Russia Plus I love your videos. I am an older American that travelled to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novgorod in 2018. What I saw was very clean and beautiful with friendly people who loved their country. More Americans should come to Russia. I loved it and I have seen a lot of the world.
I now live in Kazan. It's really a beautiful, clean and safe city. I like Kazan for it's architecture and history. There are many places in Kazan where you can go with a girl or with friends. I especially like Bauman street. The city has a lot of transport, so you can easily get to any place you need. A lot of people live in Kazan, so it never gets boring here. Kazan is definitely one of the most beautiful cities, if not the most)))
Kazan is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia with a very rich history. My favorite places in Kazan are Kul Sharif, the Palace of Farmers, Lake Nizhny Kaban and the Opera and Ballet Theater.The economy and tourism are very well developed here, thousands of tourists visit Kazan every year. This video is very useful for those who want to visit the city, because the video shows those long-term features that tourists should visit
I agree with you as I was looking forward to a trip to come see my russian friend Maksim, who lived in Kazan, sadly he died in one of the Kazan clinics on the 17th of October aged 26 years only, I am just heartbroken and lost without him, i miss him so much. I will never be able to come to Kazan as I needed Maksim to help me with the visa invitation, that won't happen now. What a lovely city you are, I will never see it now he has died suddenly. Beautiful country is Russia. You really take pride in your homeland, Kazan is amazing as was my russian friend too Maksim Nikonorov 1998-2024
I am tatar myself and Kazan is my hometown. I am super proud of my roots and this video really cheered me up. This city always strucks those who visit it with its architecture and culture. People themselves are great too. If you want to have a diverse circle of friends you might wanna stay here. Most of the people you will meet at your path here are goal-oriented and motivating so you won't be able to procrastinate a lot and will always be energized. The way this city lives is something you just have to experience in order to understand it.
retroxlove Go outside the city center of Kazan and you will be "clean". In General, this city is only tourist. It is impossible to live here as in the whole of Russia. I'm going to go to Europe from here myself. By the way, greetings from Kazan.
From October 2, 1552 (Tsar Ivan IV annexed the city to Russia) . And the remains of the state of Tartary became part of Russia. But on the European maps, for another 200 years, Muscovy, Russia, and Tartaria were depicted as 3 separate states. It was one of the futile attempts of European Catholics to rewrite history.
Antromoji Almost half of the Russian troops were Tatars. In fact, Kazan was occupied by the Mongols in power and Ivan the Terrible came and liberated Kazan
Kazan is the most comfortable city for me. It's really a vibrant city. There is a lot of beautiful architecture with an interesting history. Here you can find hobby which suits you. Kazan is a safe and clean city. Coming here you forget about all the problems and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. Here are the most beautiful sunsets. People are kind and responsive. I think this video is great for those who want to visit this wonderful city. I love living here and definitely advise you to visit this city.
as a middle class foreign student ,,should i move to kazan..if you know what i am saying, like doing part time jobs to care my study and Living expenses. pleaee reply..currently i am doing my preparatory course in a University of kursk..but i want to move from here to persu my bachelors degree after june 2025.
I am from Tatarstan myself, but I study in Kazan. The city of Kazan is very rich in its history. I really liked the video. Watching this video, I felt proud of my republic. In Kazan you will find a lot for yourself, because there are many entertainments in this beautiful city. Such as: Museums, parks, an abundance of sports arenas, sports palaces and much more! I have a lot of acquaintances, friends and relatives in this city. I am proud for my city, for the Tatar people! Be sure to come visit us. We will meet warmly and appropriately.))
kazan is one of the most beautiful and peaceful cities I have seen in Russia, its roads ,building ,people ,and the history are so amazing, I love it so much and I will come back there soon ❤️
I have been to Kazan twice and so far it is my favorite Russian city ! I see they made many changes . Looking forward to another visit. I live in Iowa ,USA . It is nice to get out of the corn field once in a while . Kazan's people are friendly and helpful , food & culture are amazing. And the Women among the most beautiful in the world !
I'm living in Kazan right now. It is a really beautiful, clean and safe city. There are many attractions and entertainment places to go with friends. There is a lot of transport in the city, so you can easily get to any place you need. Kazan is my favorite city in Russia
@@Turkey99-AtaturkChicken Muslims are Tatars, Christians are cossacks They live peacefully because of strong Russian state that do not tolerate parallel power structures
Your videos are so good ! Im from Mexico. I never imagine that Russia could be so beautiful. From the county peacefull side to the amazing arquitecture of Moscow. That´s a country that I need to visit!! Thanks for showing us Russia
С какой русофобской стати? Это русская по духу архитектура русских по образованию архитекторов, там и основная часть населения - Русские. При этом Русские не уничтожают, а сохраняют и укрепляют местные культуры и местные народы, даже если те когда-то были враждебны к нам, нападали на нас, и проиграли нам в стародавней борьбе. Но, благодаря русской незлобивости и веротерпимости, мы всех, кто не враждебен к России, принимаем как друзей и соотечественников. А кто пытается подрыть под дружбу с Россией, с Русскими - тот враг не только России, но и собственного народа, т.к. обрекает его на бедствия, а возможно и на гибель (если русофобский Зверь сможет развязать мировую Войну, элементом чего является каждая русофобская выходка). Россия - София Божия. Враги России - бесы и шайтаны.
