Bloody literary genius bloke John is , thanks for presenting these essential lyrics of British poetry and literature to we the people. All the more real today for that matter.
that's a common glib hipster LIE about the Sex Pistols. Read Johnny's autobiography. Mclaren (whom I knew) had nothing to do with their MUSIC. He introduced a couple of them, he got them some gigs, did a little promotion. The Sex Pistols wrote all their music, expressing what John Lydon, Johnny Rotten, wanted to express, with great songwriting. Maclaren was nowhere near the studio or rehearsals.
Pensar que ya hay una generación completa que conoce el Muro de Berlín solo por fotos y documentales históricos!!!. Cuando le cuento a los pibes de 20 años que yo lo vi cuando era chico me miran como si les contara que conocí a los dinosaurios, así de viejo me hacen sentir. Y solo tengo 48 años!!!!
Ever since i got my Bass I've been open to Bands i don't know much about and i've looked at Red Hot Chili Peppers and Korn but The Sex Pistols are amazing so far.
Wylen Blevins red hot chilli will give you diarrhea and korn comes out the other end undigested go with the pistols ....I'm only an embryo and I've been listening to em before I was even born .
Check out Stone Temple Pilots, too. I always liked them, but I never really, really appreciated them until I got my first bass. That guy's special. Also Rancid. If you like the Pistols... Rancid's guy Matt is the best bassist in punk. Maybe in rock
A cheap holiday in other people's misery! 他人の不幸につきあわされてる つまんねえ休日! I don't want to holiday in the sun I want to go to the new Belsen I want to see some history 'Cause now I got a reasonable economy お日様の下で休日を過ごしたいなんて 思わないぜ。 新装開店で復活した ベルゼン収容所に行ってみたいのだぜ。 歴史ってやつをちょっとばかり 目にしておきたいように思うのだ。 なぜって今じゃこっちには 合理的な経済ってやつが 味方してくれてるんだぜ。 Oh now I got a reason Now I got a reason Now I got a reason And I'm still waiting Now I got a reason Now I got a reason To be waiting The Berlin wall これで理由ができたんだ。 これで理由ができたんだ。 おれには理由ができたんだ。 そんでもっておれはまだ待ってるぜ。 これで理由ができたんだ。 待っているための理由ができたんだ。 ベルリンの壁よ。 In Sensurround sound in a two inch wall Well I was waiting for the communist call I didn't ask for sunshine And I got world war three I'm looking over the wall And they're looking at me 厚さ2インチの壁に埋め込まれた センサラウンドの音響の中に おれはコミュニストからの呼びかけの声が 聞こえてくるのを待ち受けていたんだ。 太陽の光なんて求めた覚えはなく そしておれの前にあったのは 第三次世界大戦だった。 おれは壁の向こうを見わたしている。 向こうだってこっちのことを 見つめているのがわかるぜ。 Oh now I got a reason Now I got a reason Now I got a reason And I'm still waiting Now I got a reason Now I got a reason To be waiting The Berlin wall これで理由ができたんだ。 これで理由ができたんだ。 おれには理由ができたんだ。 そんでもっておれはまだ待ってるぜ。 これで理由ができたんだ。 待っているための理由ができたんだ。 ベルリンの壁よ。 They're staring all night And they're staring all day. I had no reason to be here at all. Oh now I got a reason it's no real reason And I'm waiting at Berlin wall 向こうは一晩中見つめてるし 昼間も一日中見つめてるぜ。 ここにいる理由なんて実際のところ おれには何もなかったのさ。 今じゃおれには理由ができた。 大した理由じゃないけどよ。 それでおれは ベルリンの壁で待ってるわけだ。 I gotta go over the Berlin Wall I don't understand this bit at all I'm gonna go over and over the Berlin wall I gotta go over the Berlin Wall I'm gonna go over the Berlin wall おれはあのベルリンの壁を 越えてやらなくちゃいけないんだ。 意味なんて全然わかんねーけどよ。 おれはあのベルリンの壁を 越えて越えて越えまくってやるぞ。 あのベルリンの壁を 越えてやらなくちゃいけないんだ。 あのベルリンの壁を越えてやるぞ。 Claustrophobia yeah, there's too much paranoia There's too many closets I went in before And now I got a reason It's no real reason to be waiting The Berlin wall 閉所恐怖症ってやつだ。 パラノイア(「被害妄想」)だらけだここは。 おれが隠れたことのある引きこもり場所は 数えきれないぜ。 そして今では理由ができた。 待ってるためには 大した理由じゃないけどよ。 ベルリンの壁だ。 I gotta go over the wall I don't understand this bit at all This third rate B-movie show Cheap dialogue, cheap essential scenery I gotta go over the wall I wanna go over the Berlin Wall Before me, come over the Berlin Wall I don't understand this bit at all I gotta go over the wall I wanna go over the Berlin Wall I gotta go over the Berlin Wall Before me, come over the Berlin Wall I don't understand this bit at all Please don't be waiting for me あの壁を 越えてやらなくちゃいけないんだよ。 意味なんて全然わかんねーけどよ。 こんなの三流B級映画だよ。 つまんねー会話に つまんねー基本的な舞台装置。 おれは壁を越えなくちゃいけないんだよ。 ベルリンの壁を越えてやりたいんだよ。 おれがそうするより先に そっちもベルリンの壁を越えて来いよ。 意味なんて全然わかんねーけどよ。 おれが行くのを待っててくれたり してなくたっていいんだぜ。
