Bori CE Mahabharat, Drona Parva, Adhay 155, Shlok 24 📌😂 ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः । रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात् कर्णो वृषः स्मृतः ।। २४ ।। कर्ण ब्राह्मणभक्त, सत्यवादी, तपस्वी, नियम और व्रतका पालक तथा शत्रुओं पर भी दया करनेवाला है; इसीलिये उसे वृष (धर्मात्मा) कहा गया है ।। २४ ।।
😂 O dushasan this vikarn is only a child though he speaks words of wisdom strip away the garments from Draupadi (said by karan) Ref: dyut parva BORI CE
karna's defeats, virat parva इदानीमेव तावत् त्वमपयातो रणान्मम । तेन जीवसि राधेय निहतस्त्वनुजस्तव ।। १५ ।। अर्जुन बोले-राधापुत्र ! अभी कुछ ही देर पहलेकी बात है, मेरे सामने युद्धसे पीठ दिखाकर तू भाग गया था, इसीलिये अबतक जी रहा है; किंतु तेरा छोटा भाई मारा गया ।। १५ ।। भ्रातरं घातयित्वा कस्त्यक्त्वा रणशिरश्च कः । त्वदन्यः कः पुमान् सत्सु ब्रूयादेवं व्यवस्थितः ।। १६ ।। तेरे सिवा दूसरा कौन ऐसा पुरुष होगा, जो अपने भाईको मरवाकर और युद्धका मुहाना छोड़कर (भाग जानेके बाद भी) भलेमानसोंके बीचमें खड़ा हो ऐसी डींग मारेगा? ।। १६ ।। उत्पेतुः शरजालानि घोररूपाणि सर्वशः । अविध्यदश्वान् बाह्वोश्च हस्तावापं पृथक् पृथक् ।। १९ ।। सोऽमृष्यमाणः कर्णस्य निषङ्गस्यावलम्बनम् । चिच्छेद निशिताग्रेण शरेण नतपर्वणा ।। २० ।। फिर तो आकाशमें सब ओर भयंकर बाणोंके समूह उड़ने लगे। अर्जुनसे यह सहन न हो सका; अतः उन्होंने झुकी हुई गाँठ एवं तीखी नोकवाले बाणसे कर्णके घोड़ोंको बींध डाला। भुजाओंमें भी गहरी चोट पहुँचायी और हाथोंके दस्तानोंको भी पृथक् पृथक् विदीर्ण कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं, कर्णके भाथा लटकानेकी रस्सीको भी काट गिराया ।। १९-२० ।। उपासङ्गादुपादाय कर्णो बाणानथापरान् । विव्याध पाण्डवं हस्ते तस्य मुष्टिरशीर्यत ।। २१ ।। तब कर्णने (अलग रखे हुए) छोटे तरकससे दूसरे बाण लेकर पाण्डुनन्दन अर्जुनके हाथमें चोट पहुँचायी। इससे उनकी मुट्ठी ढीली पड़ गयी ।। २१ ।। ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः कर्णस्य धनुरच्छिनत् । स शक्तिं प्राहिणोत् तस्मै तां पार्थो व्यधमच्छरैः ।। २२ ।। तब महाबाहु पार्थने कर्णका धनुष काट दिया। यह देख कर्णने अर्जुनपर शक्ति चलायी, किंतु पार्थने उसे बाणोंसे नष्ट कर दिया . ततोऽनुपेतुर्बहवो राधेयस्य पदानुगाः । तांश्च गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम् ।। २३ ।। इतनेमें ही राधापुत्र कर्णके बहुत-से सैनिक वहाँ आ पहुँचे, किंतु अर्जुनने गाण्डीवद्वारा छोड़े हुए बाणोंसे मारकर उन सबको यमलोक भेज दिया ।। २३ ।। ततोऽस्याश्वाञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बीभत्सुर्भारसाधनैः । आकर्णमुक्तैरवधीत् ते हताः प्रापतन् भुवि ।। २४ ।। तत्पश्चात् बीभत्सुने भार (शत्रुओंके आघात) सहनेमें समर्थ तीखे बाणोंद्वारा, जो धनुषको कानतक खींचकर छोड़े गये थे, कर्णके घोड़ोंको घायल कर दिया। वे घोड़े मरकर पृथ्वीपर गिर पड़े ।। २४ ।। अथापरेण बाणेन ज्वलितेन महौजसा । विव्याध कर्णं कौन्तेयस्तीक्ष्णेनोरसि वीर्यवान् ।। २५ ।। तत्पश्चात् पराक्रमी कुन्तीकुमारने महान् तेजस्वी तथा अग्निके समान प्रज्वलित दूसरे बाणद्वारा कर्णकी छातीमें आघात किया ।। २५ ।। तस्य भित्त्वा तनुत्राणं कायमभ्यगमच्छरः । ततः स तमसाऽऽविष्टो न स्म किंचित् प्रजज्ञिवान् ।। २६ ।। यह बाण कर्णका कवच काटकर उसके वक्षःस्थलके भीतर घुस गया। इससे कर्णको मूर्च्छा आ गयी और उसे किसी भी बातकी सुध-बुध न रही ! २६ . स गाढवेदनो हित्वा रणं प्रायादुदङ्मुखः । ततोऽर्जुन उदक्रोशदुत्तरश्च महारथः ।। २७ ।। कर्णको उस चोटसे बड़ी भारी वेदना हुई और वह युद्धभूमिको छोड़कर उत्तर दिशाकी ओर भागा। यह देख अर्जुन और उत्तर दोनों महारथी जोर-जोरसे सिंहनाद करने लगे ।। २७ ।।😅
karna's defeats, virat parva इदानीमेव तावत् त्वमपयातो रणान्मम । तेन जीवसि राधेय निहतस्त्वनुजस्तव ।। १५ ।। अर्जुन बोले-राधापुत्र ! अभी कुछ ही देर पहलेकी बात है, मेरे सामने युद्धसे पीठ दिखाकर तू भाग गया था, इसीलिये अबतक जी रहा है; किंतु तेरा छोटा भाई मारा गया ।। १५ ।। भ्रातरं घातयित्वा कस्त्यक्त्वा रणशिरश्च कः । त्वदन्यः कः पुमान् सत्सु ब्रूयादेवं व्यवस्थितः ।। १६ ।। तेरे सिवा दूसरा कौन ऐसा पुरुष होगा, जो अपने भाईको मरवाकर और युद्धका मुहाना छोड़कर (भाग जानेके बाद भी) भलेमानसोंके बीचमें खड़ा हो ऐसी डींग मारेगा? ।। १६ ।। उत्पेतुः शरजालानि घोररूपाणि सर्वशः । अविध्यदश्वान् बाह्वोश्च हस्तावापं पृथक् पृथक् ।। १९ ।। सोऽमृष्यमाणः कर्णस्य निषङ्गस्यावलम्बनम् । चिच्छेद निशिताग्रेण शरेण नतपर्वणा ।। २० ।। फिर तो आकाशमें सब ओर भयंकर बाणोंके समूह उड़ने लगे। अर्जुनसे यह सहन न हो सका; अतः उन्होंने झुकी हुई गाँठ एवं तीखी नोकवाले बाणसे कर्णके घोड़ोंको बींध डाला। भुजाओंमें भी गहरी चोट पहुँचायी और हाथोंके दस्तानोंको भी पृथक् पृथक् विदीर्ण कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं, कर्णके भाथा लटकानेकी रस्सीको भी काट गिराया ।। १९-२० ।। उपासङ्गादुपादाय कर्णो बाणानथापरान् । विव्याध पाण्डवं हस्ते तस्य मुष्टिरशीर्यत ।। २१ ।। तब कर्णने (अलग रखे हुए) छोटे तरकससे दूसरे बाण लेकर पाण्डुनन्दन अर्जुनके हाथमें चोट पहुँचायी। इससे उनकी मुट्ठी ढीली पड़ गयी ।। २१ ।। ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः कर्णस्य धनुरच्छिनत् । स शक्तिं प्राहिणोत् तस्मै तां पार्थो व्यधमच्छरैः ।। २२ ।। तब महाबाहु पार्थने कर्णका धनुष काट दिया। यह देख कर्णने अर्जुनपर शक्ति चलायी, किंतु पार्थने उसे बाणोंसे नष्ट कर दिया . ततोऽनुपेतुर्बहवो राधेयस्य पदानुगाः । तांश्च गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम् ।। २३ ।। इतनेमें ही राधापुत्र कर्णके बहुत-से सैनिक वहाँ आ पहुँचे, किंतु अर्जुनने गाण्डीवद्वारा छोड़े हुए बाणोंसे मारकर उन सबको यमलोक भेज दिया ।। २३ ।। ततोऽस्याश्वाञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बीभत्सुर्भारसाधनैः । आकर्णमुक्तैरवधीत् ते हताः प्रापतन् भुवि ।। २४ ।। तत्पश्चात् बीभत्सुने भार (शत्रुओंके आघात) सहनेमें समर्थ तीखे बाणोंद्वारा, जो धनुषको कानतक खींचकर छोड़े गये थे, कर्णके घोड़ोंको घायल कर दिया। वे घोड़े मरकर पृथ्वीपर गिर पड़े ।। २४ ।। अथापरेण बाणेन ज्वलितेन महौजसा । विव्याध कर्णं कौन्तेयस्तीक्ष्णेनोरसि वीर्यवान् ।। २५ ।। तत्पश्चात् पराक्रमी कुन्तीकुमारने महान् तेजस्वी तथा अग्निके समान प्रज्वलित दूसरे बाणद्वारा कर्णकी छातीमें आघात किया ।। २५ ।। तस्य भित्त्वा तनुत्राणं कायमभ्यगमच्छरः । ततः स तमसाऽऽविष्टो न स्म किंचित् प्रजज्ञिवान् ।। २६ । यह बाण कर्णका कवच काटकर उसके वक्षःस्थलके भीतर घुस गया। इससे कर्णको मूर्च्छा आ गयी और उसे किसी भी बातकी सुध-बुध न रही ! २६ . स गाढवेदनो हित्वा रणं प्रायादुदङ्मुखः । ततोऽर्जुन उदक्रोशदुत्तरश्च महारथः ।। २७ ।। कर्णको उस चोटसे बड़ी भारी वेदना हुई और वह युद्धभूमिको छोड़कर उत्तर दिशाकी ओर भागा। यह देख अर्जुन और उत्तर दोनों महारथी जोर-जोरसे सिंहनाद करने लगे ।। २७ ।।😅
@@KingChandanMehta The whole of the Virataparva has been added by Suta and Sauti, the latter contributing the adhyayas 30-62. ( सम्पूर्ण विराटपर्व को सूत और सौति ने जोड़ा है, तथा सौति ने अध्याय 30-62 तक का योगदान दिया है। ) - Epilogue Of Mahabharata, Page 53 😂😂 Hasi Ati Tum Jeso Par!!
