***** Yeah I agree. These particular Christians aren't the only salty ones though. In fact, *most* Christians are salty as soon as you show them some facts.
I've heard some Christian songs that were worse than "secular" music. Some non Christian songs are more pure and about real life. We just need to be careful what we listen to period. Cuz it may be labelled as Christian but doesn't mean it truly glorifies god. Just be careful guys. Use the Holy Spirit to guide you in what is right. Listen to his genuine message. He's not saying secular is okay. He's saying if it's pure and good and does not cause you to stumble then it is okay because nothing is about the cover it's what's on the inside that matters. Keep it real
I find it very interesting that other Christians are leaving comments filled with HATE towards him. Even if you struggle with the message, are you correcting and teaching the truth in love and reflecting Christ's character, or are you show-casing self-righteousness in your 'holy' anger. The question is, do you understand the message? Or are you fueled only by what you chose as righteous? As Christians, you need to be united and even when you disagree, let not your tongue cause you to stumble because he is after all God's Child and you will have to contend with God when you speak carelessly against his own. Would you treat your own flesh and blood the same way if you disagreed?
I almost hate calling myself a 'Christian' reading these comments. Learn to respect someone's opinion. He doesn't have to be right, it's an opinion for a reason. I agree with him. I believe calling anything 'secular' in general is ridiculous. It's almost like saying you're better than a secular person, or secular things. I don't like that, and don't think it's right. Some people are so closed minded. Quit being spoon fed by church, and actually look for answers yourself. Have an open mind and question things, it's actually a good thing. But most importantly, respect someone's opinion. You don't have to agree, but at least don't post hateful things. It's absolutely hypocritical.
Yea, Jesus has been doing wonderful miracles in my life lately and I've been wondering about secular music, if I should drop it. God has been pretty clear that although He prefers hymns and spiritual songs that some music and art is benign and can be enjoyed. However, I've decided to give up sec music for 3 months and see if I feel differently or if God shows me something different. Van Gogh was not a Christian, yet his art is beautiful. If you are wondering if God wants you listening to sec music at this season, just pray and ask. Best advice I got. As simple and overused it is, it's the right advice.
Every music effects your soul if the music your listening to does not bring you close to God you should not listen it if you listen to music that makes your flesh happy you need to leave it. The bible says we should not follow the world or we should not be like people of the world. Music in the spirit realm if it does not glorify Jesus it opens doors to demons
God would rather hear music that is poorly produced, and performed by a true worshipful heart than a bunch of polished/perfect music that is more about impressing the masses. God looks at the heart, and not the exterior. That applies to music, worship, etc... Im a former professional musician who's heart God has totally changed in regard to music. This isn't something I would've said a few years back.
I thought the same too. I feel like when we’re doing anything for God we should do it wholeheartedly and not just doing it for doing it. If other people don’t appreciate it and think it’s poorly produced it doesn’t make it a sin. (That’s what I think)
The Bible says "you cannot serve two masters".Many secular artists sell their souls because they want to be successful, have fame ,etc. Yet you state that only as long as secular song lyrics state "true, uplifting" things will it make it okay. But how? Lady gaga has openly said she worships the devil. But one of her songs talks about being true to who you are, being brave, fearless, etc. Those are true, positive words right? But, if behind the song is an artist who sings it to glorify someone else beside our Heavenly Father, how is that okay? Michael jackson songs are created by him, not one song is holy and the other isn't, It was created by a man who serves another master. The bible says "you will know them by their fruit" what of michael jackson's (or any other secular artist for that matter) fruit is/was glorifying God. So if they aren't glorifying God, who then are they glorifying? It's kinda like saying pizza is good for me because it has tomatoe sauce, and tomatoe can provide vitamins but in reality all the grease and other junk make it so bad. Yes, their might be positive lyrics in some secular music, but the core of it is actually rotten. God Bless.
RositaZ38 I was kinf of agreeing with Jeff, but after seeing other people's opinion and mainly yours, I started to realize that he's not completely right about what he's talking about. What you say makes sense. Your pizza analogy was a great example of that. Anyway, that's a tricky dicussion and I hopr some day in the future I'll be ablr to understand that better, 'cause I'm only 16. Greetings from Brazil, bro.
So what about the Christian singers who sin(fornication,adultery, molesters etc)?? Aren't they serving other masters as well?? Should we or should we not listen to their "God-glorifying" songs?? Or because their sins have not been made public we should disregard everything else? Jeff here is talking about Music content and what it does for your heart and soul and not what the artist behind it has in their soul. It all in your heart brother and what's between you and your God.
And besides when you listen to music that aspires you to be a better person and Christian, you are not glorifying or worshipping the artist or whoever the artist worships.
How do you know that ‘christian music’ is not rotten? How do we know that the artists that are currently making ‘christian music’ are not driven by money and fame for example? According to your pizza example we could not listen to these type of artists cause they have certain ingredients (love for money & fame) that are not beneficial for christians. The point I am trying to make is that we should not focus too much on the artists but on their music instead. There are alot of christian artists with bad motives as well.
Don't bash electronic music and rock. There are many artists out there who use it for the glory of God. No intrument or style is superior on its own merit, it's how you use it.
+ Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Amen 🙏!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man in Luke 16:24 cries: ". . .I am tormented in this FLAME." In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . ." Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."
I am with Jefferson on this topic. I am a musician myself. My view of music is what message is this person singing about? Is what their singing about a truth that the scriptures condone and promote. I do agree if the artist is glorifying premarital sex, drugs, & violence then you do not need to be listening to it. If you claim to be a Christian. But if the song advocates changing the world for the better, livelihood, and love in a non-sinful way, then it is not a sin to hear it or sing it. This whole narrative that legalistic Christians give that a message of truth can only come from saved people is a lie. Just like he said in the video the truth of God can be spoken through anyone. It's not always Christians. Too many times we as Christians claim our truths to be the only truths which is also lie to a certain extent. Just like I can be uplifted and encouraged to worship God when I hear Michael W. Smith's Place In This World and Here I Am To Worship Rich Mullins Our God Is Awesome God and Donnie McClurkin's Stand. I can also be uplifted and encouraged when I hear Bill Withers's Lean On Me, and James Taylor's You Got a Friend. Why? Because those songs embrace friendship, brotherhood, and love. Those are principles that the scriptures teach us to live by too. If the artist is secular and the song they are singing about is a principle the scriptures condone we should not just condemn them because they are a secular artist. There are old hymns that were written by non-christian artists too. So fellow believers do not judge and don't condemn a secular artist if their message falls in line with the scriptures.
I use to struggle with this before. I understand what he is saying. A song doesn't need to have the word Jesus to glorify Him. It's like me saying that I have to work for a company that proclaims that they are Christians only. Anyone can claim to be a Christian but if they do not have fruit of the Holy Spirit which is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control will not inherit the kingdom of God. Your actions alone can glorify the one true God above without saying the word Jesus. This has happened to be before. They came to me and said there was something different about me. Then I proclaimed I was a Christian. But never forget to give thanks and glory to God in the name of Jesus.
Most secular music in our times and past are influenced by the enemy himself. Music was Lucifer's gift in heaven, and he does still very much use that gift here. When you listen to that garbage, the mind does observe what you listen to and you are influenced by that music whether you realize it or not. I only recently stopped listening to that trash and have no desire to return back to listening to it. My thought process has changed.
Vote for Call on the Mighty No.9 kickstarter! :D and there are many good people in this world with good intentions that if they don't recognize that Jesus is their savior and they accept him anyway they're going to end up in hell. Do you understand? it is not enough to be moral, you have to believe!
What Eli was saying, is that having good morals alone will not allow you a free ride to eternity with Christ Jesus. You have to accept Him, believe in Him, and follow him in order to achieve Salvation. You can be the nicest, most generous person on earth but if you don't acknowledge Christ as your savior you have the same fate as a nonbeliever.
Jefferson, I see your point. Been Christian is not about rules, living with the Holy Spirit is much more then that. God is not looking for the exterior, but He is looking into our hearts. I think that the opposite is also true, there are christian songs that are not focused in God, so we shouldn't be listening. Having the christian stamp doesn't mean it is good and having the secular stamp doesn't mean that is bad. But the reflection is, by listening to this song do I get closer to God? Does my thirsty for His presence grows?
+Bárbara Costa Lippi or maybe songs you listen to don't matter at all. You think God will ask you "Name top 3 artists in your last.fm account", "Show me your itunes library I need to check if there's at least one Hillsong" If someone's faith is shaken by songs, or need to have songs to be sustainable, they should really question their faith because it's too weak.
+Bárbara Costa Lippi Well, there was this one time, I was I believe, 37, listening to "Home" by Chris Daughtry, and out of all seriousness, I felt the Spirit when listening to it, like I was moved to it. It was at a time when I was struggling to get back on path and had severe concerns about ending up in the lake of fire, feeling like I can never be free. The words to that song can sound like, not just home here on earth, but a song a person can sing to the Lord and home being heaven. Ever since, I think of eternal heavenly home when I hear that song. Will I make it home? I reckon I will find out on Judgment Day.
You guys need to chill. He is saying you have to discern what song you are listening to. So he found the truth in that Song that changes start with ourselves. You can't expect the church to grow unless you are trying to grow yourself and push the church forward. He is not saying listen to anything. He is saying discern the message and if God can be shown through it somehow.
+LABAJ TG Exactly. Religion is the world's enemy. The world could be a much better place if not for people being brainwashed to think there's a magical sky-daddy. You guys are morons for believing in all this bronze-age fairy tale bullshit.
Wow, this is VERY disturbing! It was TRUE when the demon possessed man said to Jesus, "I know who you are, The Holy one of God " Mark 1:24-25 yet Jesus told him to "BE QUIET". Listen, Jesus is NOT in league with satan and demons and those who deny Him in Spirit and in Truth. So whether it's beautiful or not, we listen to music that flows from the lips of the one who is FULLY committed to the Lord in Spirit and InTruth dead to this world. The bible says not to be UNEQUALLY yoked right? Now if the unsaved person who denies Christ happen to be beautiful, talented, and smart, do those qualities annul the verse in 2 Corinthians 6:14? May it NEVER be. Do not open yourself to deception, be discerning, I say this in love and great concern, repent.
The Word of God is not picky about who shares Him or where! The strongest Christian I personally know said he first became aware of his need for the Grace through Christ while he was listening to "Highway to Hell by AC/DC!
Seeing as "secular" music is anything separate from religion I'd say look deeper into the message behind each track. Some of it is clearly dark and evil in theme. But, in contrast you have plenty other tracks that have a much more positive message that's either uplifting or encouraging. A lot of it also carries profound social messages that need to be heard more because of many artists out here strive to tell the truth about what's really going on in our world. The very idea of secular music being "evil" is just silly and close-minded when you really consider this dynamic. Especially since plenty of these "secular" artists are known Christians, anyway.
If I listen to a sweet secular song with no evil does that mean I am doomed for hell? I mean that's what they all act like. I want a life, I care for the Bible and I think it's accurate on history, morals, etc. But I think what it's saying in the Bible is when you dance to sexual or listen to sexual things. 7 years is a song a like, I also like video game soundtracks I listen to too, but I am still a Christian
@@ses5736 it is about annointing behind it. It goes two ways: Holy Spirit or satan and our own imagination. Our own imagination is as evil as satan ( The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?) Only goal of music is worshiping God. Even if it has some truth in it or good morals if its not annointed by the Spirit of God and not worshiping Jesus its not good for you. Morals can not save! If they did Jesus would not have to become the living sacrifice to pay our debt to God. (wages of sin is death). Satan comes as an angel of light. Sometimes instrumental music seems good, but it is depressing and sad. And we know that the Spirit of God is joy. Sadness is not from God. Bless you!!
Does The Bible not say make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Whether you think it is good or not does not matter if it glorifies the Lord. That is what matters. As long as God is glorified in the music it is good. If he is not glorified then its bad. It is as simple as that.
God said: do not worship me as they worshiped their gods. Michael Jackson worshiped his god with that music. I would associate God and M. J. Music together. You can't take a pagan practice and make it Christian that's what like saying lets have a Christian Halloween.
The point isn't is it "bad" or "good" Lucifer was kicked out of heaven because he was prideful and wanted to be praised. When we sing to something/one else rather than God we are praising that. I've listened to secular music and Christian music. When I listen to secular music, it makes me feel prideful, better than other people or complete opposite like sad, and depressed. I've always said if it feels wrong then it is wrong. It is all about your conviction and that is what will lead you to YOUR right or wrong. One thing is for sure the word of God does not lie. You can read that Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for being prideful, he was rebellious. Too often "secular music" makes people rebellious towards the things of God. I speak of personal experience that when I listen to secular music, I get spiritually weak and then start to desire to do things I shouldn't. Music will influence your life. You don't have to agree with me, like I said I speak for myself. God Bless.
What's wrong about 100% Jesus music? Michael Jackson did not write that by the power of the Holy Spirit! How can a worldly person identify a Christian if he is listening to Michael Jackson? So if Lil Wayne wrote a song about 'truth'.. I can listen to that too? This video is dangerous especially for very young believers. It will make them confused. Please pray more about this. Collosians 3:16!
Not one biblical reference to back up what he said. We cannot answer questions without referring back to the bible the best way we can. " I believe " won't cut it. It's what the word of God says “For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].” Philippians 4:8 AMP we need to be careful to what are minds are exposed to.
Jamal Lamy no one is saying u should listen to music about sex and drugs and every other negative thing...besides some “secular” music have some of the characteristics u mentioned....its all about discerning...by the way he used Bible references.... listen well
Kosi Okoye like I said , we need to be careful to what ARE minds are exposed to. Nothing wrong with listening to the cha cha slide, but I'm just saying. Some brothers and sisters are weak in the faith and some are strong we need to be careful about what is being said
I see you're point in the end about whether music is good or excellent, but let me tell you this. I've had countless experiences where I'd listen to secular songs and the spirits of those songs took total control over my mind. It drew a dark cloud over my life and knocked me off the path of righteousness. Music that explicitly talks about drugs, sex, and "rock and roll" contain evil spirits that can influence your mind and lead you to make bad decisions. The enemy can take the simplest things and turn it into a gateway of destruction; which is why the bible tells us to guard our hearts. Once I stopped listening to explicit music, I finally saw a huge shift in my life.
Just because someone is doing something with excellence, it's glorifying God? So we can sin excellently and Glorify God because we're the best at it? Aight.
i usually love your vids and analogies, but must admit i truly believe u have it all wrong about music here unfortunately. man in the mirror is an egotistical song....remember, we were only made in the image of God, so that means we should always accept who and how we were presented to this world....
***** thats not what this song is about if god created someone that doesnt mean that person cant change from what god had originaly planned then they need to reflect on their mistakesin order to change. The song can be looked at as a meesage to people that want to change the world to always be true to your self. God doesnt create evil people people do. its not gods fault they are evil selfish or anything its ultimately theirs or someone elses fault. ironically you said something egotistical while calling man in the mirror egotistical sad as hell.
Jefferson...as believers we better "exegete bible verses" to share what is the truth from God's Word. let us not "eisegete bible verses" this leads to dangerous teachings... "Man in the mirror"??? seriously?
so what your saying is because he likes the positive message in man i the mirror hes a heathen and is teaching heresy got it thanks follower of a loving god such understanding father.
