….

    • @marsthegaymartinelli
      @marsthegaymartinelli 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@JustAKomiFan guess what I'm naming my dog

    • @JustAKomiFan
      @JustAKomiFan 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@marsthegaymartinelli *AHHHH-*

  • @kaymorgan2826
    @kaymorgan2826 4 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    My families safe word is "peanut butter cups", I'm a teen and live in a rough neighborhood, so if I'm ever uncomfy, I can ask my mom to buy me "peanut butter cups", and she'll is right there. I don't eat peanut buttercups, I can't have peanuts so the safeword couldn't be confused.

  • @Aurea0522
    @Aurea0522 4 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Moral of the story: Sometimes you need to get tf outta some places before shit goes down no matter what you're doing if your body tell you get the tf out you get tf out. Also listen to animals they can smell fear and evil

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      They can not only smell it, they can feel it before it happens.

    • @4kat0sh
      @4kat0sh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      not evil but when bad shit happens the human body reacts in unique ways, stress, pressure, fear, etc all these negative emotions that are usually invoked in people during these bad situations, including both the assailant and the victim, will sweat and release hormones which in turn the animals usually detect better than we do

  • @spanky814
    @spanky814 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Tip for you young kids in college. Go to the party, but leave as soon as you start seeing any freshmen show up. Saved myself from getting roped up with a bunch of frat parties getting charged with providing alcohol to minors that way. I would notice the fresh eyed chubby cheeked freshies with solo cups and nope out a good hour or two before my other friends. Next morning I'd hear the cops got called and so and so is in trouble. I say this because it started as a gut thing for me but I realized what the feeling was coming from and most people don't.

  • @medicgaming6317
    @medicgaming6317 3 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    The gas station robber was not that much of a bad guy, at least he let the woman and her children off the hook. Although, I don't object to him being arrested.

  • @cchastant8251
    @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I was about 12(F), and my younger friend was maybe 8(F). It was one of the Really Bad Winters in Seattle about 40 years ago, where the schools closed for about two or so weeks. For those who live in places where it snows every winter: don't be impressed. At that time, it only snowed like that in Seattle about once ever 7 years. (shrugs) Because of that, Seattle had few (if any) snow plows. The main streets had the snow beaten down into sheets of ice, the back roads... well. Very few were brave enough to drive on those, for fear of getting stuck. Remember, no cell phones back then.
    My mom was coming to pick us up, so my friend CW could spend the day with me. But she'd not be up to driving the back roads in her land boat, some steel-bodied monster I couldn't now pick out of a lineup. So we walked about 4 blocks to the nearest major-ish street that was beaten down to something she could drive on to pick us up. We waited by a little white church on the corner, growing bored.
    At one point, I started noticing this white van driving by. I'm still a child. The absolute ONLY reason I noticed that this van had driven by more than once was due to a rope trailing out the closed back doors. The third time it drove past, I noticed the driver watching us as he drove past. Having a bad feeling about it, I didn't say anything until he was out of sight, and convinced my friend to hide in the snow-covered bushes with me. Sure enough, he swings by a fourth (at least since I first noticed him) time. "Let's go back to your place for a bit," I suggested, and we did. After a bit, we walked back out to the corner, and spend the day at my place.
    I'm so glad a bit of rope was trailing out the back. There's no telling if I would have noticed a plain white van repeatedly driving past us, or the driver watching us without that. This is also not the only time I nearly fell off the face of the planet, and only one of two times when I nearly did so with company.

  • @saphireanabeth6678
    @saphireanabeth6678 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    When I was 7 I was on a walk with my twin sister and 8 year old friend (walking a baby doll stroller ) on the route we usually walk in our small town, a lil round around some of the houses. But when we were around 500m distance from my friends apartment I caught glimpse of a guy walking behind us. It's not unusual, it was daytime but something about the very moment I met the guys eyes gave me such a big shiver. I told my sister in Portuguese to accelerate and not look back and just pushed my friend faster, we were practically jogging with the stupid stroller she refused to leave behind. The guy went faster when we did. We reached my friends apartment complex and went in, pushed the door close and went up a stairs flight to look out of the glass pannel. The dude stood at the entryway, looked left wnd right then casually strolled back the way we had come from. When my friends mum got home we told her about it and tried to describe the man as closely as possible and I never heard anything about him or never saw him again in town (which is weird because usually people are familiar here). Thinking about it now I think it could've been an attempted kidnapping since we have a specific quarter with lots of small children and have had one or another creeper luring at the kindergarten (got some stories from that time too) but idk since after that I didn't hear anything bout him anymore

  • @flyingace1234
    @flyingace1234 4 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    This is a bit of family lore from my late Grandfather which I don't think anyone has double checked even though some of the aspects are easily checked. He was in the navy immediately after WW2 and his ship had docked and he was just given shore leave in a city on mainland china. He and a shipmate decide to rent some horses and go out for a ride through the countryside early in the morning. As they headed through some hills outside the city, the sun gradually crested over the hills and they spotted an entire army of Communists ready to attack the city, having sneaked in during the night. Needless to say they rode hard and fast back to their ship, which was sounding the alarm for everyone to come back in. It was easily the closest to death he ever was considering that the soldiers had them at their mercy. And that was how my Grandfather was one of the last American sailors on mainland china before it fell to the Communists.

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Awww, that sucks. Heh, shame they didn't come back with the whole US Military and raise hell on the commies.

    • @OmicronX-1999
      @OmicronX-1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@phantomaviator1318 Indeed, I was hoping that story would end with 'and then they got in their giant gunboat, came back and killed them all.'

    • @xthax9718
      @xthax9718 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@OmicronX-1999 if that happened the communists would either be “i am dead” or “ *METROID ESCAPE THEME INTENSIFEIES* “

  • @Wardads1
    @Wardads1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    1978 I'm 15 and hitch hiking in NZ ,pretty big for my age been on my own since age14.Got a lift from a guy who I thought was gay didnt bother me ,not my thiing .We get to this town where he said he was just going to drop in to see his mate .Ended up drinking a few beers ,his friend kept offering me his 'home brew' and after a while gets on his phone and two other guys turn up.Im then the centre of attention and feel like a prized piece of meat at a gourmands convention.Ask where the bathroom is and quietly grab my backpack in the hallway .In the bathroom i open a window squeeze through following my pack as someone tries to open the door .Ran off into the night hiked cross country staying off the roads till I got to a large town .Caught a bus home and found out later that a few young men had gone missing in that area .Told cops but they found nothing.