Kon offand hoga apni baat ko proof kar k dikhaye to samzh bhi sakta hai koi😂😂ye log to tum brihu bhakto TH-cam channels ki video dekh k podcast me hug dete hai😂😂😂usme naya Kya hai😂😂
अर्जुन: धीवर प्रसार शौर्य भरा: उतसारा स्थिरा घम्भीरा: उग्रामा असामा शौर्या भावा: रौद्रमा नवा भीतिर्मा: 😊😊 अर्थात् महावीर अर्जुन, दृढ़निश्चयी अपनी वीरता के दम पर आगे बढ़ रहे हैं, वह ऊंची और बड़ी छलांगे लगाते हुए दृढ़ता के साथ अपने लक्ष्य की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं। वह मजबूत हैं और उनके लड़ने की क्षमता बेजोड़ है। उनका क्रोध ही शत्रुओं में भय की लहर पैदा कर देता है।
Still karna fan for many reasons 🔥.. 1. [Arjun took sword to kill his brother dharmaraj story] -When karna defeated dharmaraja, karna didn't kill him as he promised kunti that he won't harm any of her sons except arjuna.. because of this defeat, dharmaraja completely gone to trauma and asked arjuna that did he kill karna.. arjun said not yet.. and then dharmaraj scolded arjun.. then arjun took sword to kill his own brother dharmaraj.. krishna stopped arjun and cooled both brothers.. 2.Karna spared three of kuntis sons 3.If indhra wouldn't take karnas kavach kundalas, its a game change.. so even indhra knows his son couldn't win karna 4.kavach kundalas are karnas previous births "thapo phal", after years of meditation he got this boon.. its his right to keep it.. ofcourse i know nara and narayan took his 999 of Armours but still, why indhra took that from karna and why no one took any astra away from pandavas 5.After taking his kavach, ofcourse he flew away many times, its the strategy of a warrior.. 6.Even krishna didn't allow arjuna to go to karna and fight with him when he defeated dharmaraj.. krishna said karna is ferocious at that time and that's not safe to move to him.. 7. Yes karna did wrong to Draupadi, still he has a reason.. she said she won't marry a shudra.. [many people thinking that shudra means sc/sts, but no.. every other person except brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya is called shudra..]. So it's not the war of castes, keep this in mind and read mahabharat 8.What if kunti didn't leave him and raise him like a small brother ❤ So In Mahabharata, there is no single person who is completely good including dharmaraj.. so its okay to be fan of any character of Mahabharata.. ultimately i know, it's the game of lord krishna 🙏🏻 "Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare" ❤
What about he lied to kord Parshuram? What about he left his friend in Gandharva war? What about he abused Panchali and Madra women? What about he betrayed Abhimanyu? What about he fled away in Panchal yuddh?
Never say arjuna to put his bow otherwise death is confirmed 😅 Yudhisthir made tha mistake karna's defeats, virat parva इदानीमेव तावत् त्वमपयातो रणान्मम । तेन जीवसि राधेय निहतस्त्वनुजस्तव ।। १५ ।। अर्जुन बोले-राधापुत्र ! अभी कुछ ही देर पहलेकी बात है, मेरे सामने युद्धसे पीठ दिखाकर तू भाग गया था, इसीलिये अबतक जी रहा है; किंतु तेरा छोटा भाई मारा गया ।। १५ ।। भ्रातरं घातयित्वा कस्त्यक्त्वा रणशिरश्च कः । त्वदन्यः कः पुमान् सत्सु ब्रूयादेवं व्यवस्थितः ।। १६ ।। तेरे सिवा दूसरा कौन ऐसा पुरुष होगा, जो अपने भाईको मरवाकर और युद्धका मुहाना छोड़कर (भाग जानेके बाद भी) भलेमानसोंके बीचमें खड़ा हो ऐसी डींग मारेगा? ।। १६ ।। उत्पेतुः शरजालानि घोररूपाणि सर्वशः । अविध्यदश्वान् बाह्वोश्च हस्तावापं पृथक् पृथक् ।। १९ ।। सोऽमृष्यमाणः कर्णस्य निषङ्गस्यावलम्बनम् । चिच्छेद निशिताग्रेण शरेण नतपर्वणा ।। २० ।। फिर तो आकाशमें सब ओर भयंकर बाणोंके समूह उड़ने लगे। अर्जुनसे यह सहन न हो सका; अतः उन्होंने झुकी हुई गाँठ एवं तीखी नोकवाले बाणसे कर्णके घोड़ोंको बींध डाला। भुजाओंमें भी गहरी चोट पहुँचायी और हाथोंके दस्तानोंको भी पृथक् पृथक् विदीर्ण कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं, कर्णके भाथा लटकानेकी रस्सीको भी काट गिराया ।। १९-२० ।। उपासङ्गादुपादाय कर्णो बाणानथापरान् । विव्याध पाण्डवं हस्ते तस्य मुष्टिरशीर्यत ।। २१ ।। तब कर्णने (अलग रखे हुए) छोटे तरकससे दूसरे बाण लेकर पाण्डुनन्दन अर्जुनके हाथमें चोट पहुँचायी। इससे उनकी मुट्ठी ढीली पड़ गयी ।। २१ ।। ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः कर्णस्य धनुरच्छिनत् । स शक्तिं प्राहिणोत् तस्मै तां पार्थो व्यधमच्छरैः ।। २२ ।। तब महाबाहु पार्थने कर्णका धनुष काट दिया। यह देख कर्णने अर्जुनपर शक्ति चलायी, किंतु पार्थने उसे बाणोंसे नष्ट कर दिया . ततोऽनुपेतुर्बहवो राधेयस्य पदानुगाः । तांश्च गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम् ।। २३ ।। इतनेमें ही राधापुत्र कर्णके बहुत-से सैनिक वहाँ आ पहुँचे, किंतु अर्जुनने गाण्डीवद्वारा छोड़े हुए बाणोंसे मारकर उन सबको यमलोक भेज दिया ।। २३ ।। ततोऽस्याश्वाञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बीभत्सुर्भारसाधनैः । आकर्णमुक्तैरवधीत् ते हताः प्रापतन् भुवि ।। २४ ।। तत्पश्चात् बीभत्सुने भार (शत्रुओंके आघात) सहनेमें समर्थ तीखे बाणोंद्वारा, जो धनुषको कानतक खींचकर छोड़े गये थे, कर्णके घोड़ोंको घायल कर दिया। वे घोड़े मरकर पृथ्वीपर गिर पड़े ।। २४ ।। अथापरेण बाणेन ज्वलितेन महौजसा । विव्याध कर्णं कौन्तेयस्तीक्ष्णेनोरसि वीर्यवान् ।। २५ ।। तत्पश्चात् पराक्रमी कुन्तीकुमारने महान् तेजस्वी तथा अग्निके समान प्रज्वलित दूसरे बाणद्वारा कर्णकी छातीमें आघात किया ।। २५ ।। तस्य भित्त्वा तनुत्राणं कायमभ्यगमच्छरः । ततः स तमसाऽऽविष्टो न स्म किंचित् प्रजज्ञिवान् ।। २६ ।। यह बाण कर्णका कवच काटकर उसके वक्षःस्थलके भीतर घुस गया। इससे कर्णको मूर्च्छा आ गयी और उसे किसी भी बातकी सुध-बुध न रही ! २६ . स गाढवेदनो हित्वा रणं प्रायादुदङ्मुखः । ततोऽर्जुन उदक्रोशदुत्तरश्च महारथः ।। २७ ।। कर्णको उस चोटसे बड़ी भारी वेदना हुई और वह युद्धभूमिको छोड़कर उत्तर दिशाकी ओर भागा। यह देख अर्जुन और उत्तर दोनों महारथी जोर-जोरसे सिंहनाद करने लगे ।। २७ ।
Sutan not shudra😂..Suta is a high cast child of a brahmin and kshatriya. What to get offend here.She was not ready to marry Karna and it's her choice to marry whom because it is swayamvara😂How your evil Karna took revenge for that?