Казань - привилегированный русский город, потому что он еще и татарский, как Грозный - потому что еще и чеченский, маленький но очень симпатичный Майкоп - потому что он еще и адыгейский, -- но Вы-то делаете из этого "подводку", что эти города - "нерусские". Тем не менее русское культурное влияние и в этих городах - определяющее (даже в куполах мечетей); впрочем, как и все российские народы оказали влияние на русскую культуру, особенно в своих ареалах. Но Вы-то их противопоставляете, что неправильно, по-моему, а по нынешним временам легко может быть превратно истолковано и взято на вооружение именно русофобами. А то, что наша культура многонациональна, и что каждый народ сохраняет лица необщье выраженье, что Россия - не плавильный котел (слава Богу) - с этим я согласен. Но это должно быть основной единения, а не розни, взаимопризнания, а не взаимных претензий. PS. Но т.к. в целом мне эта Ваша декларация понравилась, с меня лайк :)
Jekson Geferson, в СССР дело сохранения (вплоть до создания письменности для некоторых дописьменных народов) было поставлено неплохо. Хотя были и издержки: слишком надолго оставили право на самоопределение, что привело к дезинтеграции; сейчас Запад и его клиентела явным образом пытаются дезинтегрировать Россию, и надо хорошенько понять, что тогда делалось правильно, а что - нет; думаю, что не следовало переводить только на кириллицу те народы, которые уже имели, например, арабскую, или персидскую письменность: вполне можно было бы использовать "двоебуквие", как обычным делом является двуязычие; ну а к Русским я отношу как Великороссов, так и Украинцев и Белорусов, - и если бы по всему СССР более-менее основательно знакомились и с украинской, и с белорусской мовами, многие недоразумения и обиды между братскими народами даже не возникли бы. Насчет тюркского мира, Монголы, насколько я знаю, не Тюрки (но действительно близки к Бурятам, была даже в свое время Бурят-Монгольская Республика), но в Бурятии, насколько я знаю, сохраняются родной язык и культура. Но должен сказать и то, что и между тюркскими языками порой расхождения бОльшие, чем между славянскими. Даже башкирский не идентичен татарскому (я - уроженец Уфы, так что немного в курсе; кстати, в Уфе, Вы правы, дела с сохранением родного языка все советское время были вполне в порядке: двуязычие в документах, в названиях, башкирские программы и передачи по ТВ и радио и т.д. В Крыму, насколько я знаю, сейчас многое делается для наверстывания того, что было упущено во времена принадлежности Крыма к Украине, как раз в деле сохранения национального языка и культуры. По-моему, крымско-татарский язык стал одним из госъязыков Крыма. Немного знаком с Саранском, - там хранится мордовский язык и культура. Конечно, надо поддерживать национальные культуры (я еще и за то, чтобы и местные диалекты хранить как живой источник речевого богатства). Но, повторюсь, при неукоснительном пресечении дезинтеграционных процессов, которые могут привести лишь к одному: к беде.
Польский для меня труден в восприятии устной речи, но читать могу практически без словаря. Болгарский легче воспринимается на слух, но трудно то, что нету падежей)). Насчет Бахчисарая как столицы Крыма - я сейчас глянул процентные доли в населении, Симферополь с большей степени отражает процентный расклад, чем Бахчисарай. Все же Крым теперь не Крымско-Татарский по превалирующему населению. А если углубляться в историю, то доберемся и до Греков, а потом, пройдя через Греков, дойдем до Скифов, а они участвовали в большей степени в русском этногенезе :). Ну, надеюсь, победит дружба. Против арабистики и татарских университетов, разумеется, ничего не имею - всегда знание лучше незнания, а публичное знание лучше келейного. Что до угроз внутренних и внешних, -- угрозы-то есть, но будем уповать на здравомыслие людей и Божью милость к России. Всего Вам доброго!
Kazan is one truely magnificent city, I have been there 6 times and every time I go I discover something else to fall in love with. The Architecture is amazing and the people are friendly, a fabulous city.
Я был там с моим другом в 2018 году и в июле. привет из ливана I was there with my friend, in July 2018. Really I didn't expect that Kazan is so beautiful. First sight after coming from the train station, then taxi to some point not so far from our hotel "Kazan grand hotel", I saw a street and screamed toward my friend with still late, "Arbat street is here", actually it is really called mini-Arbat. Amazing city Kazan. and we are both planning to revisit it uncountable times. I love it
Richard Cranendonk now...egles...konto...lagoj...
I came to Kazan to get a higher education from a small village. It was very hard to get used to the big city, but I have no regrets. Kazan is a clean city with kind and sympathetic people. I love Kazan ❤️
Kazan is Russian best kept secret city. Beautiful, rich culture, safe, and lots to see. I accidentally saw the picture of the city on the airplane and asked my Russian friends where is it, and ended up a weekend tour there. I love it.
Built beautiful is the language of the soviet union,is not surprise Kazan is as beautiful, well planned and clean like all other cities in Russia. I love it.
Thank you, RussianPlus! I was ignorant of Kazan but now have placed it high on my list of interests. I am an American citizen, but I am not in agreement with my government. I feel very bad about my governments' policies towards Russia since 1989.
