Hans is an eight-year-old German boy who has never spoken. His parents take Hans to a restaurant and are shocked when he turns up his nose at his food, saying "This strudel is tepid." Overjoyed, his parents say, "Hans, you can speak! Why have you never said anything before?!" Hans replies, "Up until now, everything has been quite adequate."
@@jonathanfairchild833 I discovered the "The German Baby Joke" on an episode of "QI", in which one of the panel mentioned, "The German Baby Joke" in passing, and all but one of the panel burst out laughing. They then took turns to tell the joke (kind of line by line) to the mystified person. I think the Henning Wenn (a German comedian, and, probably, the reason why the joke was brought up) finished off the punch line. I loved it.
It's stuff like this that makes me fondly nostalgic for pre-internet days when, if you didn't like something, that was it. You just didn't like it. You didn't suddenly turn it into your sole defining characteristic. You didn't spend months of your life making a multi-video series about how your favorite franchise is ruined, and it retroactively destroyed your childhood. You just didn't like it, and you moved on with your life.
Indeed. No echo chambers for truly un-adjusted people who need an ego stroking over immature reactionism. Trump and fascism invokes reasonable guttural emotions. A movie? :eyeroll:
I'll say that the almost three-hour rant/nitpick festival that Michael French from Retroblasting did on Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny was one of the saddest and most pathetic things I've seen in my 24 years or so I've been surfing the internet ever since I started college and finally could use said internet.
I once had leg cramp and a painful one and that one was a worst experience than any bad movie 30 seconds of hell that I don’t want to experience again and that nothing compare to other crap I experience
isnt that what americans do? Everything its "THE BEST THING EVER!" or "ITS THE WORST THING OF MY LIFE!". It thought it was just all figure of speech you guys do all the time.
Clearly you have not had your expectations subverted in what can only be described as a targeted, personal attack meant to do harm. I suggest you consider yourself fortunate that you have not been so carelessly left out of the discussion of the future direction of your favorite movie franchise. Not one time was I contacted to ask what my expectations were and how to best avoid subverting them in a way that I frankly found criminal.
Then again, I heard about a man who was deeply hurt by TLJ because Luke Skywalker was a role model and inspiration to him that he should never give up when he had cancer as a child. That’s precisely what Luke was introduced as in TLJ. Someone who had given up. So I can understand why it would be very hurtful to someone like that
@magmapixel8627 I heard of a man who had Luke as a role model when young and inspired him to become a soldier. …to then end up with PTSD. Then seeing your childhood hero go through similar pain is very meaningful.
I think ultimately it’s a two part problem The first, and overwhelming problem, is that The Internet does not reward nuanced evenhanded takes, it rewards histrionics The second is just that I don’t think a lot of these guys are fans of the movies, they’re fans of the expanded universe books, comics, etcetera- Decades of world building and character arcs that the new ones barely even gesture to, and are now explicitly non-canon, to be mined for a couple interesting tidbits and nothing more At least, that’s why I don’t like the movies, they’re just not the Star Wars I fell in love with. I just don’t pitch a fit online about it
I liked "The Last Jedi." However, Diaper Donny being voted into office AGAIN is one of the worst things to happen to me. And to a lot of other people. A movie can't hurt you. Diaper Donny can.
Thanks for saying it. Actually being gay is the worst thing to ever happen to me, because that's what America has completely lost it's mind about. I've had a rough adult life so far, and I'm going to have to put everything on hold another 5-10 years because of that man and his fundamentalist Baptist followers.
I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at 18, Multiple Sclerosis at 32, and spend the majority of my days in a wheelchair. As my disabilities began to manifest, my fiance dumped me for another student in her college course that I was helping finance, and my friends found less and less time for me. I've sat with family members as they've fought through there own health problems, and I've lost people I couldn't live without. Now, I spend my days mostly alone combating significant pain and discomfort. There are days when I cannot get out of bed, and yet The Hobbit Trilogy was still one of the worst experiences of my life.
Dang, that's a heavy statement. You're a strong person. Your ex kinda sucks- no offence. And you have my sincere condolences for losing loved ones. I think you should write this in a letter/email/tweet to Peter Jackson or whoever was at fault for the Hobbit Trilogy- might steer him in the right direction for his next movie!
I only hit the "thumbs up" reaction because TH-cam has no "OMG, you're such a resilient person for enduring so much crap, and I'm sending you a virtual hug" reaction. (Gotta agree with you about The Hobbit movies, though -- Peter Jackson ruined one of my favorite books of all time. LOL). Stay strong. The world needs you.
I‘m not sure who coined the term „recreational outrage“…but it is a great description of what’s happening online and in general…we as a people need to relax for sure!
I argue all the time online about things I mildly disliked as if it was a horrible thing. Then I realize most of the people in the argument are not joking. This is really important to them.
@@engelmann82 I like this term! I always described these people as "Not happy unless they are mad". Once I identified this behavior I started seeing it everywhere. To the point where I complained about it all the time to anyone who was unfortunate enough to make eye contact with me. I time and time again perfectly explained why it bothered me so much to the point where I had to constantly point it out and complain every time I saw it. After years of this I realized that I had in fact became the monster that I had been complaining about. I don't know exactly when it happened, I only know that it happened. I only wish I could have seen the transformation coming and prevented it somehow. I can only imagine how many others have had the same experience.
Nah, I think it's financial outrage. so many of the people who make a big deal out of this one movie (and the Ghostbusters remake, captain marvel, video game women have too small tits now, Anita sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn and general gamergate shit) make a lot of money and gets views for complaining about the same stuff for years.
Frankly I'm more concerned that this guy said the family taking him to see a movie is one of the kindest things they've ever done for him ----- I think he's not loved enough if seeing a Star Wars movie is the best thing his family can do for him. I think maybe that's why he's having a psychotic break.
Thank you! That was concerning me as well. I wonder though if that's part of the negative. Maybe his family made this a really big deal, maybe this was an olive branch and he felt under pressure to be appreciative, maybe even to defend this movie he didn't like that much and that curdled the blue milk, so to speak. Or maybe they liked it for reasons he disagreed with, so he reactively swung the other way out of knee jerk spite built up over years of other situations with his family.
This may depend on context. If he's living paycheck to paycheck and doesn't have the money to blow on trips to the theater, and he loves star wars, I could see someone taking him to the theater as a genuinely heart touching gesture. Or it could just be that, having tied star wars enough into his identity that TLJ was 'one of the worst experiences of his life' that a kind gesture tied to star wars was also weighed too heavily, but I don't know enough about his background to say on that front.
Yeah, the framing says it all. It says he doesn't see many movies. He doesn't experience familial comforts. So this situation that he was under a lot of pressure to appreciate was ashes in his mouth. And probably his failure to appreciate it turned this rare moment of kindness into a cacophony of disappointment.
Also, for him to reject the movie this intensely suggests he might have intuited and rejected the core theme of the movie which was to reject nostalgia, kill the past, abandon the hope that who you were born to would create meaning in your life.
@@michaelmclawhorn6911 I'm not so sure about the kill the past part. Yeah, Kylo says that line. But he's also the villain, and Yoda saying Rey has everything she needs is foreshadowing that Rey stole the ancient jedi texts and is taking them with her, suggesting they still have value despite the flaws of the Jedi order.
@@krank23 I'm not really a part of 'the fandom.' I liked the first trilogy when I was a kid, but didn't think much of the Phantom Menace, so I skipped the other two prequels. Then, I saw Rogue One, because I thought the premise looked like fun, and I was pleasantly surprised, so I decided to check out the sequel trilogy. I thought TFA was a fun (if predictable) retread, and then rented TLJ without reading anything about it at all. And I honestly hated it. The writing was so very, very bad. (The rest of the film was perfectly fine, but saying the only thing wrong with a film is the script is like saying the only thing wrong with a person who died of a myocardial infarction is that their heart stopped beating.)
@@handwavepress3389 when phantom menace first came out i didnt care for it so much, but after watching the next two, it made the first one better with the extra context.
Also how they cut off both Snoke and Phasma before they did anything interesting. Or how Rose saving Finn didn't amount to anything (that said, Finn's sacrifice wouldn't either, so why did we waste time on that?) But the awkward Force Sexting is what broke the immersion to me. This is NOT Star Wars, don't do that shit, ever.
@@AtoManPL: Snoke was a half-assed Palpatine wannabe, and Palpatine himself was pretty much a nothing burger too, before the prequels actually bothered to flesh him out. Kylo was far more compelling and him killing Snoke to become the new main villain was one of the best choices TLJ made. Too bad the next movie walked all that potential back entirely. As for Phasma, just like Boba Fett, she was a cool suit of armor with no face or personality worth mentioning, who mostly just stood around doing nothing before going out like a chump. Perfect homage.
It was a great deconstruction of the bullshit mystery box that Abrams had mindlessly set up in episode 7. All of those things you point out are nonsensical plot threads that were set up in 7 with no actual plan. Episode 8 trimmed the fat and went it's own direction. The Finn story broke the pacing and should've been it's own mini series probably but other than that the movie was solid. @@AtoManPL
I remember the original backlash from the prequels. We as a community bullied George Lucas out of his own franchise, and we cheered. We bullied young Jake Lloyd out of acting. We bullied Ahmed Best almost to the point of ending himself. The fanbase has always been deeply toxic, it just hides itself well between installments. I used to be embarrassed to admit to being a Star Wars fan because I didn't want people thinking I was a loser. Now I'm embarrassed to admit I'm a Star Wars fan because I don't want people to think I'm a creepy misogynist. The worst part is, I didn;t even really like the recent movies, but I can't really even talk about it because I don;t want to be alligned with THOSE guys.
The prequels weren't the best, but George, Jake, and Ahmed did not deserve the backlash at all. I rewatched the Prequels recently and yeah... they aren't great. But Jake Lloyd wasn't even *close* to one of Phantom Menace's problems. Hell... Phantom Menace isn't even that bad! Steve's right... Attack of the Clones is *way* worse! He was what... 10? People expecting 10-years-olds to be brilliant actors are insane. I feel so bad for him and Ahmed. I do think a lot of the "rehabilitation" of the Prequels comes from the Clone Wars animated series. I think that series served to re-frame the Prequels in several distinct ways and I think a lot of people really do think of that series when they think of the Prequels.
That is so true, the Star Wars fan base as always been quick to anger. Right now in 2024 the majority of Star Wars fans love Empire Strikes Back, when it first came out the cries of "not my Star Wars", "this isn't Star Wars" were not soon behind... So yes this backlash has always been apart of Star Wars just with the internet it so much worse for those involved and easy for dissenters to scream and yell (I feel for Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best for the crime of doing their jobs as actors and listening to what the director wanted) . Further instead of creators ignoring the vocal minority as they should, they instead try to placate them and in doing so make art worse than it should be. That is why I disliked Episode 9 compared to the other sequel films because I could see every choice they made in that film was just to make the "fans" happy and not try to craft an interesting story.
@@jimmyrrpage There's also something to be said for the people who watched the prequels as kids (and who probably weren't terminally online enough to know about the worst of the backlash at the time) are adults now. The people who hated the prequels were adults when they came out. Kids loved them. So now the kids have grown up and a lot of them still have a soft spot for 'their' star wars, and they HATE the new stuff...and in another 20 years, maybe the kids who watched the sequels will grow up to defend them in retrospect (probably not lol)
@@weaselwolf i grew up on both, mum had the original trilogy on VHS and we watched the new movies in theatre. I liked both, in hindsight I got star Trek vibes from the sequels. The political talks, slower pace with some action scenes spread out, some melodrama that sometimes hits and sometimes misses. Just like watching star trek with only difference being setting and medium.