(📌) *Drona Vadhaparva, Chapter 1132(155) Vedavyas Mahabharata (BORI CE®)* *ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः* *रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात्कर्णो वृषा स्मृतः* _Brahmanyah Satyavadi Cha Tapasvi NiyataVrat... Ripushvapi Dayavanasya... Tasmat Karno Vrisha Smritah_ _"He is devoted to brahmanas.Hes truthful. He has engaged in auster ities. He is devoted to his vows. He is compassionate towards his ene mies. It is for these reasons that Karna is known as Vrisha."_
Ye wala reference bhi daaldeta quora graduate 😂 O dushasan this vikarn is only a child though he speaks words of wisdom strip away the garments from Draupadi (said by karan) Ref: dyut parva BORI CE
Well, nobody denies that Karna made mistakes and committed sins, and hence was punished too. But keeping his unfortunate birth and disowning by his mother aside, he still had his qualities that you cannot take away from him. He stood for friendship, he kept his word when his mother requested him to spare the 5 Pandava brothers, and moreover as a warrrior, he was no walk in the park.
@pkoppart Please get your facts right!!! Kunti devi didn't ask Karna to spare the lives of pandavas. It was Karna’s proactive offer. First let's analyse the entire scenario in Q&A manner. Why did Kunti approach Karna before the war??? Isn’t it obvious? The tables were about to turn. The happy days of Karna were about to be over, something even Karna was perfectly aware of. She thought her identity and plea would penetrate the stony heart of Karna and he would be compassionate towards his brothers. In turn, that would save the Karna from the sure fate of fighting against Dharma. Who was winning the war??? Now even before the war began, almost everyone who knew anything about military and warfare knew Pandavas were winning the war. - Arjuna had defeated all the elite warriors together and single-handedly in Virata war. - Shree Krishna and Bhagwan Parshuram had categorically declared in the Hastinapur’s court assembly that Pandavas would win the war. - Bhishma and Dronacharya too were convinced Pandavas would win the war. - Even Karna knew Pandavas are winning the war. He admitted the same to Shree Krishna during Krishna-Karna meeting. - Unknown to most of them even Bhagwan Shiva willed Pandavas victory and blessed Arjuna with most powerful and lethal weapon of all - Pashupatastra. If Pandavas were winning the war, why did Kunti approached Karna? A war even in victory causes devastations. Kunti knew Karna hated his own brothers because of evil delusions. She was tormented by this - brothers fighting brothers. She wanted to change the situation.. She approaches Karna to disclose his true identity so that he comes out of his delusions and do what is right - Even Suryadev advised Karna to follow Kunti advise and side with pandavas. Were Pandavas in any real danger from Karna? Shree Krishna didn’t think so. Bhagwan Parshuram didn’t think so. Karna didn’t think so. Facts doesn’t point in that direction. In every single direct or indirect encounter between Karna and Pandavas, Karna was badly vanquished and was forced to retreat at the hands of Arjuna. Bhemma defeated him in Rajasuya yagna. Even Kripacharya wonders on this questions before Matsya battle - In which battle have you ever defeated any Pandava? Karna had no answer. Wasn’t Kunti afraid for the lives of Parthas(her sons)? Yes. She was ofcourse worried about the life of Parthas. Not just for five Parthas but for six Parthas. Perhaps most for the 6th Partha - Karna. You see war always brings devastations. And it wasn’t fair that one brother kills another for no reason. Karna was one of the strong warriors and he could have killed some of his brothers. But to be honest all the past encounter between Karna and Arjuna have seen Arjuna thrashing Karna badly and the same pattern repeated even in Kurukshetra later. With Krishna on his (Arjuna’s) side, her worry was more for Karna, she knew, is delusioned and siding with evil. Natually she wished well for him as well as her other sons. Why didn’t Kunti approached Karna sooner? Being a Partha wasn’t a bed of roses. Partha’s suffered in exile most of their lives. Karna on the other hand enjoyed Kingship most of his life. It would have been selfish of Kunti to disclose the secret sooner and rob Karna from his comforts. Afterall she was also guilt-ridden for letting him go as an infant. She might have thought, she had no right to rob his happiness again. But approaching decisive war changed everything. This time everyone knew would be a war with no return. She could wait no longer. What was Kunti’s request? Kunti Devi wanted Karna to support his brothers and Dharma. Even Suryadev supported Kunti on this and suggested Karna to follow Kunti’s directives and side with pandavas. Here Karna had a golden opportunity to stop the war had he sided with the pandavas. But he didn't. Duryodhan wouldn't even have dared to wage the war against pandavas had karna not been on his side. Why did she asked Karna to spare the lives of her four sons??? Kunti never asked this. It was Karna’s proactive offer, which of course Kunti couldn’t refuse. Kunti Devi wanted Karna to support his brothers and Dharma. Why should she refuse such a grand offer. One of her son suggested that he would not kill his four brothers. That was a victory of her love. She gladly accepted it. But it was cruel of Karna to say a mother that he would kill one of her son(Arjuna), knowing he was talking about his own younger brother. Now there is an interesting twist here. Karna requested Krishna not to disclose this secret to Pandavas. Why? Because he knew Pandavas knowing his identity would sacrifice their right and won’t fight him. Unfortunately Karna couldn’t bring himself to have heart so great as to spare Arjuna’s life as well. Why only four sons? Did Kunti ask him to spare the life of only four sons? Did he not explicitly announced in front of a mother that he would kill one of her son, if possible? Does this sound honorable to you? I find it cruel. In what world a mother would be ok if a son of her own says that he would kill the other son of hers. Arjuna never knew the identity of his brother Karna. But Karna knew the identity of Arjuna. Still he was determined to kill him. Is this honorable? If u clearly analyze the chain of these events you would actually realize Karna indirectly betrayed his friend Duryodhan by proactively promising Kunti Devi which she didn't ask for it in first place as u guys belive. Was Karna’s action in favour of Duryodhana? Karna said that he is under debt of Duryodhana and can’t leave his side. If he were earnest, he would have been a man of honour. But let us consider a few points - - Everyone knew the main contender of throne of Hastinapur was Yudhishthir. Had he died, Duryodhana would have better chance to claim the throne. But Karna spared Yudhishthir in his oath. Does this make Karna a man of honor? - Bhima had taken an oath to kill every single Kaurava. Karna could have killed Bhima and protected his friend Duryodhan and his brothers. Yet Karna spared Bhima in his oath and saw most of the Kaurava brothers getting killed in front of his eyes. Many were killed while trying to protect Karna from same Bhima. Does this make Karna a man of honor? - Did Karna ever inform Duryodhana that he would not be killing four Pandavas? Never. Does that make him honorable? Was Karna loyal to Duryodhana in general? Karna certainly said, he was loyal to Duryodhana and can’t switch sides. He said the same to Krishna and Kunti. But if only words had wing, demons would be worshipped. Let us examine Karna actions towards Duryodhana. - A true friend would extend those advice that are in the best interest of his friend. All Karna did was to instigate him on various occasions and advised Duryodhana to reject Shree Krishna’s peace proposal. He could have prevented the war, but he chose not to, knowing it would bring doom to Duryodhana and his clans. - If Karna were loyal to Duryodhana he wouldn’t have spared the life of Yudhisthira and Bhima in his oath. At the least, he would have the integrity to inform about his oath to Duryodhana. - Karna fled from Gandharavas leaving his best friend behind to be captured. Arjuna and Bheema had to rescue them. Not only Duryodhana, but women of the royal family too were at the risk of capture, had noble Pandavas not intervened. Is this act of Karna honorable? - Karna refused to fight the war of Kurukshetra for first 10 days (more than half the battle) for his selfish ego not because Bheeshma stopped him from fighting as you guys tend to belive. Ironically, he would not leave the war for Dharma and family. But he had no moral qualms, no remembrance of loyalty when it came to his selfish ego. What man of honor would abandon his friend for his ego but not for Dharma? My answer refers to authentic versions of Mahabharath including - Bibek Debroy translation of Bori critical edition - English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli (KMG), - Neelkanth edition Sanskrit Hindi version of Gita Press. - Mahabharat adaptation by Shri Rajgopalachari based on Dakshinayat.
