ESC winner Jamala talks about her fleeing from the Russia-Ukraine war | NDR

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 66

  • @kjESCil
    @kjESCil 2 ปีที่แล้ว +169

    Danke NDR, dass ihr Jamala diese Plattform gebt und uns an ihrer Geschichte teilhaben lasst. Bei aller Kritik am Vorentscheid finde ich das sehr stark von euch. Respekt! Слава Україні 💙💛

  • @Hinamorineko
    @Hinamorineko 2 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    Jamalas Auftritt war so ergreifend. Ich weiß nicht wie sie das geschafft hat. Was für eine Ehre. #standwithukraine

  • @graciedancer3952
    @graciedancer3952 2 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    For all my none German speaking people I will try to translate this interview for you:
    Sorry if it’s not perfect, I don’t know all the Ukrainian cities.
    Question: How did you notice the sudden war in Ukraine
    Answer: at five a clock on the 24th of February my husband heard an explosion. He woke me up and said that the war started. He also said that in 3 more cities explosions happened. All at the same time at 5 am.
    I never knew how it felt to be in shock until that day. I have to sons the first one is 1 year and 10 months and the older one is three years old.
    Firstly I thought about what I should do. I want quiet sure about it. Should I pack improtant papers? Where should we go? Do we stay and just go to a bunker? I suddenly had a lot of thoughts.
    I decided to dress my kids as warm as possible and we went to the bunker. We had to go there three times a day. So in the evening we decided to drive to a city in the west Ukraine, stay there and see what will happen next. There were a lot of rumours about the war but nobody expected it to really happen. It was unbelievable.
    We didn’t think Russia would do so much harm to the ukrain, they were really violent and there was no warning, they kinda did it over night.
    Question: which moment made it clear to you, that you have to flee your country? What thoughts did you have, when you had to decide this?
    Answer: It happend in the city we already drove to. Eventhough this city was only 400 kilometres away it took us two days to get there. The next morning we heard another explosion, which appeared to happen at the airport. That’s when we decided to leave ukrain.
    Me and my two kids drove to the Romanian border and my sister came to that border from Istanbul to pick us up. My husband had to stay in the ukraine.
    Question: The moment you knew your husband would stay, how did you feel? Did you expect that?
    Answer: It was one of the moments where you just don’t know how to feel or even what to feel. I don’t remember if I said „I love you“. I just took my kids at night and walked over the border with them. I never thought that the same thing, that happened to my great grandma would happen to me.
    My song 1944 is actually about her, the only difference is that she had five kids. It was really hard.
    Question: How do you cope with the anxiety? The kids are asking too when they can see there dad again. How do you, as a family cope with this?
    Answer: My boys are really brave.
    It was really hard to sit in the car, for five days, at the border. I tried to sing and show them cartoons, but we were just standing there, in between all those other cars and I said to them: It is a really hard situation, it’s war and you have to help me win this war. This war can also be won, if we just work together and you guys help me as much as you can. Please do as I tell you to. For example when will we eat or sleep, it’s kind of playful, I know, but it is working.
    Question: How big is your fear as a wife to lose your husband? How much reality are you able to let in?
    Answer: I’m a mother and I’m responsible for my kids. It’s my responsibilitie to protect them. I knew that my husband had to stay and he is one half of my heart, but for us it is really important that he stayed and protected our home, because it’s not right what’s happening right now. It’s our home, it shouldn’t be okay to just leave it.
    Question: What did you see on your escape? What did you have to see?
    Answer: I had the feeling of my life flashing Infront of my eyes and I understood that there are things we didn’t take in right. We didn’t appreciate moments like eating dinner together or just do something with the kids, enough. I immediately felt that I wanted all of this back. The love, my family, all these moments.
    I missed it even more when we were the ones who got away, while the situation got even worse. Especially on my flight from Istanbul to Berlin I felt how far away my home is, our home. But I also think, everything is going to be okay. I can’t take everything in, I don’t want to.
    Question: If you think about your country, all those people that might die and how your country is getting destroyed at this exact moment, whats your heart doing? How do you feel thinking about that?
    Answer: Today, I know I can be a voice of women. A voice for thousands of women who are sitting in their bunkers/cellars back in Ukraine. I can give my voice to those women and their children. Even little kids died since the beginning of this war and I have to scream so the world can listen. There shouldn’t be a war in the 21st century. It’s a war in the middle of Europe.
    Question: Which parallels can we find between the situation in your ESC-Song from 2016 and now?
    Answer: I remember exactly how I felt while writing this song. I thought about my great grandma and it was about people that got deported (she specifically names a group of people, but I don’t know what they are called) situation was similar to now. It was 5 am. She had 15 minutes to pack her stuff because the Soviet government said that they were all loosers. They had to get to the train and more than 300.000 people died on their way to freedom.
    The situation today is not exactly the same, but it’s still an option that they will destroy the ukrain as well as our culture.
    Russia says Ukraine doesn’t exist as a nation. That’s horrible. It’s horrible that something like this is spread.
    In parts of my song I talk about who strangers break into our homes, kill people and than talk about how they’re not guilty. That’s accurate.
    Question: What do you want to tell the world?
    Answer: I want to say to the world that we have to do something. We have to stop this horrible big tragedy. It’s happening in th EU. It’s the 21st century and still Russia is able to invade their neighbours. The EU hast to stop it. Thousands of people have to die.
    I also want to say thank you for the support from Germany, because we saw that a lot of people demonstrated for peace. We felt the support. Thank you to all Ukrainians, that everyone stands for the ukrain. Politics, all of us, have to do everything we can to stop this. Please! We want to be heard! We don’t want to be quiet!
    Question: What do you want to tell your people? People from your home country?
    Answer: to all of the people in Ukraine: Stay strong! I’m so proud of our army that is protecting our country, our culture, our people. I’m also proud of our president, who is trying everything to protect our country.
    I will sing in Berlin in the name of all the children, all the women. I want the hole world to listen to the pain, you have to go through right now. I love all of you. I will scream about how this is not right.
    I love you, Jamala. From Ukraine.
    My song 1944 is about my great randma singing a lullaby, while she is holding the child, which died during the war. I will sing the lullaby for all the kids that died.
    Question: What is your biggest wish right now?
    Answer: I wish for the war to stop and the ukrain to be independent. Ukraine should be blooming. That this will be the start in Europe to just let Ukraine be Ukraine. Also we all know that we are alone without you, that’s why we need your help. We need medicine, weapons, food. Only together we are strong.
    Question: Jamala, why do you want to sing your song today? How do you have the strength for that?
    Answer: The only thing I can dos sing and write songs. In 2016 when the hole world listened to 1944, they believed everything, eventhough they didn’t really know what happend. But this song brings a lot of emotions. If we remember how the ESC started, it happened after the WWII. Every country brought their own song with them. People are never ignorant. There are sad songs and party songs, but it’s important that everything comes together as one, I’m going to sing this song to be heard, so the song will be heard