  • @Kikilang60
    @Kikilang60 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    There was this mass shooting at party back in the late eighties. It was in one of those big mid western cities, but I don't remember which. This guy fighting with his girl friend, and goes out on the balcony. He see two cars pull up, and a bunch of guys loaded with guns get out. He goes back in the party, and grabs his girl friend, and says we have to go. She pissed, and not have this guy telling her what to do. He tries to pick her up, and she loses it on him. He tries to explain, and she too angry to listen. The guy jumps out the window, on to the roof, and down another building. He hears the shooting, and people screaming. Luckily, less then ten people died, but everyone got shot. Later, he testified in court, and put people away. Everyone said he was a coward for leaving his girl friend. He said, "My girl friend weighs two hundred pounds, if she don't want to go, she ain't going. " I tried looking it up, and coundn't find anything.

  • @pollyrg97
    @pollyrg97 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    This is a story I have from my dad: he had an aunt and uncle who were living in London during the Blitz. One night, as they often did, the air raid sirens went. My great aunt and uncle head for the nearest air raid shelter. At the top of the steps my great aunt freaks out and insists they can't go down there. So they take off for another shelter, which is risky because by now the bombers are basically there, but they make it safely to the shelter. The next day they learn that a bomb rolled down the steps of the first shelter before it exploded, killing everyone inside.
    I wasn't there and have no way of knowing whether it's true, but there are a few stories like that on my father's side of the family.

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Well, considering that you can find undetonated V1s and V2s, as well as bombs, I'd say it's probably true. Although, if it did roll down the steps and explode, there'd probably be a historical record of it, since it's a peculiar happening.

    • @larspossum9201
      @larspossum9201 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That's so sad..... :(

    • @felicitybywater8012
      @felicitybywater8012 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      My grandfather told me a story of something similar happening nearby during the war and about the shelter where the teachers got the kids into the shelter then a bomb hit it and killed them all while the school was left standing. War is horrible.

  • @LordBloodraven
    @LordBloodraven 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    When I went to my first college party, my date was enjoying a few drinks when I noticed a bunch of guys in the den were snorting coke. Not wanting to risk our scholarships, I grabbed my date and quietly told her we needed to run (not leave, run). Thankfully she didn't try to argue and we got back to my car. As we rounded the corner to leave the neighborhood, a dozen cop cars were pulling in to raid the party.
    Every student from our college that was caught at the party was either expelled, had their scholarships revoked or were put on academic probation.

  • @kingxerg6854
    @kingxerg6854 4 ปีที่แล้ว +171

    Imagine being caught in a storm with your soft top miata

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      put down the top and gun it

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I can't claim that, it happened when I was driving an Xb. Main highway through Montana, but a stretch without anyone else on it (late at night). Long, LONG stretch without rest stops, or friendly signs pointing towards hotels/motels. For about an hour before sunset, was counting road kill, and was nearing 200 before it got too dark to spot the semi-fresh smears on the pavement. As twilight fell, I could see lightning ahead, but there hadn't been anywhere to pull off for hours already. So I just continued, driving alone. No real choice, right? I drive into the storm, and at first, it's not too bad. Rain, lightning... Standard storm. I've dropped my speed a bit, as my lights are the only ones out here. The rain falls a bit harder, then harder, and works its way up to "standing under a waterfall" level. When lightning happens, the WHOLE WORLD whites out. Thunder is deafening. Every time the lightning happens, I stop dead. When I can see again, I'm only going about 5-10mph, because the rain is so heavy. There is no place to pull over, not even a wide place next to the road, and I wouldn't trust the verge to be stable enough to hold a car (or the trailer I was pulling). Waterfall-level rain lasted about an hour. I was shaking with reaction and stress. Maybe 30 minutes after, there was a rest stop, and I stayed there for the night.

    • @PhoenyxRysing
      @PhoenyxRysing 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well I don't think he had the soft top up, but my brother definitely had some hairy driving experiences in his Miata...the thing's an older model and a manual, which as you can imagine contributed to some of those experiences.

  • @uiric391Cyrooi
    @uiric391Cyrooi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    4:37 Whoever is the owner of the white sedan, you left your lights on

    • @larspossum9201
      @larspossum9201 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I love you so much.
      (Also, Mayonnaise is not an instrument.....and sadly, neither is horse radish...)

    • @HinataElyonToph
      @HinataElyonToph 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Trombone sliding noises

  • @todogenial119
    @todogenial119 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I'm mexican, when I was around 11 years old, a new seafood restaurant opened, very small. After school my mom took my brother and I to it. 15 minutes passed and for some reason the three of us started to feel a dense atmosphere, like an impending danger. I literally gulped down my food, immediately asked for the check and never came back. It's not uncommon to use bars or restaurants for money laundry in my city, so that one probably was one of those.

  • @judithgockel1001
    @judithgockel1001 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Reading quietly in my living room of a Sunday, my front door burst open, and a deputy sheriff ran in and said: ‘Come on, lady - the fire is on your land.!’ ‘What fire?’ There is a forest fire and it’s on your land, we gotta go!’ I grabbed my dog and never letting go of the laptop, ran out, hopped in the cop car, and we sped away. I heard my cars blow up as we got about a block away. 1600 homes and 2 lives lost. I have 10 or 12 glass beads that somehow fell out of the structure onto the ground. Mother always said I’d never have anything. Wrong - I had my dog and my computer. And 12 glass beads.

  • @Rainbowdragon2
    @Rainbowdragon2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    We were having food in the Renaissance Center on the riverwalk that is in Detroit. Two groups of men started arguing REALLY LOUDLY. So loudly that everyone in the food court could hear them. I looked up at my friend and said "We need to go RIGHT NOW" because people around here typically get shot in such arguments with little regard for the people around them with the arguments typically being about 1)a woman 2)money or 3)politics. We managed to finish and leave but that made me nervous.

    • @hemanths2230
      @hemanths2230 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yeah im from Detroit. Especially if there are 2 groups arguing you gotta go. Could be rival sets or clicks that don't like each other

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@hemanths2230 Is them getting loud a kind of warning to everyone in there that isn't involved to get away if they wanna live?

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'll go with, "Not intentionally, but yeah." Usually, that sort of thing happens as a group becomes so involved with the bone they're picking, that they aren't paying attention to how loud they are getting. If they can cow the other group by being loud enough to intimidate them, that gets points, to win without having to fight. When that doesn't work, well...

    • @xiphocostal
      @xiphocostal 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Gee I like living in a country where being a bystander to an argument doesn't get you shot.

