2015/12/27 - 3 Ways We Honor The Finished Work Of Christ

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024
  • Hebrews 9:22
    Hebrews 9:26-28
    Hebrews 10:11-14
    Colossians 2:14
    1 John 2:12
    Hebrews 10:17-18
    1 John 1:8-10
    James 5:16
    Hebrews 7:18-19
    Hebrews 8:13
    Hebrews 8:6
    2 Corinthians 3:7-9
    Romans 7:7-8
    James 2:10
    Galatians 3:10
    Titus 2:11-12
    Galatians 3:3
    Genesis 4:7
    Romans 7:17,20
    Romans 6:11-12

ความคิดเห็น • 32

  • @belindajobe2513
    @belindajobe2513 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I can’t tell you how much your preaching means to me because I feel like a whole new person! I’m no longer afraid that I will lose my salvation and I walk in my new identity justified by Jesus’ blood alone! You are such a blessing to the church 🙌

  • @steveavila419
    @steveavila419 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for you pastor Farley! 💯🙏🏼

  • @jetexpress8575
    @jetexpress8575 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm watching 3 years later, I can proceed in prayer and thought for the day , praise his holy name . God is indeed Great and all together Good.

  • @jenniebugs1
    @jenniebugs1 8 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    This message for me personally was very profound. At first I could hear myself arguing with him because I know as a Christian I fall flat on my face every day... Am I not supposed to confess these failings? But then later when he quoted from scripture about sin shall have no dominion over us, and our true self is not sin, but alive in Christ's finished work, I felt that the key is to enter into His rest, His finished work and to stop beating myself up thinking that I am a dirty sinner, when BECAUSE OF HIM I am not. The realisation that He loved me so much to save me utterly, released love where before there was constant self condemnation. I am not my enemy... SIN is. It's taken me 40 years to untangle religious teachings.

  • @rtgray7
    @rtgray7 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    So thankful I found Andrew Farley the other day. Nice being fed and enjoying preaching as opposed to getting preached at. So many preachers I hear spout a lot of "traditional" things where as Farley teaches what the Bible says and does it in such a way as to help anyone understand it.

  • @doublelongdaddy
    @doublelongdaddy 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I Love You! God Bless You! You have made being a Christian a complete joy!

  • @blakeclarkson9954
    @blakeclarkson9954 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There was a growth that could be seen in the early church going from Law-ish living, to grace based living and we can still see this today. Early on we see that James & Peter wouldn't even sit with gentiles, because of their old law based mindsets which still needed to be renewed! Then of course Paul called them out and things progressed even more towards grace! We even see Paul judging the man who slept with his step mom and kicking him out of the church in 1 Corinthians! As messed up as this sin was, Paul was judging him based on the flesh! Later on though, in 2 Corinthians 5:16, after the man was accepted back into the church, we see Paul telling the church to no longer judge each other according to the flesh, but rather according to the spirit! When we realize the truth, that according to the flesh we would all be guilty of all sin, it becomes very difficult to judge another by the flesh/Law standard! When we see Gods grace in light of what we all deserved, (which was death) and we see the loving mercy that God still gave us through Christ, we can began to actually relate with one another and deal with each other in a supportive, loving way, all while giving glory and praise to Christ for his perfect work!

  • @1andonly1975
    @1andonly1975 8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Hebrews 10:11 Every priest continually repeats the same daily rituals and sacrifices, knowing that they have always proved incapable of removing sins. 10:12 But now we have an exception. In complete contrast to the previous priesthood, this priest offered a single sacrifice of perpetual efficacy for sins. To celebrate the perfection of what was attained through his single sacrifice, He sat down as the executive authority of God. (God’s right hand [Heb 1:3]. He occupies the highest seat of dominion to endorse man’s innocence! “Having accomplished purification of sins, he sat down.”) 10:13 His seat of authority is established on the sure expectation that all his enemies will be subdued. He will stand in triumph, His feet on the neck of his enemy. 10:14 By that one perfect sacrifice He has perfectly sanctified sinful man forever.