Jasmin Lopez secular doesn't mean satanic just because people have different beliefs doesn't mean they are satanists they are just people maybe you should stop thinking like a bronze age imbecile and start to make decisions on your own and not look to the bible for the answer because if it ever had the answer to problems it definitely is outdated now you do realize that almost all the evidence that support the bible as true also disprove that god exists because of the many different religions that have the same stories follow different deities. 1 there is no evidence to support the existence of the Illuminati in todays society so to say something is Illuminati is just more lies than satan could ever portray if he does exist, you dont listen to the music so how can you say there is not god in it I bet if you listened to the "Hard Core" music youd find alot of them use Christian symbolism and actually have alot to do with repenting for there mistakes and asking god to take pity on them. 2 if you dont listen to it then how can you derive meaning from it stop judging shit and others ignorantly if you went to any place but a christian school youd learn something not just school stuff you learn about different kinds of people with different beliefs and different opinions than GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.
Listened to the audio. Just thought I would point out five things. 1. The vessel of worship matters. Amos 5:22-23 "Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings."Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps. 2. Music is not neutral as Bethke puts it. Music is spiritual (1 Samuel 16:23, 2 Kings 3:15, 2 Chronicles 20:21). And the spirit world is clearly demarcated as secular and sacred. 3. We are a peculiar people (set apart for Christ) Romans 14:23 states "...anything that is not done in faith is sin." (Romans 14 talks about liberties. Our liberties should not cause younger believers to stumble) I like what one person in the comments said: The 3 qualifications of Christian liberty are a. Does it glorify God? b. Is it beneficial? c. Will it cause my brother to stumble? 4. Bethke is a great teacher that I admire and I pray he continues to fan his gift to help others. However, this particular gift of teaching comes with a warning from scripture. James 3:1 "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." 5. May we be be united in Christ Jesus ultimately. To obey the Holy Spirit deposited in us until the day of his return.
"And whenever the harmful spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand. So Saul was refreshed and was well, and the harmful spirit departed from him." 1 Samuel 16:33 When King Saul was tormented by evil spirits he would actually call on King David to play the Lyre in order to soothe him with so called "Secular music!" There's you're scripture to back it up. There are many false prophets but Jefferson isn't one of them!
How can you minister to the world if you think everything in the world is completely sinful and disgusting. When you believe listening to any music that doesn't glorify Jesus as dirty I am thinking why on earth would a non.Christian respect you or confide in you at all. Do not be of the world. But do not reject the world. How can you reach non believers from the pedastal you stand apon?
+Brian WTS Exactly. Paul quoted pagan poets when evangelizing to the Greeks, and by the logic of these legalistic Christians today, it would have been a sin for him to even read those works.
Unfortunately this is the works of religion. To be so contrived that you feel as if God has a big stick and looking upon you with a disapproval look. But the guy says he hates religion when he is fully immersed in it & hasn't got a clue. I'm not judging I have been there.
I don't understand why when we talk of secular music ppl only peg their thinking on illuminati,lesbianism and all the evil things then come into a conclusion that secular music is evil. Some secular songs just talk of love,appreciating someone, heartbreaks etc.. I don't just get how that can be evil. I'm a gospel artist and I believe I'm a born again Christian having accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour. But this is a conversation I'd love to have with God Himself, I just don't see how appreciating someone in a descent lyrical song can be evil. To me, anything that leads you to sin is evil and some secular songs don't have that effect, they are simply informative. My take though..
Its really sad to see some Christians like this brother, so easily defending and even trying hard to pursue others into believing something which has no real truth or foundation on the basis of the Word of God and something that he agrees with and want others also to believe. I really think that this brother needs to pray and ask God to give him a divine gift of discernment. There are many things for that matter which are not mentioned in Bible but that does not mean that any Christian can justify that and go ahead to do those things just because its not mentioned in Bible. Bible does not talk about smoking but on the other hand there are some golden principles mentioned for Christians in Philippians 4:8, 1 Corinthians 6:19 and Romans 12:2 which teaches Christians how to make sure that we responsibly take care of our god given bodies in Holiness and Purity. I know the subject here is about listening to Secular music. The question here is really not whether a specific Secular music is good or not but its about taking guard in your spiritual lives, so that we may not fall into trap of enemy by involving ourselves into something which can pose a great danger to our own spiritual life. For instance I think this brother who is quoting so many scriptures from so many places in the Bible, May I in God's Love tell him that please go ahead and read the book of Proverbs (Read one chapter daily and you can finish it in a month). Proverbs 27:12 says "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished". Its always wise for a Christian to take guard and avoid things which may lead to his/her spiritual downfall in long run. Once I heard a story about a Christian doctor who wanted to understand what drug addicts goes through so that he can treat them more efficiently and as an experiment he took couple of doses of a drug to see its affect on his body. As you may have guessed that ultimately he ended up being a drug addict himself. Talking about my life, When I was a nominal Christian walking in my own ways I use to hear lot of secular music and film songs etc. but when I truly met my Jesus and the word of God through His Spirit starting changing and cleaning my life inside out, the desire to even listen to such songs has gone now. "If the desire of indulging into something carnal and worldly is still present in our Christian life then its not a good sign for a Christian." Having said that I do agree with his point of view that many new contemporary Christian music are even lower in standards than some secular songs but that does not mean that we can go ahead and start listening to secular songs. Be careful, Remember a wise man sees danger and hides from it. I really wish that this brother should unnecessarily stop defending things which may hurt the faith of someone who is Weak or New in faith. Bible gives a stern warning in 1 Corinthians 8:9 "But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak." and in Luke 17:1,2 "Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." The other day one of my Sunday school kids saw some video of this brother defending the use of Tattoos on bodies and it took me much efforts, prayers and personal time of discussion to make my Sunday school child understand the real truth about that issue. My suggestion to this brother is, please be careful what you are defending as God will take into account if your reasoning (which is sometimes completely non-Biblical) is hurting the faith of those who are new or weak in faith. When we aim for Holiness and a true fellowship of God in our own personal lives, then only we really understand what we actually stand for in our Christian life. Just to conclude my comments with 1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, ". My sincere suggestion to my brother in Christ, Thrive hard to Defend your Hope and Faith in Christ and that too with gentleness and respect, but stay away from defending something which you are not really sure if its "Approved of God" or not. I'm sorry if I sounded bit hard in my words somewhere but I think that even I have a right to opinion here. I will surely pray for this brother because I like his Zeal and Spiritual Eagerness for Christ, its just that it has to be diverted more towards useful spiritual cause rather than getting involved into useless things (Titus 3:9) which does not help anyone in his or her Faith. -Santosh Thankachan
If secular music is all bad, then why have there been so many people talking about how certain secular songs have helped them through tough times because of what they talk about, and there's a lot of secular songs that aren't bad lyrically that talk about walking through and overcoming trials and about how you become stronger as you walk through and overcome trials like the song What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger , and Jefferson Bethke said in the video that the song Take A Look In The Mirror by Michael Jackson is about us needing to work on our own issues first, which Jesus talked about in Matthew 7. Also, not that I'm saying don't listen to Christians, but it's good to seek things out ourselves and to listen to what God says instead of just blindly believing what the people that raised us or other Christians say just because they're Christians as if they're God and Jesus isn't
Sounds to me like your idea of a "lukewarm Christian" is someone who falls short of perfection. Sorry to tell ya, but we all fall short, even you. Don't try to limit what can be given to God - God is owed all of His creation. Rather than not allowing evil to exist, He makes good to come out of it, i.e. humanity. Hope this helped!
San Juana Caudillo So for example, I like Sabrina carpenters song it has meaning. In one of her songs called "thumbs" it talks about the way of the world and how we should not follow it I'll give u one lyric "somewhere in the world there is a robber and a bank, so the bank robbed the people so the people robbed the bank" see its true what her lyrics are saying
If you write a song about how you love someone ...that is not bad. I'm sure God has given you the wisdom to know which music or song you should or shouldn't listen to. I personally prefer not to listen to secular music. If I do it's like 1% of the time and it'll be Disney songs or some classic song. I think what matters is the spirit from which it comes.just gotta ask Holy Spirit for guidance... and pray for our brothers and sisters to do the same.
I agree. Not all secular music is evil, but those who are walking closely with Christ should have a "switch" that immediately turns "off" when something we listen to isn't right. I used to not have that switch, now I do. I love the bands U2, Mumford and Sons and Foo Fighters. A lot of their music doesn't violate my "switch". To say it all glorifies God, I am not so sure but a lot of it can be helpful in pointing that way.
I'm a christian and I listen to Metallica, Asking Alexandria, and other rock bands but don't mean I worship the devil and kill sheep! Open your mind people
Mostly you're right on with your theology, but here you are showing your age and maturity. I'm a pastor and trust me, I think most of the music on K-Love is unbearably cheesy and makes Christians look lame. But is that sin? And I get the point you were trying to make about giving thanks to God for beauty. But to say that you worship through Michael Jackson's son Man In The Mirror because it says something that is true, is not worship. Worship (Prosketos) is laying prostrate before the Lord in reverence and praise. It does involve glorifying Jesus' name. If it's not sang with the intention of glorifying Christ, it is not worship or sacred. Anything that does not come from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). I get why you are defensive for your secular music that is higher quality, and yippee that you are solid enough to recognize truth from a lie. But the reality is that most of America's youth do not know the difference and are strongly influenced by the music industry. Romans 14:22 says, "Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves." I know that you are in Mark Driscoll's camp of being missional and relevant and I love Driscoll and am all for that, but don't forget to be set apart from the world bro. That's the definition of holiness.
Sorry bro, you are wrong and should not be pushing your false beliefs on people. If you truly obtained the holy spirit, you would know secular music is bad. 99.9% of all popular hits are evil based. Sex, greed, lust, infidelity, ect can be found as the topic. While we as believers in Christ have gospel/praise music that topics love, peace, faithfulness, kindness, ect.You could be singing praises to Lucifer, blinded by creations of the sinful man. It is up to us to pray and ask for advice. With the Holy Spirit you will know good from bad. To obtain it, you must have pure of heart. p.s as much as it may hurt you to know... Michael Jackson was a false idol. It would be wise to avoid his music. Billie Jean? C mon bro... If it isn't holy, it isn't good for your spirit.
Cody Caston We don't need to be pure to obtain the Holy Ghost... We just need to believe... Michael Jackson music is not bad remember it all comes down with the intentions of the heart, If there are no sinful motives then its okay to listen to secular music
How would you know those songs are bad if you haven't heard them? You say 99.9% of secular music is evil. How could you possibly knife that without hearing them? So do you or do you not listen to it? Or is that a view from the outside looking in. He stated be like Man in the Mirror because of its message. He also said "Do I think the rest of his music is right? No." So ease of the man I'd you don't agree don't watch.
J S i think his point was what is the meaning of the song you are listening to. It doesn't matter if Jesus is mentioned or not in a song. What matters is if the content is wrong. It's the same in real life. When I have lunch I'm eating food. It's not necessarily a Christian lunch it's just lunch. I pray before I eat typically, but that doesn't mean all i talk about while I eat is God. I'm a songwriter and I've written songs both about Jesus and about other things in my life. None of which is sinful. I'm just a guy playing guitar in my room but if I was a legitement musician, would I be considered a secular artist?
So, walk me through this, because you're making lots of broad, generalizing, absolute statements without fact or citation. Christian music is "always bad" because people "pretend to like it to be accepted." Accepted by whom? Non-believers, or other Christians? And how do you know it is always bad? Do you have a distaste for the type of Christian music you happened to overhear at the time and decided from there that all Christian music is bad, or do you listen to Christian music on your own time and have determined that it is just bad music? Because it's ok if you simply do not like that kind of music, I have no problem there. It's a free country, feel free to listen to whatever you want. But where I think you're coming from is that you have an unbelief in the Spirit of God, so therefore whatever lyrics give credit to his name is just bogus to you. Which again, if you don't believe in God then that is your prerogative. Free country, no one has to compel you to believe it. But saying things like "Christian music is actually just bad music" or "the holy spirit is actually imaginary too" begs for you to explain why you think that's "actually" true. If you simply want to come out and just be honest that you don't believe in God, all right then, that's a good honest starting point. But please, attacking God on the basis of your distaste in Christian music probably isn't the best starting point, because there is great Christian music for everyone in all sorts of genres, and yes some genres don't really speak of Jesus and you could say that those bands are in the secular market yet they still give glory to Christ for their gifts. That I believe is Jefferson Bethke's point, that just because it doesn't have the name Jesus in it doesn't mean you can't glory God in it all the same if it is pure, true and well produced. But if it's God you have qualms with, and not merely Christian music, then maybe you and I could find a different starting point to discuss this. By the way, the only reason I' replying to your reply is because you had me at "Actually the opposite is true" where I thought you were going to say not all the 99% of music that isn't "Christian" is bad, which I as a Christian and Pastor would agree, but I saw that you took it into a different direction. This is not an attack and it's not a sermon, so if you have disagreements with me I welcome them, and I think you and I could have a civil conversation about this if you felt so inclined. Thanks, walrus funkerton.
1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Whatever we do is to glorify God including what music we listen to. You've clearly contradicted the scriptures and have created a stumbling block for those who desire to be sanctified by the truth. Matthew 24:11 “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”
I don't understand this guy. "If its good art and art speaks for its self". What?! And who's standard of "good" is he using anyway. The fact of the matter is if it doesn't edify your spirit or bring Glory to God then why are you really listening to it? Maybe to fufill the lust of the flesh? Yeah that seems to be what it is. Everything that is good is from God and should be used to build us up in the spirit or to glorfiy God. Music is only good when it does one of those two things, that goes for food, sex ,speach and every other thing that God as blessed us with. It should never be all about us and our own passions. What edifies us ,Glorifies God and whatever does not is not good. Its not hard to understand, but if you are still trying to justify your actions through the flesh ,then expect to jump through some hoops to do so.
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings." Jeremiah 17:9-10 "Delight thyself also in the Lord ; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalms 37:4 if your seeking GOD with all your heart and not worldly pursuits.. GOD puts HIS desires in our hearts!! "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." 1 John 2:15-17 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:1-2 please let us have the fear of the LORD as professing believers.. and cling to HIM.. let GOD BE TRUE AND ALL MEN LIARS... HIS WORD is the truth and it exposes our hearts and hypocrisy and pride.. we need HIM and HIS WORD that supercedes our feelings, opinions, and the traditions of man to bow down to the obedience of CHRIST... In JESUS Name amen..
Some people avoid certain types of food, not because that food doesn't taste good but because of how that food makes them feel physically. That's how it is for me with secular music. I stay away from it because although it may sound good I don't like how it makes me feel spiritually.
You are completely wrong about your assertion that secular and sacred is a Greek invention. The reality of sacred and secular comes from God. Have you forgotten what the word HOLINESS is? It is the basis of the Christian's understanding of secular and sacred. And now you are INVENTING SIN. Cheesy equals sin? You are completely wrong! The Spirit leads you to GODLINESS (sacred) and away from ungodliness (SECULAR).
***** What Jefferson is explaining is that high quality art is to God's glory. Just because it does not explicitly say "Jesus" does not mean that it cannot be used to worship and glorify the Lord.
no no no God is HOLY you can not put HOLY and UNHOLY together the Holy spirit guides us to know it is wrong no secular music glorifys GOD none it is of the enemy
Not all secular music, U2 is a secular band there are many lyrics of them that´s wrong, but did you listened 40 and Moment of Surrender? There are many others artist in secular world that composed some praiseworthy songs
What we do, hear, see, think, speak, all should Glorify God. It must all be for the glory to God. Now listening to man in the mirror, yes it does have a positive message but it also is enabling the person to start listening to all the other Micheal Jackson songs (creates curiosity to all of his other music), in which they do not all glorify the name of God. Just because one song is positive doesn't mean that the person is living that life that they say they are in that song, we are influenced by all of these factors. Tell me who you associate yourself with and I will tell you who you are. One positive song doesn't make up for decades of secular music that glorifies the world. Do not mix what is from the world with what is meant to glorify God and say that a positive song such as Man in the mirror can slide. That is when you become a stumbling block not only to yourself but others because it can crack open a window one second and the next second it'd be completely open, excusing yourself.