I went to Moscow two years ago with preconceptions of what to expect...... TV is a lie! they want you to think they are suffering, poor and decayed..... it is the opposite, even nicer than the US
@Karol Szymon Wiśniewski you have 60 million poor people living on food cards. And you live, plundering other countries and unleashing wars around the world
Davvero Molto Molto Molto Bella! I'm italiano married to a russian woman. At the moment we are in Sicilia Italia, but we'r planning to visit KAZAN in Agosto August. Grazie mille, Thank you very much for this and all of your other bellissimi vids about Russia. Ciao.
I've been here last aug. 2019. Very beautiful city, with beautiful scenery. Food is less expensive and people are very accomodating. Kremlin is amazing! Hope i can back here soon. I miss you Kazan!!☺💗 from philippines
i was in kazan last year 2018 for 5 months i was study in university it's so beautiful city and nice people there i missed to back my heart is burning on kazan i wish one day i go back to kazan i love you kazan
I moved to this city recently! Kazan is a very beautiful and full of history city. I like the multinational people living here. The video is very interesting and useful for those who are going to visit this beautiful city. Kazan has become a second home for me. I like sights and people. It has everything for a comfortable life.🌷
Not like what CNN and BBS are showing us. Where is the devastation and drunkenness? Where are the hungry bears? Kazan is my favorite city. The city is beautiful.
Trump is right that western media are always making fake news, they always describe everything badly in Russia and China, see what is exact peoples life in Russia and China, it is totally different from they had told us!
Beautiful city and country. I visited The USSR as an American just before it's opening up by Gorbachev, early 1990's. I am amazed by all the positive changes. Makes me seriously consider moving from the states
What another interesting city. Great idea doing these videos! There is a lot of misconception about Russia these videos help dispel many of them. Keep up the good work!.
I visited Kazan in 2000, the Kul Sharif Mosque was just beginning to be built on that time: I keep very good souvenirs of that town, of the Tatar family who invited me and the lovely mixed women (Asian/European). I've also noticed that Tatars were rediscovering their roots... I wich to visit it again one day: long life to a brilliant peaceful Kazan and Tatarstan!
Ville moderne et spacieuse, propre et généreuse , c'est une grande découverte pour moi. J'ai tout de suite regardé son histoire et son économie. Belle vidéo, bravo.
In my opinion, Kazan is indeed one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. A little less than a year ago, I moved to study in this city and never cease to be amazed at its beauty. I like Kazan with variations of the interweaving of different cultures. In this city, I found many friends among the locals, thanks to them I began to learn the culture of Tatarstan. Walking around Kazan at night and drinking tea is a pleasure! I hope that as many people as possible will be able to visit this wonderful city. I am satisfied with life and study in this beautiful city and I want to stay here!
You forgot to mention the Kazan Ballet Company, one of the best in the world, with amazing dancers, particularly Oleg Ivenko, more of an athlete than all the athletes who attend the venues you mentioned. Also amazing facilities for these dancers.
hoherspatz i think it's gonna be hard to imagine that situation in the West🤣🤣🤣... and maybe just a little bit city in the west that could be like kazan where Muslims and Christians live side by side as safe and always respect to each other...
Hey. Kazan is another big city in Russia. Its on the Trans-Siberian railway so it gets quite a bit of tourists. Lets see what it's really like. Let me know what you think!
In Kazan learn 120000 students each year. Many of them stay in Kazan after finishing education. That's why human capital is more better in this city, and second reason , that Kazan multicultural, and best things connected from many of culture, Tatar, Russia and aliens.
Kazan is a really beautiful and cozy city. I am glad that I moved to this city. There are a huge number of opportunities that will help you develop and become even better.
I've never seen such videos about Kazan. It's very impressive! I am pleased that my city is considered as beautiful, unusual and clean. Thank you for such an incredible video with an excellent editing, I learned many facts about this city.
Such beautiful city! I'm surprised at how clean and organized this city. The author showed a lot of interesting places in video. There is many places which I want to visit after watching the video. I hope to visit them all in the future!
Kazan is a beautiful city with great history,national food,infrastructure and people of course . I’ve been living here since my birth and I think it’s a really great place to live. It isn’t too big ,but not too small. Thanks to this, the city lives but does not have long traffic jams. The city is also a tourist destination. Thousands of people visit it every year and some of them take their roots here. The population reaches about 1.3 million people here and that makes me smile. I’m thankful to this city for everything it has given to me and for opportunities it will give me in my future.
I have been living in Kazan for 8 months, because I entered here to study. Of course I like my city, but Kazan is a wonderful city. Architecture, sights, parks, painting, I really like living here. Of course, at first it was difficult and unusual, Kazan is so big and gives a lot of opportunities that you don't have time to be bored and sad. A lot of new and interesting things, I'm just delighted. Before that, I visited Kazan 3 times as a guest, and now I live here and study and have never regretted that I chose this city!
I live in Kazan and I am very pleased to see a video about this city, a very interesting and informative video. There are many beautiful places in this city. very tasty traditional cuisine. There are excellent roads throughout the republic, as well as in the city itself. Also, the city of Kazan can be called the sports capital. Sports competitions are constantly held in Kazan at excellent stadiums
Kazan is one of my favourite city in Russia. It is not so big as St.P. and not so noisy as Moscow . Kazan is very comfortable and has everything I need. I really enjoy being here .