  • @rachelcookie321
    @rachelcookie321 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Earlier this year I had a small party and invited about ten friends over. A couple friends got tipsy and we got bored and decided to go to the local park and goof off. I live in an area with lots of young families and live in New Zealand which is a very safe country so we didn’t feel it dangerous to go to the park when it was dark. As we were hanging out at the park we started to notice a couple cars that driving around the area. One of my friends also claimed to see a camera flash from a nearby house. While I felt safe the whole time, my friends started to get nervous and thought it best to go back to my house. The area I live has a lot of paths that go in between the roads and behind houses and even though my house was only 5 minutes down the road, we decided to walk down the paths so they couldn’t follow us. We saw them drive past us a couple times when we had to cross roads but then we lost them. I don’t know if we were ever in danger it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  • @soinaisthebestest3270
    @soinaisthebestest3270 4 ปีที่แล้ว +119

    My story:
    I was at school after school one evening with a few friends ( this was in Grade 3/4) and as we were climbing on the fence we heard something rustling in the trees, at first we thought it was just a bird, as magpies were everywhere at that time of year. Then we heard what sounded like a faint “ouch” .
    We got so freaked out we just ran. The next day the entire front of our school was graffitied and about 3000 dollars worth of school property gone.

    • @Dbwj-so6mu
      @Dbwj-so6mu 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I had a head ache trying to understand this, you should probably proof read next time

    • @soinaisthebestest3270
      @soinaisthebestest3270 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dave Crab I did dude, can you not see my comment is edited smh

    • @justsomepandawithinternet
      @justsomepandawithinternet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Dbwj-so6mu u ok? The comment makes sense

    • @Dbwj-so6mu
      @Dbwj-so6mu 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Honestly the first sentence was kinda just weird, like I’m not super good at English or whatever but I feel like there should’ve been a comma or something after you said “I was at school”. And also I didn’t really see the connection like what were a bunch of kids hiding in the trees and they did the property damage? I have no idea

    • @justsomepandawithinternet
      @justsomepandawithinternet 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @damienreed
    @damienreed 4 ปีที่แล้ว +412

    Among us is everywhere

    • @an8strengthkobold360
      @an8strengthkobold360 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      It's f*cking great.

    • @EffectedGG
      @EffectedGG 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      An 8 strength kobold tru

    • @damienreed
      @damienreed 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @allieisirish5883
      @allieisirish5883 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @Zipplandia
      @Zipplandia 4 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      I guess you could say... it’s among us.
      Sorry for the bad joke...

  • @YesAmFrienD
    @YesAmFrienD 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    We were in our car, first person in the line waiting for a green light. This seemingly homeless guy started to creepily walk towards our car, obviously without any good intentions according to his facial expression. So, being the paranoid freaks me and my mom are, we just ran the red light as no more cars were coming from the right. We looked back at the last second and he was staring at us with this “I will find you” look.

  • @elizabethpalafox22
    @elizabethpalafox22 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    One time while visiting my boyfriend I decided to take a late night walk while he was playing videogames I had walked down a pretty steep hill (took about 10 min to slowly and carefully walk down) to a church parking lot near his house and was just generally chilling and sitting in one of the church's picnic tables. on the opposite side of the parking lot a group of men is walking from the street on of them points and shouts something at me. I don't even think and bolt back towards the hill I could hear their running footsteps echoing in the parking lot towards me I ran up the hill as fast as I could and grabbing whatever branches and trees as I could for support. I fell right onto my face and skinned my knee pretty bad but I didn't stop. Once up the hill I just kept running until I got to my boyfriends house I only looked back once to make sure they hadn't caught up with me. It was the fastest I'd ever run in my life and the last time I've gone on a late night walk. I don't know what those guys wanted from me but it couldn't have been good

  • @cesardachimp8172
    @cesardachimp8172 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    The second story is scary. Rain-wrapped tornadoes are no joke.

  • @halcyondays4922
    @halcyondays4922 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I finally understand why my mom always drilled it into me not to talk to any strangers, even if they look like they need help.

  • @Apollobudbud
    @Apollobudbud 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Band trip in Toronto. We were all in Kensington Market, which is kinda sketchy before everything opens up (at one point we passed by a lady doing meth). Then the group stops outside as we’re all trying to decide what to do, and this man comes up to us and starts talking to my band teacher and just really getting in her personal space. My friends and I (17F at the time) were on the outer edges of the group, and I had my eyes glued on him and a death grip on my purse. Being the oldest out of my friend group, I told all my friends to keep their bags close to them and hold onto them tight. He purposefully brushed past me and my band teacher several times and I think he was trying to steal our purses. Luckily having extreme paranoia comes in handy sometimes and nothing got stolen and he eventually left the group alone. It could’ve ended much worse.
    Edit: I should also add that the man was watching us from across the street first before he crossed and started trying to interact with us.

  • @calebcarpenter421
    @calebcarpenter421 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Living in mountain lion territory myself, that was my immediate thought when I heard the "we need to go back--dont run" story. Food runs. Don't act like food.

  • @hoytbenson6016
    @hoytbenson6016 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I was at a party up in the mountains on the 4th of July, maybe about 50-60 people. I was there for maybe a couple of hours, just hangin with my friends and having a good time. One guy shows up pretty late, looking very nervous. It doesn’t take long for me to figure out he’s got a handgun tucked into his pants. I grab my friends and practically drag them into my car. Not long after we left, shots were fired (no one hit) and a mass brawl ensued. Glad we left to say the least

  • @aschestoasches5455
    @aschestoasches5455 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Had a cousin who was in a car with her bf. They saw two cars that had been in an accident so he got out to check on them while she called 911. Suddenly one of the people in the accident stole the car with her in it as a hostage. Ends up he had stolen from a store and stolen a car. The police had backed off for safety reason only for the thief to intentionally cause an accident. Thankfully he gave up and did not hurt her but it shows just how crazy people can be

  • @lnely_gamer
    @lnely_gamer 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Imma share mine cause why not. I don’t have reddit.
    So me and my sister were home alone while our parents were at work. I was in the living room and I look out of our window there and I said “uh-“. There was someone, IN THE BACKYARD. my sister came out to get a snack and saw it. He wasn’t doing anything. Just staring at trees. She opens the window and yells: “Hey! Why are you in our backyard?” He turns around and smiles really creepy. He walks out of the back yard and we think we’re fine. Then we hear our doorbell ring. The guy is at the door. We couldn’t leave tho because neither of us could get in touch with our parents and our neighbors were gone, and we would go to them if we felt unsafe. So we just hide in the bathroom until our parents come home. Our mom walks in and we think he broke in, so me, being the idiot I was at the time, I peeked out and saw her standing in the hallway. She came and hugged us both, and we found out the guy was a murderer.