    • @Noakadek
      @Noakadek 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Thank you so much. I am wearing Ukraine people everyday on my heart . I stand for Ukraine.

    • @isabell7993
      @isabell7993 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Gracias, es importante su historia, como lo siente y entiende, lo que no se puede entender

  • @escniklas1525
    @escniklas1525 2 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    Man sieht wie sehr es Jamala mitnimmt. Ich werde Sie heute in Vorentscheid so sehr feiern. Sie sing heute Abend für alle Ukrainer in der Ukraine.

  • @burakblue
    @burakblue 2 ปีที่แล้ว +91

    It’s unbelievable to witness such a horrible invasion at this century. Turkiye stands with Ukraine 🇺🇦🇹🇷✊🏻

    • @lb-ns4kj
      @lb-ns4kj 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      But what Erdogan does is no different.

    • @lb-ns4kj
      @lb-ns4kj 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@elvisionario9466 Let's see ...

    • @lanasantos7517
      @lanasantos7517 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Erdogan bombs innocent Syrian and Iraqi people he’s just like Putin !

    • @metacan5609
      @metacan5609 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lb-ns4kj Are u sure ? It seems u did not listen any Ukranian person. Even they have song about Turkish weapons '' Bayraktar''.

    • @derturke4463
      @derturke4463 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lb-ns4kj dont talk about things what never interrest a white arrogant racist !you ashole

  • @legendary7938
    @legendary7938 2 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    Gänsehaut pur durch ihre Worte... Meinen tiefsten Respekt an Jamala für ihre Stärke heute aufzutreten und ihre Message mit der Welt zu teilen.