I get. But it's not that simple, though, is it? Imagine the world that the vast majority of us live in: if we're LUCKY, we have a shit job that requires we work 40+ hours per week just so we can barely pay our bills and find a few hours of our time to enjoy media for the sake of desperately needed escapism. We probably have abusive bosses and/or obnoxious coworkers, and everywhere we look, a life that we would rather live is thrown in our faces to trick us into spending money we don't have in exchange for a shred of happiness. So we use our precious little time to enjoy that escapism because it is absolutely vital for us to keep our sanity and find some joy or at least respite from our toil, frustration, and loneliness. And we go see a movie that is part of a series that is almost certainly tied so deeply to our inner child that we spend months, years dreaming about its potential and hoping desperately that it will take us on a journey we love a fraction as much as that of the original iterations of that series. And then that iteration sucks ass in our minds. We feel that it not only neglects its potential but often spits in its face. Its creator seems to us more interested in doing whatever the fuck he wants than in working collaboratively with the creator who came before him or keeping beloved characters consistent even according to the actors who play them. He recycles arcs, he disregards some core themes of the series which many of us held dear. It's an oversimplification to say that it's just a movie. Movies are some of the most important things to us. Good movies literally change people's lives. Good art in general does. When a piece of art that is part of a beloved series is perceived as bad, it inescapably tarnishes that whole series lest we force ourselves to compartmentalize it, which at best leaves us with the empty feeling of not having gotten the experience that we had been so long anticipating, as well as the dread of a continuation of the cycle of hope and crushed hope. And so we do what you do, Steve- go on the internet and share our thoughts, often using hyperbole as a colorful way to vent and thereby process our emotions. It could very well be unhealthy that we need good movies as badly as we do, but if so, that is not something I would ever blame individuals for; it is a systemic issue.
There really was something special about that initial reaction to this movie. It hit right at that time when online grifters were discovering that outrage was a farm they could make money from, right when people were looking for reasons they didn't like a movie. It's been diminishing returns since then, I suspect, but they're still trying to farm it.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't need people to tell me why that is a really really bad movie and, a terrible Star Wars movie and an abysmal second part of a trilogy. When I went on the internet after watching it, I found out that some people hate the movie for completely stupid reasons, though, which in return got honorable people to defend the movie from the more stupid, racist and misogynist critic. But if you take that sort of critic away, it is still a terribly paced movie with a weak plot, main characters who take stupid decisions, partly based in very weak leadership, a meaningless subplot that is a mere filler of screen time, and it breaks almost all in-universe rules about how hyperspace, space travel and the Force work.
@@cl8733I can relate to what you've said. A few days ago I stumbled upon a TH-cam review of Disney's Star Wars trilogy that, because of its grievance politics attitude, attracted bigoted and sexist comments. I chastened one of the more bigoted contributors.
I’m with you, Steve. JJ was left with some great plot hook potential to take the series in interesting directions after TLJ, but he squandered it on fan service schlock.
I wouldn't really have cared if the last movie was just bad. I'm upset that they tried to pander to the angriest backlash, taking all their criticisms as totally valid, and as a result made a movie that was retconning like crazy. It effectively responds to TLJ's inclusive message about being able to be a hero no matter where you come from with: "actually no, if you want to be special you need special blood or be arbitrarily chose by the Force." There's also absolutely no conclusion to this trilogy. By resurrecting he Emperor, softly redoing RotJ, having absolutely no thematic point and then burying a lightsabers like future generation would be in-universe excited for another war to break out so they can have and adventure and chase some McGuffins too. I'm fine if it's just bad. tRoS is a very rare case of a movie that I hate because it would rather cowardly pander to some hateful grifters than try to have a satisfying conclusion for the people who were still on board with this story.
I always felt like JJ had a three movie plan, but didn't get to make the middle movie he wanted, but just plugged away at things as if he had, leaving all the buildup TLJ did as a waste of everyone in the film's effort.
I don't think it was really JJ Abrams' full responsibility. I imagine the studio was panicking about the apparent response to TLJ and said "JJ, people were really optimistic about your movie, do that again."
The leaked script for Colin Trevorrow's Episode 9: "Duel of the Fates" is very interesting and with a few tweaks it would have been so much better than Rise of Skywalker. It's too bad they threw it away and went for a desperate, nostalgia-fuelled mess to end the long-running saga.
@@Spark_ChaserI don't believe that JJ had a trilogy plan. He was tasked with kickstarting the trilogy and he did a fairly good job doing that. But JJ in general is great at opening things, not so much in ending them. There's a TED talk by him where he talks about his love for mastery boxes. Explains a lot about his storytelling. It's a tragedy that Ryan Johnson didn't get to tell the last episode. It would have been so much better than this disappointing laundry list of "patches" to online complaints we got.
The worse thing about Last Jedi was them following it up with a even worse movie. They capitulated to toxic fans and walked back Last Jedi. It removed any and all doubt that Disney is cynical and had no plans or faith in this project whatsoever. They put Kelly Marie Tran on desk duty, damn them to hell.
They didn't "walk back Last Jedi". They simply had no idea what to do for a trilogy of 3 movies. That is what amazes me to this day: You buy one of the world's most beloved franchises, announce you are doing a trilogy, and have zero idea which story to tell. To make bad things worse, after the first part, you tell the director of part 2 "Do whatever, full creative freedom, we have no idea anyway". And I think it is okay to be mildly disappointed to upset about that if you cared about that franchise.
I'm a big fan of TLJ and it was wild to feel like I saw something special opening night and couldn't wait to talk about it with folks only to be kinda surprised it had such a divisive reaction. But by the time TRoS, I was following various film critics and writers, and the dark cloud of early reactions in the day or two before it came out really put a pall on it (well deserved). I got to the end of that and said to myself, maybe Star Wars isn't for me anymore (this is also hot off the heels of Mandalorian s2 if I recall) and had to be dragged back to watch Andor (which DID rule) months after release, but otherwise have not watched anything else since. I'd love to love all of it again, but eh, life is short.
@@cl8733 My thoughts exactly. The entire sequel trilogy endeavor was creatively bankrupt, but they couldn't even agree on HOW they were going to be creatively bankrupt.
@@cl8733 I feel like they absolutely did walk TLJ back. They practically went out of their way and bent over backwards to appease people that hated TLJ. They threw in a brief and arbitrary training scene for Rey and a flashback for Leia to address criticism of Leia's space scene and Rey supposedly being too strong for not having trained much. They backpedaled hard on Rey coming from nowhere with nobody loser parents to tie her genetically to a powerful force user to explain her power. They threw in a line with Luke and the lightsaber to appease people upset about him tossing it in the previous movie. They insert an awkward line to explain why the 'Holdo Maneuver' isn't repeatable. They sidelined Rose, a character added to mixed reception in TLJ. They threw in Palpatine to backpedal on having Kylo be the main villain for the final movie. It is true that they had no plan for the trilogy. And that is a big part of why this ended up as a mess. TFA was a fun romp but relied too much on OT nostalgia. TLJ was given full creative freedom and took things in unexpected directions that were controversial. And then ROS Disney panicked because of TLJ's controversy and made a big mess of things trying to 'fix' the situation. It's not one or the other. It's BOTH the trilogy being unplanned AND ROS having knee jerk reactions to TLJ's reception.
I was a big Star Wars fan growing up. I really liked the Last Jedi. The fan reaction to that film has definitely dampened my enthusiasm for the franchise.
I have to be honest. The Last Jedi is second only to The Empire Strikes Back for me. I loved how Luke sacrificed himself to save the resistance, probably the most jedi thing we've seen on screen, next to saving Anakin.
I stopped caring what the fans think of the media I consume. I like most of it. I've seen very few movies I absolutely hated. I just like what I like and if your opinion is different cool. I just don't care to hear you rant about it. My opinion differs from Steve's about a lot of Star Trek. I love a lot of shows he doesn't. But I don't mind hearing him tell me his opinion because he's not ranting. He's thoughtful. Even in shows or movies he doesn't like he acknowledges that it's ok to have a different opinion. That perspective is missing from a lot of fans.
I was in the same boat for a while after its release then i realised i was more disheartened with hate creators gaining traction and the fans who became their customers essentially rather than being down on Star Wars itself. I binged the movies over a weekend and found my love of Star Wars hadn’t changed but my feeling of dejectedness was in how the culture had changed for the worse. Star Wars fans have always been d!cks but around the time of TLJ is when the antiwoke thing became an industry who’s financially dependent on keeping their audience angry. They’re obviously liars now as they said for the longest time “all we want is something good and some good SW news and we’ll report it”. Skeleton Crew has been out a month, been a rave with fans and critics and all these channels haven’t so much as peeped about it. Because they can’t monetise positivity and make 17 videos in 4 days about like they can something their audience will get pissed over. The cure for all this is to watch Star Wars and remember that those people don’t matter and that “good” Star Wars by their definition is the last thing they want because that’s not how they pay their bills.
I agree; in a world where millions of people are barely surviving in war zones, seeing their families blown to bits, losing their homes due to natural disasters, seeing their children starve or die due to droughts or plagues or just "run of the mill" poverty, none of us who are fortunate enough to live safe lives with food in our bellies and roofs over our heads should b!tch about how a goram *movie* "was the worst thing that happened to me." First-world privilege is a disgusting mindset, and every one of us lucky enough to be able to spend an afternoon seeing a movie with our families should be GRATEFUL. And yeah, it's okay not to like something, sure, even go out and complain about it if you must, but instead of moaning about how it's the "worst experience of their lives", well, some folks need to go and touch grass. No movie is THAT bad. Not even a Transformers movie. BTW Steve I have to admit that I had to pause to check out your shelves. Love the MST3K set; why am I not surprised. :D
Maybe, just MAYBE, film 'franchises' are a shit idea. Maybe telling original stories will make more people happier. On a long-enough timeline, EVERY franchise crashes. The smart ones eschew continuity, and bake in the capacity for reinvention (007, for instance... it's died a couple times, and still makes money).
Not me. I love parts of every last one. Not all of them as wholes, but for sure each one had some great stuff in it. And I was awed at 11 by the first flyover of the Star Destroyer as it chases our heroes tiny, beautiful ship.
5:51 “As soon as Luke throws away his father’s lightsaber, which he had found out at some point since Luke last saw it that his father once used to murder a bunch of children, I knew I wasn’t going to like this movie!”
I will say, looking back at that moment, it did feel like the movie was "talking" to me. At first, it didn't feel like that was what Luke would do. it felt out of character. after seeing though the this lens, that his father was... complicated to say the least, I realized it wasn't as crazy as I thought. my other big complaint was when Finn ran into the random coder guy. it felt like that plot line went no where. translation, I enjoyed the movie but my issues with it were more literary. but it was unexpected, unforgettable, and very enjoyable. I loved it for that.
@@Takillas149 Not surprising that he did throw it away when you consider his experiences with light sabres in the movies. In ESB he fails the test in the dark side cave and loses his hand and finds out his father was Vader, in RotJ he almost falls to the dark side and we find out he nearly crossed over again when he tried to kill Ben Solo.
It's just hilarious when people claims "Luke would never do that!" when it was literally the last thing we saw him do with a lightsaber in Return of the Jedi.
That... says something REALLY fked up about that "critic" far more than an indictment of the writing of that scene. Im convinced thats the type of guy who would have a negative opinion of the child of a serial killer completely disowning that killer.
Apparently that's waaaay to challenging for some people. Like, so many people get upset because TLJ steered away from ending this trilogy with a redo of RotJ and just went "where can you even go after this?" …and then called tRoS "unavoidable" because apparently it's impossible to imagine anything but the original trilogy.
He chucks the lightsaber and my first thought was, "what the fuck? You okay Luke? What's going on?" I was in it at that point because I needed some answers.
Ironically, I did know what would happen because Last Jedi is basically a slightly jumbled version of Empire 😉 there's ally betrayals, seeking a Jedi master, incomplete training due to emergency, they even ended up on a bleach white planet being invaded by the empire! More seriously, TLJ wasn't terrible, it was just disappointing for me, because I wanted different and pretty much got Kennedy, Johnson, and Abrams playing it too safe. If it weren't for Harrison Ford insisting on getting killed off, and Hamill and Fisher being written out for different reasons, it would have been a total write off to me. But then I'm also not claiming it ruined my childhood or something stupid - if it entertained some old fans and brought in any news ones, it did its job.
@@DavidRichardson153 The movie was Transformers: The Last Knight. The constantly shifting aspect ratios put strain on my eyes and caused a massive headache.