@@pkoppart First, we need to understand what is Vyas Bharath? Vyas Bharath was originally authored by Maharishi Ved Vyas. But Ved Vyas may not have done a mass printing. In those days the epics and the knowledge were propagated by word of mouth following Shruti-Smriti tradition. A proof of the same is within the epic itself. The entire epic is narrated by Vaipanyadas to King Janamajeya. The Mahabharata is based on events from over five thousand years ago, passed down orally through generations via the Shruti-Smriti tradition. Shruti means "what is heard," and Smriti means "what is remembered." In this tradition, stories are told and remembered by people, which can lead to variations over time. For example, if my father tells me a story, I might remember it slightly differently and add my own details when I tell it to my children. These changes can lead to different versions of the story. However, if many people hear and pass on the same story, the core narrative remains consistent despite minor variations. As we all know, BORI devoted over 40 years, comparing and analysing over 1259 scripts and identified the most consistent elements across them. This method helps filter out deviations and ensures a more accurate representation of the original story. This can be considered nearest to Ved Vyas’s narrative. While the accuracy of BORI's version can be questioned, it remains the most reliable source available and closest to Sage Ved Vyas Mahabharath. No one claims the BORI version of the Mahabharata is absolutely accurate, but it is considered more reliable than other versions.
In kaliyuga people believe what in dwapar yuga gods don't use to believe everyone claim Arjun was greatest but in in dwapar yuga in Arjuna own time gods don't have believe on him that he was greater than karna that's why his father Indra dev come to beg kawach and kundal from karna his mother went to beg that don't kill any of her sons and tell him his birth story lord Krishna himself reach out to karna to offer to fight with Pandavas that he was there elder brother later Krishna bought a celestial chariot for Arjuna in which lord hanumaan was present to protect lord Krishna himself in front and then Krishna saved the chariot with his Maya from several errows of karna in one instance Krishna lower the chariot from takshak and saved Arjuna later brought ghatochkach to save Arjun from Shakti astra Krishna did what not to save Arjun still Arjun had to kill karna in cheating after all this Arjun came out greater of all😂
First of all don't, mix mahabharat and puran, 2nd karna was inferior to abhimanyu , during virat yudh karna was humiliated along with all kauravas without Krishna without hangman alone arjuna against drone this, karna kripachary etc
@@knowledge-21234 first you need to read rather than just believing the serial in Virat war it was not Arjun it was bruhanala in half male in lady uniform due you think any warrior would have fought with her she there in front of them till night fall because Arjun also knowing noone recognise him and Pandavas claim that there agyatvas was successful if Kauravas spotted Arjun than there very claim of successful banvas and agyatvas fall flat in serial to show it more dramatic they make people believe that as soon as night fall bruhanala suddenly changed into Arjun and destroyed the Kauravas how in night war happened in those thousand of year ago use your common senses
@@knowledge-21234 Abhimanyu was no match if you read you will know that Abhimanyu killed duryodhana son lakhmana and 2 of karna son just day before chakravyuh also chakravyuh not made to show how great Abhimanyu is its just in serial in reality chakravyuh was made to capture yudhishthir and finish the war but Abhimanyu came in between when Arjun was no match to karna as per lord Krishna himself many a time he told it to Pandavas than how come 15 year boy Abhimanyu will match also if you put up your logic what would duryodhana and karna would do spotting their sons killer in chakravyuh award him for bravery
@@geetanjalisahu5339 no follow the kshatriya dharma, if he can't follow kshatriya dhRm he is n9t even warriors forgot being greatest. he is at lowest ranks. I am a kshatriya and without dharma nothing matters What next would karna do will he kill people in there sleep like aswathama did these are sign 9f weak people who just cry f9r society like joker in batman and do all crime by playing victi, card
No one was pure evil or pure good in Mahabharat...all are grey characters. And competition isn't a bad stop giving excuses that Karn has competition with Arjun in his mind. Competition makes someone better.
@@harshrawat962 That's what I'm talking brother... Competition is a good thing so they are trying to prove Karn evil at any cost, even if the reason is baseless but they are still giving it 😂
😂😂those time competition is wrong and why to compete with a person who is 10/12 year's younger than you and karn is jealous of Arjun@@sangramjenaricky
@@abhisekdhall3086 Bete ye tum log bolte ho ki competition kar rha tha tu kya Karn ne mann ke andar ghusa hua tha 😂😂😂 Aur 10/12 saal chhota ho ya bada talent me competition karna hi chahiye gadhe warna aage jaane ki motivation kya class me first aata h wo v dusro se competition hi karta h dobara v first aa jaun to kya wo last aane wale se competition nhi kiya kya? Dimaag nhi h kya 😂😂😂 Dronacharya ne Ekalavya ka v angutha katwa kiya ab kya wo v competition kar rha tha.. Karn was jealous of Arjun or Arjun was jealous of Karn after Rangbhumi we all know very well 😂😂😂
To all those who accuse Karna of disrobing and insulting Draupadi, Bhishma was there, Drona was there, Dhritrastra was there, Vidur was there, All dharmis doing nothing just bragging and listening to Duryodhan. Pandavas were there (watching their heads down their wife get stripped) If you have a bit of guts to justify the above mentioned dharmis silence and rest, i challenge you please justify this on the comments section.
@@rahulanand2142Pandavas was slaves that time.But it is their fault.But idea of disrobing and women and order her to sleep with others is a good act or bad? How can you justify this?😅
@psviraj106 lo tumhaara reply हिंदी में: भक्त: भक्त वह व्यक्ति होता है जो किसी देवी-देवता, गुरु, या किसी आदरणीय व्यक्ति के प्रति अटूट श्रद्धा और समर्पण दिखाता है। इसका अर्थ होता है निष्ठा और भक्ति भाव से भरा हुआ व्यक्ति। Ab Kya bologe Arjun bhakt, bhakt srif Bhagwan ke nahi hote, samjhe. Agar knowledge hai toh ache se Arjun ki mahanata batao 🤣 , Sahi kaha Arjun Bhagwan thodinaa hai(nara avatar) Tumne prove kardiya 😂😂😂
@@psviraj106Bhala mujhe Karna ke chote Bhai Arjun se Kyu ghrina Hogi ........ Yaha Arjun bhakt ke comments dekhe Tumne, aur ye video Mai Jo tilak lagaya huwa insaan hai Usne kabhi authentic Bori ce Mahabharata nahi padhi, aur wo Gita press Wala Mahabharata ko ved vyas Mahabharata bol Raha hai 😅😅 toh murkhata toh Dekho uski 😅😅😅😅 Mai toh eklavya ka anguthaa katwaane wale veer Arjun ka bahut respect karta hu mahadev ki kasam. Lekin Jo Karna ke baare Mai Ulta Gyan PEL raha hai wo toh uske liye bola ki Arjun bhakto aao Arjun ko Karna se mahan sabit kardo . Bas itna hi
@@psviraj106Video dekh Ulta pulta Gyan pelke khudko knowledgeable person sabit Karna chahata hai. Abe mene challenge Kiya hai Arjun ke follower ko ki aao aur reference do Jo ye tilak wale ne bola aur uske opposite Mai bhi reference dunga. Kya itni si challenge se dar gaye wo log 😅😅😅
@psviraj106 Mai khud kehta hu Jo bhi Karna ko ishwar yaniki Bhagwan maanta hai wo murkh hai. Haa Lekin Karna ki story ko motivation banaaya toh acha hai. Bhagwan kehna Pagal panti hai. Mahabharata mein srif Bhagwan srif Krishna hi hai aur koi nahi insaani Roop Mai. Karna ki jay Kara lagao Lekin Bhagwan mat bolo.
