Wow. These actors are REALLY good. It’s like they’re improvising around core material and they’ve got this totally synched rhythm in how they handle the scene. And the way it’s done creates this subtext that leaves you with more questions. This is great stuff.
Wow. These actors are REALLY good. It’s like they’re improvising around core material and they’ve got this totally synched rhythm in how they handle the scene. And the way it’s done creates this subtext that leaves you with more questions. This is great stuff.
This is well done. It would be good to know more about the film, and who the actors are.
" - Just waiting for a slip-up...."
Movie title please....
This reads like a budget Brokeback Mountain
Hhmmm . . . not even an IMDB listing for director Gabriel Isles. Outdoors love to know the movie title 🍿
Love this
Be nice if you gave us a little more information about the freaking movie! WTF?