Rejecting secular music is to entirely dismiss the effort, skill and artistic rendering that has gone into it's creation. Blinkered judgementalism blinds people to greatness and beauty. What a sorry lot are those who reject the wonders of human artistic expression.
Preach it bro! you have an amazing way with words! Jesus hung out with those who were in sin, He didn't draw lines between them and Him, He loved on them!
The truth of the matter is All depends what is in your heart I know a lot of "religious" people who will ONLY listen to Christian music all day long but yet their hearts all full or envy, resentment, they gossip and hurt others with out care of what they doing how listening to only Christian music is that ok?? NO
So true, i know im not letting people tell me what to do preaching the word, condemning ppl but in secret living ungodly. I let the Holy Spirit tell me whats right or wrong.
I Can Be Fire And Brimstone In my Teaching On fb, but a person who doesn't listen to only, "Christian music" isn't gonna be labelled, "not a Christian." I mean, I work off of rock and metal artists when I've written songs from the '00's and '10's style rock and metal genre, and yes, all my lyrics r Christian. I' suggest Christians who do this don't passively listen to music this way as if it's just a fun, Justin Beiber song. Deeply analyze the lyrics, and the same should be said about Christian music, because the Christian artist could very well be writing songs from the point of view of their denominational background and not The Bible.
This is one of the greatest videos ive watched in a while. I recently have been trying to forget about being a "christian" and now I just want to serve God freely, and religion can get in the way of that. If I do everything the best I can for God, then it is worship. I love this guy because he has helped a lot with this. I get real honest inspiration from "secular" art all the time, and i feel like I'm really getting to know God through it.
Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Do any of you, in all of your scorn of Jeff Bethke and his teaching, refuse then to watch movies that are not sacred? I mean, you must not fool yourself here. The Devil not only has a monopoly on the music industry, the films produced by Hollywood very well do contain ungodly themes, and the messages conveyed in movies are arguably more subversive and influential than the messages in songs. Are you then to watch only movies that are orchestrated by Christian directors? With actors that are exclusively Christian? And crews that are exclusively Christian? Christ dined with unbelievers (Mark 2:13-17). Why do you refuse any and everything that comes from an unbeliever, so self-righteous in your personal pursuits of holiness? You must engage this culture and point the people of it to Christ. How are you to do so if you refuse to try and understand their worldviews, so caught up shielding yourself from unbelievers and their art? Please correct me if I'm wrong. A Dios ser la gloria.
Will Poole, V You can very well lead someone to Christ without having to do what the world does. You DON'T have to engage in this culture to point people to Christ.
Lee Port oh yes you do. Let's use the Bible for this one. 1 Corinthians th-cam.com/video/yA8vbfkV22c/w-d-xo.htmlm20s-23 ESV To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings. Why do we engage and try to understand the world and its culture? For the sake of the gospel, so we may share with them in its blessings. Trying to sanatize ourselves will not produce an effective understanding of sinners. And if we can't understand sinners, how are we "to all things to all people" in order to share the gospel and its blessings? Also, you didn't answer any of my questions. Correct me if I'm wrong.
It seems you have been deceived and are now joining the ranks of the false teachers. Slow down and ask the Lord for wisdom, because you are going to be held accountable for what you are teaching...
Ha ha, this was not me who posted this. I'm not religous at all but I let my brother post his shitty comments on my youtube sometimes.Just ignore everything here, it's not me it's my younger religous brother.
Happy New Year Brother Jefferson! You make a number of good points that nobody has addressed in my Christian experience since the 1990's. Back in the early 90's I came to a place where I totally fell in love with Christian music and I had to make a choice: Listen to it AND my secular rock favorites or pursue God through an exclusive diet of Christian music and radio. When I made the choice for Christian Music, the spiritual warfare was one of the most intense events in my life but I chose Christian music (back then it was Kellye Huff, Russ Taff, Susan Ashton, Margaret Becker and praise music from Hosanna Integrity). In obedience to God, I threw away hundreds of dollars in records and cassette tapes, t-shirts and videos I had amassed. I threw a bunch of trash bags away that morning while casting each one away in the Name of Jesus. I felt a sense of incredible relief after it was over that I had been obedient to God in such a profound way. Did I regret it later? At times I did but I remember the experience as being one in which I really "died to self (self focus)". I agree that secular music can remind us of that which needs to be changed in our lives but my heart's testimony is that nothing brings our heart, soul and body into the throne room of our most wonderful and loving Father God like music that is only about Jesus. Some of my favorite examples of this is "Made me glad by Hillsong", "Always by Kristian Stanfill" and "Forever by Kari Jobe". Thank you for reading my post - Grace be with your spirit my Brother .... Scott S.
He's right. Platonism is a huge problem in Christianity today. Plato taught that the physical is corrupt and evil and the spiritual is pure and good. Christians bought into that thinking a long long time ago, but it is very clear that the authors of scripture did not believe that dichotomy. God created everything and called it "good." God is interested in the physical and the spiritual because they are inseparable.
gotta be careful here, When God created everything he said it was good. Like an artist making the perfect painting. Now sin gets into the picture and creates a blob of paint that causes a noticeable mark on the painting. Is the painting still good? Or does the mark cause the painting to lose its quality? Read Romans chapter 12. Do not be of this world. A lot of what is world offers is for purely physical satisfaction. Music itself is not sinful. However what the lyrics say are.
A Picasso or Rembrandt with a coffee stain on it is still priceless. How much more this world? God is the ultimate artist and is restoring his creation.
There are some music created by secular artists,good meaning, but has curses, but can I listen to the good clean version of artists, please answer me back.
+MusicMaster9361 I wouldn't be able to answer you, cos' i very very seldom listen to secular music. But i'm sure the Holy Spirit of God will guide you into all truth. Entrust that to Him and He will guide you.
Christian music doesn't sound good to you (most of the time) because it's not for you. (and the lack of effort at times) Secular music sounds good to you because it's MEANT to feed the body/flesh. (what Christianity is against, put the flesh to death and live in spirit)
***** What hes saying here Jim is secular music tends to talk about sinful things. The lyrics feed your mind thoughts about fleshly things. Listen to mainstream now adays.... first 3 songs are bound to involve either sex, drugs, or some other worldly desire. Music itself is not perverted, what the artists write causes the perversion.
***** You STILL have to be careful dude! 'How can you say it's fleshly? Music came from heaven.' Before lucifer had fallen he was the curator of music in heaven. It makes sense when you start looking into how many artists are now trapped within the illuminati.
This is the first vid I disagree with why because simple shai linne said it best record labels pay the radio to play the same songs over and over so much I almost forgot its garbage because when those seeds keep hitting you eventually they penetrate I encourage you to redo this and explain more by if it makes you or someone else struggle not to listen to it
As long as the music speaks truth and doesn't make you think of lies, it is fine...For example, you can listen to Hey brother by Avicii as long if you think the whole message of the song is true. (You might interpert the song differently from others but what matters is what you take out of it.) But there are a bunch of music out there that does not display a good message like nicki minaj's anaconda...
Music with a bad message is evil because it's sinful, also music is filled with spirits that's why they say it moves the soul. You must be careful to not fill yourself with darkness. Just because a song doesn't have curse words does not mean it doesn't make you think about evil things. I can't listen to worldly music because it makes me think of the wrong things like the party days and that old life I left behind.
I really don't understand all these hate comments people are posting. I think what Jeff said is true and I agree with it. In EVERTYHING we do, we should glorify God. So how is it not a good thing if he listen to Michael Jackson's Black or white song for example? they're good lyrics and talk about good things happening in that song. God bless y'all
"God can speak through anyone because He has a monopoly in truth." 🔥🔥🔥 Praise God for you! I've been struggling with Christian liberty. This cleared out everything. God bless you!
While I can get behind what he's saying here, I do have one question. I understand truth to be a universal concept, but don't beauty and excellence depend on the listener? What one person finds beautiful and excellent, it stands to reason that another will find it ugly and terrible. So is it simply left up to our own tastes?
I have a question, I've cut off most of the music that I used to listen to because I didn't like the message it was portraying. But I'm going to homecoming and I know they're probably going to play music like that. Would you consider that a sin?
+Heaven Absolutely not dear! You just won't agree to what they are saying.. I know I cannot enjoy music like that because I am a person who hears the lyrics too much...but some ppl can just hear the beat and enjoy that... But that's me though..lol :)
The list of things he is promoting that are in total contradiction with the Bible is just insane. Don't listen to such guy, just read the Bible and DO what it says
SECULAR -denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. from Old French seculer, from Latin saecularis, from saeculum ‘generation, age’, used in Christian Latin to mean ‘the world’ or 'worldly' (the distinction being that which represents the CHARACTER of God versus that which represents the CHARACTER of the 'world'; *see John 12:31, 14:30 & 16:11, and finally Ephesians 2:2) MAY THE SPIRIT OF GOD GIVE DISCERNMENT TO THE SINCERE SEEKER OF TRUTH
The man in the mirror is Godly because it's true? What if dirty Diana is true, does that make it Godly? C'mon Jeff, don't be controversial for the sake of controversy, there's no time for that… stand up for Christ and speak biblically… Peace in Christ!
He's not saying that just because a song is true that it is also Godly. Hes saying that if you listen to a song and it follows the word of God then it can be considered holy music. Of course a song about sex, weed, and brutality is not going to be considered holy music. E.g. Man in the Mirror is really just saying if you want to make a change then it has to start with you. God has even told us this as well, so the song is true through his word.
2:00 well those things are a sin theres no argument, and its not sin to poorly produce lol , i get where you're going with it but , there is such a thing as sinful music , we can't just say there isn't a satanic genre, there is blatant satanic music plus since we have things like satan working directly in the industry with people worshiping him DIRECTLY and witchcraft and things that give a new meter to things, we can't act as if satan quit his day job , there isn't just human influence here. there is blatant symbolism for the occult going on with artists to day , so we need to address THAT point of view of it instead of acting like there is only the secular and non secular view, secular really just meant wordly and it was PEOPLE who made more of a deal then it should have been however that started because during rock and roll times lyrically and vocally the artists boasted about selling there soul to satan and working for him and saying they were DIRECTLY being influenced by them. there is a false kingdom being built here so we can't arrogantly attack this point of view. although i agree with this video i am just saying.
I really want there to be good Christian pop music. I like the beat and the sound of pop music, but the only Christian pop is either 1) bad teaching in the song 2) It's badly performed or lazily performed. I swear I'm like 2 cm from learning how to play guitar and bass and drums and just making my own music to listen to. *sobs in a corner*
Not everything you teach is true... There are many songs that are true, and not for good...do you think that God wants you to listen to Michael Jackson who is a satanist... do you think Michael Jackson made that song for god... No if anything its for Satan... You can't take something that is created by Satan or someone evil and use it to worship god... I think you got the wrong idea... And I hope no Ody watches this video and start to listen to songs that dont worship god...
So your argument is that if a song is not "created" by a "Christian," then it was "created" by a "Satanist" and therefore you must not listen to it? In my opinion, this is not a sound argument. Who is to say that a "Christian" band, let's say Hillsong United, is in fact a real Christian? I placed quotations on the words earlier because I want to emphasize that these are labels we place on people. They are descriptive words that hold no truth in them. That in itself is a fallacy. You can't tell me that because a "Christian" created a song, then it is "holy" when in fact you know nothing about the spiritual life of that person. It could all be a facade for all you know. I think that a song is something that you make it to be. That is what creativity does, it creates a different approach rather than just having everything be literal. There is an obvious contrast between secular and Christian music, so I am not saying every secular song is good, don't misinterpret me. Simply, I am saying that a "Christian" singer does not correlate to "good" because there could be a devout christian singing a "secular" song and being in God's acceptance because it speaks truth.
First: no I'm not saying that a secular song is created by a satanist... Second: yeah but would Jesus listen to secular music, and we are supposed to do as Jesus did (as much as we can) and you really think that Jesus would listen to secular music... Third: if you look at hillsong united they sing like they are christian, like what non believer would make it their job to worship God, it just doesn't make sense... Fourth: if I told everybody I'm a Christian and I am then they would call me a christian because Thats what they know me as, so for hillsong united to go up on the stage all around the country or world they are giving up their time for god, so must be christian, again why would a non believer give up their time for something they dont believe I... Fifth: I didn't say that just because a christian sings a secular song does not make it holy in anyway and I didn't even say that so whatever... Sixth: Ok if some devout christian was singing a secular song that is good but has no love for god then how does it make it all the sudden all right ….....…….…and its a fact that Michael Jackson Is a satanic....………and your the one that terribly misinterpreted me...you went off in a completely different direction
Daniel Petrik I respect your point of view, but for you to say that I misinterpreted what you said is obviously a lie. You went ahead and argued against what I said, so it is obvious that I did not misinterpret what you said, since you are standing your ground on what I interpreted your comment to be, or am I wrong? (rhetorical question, the answer is obvious). Therefore, my interpretation is spot on! 1. Yes, it's true that you did not directly say this, but you did in fact bring up MJ, which according to you is a Satanist. And how are you so sure he is? Because you read it somewhere? I am sure you have some love for God, so how can you come forth and criticize others? You are no one to judge, therefore you cannot claim something that you have no proof of. Even if you could proof, you are no one to criticize. God is our judge. 2. Yes, you are right, so I will go off tangent to show how hypocritical you are being, read #1, you are criticizing, did Jesus criticize? NO, therefore you just went against what you supposedly "stand for." To be honest, I do think that Jesus would listen to SOME of today's secular music, not all secular music is "satan" worship. Some speak of wisdom and TRUTH. You see, music is like a poem, that you can express with full emotion. When you speak to your loved ones, are you sinning because you are describing to them how much you love them? NO, the same goes in a song, when a "secular" song talks about the love one has for their mother, etc. 3. Are you seriously this ignorant? I am no one to judge, but I can say that in Earth, there is this thing called GREED. If a musician doesn't make it in the secular world, they will resort to what they can. Once again, greed, it can happen to anyone. I am not saying that's the case, but I am painting a possible scenario here. It could happen, so we cannot just rely on Christian music, which according to your standards, is okay to listen to since they were produced by a so called "Christian." 4. Again, wrong, partly because of your apparent ignorance. I will quote you so you don't say that I am misinterpreting you. " they are giving up their time for god, so must be christian, again why would a non believer give up their time for something they dont believe I." They are not giving up their time for God, may I remind you, they are getting PAID to perform. That makes all the difference. No one, except them, will know their true intentions. 5. I said that as an example, it seemed to be the essence of your argument since you said that MJ is a satanist, so his music is "satan" worship. Simple logical argument that you created, and it seems you don't even know where you are going with what you say. 6. Not all songs have to sing a direct love for God. It can be a love for a relative, a love for our neighbors. Didn't Jesus, the son of God, teach us to love our neighbor. If a secular song sings the essence of this message, is it not worthy of a praise for God to listen to, when Jesus has taught us this essential message? "Secular" and "Christian" songs are words that MAN has created to distinguish in today's society. David, for instance, played an instrument, no words, and released King Saul of all his negativity. It is what comes from the heart, not just the words of a song. Obviously, songs that talk about drugs, and death, then those are the songs you should stay away from. God speaks to us in different ways, not only one direct way. One great example, the "secular" song "I hope You Dance," sung by Lee Ann Womack is a song with wise lines, that many edify our soul in someway. Some nonchristians sing "Amazing Grace," just because it is "in." Simply, there is no correlation of "good" (as you labeled it in your first comment) between a song written by a nonchristian and a song written by a Christian. Again quoting you, you said "You can't take something that is created by Satan or someone evil and use it to worship god..." so does this mean you can take something that is created by a "Christian" to worship God? Let me ask you this question, what about if this "Christian" is not in fact a Christian, but placing a mask to fool you. Doesn't the word of God tell us that many will come in His name? To end, I am trying to say, DO NOT RELY ON PEOPLE as it seems that you are. Stick to what is true to your heart, and stop falling into STEREOTYPES of people. I gave many examples, to give you a different outlook on life. Some of the things you said just sound contradictory to your own beliefs, as I am sure you will soon realize.