I am delighted with the city. Kazan is a modern city, but it has also preserved its historical uniqueness. It is impossible not to relax in the city, many parks and embankments. I am a guest of this city and I am very surprised by it and recommend it to every tourist. Beautiful people, amazingly beautiful places, this is what you will see here
I am Tatar., but I grew up in Germany and am now working here also. Great to see my birth town represented like this. Trish bushmak are just triangles filled with meat :D
Thanks for your work. I live near by Kazan, but not known many thing about her. Kazan is flourishing. I'm proud for her. I want to unite my town with Kazan. Everyone can find their place here. It will always surprise you. People here are really very tolerant. He told and showed everything in great detail. You're a big lad. Thank you for making our city popular. We will try to bring your video to trends.
Russia Plus I love your videos. I am an older American that travelled to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novgorod in 2018. What I saw was very clean and beautiful with friendly people who loved their country. More Americans should come to Russia. I loved it and I have seen a lot of the world.
What a beautiful city! I would be really happy to visit it one day
Greetings from Italy ❤️
Да это Татарстан Татары живут очень милые Люди
The beauty and cleanliness in the City is phenomenal. It is on our a must-go list for the next trip.
Love from a Pakistani American
I now live in Kazan. It's really a beautiful, clean and safe city. I like Kazan for it's architecture and history. There are many places in Kazan where you can go with a girl or with friends. I especially like Bauman street. The city has a lot of transport, so you can easily get to any place you need. A lot of people live in Kazan, so it never gets boring here. Kazan is definitely one of the most beautiful cities, if not the most)))
hey .may i ask you a couple question?
Really 💫
I am a Turkish-American, I have a cousin who is studying there right now and he says he really likes it! 😄👍
I am Turk, I always had emotional connection to Kazan. Idk, I would like to visit. Respect to Tatar brothers and sisters.
Kazan is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia with a very rich history. My favorite places in Kazan are Kul Sharif, the Palace of Farmers, Lake Nizhny Kaban and the Opera and Ballet Theater.The economy and tourism are very well developed here, thousands of tourists visit Kazan every year. This video is very useful for those who want to visit the city, because the video shows those long-term features that tourists should visit
I agree with you as I was looking forward to a trip to come see my russian friend Maksim, who lived in Kazan, sadly he died in one of the Kazan clinics on the 17th of October aged 26 years only, I am just heartbroken and lost without him, i miss him so much. I will never be able to come to Kazan as I needed Maksim to help me with the visa invitation, that won't happen now. What a lovely city you are, I will never see it now he has died suddenly. Beautiful country is Russia. You really take pride in your homeland, Kazan is amazing as was my russian friend too Maksim Nikonorov 1998-2024
Hi.. i live in kazan and i love it,,iam from greece,and the people here is very friendly,and very kind..I LOVE YOU KAZAN.
Μπράβο ρε φίλε!
First I was having a plan of visiting New York, United States but now after seeing I change my plan to visit the city of Kazan, Russia
Rahmat brother
Dont be fool.. Go to new yok
I am tatar myself and Kazan is my hometown. I am super proud of my roots and this video really cheered me up. This city always strucks those who visit it with its architecture and culture. People themselves are great too. If you want to have a diverse circle of friends you might wanna stay here. Most of the people you will meet at your path here are goal-oriented and motivating so you won't be able to procrastinate a lot and will always be energized. The way this city lives is something you just have to experience in order to understand it.
Красив град! Поздрави на Казан от България!
Спасибо! Привет Болгарским братьям!
Хочу к вам на море.
Как же похожи славянские языки)), сверху пишет словак: "Красивой Город"))), чувствуется славянское родство языков))).
Привет я из Казани
@@Zaaaazz Ананнын сэгим блэт!
Привет из России, обожаю болгарскую Чалгу 👍
Love from New York and New England USA
Dan Nguyen New York is not New England man, come on!
I never knew about Kazan until now. It’s very beautiful and clean. I would love to visit someday. Greetings from USA :)
retroxlove Go outside the city center of Kazan and you will be "clean". In General, this city is only tourist. It is impossible to live here as in the whole of Russia. I'm going to go to Europe from here myself. By the way, greetings from Kazan.
@Oleg Vasilev looks ok
@Рамис Карама не забывай эта русская земля ясно авы там никто
Marvellous city. Christians and Muslims live peacefully together.
From October 2, 1552 (Tsar Ivan IV annexed the city to Russia) . And the remains of the state of Tartary became part of Russia. But on the European maps, for another 200 years, Muscovy, Russia, and Tartaria were depicted as 3 separate states. It was one of the futile attempts of European Catholics to rewrite history.
+Antromoji Doesn't change the fact that Russians and Tatars are living peacefuly together for centuries.
Almost half of the Russian troops were Tatars. In fact, Kazan was occupied by the Mongols in power and Ivan the Terrible came and liberated Kazan
not true about 'liberated Kazan". In fact at 1552 russian kill many tatars.
Islam haha bullshit
Kazan is the most comfortable city for me. It's really a vibrant city. There is a lot of beautiful architecture with an interesting history. Here you can find hobby which suits you. Kazan is a safe and clean city. Coming here you forget about all the problems and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. Here are the most beautiful sunsets. People are kind and responsive. I think this video is great for those who want to visit this wonderful city. I love living here and definitely advise you to visit this city.
as a middle class foreign student ,,should i move to kazan..if you know what i am saying, like doing part time jobs to care my study and Living expenses. pleaee reply..currently i am doing my preparatory course in a University of kursk..but i want to move from here to persu my bachelors degree after june 2025.
