(16:49) Mr Foolman locked the bathroom (17:22) Agent 1 is down (18:23) Mr Foolman close the Refrigerator (18:40) Agent 2 is down (19:37) Mr Foolman open the door (19:40) Agent 3 is down (19:50) Mr Foolman going back to sleep
Agent 1 is smelling Foolman's poop in bathroom Agent 2 is felling cold inside the Cold fig when Foolman close it Agent 3 has dead at door behind a sanwitch when Foolman opened the door
(16:49) Mr Foolman locked the bathroom (17:22) Agent 1 is down (18:23) Mr Foolman close the Refrigerator (18:40) Agent 2 is down (19:37) Mr Foolman open the door (19:40) Agent 3 is down (19:50) Mr Foolman going back to sleep
@jelly the cute nah man u got it wrong, i was praising his dumbness that is so powerful making it hilarious and im praising xenesr at the same time, I gues sur the dumb one....
My man took out a whole SWAT team, *BY HIMSELF*, and without even knowing that he was doing it, Also the fact that they all got trapped in those unfortunate situations while Foolman was just doing casual stuff not even knowing there was people in his house really had me dying of laughter, because, just as in part one he is doing a bunch of bad stuff without even knowing he was doing it and never had the intention of doing them (for example when he accidentally killed Mr.Banker by hitting the break and making Mr.Banker crash into him, causing his car -wich is pretty fragile btw, as it fell apart really fast considering the crash wasn't that serious and Foolman's car seemed comepletely unscratched, either that or Foolman's car is just really durable- to catch on fire, killing Mr.Banker). Also the fact that the last swat guy died by getting crushed by Foolman opening the door too hard on accident was just really funny to me. 🤣
2:00 he want everyone to stop him arranging from the police all the way to SCP foundations members, other killers, spongebob, even the goddang toilet cleaners
Mr. Foolman is in big trouble LOL
First ZEnesR
(18:52) Agent 3: I will use the front door, and finish him.
(19:32) Mr. Foolman: *Finishes Agent 3 with a door*
Why didn't agent 3 shoot him right away?
He crash by stupid fool min (man)
@@hackerthenwrk2production208 ik
(16:49) Mr Foolman locked the bathroom
(17:22) Agent 1 is down
(18:23) Mr Foolman close the Refrigerator
(18:40) Agent 2 is down
(19:37) Mr Foolman open the door
(19:40) Agent 3 is down
(19:50) Mr Foolman going back to sleep
Agent 1 is smelling Foolman's poop in bathroom
Agent 2 is felling cold inside the Cold fig when Foolman close it
Agent 3 has dead at door behind a sanwitch when Foolman opened the door
(16:49) Mr Foolman locked the bathroom
(17:22) Agent 1 is down
(18:23) Mr Foolman close the Refrigerator
(18:40) Agent 2 is down
(19:37) Mr Foolman open the door
(19:40) Agent 3 is down
(19:50) Mr Foolman going back to sleep
@SOVIET NOOB ☭ LMAOO at least some people see it
I love how Mr. Foolman is very mostly a fool, but he is smart without knowing it. Hope it makes sense-
This isn’t true he is entirely a fool
I love how he destroyed the swat without knowing
Me too
Yeah lol wait what
R.I.P Agent 1 (Dead by Poop smell) 16:37
R.I.P Agent 2 (Dead by Freezing) 18:00
R.I.P Agent 3 (Dead by a stupid Door) 19:35
What means Bead
Agent 1 was dead in 17:25
You mean swat
@@Sava-the-itI think he means dead
Yep swat
Hello, i realy liked this video,please make more videos like this 😉
The way you talk ur age is like 10 or like 13
@@Plorgonal Yes that's right, im 13
@@Plorgonal Yes that's right, im 13
Good video dude bacons are the best!
H1, u ar bac0n lov3r??
U ar th3 bast tu, wana fri3nd m3???
Im a bacon
@@nelldamartinez9228 h3ll0
Pls no bacons pls
This man single handedly took down the swat team without knowing,had me laughing when the door hit agent 3 😂😂😂😂
Mr. Foolman😂😅
Mr. Foolman😂😅
Bus, Fool, Agent, And Locked, Btw Keep Up The Good Work Dude, Bacon's are great!