Let's agree to disagree because there is no way to change your view on things... We will see later on in life or possibly in heaven; who is wrong and who is right...ok?
I agree to an extent. However, what about the people that get up on stage at church who can't sing a single note but they sing glory to God. You can't say that some Christian music is badly produced so it is sinful, some Christian rap is cheesy but done with a thankful heart. That might not have been what you meant and if not correct me. But I do agree on how music that isn't labeled Christian can be a positive influence like man in the mirror or Beethoven.
Great point, both sides, Jeff you raise great discussion and good poInt. But we all give praise and worship in our own way and God finds beauty in anything sung in the love of Jesus name. Though we all don't have that gift of singing (myself haha) I know when I sing praise or hear someone else that may not hit those notes , it's more the holy spirit being poured out vocally and that my fiends is where the beauty presents itself. God bless love and peace be with y'all!!
If you struggle with it, as you stated, then you are still weak in the faith and you shouldn't be trying to teach people. There is a lot of "christian" music that I won't listen to because it doesn't properly glorify God, especially "christian rap". But there are other genres that don't glorify God properly also, and there is a lot of mainstream "christian" music that isn't truly for God. We must be very careful what we feed our soul. You sound like you fully support the new age movement! It's sad.
Christian rap is simply this: Music made to glorify God. Philippians 4:8 says "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." God sees excellent as things that we do to glorify Him, love him, and love others. Christian rap does glorify God, it does show love towards him and others! So what is sinful about christian rap? The Bible says nothing against it! You criticizing artists for making music of genres that you don't like, is just your opinion! You can not listen to music like that, but it doesn't make it wrong to! It's still music that God sees as good, even if it doesn't fit your expectations! Stop putting artists down because you dislike their style! It IS sinful to put artists down, when they have done nothing wrong.
accepting ur imperfection if beautiful and understanding his biblical stands is what he understands and is teaching abt. Wat u cant do is judge someone wn thers a log in ur eyes. Your opinion still counts
Caleb Depths I was speaking of the fact that cheesy music isn't wrong, and neither is christian rap, or other christian genres. I would agree that we should accept that we are not perfect, and therefor we should not also hope that others be perfect. We should show love towards those who are pleasing god through their words in music even if we don't enjoy their songs.
Something to consider! All Music has motive!!!!- Example When we listen to Worship Music it release’s the Spirit of God into the at·mos·phere-the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art: When we Listen to secular music - it release’s the spirit of the Artist into the atmosphere what are you letting into the atmosphere of your temple do not dilute your anointing
amen... im a blues rock guitarist and im saved.. my "church family" has a problem with me playing, but have never come to a single show.. little do they know, i throw in some crowder or Christian based lyrics... so sick of hypocritical holy and righteous people... i have a talent, and im using that talent.. oh, i also volunteer on the worship team
Many ways seem right to a man but they lead to death. Blues music doesnt glorify God. It can be very sad and depressive and these are not from God. The Spirit of God is joy. Bless you!
Well, music about drugs, and sex is evil. The ones that use curse words in every sentence is evil. It's evil because they BOAST in evil music, and they mimic the evilness in the "secular" music. So ya... if it's a song about falling in love that's fine. As long as it doesn't use a million curse word's, sex, or drugs. We're suppose to boast in LOVE, JESUS. Some Titanic songs remind me of God's glory. God bless you all.
***** I'm talking about drugs that are illegal drugs. Like heroin, and cocain, they've both killed multiple people. Have you heard some parents speaches about the illegal drugs? They've killed their sons and daughters. The illegal drugs, are not God sent. Sure there are planted drugs... but people purify the drugs, by smashing them, or smoking them. And guess what? Songs are starting to talk about how amazing illegal drugs are... yet they kill people. I will not want my future kids listening to that junk. Sex In Marriage is good, because two people are combinded, and it's healthy. You never think of your wife or husband having sex with another. If you're in a marriage, and had sex with someone else before the marriage, how do you think your husband/wife will look at you? They will know you've already been with another... plus; Did you know that when you do have sex it acts out a sacred hormone that makes you feel connected with a person? Mhm... it's true. That's why people who have sex too many times, just never care anymore, because the hormone is just destroyed, when. God gave us sex to be done in marriage. Think about teens who are getting pregnant at young ages, because they heard how good sex was in a sex song. When really... it's all just for show. A teenager starts getting picked on at school by kids, and bullied. So she doesn't know what to do. These thoughts ever occur to you? I Worship God to amazing heights, why? Because he's amazing, and helps me. I don't follow the ways of the world. Exodus 20:14 "You shall not commit adultery."
Lol no... I am a virgin till marriage. Guys like innocent girls. You always hear them say that. So you're saying, we should sleep with friends? NO THANK YOU. I'm faithful to The Lord. :)
I have a question; what are we to make of songs that can glorify God but are composed by someone who is not just a non-Christian but openly atheist or hostile towards Christianity?
+Kiano Uy (Moop Stark) To say that the work of composition itself is bad because of the person who made it commits the genetic fallacy. Basically, it's a logical fallacy to think that something is bad just because its origin is bad (in this case, thinking that a musical composition is bad because it was written by someone who's openly hostile to Christianity). Good things can absolutely come from a bad place, and the Bible is riddled with examples of this. But to go straight to what the Bible says, 1 Corinthians 8 deals with the topic of whether you should eat food that has been dedicated to idols, and the answer Brother Paul gives is that there's nothing wrong with the eating of meat that's been sacrificed to idols in and of itself, because the meat is just food. The only reason you still shouldn't do that is because other people might get the wrong idea and think you're eating that meat in worship of the idol. I think the same principle applies in this situation: it's okay to enjoy music by an anti-Christian artist, because just like the meat given in sacrifice idols is only meat, music by a blaspheming artist is only music. I think the only thing that should give you pause about it is whether listening to that music could cause some of your brothers to stumble. If you're afraid that someone might get the impression that you're endorsing the artist's worldview by listening to their music, then that could be a problem. Otherwise, the music is clean. By the way, another Biblical basis for not judging materialistic things by their origins is that King Hezekiah, who fought paganism and purified the Temple, used symbols with pagan origins in his seal (the Ankh from Egypt and a winged sun, which was a Mesopotamian symbol associated with the god Shamash). I hope this answer helps. God bless.
If it helps strengthen you in your walk with God, listen to it. To me, as long as it inspires me to do good for God, it shouldn't matter if the creator of the music was Atheist or not.
Don't corrupt Christians my friend, let anything that oppose the word of God be under Gods curse. You have love for the world, which means the love of God is not in you. Christian is not famous option my brother fear God.
I like a lot of your stuff, but I think you're not only off on this, but possibly doing damage. The presumption is that what you consider beautiful and we'll produced is what God does, or that God doesn't appreciate the effort or heart of the artist, but only the end product. My 7 year old has never produced a picture of me that is well done, but his effort and heart make me love the picture. If he were capable of drawing life-like pictures and gave me a picture of me that looked like a 7 year old's, maybe I wouldn't care as much about that, but to say that the end result is more important than the heart is, I think, anti-biblical. I suppose I agree if we are talking only about people who churn out songs and don't try, but I wouldn't know who they are just from listening to their music. As a matter of fact, when I think about it, I think God would prefer music that was produced less and more a display of the talents he gave the artist.
If my child no matter what age gave me a picture of myself that looked like a 7 year old's level of drawing, I would still love appreciate it just as much as a life like drawing. It all comes from the heart. Art is subjective, and people interpret art and music in so many different ways because each and every one of us is special and uniquely distinct. It's how we were created to be. God cares about what is inside our hearts. If the music is turning you away from him, you might want to re-evaluate your choices. However if the music is causing a stir in our souls to think of him and remind us of his love and glory and passion and creativity, I think that is absolutely fine. The conclusion is that it is a given freedom to all to listen to whatever music you like, but keeping in mind that it's not all about the music that is 'secular' or 'unholy' but how we interpret it in our hearts and whether or not we allow ourselves to be influenced and affected by the music that isn't necessarily healthy for our souls. That is what I have learnt from watching this video :)
I don't understand why it's such an argument. Look to the word of God. Music of the world DOES NOT GLORIFY GOD. Do everything that's Godly! Music of the world satisfies the flesh, take that away. We are not part of the world so we must take ourselves apart from it. I ask God to let the Holy Spirit to guide me. Which has lead me to only listening and watching things that glorify Him! And dressing to glorify him! Wake up. Satan was the angel of music as he controls all of Hollywood now. Those secular artist gave themselves to Satan nice calm music or not. Anything that does not glorify God is of the world and this worlds is the devils world. We are here to be like Jesus Christ imagine Jesus Christ dancing to secular music. Stop following what you think is right and start following the word of God! It's not easy getting to heaven. As it says the path is narrow! So we must fight for our souls. Devote your life to God completely!
LetChristLead Getting into heaven is as easy as accepting you’re a sinner, accepting the Lord as your savior and loving the Lord Jesus. God knew that staying away from sin is too hard for us so that’s why he sent his son to die. To free us, don’t forget why Jesus died for us, to free us from all sin, past present and future. The kingdom of heaven is accessible as easy as it is to accept Jesus into your heart.
man.. im sorry but you go around the issue, giving your opinnion without scriptures.... "the church was most powerfull when it was not of the world but was the light of the world"
Actually I attend a church that is not of the world and the power of God hits left in right. Many of ppl getting saved left and right and many testimonies on healing and being delivered from sin. And I'm first hand witness, I kno that I was once already dead, no heart beat no breathing and my skin was blue. But however long latter I'm not sure of, was getting up saying Jesus save me.
Wow, a christian who actually speaks like a christian. Your a first i've ever met. i'm an athiest (i know, i know, but i find his videos intriguing) and i see religion from the outside looking in and christians tend to be Very judgemental. No matter who you are it should be love for who, not for what someone is. I find it appalling the way Christianity is evolving into this hurt machine always judging and criticizing. Not saying it doesn't have it's place in the world and I agree there are some good teachings, but christians are not being christian anymore.
Too vague. Jeff, I've watched many of your videos and agree with much of what you have to say. Unfortunately you've left way too much to interpretation here. Using examples to help drive home a point can be highly effective, if the example being used is one who possesses an above average level of integrity - not perfect, mind you but at least pursuing a higher level of moral standards. While Michael Jackson had the right idea with "Man in the Mirror", his overall message is a "me first" and "victim" focused message (not specifically his music, but the way he lived his life as well). I also think of the music that is a product of the New Age movement...some of it is very beautiful, but serves more to lure one into the movement than to soothe, heal and most importantly, bring glory to God. Just my thoughts, would love to hear more of your perspective.
The issue of music is simple. What does it glorify does it build you up and help restore your relationship with God. Does it line up with Gods unchanging Word. We are to come out of the world. Its simple I use to struggle with this same issue because I just didn't want to give it up. But the problem was it was just feeding my flesh. Encouraging me to sin. Music is ministry whether you like it or not so what do you want ministered to your spirit.
they both are occult artists actually, Lil wayne vocally and in music videos blasphemes jesus christ , wayne dipped himself in blood and mocked the cross , micheal jackson admitted to being involved with the occult with his music and he had a lot of occult imagery in his music you can't just say everything is ok , Satan shouldn't have to show his horns for you to know what you're listening to is against God, if it doesn't glorify God we are commanded to be separate and stay away, that is biblical and there is no getting around it , some non christian music is fine but not the ones directly against God
You're an encouragement to me! I appreciate art, culture & beauty and i do believe God is in every beautiful thing, because He is beauty and truth Himself
1. Does it glorify God?
2. Is it beneficial?
3. Will it cause my brother to stumble? The 3 qualifications of Christian liberty
bibleway79 Thank you!
+bibleway79 Truth..
+NSLM Man, someone's salty.
***** Yeah I agree. These particular Christians aren't the only salty ones though. In fact, *most* Christians are salty as soon as you show them some facts.
NSLM You got that proof that God does, indeed, not exist? Hit me with those facts.
I've heard some Christian songs that were worse than "secular" music. Some non Christian songs are more pure and about real life. We just need to be careful what we listen to period. Cuz it may be labelled as Christian but doesn't mean it truly glorifies god. Just be careful guys. Use the Holy Spirit to guide you in what is right. Listen to his genuine message. He's not saying secular is okay. He's saying if it's pure and good and does not cause you to stumble then it is okay because nothing is about the cover it's what's on the inside that matters. Keep it real
I find it very interesting that other Christians are leaving comments filled with HATE towards him. Even if you struggle with the message, are you correcting and teaching the truth in love and reflecting Christ's character, or are you show-casing self-righteousness in your 'holy' anger. The question is, do you understand the message? Or are you fueled only by what you chose as righteous? As Christians, you need to be united and even when you disagree, let not your tongue cause you to stumble because he is after all God's Child and you will have to contend with God when you speak carelessly against his own. Would you treat your own flesh and blood the same way if you disagreed?
I couldn't agree more
Natasha Kyalo I am surrounded by pedogate and they are using the Bible to kill, rape, and torture by twisting the word to suit their needs
I almost hate calling myself a 'Christian' reading these comments. Learn to respect someone's opinion. He doesn't have to be right, it's an opinion for a reason. I agree with him. I believe calling anything 'secular' in general is ridiculous. It's almost like saying you're better than a secular person, or secular things. I don't like that, and don't think it's right. Some people are so closed minded. Quit being spoon fed by church, and actually look for answers yourself. Have an open mind and question things, it's actually a good thing. But most importantly, respect someone's opinion. You don't have to agree, but at least don't post hateful things. It's absolutely hypocritical.
Ahh spoken like a true Christian! Well said.
Thank you!
somebody understands!!!
Yea, Jesus has been doing wonderful miracles in my life lately and I've been wondering about secular music, if I should drop it. God has been pretty clear that although He prefers hymns and spiritual songs that some music and art is benign and can be enjoyed. However, I've decided to give up sec music for 3 months and see if I feel differently or if God shows me something different. Van Gogh was not a Christian, yet his art is beautiful. If you are wondering if God wants you listening to sec music at this season, just pray and ask. Best advice I got. As simple and overused it is, it's the right advice.
skyflowers God bless you abundantly.
Every music effects your soul if the music your listening to does not bring you close to God you should not listen it if you listen to music that makes your flesh happy you need to leave it.
The bible says we should not follow the world or we should not be like people of the world. Music in the spirit realm if it does not glorify Jesus it opens doors to demons
Thanks for keeping it clear and precise.
Your welcome
God would rather hear music that is poorly produced, and performed by a true worshipful heart than a bunch of polished/perfect music that is more about impressing the masses. God looks at the heart, and not the exterior. That applies to music, worship, etc... Im a former professional musician who's heart God has totally changed in regard to music. This isn't something I would've said a few years back.
