The Church's Confession - 1 John

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • The ONLY difference between the lost (liars, antichrists, etc.) and true Christians, is faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Before Christ, we were all lost, liars, and antichrists, like the rest of mankind, BUT GOD, being rich in mercy because of the great love with which he loved us, saved us by His grace which He has given us in Christ Jesus, His Son!
    Bro. Mark W. Williams on Sunday 8/25/24; 1 John 2:22-23
    22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also.
    The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), 1 Jn 2:22-23.
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