I read the lyrics were written by the usual Pistols, however instead of Glen Matlock it stated Sid Vicious. I wasn't there but in my opinion the only bit Sid could have contributed was 'I don't understand this bit at all'. Sid was great at looking like a model punk, but he wasn't creative, unless striking punky poses counts. Glen Matlock was a good bass player who had a great 'turn of phrase' and, in my opinion more likely to have contributed to this classic.
Pistols' songs where always credited to all 4 members of the band, regardless of input. Initially Rotten, Cook, Jones and Matlock. Everyone knows that after Matlock's departure, Sid's contribution was minimal at best but he still received co-writer's credit on Holidays in the Sun, Bodies and Belsen was a Gas.
@@GaryTheGardener71. Well said. Maybe the thinking behind Sid getting credit for writing was an attempt at fairness concerning royalties. He didn't create much, I believe, but sold a lot of records/merchandise due to his image. Also it really angers me when people dismiss Glen Matlock's contribution. Enjoyed your comment. Please feel free to talk anytime or just bounce ideas.
And Glen?? He was the only real musician in the band, he composed Anarchy, God save the Queen and Pretty Vacant. Sid was an useless musician in comparison.
But you like your 8 hour work day, your weekends...shit anarchists died for. And I BET you love you some matrix and V for Vendetta. It’s as if you are really ignorant LMAOOOOO
But you like your 8 hour work day, your weekends...shit anarchists died for and won for you to enjoy. And I BET you love you some matrix and V for Vendetta. It’s as if you are really ignorant LMAOOOOO
"its too many closets I went in before" doesnt sound quite right; I hear something like "when will it fall" or something with "fall" which is an image that matches the idea of a wall and maybe an ironic reference to Pink Flloyd's The Wall, which was released around that time. Fall also is a clear rhyme to wall, not that rhyme is their objective.
Yes, it sounds like "Oh when will it fall." I have always thought since I bought my first copy of "Never Mind the Bollocks" in 1978 that the lyrics are, "Oh when will we fall." I wore my first copy out, as I was always stopping it and "rewinding" it to get the lyrics right. I used to handwrite the lyrics as I heard them, and I was right much of the time, but some I just could not hear clearly. I just checked online. Many sources write the lyrics as "I went in before," but the Sex Pistols official website has the lyrics as "Oh when will we fall." I also just read online that the song is about a vacation the Sex Pistols took to Berlin to get away from London. They initially went to Jersey in England, but they were kicked out. Jersey was sunny; Berlin was damp and rainy. At the time, the Cold War was on, so there was always some tension that the Soviets would invade western Europe. The Berlin Wall, which was constructed in 1961 and dismantled from 1989-92, was a source of international scorn and ridicule, as it separated families and repressed those on the eastern side. I have always thought that the lyrics were some cynical remark that the Soviets with their communist agenda will eventually take over, which is how many people felt at the time. West Berlin (and western Europe) were seen as decadent, and ultimately easy pickings for the austere communists. The SPs on their vacation did sense the eastern Berliners looking over the wall at the western Berliners, and vice-versa. All of this created an atmosphere of tension, confusion, and ultimately a sense of the futility of the wall. "Holidays in the Sun" was released on October 14, 1977, two weeks before Never Mind the Bollocks. Pink Floyd's "The Wall" was released in November 1979.