  • @jeff7888
    @jeff7888 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I believe the KJV has translated it right. Confess your 'faults' one to another. James 5:16. Admit our weaknesses and failings to eachother so we can hold eachother up in prayer to go along with the context of what you are teaching as God has forgiven us for all our sins.

  • @virginiacleary8930
    @virginiacleary8930 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    The points you've made Nancy Beegle are excellent! I agree with all that you've said.
    When scripture says Christ need not offer Himself continually, that is correct but then to go on and say that this therefor means we need not also confess our sin when we are made aware of it, is adding to scripture. As Nancy and the speaker both point out, the unsaved sin but won't acknowledge it, but also so do the saved, as Nancy has also said. Because SAVED people sin, they too should acknowledge their sin before God when they're made aware of it, and will forgive and cleans them, not by sending Jesus to the cross again, but by using the once for all application of His sacrificial blood, ie his life which was given once for all and delivered to the temple in heaven.

  • @redsrbetter
    @redsrbetter 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is a wonderful message. Thank you! My only question is who is in Christ and who isn't? When considering Ephesians 1 Romans 6, and Colossians 1 I see that ALL things and ALL people are reconciled with Christ. Nobody is separated. And nobody ever can be. So, this message is true for all people, not just believers, correct?

    • @louislouw2569
      @louislouw2569 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      But do unbelievers accept his gift of everlasting life that he has extended to them? They will become believers automatically if they do! You are only saved by grace through faith.

    • @justenadams5798
      @justenadams5798 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I think when Paul says "We all" in many of His epistles, he is referring to believers, seeing he writes to believers. Just my thoughts. God bless!

  • @1andonly1975
    @1andonly1975 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hebrews 9:22 Thus, according to the law , all purging was by means of blood; forgiveness was always associated only with the shedding of blood.

  • @sauceboss3916
    @sauceboss3916 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love you dearly pastor Farley but when it comes to Christmas your wrong Christmas is pagan holiday dedicated to nimrod. And the worship of nimrod. You have been the only pastor I've really listened to recently and it really bothers me that you don't know this.

  • @1andonly1975
    @1andonly1975 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hebrews 9:26 But Jesus did not have to suffer again and again since the fall of the world; the single sacrifice of Himself in the fulfillment of history now reveals how He has brought sin to naught. 9:27 The same goes for everyone: man dies only once, and then faces judgment. 9:28 Christ died once and faced the judgment of the entire human race! His second appearance has nothing to do with sin, but to reveal salvation for all to lay a hold of him.

  • @tylerreed3754
    @tylerreed3754 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The modern Protestant church is in at least partial apostasy as they do not believe this, the Gospel.

    • @pegg38
      @pegg38 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree, Tyler. 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The apostasy is greater that most realize. The Man of Sin is Satan. He is the “anti” of, opposed to, Jesus. Romans 10:4, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness sake. The Man of Sin’s power comes from the law. Sounds crazy until you start to see it, and hear it. 1 Corinthians 15:56 and 2 Corinthians 3:6-7 really helped me see it. Stephen in Act 7 was killed with stones. The first tablets carved by God were smashed by Moses. Then, Moses carved the second set himself. Then, Moses, who represents the law, begged God to enter the “Promised Land” ....God said No. Paul, in Galatians 5:4, wrote what should be to all, the most frightening statement in the scriptures. The list goes on and on. When the Spirit opens these verses up, The Lord, Lord, didn’t we verse starts to make sense. The “We” didn’t do anything.....God’s Son, Jesus, did it all. No one will share in His glory. The “we” which would be humans like me and you, can do nothing apart from Christ. Who, but Satan himself, would want to diminish the finished work of Jesus? It’s Genesis 3:1 all over again.....Did God really say? I could go on and on Tyler , it is still a struggle dealing with years and years of programming from what I call Ministers of Death. I will pray for you, and if you get this message, pray for me. It can be brutal at times. Thanks, Brian. Pray for Andrew too. Very few are brave enough to put themselves out there, especially in this age of the internet. The religious ones are not to be taken lightly and they can be ruthless.. Ponder on John 11:48.