Kazan is another beautiful city of Russia it’s neat and very clean I went to see World Cup in Kazan Arena it’s amazing stadium. Big ❤️❤️from India.
@Ozkan Onalan Почему ты такой злой
@Ozkan Onalan Why are you so angry?
Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Not all of Russia is as shown here.
@@привет-л6щ да правда
@Jigov you mean Volga Bulgar 😂
One of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. I honestly fell in love with the City! Russia's Best Kept Secrets!
I am from Tatarstan myself, but I study in Kazan. The city of Kazan is very rich in its history. I really liked the video. Watching this video, I felt proud of my republic. In Kazan you will find a lot for yourself, because there are many entertainments in this beautiful city. Such as: Museums, parks, an abundance of sports arenas, sports palaces and much more! I have a lot of acquaintances, friends and relatives in this city. I am proud for my city, for the Tatar people! Be sure to come visit us. We will meet warmly and appropriately.))
kazan is one of the most beautiful and peaceful cities I have seen in Russia, its roads ,building ,people ,and the history are so amazing, I love it so much and I will come back there soon ❤️
I am coming in two days. Greetings from Ireland
Hey, you are welcome!
If you wish, I can get acquainted
IdrIs Khasanov I have everything arranged thanks, but I am buying you a coffee haha. I'll be in Bahet hotel not far from Bauman street. 15 min walk
IdrIs Khasanov see you Tuesday ;-)
превед ирландия
I love Kazan. I lived there for two years. I miss it so much. Greetings from Serbia
I have been to Kazan twice and so far it is my favorite Russian city ! I see they made many changes . Looking forward to another visit. I live in Iowa ,USA . It is nice to get out of the corn field once in a while . Kazan's people are friendly and helpful , food & culture are amazing. And the Women among the most beautiful in the world !
Там живут Татары
I'm living in Kazan right now. It is a really beautiful, clean and safe city. There are many attractions and entertainment places to go with friends. There is a lot of transport in the city, so you can easily get to any place you need. Kazan is my favorite city in Russia
What a beautiful city, where Christian and Muslims live together peacefully.
Because they same ethnicity
Muslims are Tatars, Christians are cossacks
They live peacefully because of strong Russian state that do not tolerate parallel power structures
Problem western christian not ruusia
I want to live in Kazan!❤❤❤❤ How lovely.
@@Turkey99-AtaturkChicken Arent most of christians Russians and muslims are Tatars?
Your videos are so good ! Im from Mexico. I never imagine that Russia could be so beautiful. From the county peacefull side to the amazing arquitecture of Moscow. That´s a country that I need to visit!! Thanks for showing us Russia
С какой русофобской стати? Это русская по духу архитектура русских по образованию архитекторов, там и основная часть населения - Русские. При этом Русские не уничтожают, а сохраняют и укрепляют местные культуры и местные народы, даже если те когда-то были враждебны к нам, нападали на нас, и проиграли нам в стародавней борьбе. Но, благодаря русской незлобивости и веротерпимости, мы всех, кто не враждебен к России, принимаем как друзей и соотечественников. А кто пытается подрыть под дружбу с Россией, с Русскими - тот враг не только России, но и собственного народа, т.к. обрекает его на бедствия, а возможно и на гибель (если русофобский Зверь сможет развязать мировую Войну, элементом чего является каждая русофобская выходка). Россия - София Божия. Враги России - бесы и шайтаны.
Казань - привилегированный русский город, потому что он еще и татарский, как Грозный - потому что еще и чеченский, маленький но очень симпатичный Майкоп - потому что он еще и адыгейский, -- но Вы-то делаете из этого "подводку", что эти города - "нерусские". Тем не менее русское культурное влияние и в этих городах - определяющее (даже в куполах мечетей); впрочем, как и все российские народы оказали влияние на русскую культуру, особенно в своих ареалах. Но Вы-то их противопоставляете, что неправильно, по-моему, а по нынешним временам легко может быть превратно истолковано и взято на вооружение именно русофобами. А то, что наша культура многонациональна, и что каждый народ сохраняет лица необщье выраженье, что Россия - не плавильный котел (слава Богу) - с этим я согласен. Но это должно быть основной единения, а не розни, взаимопризнания, а не взаимных претензий.