I think it's actually "senssurround sound in a two inch wall". Either way I'd always figured it was about watching TV; the "two inch wall" are the bits of the television set surrounding the screen. So I interpret the line as essentially "I was watching the telly while waiting for the communist call".
I'll offer my guess. I bought my first copy of "Never Mind the Bollocks" in 1978. I bought an import copy of the UK version, which was way edgier and raw than the US version! "Holidays in the Sun" was released in October 1977, two weeks before "Bollocks." in 1974, Sensurround was introduced with the release of the movie "Earthquake." Sensurround increased certain bass levels so that the theater audience actually felt the sounds of the buildings crashing and all. It was used in other films throughout the mid 1970s, but the success of "Star Wars" in 1977 with its multi-track speaker system gave Sensurround its retirement. When the SPs wrote and recorded "Holidays," Sensurround was something that was around at the time. Sensurround had its drawbacks in that it actually caused damage to theatre walls, and it was so noisy that sometimes the audience in the adjacent theatre(s) would complain that they could not hear their own movies. I just read that "Holidays" is about the SPs vacation to Berlin, where it was damp and rainy. They initially went to Jersey in England, where it was sunny, but they were kicked out. From 1949-90, Berlin was a divided city. Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall split families, and was the object of international criticism, as it repressed the east Berliners. At the time, the Cold War was ongoing. There was a certain amount of tension that the Soviet-backed eastern European states would attack and overrun western Europe. Berlin was in East Germany, so it no doubt was a chaotic, confusing place that produced the paranoia the SPs sensed and wrote about. They did see the "austere" east Berliners looking at the "decadent" westerners, and vice-versa. Of course, those in the U.K. did not want the communists to take over, so they resisted direct and indirect efforts to that effect. When the SPs recorded a song about this, it caused more outrage. I guess that maybe...well...the reference to a "two inch wall" has something to do with Sensurround disturbing the audiences of other theatres because all the noise is just that...noise. All the political rhetoric and bombast of the Cold War proved null and void because nobody invaded any country. It did rattle nerves for decades, though. Maybe...perhaps...the Pistols are saying that the Berlin Wall, although it covered miles, was, because of its evil intents and purposes, nothing more than a flimsy "two inch wall" that was ultimately demolished easily. I do like the comment that maybe it connotes television watching, as the walls in any house or apartment are very thin. I remember many news reports about the communist threats back then, and because people were inundated with them, their effect was that they were way noisier than reality, and thus tainted the simple truth that there are no differences between the West Berliners and East Berliners. Ultimately, I have always though that the Sensurround reference was pretty much a gimmick. It was something that was on its way out, but it was still hip enough to fit in to the song's lyrics.
La frase literal es ¨un sonido surround en un muro de 2 pulgadas, yo estuve esperando la llamada comunista¨.Para mi esta frase es un juego de palabras que no tiene una traducción literal.Sería como si dijera ¨una voz portentosa sobre las montañas, Dios respondió mis súplicas¨.
Oh The Berlin Existed Unfortunately ! ( Though I will be told to "Get Over it " Ha ha as they say ) and The Gestapo existed and so did the K.G.B. TOOO much Paranioa !!!!!!!!!
Well, after so many years we come to realise how useful this Berlin wall was... 'Cause no we have Mrs Merkel to point finger towards Europe. Shame, since she comes from East side !
His voice sucks! I bet he can not hit a single note... But music it's not always about that. His voice is so full of... magic in the form of sarcasm. He gives live and a (huge) attitude to songs... so, he's simply great. Rotten prooves u dont need to be a genius to succeed or be great...
Bloody literary genius bloke John is , thanks for presenting these essential lyrics of British poetry and literature to we the people. All the more real today for that matter.
Nonsense utter
Effed up heroin-addict music.John was much better as Public Image Ltd.
the best punk rock band ever!!!
The Pistols, The Ramones, and The Clash
@@davel9252 agree!