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      If you see something like that, best bet would probably be to grab a gun if you have one, then do what your sister dude, yada yada take aim. Don't fire a warning shot, it's illegal. If you shoot, don't miss, make sure you hit them. I've heard that if they're still alive, shoot them again so they can't sue you.

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@phantomaviator1318 well, killing even in self defense (if the person didn't attack first) isn't particularly legal either, also the relatives of the person could/will sue you for murder

  • @justanother9764
    @justanother9764 4 ปีที่แล้ว +169

    I know I heard the 1st one before

    • @plumwings3966
      @plumwings3966 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ya me too

      @FATTYBONGRIPS 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Same and I thought "this sounds like bs"

    • @DBMe33
      @DBMe33 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Congratulations! 👏🏽👍🏼

    • @justanother9764
      @justanother9764 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Io Genesis cool...

    • @Nyaatastic
      @Nyaatastic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Think it was from a "gut feeling vid"

  • @bladeofbattousai
    @bladeofbattousai 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I was supposed to go meet a friend downtown but cancelled at the last minute cause I just had a bad feeling about driving then. Just minutes after I was supposed to have left, on the road I would have taken, there was a whiteout combined with an icy road that caused an 135 car pile up.

  • @msairs
    @msairs 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i have a similar one. i live across a school, and one night they left the gate open. i had a volleyball tournament and wanted to practice my hits against the hand ball, so i went in the playground and proceeded to throw my ball against the wall. while practicing i suddenly noticed this man come in the playground too and sit down on the bench about a court away, watching me. it made me uneasy, so i decided to quit it and walk home, and i see my parents standing outside our house watching me walk back.

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I love that there are parents out there that actually pay attention to what their children are doing and where they go.

  • @danijoann7261
    @danijoann7261 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This isn’t exactly “get the hell out” but it’s a gut feeling story. I was at my boyfriends house one night and my manager had texted me and asked if I could come in to close. Then a couple of my coworkers texted me as well. I really didn’t want to, but something kept telling me to do it, so I left early and went to work. The next morning, I saw on the news that there was a high speed chase and the car was on the wrong side of the freeway. They would’ve been driving north on the south side, the side I would have been on. This happened at the exact time I usually go home. If my gut hadn’t told me to go into work, I could possibly have died.

  • @nathanb1460
    @nathanb1460 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    One day, I was selling something online, the guy gave me a meetup point, it was In walking distance of my house so I walked to the area, it’s a street with a park. I was like this is sketch. A minute later after I asked him where he was, he blocked me and since it said that he blocked me, I knew it was time to go, 30 seconds into running, I see a car trailing me so I sprinted as fast as I can home but made sure to lose then and when I got to my street, they didn’t know my address. I saw my neighbors out so I knew I could run slow and I saw the car still trailing but eventually they passed and left after they saw a couple pedestrians walking their dogs and my neighbor.

    • @nathanb1460
      @nathanb1460 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I was young, I didn’t know better

    • @OmicronX-1999
      @OmicronX-1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      And this is why we don't use Craigslist.

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yeah, be careful when making these kinds of transactions. Scary stuff.

  • @animeobsessee2125
    @animeobsessee2125 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Was at the St. Louis Galleria during the last shooting, thought some plywood fell until people started running and screaming... the screaming...

  • @breonawarren1507
    @breonawarren1507 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I was a sophomore in college & me with 2 friends go to a frat party. I was talking to a guy I had class with & had 1 cup of punch (everclear, fruit punch & sprite). Apparently one of my friends has several cups & had to throw up. Mind you, I’m downstairs & she and other friend was upstairs. She threw up over the balcony where people were standing under. The friend who was DD is dragging our drunk friend down the stairs & to me like “We gotta go”! We run through the front door as a group of people come in the back door yelling “Who tf threw up on us”!? We ran out the house & down the road. Oh wait it gets worse, my friend throws up again as police are pulling up. We aren’t trying to get a underage drinking & drunk in public charge. We run before they can get out of the car. The drunk friend hid in a houses shed while me & DD ran to her car. The cop had followed but we had already gotten a good head start. We literally watched him walk past the car & keep going. DD drives & we are literally looking for drunk friend for like 20 minutes because she wasn’t in the shed. She had passed out in a bush behind another house. We gather her up, put her in the car, and go to taco bell 😂

    • @rominagresely5366
      @rominagresely5366 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's the funniest story I ever read. LMAO so loud right now.

  • @whatwhale5888
    @whatwhale5888 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I think I almost got kidnapped once when I was like 20. I was walking home from work late at night and car passed me heading in the same direction as me. It slowed down as it passed and went up over a hill, and as got to the top of the hill I saw the same car had turned into a parking lot on my right, front of the car facing the road with the headlights turned off. I felt kinda sketched so I crossed the road and started walking on the other side. The car was still sitting there. So I decided to start walking up a driveway and as I did, the car pulled out and kept driving on in the direction I was going, slowing down as it passed me then speeding off. Maybe it was nothing... But I feel like if I had stayed on the right side of the road I would have been pulled into the car and never seen again

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I was 17, and had been out collecting job applications until it started growing dark, then walked towards home. This truck kept passing me, both ways. By the time I reached the library, I knew, KNEW that if I kept walking home, I wouldn't reach it. The librarian was just locking up, and when I begged her on the edge of tears to PLEASE let me use the phone to call home, or I might never see home again, she did. She didn't stay with me, but dad did come and pick me up. And this was long before cell phones, so... yeah.

  • @camdensnyder8894
    @camdensnyder8894 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Not my story, and it isn't exactly the same as most of the others, but here goes: My mom always talks about one of her earliest memories being when she was driving somewhere (I don't remember where, exactly, but they lived in the panhandle of Nebraska, so wherever they were going, the majority of their trip would be on country roads where you'd be lucky to be within 5 miles of anything) with her parents and brother. She says she was probably around 4 at the oldest. Anyway, on some road where there were very few houses or anything else, the car caught on fire. I'm not sure how that happened, but it doesn't really matter for the purposes of this story. Anyway, my mom remembers that my grandpa pulled the car to the side of the road, and my grandma said to my mom and uncle "Get. Your. Shoes. And. Get. Out. Of. The. Car. NOW."
    They had taken their shoes off in the car, because they didn't need to keep them on, so the two of them scrambled to grab them, and my mom says my uncle started to put his on, but my grandma told him to keep them off and that he could put them on once they were all away from the car.
    They gathered across the road and my grandma tried not to let my mom and uncle see what was happening, but my mom says she caught a look just a few short minutes after they had pulled over, and there was next to nothing left of the car. She believes that if she or her brother had taken just a little bit longer to get out of the car, they probably would have been burned fairly badly. As it was, they all had some minor burns (not much worse than a typical sunburn, but still painful).