I thought the same too. I feel like when we’re doing anything for God we should do it wholeheartedly and not just doing it for doing it. If other people don’t appreciate it and think it’s poorly produced it doesn’t make it a sin. (That’s what I think)
You wouldn't have said it a few years back who cares
The Bible says "you cannot serve two masters".Many secular artists sell their souls because they want to be successful, have fame ,etc. Yet you state that only as long as secular song lyrics state "true, uplifting" things will it make it okay. But how? Lady gaga has openly said she worships the devil. But one of her songs talks about being true to who you are, being brave, fearless, etc. Those are true, positive words right? But, if behind the song is an artist who sings it to glorify someone else beside our Heavenly Father, how is that okay? Michael jackson songs are created by him, not one song is holy and the other isn't, It was created by a man who serves another master. The bible says "you will know them by their fruit" what of michael jackson's (or any other secular artist for that matter) fruit is/was glorifying God. So if they aren't glorifying God, who then are they glorifying? It's kinda like saying pizza is good for me because it has tomatoe sauce, and tomatoe can provide vitamins but in reality all the grease and other junk make it so bad. Yes, their might be positive lyrics in some secular music, but the core of it is actually rotten. God Bless.
RositaZ38 I was kinf of agreeing with Jeff, but after seeing other people's opinion and mainly yours, I started to realize that he's not completely right about what he's talking about. What you say makes sense. Your pizza analogy was a great example of that. Anyway, that's a tricky dicussion and I hopr some day in the future I'll be ablr to understand that better, 'cause I'm only 16.
Greetings from Brazil, bro.
So what about the Christian singers who sin(fornication,adultery, molesters etc)?? Aren't they serving other masters as well?? Should we or should we not listen to their "God-glorifying" songs?? Or because their sins have not been made public we should disregard everything else? Jeff here is talking about Music content and what it does for your heart and soul and not what the artist behind it has in their soul. It all in your heart brother and what's between you and your God.
And besides when you listen to music that aspires you to be a better person and Christian, you are not glorifying or worshipping the artist or whoever the artist worships.
Do you know of undiscovered singers or artists who stayed true to themselves despite making it big ?
How do you know that ‘christian music’ is not rotten? How do we know that the artists that are currently making ‘christian music’ are not driven by money and fame for example?
According to your pizza example we could not listen to these type of artists cause they have certain ingredients (love for money & fame) that are not beneficial for christians.
The point I am trying to make is that we should not focus too much on the artists but on their music instead. There are alot of christian artists with bad motives as well.
Don't bash electronic music and rock. There are many artists out there who use it for the glory of God. No intrument or style is superior on its own merit, it's how you use it.
Exactly! even Hillsong, Planetshakers & other christian artists adopts edm & rock music to their songs.
@@PrettyLittleDitty2089 edm is the only genre i like
+ Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Amen 🙏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The man in Luke 16:24 cries: ". . .I am tormented in this FLAME."
In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."
In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . ."
Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."
I am with Jefferson on this topic. I am a musician myself. My view of music is what message is this person singing about? Is what their singing about a truth that the scriptures condone and promote. I do agree if the artist is glorifying premarital sex, drugs, & violence then you do not need to be listening to it. If you claim to be a Christian. But if the song advocates changing the world for the better, livelihood, and love in a non-sinful way, then it is not a sin to hear it or sing it. This whole narrative that legalistic Christians give that a message of truth can only come from saved people is a lie. Just like he said in the video the truth of God can be spoken through anyone. It's not always Christians. Too many times we as Christians claim our truths to be the only truths which is also lie to a certain extent. Just like I can be uplifted and encouraged to worship God when I hear Michael W. Smith's Place In This World and Here I Am To Worship Rich Mullins Our God Is Awesome God and Donnie McClurkin's Stand. I can also be uplifted and encouraged when I hear Bill Withers's Lean On Me, and James Taylor's You Got a Friend. Why? Because those songs embrace friendship, brotherhood, and love. Those are principles that the scriptures teach us to live by too. If the artist is secular and the song they are singing about is a principle the scriptures condone we should not just condemn them because they are a secular artist. There are old hymns that were written by non-christian artists too. So fellow believers do not judge and don't condemn a secular artist if their message falls in line with the scriptures.
I use to struggle with this before. I understand what he is saying. A song doesn't need to have the word Jesus to glorify Him.
It's like me saying that I have to work for a company that proclaims that they are Christians only.
Anyone can claim to be a Christian but if they do not have fruit of the Holy Spirit which is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Your actions alone can glorify the one true God above without saying the word Jesus. This has happened to be before. They came to me and said there was something different about me. Then I proclaimed I was a Christian. But never forget to give thanks and glory to God in the name of Jesus.
Most secular music in our times and past are influenced by the enemy himself. Music was Lucifer's gift in heaven, and he does still very much use that gift here. When you listen to that garbage, the mind does observe what you listen to and you are influenced by that music whether you realize it or not. I only recently stopped listening to that trash and have no desire to return back to listening to it. My thought process has changed.
Excuse me but there is music with good message.
Excuse me, but when did I state there wasn't?
Vote for Call on the Mighty No.9 kickstarter! :D and there are many good people in this world with good intentions that if they don't recognize that Jesus is their savior and they accept him anyway they're going to end up in hell. Do you understand? it is not enough to be moral, you have to believe!
Eli P. What are you talking about? A music can't belive a thing and saying that a music is from hell just because its not christian is too fair.
What Eli was saying, is that having good morals alone will not allow you a free ride to eternity with Christ Jesus. You have to accept Him, believe in Him, and follow him in order to achieve Salvation. You can be the nicest, most generous person on earth but if you don't acknowledge Christ as your savior you have the same fate as a nonbeliever.
Jefferson, I see your point. Been Christian is not about rules, living with the Holy Spirit is much more then that. God is not looking for the exterior, but He is looking into our hearts. I think that the opposite is also true, there are christian songs that are not focused in God, so we shouldn't be listening. Having the christian stamp doesn't mean it is good and having the secular stamp doesn't mean that is bad. But the reflection is, by listening to this song do I get closer to God? Does my thirsty for His presence grows?
+Bárbara Costa Lippi or maybe songs you listen to don't matter at all. You think God will ask you "Name top 3 artists in your last.fm account", "Show me your itunes library I need to check if there's at least one Hillsong" If someone's faith is shaken by songs, or need to have songs to be sustainable, they should really question their faith because it's too weak.
+Bárbara Costa Lippi Well, there was this one time, I was I believe, 37, listening to "Home" by Chris Daughtry, and out of all seriousness, I felt the Spirit when listening to it, like I was moved to it. It was at a time when I was struggling to get back on path and had severe concerns about ending up in the lake of fire, feeling like I can never be free. The words to that song can sound like, not just home here on earth, but a song a person can sing to the Lord and home being heaven. Ever since, I think of eternal heavenly home when I hear that song. Will I make it home? I reckon I will find out on Judgment Day.
like like like yes
You guys need to chill. He is saying you have to discern what song you are listening to. So he found the truth in that Song that changes start with ourselves. You can't expect the church to grow unless you are trying to grow yourself and push the church forward. He is not saying listen to anything. He is saying discern the message and if God can be shown through it somehow.
Exactly! People need to wake up.
Are you a friend of the world or of God?
If you become a friend with the world you are an enemy of God.
Exactly. Religion is the world's enemy.
The world could be a much better place if not for people being brainwashed to think there's a magical sky-daddy.
You guys are morons for believing in all this bronze-age fairy tale bullshit.
+NSLM M'lady
+L.A.B. Did Jesus came to be an enemy to the world?
NSLM I Pray one day that you will have the experience of Jesus Christ, that died for us.
Wow, this is VERY disturbing!
It was TRUE when the demon possessed man said to Jesus, "I know who you are, The Holy one of God " Mark 1:24-25 yet Jesus told him to "BE QUIET".
Listen, Jesus is NOT in league with satan and demons and those who deny Him in Spirit and in Truth. So whether it's beautiful or not, we listen to music that flows from the lips of the one who is FULLY committed to the Lord in Spirit and InTruth dead to this world.
The bible says not to be UNEQUALLY yoked right? Now if the unsaved person who denies Christ happen to be beautiful, talented, and smart, do those qualities annul the verse in 2 Corinthians 6:14? May it NEVER be.
Do not open yourself to deception, be discerning, I say this in love and great concern, repent.
The Word of God is not picky about who shares Him or where! The strongest Christian I personally know said he first became aware of his need for the Grace through Christ while he was listening to "Highway to Hell by AC/DC!
Seeing as "secular" music is anything separate from religion I'd say look deeper into the message behind each track.
Some of it is clearly dark and evil in theme. But, in contrast you have plenty other tracks that have a much more positive message that's either uplifting or encouraging. A lot of it also carries profound social messages that need to be heard more because of many artists out here strive to tell the truth about what's really going on in our world.
The very idea of secular music being "evil" is just silly and close-minded when you really consider this dynamic. Especially since plenty of these "secular" artists are known Christians, anyway.
If I listen to a sweet secular song with no evil does that mean I am doomed for hell? I mean that's what they all act like.
I want a life, I care for the Bible and I think it's accurate on history, morals, etc. But I think what it's saying in the Bible is when you dance to sexual or listen to sexual things.
7 years is a song a like, I also like video game soundtracks I listen to too, but I am still a Christian
@@ses5736 it is about annointing behind it. It goes two ways: Holy Spirit or satan and our own imagination. Our own imagination is as evil as satan ( The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?) Only goal of music is worshiping God. Even if it has some truth in it or good morals if its not annointed by the Spirit of God and not worshiping Jesus its not good for you.
Morals can not save! If they did Jesus would not have to become the living sacrifice to pay our debt to God. (wages of sin is death).
Satan comes as an angel of light. Sometimes instrumental music seems good, but it is depressing and sad. And we know that the Spirit of God is joy. Sadness is not from God.
Bless you!!
"Jesus has a monopoly on truth." I love that.
Does The Bible not say make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Whether you think it is good or not does not matter if it glorifies the Lord. That is what matters. As long as God is glorified in the music it is good. If he is not glorified then its bad. It is as simple as that.
Amen! Music can be such an awe inspiring medium, and invoke such beautiful feelings, you can't help but praise God for the gift.
God said: do not worship me as they worshiped their gods. Michael Jackson worshiped his god with that music. I would associate God and M. J. Music together. You can't take a pagan practice and make it Christian that's what like saying lets have a Christian Halloween.
so do you not celebrate Halloween?
I do not partake in Halloween. Halloween is is pure Satanism.
only1gumpy Did you know that Saturnalia which is now Christmas was a pagan holiday?
only1gumpy That also goes with Easter as well... they were both pagan practices.
+Gumpy Bike rider you do realize, Halloween was originally a Christian celebration of those who had passed on. Right?
The point isn't is it "bad" or "good" Lucifer was kicked out of heaven because he was prideful and wanted to be praised. When we sing to something/one else rather than God we are praising that. I've listened to secular music and Christian music. When I listen to secular music, it makes me feel prideful, better than other people or complete opposite like sad, and depressed. I've always said if it feels wrong then it is wrong. It is all about your conviction and that is what will lead you to YOUR right or wrong. One thing is for sure the word of God does not lie. You can read that Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for being prideful, he was rebellious. Too often "secular music" makes people rebellious towards the things of God. I speak of personal experience that when I listen to secular music, I get spiritually weak and then start to desire to do things I shouldn't. Music will influence your life. You don't have to agree with me, like I said I speak for myself. God Bless.
What's wrong about 100% Jesus music? Michael Jackson did not write that by the power of the Holy Spirit! How can a worldly person identify a Christian if he is listening to Michael Jackson? So if Lil Wayne wrote a song about 'truth'.. I can listen to that too? This video is dangerous especially for very young believers. It will make them confused. Please pray more about this. Collosians 3:16!
Not one biblical reference to back up what he said. We cannot answer questions without referring back to the bible the best way we can. " I believe " won't cut it. It's what the word of God says “For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].”
Philippians 4:8 AMP we need to be careful to what are minds are exposed to.
amen, I felt like something was wrong this guy. Nothing to back up his words.
Jamal Lamy no one is saying u should listen to music about sex and drugs and every other negative thing...besides some “secular” music have some of the characteristics u mentioned....its all about discerning...by the way he used Bible references.... listen well
Kosi Okoye like I said , we need to be careful to what ARE minds are exposed to. Nothing wrong with listening to the cha cha slide, but I'm just saying. Some brothers and sisters are weak in the faith and some are strong we need to be careful about what is being said
Jamal Lamy he did quote scripture. John 4:24
Which sometimes makes me wonder where the "Christmas" concept is referred to in the Bible
I see you're point in the end about whether music is good or excellent, but let me tell you this. I've had countless experiences where I'd listen to secular songs and the spirits of those songs took total control over my mind. It drew a dark cloud over my life and knocked me off the path of righteousness. Music that explicitly talks about drugs, sex, and "rock and roll" contain evil spirits that can influence your mind and lead you to make bad decisions. The enemy can take the simplest things and turn it into a gateway of destruction; which is why the bible tells us to guard our hearts. Once I stopped listening to explicit music, I finally saw a huge shift in my life.
LET'S NOT FORGET THAT SATAN WAS THE CHOIR DIRECTOR OF THE MUSIC IN HEAVEN. So he uses music as another tactic to lure souls in the pit.
Yeah, don't listen to rap or hip-hop
Just because someone is doing something with excellence, it's glorifying God? So we can sin excellently and Glorify God because we're the best at it? Aight.
Isaiah I was going to say something to that effect, but you beat me to it.
so playing jazz is sin
Hey guys! You can get my audiobook for free right now when u sign up for free trial at jeffbethke.com/audible
i usually love your vids and analogies, but must admit i truly believe u have it all wrong about music here unfortunately. man in the mirror is an egotistical song....remember, we were only made in the image of God, so that means we should always accept who and how we were presented to this world....
***** thats not what this song is about if god created someone that doesnt mean that person cant change from what god had originaly planned then they need to reflect on their mistakesin order to change. The song can be looked at as a meesage to people that want to change the world to always be true to your self. God doesnt create evil people people do. its not gods fault they are evil selfish or anything its ultimately theirs or someone elses fault. ironically you said something egotistical while calling man in the mirror egotistical sad as hell.
Jefferson...as believers we better "exegete bible verses" to share what is the truth from God's Word. let us not "eisegete bible verses" this leads to dangerous teachings...
"Man in the mirror"??? seriously?
so what your saying is because he likes the positive message in man i the mirror hes a heathen and is teaching heresy got it thanks follower of a loving god such understanding father.
Jasmin Lopez secular doesn't mean satanic just because people have different beliefs doesn't mean they are satanists they are just people maybe you should stop thinking like a bronze age imbecile and start to make decisions on your own and not look to the bible for the answer because if it ever had the answer to problems it definitely is outdated now you do realize that almost all the evidence that support the bible as true also disprove that god exists because of the many different religions that have the same stories follow different deities. 1 there is no evidence to support the existence of the Illuminati in todays society so to say something is Illuminati is just more lies than satan could ever portray if he does exist, you dont listen to the music so how can you say there is not god in it I bet if you listened to the "Hard Core" music youd find alot of them use Christian symbolism and actually have alot to do with repenting for there mistakes and asking god to take pity on them. 2 if you dont listen to it then how can you derive meaning from it stop judging shit and others ignorantly if you went to any place but a christian school youd learn something not just school stuff you learn about different kinds of people with different beliefs and different opinions than GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.
Listened to the audio. Just thought I would point out five things.
1. The vessel of worship matters.
Amos 5:22-23 "Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings."Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps.
2. Music is not neutral as Bethke puts it. Music is spiritual (1 Samuel 16:23, 2 Kings 3:15, 2 Chronicles 20:21). And the spirit world is clearly demarcated as secular and sacred.