@@davel9252 and the adicts,the jam.
I agree this band alongside ramones, dead kennedys, green day, black flag and the clash
They were not Punk
Sex Pistols are the real epitomes of Punk Rock!
Really, they invented it. Ramones were stripped-down '60s surfer music; The Dolls were just the The Stones '68 turned up to 11.
pistols said it all in one album, never sold out, everyone after them were spunk, with the exception of The Clash.
"I don't understand this bit at all!"
Same Johnny
I like this song very much! perfect for summer holiday!
Superb intro,superb song.
Top Five Albums of all time (IMO)- Steve Jones was great and he only knew a hand full of Barre Chords.
Beatles chords lol
am i the only one who finds it funny to Virgin records to have a Sex pistol song?
+luiz Nogueira Actually Sex Pistols were one of the original corporate bands. They were put together by Malcolm Mclaren so sell SEX merch
+Ethan Beller That's not what he meant
that's a common glib hipster LIE about the Sex Pistols. Read Johnny's autobiography. Mclaren (whom I knew) had nothing to do with their MUSIC. He introduced a couple of them, he got them some gigs, did a little promotion. The Sex Pistols wrote all their music, expressing what John Lydon, Johnny Rotten, wanted to express, with great songwriting. Maclaren was nowhere near the studio or rehearsals.
Luiz Doutrinado funny
@@ethanbell3695 nope malcom mclaren came along later yes he has some influence
Me too makes the song
Pensar que ya hay una generación completa que conoce el Muro de Berlín solo por fotos y documentales históricos!!!.
Cuando le cuento a los pibes de 20 años que yo lo vi cuando era chico me miran como si les contara que conocí a los dinosaurios, así de viejo me hacen sentir.
Y solo tengo 48 años!!!!
The actual lyric is "I don't understand this trip at all". It's right there on the original single cover.
@Kenny Fred Gonzalez Course you were.
The Jam - in the city...
Steve Jones gave us one of the last great incarnations of the Chuck Berry doublestop! Still love the Pistols after all these years!
I’m a huge jam fan but there wouldn’t be the jam, without the pistols what a massive influential group
Ever since i got my Bass I've been open to Bands i don't know much about and i've looked at Red Hot Chili Peppers and Korn but The Sex Pistols are amazing so far.
No. I think it was a I can say what i want to Bass.
Wylen Blevins red hot chilli will give you diarrhea and korn comes out the other end undigested go with the pistols ....I'm only an embryo and I've been listening to em before I was even born .
Check out Stone Temple Pilots, too. I always liked them, but I never really, really appreciated them until I got my first bass. That guy's special. Also Rancid. If you like the Pistols... Rancid's guy Matt is the best bassist in punk. Maybe in rock
This is the year when I entered to this world🔥
You a tiny? You just known this? You super if so! You rare!
♥ Love his voice
It's just such a great sardonic delivery. Iconic doesn't come close to describe it.
This song helps explain why I could never be a tourist, but travelled only to countries where I had ties with their liberation movements.
You are such a legend.
This is real music
am i the only one who just LOVES HIS VOICE
I love it when he sings and there looking at me at the end of the second verse
Love this song
great song, i love it!!
Strange comment slightly weird
Joint favourite with bodies for me, takes me back.
Forrester Marloe try Green Day
@@shanelittlefield4945 Green day VS Sex Pistols?? Come on please ..
Have you forgotten Glen Matlock?
New fine who dis? 😂
LOVE it!
Cheers 🍻 👏 ✌️
A cheap holiday in other people's misery!
I don't want to holiday in the sun
I want to go to the new Belsen
I want to see some history
'Cause now I got a reasonable economy
Oh now I got a reason
Now I got a reason
Now I got a reason
And I'm still waiting
Now I got a reason
Now I got a reason
To be waiting
The Berlin wall
In Sensurround sound in a two inch wall
Well I was waiting for the communist call
I didn't ask for sunshine
And I got world war three
I'm looking over the wall
And they're looking at me
Oh now I got a reason
Now I got a reason
Now I got a reason
And I'm still waiting
Now I got a reason
Now I got a reason
To be waiting
The Berlin wall
They're staring all night
And they're staring all day.
I had no reason to be here at all.