@@TheNewSam Yeah, I can see how it could do that to you. Sure, it wasn't the case for me, but then again, I didn't see it in theaters and instead streamed it. Perhaps that inadvertently provided some measure of shielding for me. I will also say that I too have felt physical pain from a movie. In my case, though, it was from the documentary _Jesus Camp._ I am a bit of a sucker for documentaries (for the record, no, I never considered s^^t like "Plandemic" or "2000 Mules" to be documentaries - if anything, I want them to be considered mockumentaries, though that is being cruel to the actual mockumentaries), and I have an arguably bad tendency to sit through a documentary to its end. _Jesus Camp_ is the only documentary I have not been able to finish (and yes, that does mean I have finished _Blackfish)._ Oh my, just remembering what little I saw of _Jesus Camp,_ the absolute horror over what those people actually take seriously, I can still feel that pain I felt all those years ago. I wish I was exaggerating when I say that the first 15 minutes was enough to leave me like the guy who watched the video in _The Ring._
Some Star Wars fans really take their movie viewing very seriously and can be overdramatic on their feelings if they feel the movie didn’t live up to their great expectations, I myself didn’t hate the Last Jedi but didn’t love it either, my least favorite was The Phantom Menace and I was fairly young at the time I saw it but wouldn’t have gone as far as to say it wasn’t the worst experiences of my life and like so many other Star Wars fans I’ve watched it again over the years and will continue to watch it and also watch the sequels when given the chance. So I guess being disappointed by the movies can’t be so traumatizing that I’m willing to watch them again
All I remember about the Last Jedi is that it was the first Star Wars movie we brought our kids to and I remember them running out of the theater waving around the toy lightsabers we got them in the lobby and smiling at their excitement. The movie was okay, but my kids loved it and that's what's important to me.
I truly envy anyone who can say that the worst experience of their life was a film that didn't cater to them. What a charmed, pain free life they must've lead up to this point. And I fervently hope that they never experience the kind of pain that even the average person of privilege goes through. Because they will not survive even that shallow level of inconvenience.
Rise of Skywalker is probably the worst experience I've ever had in or around a movie theater, just a horrible film that made me regret caring about anything that happened in it or the movies before it. But that's also not saying very much, because I'm not Batman. My list of bad experiences in relation to movie theaters is extremely short, and none of them come anywhere close to my childhood dog dying or being hospitalized.
Rise of Skywalker was insulting because it felt like the franchise was talking down to its fans by intentionally dumbing down the material and being reactive.
Same probably. I can't get upset over a bad movie, but seeing a movie making every single choice trying to appease the haters of its predecessor, then straight up trying to explain how it's technically not retconning in some cases. It kills Chewbacca and C3PO, to then just moments later be like "don't worry! we're not actually going to do anything!" It's a cowardly movie which is thematically so vapid it makes every previous Star Wars movies less meaningful and turns this whole story into "an inevitable adventure that happens every couple of years."
@@PauLtus_B I'll be honest, the number of fakeout deaths in that piece of shit is one of the things about it that I genuinely found hilarious in the moment. After the first two, they genuinely expect you to care when they keep doing it? Amazing. They expected you to care about *anything* when somehow Palpatine returned *offscreen*? It can and will just undo consequences if it wants to, at that point you are not watching a story as much as a series of random meaningless events filmed with an inexplicably large budget.
@@cgrenadier I don't understand how the people at Disney genuinely thought that people would like it if they dedicated most of the *final main Star Wars movie* to pointedly and systematically undoing everything The Last Jedi did and spitting on what it had to say. How would that ever be satisfying to anyone? Hugely disappointing and among my least favorite movies. Still nowhere close to the worst thing to ever happen to me, I'd have to be insane to think that.
As someone who spent an unfortunate time growing up with recreational outrage of all sorts around me, I really admire your saying the Last Jedi is as high as your third favourite Star Wars movie, that's awesome. I don't agree, though I also don't hate the movie, but I really love that.
@@rollingthunder9087A fair number of them do, because they want to see the downfall of some ill-defined "woke." What is woke? I haven't been able to find a good definition that isn't one breath away from devolving into sexist and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. I suspect that this element of the "fanbase" won't be satisfied until Disney goes out of business and Kathleen Kennedy goes into exile on Mars or something like that.
@@rollingthunder9087 They're the same people who say any Star Wars media made by Disney is crap but love The Mandalorian, Rogue One, Andor, and Ahsoka. Make it make sense.
Benefit was of a doubt, maybe they were using “worst thing that ever happened” the same way people say “It feels like I’m on fire”. We’re humans. Exaggeration is needed to get our points across
To be fair, if you're on acid and see a certain movie while on a bad trip, seeing that movie could be one of the worst moments of your life....like...maybe. If it was Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles.
The Rise of Retcon.... excuse me, Skywalker.... was the worst of the Star Wars movies I've seen personally. WAY worse than any of the prequels. Hardly the worst experience of my life though. 🙂
@alenahubbard1391 Absolutely, and thank glob for that. But at least watching those movies I felt like I was watching SOME sort of attempt at an original thought that wasn't meant to kowtow to an angry online fandom. Racist, out of touch and at best plain dumb, annoying and boring as some of those thoughts might have been, at least I didn't feel like I was watching the fanfic of some angry fanboy who hated The Last Jedi.
Don't forget the porgs. Their sole reason for existing was to sell toys and make money. That wasn't a lucrative _side effect_ of having to do something admittedly rather clever with the endangered birds on the island where they were filming, no. It was 100% for selling shit and nothing else.
Also it's the 9th sequel if you count Rogue One. If you don't count Rogue One on account of it being a prequel, then you also shouldn't count the prequel trilogy, in which case TLJ is only the 4th or 5th sequel to the original film.
@@HOTD108_ No! There's the original trilogy and nothing else! Btw, I'm joking although you have to be careful because there's nothing you can say that is any more ridiculous than things people say and really mean. I do dismiss the prequels except some parts of Revenge. I really liked Rogue One and thought Solo was okay. The Mandalorian is, in my opinion, the greatest thing since Empire- or maybe Rogue. The main problem I had with 7,8,9 was the disconnect of 8, not the movie on it's own merits. BUT none of this Star Wars stuff remotely stands up to the day when I was in college that my Mom called to let me know my beloved dog had died that had been my best pal since he was born and I was a little kid. I took an unplanned trip home just to do a little ceremony and bury him. And, yes, I cried and I still think about him. Trivial to some people and I'm sorry for those people. Compared to that, the Star Wars movies and Star Trek and Doctor Who mean nothing and I find them all meaningful in their ways.
I agree with you, man. I've had lots of "worst experiences" in my life. They've always involved real things, like love and rejections, death of people I cared deeply for, that sort of stuff. Heck, I'll even add lousy elections, but never...and I mean never...a suboptimal installment of a franchise that I'm a fan of. Sheesh, so dramatic.
I'm actually amazed there are people out there that like The Last Jedi AND don't like a show like Andor. While the hyperbole around the movie is way out of proportion, the movie is pretty awful and kind of marked a string of bad movies/shows. I can see why people look back on TLJ with such disdain.
I’d say the one exception to this is the person that works on a movie, gives their best work, and then goes to see the movie only to find out their work was dissected into something grotesque. That, I think, could make seeing a movie somebody’s worst life experience.
Also taking your kid to a movie doesn't qualify as the kindest thing you could do as a parent. Obviously he's not a serious person...and quite insufferable.
Hear hear! My god, how I miss the long conversations I used to have with my late husband about the various franchises we loved together. We saw movies together that we didn't like, or in which we were disappointed, but the discussions they generated were worth the experience. Perspective is a gift we sometimes have to learn to exercise.
My boyfriend and I saw a mid horror movie on our first date. He remembers that day vividly but nouthing about the movie. Ultimately entertainment is entertainment it's not that deep,and great things can happen anywhere at anytime.
I recommend Jason Pargin's book "I'm starting to worry about this black box of doom". It's on the surface a really exciting and suspenseful road trip and mystery, but also a wise and insightful commentary about the polarization on the web and how quickly people become pissed at each other. It felt like good medicine for the insane world we live in.
There seems to be an epidemic of people who make a franchise their entire personality and then succumb to hate and rage when it doesn't produce content tailored to them personally. Rather than simply accepting that this thing no longer appeals to them and move on, these people will instead fester in these unhealthy feelings, to the extent that they blind themselves to anything remotely positive about the newer incarnations of things they used to love. Take Doctor Who for example - I accept that the Chris Chibnall era wasn't perfect, in fact in places it was really, really mediocre. But the amount of bile I've seen thrown against Chibnall himself by certain wings of the Doctor Who fandom is deplorable. The guy had an idea, a creative vision for the show, and he made it happen - and yet so many people seem to interpret this harmless, middling era of a family-orientated science fiction series as a personal attack on them. I chose to make peace with the Chibnall era, accept its flaws and things it did that didn't speak to me personally, and find aspects of the era that I love and focus on those. It was either that or walk away from watching, analysing and talking about new Doctor Who, which I really didn't want to do. It alarms me that so many other fans seem to be incapable of doing either, it's created a very toxic environment in certain sects of the fandom that the Doctor himself would be very disappointed in.
Being a doctor who fan myself I liked the chibnall era it’s not perfect no era of the show is perfect but as soon as he announced Jodie and she pulled the hood of her hoodie off in the casting reveal video the ani woke crowd came for the show and the discussion turned into u either had to instantly love her or hate her even before we saw a piece of footage from season 11 even though Sydney Newman the creator of the show said in an interview in the 80’s that regeneration was supposed to open up the role for men and women to be the doctor even though nobody was willing to cast a woman in the role until chibnall unless u count Steven moffat min 1999 when he casted Joanna lumley in the role in his charity sketch the curse of fatal death
I haven’t read the Twitter thread and maybe the OP does consider it one of the worst things that ever happened to him but I think that is very unlikely. It’s called clickbait. Everyone does it. Hyperbole is the language of the internet. Taking issue with a title rather than the actual piece is either lazy or disingenuous
It's called "hyperbole". If I say "Pineapple pizza is the work of the devil", I don't actually mean a fictional creature is the inventor of a food. I'm trying to make a point. You're an intelligent man, Steve, so I can only assume you understood that and so made this 25 minute long rant for your less intelligent viewers (or clicks). Way to respect them. With that said, I've asked several times for you to explain what is so "great" about The Last Jedi addressing the myriad of valid criticisms point by point. Let's start with the character assassinations of Luke, Leia and Yoda and then move on to all the various ways the movie absolutely broke the lore (and established rules) of the films that came before it. And while you do so, please keep in mind that George Lucas and Mark Hamill agree with both of these criticisms specifically. Feel free to explain how you know better than the literal creator of the universe and the actor who played the central character for the past 40 years.
I can’t say I loved any of the sequel films, but TLJ was the best of the three by a wide margin. It’s sort of a mess, but was the only one that was at least attempting to do something interesting & fresh. And my sense is that the reasons I liked it (or liked it better than the others, anyway) were many of the same reasons the arrested adolescents hate it so much.
I'm really interested: What do you like about it? What do you think is "interesting and fresh"? I like almost all the Rey and Kylo scenes and the connection they have. But that is a hidden gem in a trainwreck of a movie and probably should have been paced better and been spread out more into the 3rd movie.
@@cl8733 I liked the rejection of the trope of lineage as destiny and of force mastery as the exclusive province of a few genetically superior bloodlines. I liked the subversion of the too-familiar plot where the lovable rogue who plays by his own rules bucks the stodgy authority figure to save the day. I liked how it complicated the simple manichaeism of the earlier films. I liked allowing Luke to have evolved into someone still capable of serious mistakes and of being haunted by regrets rather than just being some all-wise super badass. And I liked the narrative use of fight choreography, which in the throne room scene is damn near genius.
@@normative Ok, fair points. Thank you. Actually, I can relate. Still, I think they overdid it with Luke. I would have been okay if the events with Kylo had shaken him so badly that he wanted to seriously retire, but if he sees that he's needed now, he should come around. Let him still be the grumpy Jedi Master by all means. The whole "loveable rogue losing focus" sidequest would have been unnecessary if the authority figures had communicated better. Holdo is objectively a bad leader. Everybody has lost faith in her, they all think she is leading them to their death without a fight, while she could have simply told them "I have a plan, there is a secret tunnel ahead, we can escape". That has nothing to do with her being a purple haired female and Poe being a male young rogue. Mutiny happens when there is bad leadership and people feel like they have no choice. That would have rendered the whole "get the MacGuffin" sidequest useless and the screen time could have been spent on giving Finn something meaningful to do, e.g. exploring his force sensitivity.