3. We are a peculiar people (set apart for Christ)
Romans 14:23 states "...anything that is not done in faith is sin." (Romans 14 talks about liberties. Our liberties should not cause younger believers to stumble) I like what one person in the comments said: The 3 qualifications of Christian liberty are a. Does it glorify God? b. Is it beneficial? c. Will it cause my brother to stumble?
4. Bethke is a great teacher that I admire and I pray he continues to fan his gift to help others. However, this particular gift of teaching comes with a warning from scripture.
James 3:1 "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."
5. May we be be united in Christ Jesus ultimately. To obey the Holy Spirit deposited in us until the day of his return.
"And whenever the harmful spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand. So Saul was refreshed and was well, and the harmful spirit departed from him." 1 Samuel 16:33
When King Saul was tormented by evil spirits he would actually call on King David to play the Lyre in order to soothe him with so called "Secular music!" There's you're scripture to back it up. There are many false prophets but Jefferson isn't one of them!
How can you minister to the world if you think everything in the world is completely sinful and disgusting. When you believe listening to any music that doesn't glorify Jesus as dirty I am thinking why on earth would a non.Christian respect you or confide in you at all. Do not be of the world. But do not reject the world. How can you reach non believers from the pedastal you stand apon?
+Brian WTS Exactly. Paul quoted pagan poets when evangelizing to the Greeks, and by the logic of these legalistic Christians today, it would have been a sin for him to even read those works.
Unfortunately this is the works of religion. To be so contrived that you feel as if God has a big stick and looking upon you with a disapproval look. But the guy says he hates religion when he is fully immersed in it & hasn't got a clue. I'm not judging I have been there.
You sir is what religion looks like.
As a musician who follows the Lord, this answered a lot of questions that I've been confused about for a while. Thank you so much!!
I don't understand why when we talk of secular music ppl only peg their thinking on illuminati,lesbianism and all the evil things then come into a conclusion that secular music is evil. Some secular songs just talk of love,appreciating someone, heartbreaks etc.. I don't just get how that can be evil. I'm a gospel artist and I believe I'm a born again Christian having accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour. But this is a conversation I'd love to have with God Himself, I just don't see how appreciating someone in a descent lyrical song can be evil. To me, anything that leads you to sin is evil and some secular songs don't have that effect, they are simply informative. My take though..
Rivy Betty Agree
Its really sad to see some Christians like this brother, so easily defending and even trying hard to pursue others into believing something which has no real truth or foundation on the basis of the Word of God and something that he agrees with and want others also to believe. I really think that this brother needs to pray and ask God to give him a divine gift of discernment. There are many things for that matter which are not mentioned in Bible but that does not mean that any Christian can justify that and go ahead to do those things just because its not mentioned in Bible. Bible does not talk about smoking but on the other hand there are some golden principles mentioned for Christians in Philippians 4:8, 1 Corinthians 6:19 and Romans 12:2 which teaches Christians how to make sure that we responsibly take care of our god given bodies in Holiness and Purity.
I know the subject here is about listening to Secular music. The question here is really not whether a specific Secular music is good or not but its about taking guard in your spiritual lives, so that we may not fall into trap of enemy by involving ourselves into something which can pose a great danger to our own spiritual life.
For instance I think this brother who is quoting so many scriptures from so many places in the Bible, May I in God's Love tell him that please go ahead and read the book of Proverbs (Read one chapter daily and you can finish it in a month).
Proverbs 27:12 says "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished".
Its always wise for a Christian to take guard and avoid things which may lead to his/her spiritual downfall in long run. Once I heard a story about a Christian doctor who wanted to understand what drug addicts goes through so that he can treat them more efficiently and as an experiment he took couple of doses of a drug to see its affect on his body. As you may have guessed that ultimately he ended up being a drug addict himself.
Talking about my life, When I was a nominal Christian walking in my own ways I use to hear lot of secular music and film songs etc. but when I truly met my Jesus and the word of God through His Spirit starting changing and cleaning my life inside out, the desire to even listen to such songs has gone now.
"If the desire of indulging into something carnal and worldly is still present in our Christian life then its not a good sign for a Christian."
Having said that I do agree with his point of view that many new contemporary Christian music are even lower in standards than some secular songs but that does not mean that we can go ahead and start listening to secular songs.
Be careful, Remember a wise man sees danger and hides from it.
I really wish that this brother should unnecessarily stop defending things which may hurt the faith of someone who is Weak or New in faith.
Bible gives a stern warning in 1 Corinthians 8:9 "But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak." and in Luke 17:1,2 "Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."
The other day one of my Sunday school kids saw some video of this brother defending the use of Tattoos on bodies and it took me much efforts, prayers and personal time of discussion to make my Sunday school child understand the real truth about that issue.
My suggestion to this brother is, please be careful what you are defending as God will take into account if your reasoning (which is sometimes completely non-Biblical) is hurting the faith of those who are new or weak in faith. When we aim for Holiness and a true fellowship of God in our own personal lives, then only we really understand what we actually stand for in our Christian life.
Just to conclude my comments with 1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, ".
My sincere suggestion to my brother in Christ, Thrive hard to Defend your Hope and Faith in Christ and that too with gentleness and respect, but stay away from defending something which you are not really sure if its "Approved of God" or not.
I'm sorry if I sounded bit hard in my words somewhere but I think that even I have a right to opinion here.
I will surely pray for this brother because I like his Zeal and Spiritual Eagerness for Christ, its just that it has to be diverted more towards useful spiritual cause rather than getting involved into useless things (Titus 3:9) which does not help anyone in his or her Faith.
-Santosh Thankachan
Wisdom and balance right here
Curly Proverbz agreed!!!!
This guy is finding justifications on being able to enjoy his music. Its simple. Either your cold or hot, but please dont be a lukewarm Christian!
If secular music is all bad, then why have there been so many people talking about how certain secular songs have helped them through tough times because of what they talk about, and there's a lot of secular songs that aren't bad lyrically that talk about walking through and overcoming trials and about how you become stronger as you walk through and overcome trials like the song What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger , and Jefferson Bethke said in the video that the song Take A Look In The Mirror by Michael Jackson is about us needing to work on our own issues first, which Jesus talked about in Matthew 7. Also, not that I'm saying don't listen to Christians, but it's good to seek things out ourselves and to listen to what God says instead of just blindly believing what the people that raised us or other Christians say just because they're Christians as if they're God and Jesus isn't
Sounds to me like your idea of a "lukewarm Christian" is someone who falls short of perfection. Sorry to tell ya, but we all fall short, even you. Don't try to limit what can be given to God - God is owed all of His creation. Rather than not allowing evil to exist, He makes good to come out of it, i.e. humanity. Hope this helped!
San Juana Caudillo So for example, I like Sabrina carpenters song it has meaning. In one of her songs called "thumbs" it talks about the way of the world and how we should not follow it I'll give u one lyric "somewhere in the world there is a robber and a bank, so the bank robbed the people so the people robbed the bank" see its true what her lyrics are saying
San Juana Caudillo so I guess your going to he'll if you like EricClapton
If you write a song about how you love someone ...that is not bad. I'm sure God has given you the wisdom to know which music or song you should or shouldn't listen to. I personally prefer not to listen to secular music. If I do it's like 1% of the time and it'll be Disney songs or some classic song. I think what matters is the spirit from which it comes.just gotta ask Holy Spirit for guidance... and pray for our brothers and sisters to do the same.
I agree. Not all secular music is evil, but those who are walking closely with Christ should have a "switch" that immediately turns "off" when something we listen to isn't right. I used to not have that switch, now I do. I love the bands U2, Mumford and Sons and Foo Fighters. A lot of their music doesn't violate my "switch". To say it all glorifies God, I am not so sure but a lot of it can be helpful in pointing that way.
So I can listen to jazz and classical? Please help me
I'm a christian and I listen to Metallica, Asking Alexandria, and other rock bands but don't mean I worship the devil and kill sheep! Open your mind people
Totally agree there brother!
It’s good music that your enjoy ok
So long as God is glorified in that music, as Philippians 4:8 says, whatever is pure & lovely.....think on those things.
I think Jeffery Dahmer liked "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath before he went out for a kill.
Mostly you're right on with your theology, but here you are showing your age and maturity. I'm a pastor and trust me, I think most of the music on K-Love is unbearably cheesy and makes Christians look lame. But is that sin? And I get the point you were trying to make about giving thanks to God for beauty. But to say that you worship through Michael Jackson's son Man In The Mirror because it says something that is true, is not worship. Worship (Prosketos) is laying prostrate before the Lord in reverence and praise. It does involve glorifying Jesus' name. If it's not sang with the intention of glorifying Christ, it is not worship or sacred. Anything that does not come from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). I get why you are defensive for your secular music that is higher quality, and yippee that you are solid enough to recognize truth from a lie. But the reality is that most of America's youth do not know the difference and are strongly influenced by the music industry. Romans 14:22 says, "Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves." I know that you are in Mark Driscoll's camp of being missional and relevant and I love Driscoll and am all for that, but don't forget to be set apart from the world bro. That's the definition of holiness.
Mark Weaver Romans 14:23 describes doing things that you completely aren't sure whether there sinful.. So your interpretation is incorrect..
Sorry bro, you are wrong and should not be pushing your false beliefs on people. If you truly obtained the holy spirit, you would know secular music is bad. 99.9% of all popular hits are evil based. Sex, greed, lust, infidelity, ect can be found as the topic. While we as believers in Christ have gospel/praise music that topics love, peace, faithfulness, kindness, ect.You could be singing praises to Lucifer, blinded by creations of the sinful man. It is up to us to pray and ask for advice. With the Holy Spirit you will know good from bad. To obtain it, you must have pure of heart.
p.s as much as it may hurt you to know... Michael Jackson was a false idol. It would be wise to avoid his music. Billie Jean? C mon bro... If it isn't holy, it isn't good for your spirit.
Cody Caston We don't need to be pure to obtain the Holy Ghost... We just need to believe... Michael Jackson music is not bad remember it all comes down with the intentions of the heart, If there are no sinful motives then its okay to listen to secular music
How would you know those songs are bad if you haven't heard them? You say 99.9% of secular music is evil. How could you possibly knife that without hearing them? So do you or do you not listen to it? Or is that a view from the outside looking in. He stated be like Man in the Mirror because of its message. He also said "Do I think the rest of his music is right? No." So ease of the man I'd you don't agree don't watch.
J S i think his point was what is the meaning of the song you are listening to. It doesn't matter if Jesus is mentioned or not in a song. What matters is if the content is wrong. It's the same in real life. When I have lunch I'm eating food. It's not necessarily a Christian lunch it's just lunch. I pray before I eat typically, but that doesn't mean all i talk about while I eat is God. I'm a songwriter and I've written songs both about Jesus and about other things in my life. None of which is sinful. I'm just a guy playing guitar in my room but if I was a legitement musician, would I be considered a secular artist?
So, walk me through this, because you're making lots of broad, generalizing, absolute statements without fact or citation. Christian music is "always bad" because people "pretend to like it to be accepted." Accepted by whom? Non-believers, or other Christians? And how do you know it is always bad? Do you have a distaste for the type of Christian music you happened to overhear at the time and decided from there that all Christian music is bad, or do you listen to Christian music on your own time and have determined that it is just bad music? Because it's ok if you simply do not like that kind of music, I have no problem there. It's a free country, feel free to listen to whatever you want. But where I think you're coming from is that you have an unbelief in the Spirit of God, so therefore whatever lyrics give credit to his name is just bogus to you. Which again, if you don't believe in God then that is your prerogative. Free country, no one has to compel you to believe it.
But saying things like "Christian music is actually just bad music" or "the holy spirit is actually imaginary too" begs for you to explain why you think that's "actually" true. If you simply want to come out and just be honest that you don't believe in God, all right then, that's a good honest starting point. But please, attacking God on the basis of your distaste in Christian music probably isn't the best starting point, because there is great Christian music for everyone in all sorts of genres, and yes some genres don't really speak of Jesus and you could say that those bands are in the secular market yet they still give glory to Christ for their gifts. That I believe is Jefferson Bethke's point, that just because it doesn't have the name Jesus in it doesn't mean you can't glory God in it all the same if it is pure, true and well produced. But if it's God you have qualms with, and not merely Christian music, then maybe you and I could find a different starting point to discuss this.
By the way, the only reason I' replying to your reply is because you had me at "Actually the opposite is true" where I thought you were going to say not all the 99% of music that isn't "Christian" is bad, which I as a Christian and Pastor would agree, but I saw that you took it into a different direction. This is not an attack and it's not a sermon, so if you have disagreements with me I welcome them, and I think you and I could have a civil conversation about this if you felt so inclined. Thanks, walrus funkerton.
1 Corinthians 10:31
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
Whatever we do is to glorify God including what music we listen to. You've clearly contradicted the scriptures and have created a stumbling block for those who desire to be sanctified by the truth.
Matthew 24:11
“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”
~ ( 1 John 2:15 ) ~
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
I don't understand this guy. "If its good art and art speaks for its self". What?! And who's standard of "good" is he using anyway. The fact of the matter is if it doesn't edify your spirit or bring Glory to God then why are you really listening to it? Maybe to fufill the lust of the flesh? Yeah that seems to be what it is. Everything that is good is from God and should be used to build us up in the spirit or to glorfiy God. Music is only good when it does one of those two things, that goes for food, sex ,speach and every other thing that God as blessed us with. It should never be all about us and our own passions. What edifies us ,Glorifies God and whatever does not is not good. Its not hard to understand, but if you are still trying to justify your actions through the flesh ,then expect to jump through some hoops to do so.
But are u thinking of god when you have sex?
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."
Jeremiah 17:9-10
"Delight thyself also in the Lord ; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
Psalms 37:4
if your seeking GOD with all your heart and not worldly pursuits.. GOD puts HIS desires in our hearts!!
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."
1 John 2:15-17
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Romans 12:1-2
please let us have the fear of the LORD as professing believers.. and cling to HIM.. let GOD BE TRUE AND ALL MEN LIARS... HIS WORD is the truth and it exposes our hearts and hypocrisy and pride.. we need HIM and HIS WORD that supercedes our feelings, opinions, and the traditions of man to bow down to the obedience of CHRIST... In JESUS Name amen..
Some people avoid certain types of food, not because that food doesn't taste good but because of how that food makes them feel physically. That's how it is for me with secular music. I stay away from it because although it may sound good I don't like how it makes me feel spiritually.
You are completely wrong about your assertion that secular and sacred is a Greek invention. The reality of sacred and secular comes from God. Have you forgotten what the word HOLINESS is? It is the basis of the Christian's understanding of secular and sacred.
And now you are INVENTING SIN. Cheesy equals sin? You are completely wrong!
The Spirit leads you to GODLINESS (sacred) and away from ungodliness (SECULAR).
***** What Jefferson is explaining is that high quality art is to God's glory. Just because it does not explicitly say "Jesus" does not mean that it cannot be used to worship and glorify the Lord.
amen !
Thank you your statement you are correct. Just because its sounds right doesn't mean its correct.
YESSSSS PREACH!!!! We were made to abstain our selves from fleshly desires of the world.
Music is for everyone and transcends beyond all cultures...just like God.
no no no God is HOLY you can not put HOLY and UNHOLY together the Holy spirit guides us to know it is wrong no secular music glorifys GOD none it is of the enemy
Not all secular music, U2 is a secular band there are many lyrics of them that´s wrong, but did you listened 40 and Moment of Surrender? There are many others artist in secular world that composed some praiseworthy songs
I obey what God says and the holy spirit is the one who guides us to follow God way not man's way I respect your beliefs i choose Gods
Alexandria Leal Were only required to obey the commandments of God there is no commandment against secular music or Music with secular topics!