Only 2 things that made Karna great, 1. He followed the daan dharm throughout his life and even donated his Kavacha and Kundal to Indra. 2. Even his birth mother denied him, and the whole life even Karna was in front of her didnt accepted Karna, he promised Kunti not to kill 4 pandavas except Arjun.
Not throughout his life... he sweared to donate anything till he killed arjuna... and furthermore, if you read Mahabharata, you can understand he had traded his Kavacha and Kundala for shakti .. s He was a fool when he promised not to kill the 4 Pandavas... Kunti devi did not ask for it
@@pragadeeshiyer1749 Bhai, tere jaisa gadha nhi dekha mainey, buddhi bech di h kya, Mahabharat padh le thora, Karna parva ke last chapter me saaf likha h ki usney aajivan Brahmano ko daan diya. Aur Khud Krishna ne kaha tha ki Indradev ne Karna ke kavach kundal daan maangey, devraj apna image bachaney ke liye Karna ko vasavi shakti di thi kyunki devraj bheekh maangtey ache nhi lagtey. Aur khud Narad muni ne shanti parva me kaha tha Indradev ne kavach kundal daan maangey they Karna se nhi to Karna ko haraana asambhav tha. Aur waise bhi Arjun ko maarney ke liye vasavi shakti ki awashyakta nhi thi, wo to Karna ka nagastra hi kaafi tha.
@@pragadeeshiyer1749 Tmhara buddhi jameen ke nichey dhas gya h, Kunti mata ne Karna ko apne 5 cho putro ke praan maangey they, karna ne 4 ko chor diya. Yaha tk ki Krishna ne Karna ko saara rajya dene ke vachan diya tha agar Karna pandavo ke taraf aa jaata, Karna ne puri duniya ko digvijay me jeet hi liya tha, Pandavo ka jestha hone ke naatey, Karna ke paas Hastinapur ka raja, Indraprastha ka raja aur Angaraaj to tha hi. Agar Karna Pandavo ke taraf aa jata to wo puri duniya ka sbse shatishaali raja hota, baki Pandav bhai uske angarakshak hotey. Lekin Karna ne apne mitra ka upkaar chukaney ke liye sab kuch laat maar diya.
@@rahulanand2142 I'm still telling you... Go and read Mahabharata... don't watch tv serials and do not read rashmirathi or Mrityunjay before debating with me, read KMG, Bori, or Gita press, Vivek Debroy's translation etc
No sir just go to facts , ravan ko puja jata hai hamari bharat mein ... You have read from wrong writer just like raavan fans absolutely not god ... M Assamese bhagwan krishna says dharma first ...
Original Mahabharata pdho jo ved Vyas ji ka h.. tv serial aur Ram dhari singh dinkar ka badha chadha kr likha hua kitab dekh kar aur pdh kr overrate mt kro Karan ko ..
ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः । रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात् कर्णो वृषः स्मृतः ।। २४ ।। कर्ण ब्राह्मणभक्त, सत्यवादी, तपस्वी, नियम और व्रतका पालक तथा शत्रुओं पर भी दया करनेवाला है; इसीलिये उसे वृष (धर्मात्मा) कहा गया है ।। २४ ।।
@@ChaxzerO dushasan this vikarn is only a child though he speaks words of wisdom strip away the garments from Draupadi (said by karan) Ref: dyut parva BORI CE 😆🤭
😂😂 📌 Arjun Ek Khalnayak!! 1. Bhisma, Bhagdatt, Bhurishrabha Aur Karn Ko Chal Purvak Mara. Joki Adharm Mana Gaya Hai. 2. Appne Bhai Ke Putra Ghatotkach Ko Karn Ke Vashavi Shakti Se Marrne Keliye Bhej Diya. 3. Arjun Ko Draupadi Se Jada Usske Gandiv Se Lagav Tha. 4. Arjun Ne Shree Krishna Ke Wife's Ko Luttero Ke Hawale Chorr Diya Aur Bhag Gaya. 5. Arjun Dharti Ke Shaare Dhanurdharo Se Jalta Tha, Issliyee Woh Pahar Se Gir Ke Maraa Gaya Tha. 6. Arjun Intna Jalta Tha Ki Ussne Bachpan Mehi Eklavya Ka Angutha Karva Diya. 7. Arjun Ne Ullpi Ke Sharir Ko Pane Keliye Brahmachariya Ka Appman Kiya. 8. Chitrangada Ke Sharir Ko Dekh Ke Arjun Mohit Ho Gaya Aur Chitrangada Ke Pita Ko Dhamki Diya, Taki Chitrangada Ke Pita Chitrangada Ko Arjun Ke Hawale Karrde. 9. Arjun Ne Toh Appni Hi Behen Shubhadra Ko Bich Shabha Me Se Uthaa Liya Tha. 10. Arjun Ne Shree Krishna Ko Issliyee Chuna Kiu Ki Usko Famous Banna Tha. 11. Arjun Ne Shadharan Samsapttako Per Vajrastra Jese Astro Ka Prayog Kiya Jo Galat Tha. 12. Arjun Toh Itna Badda Wala Tha, Ki Woh Gita Giyan Aur Pashupatastra Ki Biddhi Donohi Bhul Gaya Tha. 13. Arjun Ko Jav Pata Chala Indra Ne Karn Ka Kavach Kundal Harliya Hai, Taav Woh Khusi Se Jhum Utha. 14. Arjun Toh Hanuman Ji Kobhi Marrne Ka Icha Rakhta Tha. 15. Arjun Toh Appnehi Bhai Yudhishthir Ka Gala Katna Chahta Tha. 16. Arjun Ne Appnehi Patni Ko Juye Me Lagne Diya. 17. Arjun Toh Appne Mari-jati Hui Sena Ko Marrte Huye Chorr, Bhag Jata Tha. Javki Ussne Bachpan Diya Tha Usske Samne Jobhi Senik Hoga Woh Usko Bachayega. 18. Arjun Ne Pran Liya Tha Usee Yudh Keliye Koi Challenge Karre Toh Woh Nehi Bhagega Fir Bhi Dron Aur Karn Se Yudh Larrne Ke Bajaye Woh Bhag Gaya Tha. 19. Draupadi Suwambar Me Ussne Karn Ko Jhut Bola Ki Woh Brahman Hai. 20. Arjun Ko Bachane Keliye Usske Pita Indra Shakra Ne Ghatotkach, Gandharvo Ko Bheja Karn Ko Marrne Keliye, Aur Shrap Bhi Dilwaya Tha. 21. Arjun Keliye Dron Ne Karn Ka Appman Kiya Aur Usko Brahmastra Nehi Diya Taki Karn Arjun Se Behtar Na Ban Paye. 22. Arjun Shree Krishna Ke Piche Chup Ke Baan Chalata Tha, Issliyee Shrutayudh Ka Amog Ganda Shrutayudh Kohi Wapas Ja Laga Kiu Ki Woh Gadda Nihatto (Krishna) Per Nehi Chalaya Jata Aur Shrutayudh Mara Gaya. 23. Arjun Khud Ko Mahadev Sebhi Jada Shakti Shali Manta Tha, Woh Ek Ghamandi Tha, Mahabharat Me Kahi Bhi Ussko Mahanayak Nehi Kaha Gaya Hai. 24. Arjun Ne Shree Krishna Ke Mana Karrne Ke Bawjud, Khandav Dehen Ke Samay Masum Janwaro Ko Jinda Hi Jala Karr Marr Dala. 25. Arjun Ne Khud Ko Aur Baki Pandavo Ko Kauravo Se Chupane Keliye, Laksha Grah Ke Ang Me 6 Masum Bhikshuo Ko Jinda Hi Ang Me Jala Karr Marr Diya Tha. 26. Arjun Nehi Draupadi Ko Veshya Banne Diya, Aur Yudhishthir Ke Baat Ko Maan Liya. Adi Parv Adhay 114 Me 5 Pati Wali Stri Ko Dharm Anusar Veshya Hi Kaha Gaya Hai. 27. Arjun Appne Baddo Ko Samman Nehi Deta Tha, Arjun Ne Yudhishthir Aur Guru Dron Ko “Tu” Shabdo Se Tiraskar Kiya Tha. 28. Arjun Jo Indra Ka Avtar Tha Usse Pichle Janam Me Shiv Ji Se Srap Mila Tha, Ki Woh Baki Indra Avtaro Ke Sath Janam Lega. 29. Arjun Ne Kamjor Nivatkabcho Per Pashupatastra Chalaya Tha, Jise Kamjoro Per Nehi Chalaya Jata Hai. 30. Arjun Bhulakar, Besharam, Kayar, Behrahem, Charitra Hin, Mithya Bolne Wala, Ghamandi Insaan Tha. ~ Shree Krishna Kobhi Akhri Wakht Me Arjun Ne Dhoka Diya Tha. ( Appne Bap Per Gaya Hai )
Bhai ek bhi valid point nahi hai or tu kya shree krishna se bhi jada sharp brain wala hai ??;😂 you are just a bug infront of them krishna and Arjun you are just brainwashed reel hindu