Oh now I got a reason it's no real reason
And I'm waiting at Berlin wall
I gotta go over the Berlin Wall
I don't understand this bit at all
I'm gonna go over and over the Berlin wall
I gotta go over the Berlin Wall
I'm gonna go over the Berlin wall
Claustrophobia yeah,
there's too much paranoia
There's too many closets
I went in before
And now I got a reason
It's no real reason to be waiting
The Berlin wall
I gotta go over the wall
I don't understand this bit at all
This third rate B-movie show
Cheap dialogue, cheap essential scenery
I gotta go over the wall
I wanna go over the Berlin Wall
Before me, come over the Berlin Wall
I don't understand this bit at all
I gotta go over the wall
I wanna go over the Berlin Wall
I gotta go over the Berlin Wall
Before me, come over the Berlin Wall
I don't understand this bit at all
Please don't be waiting for me
Awesome song; greetings from Perú.
pure fckn undiluted genius
No sh*t!
It's time to resurrect this ferocity, in Our current political punk bands.
im gonna go over and over the Berlin wall xD i love the way he sings this
I always thought it was "police'll be waiting for me" at the end
amazing how the band is called "sex pistols" and the description starts with "virgin records..."
Because they signed on the label when it wasn't famous.
What's the "font" of this video? It reminds me of my schooldays. TIA.
I read the lyrics were written by the usual Pistols, however instead of Glen Matlock it stated Sid Vicious. I wasn't there but in my opinion the only bit Sid could have contributed was 'I don't understand this bit at all'.
Sid was great at looking like a model punk, but he wasn't creative, unless striking punky poses counts.
Glen Matlock was a good bass player who had a great 'turn of phrase' and, in my opinion more likely to have contributed to this classic.
Pistols' songs where always credited to all 4 members of the band, regardless of input. Initially Rotten, Cook, Jones and Matlock. Everyone knows that after Matlock's departure, Sid's contribution was minimal at best but he still received co-writer's credit on Holidays in the Sun, Bodies and Belsen was a Gas.
@@GaryTheGardener71. Well said. Maybe the thinking behind Sid getting credit for writing was an attempt at fairness concerning royalties. He didn't create much, I believe, but sold a lot of records/merchandise due to his image. Also it really angers me when people dismiss Glen Matlock's contribution.
Enjoyed your comment. Please feel free to talk anytime or just bounce ideas.
Should have read comment fully. Didn't realise Sid only got partial credit for Holidays, Bodies and the disgusting Belsen. Ta.
Punk never dies
this is pretty cool
I was 11 when the Pistols arrived. Blew my mind!
The best debut album ever with Velvet Underground and nico
toma tu like por tener la letra completa!!
It's "In Sensurround Sound..."
I was 17 when the pistols emerged. It was the bollocks then, as now
"This third rate B movie show. Cheap dialogue. Cheap essential scenery"
His voice doesn't suck. He's not a good singer but it doesn't suck.
Marcus Olsson his singing voice is his style
Punk: When a constipated popular culture finally dropped a turd.
no no, me either, for real his voice is fuckin awasome ;)
i was 12 and back the finding anything by them was almost impossible,i finally found an 8 track tape at the beach and played it until it wore out
Try to hear the first two albums by Public Image Ltd, John Lydon's band after the SPs.
Fucking awesome!
Disgraceful behaviour language your reported
Badass band!!! RIP Sid
Sid had nothing to do with this recording at all why do you have to be so shallow and stupid
Reason..... reason..... reason...... reason.
Punk Rocker not dead 🎸🎵
what a fucking jam! Steve Jones is cool
This is The Jam -In the City!
Disgraceful behaviour language your reported
@@matimus100 😆
@@matimus100 you are joking, right?
Bet you're fun at parties
@@curtisphilip8749 I assumed it must be a joke
hell yeah!
Hell no
And Glen?? He was the only real musician in the band, he composed Anarchy, God save the Queen and Pretty Vacant. Sid was an useless musician in comparison.
With you want a musician in punk you dont get the idea
@@vandelbasil5898 listen to the goddamn music, its about the ideas, the sound only helps.
@@vandelbasil5898 well sid was a horrible bass player but he had a great voice
glen is the original member of the sex pistols tho-
As much as i dislike and disagree with Anarchy, these guys are legends. Kickass music.