PS. Но т.к. в целом мне эта Ваша декларация понравилась, с меня лайк :)
Jekson Geferson, в СССР дело сохранения (вплоть до создания письменности для некоторых дописьменных народов) было поставлено неплохо. Хотя были и издержки: слишком надолго оставили право на самоопределение, что привело к дезинтеграции; сейчас Запад и его клиентела явным образом пытаются дезинтегрировать Россию, и надо хорошенько понять, что тогда делалось правильно, а что - нет; думаю, что не следовало переводить только на кириллицу те народы, которые уже имели, например, арабскую, или персидскую письменность: вполне можно было бы использовать "двоебуквие", как обычным делом является двуязычие; ну а к Русским я отношу как Великороссов, так и Украинцев и Белорусов, - и если бы по всему СССР более-менее основательно знакомились и с украинской, и с белорусской мовами, многие недоразумения и обиды между братскими народами даже не возникли бы. Насчет тюркского мира, Монголы, насколько я знаю, не Тюрки (но действительно близки к Бурятам, была даже в свое время Бурят-Монгольская Республика), но в Бурятии, насколько я знаю, сохраняются родной язык и культура. Но должен сказать и то, что и между тюркскими языками порой расхождения бОльшие, чем между славянскими. Даже башкирский не идентичен татарскому (я - уроженец Уфы, так что немного в курсе; кстати, в Уфе, Вы правы, дела с сохранением родного языка все советское время были вполне в порядке: двуязычие в документах, в названиях, башкирские программы и передачи по ТВ и радио и т.д. В Крыму, насколько я знаю, сейчас многое делается для наверстывания того, что было упущено во времена принадлежности Крыма к Украине, как раз в деле сохранения национального языка и культуры. По-моему, крымско-татарский язык стал одним из госъязыков Крыма. Немного знаком с Саранском, - там хранится мордовский язык и культура. Конечно, надо поддерживать национальные культуры (я еще и за то, чтобы и местные диалекты хранить как живой источник речевого богатства). Но, повторюсь, при неукоснительном пресечении дезинтеграционных процессов, которые могут привести лишь к одному: к беде.
Польский для меня труден в восприятии устной речи, но читать могу практически без словаря. Болгарский легче воспринимается на слух, но трудно то, что нету падежей)).
Насчет Бахчисарая как столицы Крыма - я сейчас глянул процентные доли в населении, Симферополь с большей степени отражает процентный расклад, чем Бахчисарай. Все же Крым теперь не Крымско-Татарский по превалирующему населению. А если углубляться в историю, то доберемся и до Греков, а потом, пройдя через Греков, дойдем до Скифов, а они участвовали в большей степени в русском этногенезе :).
Ну, надеюсь, победит дружба.
Против арабистики и татарских университетов, разумеется, ничего не имею - всегда знание лучше незнания, а публичное знание лучше келейного.
Что до угроз внутренних и внешних, -- угрозы-то есть, но будем уповать на здравомыслие людей и Божью милость к России.
Всего Вам доброго!
Kazan is one truely magnificent city, I have been there 6 times and every time I go I discover something else to fall in love with.
The Architecture is amazing and the people are friendly, a fabulous city.
Amazing Town. Amazing People. Amazing state. . Bravo.
have you visited it?
Я был там с моим другом в 2018 году и в июле. привет из ливана
I was there with my friend, in July 2018. Really I didn't expect that Kazan is so beautiful. First sight after coming from the train station, then taxi to some point not so far from our hotel "Kazan grand hotel", I saw a street and screamed toward my friend with still late, "Arbat street is here", actually it is really called mini-Arbat. Amazing city Kazan. and we are both planning to revisit it uncountable times. I love it
`Thank you Kazan! See you next summer.
Richard Cranendonk now...egles...konto...lagoj...
A very clean city, the streets and highways look completely new, and the buildings are beautiful.
a friend of mine recently came from Kazan and was impressed! It is one of the best and cosmopolitan cities in Russia!
I came to Kazan to get a higher education from a small village. It was very hard to get used to the big city, but I have no regrets. Kazan is a clean city with kind and sympathetic people. I love Kazan ❤️
I keep reading the same thing about Russia and Russians; one needs to visit and see Russia for themselves to see how beautiful it and it's people are,
Johnny Hero Nothing about Tatarstan?
Well, then it's not the best idea to observe Russia in Tatarstan.
Tatarstan. Turkic people. Turkic and Finno-Ugric lands
@@neyinnerse5614 where you get this information?
one needs to visit eastern ukraine and see what russia does for themselvs ;)
Kazan is Russian best kept secret city. Beautiful, rich culture, safe, and lots to see. I accidentally saw the picture of the city on the airplane and asked my Russian friends where is it, and ended up a weekend tour there. I love it.
действительно потрясающе, привет из Индонезии
Russia is Beautiful Country to Visit ☺☺
Built beautiful is the language of the soviet union,is not surprise Kazan is as beautiful, well planned and clean like all other cities in Russia. I love it.
Thank you, RussianPlus! I was ignorant of Kazan but now have placed it high on my list of interests. I am an American citizen, but I am not in agreement with my government. I feel very bad about my governments' policies towards Russia since 1989.
I went to Moscow two years ago with preconceptions of what to expect...... TV is a lie! they want you to think they are suffering, poor and decayed..... it is the opposite, even nicer than the US
@Karol Szymon Wiśniewski you have 60 million poor people living on food cards. And you live, plundering other countries and unleashing wars around the world
Kurt danke shoen. Or in tatar rahmat
@Karol Szymon Wiśniewski Butthurt huh ?? 😀😀😀
@Karol Szymon Wiśniewski At least I'm young and rich. not like you old and ugly. lol 😂😂😂
My beatiful Kazan.
So beautiful
6:30 dog selfie lol
Davvero Molto Molto Molto Bella!
I'm italiano married to a russian woman. At the moment we are in Sicilia Italia, but we'r planning to visit KAZAN in Agosto August.
Grazie mille, Thank you very much for this and all of your other bellissimi vids about Russia.
Looking forward to be there. Viva Russia!
Божечки, какая красотища!!!! Не зря новогодние праздники проведу в Казани!!!
I'm actually in Kazan right now.
If anyone is in Kazan, I'm the only black guy there so if you see one, that's probably me.