Fool! hehe i obv seen it, anyways good video! bus also!
Lesson learnt, dont underestimate Mr. Foolman
Fool man is not just a fool, He's also a legend😎
He's a pro
True 😂
Legendary murderer
I’m 15 and I still enjoy this content. Keep up the awesome work my guy
Mom’s phone was dead
@@laurafisher3143 um…what?
xEnesR i loved that song 10:46
Nice work Enes! KEEP IT UP! MAKE PART 3 PLS :)
2:32 fool
3:11 bus
14:01 agent
17:03 Locked
Vous avez volé un commentaire à quelqu'un
@@samywassimdz1635 no
@@samywassimdz1635 looked 1 hour to look for it
@@4rfa_ you dont know what he is talking about...
I like how Mr. Foolman’s toilet door can be also locked from the outside
Yes thats crazy
Mr fool man’s house is special lol
That's creepy
maybe he has the keys
No him no kill him is a robber😅I love you ❤️
Good video, we need 1 ending for zombie story!!!
Fun Fact: Everyone Support Mr Foolman
Fun Fact: Everyone Support Mr Foolman
@@victorlee2789 Fun Fact: You Copied his Comment and No one cares.
Those 7 seconds at the beginning were that one awkward moment that no one speaks at
I do
The characters were so well-developed. Can't wait for the next one!
I like this youtuber another he brings great content and effort also the entertainment 👏
dunno what you're talking about his content is as mid as it gets it deserves a better place like in the trashbin
@@azuhawl bro
Meowbah content are mid
Dont hate best quality TH-camr
Only hate Meowbah and cnp queen
@@azuhawl you are bad weeb and you are look like Meowbah
@@SlippoyStar irrelevant creator lmao
I can't wait for part 3 :)
Me to guys
Oh no part 3 is here but I think Enes accidentally deleted the Mr Foolman part 3
@@chreswardrealon9939 Wait what, nooooooooooo
Yeah me too
u never fail to entertain the viewers keep up the good work
You got copied by a bot L
Exactly XD
12:20 Song name is Meathook (doom eternal)
Hola xEnesR soy tu fan número 1 quisiera que juegues murder mister 2 y felicidades por los 2 millones y espero que llegues a 3 millones
hola oye cual es el nombre de la musica de 4:58
The best moment is when he is locked the SWAT memeber to the toilet 😂
Bruh LOL
Hahahahahhahahah LOL N LMAO
I like your videos keep the work up
Then Mr fool man went to his grandpa's house then he was cooking for him then somone called him then he had to go then the house burnt then he died
Mr Foolman's dumbness managed to take down swat team haha, good one enes
@jelly the cute nah man u got it wrong, i was praising his dumbness that is so powerful making it hilarious and im praising xenesr at the same time, I gues sur the dumb one....
@Doge _PLAYZ ROBLOX this video is a joke bruh?
And the best thing is that you finally started making long vids 😉☺️
the videos were already long
I love hes vid
@@baykanozugurlu9745 ur a kid that you comment random stuff to get attention
KIDDO LOL 🤣🤣👎👎👎👎😡😡😡
My man took out a whole SWAT team, *BY HIMSELF*, and without even knowing that he was doing it, Also the fact that they all got trapped in those unfortunate situations while Foolman was just doing casual stuff not even knowing there was people in his house really had me dying of laughter, because, just as in part one he is doing a bunch of bad stuff without even knowing he was doing it and never had the intention of doing them (for example when he accidentally killed Mr.Banker by hitting the break and making Mr.Banker crash into him, causing his car -wich is pretty fragile btw, as it fell apart really fast considering the crash wasn't that serious and Foolman's car seemed comepletely unscratched, either that or Foolman's car is just really durable- to catch on fire, killing Mr.Banker). Also the fact that the last swat guy died by getting crushed by Foolman opening the door too hard on accident was just really funny to me. 🤣
Ikr😂😂😂😂😂 It is this so funny
yes it was 🤣
Bro really is nerd
Did u write this how many time u go in school in one day do u go in school 1million time in 1 day
Hi u are my favourite roblox player and youtuber
You are so funny bro i love your videos
Good work for this video enes ur videos the best and still up the good work enes
it was so funny when the swat team couldn't figure out to stop mr foolman.Keep up with the good work xenesr
Mr foolman doesn't even know what he is doing 😂
I love you videos.