They didn't much like anarchy either. Or at least Johnny Rotten doesn't
But you like your 8 hour work day, your weekends...shit anarchists died for. And I BET you love you some matrix and V for Vendetta. It’s as if you are really ignorant LMAOOOOO
But you like your 8 hour work day, your weekends...shit anarchists died for and won for you to enjoy. And I BET you love you some matrix and V for Vendetta. It’s as if you are really ignorant LMAOOOOO
Anarchy is good ffs people misinterpret the real meaning
They weren't really anarchists
im from there too... :P
Superstitious nonsense comment
"its too many closets I went in before" doesnt sound quite right; I hear something like "when will it fall" or something with "fall" which is an image that matches the idea of a wall and maybe an ironic reference to Pink Flloyd's The Wall, which was released around that time. Fall also is a clear rhyme to wall, not that rhyme is their objective.
Yes, it sounds like "Oh when will it fall." I have always thought since I bought my first copy of "Never Mind the Bollocks" in 1978 that the lyrics are, "Oh when will we fall." I wore my first copy out, as I was always stopping it and "rewinding" it to get the lyrics right. I used to handwrite the lyrics as I heard them, and I was right much of the time, but some I just could not hear clearly. I just checked online. Many sources write the lyrics as "I went in before," but the Sex Pistols official website has the lyrics as "Oh when will we fall." I also just read online that the song is about a vacation the Sex Pistols took to Berlin to get away from London. They initially went to Jersey in England, but they were kicked out. Jersey was sunny; Berlin was damp and rainy. At the time, the Cold War was on, so there was always some tension that the Soviets would invade western Europe. The Berlin Wall, which was constructed in 1961 and dismantled from 1989-92, was a source of international scorn and ridicule, as it separated families and repressed those on the eastern side. I have always thought that the lyrics were some cynical remark that the Soviets with their communist agenda will eventually take over, which is how many people felt at the time. West Berlin (and western Europe) were seen as decadent, and ultimately easy pickings for the austere communists. The SPs on their vacation did sense the eastern Berliners looking over the wall at the western Berliners, and vice-versa. All of this created an atmosphere of tension, confusion, and ultimately a sense of the futility of the wall. "Holidays in the Sun" was released on October 14, 1977, two weeks before Never Mind the Bollocks. Pink Floyd's "The Wall" was released in November 1979.
@@brzsht English is not my born language. What is the meanig of that phrase? "Oh when we will fall?" I can´t understand it
A song that means something,lacking in today's music.
Sex pistols is the best band of the world
I thought he said "oh when will we fall" not went in before
I've got this song for ringtone.
now I got no reason to be waiting.. it was about tearing down the Berlin wall and exposing a weakened germany
@mcrmakesmemelt noo i love it too!!!!!
Now i got a reason,Now i got a reason ... xD
Can someone explain me the part:
"Set-surround sound in a two inch wall.
I was waiting for Communist call"
I think it's actually "senssurround sound in a two inch wall". Either way I'd always figured it was about watching TV; the "two inch wall" are the bits of the television set surrounding the screen. So I interpret the line as essentially "I was watching the telly while waiting for the communist call".