Nelson King common man we love black guys( dm me if you want drink some vodka😄)
There are a lot of students from Africa.
Oscar I know. It was a pleasant exaggeration.
Where are u from?
No way, there is a lot of black guys in Kazan, especially in our Universitys. Also there a lot of Turkeys, maybe more than black guys.
I've been here last aug. 2019. Very beautiful city, with beautiful scenery. Food is less expensive and people are very accomodating. Kremlin is amazing! Hope i can back here soon. I miss you Kazan!!☺💗 from philippines
A very well maintained city. Spectacular and looks rich in culture.
Greetings from Jordan.
I’m from India and living in kazan since 2012 and I’m in love with kazan and russia 🇷🇺
What sect of Islam is practiced there?
@@BudgetCarnivore sunni
How can one come to Kazan....
@@Hasanshorts90 apply tourist visa or apply study Visa..
Job s related any visa ....I want to work in Russia
God gifted Russia 🇷🇺 the best land 😎
Sxb ma tagnaa halkas kkkkk
Sxb i use to live Moscow ruushka ad bu u qurxonyahay
Somali Badassery Tatarstan is not so Russian
is not russia. it is Tatarstan
i was in kazan last year 2018 for 5 months i was study in university it's so beautiful city and nice people there i missed to back my heart is burning on kazan i wish one day i go back to kazan i love you kazan
I visited Kazan, it was very beautiful city, I loved it and after one month I will be there for study in Master Degree
Я обожаю это видео ! Спасибо большое. Из Бразилии - Маркос.
Thank you, RussianPlus. Your videos are always beautifully filmed, informative and a pleasure to watch. Please continue uploading them
Not his video clips though. He should give credit where he takes them from.
Movie Jose these are my clips. thanks for asking
RussianPlus само видео с канала Cool Time ))) Но спасибо за английский перевод
@@bazarkin-pubg да, так и есть, с разрешения cooltimes:)
I moved to this city recently! Kazan is a very beautiful and full of history city. I like the multinational people living here. The video is very interesting and useful for those who are going to visit this beautiful city. Kazan has become a second home for me. I like sights and people. It has everything for a comfortable life.🌷
Not like what CNN and BBS are showing us. Where is the devastation and drunkenness? Where are the hungry bears? Kazan is my favorite city. The city is beautiful.
Nobody trusts BBCand CNN .I m not Russian but dont worry i know how nice Russia and Russian people are because i have been for a vacation to Russia.
Гы ёпта)
Trump is right that western media are always making fake news, they always describe everything badly in Russia and China, see what is exact peoples life in Russia and China, it is totally different from they had told us!
O my God.... hungry bears 🤣
Good news is that CNN's ratings are falling. Nobody is watching that trash.😂😂
От България с любов!
Beautiful! Blessings frmo the United States and New JErsey
Otra increíble ciudad rusa ordenada y limpia , con hermosas arias verdes maravillosa arquitectura 👍
Татарстан Татары живут очень трудолюбивый народ ! И много наций очень дружно живём
Суверенитет Татарстан
Beautiful city and country. I visited The USSR as an American just before it's opening up by Gorbachev, early 1990's. I am amazed by all the positive changes. Makes me seriously consider moving from the states
What another interesting city. Great idea doing these videos! There is a lot of misconception about Russia these videos help dispel many of them.
Keep up the good work!.
Казань, ты величественная и великолепна!!!
So beautiful! I wish I could visit Kasan in the near future.
we do not close borders, unlike Europe
Казань это просто удивительно, как и весь Татарстан, всем вам пламенный салам из Узбекистана!!!
Ваалейкум Ассалам
Cok guzel bir sehirmis Kazan guzel insanlara selam olsun
I visited Kazan in 2000, the Kul Sharif Mosque was just beginning to be built on that time: I keep very good souvenirs of that town, of the Tatar family who invited me and the lovely mixed women (Asian/European). I've also noticed that Tatars were rediscovering their roots... I wich to visit it again one day: long life to a brilliant peaceful Kazan and Tatarstan!
You are wellcome, İ am tatar and İ like amazigh culture
Ville moderne et spacieuse, propre et généreuse , c'est une grande découverte pour moi. J'ai tout de suite regardé son histoire et son économie. Belle vidéo, bravo.
If people of different ethnicity & religion live in peace & harmony with each other, the city is a beautiful & properous city! Long-live Kazan!
I really like this video! Thank you for this work.
In my opinion, Kazan is indeed one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. A little less than a year ago, I moved to study in this city and never cease to be amazed at its beauty. I like Kazan with variations of the interweaving of different cultures. In this city, I found many friends among the locals, thanks to them I began to learn the culture of Tatarstan. Walking around Kazan at night and drinking tea is a pleasure! I hope that as many people as possible will be able to visit this wonderful city. I am satisfied with life and study in this beautiful city and I want to stay here!
Very nice place... hope to visit one day
it certainly looks beautiful as well as its people.
You forgot to mention the Kazan Ballet Company, one of the best in the world, with amazing dancers, particularly Oleg Ivenko, more of an athlete than all the athletes who attend the venues you mentioned. Also amazing facilities for these dancers.
