I usually get out both my level 12 syncroes each match by using wakaushi+ monk benkei syncroe into masurawo to place them into my scales all over again , fastest way to summon train is to special wakaushi to the field (from extra deck, or pen scales) then discard a level 4 to grave, to special scales from deck, and revive the discarded level 4 giving you 4+4+4(12) i have also had situations where I had already searched out my scales from deck to my hand, and summoned train my normal summoning magnet , special summoned scales from hand, revived a motorbike, and used is effect to change its level giving me (4+4+4, and a tuner + two none tuners to creat train ), I make my 12 pretty easy, and fast that I use two train in my extra.
I usually get out both my level 12 syncroes each match by using wakaushi+ monk benkei syncroe into masurawo to place them into my scales all over again , fastest way to summon train is to special wakaushi to the field (from extra deck, or pen scales) then discard a level 4 to grave, to special scales from deck, and revive the discarded level 4 giving you 4+4+4(12) i have also had situations where I had already searched out my scales from deck to my hand, and summoned train my normal summoning magnet , special summoned scales from hand, revived a motorbike, and used is effect to change its level giving me (4+4+4, and a tuner + two none tuners to creat train ), I make my 12 pretty easy, and fast that I use two train in my extra.
Motorbike can be discarded not send to GY, so you can use it under Shifter too!
I play a Superheavy Samurai engine on Mekk-Knight Deck