I absolutely adored this vlog for so many different reasons, one of them was just how cute and sweet you were being. I also wanted to just remind you that you are not alone, we have all been going through it! This year has been something else! You have every right to be frustrated and go ahead and complain. This has all been 🐂💩
Aw you are the sweetest! I am feeling so calm and happy these days 😌 Thank you my friend. It has been a year of lessons for SURE, and for most people! Thank you for always holding the space for me to be as human as I need to be ♥️♥️ 🐎💩 indeed 😮💨
I absolutely adored this vlog for so many different reasons, one of them was just how cute and sweet you were being. I also wanted to just remind you that you are not alone, we have all been going through it! This year has been something else! You have every right to be frustrated and go ahead and complain. This has all been 🐂💩
Aw you are the sweetest! I am feeling so calm and happy these days 😌
Thank you my friend. It has been a year of lessons for SURE, and for most people! Thank you for always holding the space for me to be as human as I need to be ♥️♥️ 🐎💩 indeed 😮💨
It’s polish too but not a boot I always got gifts under the pillow
How fun!!