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Bori CE Mahabharat, Drona Parva, Adhay 155, Shlok 24 ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः। रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात् कर्णो वृषः स्मृतः ।। २४ ।। कर्ण ब्राह्मणभक्त, सत्यवादी, तपस्वी, नियम और व्रतका पालक तथा शत्रुओं पर भी दया करनेवाला है; इसीलिये उसे वृष (धर्मात्मा) कहा गया है ।। २४ ।। Kaliyug Ka Rona Bandh Karr Tune Appne Jindegi Me Kavi Bhi Mahabharat Ka Ek Page Taak Bhi Paddha Hai? Mahabharat Me Saabse Bara Dharmatma Karn Ko Kaha Gaya Hai, Even Yudhishthira Toh Karn Ke Baal Baara Baar Bhi Nehi Tha Dharm Me, Vrisha For A Reason!! Bori Ce, Sambhava Parva, Chapter 114 - 'But the immensely famous Pandu was again greedy for more sons. He summoned the beautiful Kunti yet again. However, she said, "A fourth son has not been heard of, even in times of calamity. After that, a woman is called promiscuous. After the fifth, she is called a courtesan. You are learned in the ways of dharma. You are wise. Because of the desire for offspring, why are you transgressing the law and speaking as if you have lost your reason?"" SHLOK : पाण्डुस्तु पुनरेवैनां पुत्रलोभान्महायशाः। प्राहिणोद्दर्शनीयाङ्गीं कुन्ती त्वेनमथाब्रवीत् आदिपर्व। ॥६४॥ अति यशस्वी पाण्डुने पुत्रके लोभसे फिर सुन्दर अंगोंवाली कुन्तीको भेजना चाहा। उस पर कुन्ती उनसे बोली। ॥६४॥ _ नातश्चतुर्थं प्रसवमापत्स्वपि वदन्त्युत। अतः परं चारिणी स्यात्पश्ञ्चमे बन्धकी भवेत्। ॥६५॥ धर्म जाननेवाले लोग आपत्कालमें भी चौथे प्रसवकी प्रशंसा नहीं करते, क्योंकि चौथे पुरुषसे नारी स्वैरिणी होती है और पांचवें पुरुषसे मिलने से वेश्या होती है। ॥६५॥ Shame?? Jara Mahabharat Se Shlok Dikhana Kaha Shiv Jine Droupadi Vardan Diya Tha?? Karn Woha Jo Kaha 101% Sach Kaha Me Taaal Thok Ke Chunoti Deta Hun Vaisha Kehne Ko Galat Sabit Karrke Dikhade, Are Shree Krishna Ne Jav "Karna Upanivada Parva" Me Droupadi Se Shadi Karrne Ka Offer Diya Tha Karn Ko, Taav Kiya Shree Krishna Bhul Gaye The Droupadi Ke Sath Kitna Galat Kiya Tha Karn Ne? Jake Iyeeh Tu Ami Gantra Se Puch Dekh Kiya Jawab Deti Hai?? सर्वान् नृपांस्तान् प्रसमीक्ष्य कर्णो धनुर्धराणां प्रवरो जगाम। उद्धृत्य तूर्णं धनुरुद्यतं तत् सज्यं चकाराशु युयोज बाणान् ॥२१॥ उन सब राजाओंकी यह अवस्था देख धनुर्धारियोंमें श्रेष्ठ कर्ण उस धनुषके पास गया और तुरंत ही उसे उठाकर उसपर प्रत्यंचा चढ़ा दी तथा शीघ्र ही उस धनुषपर वे पाँचों बाण जोड़ दिये। ॥२१॥ _ दृष्ट्वा सूतं मेनिरे पाण्डुपुत्रा भित्त्वा नीतं लक्ष्यवरं धरायाम्। धनुर्धरा रागकृतप्रतिज्ञ- मत्यग्निसोमार्कमथार्कपुत्रम् ॥२२॥ अग्नि, चन्द्रमा और सूर्यसे भी अधिक तेजस्वी सूर्यपुत्र कर्ण द्रौपदीके प्रति आसक्त होनेके कारण जब लक्ष्य भेदनेकी प्रतिज्ञा करके उठा, तब उसे देखकर महाधनुर्धर पाण्डवोंने यह विश्वास कर लिया कि अब यह इस उत्तम लक्ष्यको भेदकर पृथ्वीपर गिरा देगा। ॥२२॥ _ दृष्ट्वा तु तं द्रौपदी वाक्यमुच्चै- जगाद नाहं वरयामि सूतम् । सामर्षहासं प्रसमीक्ष्य सूर्यं तत्याज कर्णः स्फुरितं धनुस्तत् ॥२३॥ कर्णको देखकर द्रौपदीने उच्च स्वरसे यह बात कही- 'मैं सूत जातिके पुरुषका वरण नहीं करूँगी' यह सुनकर कर्णने अमर्षयुक्त हँसीके साथ भगवान् सूर्यकी ओर देखा और उस प्रकाशमान धनुषको डाल दिया। ॥२३॥ Aree Hasta Hun Me Droupadi Ke Charitra Par, Jo Ussne Arjun Jese Charitra Ko Baar Chuna, Jav Yudhishthir Ne Droupadi Ko Juye Me Lagaya Jake Arjun Ka Statment Paddh Pehle!! Jinke Khudke Ghar Sise Ke Hote Hai Woh Dusron Ke Gharo Par Patthar Nehi Feka Karte. Bori Ce, Udyoga Parva, Chapter-7 "When Duryodhana had left, Krishna asked Kiriti, “I will not take part in the battle. What did you think of when you decided to choose me?” Arjuna replied, "There is no doubt that you are alone capable of slaying all of them. O supreme among men! I am also capable of slaying them alone. 👉🏻 Your deeds are famous in this world and this fame will also devolve on you. I too wish to be famous and that is the reason I have chosen you. It has always been my desire that you should be my charioteer. I have desired this over many nights and you should satisfy my wishes." 👈🏻😑 Anpar Gawar, Murkh Kahi Ka, Don't Act Like A Hizdda!! Ager Karn Women's Ka Respect Nehi Karrta Na Toh Tere Pandav Yudh Ke 11we Din Hi Marre Jate.
Feats of arjun Ardh narayan( incarnation of sage nar) During his birth celestials were overjoyed Held gandiv as bow (undefeated) crafted by vishwakarma himself Fought on equal grounds with mahadev ( in malayuddha) Only warrior to carry pashupatastra (capable of destroying world ,what us a mere armor gifted by some deity in front of it) Didn't need any Armor aith himself his skills were enough to be undefeated Won against gandharvas (mighty race of higher humans) Defeated nivatkavachs and kalkeyas ( who defeated gods and ravan) During Virat parv , he alone defeated while kuru sena without any divine chariot,krishn,and hanuman Defeated karna 4 times in total Was good at malayuddha , mace fighting (gada yuddham), sword fighting and best amongst archers during his era Dhanurved mentions hik to be 3rd best amongst archers ram is 2nd and mahadev being 1st Was never jealous of anyone Controlled his sleep and won over it Conqueror of senses Now people may come to argue about karna's kavach kundala and eklavya's thumb Karna- his feats are always overshadowed by his kavach and kundal karna was good but not great He was deal veer with indra Exchanged vasavi shakti ( he knew that the bramhin was indra the whole time ) Lost against gandarvas and fled from scene leaving duryodhana behind To be captured by them (arjun freed him) Lost to satyaki (disciple of arjun) had to kill abhimanyu by cunning tactics His archer skills were not as polished as arjun ( he rested in luxuries when aejun worked harder for them) Learnt from both parshuram and drona and kripa( parshuram was direct disciple of shiv arjun too then who is greater than karn) yet couldnt get better Eklavya- son of Nishad raaj (forest king) Refused because of political situation ( he was ally of jarasandh who was enemy of hastinapur) To protect his disciples and promise drona refused to let him study not because he was forest dweller His mindset was shitty He gave suffering to the dog that was disturbing him by closing or sewing his mouth with arrows he could have shooed him away but no He was killed by krishna himself
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Tera ami ganatra ka gyan nhi chalega yha, agar Arjun ke haar aur kamiyon ko gina diya to abhi to madical fail naam rakha h, uske baad zindgi fail naam rkh logey.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug In Draupadi swayamwar, Karna spared Arjun in disguise of brahmana. Arjun didn't defeat Karna. In Virat yudh Hanuman was on Arjun's chariot and Arjun used divine bow Gandiva that's why neither Bhishma nor Drona nor Karna unable to break Arjun's chariot and bow. And in Kurukshetra Arjun defeated all pandavs Singlehandedly when they attacked Karna in the group read Karna parva. Krishna and Hanuman themselves saved Arjun from Karna 2 times.