Bless you for this, and for the Starfleet Historian short. Pure anodynes for what is passing for reality these days. I really wish I could say, "it's only a movie."
Seeing a bad movie or movie i didn't like wouldn't even come near the worst things that ever happened to me (& by extension at times my family) Ive seen some movies that i disliked so much that one of them i even walked out of. I chalked that up to "oh well! That was an experience" & went on with my life. Like with TV shows I'll give one a chance for 3 or 4 episodes. If i dont like it I just don't watch it. I think you're right in saying that If a movie is the worst thing thats ever happened to you, you must have lived an amazingly privileged life. Get a grip indeed
I know there's a Wars/Trek divide, but I wonder if there is much overlap between people who really hate The Last Jedi and people who really like Star Trek Lower Decks and Picard Season 3. I think part of the reason the lightsaber toss got to so many people emotionally (beyond it being the resolution of the cliffhanger from the previous film) was that the character does not treat prior stuff with the reverence that they as fans do. Luke acts like a character with opinions on the world he lives in, rather than a fan who considers his history to be among the greatest films ever made.
Hate feeds the algorithm. Concerning the Last Jedi: walking out of the theater, I didn’t immediately like it. But after thinking about it on and off over the course of a few weeks, I started to change my mind. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and settle down before making a final judgement.
I'm glad somebody agrees with me that 1 & 2 are New Hope & Empire and next up is Last Jedi, in terms of quality. New Hope & Empire are tied in my mind.
As someone who has seen all the Star Wars films at the theatrical release on the big screen - yes, I was 15 in 77 - I see this film as one of the weakest entries. It has more silly moments than most, and yes, all the films have silly cringe moments even from the beginning, but the last act is fine. The bombing sequence and slowmo chase are pretty terrible though. But it ends pretty well. I feel like rewatching it a lot less than others, and I have rewatched them all a lot. Yep. It's just a movie. They all are. I don't quite understand the extreme hate or the extreme love for this one. It was... okay.
With the passage of time, I can admit that the haters kind of have a point about the mechanics of Star-Wars-universe space travel being messed up in the B-plot. Pedantic, yes, but a fair cop. But the transformation of Luke into a cranky hermit who decided that the Jedi attempting to monopolize the Force was the basis of everything that went wrong... That's really interesting! And, you know, I've aged since 1977 as much as Luke Skywalker had since "Star Wars" and gotten jaded and regretful about a lot of things, and I was feeling that. I understand that Mark Hamill himself didn't agree with the choices the script and direction made here. But, damn, he knocked it out of the park. Gave the performance of his life.
My issue with the Last Jedi is that I spent it being bored out of my mind. I love lots of bad movies, but boring ones make me feel like I wasted my life. Admittedly though reading Priest-Kings of Gor was worse.
Last Jedi didn't broke just Internet, it has forever tarnish Star Wars. Otherwise, how Acolyte a SW TV Show that has lightsabers and the freaking Plagueis himself appeared got so underperoformed from sheer antipathy that it got canceled? Though I would agrue the Sequels were doomed the moment they decanonize Old EU and decided to make to with no plan or unifying vision.
The fact that what TLJ discourse did to the internet may not have been an insignificant factor in DT being reelected should be a terrible sign for our society. Like we're going down like Atlantis, man.
Yeah a ton of the complaints came of as demanding these films be stuck in the past and just redo older plot points. That or suddenly turning Star Wars into hard sci fi- but only when it's convenient. The crazy stuff in the first film, like super fast ftl and ties screaming and whatever the death star is powered by are given a pass. First, if space has a fluid medium for sound to travel through, than this universe is very, very different from our own. Which would probably have all sorts of implications, aside from sound and dog fighting. They only use "realism" when it's convenient, hence their standard not being top papers by astrophysicists, but a 70s space fantasy movie.
Jesus, I wish a movie was one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. A movie hasn't cracked the top 1000 worst things that have ever happened to me, even Godfather 3. The Last Jedi was my favorite of the 3. I've enjoyed all of Ryan Johnson's movies.
I've only ever walked out on 1 movie, and it's not even that movie's fault. I walked out on Copland because it was pretty boring, but I was also 11. I wasn't it's target audience. I was simply more interested in the video games in the lobby and waited for my parents to be done. I can't imagine letting a movie have that much power over my emotional state....
I didn't like TLJ either, but I was straight-up DISGUSTED by the way half the fanbase reacted to it. You'd think they were 8-year-olds finding out "Santa" isn't real or something. I tried to engage in the online discourse. One side sh*t on me for not liking it. The others sh*t on me EVEN MORE for not hating it harder.
@@eriks2962Oh, ep.8 had its moments, for sure. I loved the scene with Ghost Yoda, it was truly a great moment. "Failure, the greatest teacher is." What a line. And very true. TLJ could've made a good standalone "Star Wars Story" if you swapped some of the legacy characters out for new ones. But as the 2nd film of a trilogy (and the 8th film of a larger "saga"), it just didn't hit after the launchpad ep.7 provided.
I worked at a paper and my first (comparatively sane) editor had a good saying, "Whatever we print today, remember that it will probably go up people's chimneys tomorrow."
There are many who said "it ruined my childhood" or "it was the most tragic thing in my life to see that movie". just wow.. wow. I mean really. I love Star Wars from the deepest of my hearts. My career is in music and I have conducted, arranged and written papers on the structure of the music by John Williams. But let's be honest, They are just movies as you stated. My mother passed away early in the same year that The Last Jedi was released (I actually loved TLJ) but if I didn't which do you think would have been the worst tragic thing in my life? So let's think about it and be realistic. How did I feel when I went into the theatre and watched The Last Jedi and Luke said to Leia "no one is really gone" about Han, but here I am going through the first holiday season without my Mom. I must admit, if anything that line helped me get through the holiday season than anything.
Am I the only person who read that tweet as hyperbolic? There's no way he actually sees the movie as one of the worst things that's ever happened to him, he's exaggerating to make a point. I liked the last Jedi but this just seems like a bad faith take on his tweet
and this video exists to make a point, because people who say that and are not doing it for drama, do exist, and they affect real people, with death threats for example.
For those excited about the last Jedi; It doesn't even come close to the feeling of standing in line, or sitting in the front row during the opening in 1977. Wouldn't trade that for any other Star Wars event ever!
Great Stuff. Reminds me of something I heard on The Dana Gould Hour: "If you ever think you don't have it good in life, go find the nearest homeless person and complain to them about how expensive it is to go camping."
There's a lot of people on these internets who are in dire need of going outside for a while. And I see a few of them were prompted by the thumbnail image to demonstrate it in the comments.
I grew up on the Justice League animated series. Loved it. Big comics fan. Hated the Justice League movie. Among the top 1000 bad things that happened to me? Not even close.
man one more thing exageration is a very common use of the English language its been like this for centuries, its crazy that star wars talks somehow are excluded
The thing you didn't really get into, that I think is really at the HEART of the original post and others like it.. Is the obsession with canon and the sacred timeline. The reason a bad movie can feel like the worst thing that ever happened to them is because they've poured so much of their time and brainpower into obsessively building the timeline as a structure within their own minds. A house of cards that can be destroyed by a sequel with a continuity error or a retcon and when that house collapses its like it takes part of their brain with it.
I saw 'The Spirit' in the cinema in the week it appeared, and was more entertained by counting the number of people who walked out and being able to predict the dialogue of some of the characters than by the movie itself which, let's face it, was not Frank Miller's finest hour. But worst experience of my life? Not by a long shot...
Attack of the Clones didn't offend me the way Rise of Skywalker did. While AotC is a dumb film, it's still entertaining. RoS was just a slap in the face the entire way through, making virtually every wrong decision from start to finish. I'd never seen a film I hated in theaters until RoS.
"Relax kid it's only a movie" is the advice that Ham Salad gave Fluke Starbucker in the underated Hardware Wars. A much better parody in 13 minutes than Spaceballs acheived in 90.
Hans is an eight-year-old German boy who has never spoken. His parents take Hans to a restaurant and are shocked when he turns up his nose at his food, saying "This strudel is tepid."
Overjoyed, his parents say, "Hans, you can speak! Why have you never said anything before?!"
Hans replies, "Up until now, everything has been quite adequate."
Literally Einstein.
My part-German mother will love this.
@@jonathanfairchild833 I discovered the "The German Baby Joke" on an episode of "QI", in which one of the panel mentioned, "The German Baby Joke" in passing, and all but one of the panel burst out laughing. They then took turns to tell the joke (kind of line by line) to the mystified person. I think the Henning Wenn (a German comedian, and, probably, the reason why the joke was brought up) finished off the punch line. I loved it.
"Worst thing that ever happened", makes me wonder how this person slipped through the cracks in our nation's bullying network
The bully assigned to them must have had a pretty poor work ethic.
@@mrwog82 Maybe he was the Bully.
bullies tend to get very upset by very little, largely because they've never had to suffer and endure their own "attentions".
@@dawoifee bingo!
well said
It's stuff like this that makes me fondly nostalgic for pre-internet days when, if you didn't like something, that was it. You just didn't like it. You didn't suddenly turn it into your sole defining characteristic. You didn't spend months of your life making a multi-video series about how your favorite franchise is ruined, and it retroactively destroyed your childhood. You just didn't like it, and you moved on with your life.
Those of us with emotional maturity beyond an adolescent still just move on. lol
Indeed. No echo chambers for truly un-adjusted people who need an ego stroking over immature reactionism. Trump and fascism invokes reasonable guttural emotions. A movie? :eyeroll:
Or you did and I didn't have to hear about it :)
But we all remember _that guy_ who annoyingly, loudly told total strangers how bad something was, apropos of nothing. Every town had _that guy._
I'll say that the almost three-hour rant/nitpick festival that Michael French from Retroblasting did on Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny was one of the saddest and most pathetic things I've seen in my 24 years or so I've been surfing the internet ever since I started college and finally could use said internet.
If the worst thing that happened to you in your life is you didn't like a movie, then you're having a pretty good life
The guy is probably a virgin in his 30s.
I once had leg cramp and a painful one and that one was a worst experience than any bad movie 30 seconds of hell that I don’t want to experience again and that nothing compare to other crap I experience
Would you judge someone life as critically if they use movies as an escape?
isnt that what americans do? Everything its "THE BEST THING EVER!" or "ITS THE WORST THING OF MY LIFE!". It thought it was just all figure of speech you guys do all the time.
Clearly you have not had your expectations subverted in what can only be described as a targeted, personal attack meant to do harm. I suggest you consider yourself fortunate that you have not been so carelessly left out of the discussion of the future direction of your favorite movie franchise. Not one time was I contacted to ask what my expectations were and how to best avoid subverting them in a way that I frankly found criminal.
I've worked on a cancer ward where people were more hopeful and upbeat than the star wars fandom.
Then again, I heard about a man who was deeply hurt by TLJ because Luke Skywalker was a role model and inspiration to him that he should never give up when he had cancer as a child. That’s precisely what Luke was introduced as in TLJ. Someone who had given up. So I can understand why it would be very hurtful to someone like that
I heard of a man who had Luke as a role model when young and inspired him to become a soldier.
…to then end up with PTSD. Then seeing your childhood hero go through similar pain is very meaningful.
As a cancer patient myself I second this lmao
Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
I think ultimately it’s a two part problem
The first, and overwhelming problem, is that The Internet does not reward nuanced evenhanded takes, it rewards histrionics
The second is just that I don’t think a lot of these guys are fans of the movies, they’re fans of the expanded universe books, comics, etcetera- Decades of world building and character arcs that the new ones barely even gesture to, and are now explicitly non-canon, to be mined for a couple interesting tidbits and nothing more
At least, that’s why I don’t like the movies, they’re just not the Star Wars I fell in love with. I just don’t pitch a fit online about it
I liked "The Last Jedi." However, Diaper Donny being voted into office AGAIN is one of the worst things to happen to me. And to a lot of other people. A movie can't hurt you. Diaper Donny can.