  • @NancyBeegle
    @NancyBeegle 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've listened all the way to 14 minutes, and have noted that in 1 John 1:9, God's Word states that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". John has made it clear that although Jesus was SACRIFICED ONCE FOR ALL, we are NOT TO GO THROUGH LIFE BELIEVING THAT WE CAN SIN AS A WAY OF LIFE AND RELY ON THIS ONCE FOR ALL SACRIFICE FOR OUR SINS! Clearly, John is speaking to the early church, those who ALREADY HAVE BELIEVED ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND WERE SAVED. He spoke in the present tense when he said that God IS faithful and just TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND TO CLEANSE US...NOTE THE TENSE. HE IS NOT SAYING THAT FUTURE SINS THAT ARE UNCONFESSED ARE STILL FORGIVEN. THE SACRIFICE FOR SIN WAS PROVIDED ONE TIME, BUT IT IS UP TO EACH BELIEVER TO CONFESS (TO AGREE WITH GOD THAT WHAT WE'VE DONE IS SIN), AND TO TURN FROM THE SIN IN OUR LIVES. "BE YE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY". I think that you might need to stop worrying about your non-denominational status, and teach how to apply EVERY VERSE IN THE BIBLE ABOUT SIN AND JESUS' FINISHED WORK AT CALVARY. Yes, He died once for all, but there is NOTHING in the Word of God that states that we do not need to admit to GOD when we've missed the mark. Yes, He provided for forgiveness for all our sins, but His Word (now in present here), not past tense, agrees with the verse that states that we are to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling". I would be careful, as a shepherd. You're responsible for the eternal destiny of everyone who hears your message. You will receive the greater punishment for leading people astray. You need to PROPERLY APPLY EVERY SCRIPTURE REGARDING SIN. WE ALL HAVE SIN, SO YOUR VAGUE INTERPRETATION OF THIS VERSE NEEDS SOME WORK, in my humble opinion. WHILE IT MAY HAVE BEEN AIMED AT THOSE WHO DENY THEIR SIN, IT STILL APPLIES TO EVERYONE WHO NAMES THE NAME OF JESUS! JOHN WAS NOT SPEAKING TO THE UNSAVED, BUT THOSE WHO WERE SAVED AND PRETENDED THAT THEY HAD NO SIN. If we aren't confessing our sins to God, we're basically behaving as though we have no sin. Therefore, this verse APPLIES TO ALL, NOT JUST TO THOSE WHO ARE unsaved, or those who are SAVED AND WHO DENY SIN. We only have forgiveness for all our sins, if we agree with God that we have sin in our lives. The PROVISION FOR FORGIVENESS WAS MADE AT CALVARY, BUT WE ALL HAVE TO AVAIL OURSELVES OF THIS GIFT IN THE WAY HIS WORD COMMANDS US TO, AND THAT INCLUDES CONFESSING TO GOD THAT WE HAVE SINNED.

    • @lotrsavvy
      @lotrsavvy 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Nancy Beegle And he explains 1 John 1:9 23 minutes in the video, if you try to finish it, it's great!

    • @sambaaam7268
      @sambaaam7268 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Did you ever wonder what happens to the sins you don't confess? I assume that you would not claim that you confess all of your sins. If you honestly try to answer this question you will come to see the truth Andrew is teaching. wishing you all the best in your faith in Christ Nancy.

    • @elithomasbanemartin1566
      @elithomasbanemartin1566 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nancy Beegle you really need a strongs concordance and look up the word confess in the Greek means to agree not confess out loud, that's why it says next verse that if we say we have not sinned then, we make God a liar, this guy does preach the gospel never does he preach license to sin but your already sinning without a licence the only sin that can send a man or woman to hell is not trusting in Jesus

    • @elithomasbanemartin1566
      @elithomasbanemartin1566 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nancy Beegle Hebrews 10:10 and 10:14 days you're perfect forever by one sacrifice, even in old testament when high priest went into holy of holy he never looked at the priest's sin he looked at his sacrifice God always looks at sacrifice not sin. We have a perfect sacrifice it'll never be denied

    • @elithomasbanemartin1566
      @elithomasbanemartin1566 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nancy Beegle yes agreeing just confessing and agreeing that you need the blood of Jesus cause toy do mess up daily