  • @_bingus_6569
    @_bingus_6569 4 ปีที่แล้ว +89

    I want to know the aftermath of all of theses stories.

    • @wcotton
      @wcotton 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      There is no "aftermath" to most of them except that they escaped a potential bad situation. The "aftermath is that they're safe.

  • @adamwebb9545
    @adamwebb9545 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I was at Walmart by the bathroom, this guys says to me “I’m about to blow this toilet up” I ran out and called the cops

  • @sakura368
    @sakura368 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    animals can smell things we don't even know exist, they know much more than we do, it's practically their job to do something, anything, about it
    choosing not to do anything is also a choice

  • @moneluve1000
    @moneluve1000 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Yeah the folks accidently stumbling into trap houses and black markets are cool, but can we freaking talk about the absolute GOAT of a mom asserting her dominance by screaming bloody murder at a cow until it said "aight, chill, CHILL it's me, Carl!" and fucked off?

  • @DodgerOfZion
    @DodgerOfZion 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I was at a grocery store in a fairly well-to-do part of my state. A guy kept seeming to gesture to me that he was going to let me in front of him in the check-out line. I kept asking "Are you sure?" and he wouldn't give me an answer. So, I got in front. And he got pissed. Okay, I misunderstood. He left and then came back. He told me he was trying to buy a singular light bulb. Feeling bad, I decided that I was going to buy his light bulb for him as a way of apologizing for a mix-up. As we're nearing the end of my order, he starts yelling at the check-out guy, and keeps bringing up "disrespect" that apparently this store had shown him. I went from feeling apologetic to feeling threatened. My spidey sense kicked in and as soon as I was all checked out, I took off. I actually saw the guy heading back to his car for something, and once I had all my groceries loaded, I peeled the Hell out.
    Thankfully, based on reading the news for the area, nothing seemed to happen, but I got hella scared.

    • @felicitybywater8012
      @felicitybywater8012 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Your spidey senses kicked in because he was behaving irrationally and aggressively. Getting out was smart. Better to leave and nothing happens than stay and something bad happens

  • @warlordmain5084
    @warlordmain5084 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Moral of the story: We have instincts for a reason. Listen to them

  •  4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Chinese night markets are sick, but never go anywhere with anyone that approaches you. Especially if you are a foreigner

    • @wheresdarice3988
      @wheresdarice3988 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I heard that some people in a part of china would break into your home and steal your dog. They'd sell it to the black market so they can eat it or whatever. This is in a part of china. Not the whole country so don't come calling me racist. I'm Chinese too. They'd climb up your fence/gate and steal it.

  • @scotthag1993
    @scotthag1993 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    On our friend atv trip, we are on the trails in these, woods and it got dark in distance and started to get cold, we turned around and went back to cabin just has it started heavy down pour rain, then hail, then crazy strong winds and tornado warning came up on TV. The next day, the trail we were on, was closed because of trees down and flash flooding washed out the trails

  • @mangot589
    @mangot589 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Always! follow your instincts, whether you feel you’re being rude, or whatever. Who cares? Get out of that situation.

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wise words, especially for women. Fuck nice, take care of you.

  • @warcrimecrab
    @warcrimecrab 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When i was 9 me and my mother we're outside in front of our apartment building i suddenly just really didn't want to be outside anymore and told my mom i wanted to go upstairs at first she told me to wait but when i started to tear up and not give up she took me up stairs as soon as we got to our floor there was a driveby and the guy they aimed for was right where we had been i never second guess myself when i get a feeling and 6 times out of 10 its right.

  • @Zwamp1fy
    @Zwamp1fy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    my sisters story: we live in quite a safe neighbourhood (she was 6-7 yrs old) she went to the park outside our house while running back home she saw a sketchy red SUV didn't think much of it until it followed her down the road i saw this from the window i immediately got an odd feeling i booked down the sidewalk as the guy (45-50 yrs old) walked out of the vehicle (im a very tall person and quite scary looking) i looked the guy dead in the eye of course he drove away i took my sister back home and a day later a news report went out about a child predator being caught and it was that guy

  • @thebestegg3956
    @thebestegg3956 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The one with the group of boys yelling cheese it made me laugh cause me and my dad when crossing roads will yell cheese it and run across the road

  • @kaitlynmontgomery5289
    @kaitlynmontgomery5289 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The Greek trip. Reminds me of when my college went to Italy. I didn’t know anyone and since I was the only one from my college that went I didn’t pair up with anyone. (Later I met two amazing girls and we became friends) but I had gotten lost in Florence and 2 Italian men were standing outside of the building I just came out of. One was super friendly but gave me weird vibes.his friend was the one that gave me the “nope” vibes. Something was right about either of them. So I lied and used my acting skills to get out of that situation. No idea if I was just being paranoid or what

  • @gllassyyy5912
    @gllassyyy5912 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Me and one of my best friends were walking around her apt complex at midnight [Ik, stupid, but we were 13]. Looked at a car once, no one.
    Double take, they had sat up and wre mimicking us. If there are two guys in a car just staring at you, run.
    Just please run.

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Run, call the cops, idk come back with parents or something

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@phantomaviator1318 come back with an m2 flamethrower or even better don't come back at all and just tell the police where it happened

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Sniper_4_Life invest in gun

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@phantomaviator1318 why use a gun when you can use a flamethrower (Also apparently you can legally own a flamethrower in 48 states of the USA)

    • @phantomaviator1318
      @phantomaviator1318 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Sniper_4_Life flamethrower are overkill ngl

  • @ImJustSage
    @ImJustSage 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I heard something sounded like an explosion
    Once I realized what it was I fucking booked it
    My dog was having explosive diarrhea

  • @brendaturner6831
    @brendaturner6831 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    One time I had a bad feeling so I decided to bring my gun one night. After leaving a bar some guy with a knife told me to give him everything or else. So I pulled out my gun and he nopes right out.