@@alexandriagalazleal5998 how to not have a life 101
What we do, hear, see, think, speak, all should Glorify God. It must all be for the glory to God. Now listening to man in the mirror, yes it does have a positive message but it also is enabling the person to start listening to all the other Micheal Jackson songs (creates curiosity to all of his other music), in which they do not all glorify the name of God. Just because one song is positive doesn't mean that the person is living that life that they say they are in that song, we are influenced by all of these factors. Tell me who you associate yourself with and I will tell you who you are. One positive song doesn't make up for decades of secular music that glorifies the world. Do not mix what is from the world with what is meant to glorify God and say that a positive song such as Man in the mirror can slide. That is when you become a stumbling block not only to yourself but others because it can crack open a window one second and the next second it'd be completely open, excusing yourself.
Rejecting secular music is to entirely dismiss the effort, skill and artistic rendering that has gone into it's creation. Blinkered judgementalism blinds people to greatness and beauty. What a sorry lot are those who reject the wonders of human artistic expression.
Preach it bro! you have an amazing way with words! Jesus hung out with those who were in sin, He didn't draw lines between them and Him, He loved on them!
The truth of the matter is All depends what is in your heart I know a lot of "religious" people who will ONLY listen to Christian music all day long but yet their hearts all full or envy, resentment, they gossip and hurt others with out care of what they doing how listening to only Christian music is that ok?? NO
So true, i know im not letting people tell me what to do preaching the word, condemning ppl but in secret living ungodly. I let the Holy Spirit tell me whats right or wrong.
I Can Be Fire And Brimstone In my Teaching On fb, but a person who doesn't listen to only, "Christian music" isn't gonna be labelled, "not a Christian." I mean, I work off of rock and metal artists when I've written songs from the '00's and '10's style rock and metal genre, and yes, all my lyrics r Christian. I' suggest Christians who do this don't passively listen to music this way as if it's just a fun, Justin Beiber song. Deeply analyze the lyrics, and the same should be said about Christian music, because the Christian artist could very well be writing songs from the point of view of their denominational background and not The Bible.
It's about relationship with yeshua not religion
They aren't true Christians then......don't be deceived
This is one of the greatest videos ive watched in a while. I recently have been trying to forget about being a "christian" and now I just want to serve God freely, and religion can get in the way of that. If I do everything the best I can for God, then it is worship. I love this guy because he has helped a lot with this. I get real honest inspiration from "secular" art all the time, and i feel like I'm really getting to know God through it.
Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Do any of you, in all of your scorn of Jeff Bethke and his teaching, refuse then to watch movies that are not sacred? I mean, you must not fool yourself here. The Devil not only has a monopoly on the music industry, the films produced by Hollywood very well do contain ungodly themes, and the messages conveyed in movies are arguably more subversive and influential than the messages in songs. Are you then to watch only movies that are orchestrated by Christian directors? With actors that are exclusively Christian? And crews that are exclusively Christian?
Christ dined with unbelievers (Mark 2:13-17). Why do you refuse any and everything that comes from an unbeliever, so self-righteous in your personal pursuits of holiness? You must engage this culture and point the people of it to Christ. How are you to do so if you refuse to try and understand their worldviews, so caught up shielding yourself from unbelievers and their art?
Please correct me if I'm wrong. A Dios ser la gloria.
Yes. This is great.
dancegym7 thank you.
Will Poole, V You can very well lead someone to Christ without having to do what the world does. You DON'T have to engage in this culture to point people to Christ.
Amen to that one!
Lee Port oh yes you do. Let's use the Bible for this one.
1 Corinthians th-cam.com/video/yA8vbfkV22c/w-d-xo.htmlm20s-23 ESV
To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
Why do we engage and try to understand the world and its culture? For the sake of the gospel, so we may share with them in its blessings. Trying to sanatize ourselves will not produce an effective understanding of sinners. And if we can't understand sinners, how are we "to all things to all people" in order to share the gospel and its blessings?
Also, you didn't answer any of my questions.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
It seems you have been deceived and are now joining the ranks of the false teachers. Slow down and ask the Lord for wisdom, because you are going to be held accountable for what you are teaching...
gtfo of youtube! go save souls who are damned for hell! hypocrite. otherwise dont call yourself christian.
8 8 I agree with you but what happened to loving others and being respectful of there opinions cursing at them isn't what Jesus would want.
Ha ha, this was not me who posted this. I'm not religous at all but I let my brother post his shitty comments on my youtube sometimes.Just ignore everything here, it's not me it's my younger religous brother.
Happy New Year Brother Jefferson! You make a number of good points that nobody has addressed in my Christian experience since the 1990's. Back in the early 90's I came to a place where I totally fell in love with Christian music and I had to make a choice: Listen to it AND my secular rock favorites or pursue God through an exclusive diet of Christian music and radio. When I made the choice for Christian Music, the spiritual warfare was one of the most intense events in my life but I chose Christian music (back then it was Kellye Huff, Russ Taff, Susan Ashton, Margaret Becker and praise music from Hosanna Integrity). In obedience to God, I threw away hundreds of dollars in records and cassette tapes, t-shirts and videos I had amassed. I threw a bunch of trash bags away that morning while casting each one away in the Name of Jesus. I felt a sense of incredible relief after it was over that I had been obedient to God in such a profound way. Did I regret it later? At times I did but I remember the experience as being one in which I really "died to self (self focus)". I agree that secular music can remind us of that which needs to be changed in our lives but my heart's testimony is that nothing brings our heart, soul and body into the throne room of our most wonderful and loving Father God like music that is only about Jesus. Some of my favorite examples of this is "Made me glad by Hillsong", "Always by Kristian Stanfill" and "Forever by Kari Jobe". Thank you for reading my post - Grace be with your spirit my Brother .... Scott S.
He's right. Platonism is a huge problem in Christianity today. Plato taught that the physical is corrupt and evil and the spiritual is pure and good. Christians bought into that thinking a long long time ago, but it is very clear that the authors of scripture did not believe that dichotomy. God created everything and called it "good." God is interested in the physical and the spiritual because they are inseparable.
gotta be careful here, When God created everything he said it was good. Like an artist making the perfect painting. Now sin gets into the picture and creates a blob of paint that causes a noticeable mark on the painting. Is the painting still good? Or does the mark cause the painting to lose its quality?
Read Romans chapter 12.
Do not be of this world. A lot of what is world offers is for purely physical satisfaction.
Music itself is not sinful. However what the lyrics say are.
A Picasso or Rembrandt with a coffee stain on it is still priceless. How much more this world? God is the ultimate artist and is restoring his creation.
bajojohn yessssss❤️
There are some music created by secular artists,good meaning, but has curses, but can I listen to the good clean version of artists, please answer me back.
+MusicMaster9361 100% correct!
+Surf Shop I really need an answer to this!!!, can you guess an artist i cant stop listening too?
+MusicMaster9361 I wouldn't be able to answer you, cos' i very very seldom listen to secular music. But i'm sure the Holy Spirit of God will guide you into all truth. Entrust that to Him and He will guide you.
when u said 100% correct i thought u do listen
Christian music doesn't sound good to you (most of the time) because it's not for you. (and the lack of effort at times)
Secular music sounds good to you because it's MEANT to feed the body/flesh.
(what Christianity is against, put the flesh to death and live in spirit)
***** What hes saying here Jim is secular music tends to talk about sinful things. The lyrics feed your mind thoughts about fleshly things. Listen to mainstream now adays.... first 3 songs are bound to involve either sex, drugs, or some other worldly desire.
Music itself is not perverted, what the artists write causes the perversion.
Well said. I'd like to say that music doesn't change, but the ones who make it change.
***** You STILL have to be careful dude! 'How can you say it's fleshly? Music came from heaven.'
Before lucifer had fallen he was the curator of music in heaven. It makes sense when you start looking into how many artists are now trapped within the illuminati.
Also if you read my comment on the actual post you might find that interesting to
Lucifer was satan Holy Bible is not Dogma!
This is the first vid I disagree with why because simple shai linne said it best record labels pay the radio to play the same songs over and over so much I almost forgot its garbage because when those seeds keep hitting you eventually they penetrate I encourage you to redo this and explain more by if it makes you or someone else struggle not to listen to it
Sooooooo... Can I listen to secular music or not?
+Tamica Jade oh... ok...
As long as the music speaks truth and doesn't make you think of lies, it is fine...For example, you can listen to Hey brother by Avicii as long if you think the whole message of the song is true. (You might interpert the song differently from others but what matters is what you take out of it.)
But there are a bunch of music out there that does not display a good message like nicki minaj's anaconda...
Amen! Finally somebody in the truth! God bless you my dear sister in Christ:)
Well put. Never thought of it that way. Thank you for this!
I believe it all depends on the lyrics. There are some lyrics that just talk to us in certain situations we find ourselves in.
Music with a bad message is evil because it's sinful, also music is filled with spirits that's why they say it moves the soul.
You must be careful to not fill yourself with darkness.
Just because a song doesn't have curse words does not mean it doesn't make you think about evil things.
I can't listen to worldly music because it makes me think of the wrong things like the party days and that old life I left behind.
I really don't understand all these hate comments people are posting. I think what Jeff said is true and I agree with it. In EVERTYHING we do, we should glorify God. So how is it not a good thing if he listen to Michael Jackson's Black or white song for example? they're good lyrics and talk about good things happening in that song.
God bless y'all
"God can speak through anyone because He has a monopoly in truth." 🔥🔥🔥 Praise God for you! I've been struggling with Christian liberty. This cleared out everything. God bless you!
While I can get behind what he's saying here, I do have one question. I understand truth to be a universal concept, but don't beauty and excellence depend on the listener? What one person finds beautiful and excellent, it stands to reason that another will find it ugly and terrible. So is it simply left up to our own tastes?
I have a question, I've cut off most of the music that I used to listen to because I didn't like the message it was portraying. But I'm going to homecoming and I know they're probably going to play music like that. Would you consider that a sin?
+Heaven Absolutely not dear! You just won't agree to what they are saying.. I know I cannot enjoy music like that because I am a person who hears the lyrics too much...but some ppl can just hear the beat and enjoy that... But that's me though..lol :)
Same for me that's why I've decided to not go to prom xd
+glory2God I would leave you with this bad company destroy good morals. We should avoid sin or a sinful enviroment whenever possible
you're amazingly articulate! love your videos!
The list of things he is promoting that are in total contradiction with the Bible is just insane.
Don't listen to such guy, just read the Bible and DO what it says
This really convicted me. Wow, God bless you man.
-denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.
from Old French seculer, from Latin saecularis, from saeculum ‘generation, age’, used in Christian Latin to mean ‘the world’ or 'worldly'
(the distinction being that which represents the CHARACTER of God versus that which represents the CHARACTER of the 'world'; *see John 12:31, 14:30 & 16:11, and finally Ephesians 2:2)
The man in the mirror is Godly because it's true? What if dirty Diana is true, does that make it Godly? C'mon Jeff, don't be controversial for the sake of controversy, there's no time for that… stand up for Christ and speak biblically…
Peace in Christ!
He's not saying that just because a song is true that it is also Godly. Hes saying that if you listen to a song and it follows the word of God then it can be considered holy music. Of course a song about sex, weed, and brutality is not going to be considered holy music. E.g. Man in the Mirror is really just saying if you want to make a change then it has to start with you. God has even told us this as well, so the song is true through his word.
2:00 well those things are a sin theres no argument, and its not sin to poorly produce lol , i get where you're going with it but , there is such a thing as sinful music , we can't just say there isn't a satanic genre, there is blatant satanic music plus since we have things like satan working directly in the industry with people worshiping him DIRECTLY and witchcraft and things that give a new meter to things, we can't act as if satan quit his day job , there isn't just human influence here. there is blatant symbolism for the occult going on with artists to day , so we need to address THAT point of view of it instead of acting like there is only the secular and non secular view, secular really just meant wordly and it was PEOPLE who made more of a deal then it should have been however that started because during rock and roll times lyrically and vocally the artists boasted about selling there soul to satan and working for him and saying they were DIRECTLY being influenced by them. there is a false kingdom being built here so we can't arrogantly attack this point of view. although i agree with this video i am just saying.
I really want there to be good Christian pop music. I like the beat and the sound of pop music, but the only Christian pop is either 1) bad teaching in the song 2) It's badly performed or lazily performed. I swear I'm like 2 cm from learning how to play guitar and bass and drums and just making my own music to listen to. *sobs in a corner*
This is very clear. Thanks Jeff for clarifying this for all who struggle with this type of questions. I appreciate this as a musician.
when you speak with your hands, you're trying to convince the people you're talking to...
This is not good.
This is so desperately sad.
"God can speak through anyone because He has the monopoly on truth.." love it
Not everything you teach is true... There are many songs that are true, and not for good...do you think that God wants you to listen to Michael Jackson who is a satanist... do you think Michael Jackson made that song for god... No if anything its for Satan... You can't take something that is created by Satan or someone evil and use it to worship god... I think you got the wrong idea... And I hope no Ody watches this video and start to listen to songs that dont worship god...
So your argument is that if a song is not "created" by a "Christian," then it was "created" by a "Satanist" and therefore you must not listen to it?
In my opinion, this is not a sound argument. Who is to say that a "Christian" band, let's say Hillsong United, is in fact a real Christian? I placed quotations on the words earlier because I want to emphasize that these are labels we place on people. They are descriptive words that hold no truth in them. That in itself is a fallacy. You can't tell me that because a "Christian" created a song, then it is "holy" when in fact you know nothing about the spiritual life of that person. It could all be a facade for all you know. I think that a song is something that you make it to be. That is what creativity does, it creates a different approach rather than just having everything be literal. There is an obvious contrast between secular and Christian music, so I am not saying every secular song is good, don't misinterpret me. Simply, I am saying that a "Christian" singer does not correlate to "good" because there could be a devout christian singing a "secular" song and being in God's acceptance because it speaks truth.
First: no I'm not saying that a secular song is created by a satanist... Second: yeah but would Jesus listen to secular music, and we are supposed to do as Jesus did (as much as we can) and you really think that Jesus would listen to secular music... Third: if you look at hillsong united they sing like they are christian, like what non believer would make it their job to worship God, it just doesn't make sense... Fourth: if I told everybody I'm a Christian and I am then they would call me a christian because Thats what they know me as, so for hillsong united to go up on the stage all around the country or world they are giving up their time for god, so must be christian, again why would a non believer give up their time for something they dont believe I... Fifth: I didn't say that just because a christian sings a secular song does not make it holy in anyway and I didn't even say that so whatever... Sixth: Ok if some devout christian was singing a secular song that is good but has no love for god then how does it make it all the sudden all right ….....…….…and its a fact that Michael Jackson Is a satanic....………and your the one that terribly misinterpreted me...you went off in a completely different direction
Daniel Petrik I respect your point of view, but for you to say that I misinterpreted what you said is obviously a lie. You went ahead and argued against what I said, so it is obvious that I did not misinterpret what you said, since you are standing your ground on what I interpreted your comment to be, or am I wrong? (rhetorical question, the answer is obvious). Therefore, my interpretation is spot on!
1. Yes, it's true that you did not directly say this, but you did in fact bring up MJ, which according to you is a Satanist. And how are you so sure he is? Because you read it somewhere? I am sure you have some love for God, so how can you come forth and criticize others? You are no one to judge, therefore you cannot claim something that you have no proof of. Even if you could proof, you are no one to criticize. God is our judge.