The orange nightmare is a far FAR worse thing than anything Starwars could EVER produce.
"Somehow Diaper Donny returned"
Amen, brother.
Thanks for saying it. Actually being gay is the worst thing to ever happen to me, because that's what America has completely lost it's mind about. I've had a rough adult life so far, and I'm going to have to put everything on hold another 5-10 years because of that man and his fundamentalist Baptist followers.
The day I heard people debating whether Star Wars was Sci-Fi or Fantasy was the day I walked outside and got a life lol
I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at 18, Multiple Sclerosis at 32, and spend the majority of my days in a wheelchair. As my disabilities began to manifest, my fiance dumped me for another student in her college course that I was helping finance, and my friends found less and less time for me. I've sat with family members as they've fought through there own health problems, and I've lost people I couldn't live without. Now, I spend my days mostly alone combating significant pain and discomfort. There are days when I cannot get out of bed, and yet The Hobbit Trilogy was still one of the worst experiences of my life.
As valid and necessary as Steve's argument was, I'm glad to see someone expressing the opposite side. I hope for all the best for you.
Dang, that's a heavy statement. You're a strong person. Your ex kinda sucks- no offence. And you have my sincere condolences for losing loved ones. I think you should write this in a letter/email/tweet to Peter Jackson or whoever was at fault for the Hobbit Trilogy- might steer him in the right direction for his next movie!
At least you didn't lose your good taste and sense of humor.
I only hit the "thumbs up" reaction because TH-cam has no "OMG, you're such a resilient person for enduring so much crap, and I'm sending you a virtual hug" reaction. (Gotta agree with you about The Hobbit movies, though -- Peter Jackson ruined one of my favorite books of all time. LOL). Stay strong. The world needs you.
That gave me a great laugh.
I‘m not sure who coined the term „recreational outrage“…but it is a great description of what’s happening online and in general…we as a people need to relax for sure!
I argue all the time online about things I mildly disliked as if it was a horrible thing. Then I realize most of the people in the argument are not joking. This is really important to them.
@@engelmann82 I like this term! I always described these people as "Not happy unless they are mad". Once I identified this behavior I started seeing it everywhere. To the point where I complained about it all the time to anyone who was unfortunate enough to make eye contact with me. I time and time again perfectly explained why it bothered me so much to the point where I had to constantly point it out and complain every time I saw it. After years of this I realized that I had in fact became the monster that I had been complaining about. I don't know exactly when it happened, I only know that it happened. I only wish I could have seen the transformation coming and prevented it somehow. I can only imagine how many others have had the same experience.
Nah, I think it's financial outrage. so many of the people who make a big deal out of this one movie (and the Ghostbusters remake, captain marvel, video game women have too small tits now, Anita sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn and general gamergate shit) make a lot of money and gets views for complaining about the same stuff for years.
@@klisterklister2367 But these people make money because there is an audience of people who want to watch this, why, is the question.
I think the feeling that hit home with this movie was an intense sadness that I was watching Carrie Fishers last performance.
Wakanda Forever did that for me.
Frankly I'm more concerned that this guy said the family taking him to see a movie is one of the kindest things they've ever done for him ----- I think he's not loved enough if seeing a Star Wars movie is the best thing his family can do for him. I think maybe that's why he's having a psychotic break.
Thank you! That was concerning me as well. I wonder though if that's part of the negative. Maybe his family made this a really big deal, maybe this was an olive branch and he felt under pressure to be appreciative, maybe even to defend this movie he didn't like that much and that curdled the blue milk, so to speak.
Or maybe they liked it for reasons he disagreed with, so he reactively swung the other way out of knee jerk spite built up over years of other situations with his family.
This may depend on context. If he's living paycheck to paycheck and doesn't have the money to blow on trips to the theater, and he loves star wars, I could see someone taking him to the theater as a genuinely heart touching gesture. Or it could just be that, having tied star wars enough into his identity that TLJ was 'one of the worst experiences of his life' that a kind gesture tied to star wars was also weighed too heavily, but I don't know enough about his background to say on that front.
Yeah, the framing says it all. It says he doesn't see many movies. He doesn't experience familial comforts. So this situation that he was under a lot of pressure to appreciate was ashes in his mouth. And probably his failure to appreciate it turned this rare moment of kindness into a cacophony of disappointment.
Also, for him to reject the movie this intensely suggests he might have intuited and rejected the core theme of the movie which was to reject nostalgia, kill the past, abandon the hope that who you were born to would create meaning in your life.
@@michaelmclawhorn6911 I'm not so sure about the kill the past part. Yeah, Kylo says that line. But he's also the villain, and Yoda saying Rey has everything she needs is foreshadowing that Rey stole the ancient jedi texts and is taking them with her, suggesting they still have value despite the flaws of the Jedi order.
I'm 99% sure the poster was projecting something from another part of their life that they were upset about.
True of all “fans”. Fans are the worst and should be ignored entirely.
Yeah, the part of their life where they were a loser - all of it
If that’s his worst experience he has never needed the American Healthcare system.
@@notmyname4790so thankful I live in Australia. Its great to know a visit to the hospital won't send me bankrupt.
i wish the worst thing that ever happen to me was seeing a slightly bad movie. what a great life!
In fairness, TLJ was not a *slightly* bad movie.
@@handwavepress3389 No, it was a pretty good one. It just didn't cater 100% to a specific part of the fandom menace's tastes.
@@krank23 I'm not really a part of 'the fandom.' I liked the first trilogy when I was a kid, but didn't think much of the Phantom Menace, so I skipped the other two prequels. Then, I saw Rogue One, because I thought the premise looked like fun, and I was pleasantly surprised, so I decided to check out the sequel trilogy. I thought TFA was a fun (if predictable) retread, and then rented TLJ without reading anything about it at all. And I honestly hated it. The writing was so very, very bad. (The rest of the film was perfectly fine, but saying the only thing wrong with a film is the script is like saying the only thing wrong with a person who died of a myocardial infarction is that their heart stopped beating.)
@@handwavepress3389 So it didn't suit your specific subjective taste. Got it.
@@handwavepress3389 when phantom menace first came out i didnt care for it so much, but after watching the next two, it made the first one better with the extra context.
The only real problem I have with the movie is how dirty they did Finn
I feel TLJ gave Finn the arc which TFA should've had.
And Luke.
It was a total mess.
Also how they cut off both Snoke and Phasma before they did anything interesting. Or how Rose saving Finn didn't amount to anything (that said, Finn's sacrifice wouldn't either, so why did we waste time on that?)
But the awkward Force Sexting is what broke the immersion to me. This is NOT Star Wars, don't do that shit, ever.
@@AtoManPL: Snoke was a half-assed Palpatine wannabe, and Palpatine himself was pretty much a nothing burger too, before the prequels actually bothered to flesh him out. Kylo was far more compelling and him killing Snoke to become the new main villain was one of the best choices TLJ made. Too bad the next movie walked all that potential back entirely.
As for Phasma, just like Boba Fett, she was a cool suit of armor with no face or personality worth mentioning, who mostly just stood around doing nothing before going out like a chump. Perfect homage.
It was a great deconstruction of the bullshit mystery box that Abrams had mindlessly set up in episode 7. All of those things you point out are nonsensical plot threads that were set up in 7 with no actual plan. Episode 8 trimmed the fat and went it's own direction. The Finn story broke the pacing and should've been it's own mini series probably but other than that the movie was solid. @@AtoManPL
I remember the original backlash from the prequels. We as a community bullied George Lucas out of his own franchise, and we cheered. We bullied young Jake Lloyd out of acting. We bullied Ahmed Best almost to the point of ending himself. The fanbase has always been deeply toxic, it just hides itself well between installments.
I used to be embarrassed to admit to being a Star Wars fan because I didn't want people thinking I was a loser.
Now I'm embarrassed to admit I'm a Star Wars fan because I don't want people to think I'm a creepy misogynist.
The worst part is, I didn;t even really like the recent movies, but I can't really even talk about it because I don;t want to be alligned with THOSE guys.
The prequels weren't the best, but George, Jake, and Ahmed did not deserve the backlash at all. I rewatched the Prequels recently and yeah... they aren't great. But Jake Lloyd wasn't even *close* to one of Phantom Menace's problems. Hell... Phantom Menace isn't even that bad! Steve's right... Attack of the Clones is *way* worse! He was what... 10? People expecting 10-years-olds to be brilliant actors are insane. I feel so bad for him and Ahmed.
I do think a lot of the "rehabilitation" of the Prequels comes from the Clone Wars animated series. I think that series served to re-frame the Prequels in several distinct ways and I think a lot of people really do think of that series when they think of the Prequels.
That is so true, the Star Wars fan base as always been quick to anger. Right now in 2024 the majority of Star Wars fans love Empire Strikes Back, when it first came out the cries of "not my Star Wars", "this isn't Star Wars" were not soon behind... So yes this backlash has always been apart of Star Wars just with the internet it so much worse for those involved and easy for dissenters to scream and yell (I feel for Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best for the crime of doing their jobs as actors and listening to what the director wanted) . Further instead of creators ignoring the vocal minority as they should, they instead try to placate them and in doing so make art worse than it should be. That is why I disliked Episode 9 compared to the other sequel films because I could see every choice they made in that film was just to make the "fans" happy and not try to craft an interesting story.
@@jimmyrrpage There's also something to be said for the people who watched the prequels as kids (and who probably weren't terminally online enough to know about the worst of the backlash at the time) are adults now. The people who hated the prequels were adults when they came out. Kids loved them. So now the kids have grown up and a lot of them still have a soft spot for 'their' star wars, and they HATE the new stuff...and in another 20 years, maybe the kids who watched the sequels will grow up to defend them in retrospect (probably not lol)
@@weaselwolf i grew up on both, mum had the original trilogy on VHS and we watched the new movies in theatre. I liked both, in hindsight I got star Trek vibes from the sequels. The political talks, slower pace with some action scenes spread out, some melodrama that sometimes hits and sometimes misses. Just like watching star trek with only difference being setting and medium.
No one bullied George out of anything. 😂😂😂 He did it for the money.
Thumbnail reminded me of this classic line:
"Relax kid, it's only a movie." - Ham Salad, Hardware Wars.
I get. But it's not that simple, though, is it?
Imagine the world that the vast majority of us live in: if we're LUCKY, we have a shit job that requires we work 40+ hours per week just so we can barely pay our bills and find a few hours of our time to enjoy media for the sake of desperately needed escapism. We probably have abusive bosses and/or obnoxious coworkers, and everywhere we look, a life that we would rather live is thrown in our faces to trick us into spending money we don't have in exchange for a shred of happiness.
So we use our precious little time to enjoy that escapism because it is absolutely vital for us to keep our sanity and find some joy or at least respite from our toil, frustration, and loneliness.
And we go see a movie that is part of a series that is almost certainly tied so deeply to our inner child that we spend months, years dreaming about its potential and hoping desperately that it will take us on a journey we love a fraction as much as that of the original iterations of that series.
And then that iteration sucks ass in our minds. We feel that it not only neglects its potential but often spits in its face. Its creator seems to us more interested in doing whatever the fuck he wants than in working collaboratively with the creator who came before him or keeping beloved characters consistent even according to the actors who play them. He recycles arcs, he disregards some core themes of the series which many of us held dear.
It's an oversimplification to say that it's just a movie. Movies are some of the most important things to us. Good movies literally change people's lives. Good art in general does. When a piece of art that is part of a beloved series is perceived as bad, it inescapably tarnishes that whole series lest we force ourselves to compartmentalize it, which at best leaves us with the empty feeling of not having gotten the experience that we had been so long anticipating, as well as the dread of a continuation of the cycle of hope and crushed hope.
And so we do what you do, Steve- go on the internet and share our thoughts, often using hyperbole as a colorful way to vent and thereby process our emotions.
It could very well be unhealthy that we need good movies as badly as we do, but if so, that is not something I would ever blame individuals for; it is a systemic issue.