  • @linoswag1562
    @linoswag1562 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A few months ago I was walking with some of my friends to a gas station across from our highschool (this was one of my first times going out without my parents) As we are exiting the gas station after grabbing a few snacks I see a sketchy broken down truck pull up into the parking lot near us. (Keep in mind we are all 15-16 and we are all girls tho you wouldn’t be able to tell with me as I look more like a boy) we make it across the parking lot when I turn around and see that there are about 3-4 men in that truck the one in the passenger seat caught my attention because he seemed to not have the best hygiene and was wearing stained clothes but worst of all he had this horrid grin on his face while looking at us. I swear he was drooling at one point. As we make it to the cross walk they pull out of the parking lot and onto the street making their way to the street light which we are at. By this point I know that when they make it here they are going to try something. So I quickly grabs my friends and pull them back towards the gas station. Once we are back inside I tell the clerk about them and he tells us to wait in there and he’d go outside to check if they are gone. They aren’t. He asks us if we want to call the cops which we do. But by the time the cops get there they are gone. W clerk for sure

  • @vergil4418
    @vergil4418 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Very good tip for tourists going to New Orleans: Don’t go out at night

  • @Bbergley
    @Bbergley 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    While in 6th grade, I had a paper route. The paper would have us collect every 2 weeks and pay them a portion of the collections. It was a dark fall evening. I got to the last house and pocketed the $2 or $3 for 2 weeks of paper delivery. As I'm walking back to my bike, I see a guy parked across the street watching me, with his car facing the same direction as my bike. Did you know 12 year old can turn a bike around so much faster than some asshole can turn his car around? Also, my Schwinn could navigate those alleys better too. I lost him, but Mom did have some laundry to do later.

  • @deettekearns9092
    @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    12:00 - My guess is that it was way worse than a mountain lion. All outside noise does not stop when a mountain lion is around. It was something other. Something unexplainable.
    17:10 - I love the OP's dad. Man, how did he know the guy was there?

  • @ultrachaos1596
    @ultrachaos1596 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    13:57 let’s face it we all know that there are only 2 ways this situation most likely would have gone if those people were not smart enough to follow their gut

  • @soniaegg9669
    @soniaegg9669 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So me and my sister and some of her friends were walking. It was like 5-7 ish. Some kid got into a gang fight and died by being shot in the area. We were going to a park and we all had this sudden 'shit we need to go NOW', Well, all of us but my sister. We all started walking back, and after a while my sister came too. A week after, On the news it said on that day another gang fight broke out on the park we were going to. 2 kids were hospitalized and if I remember some kid stabbed another and guns were involved. I'm so glad we all turned around case if we didn't we would have gotten our brains blown out.

  • @anemxia9393
    @anemxia9393 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There was this little park right off a very public street that I walked around often. It had snowed one day, and on my way back from a bigger park, I decided that I wanted to go into the little park for a moment to lay in the snow and stare at the sky (I know, stupid). A man came into the park, directly in the direction I had walked. I was off the actual path, having just walked straight in. There was no way he would’ve went in directly behind me if he wasn’t following me. I stopped and turned when I noticed him. He said something but I didn’t hear him, but it had something to do with immigrants and alcohol(?). My gut immediatly started screaming for me to run, to start screaming and yelling but I tried to justify his intentions with some random bull, but to be safe, I got on the other side of him, so I didn’t have to run past him to get out. He took a step towards me and I took a few back, and this dude asked if I was scared of him. “Yeah...” I said, like an idiot. He didn’t answer, so I just told him to have a good night and power-walked out of that park with every intention of breaking into a run if he went after me. He didn’t, but I had an anxiety attack about it almost the entire way home

  • @101Volts
    @101Volts 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was pulling a Tractor that had locked up brakes with a lawnmower tractor. One more pull outside, and the towed tractor wasn't moving, but I sure as hell was; the lawnmower I was driving was rear wheel drive, and the front end of the tractor went up in the air and I fell off on my back. I crawled the hell away in a hurry, because the tractor was about ready to fall on me, which it did about 2 seconds after I fell.
    The one I was on had an automatic shutoff feature if I wasn't sitting on the seat, so it had shut off before it even fell, but still; I nearly had the top of the tractor fall on me.

  • @stevedasbru
    @stevedasbru 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I'm nearly certain that this vid was just stolen, I swear I heard all these vids in the same order like two weeks ago

    • @OmicronX-1999
      @OmicronX-1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Some of these channels repost the exact same threads, just with the order slightly changed. I'm convinced some of them are run by the same person.

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@OmicronX-1999 well, even the order is the same, the only difference is the thumbnail

  • @j.rbry.8990
    @j.rbry.8990 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Always go with your gut!!!!!! 😟 It's probably saved my life more than a few times.

  • @onyx987655
    @onyx987655 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Story about him and his girlfriend leaving a party, then there was shooting. Think i was there...but I didn’t have the smarts to gtfo. Funny to see...”hey, apparently party shooting isn’t uncommon.” Be safe out there everyone.

  • @HH-ru4bj
    @HH-ru4bj 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Not even an enraged cow wants to tangle with a Karen.

  • @ElyssaiscsPowellesc
    @ElyssaiscsPowellesc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    None of my gut feeling like that have actually amounted to anything, but that's because I have GAD. I think the only time it has, was during the polar vortex a few years back, right on the tail end of it, I was really anxious about going to school, but my mom still made me. A little under halfway through the walk to the bus stop, my (exposed) ankles started burning. And then I saw the bus pull up to the stop (which was about a 10 minute walk from my house at the time, I had walked about 3 minutes) and I knew that I would miss the bus, so I turned back around, and once I got home, I saw that my ankles were bright red, still cold, and slightly swollen. I ran a warm bath and soaked my ankles, and that made it so that I didn't have lasting damage. I searched it up when it happened, and I had something called "frostnip," which is a less severe frost bite, pretty much.

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      No socks in the winter?

    • @ElyssaiscsPowellesc
      @ElyssaiscsPowellesc 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@deettekearns9092 yeah, I wasn't wearing socks. Until I was diagnosed as diabetic I generally didn't wear socks. My shoes were stinky... Thankfully I don't have any more of those ones xD
      oh and I just didn't have socks, or even shoes that properly fit me. At the time I was in a pretty shitty situation.

  • @Alex-ot2wo
    @Alex-ot2wo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I really don’t get why some of these people wait so long to get tf out 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @pollyrg97
      @pollyrg97 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Because when your instincts tell you to leave there's often no obvious, rational explanation for why. Functioning successfully in fast-paced, high-stress modern society requires the ability to control your emotions and keep on going about your business without, say, breaking down in tears or flying into a rage. So when we have a nagging feeling that something's wrong but we can't actually see a problem that social conditioning kicks in and we try to dismiss our dread the way we would any other strong emotion. Sometimes even when we can see a possible problem we'll minimise the gravity of the threat. And sometimes that's an appropriate response. Other times it will get you killed.