2. Yes, you are right, so I will go off tangent to show how hypocritical you are being, read #1, you are criticizing, did Jesus criticize? NO, therefore you just went against what you supposedly "stand for." To be honest, I do think that Jesus would listen to SOME of today's secular music, not all secular music is "satan" worship. Some speak of wisdom and TRUTH. You see, music is like a poem, that you can express with full emotion. When you speak to your loved ones, are you sinning because you are describing to them how much you love them? NO, the same goes in a song, when a "secular" song talks about the love one has for their mother, etc.
3. Are you seriously this ignorant? I am no one to judge, but I can say that in Earth, there is this thing called GREED. If a musician doesn't make it in the secular world, they will resort to what they can. Once again, greed, it can happen to anyone. I am not saying that's the case, but I am painting a possible scenario here. It could happen, so we cannot just rely on Christian music, which according to your standards, is okay to listen to since they were produced by a so called "Christian."
4. Again, wrong, partly because of your apparent ignorance. I will quote you so you don't say that I am misinterpreting you. " they are giving up their time for god, so must be christian, again why would a non believer give up their time for something they dont believe I." They are not giving up their time for God, may I remind you, they are getting PAID to perform. That makes all the difference. No one, except them, will know their true intentions.
5. I said that as an example, it seemed to be the essence of your argument since you said that MJ is a satanist, so his music is "satan" worship. Simple logical argument that you created, and it seems you don't even know where you are going with what you say.
6. Not all songs have to sing a direct love for God. It can be a love for a relative, a love for our neighbors. Didn't Jesus, the son of God, teach us to love our neighbor. If a secular song sings the essence of this message, is it not worthy of a praise for God to listen to, when Jesus has taught us this essential message? "Secular" and "Christian" songs are words that MAN has created to distinguish in today's society. David, for instance, played an instrument, no words, and released King Saul of all his negativity. It is what comes from the heart, not just the words of a song. Obviously, songs that talk about drugs, and death, then those are the songs you should stay away from. God speaks to us in different ways, not only one direct way. One great example, the "secular" song "I hope You Dance," sung by Lee Ann Womack is a song with wise lines, that many edify our soul in someway. Some nonchristians sing "Amazing Grace," just because it is "in." Simply, there is no correlation of "good" (as you labeled it in your first comment) between a song written by a nonchristian and a song written by a Christian. Again quoting you, you said "You can't take something that is created by Satan or someone evil and use it to worship god..." so does this mean you can take something that is created by a "Christian" to worship God? Let me ask you this question, what about if this "Christian" is not in fact a Christian, but placing a mask to fool you. Doesn't the word of God tell us that many will come in His name? To end, I am trying to say, DO NOT RELY ON PEOPLE as it seems that you are. Stick to what is true to your heart, and stop falling into STEREOTYPES of people. I gave many examples, to give you a different outlook on life. Some of the things you said just sound contradictory to your own beliefs, as I am sure you will soon realize.
Let's agree to disagree because there is no way to change your view on things... We will see later on in life or possibly in heaven; who is wrong and who is right...ok?
***** thank you for reading! It means a lot to see that you understood my point of view.
I agree to an extent. However, what about the people that get up on stage at church who can't sing a single note but they sing glory to God. You can't say that some Christian music is badly produced so it is sinful, some Christian rap is cheesy but done with a thankful heart. That might not have been what you meant and if not correct me. But I do agree on how music that isn't labeled Christian can be a positive influence like man in the mirror or Beethoven.
Great point, both sides, Jeff you raise great discussion and good poInt. But we all give praise and worship in our own way and God finds beauty in anything sung in the love of Jesus name. Though we all don't have that gift of singing (myself haha) I know when I sing praise or hear someone else that may not hit those notes , it's more the holy spirit being poured out vocally and that my fiends is where the beauty presents itself. God bless love and peace be with y'all!!
If you struggle with it, as you stated, then you are still weak in the faith and you shouldn't be trying to teach people. There is a lot of "christian" music that I won't listen to because it doesn't properly glorify God, especially "christian rap". But there are other genres that don't glorify God properly also, and there is a lot of mainstream "christian" music that isn't truly for God. We must be very careful what we feed our soul. You sound like you fully support the new age movement! It's sad.
Christian rap is simply this: Music made to glorify God. Philippians 4:8 says "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." God sees excellent as things that we do to glorify Him, love him, and love others. Christian rap does glorify God, it does show love towards him and others! So what is sinful about christian rap? The Bible says nothing against it!
You criticizing artists for making music of genres that you don't like, is just your opinion! You can not listen to music like that, but it doesn't make it wrong to! It's still music that God sees as good, even if it doesn't fit your expectations! Stop putting artists down because you dislike their style! It IS sinful to put artists down, when they have done nothing wrong.
accepting ur imperfection if beautiful and understanding his biblical stands is what he understands and is teaching abt. Wat u cant do is judge someone wn thers a log in ur eyes. Your opinion still counts
Caleb Depths I was speaking of the fact that cheesy music isn't wrong, and neither is christian rap, or other christian genres. I would agree that we should accept that we are not perfect, and therefor we should not also hope that others be perfect. We should show love towards those who are pleasing god through their words in music even if we don't enjoy their songs.
Do you look at all of his videos to prove him wrong? I see you in quite of few videos saying negative stuff.
Something to consider!
All Music has motive!!!!- Example
When we listen to Worship Music it release’s the Spirit of God into the at·mos·phere-the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art:
When we Listen to secular music - it release’s the spirit of the Artist into the atmosphere
what are you letting into the atmosphere of your temple do not dilute your anointing
amen... im a blues rock guitarist and im saved.. my "church family" has a problem with me playing, but have never come to a single show.. little do they know, i throw in some crowder or Christian based lyrics... so sick of hypocritical holy and righteous people... i have a talent, and im using that talent.. oh, i also volunteer on the worship team
Many ways seem right to a man but they lead to death. Blues music doesnt glorify God. It can be very sad and depressive and these are not from God. The Spirit of God is joy.
Bless you!
@@lina25yt who cares
I disagree 100% with this video
Well, music about drugs, and sex is evil. The ones that use curse words in every sentence is evil. It's evil because they BOAST in evil music, and they mimic the evilness in the "secular" music. So ya... if it's a song about falling in love that's fine. As long as it doesn't use a million curse word's, sex, or drugs. We're suppose to boast in LOVE, JESUS. Some Titanic songs remind me of God's glory. God bless you all.
***** I'm talking about drugs that are illegal drugs. Like heroin, and cocain, they've both killed multiple people. Have you heard some parents speaches about the illegal drugs? They've killed their sons and daughters. The illegal drugs, are not God sent. Sure there are planted drugs... but people purify the drugs, by smashing them, or smoking them. And guess what? Songs are starting to talk about how amazing illegal drugs are... yet they kill people. I will not want my future kids listening to that junk. Sex In Marriage is good, because two people are combinded, and it's healthy. You never think of your wife or husband having sex with another. If you're in a marriage, and had sex with someone else before the marriage, how do you think your husband/wife will look at you? They will know you've already been with another... plus; Did you know that when you do have sex it acts out a sacred hormone that makes you feel connected with a person? Mhm... it's true. That's why people who have sex too many times, just never care anymore, because the hormone is just destroyed, when. God gave us sex to be done in marriage. Think about teens who are getting pregnant at young ages, because they heard how good sex was in a sex song. When really... it's all just for show. A teenager starts getting picked on at school by kids, and bullied. So she doesn't know what to do. These thoughts ever occur to you? I Worship God to amazing heights, why? Because he's amazing, and helps me. I don't follow the ways of the world. Exodus 20:14 "You shall not commit adultery."
***** May seem that way ivanka... but they truthfully are upset.
***** Just because an upset teenage girl says she's okay, it doesn't mean she is. Same with open sexual relationships.
Lol no... I am a virgin till marriage. Guys like innocent girls. You always hear them say that. So you're saying, we should sleep with friends? NO THANK YOU. I'm faithful to The Lord. :)
I have a question; what are we to make of songs that can glorify God but are composed by someone who is not just a non-Christian but openly atheist or hostile towards Christianity?
+Kiano Uy (Moop Stark) To say that the work of composition itself is bad because of the person who made it commits the genetic fallacy. Basically, it's a logical fallacy to think that something is bad just because its origin is bad (in this case, thinking that a musical composition is bad because it was written by someone who's openly hostile to Christianity). Good things can absolutely come from a bad place, and the Bible is riddled with examples of this. But to go straight to what the Bible says, 1 Corinthians 8 deals with the topic of whether you should eat food that has been dedicated to idols, and the answer Brother Paul gives is that there's nothing wrong with the eating of meat that's been sacrificed to idols in and of itself, because the meat is just food. The only reason you still shouldn't do that is because other people might get the wrong idea and think you're eating that meat in worship of the idol. I think the same principle applies in this situation: it's okay to enjoy music by an anti-Christian artist, because just like the meat given in sacrifice idols is only meat, music by a blaspheming artist is only music. I think the only thing that should give you pause about it is whether listening to that music could cause some of your brothers to stumble. If you're afraid that someone might get the impression that you're endorsing the artist's worldview by listening to their music, then that could be a problem. Otherwise, the music is clean. By the way, another Biblical basis for not judging materialistic things by their origins is that King Hezekiah, who fought paganism and purified the Temple, used symbols with pagan origins in his seal (the Ankh from Egypt and a winged sun, which was a Mesopotamian symbol associated with the god Shamash).
I hope this answer helps.
God bless.
SgtSlavin Thanks for the insight; it makes perfect sense.
If it helps strengthen you in your walk with God, listen to it. To me, as long as it inspires me to do good for God, it shouldn't matter if the creator of the music was Atheist or not.
Very interesting, unfortunately the background music was a bit distracting though
Don't corrupt Christians my friend, let anything that oppose the word of God be under Gods curse. You have love for the world, which means the love of God is not in you. Christian is not famous option my brother fear God.
Amen brother! If it doesnt glorify God the music is worthless to Him!!!
Manny Goncalves Doesn't matter how "beautiful" it sounds.
I like a lot of your stuff, but I think you're not only off on this, but possibly doing damage. The presumption is that what you consider beautiful and we'll produced is what God does, or that God doesn't appreciate the effort or heart of the artist, but only the end product. My 7 year old has never produced a picture of me that is well done, but his effort and heart make me love the picture. If he were capable of drawing life-like pictures and gave me a picture of me that looked like a 7 year old's, maybe I wouldn't care as much about that, but to say that the end result is more important than the heart is, I think, anti-biblical. I suppose I agree if we are talking only about people who churn out songs and don't try, but I wouldn't know who they are just from listening to their music. As a matter of fact, when I think about it, I think God would prefer music that was produced less and more a display of the talents he gave the artist.
If my child no matter what age gave me a picture of myself that looked like a 7 year old's level of drawing, I would still love appreciate it just as much as a life like drawing. It all comes from the heart. Art is subjective, and people interpret art and music in so many different ways because each and every one of us is special and uniquely distinct. It's how we were created to be. God cares about what is inside our hearts. If the music is turning you away from him, you might want to re-evaluate your choices. However if the music is causing a stir in our souls to think of him and remind us of his love and glory and passion and creativity, I think that is absolutely fine. The conclusion is that it is a given freedom to all to listen to whatever music you like, but keeping in mind that it's not all about the music that is 'secular' or 'unholy' but how we interpret it in our hearts and whether or not we allow ourselves to be influenced and affected by the music that isn't necessarily healthy for our souls. That is what I have learnt from watching this video :)
I don't understand why it's such an argument. Look to the word of God. Music of the world DOES NOT GLORIFY GOD. Do everything that's Godly! Music of the world satisfies the flesh, take that away. We are not part of the world so we must take ourselves apart from it. I ask God to let the Holy Spirit to guide me. Which has lead me to only listening and watching things that glorify Him! And dressing to glorify him! Wake up. Satan was the angel of music as he controls all of Hollywood now. Those secular artist gave themselves to Satan nice calm music or not. Anything that does not glorify God is of the world and this worlds is the devils world. We are here to be like Jesus Christ imagine Jesus Christ dancing to secular music. Stop following what you think is right and start following the word of God! It's not easy getting to heaven. As it says the path is narrow! So we must fight for our souls. Devote your life to God completely!
LetChristLead Getting into heaven is as easy as accepting you’re a sinner, accepting the Lord as your savior and loving the Lord Jesus. God knew that staying away from sin is too hard for us so that’s why he sent his son to die. To free us, don’t forget why Jesus died for us, to free us from all sin, past present and future. The kingdom of heaven is accessible as easy as it is to accept Jesus into your heart.
LetChristLead God bless you
So no jazz? I do not listen to music with worldly things in their lyrics. Jazz has no worldly lyrics
man.. im sorry but you go around the issue, giving your opinnion without scriptures.... "the church was most powerfull when it was not of the world but was the light of the world"
amen man hallelujah
That church never existed past Christ's death. Other then that instance the church was always of the world, as humans run them.
Actually I attend a church that is not of the world and the power of God hits left in right. Many of ppl getting saved left and right and many testimonies on healing and being delivered from sin.
And I'm first hand witness, I kno that I was once already dead, no heart beat no breathing and my skin was blue.
But however long latter I'm not sure of, was getting up saying Jesus save me.
Wow, a christian who actually speaks like a christian. Your a first i've ever met. i'm an athiest (i know, i know, but i find his videos intriguing) and i see religion from the outside looking in and christians tend to be Very judgemental. No matter who you are it should be love for who, not for what someone is.
I find it appalling the way Christianity is evolving into this hurt machine always judging and criticizing. Not saying it doesn't have it's place in the world and I agree there are some good teachings, but christians are not being christian anymore.
@ jeff darnell - Yes I apologize to you for All believers who at times get so much head knowledge they forget the Heart
Too vague. Jeff, I've watched many of your videos and agree with much of what you have to say. Unfortunately you've left way too much to interpretation here. Using examples to help drive home a point can be highly effective, if the example being used is one who possesses an above average level of integrity - not perfect, mind you but at least pursuing a higher level of moral standards. While Michael Jackson had the right idea with "Man in the Mirror", his overall message is a "me first" and "victim" focused message (not specifically his music, but the way he lived his life as well). I also think of the music that is a product of the New Age movement...some of it is very beautiful, but serves more to lure one into the movement than to soothe, heal and most importantly, bring glory to God. Just my thoughts, would love to hear more of your perspective.
The issue of music is simple. What does it glorify does it build you up and help restore your relationship with God. Does it line up with Gods unchanging Word. We are to come out of the world. Its simple I use to struggle with this same issue because I just didn't want to give it up. But the problem was it was just feeding my flesh. Encouraging me to sin. Music is ministry whether you like it or not so what do you want ministered to your spirit.
whats wrong with lil wayne or michael jackson
What's wrong with Michael Jackson?
Well, he's dead, for one...
Zonkerino well jesus can resurrect him
they both are occult artists actually, Lil wayne vocally and in music videos blasphemes jesus christ , wayne dipped himself in blood and mocked the cross , micheal jackson admitted to being involved with the occult with his music and he had a lot of occult imagery in his music you can't just say everything is ok , Satan shouldn't have to show his horns for you to know what you're listening to is against God, if it doesn't glorify God we are commanded to be separate and stay away, that is biblical and there is no getting around it , some non christian music is fine but not the ones directly against God
Where do I begin
***** yeah but not all michael jackson's songs are like that, some are good, like Man In The Mirror.
what you said is absolutely true brother...
You're an encouragement to me! I appreciate art, culture & beauty and i do believe God is in every beautiful thing, because He is beauty and truth Himself
Yes as a Christian i still listen too hip hop but u do gotta watch who u listening too gotta alot of devil worshiper in the music game