Great lesson. Yupik and Inuktut have so many similarities. Thank you in my dialect is qujannamiik the j is pronounced like your y and qujana for us have become "nevermind' yet the word qujali is to be greatful so a person that is greatful is qujalijuq. I am greatful is qujalivunga.
Please do more videos like this. Very helpful.
Great lesson. Yupik and Inuktut have so many similarities. Thank you in my dialect is qujannamiik the j is pronounced like your y and qujana for us have become "nevermind' yet the word qujali is to be greatful so a person that is greatful is qujalijuq. I am greatful is qujalivunga.
More please!!!!
Nutaan iluq
איך קען נישט