    • @Alex-ot2wo
      @Alex-ot2wo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Polly RG I understand that.. me personally if I feel there’s something wrong I’m out.. leave first, ask questions later.. There was one time me and my friend were walking in her neighborhood and a white van slowly passed us.. cars drive through neighborhoods- normal.. came back around 2 min later still slow- not normal.. we ran all the way back to her house.. but sitting at a park bench while a guy next to his van is clearly watching you then weirdly looking around and goes back to his truck- sketchy.. I wouldnt have stayed long enough for the second guy to pull up.. but that’s just me

    • @nedgirl1361
      @nedgirl1361 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Alex-ot2wo because also some people don't get the fear sense like/as quickly as others. I had a sketchy mini bus thing go past me and my friend in our highschool uniforms walking down a quiet road, then come back and go past again before stopping. Old guy opens the door and asks if we want a job, holds out something i can't see but to grab it i would of had to step onto the bus. My brain goes *f*cking RUN* my friend goes to step onboard until i grab her arm. Assure him twice we are ok and then walk away and pull her into a run since its a block to my place. He drives off past us and heads straight out of town. She didn't see why i was creeped out.

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      (nods) Some people are only a smart friend away from a Darwin Award. Some of us ARE the smart friend. Part of the problem is that people are trained to ignore instincts, because they don't always serve us well. That hot, quiet guy who seems SO polite can be the guy who's already killed 15 other girls, and is looking for #16. That quiet trail that's giving you the creeps because a mountain lion is watching from one of the trees. But we're trained to "be nice to people," and "well duh, it's night, and it's just because it's night that you're getting the creeps on this dark trail."
      I've nearly vanished from the face of the planet several times on my own, and a couple of times with company. I've clearly been the smart friend.

  • @Katjie7979
    @Katjie7979 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Not me but my sister. She was invited to go with a friend for a drive to visit family. It was going to be my sister, the friend and the friends father and the fathers friend in the car. My sister and the friend were going to sit in the back seat and the adults in the front seat. My sister got this wave of overwhelming dread but couldnt tell why. Needless to say she declined the drive and stayed by our gran for the day. Later that day we received news that they were all in an accident. The friend and the friends fathers friend survived but sadly the friends dad died in the accident. Upon seeing the picture of the car we all realised that the side of the car my sister would have sat on was completely crumpled. If my sister had gone on that ride she would have been crushed to death. When your gut speaks. LISTEN TO IT!

  • @lonelybanana2563
    @lonelybanana2563 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I was on electrical, and someone sabotage the light, I immediately run and a few minutes later someone was found dead there... If only I don't listen to my gut, I would be dead

    • @godsavecanada
      @godsavecanada 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      damn bro, thank goodness you listened to your gut, same happened to me the other day, i was in admin when red and yellow came in, i felt a really sus vibe from red, so i hid in the vents and when i came out red was gone and yellow was dead, if i didnt go in the vent i would have probably been dead too

    • @lonelybanana2563
      @lonelybanana2563 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@godsavecanada they had use in the first half not gonna lie...

  • @Liam-ui2eu
    @Liam-ui2eu 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    oooh this reminds me of the time i was at a club with my friends. there was one double doorway into the dance floor from the bar, which is right next to the front door where there were some tables n stuff. We were dancing but i had gotten tired, bc im a college student and after midnight im either raging or not and that was a night i was not, and i'd said to my friends i was going to sit. they all agreed thats a good idea and went out of the dance floor to sit at those tables. there was nothing amiss on the dance floor at that moment, tho it was definitely a place where people were trying to hook up/grind on each other. some of my friends and i want to go home but not all of us did so we were coordinating who would go and who would stay as we had 2 cars and 2 DDs when suddenly there's a scream on the dance floor and the sound of a commotion, followed by people starting to flow out. Since my friends and i were already by the door we all immediately noped and ran out just in time as the first people emerged from the dancefloor. Apparently 2 guys had gotten into a fight right in the middle of the masses and one of the bouncers decided the good idea to get them to stop was to pepperspray them, which peppersprayed almost everyone in that part of the dance floor. If i hadn't taken the L to go sit, my friends and I may have all gotten peppersprayed and trampled in the ensuing rush out the small double doors, potentially getting seriously hurt. Biggest moment in my life where I understood the butterfly effect.

  • @danijellino1921
    @danijellino1921 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Oh boy. Got plenty of those.
    Even thou i live in a good city in a fairly safe country the number of times i narrowly avoided dying or worse is fucking insane. Well i suppose that's what i get for being outside constantly.

  • @mitchyitchy3
    @mitchyitchy3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    from what i noticed most armed robberies the robber/s will let kids go. Unlike they show in the movies they just want the money and go. Most wont bother with people with kids cuz it seems like what they show in movies might be true. Kids will get in the way of the robber and its not worth the effort for them.

  • @MrBunniesss
    @MrBunniesss 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    When red walked into electrical as O2 failed.

  • @kellythekitty5190
    @kellythekitty5190 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Funnily enough, it is among us.
    Me and a random who I became friends with were both crewmates and we were with two other people (2 impostors) and I had a bad feeling so I did the little dance of "Follow me NOW-" and we made a beeline to the button, finding a body there and we reported it and said it was the two people we were with (we were both clear as we had done visual tasks in front of each other) and we win- I was lowkey terrified but I managed to save me and my buddy. I miss you Combo X (their name)

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wait there were actually competent players with you ? I never met someone in among us who didn't just listen to the person who said something first everytime and thought the second guy *must* be a liar

    • @kellythekitty5190
      @kellythekitty5190 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Sniper_4_Life yes these people had brains!

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kellythekitty5190 *It's a miracle* !

    • @kellythekitty5190
      @kellythekitty5190 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Sniper_4_Life *indeed!*

  • @jayw7499
    @jayw7499 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Did you take a different reddit youtuber's videos and put your name on it? I've heard this before and it's not the first time. As in heard all these stories read in the same order.

    • @araara6388
      @araara6388 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Jay W most of the channels are run by the same group of people

    • @jayw7499
      @jayw7499 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@araara6388 Thanks for the heads up, didn't know that.

    • @nicolestoughton2986
      @nicolestoughton2986 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I'd assume they're all just copy pasting in the order things are posted on reddit. So that would also explain why theyre in the same order

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Well some videos (same posts, same order, etc.) are even uploaded twice on the same channel, just with different thumbnails

    • @felicitybywater8012
      @felicitybywater8012 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Recycling old, popular material. Makes sense for channels.
      Edited for typos.