I laughed on 1 and 2 without stopping and I hope you release part 3!
Love how he included members of the SCP foundation, Chaos insurgency, and the GOC. 2:02
Foolman is so fool that he's listed as a Keter
Yeah that's gonna end well. 100% not gonna end up into a war.
@FailureFor7 See no evil aka eta-10 is a MTF
He's so funny and can you make part 3?.?.? Pls
Xenesr content never gets old
I like your videos. Always it is very funny and originally.
Poor Mr.Foolman he defeated the swat team without even knowing it and people thought he was a fool 😂
I feel bad for Mr fool man
I liked and subbed
keep up the good work xEnesR!
Nice upload xEnesR
That So Funny Bro 😂😂
xEnesR never gives up to make us smile. You should reach 20b subs!
@@lagomite_is_stupid if people will make millions of accounts its possible
@@lagomite_is_stupid meanie
@@lagomite_is_stupid actually there is 8 bil+ people in this world
Keep the good work
Yes Queen yes
no queen no
@@IGuessThisHandleIsntAvailable am a boy and yes
@@seanmccranor6823 am boy
11:53 This is my fav part when the music starts with rock and i love when the swats keep watching the police also their faces inside are like ":0"
I want to watch part 3 because this is so nice i like mr.fool so much
I laughed soo hard on this part that the police is saying that they have to bring every unit 😂😂😂
@:)DIDHD(: lol
@:)DIDHD(: gru is from minions
Teachers kıds 😂😂😂
@@colonelroverrobloxssecondc1792 who cares
Your edit is 999/10
His edit is Inf/10
He literally killed swat 1 with just a smell of his poop💩
He literally killed swat 2 in the freezer💀
Bro he killed swat 3 with just slamming the door
Edit: thanks for spoil - __ -
Love the vid, Enes!
2:00 he want everyone to stop him arranging from the police all the way to SCP foundations members, other killers, spongebob, even the goddang toilet cleaners
i agree, thats true. and even the cia, but which cat intelligence agency or central intelligence agency i cant tell.
Bro want the entire galaxy to get the mr. Fool man 💀 (don't he think thats a bit much?)
your edit is 100/100
Best roleplay i ever saw. Thank you for your time and effort.
He kills People Without knowing which is hilarious.
Respect The Cameraman And The Editor
They just think mr fool man is a criminal
@The Tiger AND ME
@The Tiger MeTo
Nice Video
So funny xEnesR 🤣
the "toilet managers, killers, spongebob" part made me laugh
I like ur vid
Nice Video!
How do you edit that? i love it
1:59 I laughed a lot when he started calling every unit
Finally! Here we comes
"Bacons" We love this we need this we need it to be in heaven
And yes Bacons are my favorite avaters
i like how Mr. Foolman doesnt even know he is in big trouble lol
yea swats so bad getting the bad fool man
Respect++++++++ mission accomplished without knowing about the mission😂😂
oh my god he is a genius he defeated all the people in swat
11:40 i love how they’re holding hands😭
Lol Yanni
Does anyone remember when car crashes but only one car?
He just killed all the agents accidently lol
Yes brookhaven rp i love brookhaven rp yes go play brookhaven for 24
I love this part 1:55 😂
Same LOL
Keep strong best TH-camr
😮 whoa I didn’t know foolman a top 1 criminal CMON GO GET FOOLMAN RN
I love how he calls SCP units lol
Timestamps please
And turned on notification
Tank more like tankman
RIP Agent 3 (hited by the Door)
Funny part🤣🤣🤣2:02
This is soooooooooooopoooooo good pls more it makes me laughs for about 3 mins!!
I felt sad for the MR. Fool Man he just got fired all the time😂😢poor he he I'II be smart again!
2:10 David Baszucki lmao 😂😂
People who dk:- He is the owner of roblox 🤣🤣
Mr Foolman is a “fool”
But his iq is 2000 iq
Hadled all 3 FBI No sweat
17:08 Locked
rip mr.foolman 2022-2022
He is old
i think part 3 is fun please put it