@@eternal-n-blessed Bhai ye log dalit drohi hey, ye vo log hey, jo dalit samaaj ki parchayi se bhi dur bhagte hey, inhi logo ki wajah se aaj pura dalit samaaj hindutv chhod raha hey, ye log ye nahin batayenge ki Danvir Angraj Karna ne kaise 4 pandavo ko jiwan daan diya, kaise sab kuch jaante hue bhi apne kawach kundal Indra ko daan kar diye , swayam Bhagwaan Krishna ne jiski prashansa ki ho, vo vyakti kaise bura ho sakta hey, swayam Bhagwaan Krishna ne jise sinhasan dena Chaha , aur kinkartavyavimudta jisne thukra kar virgati chuni ye vo nahin batayenge, iss sab ke liye , vo south indian brahman ne sirf itna hi kaha, english mey, Haan baad mey Karna mey kuch parivartan acchayiya aai par kya thi ye usne nahin bataya
@@VanshDam-u6yDalit concept hatane keliye hi to Aaj hum sab h bhai....ji purani galtiyan thi usko chhodna h na ki usko soch soch ke aaj ko bura banaye..
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Ye jiske jhansey mein aakar tmne aadhi baat rat li h, wo kabhi puri baat nhi batayegi, Arjun ki pole agar khul jayegi khamkha tm depression me chaley jaogey.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug this is not my answer.... I ask if karna mind was not clear ,u say that y dronachariya not teach karna brahma astra because karna mind was not clear , so U think aswathama mind was clear , he kill unborn child.... Ok come to main topic... That min u r saying lord parsurama was fool he can't see karna angar issue ,he can't see karna mind was not clear .. So y hi teach karna brahma astra... And y hi give karna vijay danush .??? And u have to admit that dronachariya was partial .....agar nahi tha to y he give brahma astra to ashwatthama..... U think ashwatthama mind was clear ,
Karna was PURE EVIL....
Sony putra karna fans crying 😂😂😂😂😂
Abee oo izzat se bol sony putra nahi surya putra karn
@@Radhekarn890 😂😂😂 aagaya sony putra fans
@@AnonymousHuman-zk5zp abee sale aache se bol raha hu izzat se baat kar bhai sony putra bol ke surya dev ka aapman kar raha ha
@@Radhekarn890 😂😂😂😂 fir se aagaya
Bori CE Mahabharat, Drona Parva, Adhay 155, Shlok 24
ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः ।
रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात् कर्णो वृषः स्मृतः ।। २४ ।।
कर्ण ब्राह्मणभक्त, सत्यवादी, तपस्वी, नियम और व्रतका पालक तथा शत्रुओं पर भी दया करनेवाला है; इसीलिये उसे वृष (धर्मात्मा) कहा गया है ।। २४ ।।
😂 O dushasan this vikarn is only a child though he speaks words of wisdom strip away the garments from Draupadi (said by karan)
Ref: dyut parva BORI CE
Adi Parv Adhay 114
Kunti : Draupadi Vaisha Hai.
karna's defeats, virat parva
इदानीमेव तावत् त्वमपयातो रणान्मम । तेन जीवसि राधेय निहतस्त्वनुजस्तव ।। १५ ।।
अर्जुन बोले-राधापुत्र ! अभी कुछ ही देर पहलेकी बात है, मेरे सामने युद्धसे पीठ दिखाकर तू भाग गया था, इसीलिये अबतक जी रहा है; किंतु तेरा छोटा भाई मारा गया ।। १५ ।।
भ्रातरं घातयित्वा कस्त्यक्त्वा रणशिरश्च कः । त्वदन्यः कः पुमान् सत्सु ब्रूयादेवं व्यवस्थितः ।। १६ ।।
तेरे सिवा दूसरा कौन ऐसा पुरुष होगा, जो अपने भाईको मरवाकर और युद्धका मुहाना छोड़कर (भाग जानेके बाद भी) भलेमानसोंके बीचमें खड़ा हो ऐसी डींग मारेगा? ।। १६ ।।
उत्पेतुः शरजालानि घोररूपाणि सर्वशः ।
अविध्यदश्वान् बाह्वोश्च हस्तावापं पृथक् पृथक् ।। १९ ।।
सोऽमृष्यमाणः कर्णस्य निषङ्गस्यावलम्बनम् । चिच्छेद निशिताग्रेण शरेण नतपर्वणा ।। २० ।।
फिर तो आकाशमें सब ओर भयंकर बाणोंके समूह उड़ने लगे। अर्जुनसे यह सहन न हो सका; अतः उन्होंने झुकी हुई गाँठ एवं तीखी नोकवाले बाणसे कर्णके घोड़ोंको बींध डाला। भुजाओंमें भी गहरी चोट पहुँचायी और हाथोंके दस्तानोंको भी पृथक् पृथक् विदीर्ण कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं, कर्णके भाथा लटकानेकी रस्सीको भी काट गिराया ।। १९-२० ।।
उपासङ्गादुपादाय कर्णो बाणानथापरान् ।
विव्याध पाण्डवं हस्ते तस्य मुष्टिरशीर्यत ।। २१ ।। तब कर्णने (अलग रखे हुए) छोटे तरकससे दूसरे बाण लेकर पाण्डुनन्दन अर्जुनके हाथमें चोट पहुँचायी। इससे उनकी मुट्ठी ढीली पड़ गयी ।। २१ ।।
ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः कर्णस्य धनुरच्छिनत् । स शक्तिं प्राहिणोत् तस्मै तां पार्थो व्यधमच्छरैः ।। २२ ।।
तब महाबाहु पार्थने कर्णका धनुष काट दिया। यह देख कर्णने अर्जुनपर शक्ति चलायी, किंतु पार्थने उसे बाणोंसे नष्ट कर दिया . ततोऽनुपेतुर्बहवो राधेयस्य पदानुगाः ।
तांश्च गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम् ।। २३ ।।
इतनेमें ही राधापुत्र कर्णके बहुत-से सैनिक वहाँ आ पहुँचे, किंतु अर्जुनने गाण्डीवद्वारा छोड़े हुए बाणोंसे मारकर उन सबको यमलोक भेज दिया ।। २३ ।।
ततोऽस्याश्वाञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बीभत्सुर्भारसाधनैः । आकर्णमुक्तैरवधीत् ते हताः प्रापतन् भुवि ।। २४ ।।
तत्पश्चात् बीभत्सुने भार (शत्रुओंके आघात) सहनेमें समर्थ तीखे बाणोंद्वारा, जो धनुषको कानतक खींचकर छोड़े गये थे, कर्णके घोड़ोंको घायल कर दिया। वे घोड़े मरकर पृथ्वीपर गिर पड़े ।। २४ ।।
अथापरेण बाणेन ज्वलितेन महौजसा ।
विव्याध कर्णं कौन्तेयस्तीक्ष्णेनोरसि वीर्यवान् ।। २५ ।।
तत्पश्चात् पराक्रमी कुन्तीकुमारने महान् तेजस्वी तथा अग्निके समान प्रज्वलित दूसरे बाणद्वारा कर्णकी छातीमें आघात किया ।। २५ ।।
तस्य भित्त्वा तनुत्राणं कायमभ्यगमच्छरः । ततः स तमसाऽऽविष्टो न स्म किंचित् प्रजज्ञिवान् ।। २६ ।।
यह बाण कर्णका कवच काटकर उसके वक्षःस्थलके भीतर घुस गया। इससे कर्णको मूर्च्छा आ गयी और उसे किसी भी बातकी सुध-बुध न रही ! २६ . स गाढवेदनो हित्वा रणं प्रायादुदङ्मुखः ।
ततोऽर्जुन उदक्रोशदुत्तरश्च महारथः ।। २७ ।।
कर्णको उस चोटसे बड़ी भारी वेदना हुई और वह युद्धभूमिको छोड़कर उत्तर दिशाकी ओर भागा। यह देख अर्जुन और उत्तर दोनों महारथी जोर-जोरसे सिंहनाद करने लगे ।। २७ ।।😅
karna's defeats, virat parva
इदानीमेव तावत् त्वमपयातो रणान्मम । तेन जीवसि राधेय निहतस्त्वनुजस्तव ।। १५ ।।
अर्जुन बोले-राधापुत्र ! अभी कुछ ही देर पहलेकी बात है, मेरे सामने युद्धसे पीठ दिखाकर तू भाग गया था, इसीलिये अबतक जी रहा है; किंतु तेरा छोटा भाई मारा गया ।। १५ ।।
भ्रातरं घातयित्वा कस्त्यक्त्वा रणशिरश्च कः । त्वदन्यः कः पुमान् सत्सु ब्रूयादेवं व्यवस्थितः ।। १६ ।।