  • @TheRamblingSoul
    @TheRamblingSoul 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I can't tell what's going on in the thumbnail

    • @rymacreeks2k07
      @rymacreeks2k07 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      it's the impostor about to kill someone in among us, also, the video the image is from is ''every among us game''

  • @Beardwhip
    @Beardwhip 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I was 18, I was driving home from work on main Street thru a seedy part of town (Coatesville, PA) at around 3am. Not a soul around in the normally bustling area of town. Not a car on the road besides me. All of a sudden, a rundown little car speeds up behind mine & starts flashing lights, honking the horn, etc, seemingly wanting me to pull over & talk. Being 18, i was super naive, & I pulled into an empty CVS parking lot & the car followed me in & pulled up beside. There was an unhinged looking woman asking if I had any cash. I threw 10 bucks out the window & got the heck out of there

  • @whatifbuilds
    @whatifbuilds 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The music on these videos makes it feel creepy even in a peaceful room

  • @Fluluru
    @Fluluru 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    We leave now
    We burn down the house
    Say "we didn't start the fire"
    Stay calm

  • @Drewcurtis13
    @Drewcurtis13 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    On your feet soldier we are leaving

  • @beccag2758
    @beccag2758 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It’s very interesting to see that we can tell if something is wrong even if we don’t know what. Listen to your instincts I guess

  • @igu35s
    @igu35s 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I love the ads every 10 seconds

  • @cloudymew
    @cloudymew 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Was about 16 at this time, I was with my cousins (age 9, 12 and 5) at some random park down our road. I was on one of the swings watching them play when I saw that a man came in. Looked around 30-40 and he didn't have any kids with him, just some random man. He sat down on one of the benches, calling my 12 year old cousin (let's call her Stacy so this can be easier) over so he can chat with her. Stacy, not being the smartest at the time, went over there thinking it would just be a nice chat. I looked over to where they were talking and i was started to get anxious of this guy. I tried to push my worries aside but something was telling me "we have to leave now". I went over there, saying how we had to leave for dinner now as it was getting late. He looked sad, standing up saying he could walk us home. I refused, grabbing my other cousins (let's call them Rosie (9) and Jackson (5)). Rosie, Jackson and Stacy obviously wanted to stay more and play, but as I was leaving I told them "listen guys we gotta go now, its not safe here okay?" Even though they were sad, they went with me. I turned around to see the guy winking at me. Nope. I straight up dragged my cousins out of there, alarms screaming in my head. I don't know anything about that guy, but if I hadn't listened to my gut, we probably would have been kidnapped.

  • @DarkLightBlade17511
    @DarkLightBlade17511 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was in my woods one night. What ever the hell i was doing i can't remember. All i remember is that i heard a blast of sorts and ran to my neighbor's house which was through the woods. I see his house on fire in the back. Their oil tank blew somehow and i took an axe they were using to chop wood and since i couldn't open the door i broke it open and i see a child unresponsive on the couch and the familly trying to get out. It was then a realized that it was also a carbon monoxide as well so i held my lungs and guided them out as they staggered out as i grabed the kid by the arm and hauled ass far as i could. The story went as such. It was a suiside by the child i pulled out. Bullying was the cause. And he turned the stove on with no flame. Left the lights on and somehow the oil tank blowing up jolted them up enough and that was whare they were stumbling to escape for themselves and that was when i broke down the locked door.
    That is my most F&cked Story in my life and i know it gets worse than that. This was like 7 years ago. And i think it's tramatized me. I now have CO detectors in my house

  • @holyknightsirtjhd1855
    @holyknightsirtjhd1855 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My we need to leave now moment was when I was at a friends apartment with me my brother and about 3 other guys an a cute blonde girl. We were smoking weed and getting drunk. One of the guys I didn’t know got extremely drunk and his whole attitude changed and he walked up to me while saying how much of a real man he was. Walked back grabbed his gun and said “I’m a $2million MAN” nobody can fuck with me! He pointed his gun at me but didn’t shoot. I grabbed my brother and said we’re leaving RIGHT NOW. nothing else happened but I wasn’t about to be shot dead by a drunk man. I’ve seen dumbass TH-cam videos with people playing with guns and the other person ends up dead. He proclaimed to not remember that whole night after that and we’re on mutual terms til today but I kee my distance

  • @Jade_1872
    @Jade_1872 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I can just imagine the car door being slammed open at “no that’s my husband”

  • @noobioulusjohnson9080
    @noobioulusjohnson9080 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I like wherever these askreddit threads are posted, the comments continue to answer the questoon

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hey, people like to share! And if they are sharing, they survived whatever happened.

    • @deettekearns9092
      @deettekearns9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Isn't that the point of the comments section?

    • @noobioulusjohnson9080
      @noobioulusjohnson9080 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@deettekearns9092 well its an extension to the original thread but on youtube. But yea youre right

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As a rule, I don't expect the original OP of a story to see or follow a video containing their story. And most of the videos don't contain links to the original story, for us to post comments on directly.
      However, these tend to be the stories of things people have survived. A few are "this was finally solved, here's what happened..." Those latter type are... satisfactory in you know what happened, but sad because they mostly didn't survive to tell their own story. I have a number of "I barely survived that" stories. I've nearly vanished from the face of the earth at least 4 times, twice with company. Hearing survivor stories from other people feels good in a scary way. "I'm not the only one this sort of thing has happened to, thank goodness they also made it out safely!"
      Edit: vanished punctuation

    • @cchastant8251
      @cchastant8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      People also like to share their similar experiences with others, too. Nearly vanishing 4 times only covers the times I think I would not have left enough of a trail to be found. I have other stories about how my life nearly ended or changed dramatically without notice.

  • @AllenFreemanMediaGuru
    @AllenFreemanMediaGuru 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In the 1970s in Kentucky, I had a steady girlfriend in High School. I’d try and find us places to park and make out. Once I was on a back road and pulled off in a small clearing. We had my seats down and I had her out of her top when I realized it was getting dark. Just then a car pulls in about 20 feet away from us and all four doors open and at least 4 guys are getting out starting to walk towards us. I flipped up my seat, started the car and sped out as they all stopped frozen looking at us. They did not follow us.

  • @birkinsmith88
    @birkinsmith88 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Never mess with a Mum and her baby :)

  • @phantomaviator1318
    @phantomaviator1318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    9:52 What shooting was this?

  • @blackfish9813
    @blackfish9813 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think the story of the babysitter and the clown 'statue' would fit here

  • @Kyle-vy9du
    @Kyle-vy9du 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    TH-cam has gotten so soft that you have to bleep out words because of people’s feelings