There really was something special about that initial reaction to this movie. It hit right at that time when online grifters were discovering that outrage was a farm they could make money from, right when people were looking for reasons they didn't like a movie. It's been diminishing returns since then, I suspect, but they're still trying to farm it.
Diminishing returns are still returns. 🤷♂️
Bingo. Hate merchants scream for dollars while their low-IQ fanbase bray like the jackasses they are.
I miss fandim just liking things- or not. 💜
To be perfectly honest, I didn't need people to tell me why that is a really really bad movie and, a terrible Star Wars movie and an abysmal second part of a trilogy. When I went on the internet after watching it, I found out that some people hate the movie for completely stupid reasons, though, which in return got honorable people to defend the movie from the more stupid, racist and misogynist critic.
But if you take that sort of critic away, it is still a terribly paced movie with a weak plot, main characters who take stupid decisions, partly based in very weak leadership, a meaningless subplot that is a mere filler of screen time, and it breaks almost all in-universe rules about how hyperspace, space travel and the Force work.
@cl8733 So, never do anything new. Got it. Hey, were you ALSO one of the folks who didn't like tFA because it was "just a retread of ANH," perchance?
@@cl8733I can relate to what you've said. A few days ago I stumbled upon a TH-cam review of Disney's Star Wars trilogy that, because of its grievance politics attitude, attracted bigoted and sexist comments. I chastened one of the more bigoted contributors.
"Rise of Skywalker was real bad and I'll never be happy again" was the best Jenny Nicholson title ever.
I’m with you, Steve. JJ was left with some great plot hook potential to take the series in interesting directions after TLJ, but he squandered it on fan service schlock.
I wouldn't really have cared if the last movie was just bad.
I'm upset that they tried to pander to the angriest backlash, taking all their criticisms as totally valid, and as a result made a movie that was retconning like crazy. It effectively responds to TLJ's inclusive message about being able to be a hero no matter where you come from with: "actually no, if you want to be special you need special blood or be arbitrarily chose by the Force."
There's also absolutely no conclusion to this trilogy. By resurrecting he Emperor, softly redoing RotJ, having absolutely no thematic point and then burying a lightsabers like future generation would be in-universe excited for another war to break out so they can have and adventure and chase some McGuffins too.
I'm fine if it's just bad. tRoS is a very rare case of a movie that I hate because it would rather cowardly pander to some hateful grifters than try to have a satisfying conclusion for the people who were still on board with this story.
I always felt like JJ had a three movie plan, but didn't get to make the middle movie he wanted, but just plugged away at things as if he had, leaving all the buildup TLJ did as a waste of everyone in the film's effort.
I don't think it was really JJ Abrams' full responsibility. I imagine the studio was panicking about the apparent response to TLJ and said "JJ, people were really optimistic about your movie, do that again."
The leaked script for Colin Trevorrow's Episode 9: "Duel of the Fates" is very interesting and with a few tweaks it would have been so much better than Rise of Skywalker.
It's too bad they threw it away and went for a desperate, nostalgia-fuelled mess to end the long-running saga.
@@Spark_ChaserI don't believe that JJ had a trilogy plan. He was tasked with kickstarting the trilogy and he did a fairly good job doing that.
But JJ in general is great at opening things, not so much in ending them.
There's a TED talk by him where he talks about his love for mastery boxes. Explains a lot about his storytelling.
It's a tragedy that Ryan Johnson didn't get to tell the last episode. It would have been so much better than this disappointing laundry list of "patches" to online complaints we got.
The worse thing about Last Jedi was them following it up with a even worse movie. They capitulated to toxic fans and walked back Last Jedi. It removed any and all doubt that Disney is cynical and had no plans or faith in this project whatsoever. They put Kelly Marie Tran on desk duty, damn them to hell.
They didn't "walk back Last Jedi". They simply had no idea what to do for a trilogy of 3 movies. That is what amazes me to this day: You buy one of the world's most beloved franchises, announce you are doing a trilogy, and have zero idea which story to tell. To make bad things worse, after the first part, you tell the director of part 2 "Do whatever, full creative freedom, we have no idea anyway".
And I think it is okay to be mildly disappointed to upset about that if you cared about that franchise.
I'm a big fan of TLJ and it was wild to feel like I saw something special opening night and couldn't wait to talk about it with folks only to be kinda surprised it had such a divisive reaction. But by the time TRoS, I was following various film critics and writers, and the dark cloud of early reactions in the day or two before it came out really put a pall on it (well deserved). I got to the end of that and said to myself, maybe Star Wars isn't for me anymore (this is also hot off the heels of Mandalorian s2 if I recall) and had to be dragged back to watch Andor (which DID rule) months after release, but otherwise have not watched anything else since.
I'd love to love all of it again, but eh, life is short.
@@cl8733 My thoughts exactly. The entire sequel trilogy endeavor was creatively bankrupt, but they couldn't even agree on HOW they were going to be creatively bankrupt.
@@cl8733 I feel like they absolutely did walk TLJ back. They practically went out of their way and bent over backwards to appease people that hated TLJ.
They threw in a brief and arbitrary training scene for Rey and a flashback for Leia to address criticism of Leia's space scene and Rey supposedly being too strong for not having trained much. They backpedaled hard on Rey coming from nowhere with nobody loser parents to tie her genetically to a powerful force user to explain her power. They threw in a line with Luke and the lightsaber to appease people upset about him tossing it in the previous movie. They insert an awkward line to explain why the 'Holdo Maneuver' isn't repeatable. They sidelined Rose, a character added to mixed reception in TLJ. They threw in Palpatine to backpedal on having Kylo be the main villain for the final movie.
It is true that they had no plan for the trilogy. And that is a big part of why this ended up as a mess. TFA was a fun romp but relied too much on OT nostalgia. TLJ was given full creative freedom and took things in unexpected directions that were controversial. And then ROS Disney panicked because of TLJ's controversy and made a big mess of things trying to 'fix' the situation. It's not one or the other. It's BOTH the trilogy being unplanned AND ROS having knee jerk reactions to TLJ's reception.
I feel like "damn them to hell" for a casting choice is a pretty ironic take on a video with the thesis "it's just a movie."
I was a big Star Wars fan growing up. I really liked the Last Jedi. The fan reaction to that film has definitely dampened my enthusiasm for the franchise.
I have to be honest. The Last Jedi is second only to The Empire Strikes Back for me. I loved how Luke sacrificed himself to save the resistance, probably the most jedi thing we've seen on screen, next to saving Anakin.
My dad and I were the exact same way, honestly I think Rouge One was the best out of all those movies tbh.
I stopped caring what the fans think of the media I consume. I like most of it. I've seen very few movies I absolutely hated. I just like what I like and if your opinion is different cool. I just don't care to hear you rant about it. My opinion differs from Steve's about a lot of Star Trek. I love a lot of shows he doesn't. But I don't mind hearing him tell me his opinion because he's not ranting. He's thoughtful. Even in shows or movies he doesn't like he acknowledges that it's ok to have a different opinion. That perspective is missing from a lot of fans.
I was in the same boat for a while after its release then i realised i was more disheartened with hate creators gaining traction and the fans who became their customers essentially rather than being down on Star Wars itself. I binged the movies over a weekend and found my love of Star Wars hadn’t changed but my feeling of dejectedness was in how the culture had changed for the worse. Star Wars fans have always been d!cks but around the time of TLJ is when the antiwoke thing became an industry who’s financially dependent on keeping their audience angry. They’re obviously liars now as they said for the longest time “all we want is something good and some good SW news and we’ll report it”. Skeleton Crew has been out a month, been a rave with fans and critics and all these channels haven’t so much as peeped about it. Because they can’t monetise positivity and make 17 videos in 4 days about like they can something their audience will get pissed over.
The cure for all this is to watch Star Wars and remember that those people don’t matter and that “good” Star Wars by their definition is the last thing they want because that’s not how they pay their bills.
I agree; in a world where millions of people are barely surviving in war zones, seeing their families blown to bits, losing their homes due to natural disasters, seeing their children starve or die due to droughts or plagues or just "run of the mill" poverty, none of us who are fortunate enough to live safe lives with food in our bellies and roofs over our heads should b!tch about how a goram *movie* "was the worst thing that happened to me." First-world privilege is a disgusting mindset, and every one of us lucky enough to be able to spend an afternoon seeing a movie with our families should be GRATEFUL. And yeah, it's okay not to like something, sure, even go out and complain about it if you must, but instead of moaning about how it's the "worst experience of their lives", well, some folks need to go and touch grass. No movie is THAT bad.
Not even a Transformers movie.
BTW Steve I have to admit that I had to pause to check out your shelves. Love the MST3K set; why am I not surprised. :D
No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans that's for sure.
I think that's quite a disingenuous way to frame it. It's more accurate to say that no one cares more about Star Wars than Star Wars fans.
@@HOTD108_ and this applies to every " fandom" as well.
Maybe, just MAYBE, film 'franchises' are a shit idea. Maybe telling original stories will make more people happier. On a long-enough timeline, EVERY franchise crashes. The smart ones eschew continuity, and bake in the capacity for reinvention (007, for instance... it's died a couple times, and still makes money).
There's only like 2-4 good movies in the series to be fair. There's a lot of fandoms where a lot of the content is pretty bad.
Not me. I love parts of every last one. Not all of them as wholes, but for sure each one had some great stuff in it. And I was awed at 11 by the first flyover of the Star Destroyer as it chases our heroes tiny, beautiful ship.
5:51 “As soon as Luke throws away his father’s lightsaber, which he had found out at some point since Luke last saw it that his father once used to murder a bunch of children, I knew I wasn’t going to like this movie!”
I will say, looking back at that moment, it did feel like the movie was "talking" to me. At first, it didn't feel like that was what Luke would do. it felt out of character. after seeing though the this lens, that his father was... complicated to say the least, I realized it wasn't as crazy as I thought. my other big complaint was when Finn ran into the random coder guy. it felt like that plot line went no where. translation, I enjoyed the movie but my issues with it were more literary. but it was unexpected, unforgettable, and very enjoyable. I loved it for that.
@@Takillas149 Not surprising that he did throw it away when you consider his experiences with light sabres in the movies. In ESB he fails the test in the dark side cave and loses his hand and finds out his father was Vader, in RotJ he almost falls to the dark side and we find out he nearly crossed over again when he tried to kill Ben Solo.
It's just hilarious when people claims "Luke would never do that!" when it was literally the last thing we saw him do with a lightsaber in Return of the Jedi.
I don't remember who does the parody... but Luke was like "There was a hand with it last time I saw it, did you find the hand? "😂
That... says something REALLY fked up about that "critic" far more than an indictment of the writing of that scene.
Im convinced thats the type of guy who would have a negative opinion of the child of a serial killer completely disowning that killer.
The Last Jedi was first time that I didn't know what was going to happen in a Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back.
Apparently that's waaaay to challenging for some people.
Like, so many people get upset because TLJ steered away from ending this trilogy with a redo of RotJ and just went "where can you even go after this?"
…and then called tRoS "unavoidable" because apparently it's impossible to imagine anything but the original trilogy.
He chucks the lightsaber and my first thought was, "what the fuck? You okay Luke? What's going on?" I was in it at that point because I needed some answers.
I liked it. *ducks*
Everything in that movie was unexpected and that's what made it so great
Ironically, I did know what would happen because Last Jedi is basically a slightly jumbled version of Empire 😉 there's ally betrayals, seeking a Jedi master, incomplete training due to emergency, they even ended up on a bleach white planet being invaded by the empire!
More seriously, TLJ wasn't terrible, it was just disappointing for me, because I wanted different and pretty much got Kennedy, Johnson, and Abrams playing it too safe. If it weren't for Harrison Ford insisting on getting killed off, and Hamill and Fisher being written out for different reasons, it would have been a total write off to me. But then I'm also not claiming it ruined my childhood or something stupid - if it entertained some old fans and brought in any news ones, it did its job.
I once saw a movie that actually caused me physical pain. Doesn't even crack the top ten of worst things that ever happened to me.
Out of curiosity, what was the movie?
And what type of pain was it? Headache?
