► Black Lives Matter *PLEASE read desc*

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024
  • [ HD ` read (please its crucially important) ]
    So...I can't quite believe everything I have seen in these past few weeks, and that is no word of a lie. The amount of sheer hatred, corruption and brutality, all wrongly imposed upon black people. I think about it all the time, and I still cannot come up with a reason as to how people justify their racism? Like....how? How can you hate, demean, attack, treat lesser and even wish death upon someone because of the colour of their skin? It's sick, its disgusting and it needs to STOP.
    Racism against black people has been happening for as long as I can remember and I do worry because that should not be the case. There has been countless amounts of times where it's happened and nothing has been done or said about it, and one of the silver linings of the protesting and visibility that has come about is that old cases are being re opened, old accounts are being looked into and hopefully more innocent black lives will have justice. I cannot tell you how extremely happy it makes me to hear that those bastards who unlawfully murdered George Floyd have been arrested and their charge is still being escalated as we speak. He shouted out, multiple times that he could not breathe, yet they still ignored him and practically choked him out. To his family and his friends, I offer my condolences and I am truly sorry that it even happened and that we are still, in 2020, in a world where black people are treated as lesser beings because of the colour of their skin by arrogant bastards that we share air with.
    What I've seen on my twitter...it's enough to give you nightmares, and then some. I've felt myself physically jolting at the sight of things that 'peace keepers' and 'law enforcers' are doing. NONE of it is justifiable and every single officer that has unlawfully struck, attacked or arrested protesters and even innocent bystanders need to be held accountable and they need to answer for what they have done. I've seen people just passing by, not even involved, just get pushed to the ground, and left, even when they've been injured and been elderly and frail. I saw a picture of a gentleman, shot in the eye with rubber bullets and he wasn't even doing anything wrong. The corruption that is the police force in America is DISGUSTING.
    The world (yes I said the world, because don't be mislead, thinking just America has this problem) has an issue, a disgustingly big issue that needs to be irradicated. People that are treating black people as a sub-human because of their skin colour need to be held accountable, called out and stopped, because black people, are just as much a human being as ANYONE ELSE in our world. Once their lives matter, all lives will, and until that day, we need to continue to fight and push and do whatever we can to make it that way. I am a white gay male and I recognise that I don't know what it's like, I can't possibly understand what it feels like, to be treated differently, to be scared for my life day in-day out because of the colour of my skin. I can only let my black brother's and sisters know that I am with them, I support them, and everything that they are doing. You matter, your voices, your opinions, your careers, your talents, your emotions and feelings-they ALL MATTER.
    I've been trying to share as much as I possibly can on my twitter, to further spread the atrocities that are being committed against black people so people can see what is truly going on. I've been sharing petitions, places to donate, ways to help because I know my platform isn't huge, but every share, like, retweet is one extra to helping this movement. Please don't think because you have a smaller following base that you can't help because you can, everything helps! ♥ Please, please, PLEASE join me in helping this movement because black lives matter, just as much as anyone else's life matters, and the world needs to wake up and see that.
    blacklivesmatt... | This link will take you to a page with multiple ways in which you can help. Everything that you physically can do is massive in helping this movement. Sign petitions, donate if you can, retweet and share the hell out of this kind of coverage and support. Educate yourself, and show your support to your fellow black brother's and sisters. They need us; they deserve to be treated equally and we must do all we can to help them.
    / jmrsonxdailies | There is my twitter, please, scroll through my feed as I've been sharing so much about recent events. Learn, educate and support as much as you can.
    I'm tagging this in fanvidfeed to help spread this AS FAR AS I CAN, please don't think I'm trying to gain views for a personal gain off of this as I am NOT. This promo is also not mine:
    / 1269298141108621312 download it here for yourself and share it around as MUCH as you can.
    Thank you ♥
    #blacklivesmatter #fanvidfeed

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