  • @ESCJere
    @ESCJere 2 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Vielen Dank an euch dass ihr Jamala diese Reichweite zur Verfügung stellt. Es ist wichtig diese Eindrücke zu bekommen, Vielen Dank dafür.

  • @Kereka
    @Kereka 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Sie tut mir einfach leid, 1944 war für mich immer ein wichtiges emotionales Lied und Sie muss jetzt selber persönlich nochmal durch den selben Horror, ich wünsche ihr viel Kraft

  • @escxleo
    @escxleo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Ich finde es toll das sie so offen darüber spricht es hat mich zum weinen gebracht

  • @olgagarkavenko6152
    @olgagarkavenko6152 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    дякую, Джамала, ми тобою пишаємося💙💛

  • @ineshoffmann6141
    @ineshoffmann6141 2 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Danke für diesen wichtigen
    FRIEDEN für die Welt 💙💛🌏
    STOP PUTIN ‼️‼️
    STOP WAR ‼️‼️
    Allen Menschen viel Kraft,
    Hoffnung und Zuversicht auf
    eine friedliche Welt🌏
    Solidarische, mitfühlende
    Grüsse aus Wiesbaden

  • @mariiamagdich4613
    @mariiamagdich4613 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Jamala's story represents for me all the mother's/wife's which have ever left their countries to save their children from the war in their countries.

  • @Till_Brandt
    @Till_Brandt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Ein sehr berührendes Interview!

  • @MrsCurios
    @MrsCurios 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    In meinem ganzen Leben habe ich mich noch nicht derart solidarisch mit einem Volk gefühlt!!!!

  • @zarabellastone6305
    @zarabellastone6305 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Jamala, I wish you and the rest of Ukraine so much strength. Nobody should witness war, but unfortunatly the world is full of cruel people. Thank you for speaking up and for being a voice for the voiceless ❤😔

  • @bbpoldy3342
    @bbpoldy3342 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Was für eine Frau..🙏🏼🇺🇦❤️🕊😓

  • @olgap.2445
    @olgap.2445 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Alles für euch 😔💓

  • @Fulsomecrane-4023
    @Fulsomecrane-4023 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Schick sie bitte nach Italien sie muss es genau dieses jahr singen vor Million vor Zuschauer

  • @katerinavakhtel6999
    @katerinavakhtel6999 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Please close the sky over Ukraine. Please advocate this measure in your countries. That’s the best way to save innocent lives of Ukrainians.

  • @cosmaschallert1232
    @cosmaschallert1232 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ich wünsche ihr und ihrer Familie und allen Menschen in der Ukraine ganz viel Kraft und positive Energie

  • @narabayer3618
    @narabayer3618 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Я Вас понимаю 😢💔. Советы пришли и раскулачили моего прадеда в 1920 и Красная кровавая армия убила его в Агламе 🇦🇿.Бабушка родилась в 1919 и осталась сиротой в 1 год. Ельцин сдал Гарабах армянским сепаратистам и бабушка стала беженцем в 1993 году и потеряла свой дом и работу в Физули 🇦🇿. Так и умерла до освобождения Гарабаха 🇦🇿. Не дождалась 😢
    Теперь живу в 🇷🇺 и ненавижу президента, кто сеет ад по периметру страны и везде оставляет за собой руины. Держитесь! Украина победит✊🕊🇷🇺💔🇺🇦❤🇦🇿

  • @jessicabecker1612
    @jessicabecker1612 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Eine Richtig tolle Frau sehr stark 🤩👍😘🙏🙏🇺🇦

  • @schlumpfgurke5554
    @schlumpfgurke5554 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    sie ist einfach so stark...

  • @christianfelix4589
    @christianfelix4589 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wer hätte je zu denken gewagt das ihr Lied vom ESC wieder sooo schrecklich aktuell wird. Mein ❤️ ist bei euch ihr soo starken ukrainischen Bürger

  • @lanasantos7517
    @lanasantos7517 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Unfassbar starke Frau♥️ #FreeUkraine

  • @liudmylaender3684
    @liudmylaender3684 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Slava Ukraini!💙💛

  • @МартиникаШелест
    @МартиникаШелест 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Дякую всім за підтримку України!