@@DavidRichardson153 The movie was Transformers: The Last Knight. The constantly shifting aspect ratios put strain on my eyes and caused a massive headache.
@@TheNewSam Yeah, I can see how it could do that to you. Sure, it wasn't the case for me, but then again, I didn't see it in theaters and instead streamed it. Perhaps that inadvertently provided some measure of shielding for me.
I will also say that I too have felt physical pain from a movie. In my case, though, it was from the documentary _Jesus Camp._ I am a bit of a sucker for documentaries (for the record, no, I never considered s^^t like "Plandemic" or "2000 Mules" to be documentaries - if anything, I want them to be considered mockumentaries, though that is being cruel to the actual mockumentaries), and I have an arguably bad tendency to sit through a documentary to its end. _Jesus Camp_ is the only documentary I have not been able to finish (and yes, that does mean I have finished _Blackfish)._ Oh my, just remembering what little I saw of _Jesus Camp,_ the absolute horror over what those people actually take seriously, I can still feel that pain I felt all those years ago. I wish I was exaggerating when I say that the first 15 minutes was enough to leave me like the guy who watched the video in _The Ring._
Some Star Wars fans really take their movie viewing very seriously and can be overdramatic on their feelings if they feel the movie didn’t live up to their great expectations, I myself didn’t hate the Last Jedi but didn’t love it either, my least favorite was The Phantom Menace and I was fairly young at the time I saw it but wouldn’t have gone as far as to say it wasn’t the worst experiences of my life and like so many other Star Wars fans I’ve watched it again over the years and will continue to watch it and also watch the sequels when given the chance. So I guess being disappointed by the movies can’t be so traumatizing that I’m willing to watch them again
While "fan" is derived from "fanatic," it's important to distinguish the two. Being a fan is okay. Being a fanatic is not.
All I remember about the Last Jedi is that it was the first Star Wars movie we brought our kids to and I remember them running out of the theater waving around the toy lightsabers we got them in the lobby and smiling at their excitement. The movie was okay, but my kids loved it and that's what's important to me.
I truly envy anyone who can say that the worst experience of their life was a film that didn't cater to them.
What a charmed, pain free life they must've lead up to this point.
And I fervently hope that they never experience the kind of pain that even the average person of privilege goes through.
Because they will not survive even that shallow level of inconvenience.
Rise of Skywalker is probably the worst experience I've ever had in or around a movie theater, just a horrible film that made me regret caring about anything that happened in it or the movies before it.
But that's also not saying very much, because I'm not Batman. My list of bad experiences in relation to movie theaters is extremely short, and none of them come anywhere close to my childhood dog dying or being hospitalized.
Rise of Skywalker was insulting because it felt like the franchise was talking down to its fans by intentionally dumbing down the material and being reactive.
Same probably.
I can't get upset over a bad movie, but seeing a movie making every single choice trying to appease the haters of its predecessor, then straight up trying to explain how it's technically not retconning in some cases.
It kills Chewbacca and C3PO, to then just moments later be like "don't worry! we're not actually going to do anything!"
It's a cowardly movie which is thematically so vapid it makes every previous Star Wars movies less meaningful and turns this whole story into "an inevitable adventure that happens every couple of years."
@@PauLtus_B I'll be honest, the number of fakeout deaths in that piece of shit is one of the things about it that I genuinely found hilarious in the moment. After the first two, they genuinely expect you to care when they keep doing it? Amazing.
They expected you to care about *anything* when somehow Palpatine returned *offscreen*? It can and will just undo consequences if it wants to, at that point you are not watching a story as much as a series of random meaningless events filmed with an inexplicably large budget.
@@cgrenadier I don't understand how the people at Disney genuinely thought that people would like it if they dedicated most of the *final main Star Wars movie* to pointedly and systematically undoing everything The Last Jedi did and spitting on what it had to say. How would that ever be satisfying to anyone?
Hugely disappointing and among my least favorite movies. Still nowhere close to the worst thing to ever happen to me, I'd have to be insane to think that.
@@cgrenadier 'Dumbing down' a film franchise originally marketed directly at 10-year-olds. Guys, it was all kinda silly from the START!
As someone who spent an unfortunate time growing up with recreational outrage of all sorts around me, I really admire your saying the Last Jedi is as high as your third favourite Star Wars movie, that's awesome. I don't agree, though I also don't hate the movie, but I really love that.
oh boy, the star wars “fandom”.
@@ohareport You get the feeling that they want the new stuff to fail.
@@rollingthunder9087A fair number of them do, because they want to see the downfall of some ill-defined "woke." What is woke? I haven't been able to find a good definition that isn't one breath away from devolving into sexist and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
I suspect that this element of the "fanbase" won't be satisfied until Disney goes out of business and Kathleen Kennedy goes into exile on Mars or something like that.
@@rollingthunder9087 They're the same people who say any Star Wars media made by Disney is crap but love The Mandalorian, Rogue One, Andor, and Ahsoka. Make it make sense.
Repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax."
Benefit was of a doubt, maybe they were using “worst thing that ever happened” the same way people say “It feels like I’m on fire”.
We’re humans. Exaggeration is needed to get our points across
society would change overnight if more people read the book Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki
To be fair, if you're on acid and see a certain movie while on a bad trip, seeing that movie could be one of the worst moments of your life....like...maybe. If it was Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles.
Or any of the Michael Bay transformers
The Rise of Retcon.... excuse me, Skywalker.... was the worst of the Star Wars movies I've seen personally. WAY worse than any of the prequels. Hardly the worst experience of my life though. 🙂
At least it didn't have racist caricatures like the prequels.
@alenahubbard1391 Absolutely, and thank glob for that. But at least watching those movies I felt like I was watching SOME sort of attempt at an original thought that wasn't meant to kowtow to an angry online fandom. Racist, out of touch and at best plain dumb, annoying and boring as some of those thoughts might have been, at least I didn't feel like I was watching the fanfic of some angry fanboy who hated The Last Jedi.
Oh no the 8th sequel in the 40 year old franchise about magic space samurai who hang out with ewoks and talking robots wasn't the next Citizen Kane
Ngl The Last Jedi is The closest Star Wars movie to Citizen Kane in terms of quality imo.
Don't forget the porgs. Their sole reason for existing was to sell toys and make money. That wasn't a lucrative _side effect_ of having to do something admittedly rather clever with the endangered birds on the island where they were filming, no. It was 100% for selling shit and nothing else.
Also it's the 9th sequel if you count Rogue One. If you don't count Rogue One on account of it being a prequel, then you also shouldn't count the prequel trilogy, in which case TLJ is only the 4th or 5th sequel to the original film.
@@HOTD108_ No! There's the original trilogy and nothing else! Btw, I'm joking although you have to be careful because there's nothing you can say that is any more ridiculous than things people say and really mean. I do dismiss the prequels except some parts of Revenge. I really liked Rogue One and thought Solo was okay. The Mandalorian is, in my opinion, the greatest thing since Empire- or maybe Rogue. The main problem I had with 7,8,9 was the disconnect of 8, not the movie on it's own merits. BUT none of this Star Wars stuff remotely stands up to the day when I was in college that my Mom called to let me know my beloved dog had died that had been my best pal since he was born and I was a little kid. I took an unplanned trip home just to do a little ceremony and bury him. And, yes, I cried and I still think about him. Trivial to some people and I'm sorry for those people. Compared to that, the Star Wars movies and Star Trek and Doctor Who mean nothing and I find them all meaningful in their ways.
I agree with you, man. I've had lots of "worst experiences" in my life. They've always involved real things, like love and rejections, death of people I cared deeply for, that sort of stuff. Heck, I'll even add lousy elections, but never...and I mean never...a suboptimal installment of a franchise that I'm a fan of. Sheesh, so dramatic.
If a bad movie is the worst thing that ever happened to you.. then you've never stubbed your toe real bad, or hit that one spot on the elbow.
For too many people, a sense of entitlement and outrage are a part of "American exceptionalism", but humility and gratitude are not.
Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans!
I feel a lot of fandom work like that. It takes a level of passion to irrationally hate something instead of moving on.
@@ChibiRuah they bullied an 8 year old. That's a lot of hate
It's the same chronically online man-children who say that the sequels somehow destroyed their childhoods.
I'm actually amazed there are people out there that like The Last Jedi AND don't like a show like Andor. While the hyperbole around the movie is way out of proportion, the movie is pretty awful and kind of marked a string of bad movies/shows. I can see why people look back on TLJ with such disdain.
I’d say the one exception to this is the person that works on a movie, gives their best work, and then goes to see the movie only to find out their work was dissected into something grotesque. That, I think, could make seeing a movie somebody’s worst life experience.
I think once upon a time people would chalk up such comments as hyperbolic....but these days, I am not so sure
The internet doesn't get hyperbole these days. Everything is taken literally and seriously.
I mean the same thing happened a generation earlier with The Phantom Menace. The internet was just less entrenched and radicalized back then.
Also taking your kid to a movie doesn't qualify as the kindest thing you could do as a parent. Obviously he's not a serious person...and quite insufferable.
Hear hear! My god, how I miss the long conversations I used to have with my late husband about the various franchises we loved together. We saw movies together that we didn't like, or in which we were disappointed, but the discussions they generated were worth the experience. Perspective is a gift we sometimes have to learn to exercise.
My boyfriend and I saw a mid horror movie on our first date. He remembers that day vividly but nouthing about the movie. Ultimately entertainment is entertainment it's not that deep,and great things can happen anywhere at anytime.
I recommend Jason Pargin's book "I'm starting to worry about this black box of doom". It's on the surface a really exciting and suspenseful road trip and mystery, but also a wise and insightful commentary about the polarization on the web and how quickly people become pissed at each other. It felt like good medicine for the insane world we live in.
There seems to be an epidemic of people who make a franchise their entire personality and then succumb to hate and rage when it doesn't produce content tailored to them personally. Rather than simply accepting that this thing no longer appeals to them and move on, these people will instead fester in these unhealthy feelings, to the extent that they blind themselves to anything remotely positive about the newer incarnations of things they used to love. Take Doctor Who for example - I accept that the Chris Chibnall era wasn't perfect, in fact in places it was really, really mediocre. But the amount of bile I've seen thrown against Chibnall himself by certain wings of the Doctor Who fandom is deplorable. The guy had an idea, a creative vision for the show, and he made it happen - and yet so many people seem to interpret this harmless, middling era of a family-orientated science fiction series as a personal attack on them. I chose to make peace with the Chibnall era, accept its flaws and things it did that didn't speak to me personally, and find aspects of the era that I love and focus on those. It was either that or walk away from watching, analysing and talking about new Doctor Who, which I really didn't want to do. It alarms me that so many other fans seem to be incapable of doing either, it's created a very toxic environment in certain sects of the fandom that the Doctor himself would be very disappointed in.
Being a doctor who fan myself I liked the chibnall era it’s not perfect no era of the show is perfect but as soon as he announced Jodie and she pulled the hood of her hoodie off in the casting reveal video the ani woke crowd came for the show and the discussion turned into u either had to instantly love her or hate her even before we saw a piece of footage from season 11 even though Sydney Newman the creator of the show said in an interview in the 80’s that regeneration was supposed to open up the role for men and women to be the doctor even though nobody was willing to cast a woman in the role until chibnall unless u count Steven moffat min 1999 when he casted Joanna lumley in the role in his charity sketch the curse of fatal death
I haven’t read the Twitter thread and maybe the OP does consider it one of the worst things that ever happened to him but I think that is very unlikely. It’s called clickbait. Everyone does it. Hyperbole is the language of the internet. Taking issue with a title rather than the actual piece is either lazy or disingenuous
Whenever life gives me lemons, I tell myself "At least I didn't have to watch The Last Jedi again."
The anger some fans felt over Luke discarding a light saber was extreme.
Whenever I watch one of your videos, I find myself nodding along. 👍
It's called "hyperbole".