The town where Islam and Christianity live side by side could you imagine this in the west in 2018?
hoherspatz i think it's gonna be hard to imagine that situation in the West🤣🤣🤣... and maybe just a little bit city in the west that could be like kazan where Muslims and Christians live side by side as safe and always respect to each other...
dewa biografi yeahh...😊
@Qcumber Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Kazan about fifty-fifty
Tartars are the most secular Muslims you will ever ever meet, at least from what I have heard.
in the Soviet Union, the population consisted of 80% atheists. Now religious rites are performed more as a cultural tradition.
Hey. Kazan is another big city in Russia. Its on the Trans-Siberian railway so it gets quite a bit of tourists. Lets see what it's really like. Let me know what you think!
RussianPlus I am from India and I fall in love with this beautiful city. I shall visit this place one day for sure. Keep uploading such contents
In Kazan learn 120000 students each year. Many of them stay in Kazan after finishing education. That's why human capital is more better in this city, and second reason , that Kazan multicultural, and best things connected from many of culture, Tatar, Russia and aliens.
What is the climate of Kazani and its geographical features!?
Thanks for so interesting video about my city
Jekson Geferson ... but it mostly written as Kazan instead of Qazan like you say .... why u rekomend Qazan rather than Kazan
Как по мне один из самых красивых городов России, если не самый красивый. Когда я там был, то было красиво, а это около 1-2 лет назад.
I was there last week. Beautiful city and nice people.
Kazan is a really beautiful and cozy city. I am glad that I moved to this city. There are a huge number of opportunities that will help you develop and become even better.
Kazan je nádherné město RF a všude vládne mír a pohoda - super !!!
I've never seen such videos about Kazan. It's very impressive! I am pleased that my city is considered as beautiful, unusual and clean. Thank you for such an incredible video with an excellent editing, I learned many facts about this city.
i love RUSIA !
Name Familyname
Kazan is beautifull city, i hope someday i can visit it😊. Greeting from Indonesia🇲🇨🇷🇺
Красивая столица Татарстана и инфраструктура так-же.Привет из Украины!
Сачуствую сдавайтесь
@@КИМ-х5у писать сначала научись
@@miolllw8322 я даже какать умею
@@КИМ-х5у молодец, твои навыки впечатляют
@@КИМ-х5у сАчувствует он
Как я рада что родилась именно в этой республике❤
Beautiful city! greetings from Canada...
Limpio , ordenado y bonito lugar....
I have been to Kazan but could only spend few hours as tourist. What I saw was amazing, especially the variety of churches. Want to go again!
Such beautiful city! I'm surprised at how clean and organized this city. The author showed a lot of interesting places in video. There is many places which I want to visit after watching the video. I hope to visit them all in the future!
Pretendo um dia visitar a Rússia! Acho lindo!
Kazan is a beautiful city with great history,national food,infrastructure and people of course . I’ve been living here since my birth and I think it’s a really great place to live. It isn’t too big ,but not too small. Thanks to this, the city lives but does not have long traffic jams. The city is also a tourist destination. Thousands of people visit it every year and some of them take their roots here. The population reaches about 1.3 million people here and that makes me smile. I’m thankful to this city for everything it has given to me and for opportunities it will give me in my future.
I have been living in Kazan for 8 months, because I entered here to study. Of course I like my city, but Kazan is a wonderful city. Architecture, sights, parks, painting, I really like living here. Of course, at first it was difficult and unusual, Kazan is so big and gives a lot of opportunities that you don't have time to be bored and sad. A lot of new and interesting things, I'm just delighted. Before that, I visited Kazan 3 times as a guest, and now I live here and study and have never regretted that I chose this city!
I live in Kazan and I am very pleased to see a video about this city, a very interesting and informative video. There are many beautiful places in this city. very tasty traditional cuisine. There are excellent roads throughout the republic, as well as in the city itself. Also, the city of Kazan can be called the sports capital. Sports competitions are constantly held in Kazan at excellent stadiums
Kazan is one of my favourite city in Russia. It is not so big as St.P. and not so noisy as Moscow . Kazan is very comfortable and has everything I need. I really enjoy being here .
I am delighted with the city. Kazan is a modern city, but it has also preserved its historical uniqueness. It is impossible not to relax in the city, many parks and embankments. I am a guest of this city and I am very surprised by it and recommend it to every tourist. Beautiful people, amazingly beautiful places, this is what you will see here
I am Tatar., but I grew up in Germany and am now working here also. Great to see my birth town represented like this. Trish bushmak are just triangles filled with meat :D
Казань один из лучших городов России, я сосед из республики Марий-Эл
Thanks for your work. I live near by Kazan, but not known many thing about her. Kazan is flourishing. I'm proud for her. I want to unite my town with Kazan. Everyone can find their place here. It will always surprise you. People here are really very tolerant. He told and showed everything in great detail. You're a big lad. Thank you for making our city popular. We will try to bring your video to trends.
Kazan is my motherland. So I am very happy to see my city in such a popular video. Also I am proud of foreigners’ exciting opinion on Kazan!
Beautiful place thanks for sharing very nice video 🙏
I'm here and I can confirm how adorable is this city
Beautiful video, thanks for sharing. Greetings from the tropical paradise island 🏝 of Kauai
Been to Kazan twice - 2 week stay each time. Plan on going back ! The History ,Food & people are AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL !
Amazing place. Would love to visit in near future. Want to make friends from Kazan first. Greetings from USA
Got overwhelmed to learn this fantastic city indeed.I wish I could have a visit Kazan such a lovely city !