  • @xavicampos4811
    @xavicampos4811 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Fuerza ha Ucrania y todos tenemos que ayudar al pueblo ucraniano 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇪🇸

  • @ilsvami
    @ilsvami 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8


  • @YuriMrkylie
    @YuriMrkylie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9


    @FERNAMTBERLIN 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Слава Україні! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  • @wernerluks8923
    @wernerluks8923 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @simplydaniel2439
    @simplydaniel2439 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21


  • @P.Atreides
    @P.Atreides 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bei uns in der Ortschaft weht von der Kirche und von so vielen Häuser eine Ukrainische Fahne. Spendet für die Hilfendie benötigt werden

  • @СитуацииСегодня
    @СитуацииСегодня 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    give us the original video without german language. I wanna listen Jamal's voice

  • @Huberburli
    @Huberburli 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12


  • @CeeMBeEnVogue
    @CeeMBeEnVogue 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nicht auszudenken wie der Konflikt sich ausbreiten würde, wenn Trump Präsident wäre und die NATO geschwächt. 🙄

  • @alo979
    @alo979 ปีที่แล้ว

    Йамала ду Біст діе Бесте

  • @LB-cm1fe
    @LB-cm1fe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @tessotessa
    @tessotessa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10


  • @fenixleonor
    @fenixleonor 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can anyone tell me what she said ?Omg, she has the war on her face

    • @graciedancer3952
      @graciedancer3952 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      For all my none German speaking people I will try to translate this interview for you:
      Sorry if it’s not perfect, I don’t know all the Ukrainian cities.
      Question: How did you notice the sudden war in Ukraine
      Answer: at five a clock on the 24th of February my husband heard an explosion. He woke me up and said that the war started. He also said that in 3 more cities explosions happened. All at the same time at 5 am.
      I never knew how it felt to be in shock until that day. I have 2 sons the first one is 1 year and 10 months and the older one is three years old.
      Firstly I thought about what I should do. I want quiet sure about it. Should I pack improtant papers? Where should we go? Do we stay and just go to a bunker? I suddenly had a lot of thoughts.
      I decided to dress my kids as warm as possible and we went to the bunker. We had to go there three times a day. So in the evening we decided to drive to a city in the west Ukraine, stay there and see what will happen next. There were a lot of rumours about the war but nobody expected it to really happen. It was unbelievable.
      We didn’t think Russia would do so much harm to the ukrain, they were really violent and there was no warning, they kinda did it over night.
      Question: which moment made it clear to you, that you have to flee your country? What thoughts did you have, when you had to decide this?
      Answer: It happend in the city we already drove to. Eventhough this city was only 400 kilometres away it took us two days to get there. The next morning we heard another explosion, which appeared to happen at the airport. That’s when we decided to leave ukrain.
      Me and my two kids drove to the Romanian border and my sister came to that border from Istanbul to pick us up. My husband had to stay in the ukraine.
      Question: The moment you knew your husband would stay, how did you feel? Did you expect that?
      Answer: It was one of the moments where you just don’t know how to feel or even what to feel. I don’t remember if I said „I love you“. I just took my kids at night and walked over the border with them. I never thought that the same thing, that happened to my great grandma would happen to me.
      My song 1944 is actually about her, the only difference is that she had five kids. It was really hard.
      Question: How do you cope with the anxiety? The kids are asking too when they can see there dad again. How do you, as a family cope with this?
      Answer: My boys are really brave.
      It was really hard to sit in the car, for five days, at the border. I tried to sing and show them cartoons, but we were just standing there, in between all those other cars and I said to them: It is a really hard situation, it’s war and you have to help me win this war. This war can also be won, if we just work together and you guys help me as much as you can. Please do as I tell you to. For example when will we eat or sleep, it’s kind of playful, I know, but it is working.
      Question: How big is your fear as a wife to lose your husband? How much reality are you able to let in?
      Answer: I’m a mother and I’m responsible for my kids. It’s my responsibilitie to protect them. I knew that my husband had to stay and he is one half of my heart, but for us it is really important that he stayed and protected our home, because it’s not right what’s happening right now. It’s our home, it shouldn’t be okay to just leave it.
      Question: What did you see on your escape? What did you have to see?
      Answer: I had the feeling of my life flashing Infront of my eyes and I understood that there are things we didn’t take in right. We didn’t appreciate moments like eating dinner together or just do something with the kids, enough. I immediately felt that I wanted all of this back. The love, my family, all these moments.