If I say "Pineapple pizza is the work of the devil", I don't actually mean a fictional creature is the inventor of a food. I'm trying to make a point. You're an intelligent man, Steve, so I can only assume you understood that and so made this 25 minute long rant for your less intelligent viewers (or clicks). Way to respect them. With that said, I've asked several times for you to explain what is so "great" about The Last Jedi addressing the myriad of valid criticisms point by point. Let's start with the character assassinations of Luke, Leia and Yoda and then move on to all the various ways the movie absolutely broke the lore (and established rules) of the films that came before it. And while you do so, please keep in mind that George Lucas and Mark Hamill agree with both of these criticisms specifically. Feel free to explain how you know better than the literal creator of the universe and the actor who played the central character for the past 40 years.
I can’t say I loved any of the sequel films, but TLJ was the best of the three by a wide margin. It’s sort of a mess, but was the only one that was at least attempting to do something interesting & fresh. And my sense is that the reasons I liked it (or liked it better than the others, anyway) were many of the same reasons the arrested adolescents hate it so much.
I'm really interested: What do you like about it? What do you think is "interesting and fresh"? I like almost all the Rey and Kylo scenes and the connection they have. But that is a hidden gem in a trainwreck of a movie and probably should have been paced better and been spread out more into the 3rd movie.
@@cl8733 I liked the rejection of the trope of lineage as destiny and of force mastery as the exclusive province of a few genetically superior bloodlines. I liked the subversion of the too-familiar plot where the lovable rogue who plays by his own rules bucks the stodgy authority figure to save the day. I liked how it complicated the simple manichaeism of the earlier films. I liked allowing Luke to have evolved into someone still capable of serious mistakes and of being haunted by regrets rather than just being some all-wise super badass. And I liked the narrative use of fight choreography, which in the throne room scene is damn near genius.
@@normative Ok, fair points. Thank you.
Actually, I can relate. Still, I think they overdid it with Luke. I would have been okay if the events with Kylo had shaken him so badly that he wanted to seriously retire, but if he sees that he's needed now, he should come around. Let him still be the grumpy Jedi Master by all means.
The whole "loveable rogue losing focus" sidequest would have been unnecessary if the authority figures had communicated better. Holdo is objectively a bad leader. Everybody has lost faith in her, they all think she is leading them to their death without a fight, while she could have simply told them "I have a plan, there is a secret tunnel ahead, we can escape". That has nothing to do with her being a purple haired female and Poe being a male young rogue. Mutiny happens when there is bad leadership and people feel like they have no choice.
That would have rendered the whole "get the MacGuffin" sidequest useless and the screen time could have been spent on giving Finn something meaningful to do, e.g. exploring his force sensitivity.
Bless you for this, and for the Starfleet Historian short.
Pure anodynes for what is passing for reality these days.
I really wish I could say, "it's only a movie."
Seeing a bad movie or movie i didn't like wouldn't even come near the worst things that ever happened to me (& by extension at times my family)
Ive seen some movies that i disliked so much that one of them i even walked out of.
I chalked that up to "oh well! That was an experience" & went on with my life.
Like with TV shows I'll give one a chance for 3 or 4 episodes.
If i dont like it I just don't watch it.
I think you're right in saying that
If a movie is the worst thing thats ever happened to you, you must have lived an amazingly privileged life.
Get a grip indeed
““But, uh, I’ve got a crystal ball..!--“ he said. So, I snatched it all away from him, and I showed him how to do it right.”
-F. Zappa
I know there's a Wars/Trek divide, but I wonder if there is much overlap between people who really hate The Last Jedi and people who really like Star Trek Lower Decks and Picard Season 3. I think part of the reason the lightsaber toss got to so many people emotionally (beyond it being the resolution of the cliffhanger from the previous film) was that the character does not treat prior stuff with the reverence that they as fans do. Luke acts like a character with opinions on the world he lives in, rather than a fan who considers his history to be among the greatest films ever made.
What about the line that being taken to a movie was the kindest thing his family ever did for him? That's equally weird.
I can only assume he was kept in a box and only allowed to watch Star Wars movies while all his other needs were met.
Hate feeds the algorithm.
Concerning the Last Jedi: walking out of the theater, I didn’t immediately like it. But after thinking about it on and off over the course of a few weeks, I started to change my mind. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and settle down before making a final judgement.
My family took me to see "Xanadu" and also "Howard the Duck" in the theater. So that guy knows nothing of pain.
Watching this video is the worst thing that has ever happened to me... I think I will subscribe for more.
I'm glad somebody agrees with me that 1 & 2 are New Hope & Empire and next up is Last Jedi, in terms of quality. New Hope & Empire are tied in my mind.
As someone who has seen all the Star Wars films at the theatrical release on the big screen - yes, I was 15 in 77 - I see this film as one of the weakest entries. It has more silly moments than most, and yes, all the films have silly cringe moments even from the beginning, but the last act is fine. The bombing sequence and slowmo chase are pretty terrible though. But it ends pretty well. I feel like rewatching it a lot less than others, and I have rewatched them all a lot. Yep. It's just a movie. They all are. I don't quite understand the extreme hate or the extreme love for this one. It was... okay.
This guy hasn't lived long enough. There is a Library of Congress replete of execrable movies.
I never understood how someone could say that something ruined their childhood...then I saw the Last Jedi.
For a lot of people it’s not just a movie, but their childhood.
I was so excited about watching a youtube. But then Steve liked The Last Jedi!
That was the worst moment of my life!
Darren is truly a delight! the deep dives he does into the media he reviews is mind expanding!
Standard-issue internet person hyperbole from the the Twitter poster.
Last Jedi sucked tho
With the passage of time, I can admit that the haters kind of have a point about the mechanics of Star-Wars-universe space travel being messed up in the B-plot. Pedantic, yes, but a fair cop.
But the transformation of Luke into a cranky hermit who decided that the Jedi attempting to monopolize the Force was the basis of everything that went wrong... That's really interesting! And, you know, I've aged since 1977 as much as Luke Skywalker had since "Star Wars" and gotten jaded and regretful about a lot of things, and I was feeling that. I understand that Mark Hamill himself didn't agree with the choices the script and direction made here. But, damn, he knocked it out of the park. Gave the performance of his life.
My issue with the Last Jedi is that I spent it being bored out of my mind. I love lots of bad movies, but boring ones make me feel like I wasted my life. Admittedly though reading Priest-Kings of Gor was worse.
Last Jedi didn't broke just Internet, it has forever tarnish Star Wars.
Otherwise, how Acolyte a SW TV Show that has lightsabers and the freaking Plagueis himself appeared got so underperoformed from sheer antipathy that it got canceled? Though I would agrue the Sequels were doomed the moment they decanonize Old EU and decided to make to with no plan or unifying vision.
The fact that what TLJ discourse did to the internet may not have been an insignificant factor in DT being reelected should be a terrible sign for our society. Like we're going down like Atlantis, man.
i'd say humanity had a good run, but it really didn't.
I love the last jedi. My favorite part is that Ray is strong and capable and comes from nothing.
Yeah a ton of the complaints came of as demanding these films be stuck in the past and just redo older plot points. That or suddenly turning Star Wars into hard sci fi- but only when it's convenient. The crazy stuff in the first film, like super fast ftl and ties screaming and whatever the death star is powered by are given a pass. First, if space has a fluid medium for sound to travel through, than this universe is very, very different from our own. Which would probably have all sorts of implications, aside from sound and dog fighting. They only use "realism" when it's convenient, hence their standard not being top papers by astrophysicists, but a 70s space fantasy movie.
Jesus, I wish a movie was one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. A movie hasn't cracked the top 1000 worst things that have ever happened to me, even Godfather 3. The Last Jedi was my favorite of the 3. I've enjoyed all of Ryan Johnson's movies.
I've only ever walked out on 1 movie, and it's not even that movie's fault. I walked out on Copland because it was pretty boring, but I was also 11. I wasn't it's target audience. I was simply more interested in the video games in the lobby and waited for my parents to be done. I can't imagine letting a movie have that much power over my emotional state....
I didn't like TLJ either, but I was straight-up DISGUSTED by the way half the fanbase reacted to it. You'd think they were 8-year-olds finding out "Santa" isn't real or something.
I tried to engage in the online discourse. One side sh*t on me for not liking it. The others sh*t on me EVEN MORE for not hating it harder.
Wait, what's that about Santa now?
@@jasonpugh2908 My bad, shoulda put a "spoiler" tag on that.
@@andyb1653 LOL
yeah, that's about how I felt.
I thought there was some ideas in there. But a good half was just plain bad.
@@eriks2962Oh, ep.8 had its moments, for sure. I loved the scene with Ghost Yoda, it was truly a great moment. "Failure, the greatest teacher is." What a line. And very true. TLJ could've made a good standalone "Star Wars Story" if you swapped some of the legacy characters out for new ones. But as the 2nd film of a trilogy (and the 8th film of a larger "saga"), it just didn't hit after the launchpad ep.7 provided.
I worked at a paper and my first (comparatively sane) editor had a good saying, "Whatever we print today, remember that it will probably go up people's chimneys tomorrow."
There are many who said "it ruined my childhood" or "it was the most tragic thing in my life to see that movie". just wow.. wow. I mean really. I love Star Wars from the deepest of my hearts. My career is in music and I have conducted, arranged and written papers on the structure of the music by John Williams. But let's be honest, They are just movies as you stated. My mother passed away early in the same year that The Last Jedi was released (I actually loved TLJ) but if I didn't which do you think would have been the worst tragic thing in my life? So let's think about it and be realistic. How did I feel when I went into the theatre and watched The Last Jedi and Luke said to Leia "no one is really gone" about Han, but here I am going through the first holiday season without my Mom. I must admit, if anything that line helped me get through the holiday season than anything.
It's always the "eh it was okay" products that people freak out the most over.
Am I the only person who read that tweet as hyperbolic? There's no way he actually sees the movie as one of the worst things that's ever happened to him, he's exaggerating to make a point.
I liked the last Jedi but this just seems like a bad faith take on his tweet
and this video exists to make a point, because people who say that and are not doing it for drama, do exist, and they affect real people, with death threats for example.
For those excited about the last Jedi; It doesn't even come close to the feeling of standing in line, or sitting in the front row during the opening in 1977. Wouldn't trade that for any other Star Wars event ever!
Great Stuff. Reminds me of something I heard on The Dana Gould Hour:
"If you ever think you don't have it good in life, go find the nearest homeless person and complain to them about how expensive it is to go camping."
There's a lot of people on these internets who are in dire need of going outside for a while. And I see a few of them were prompted by the thumbnail image to demonstrate it in the comments.
I grew up on the Justice League animated series. Loved it. Big comics fan. Hated the Justice League movie. Among the top 1000 bad things that happened to me? Not even close.
13:23 "A grown-up, emotionally healthy, well-adjusted person" does not exist on Twitter.
man one more thing
exageration is a very common use of the English language
its been like this for centuries, its crazy that star wars talks somehow are excluded
Exactly. It’s hyperbole. And yes, it’s a BAD MOVIE.
The thing you didn't really get into, that I think is really at the HEART of the original post and others like it.. Is the obsession with canon and the sacred timeline. The reason a bad movie can feel like the worst thing that ever happened to them is because they've poured so much of their time and brainpower into obsessively building the timeline as a structure within their own minds. A house of cards that can be destroyed by a sequel with a continuity error or a retcon and when that house collapses its like it takes part of their brain with it.
Your conclusion/summary at the end was spot on, Steve. Well stated.
I saw 'The Spirit' in the cinema in the week it appeared, and was more entertained by counting the number of people who walked out and being able to predict the dialogue of some of the characters than by the movie itself which, let's face it, was not Frank Miller's finest hour. But worst experience of my life? Not by a long shot...
Attack of the Clones didn't offend me the way Rise of Skywalker did.
While AotC is a dumb film, it's still entertaining.
RoS was just a slap in the face the entire way through, making virtually every wrong decision from start to finish.
I'd never seen a film I hated in theaters until RoS.
At least it didn't have racist caricatures like the prequels
"Relax kid it's only a movie" is the advice that Ham Salad gave Fluke Starbucker in the underated Hardware Wars. A much better parody in 13 minutes than Spaceballs acheived in 90.
8:35 Having seen a movie is none of the worst things that have ever happened to me, but I'm avoiding The Human Centipede on purpose.
I'm looking forward to your expose on whether or not Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons really thinks it's the "worst episode ever."