One restriction on your charging movement is that you have to end the movement closer to the target of the charge. So yes, models can go in any direction if they can't base, but they still have to finish closer to the charge target.
At around 6:30 you begin describing a method for getting around the judiciar's fights first ability. I don't understand how pile in is supposed to do that? The unit completes a charge move, so it gets fights first as always. The judiciar retains the fights first bonus, though, as it is his datasheet ability. So in the sequencing per the core rules, fights first units fight first, starting with the player whose turn is not taking place. Therefore it seems to me that the judiciar and bladeguard will still fight first, nothing changed from the ordinary. The only scenario I am aware of where the judicar would not fight first is if he charged a unit that had the same fights first ability. What am I missing?
One restriction on your charging movement is that you have to end the movement closer to the target of the charge. So yes, models can go in any direction if they can't base, but they still have to finish closer to the charge target.
You wouldn't be able to heroic with Hellbrecht at 2:29 because his unit is battle shocked after the Sag destroyed the Impulsor he came out of
@5:00 you have a unit strung out towards the camera. If there are more than 7 models those last 2 guys couldn't be in unit coherentcy.
At around 6:30 you begin describing a method for getting around the judiciar's fights first ability. I don't understand how pile in is supposed to do that? The unit completes a charge move, so it gets fights first as always. The judiciar retains the fights first bonus, though, as it is his datasheet ability. So in the sequencing per the core rules, fights first units fight first, starting with the player whose turn is not taking place. Therefore it seems to me that the judiciar and bladeguard will still fight first, nothing changed from the ordinary. The only scenario I am aware of where the judicar would not fight first is if he charged a unit that had the same fights first ability. What am I missing?