      I missed it even more when we were the ones who got away, while the situation got even worse. Especially on my flight from Istanbul to Berlin I felt how far away my home is, our home. But I also think, everything is going to be okay. I can’t take everything in, I don’t want to.
      Question: If you think about your country, all those people that might die and how your country is getting destroyed at this exact moment, whats your heart doing? How do you feel thinking about that?
      Answer: Today, I know I can be a voice of women. A voice for thousands of women who are sitting in their bunkers/cellars back in Ukraine. I can give my voice to those women and their children. Even little kids died since the beginning of this war and I have to scream so the world can listen. There shouldn’t be a war in the 21st century. It’s a war in the middle of Europe.
      Question: Which parallels can we find between the situation in your ESC-Song from 2016 and now?
      Answer: I remember exactly how I felt while writing this song. I thought about my great grandma and it was about people that got deported (she specifically names a group of people, but I don’t know what they are called) situation was similar to now. It was 5 am. She had 15 minutes to pack her stuff because the Soviet government said that they were all loosers. They had to get to the train and more than 300.000 people died on their way to freedom.
      The situation today is not exactly the same, but it’s still an option that they will destroy the ukrain as well as our culture.
      Russia says Ukraine doesn’t exist as a nation. That’s horrible. It’s horrible that something like this is spread.
      In parts of my song I talk about who strangers break into our homes, kill people and than talk about how they’re not guilty. That’s accurate.
      Question: What do you want to tell the world?
      Answer: I want to say to the world that we have to do something. We have to stop this horrible big tragedy. It’s happening in th EU. It’s the 21st century and still Russia is able to invade their neighbours. The EU hast to stop it. Thousands of people have to die.
      I also want to say thank you for the support from Germany, because we saw that a lot of people demonstrated for peace. We felt the support. Thank you to all Ukrainians, that everyone stands for the ukrain. Politics, all of us, have to do everything we can to stop this. Please! We want to be heard! We don’t want to be quiet!
      Question: What do you want to tell your people? People from your home country?
      Answer: to all of the people in Ukraine: Stay strong! I’m so proud of our army that is protecting our country, our culture, our people. I’m also proud of our president, who is trying everything to protect our country.
      I will sing in Berlin in the name of all the children, all the women. I want the hole world to listen to the pain, you have to go through right now. I love all of you. I will scream about how this is not right.
      I love you, Jamala. From Ukraine.
      My song 1944 is about my great randma singing a lullaby, while she is holding the child, which died during the war. I will sing the lullaby for all the kids that died.
      Question: What is your biggest wish right now?
      Answer: I wish for the war to stop and the ukrain to be independent. Ukraine should be blooming. That this will be the start in Europe to just let Ukraine be Ukraine. Also we all know that we are alone without you, that’s why we need your help. We need medicine, weapons, food. Only together we are strong.
      Question: Jamala, why do you want to sing your song today? How do you have the strength for that?
      Answer: The only thing I can dos sing and write songs. In 2016 when the hole world listened to 1944, they believed everything, eventhough they didn’t really know what happend. But this song brings a lot of emotions. If we remember how the ESC started, it happened after the WWII. Every country brought their own song with them. People are never ignorant. There are sad songs and party songs, but it’s important that everything comes together as one, I’m going to sing this song to be heard, so the song will be heard

    • @fenixleonor
      @fenixleonor 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@graciedancer3952 thank you a lot, u had a lot of work but im so thanked to know better the situation through Jamala eyes ...thank you a lot 💚

    • @graciedancer3952
      @graciedancer3952 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@fenixleonor yes it was a lot of work, but tbh everyone needs to know this interview and needs to understand it

  • @evgeshalogvie1421
    @evgeshalogvie1421 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Почему так перевод отличается ? От того , что говорит Джамала, субтитры и перевод от переводчика …

  • @sunday7397
    @sunday7397 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @Natasha-nb1hf
    @Natasha-nb1hf 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Eine Korrektur musste vorgenommen werden: nicht Ukraine-Krieg, sondern Russisch-ukrainischer Krieg :)

  • @escniklas1525
    @escniklas1525 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13


  • @Samsung35a
    @Samsung35a 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @narabayer3618
    @narabayer3618 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @alo979
    @alo979 ปีที่แล้ว

    Довер кріег

  • @ulyagala8158
    @ulyagala8158 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    8 years ago, the war began in Ukraine, when the Ukrainian military bombed the Donbass. But everyone is silent about this

  • @damiankoch8726
    @damiankoch8726 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10