I'll offer my guess. I bought my first copy of "Never Mind the Bollocks" in 1978. I bought an import copy of the UK version, which was way edgier and raw than the US version! "Holidays in the Sun" was released in October 1977, two weeks before "Bollocks." in 1974, Sensurround was introduced with the release of the movie "Earthquake." Sensurround increased certain bass levels so that the theater audience actually felt the sounds of the buildings crashing and all. It was used in other films throughout the mid 1970s, but the success of "Star Wars" in 1977 with its multi-track speaker system gave Sensurround its retirement. When the SPs wrote and recorded "Holidays," Sensurround was something that was around at the time. Sensurround had its drawbacks in that it actually caused damage to theatre walls, and it was so noisy that sometimes the audience in the adjacent theatre(s) would complain that they could not hear their own movies. I just read that "Holidays" is about the SPs vacation to Berlin, where it was damp and rainy. They initially went to Jersey in England, where it was sunny, but they were kicked out. From 1949-90, Berlin was a divided city. Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall split families, and was the object of international criticism, as it repressed the east Berliners. At the time, the Cold War was ongoing. There was a certain amount of tension that the Soviet-backed eastern European states would attack and overrun western Europe. Berlin was in East Germany, so it no doubt was a chaotic, confusing place that produced the paranoia the SPs sensed and wrote about. They did see the "austere" east Berliners looking at the "decadent" westerners, and vice-versa. Of course, those in the U.K. did not want the communists to take over, so they resisted direct and indirect efforts to that effect. When the SPs recorded a song about this, it caused more outrage. I guess that maybe...well...the reference to a "two inch wall" has something to do with Sensurround disturbing the audiences of other theatres because all the noise is just that...noise. All the political rhetoric and bombast of the Cold War proved null and void because nobody invaded any country. It did rattle nerves for decades, though. Maybe...perhaps...the Pistols are saying that the Berlin Wall, although it covered miles, was, because of its evil intents and purposes, nothing more than a flimsy "two inch wall" that was ultimately demolished easily. I do like the comment that maybe it connotes television watching, as the walls in any house or apartment are very thin. I remember many news reports about the communist threats back then, and because people were inundated with them, their effect was that they were way noisier than reality, and thus tainted the simple truth that there are no differences between the West Berliners and East Berliners. Ultimately, I have always though that the Sensurround reference was pretty much a gimmick. It was something that was on its way out, but it was still hip enough to fit in to the song's lyrics.
Hi Leon Prodanovic! I offer my thoughts underneath Biggie Trismegistus's comments.
...and for another great song re: sensurround, have a listen to "eight track mind" by the Chrome Cranks.
La frase literal es ¨un sonido surround en un muro de 2 pulgadas, yo estuve esperando la llamada comunista¨.Para mi esta frase es un juego de palabras que no tiene una traducción literal.Sería como si dijera ¨una voz portentosa sobre las montañas, Dios respondió mis súplicas¨.
You're about 15 now...
A cheap holiday in my sunny misery kate moss did that fickin' hell
HolidayS in the Sun
Girls: history is so boring
Considering this for a history presentation LMFAO
@@cormacrohda319 alright! How would that work?
@@bentramer682 prolly not good lmao
@@cormacrohda319 definitely do it I wanna hear what the teacher says
fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shinsei kamattechan and sex pistols are like star platinum and ZA WARUDO
This song is all about attack, attack, attack
or the best punk band ever!!!
No future for ya .. for us. Long live Sex Pistols !
you must have an awsome dad
Nicked the music from The Jam In the City
they came out the same year too lol
@@jvoz6138 and that's why Weller slapped Vicious! :-D
“Now I got a reasonable economy” bro I wish
Nobody .... And i mean NOBODY did punk like the brits... Americans only came close with the Ramones... Fair play excellent group..
I FUCKING LOVE HIS VOICE TOO! I can imitate his voice ! :DDD
& 'm a girl!!!
Disgraceful language your reported
Oh The Berlin Existed Unfortunately ! ( Though I will be told to "Get Over it " Ha ha as they say ) and The Gestapo existed and so did the K.G.B. TOOO much Paranioa !!!!!!!!!
1,605 are Punkz and ecspecilly the 17 peepz are the cool pUnkZ ! (x
Lol I did XD
Perhaps, when he wasn't covered in his own vomit. :)
evidently no
That 3rd verse so deep
Too many closets, so when will we bomb.
Vacaciones económicas en la miseria de otros pueblos!!!!!
Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds.
Two inch wall..this whole time i thought he said jewish war
My ex's put a spell on me
Well, after so many years we come to realise how useful this Berlin wall was...
'Cause no we have Mrs Merkel to point finger towards Europe.
Shame, since she comes from East side !
So 1% of the time...
Who else came here because the original music video just disappeared
Then what do you call this: ?
@@sniparchomp its not available lol
@@Madlib47 i can watch hit. 😅 Is it blocked in your country?
@@sniparchomp maybe 🤔
His voice sucks! I bet he can not hit a single note...
But music it's not always about that. His voice is so full of... magic in the form of sarcasm. He gives live and a (huge) attitude to songs...
so, he's simply great. Rotten prooves u dont need to be a genius to succeed or be great...
Rafael Shimabukuro we never asked for your opinion