तेरे सिवा दूसरा कौन ऐसा पुरुष होगा, जो अपने भाईको मरवाकर और युद्धका मुहाना छोड़कर (भाग जानेके बाद भी) भलेमानसोंके बीचमें खड़ा हो ऐसी डींग मारेगा? ।। १६ ।।
उत्पेतुः शरजालानि घोररूपाणि सर्वशः ।
अविध्यदश्वान् बाह्वोश्च हस्तावापं पृथक् पृथक् ।। १९ ।।
सोऽमृष्यमाणः कर्णस्य निषङ्गस्यावलम्बनम् । चिच्छेद निशिताग्रेण शरेण नतपर्वणा ।। २० ।।
फिर तो आकाशमें सब ओर भयंकर बाणोंके समूह उड़ने लगे। अर्जुनसे यह सहन न हो सका; अतः उन्होंने झुकी हुई गाँठ एवं तीखी नोकवाले बाणसे कर्णके घोड़ोंको बींध डाला। भुजाओंमें भी गहरी चोट पहुँचायी और हाथोंके दस्तानोंको भी पृथक् पृथक् विदीर्ण कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं, कर्णके भाथा लटकानेकी रस्सीको भी काट गिराया ।। १९-२० ।।
उपासङ्गादुपादाय कर्णो बाणानथापरान् ।
विव्याध पाण्डवं हस्ते तस्य मुष्टिरशीर्यत ।। २१ ।। तब कर्णने (अलग रखे हुए) छोटे तरकससे दूसरे बाण लेकर पाण्डुनन्दन अर्जुनके हाथमें चोट पहुँचायी। इससे उनकी मुट्ठी ढीली पड़ गयी ।। २१ ।।
ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः कर्णस्य धनुरच्छिनत् । स शक्तिं प्राहिणोत् तस्मै तां पार्थो व्यधमच्छरैः ।। २२ ।।
तब महाबाहु पार्थने कर्णका धनुष काट दिया। यह देख कर्णने अर्जुनपर शक्ति चलायी, किंतु पार्थने उसे बाणोंसे नष्ट कर दिया . ततोऽनुपेतुर्बहवो राधेयस्य पदानुगाः ।
तांश्च गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम् ।। २३ ।।
इतनेमें ही राधापुत्र कर्णके बहुत-से सैनिक वहाँ आ पहुँचे, किंतु अर्जुनने गाण्डीवद्वारा छोड़े हुए बाणोंसे मारकर उन सबको यमलोक भेज दिया ।। २३ ।।
ततोऽस्याश्वाञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बीभत्सुर्भारसाधनैः । आकर्णमुक्तैरवधीत् ते हताः प्रापतन् भुवि ।। २४ ।।
तत्पश्चात् बीभत्सुने भार (शत्रुओंके आघात) सहनेमें समर्थ तीखे बाणोंद्वारा, जो धनुषको कानतक खींचकर छोड़े गये थे, कर्णके घोड़ोंको घायल कर दिया। वे घोड़े मरकर पृथ्वीपर गिर पड़े ।। २४ ।।
अथापरेण बाणेन ज्वलितेन महौजसा ।
विव्याध कर्णं कौन्तेयस्तीक्ष्णेनोरसि वीर्यवान् ।। २५ ।।
तत्पश्चात् पराक्रमी कुन्तीकुमारने महान् तेजस्वी तथा अग्निके समान प्रज्वलित दूसरे बाणद्वारा कर्णकी छातीमें आघात किया ।। २५ ।।
तस्य भित्त्वा तनुत्राणं कायमभ्यगमच्छरः । ततः स तमसाऽऽविष्टो न स्म किंचित् प्रजज्ञिवान् ।। २६ ।
यह बाण कर्णका कवच काटकर उसके वक्षःस्थलके भीतर घुस गया। इससे कर्णको मूर्च्छा आ गयी और उसे किसी भी बातकी सुध-बुध न रही ! २६ . स गाढवेदनो हित्वा रणं प्रायादुदङ्मुखः ।
ततोऽर्जुन उदक्रोशदुत्तरश्च महारथः ।। २७ ।।
कर्णको उस चोटसे बड़ी भारी वेदना हुई और वह युद्धभूमिको छोड़कर उत्तर दिशाकी ओर भागा। यह देख अर्जुन और उत्तर दोनों महारथी जोर-जोरसे सिंहनाद करने लगे ।। २७ ।।😅
The whole of the Virataparva has been added by Suta and Sauti, the latter contributing the adhyayas 30-62. ( सम्पूर्ण विराटपर्व को सूत और सौति ने जोड़ा है, तथा सौति ने अध्याय 30-62 तक का योगदान दिया है। ) - Epilogue Of Mahabharata, Page 53
Hasi Ati Tum Jeso Par!!
Why sony tv viewers are oftened 😭🤣🤣🤣
Gandu putr fans creating their own way of happiness 😂 actual tv viewers are you all😂
Kon offand hoga apni baat ko proof kar k dikhaye to samzh bhi sakta hai koi😂😂ye log to tum brihu bhakto TH-cam channels ki video dekh k podcast me hug dete hai😂😂😂usme naya Kya hai😂😂
@@user-hetchavda2401 kon offend ho rha hai dikh hi rha hai🤣🤣
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒚𝒑𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂 𝑴𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒉𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝒗𝒊𝒓𝒖𝒔 🦠😷 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒖𝒕𝒍𝒊𝒃𝒐𝒎 🌽 𝒃𝒉𝒂𝒌𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒓 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒖 😭🤣🤣
@@user-hetchavda2401 chal chakku🌽 Sonyputra sutlibom bhakt proof kar ki tera baap karunachal bhagoda Virat yudh, Gandharva yudh, draupadi swamvar se bhaga nhi tha 🤣🤣🤣 kar kya hua gend fat gyi ab tu bhi apne abbujaan karuna ki tarah run 🚹🏃🏿♂️🏃🏿♂️ 🤣🤣🤣🌽🤡🦠🤣
@@gopalverma1689 bruhnalla bhakt spotted 🤡🤣
अर्जुन: धीवर प्रसार शौर्य भरा:
उतसारा स्थिरा घम्भीरा:
उग्रामा असामा शौर्या भावा:
रौद्रमा नवा भीतिर्मा: 😊😊
अर्थात् महावीर अर्जुन, दृढ़निश्चयी अपनी वीरता के दम पर आगे बढ़ रहे हैं, वह ऊंची और बड़ी छलांगे लगाते हुए दृढ़ता के साथ अपने लक्ष्य की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं। वह मजबूत हैं और उनके लड़ने की क्षमता बेजोड़ है। उनका क्रोध ही शत्रुओं में भय की लहर पैदा कर देता है।
Still karna fan for many reasons 🔥..
1. [Arjun took sword to kill his brother dharmaraj story]
-When karna defeated dharmaraja, karna didn't kill him as he promised kunti that he won't harm any of her sons except arjuna.. because of this defeat, dharmaraja completely gone to trauma and asked arjuna that did he kill karna.. arjun said not yet.. and then dharmaraj scolded arjun.. then arjun took sword to kill his own brother dharmaraj.. krishna stopped arjun and cooled both brothers..
2.Karna spared three of kuntis sons
3.If indhra wouldn't take karnas kavach kundalas, its a game change.. so even indhra knows his son couldn't win karna
4.kavach kundalas are karnas previous births "thapo phal", after years of meditation he got this boon.. its his right to keep it.. ofcourse i know nara and narayan took his 999 of Armours but still, why indhra took that from karna and why no one took any astra away from pandavas
5.After taking his kavach, ofcourse he flew away many times, its the strategy of a warrior..
6.Even krishna didn't allow arjuna to go to karna and fight with him when he defeated dharmaraj.. krishna said karna is ferocious at that time and that's not safe to move to him..
7. Yes karna did wrong to Draupadi, still he has a reason.. she said she won't marry a shudra.. [many people thinking that shudra means sc/sts, but no.. every other person except brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya is called shudra..]. So it's not the war of castes, keep this in mind and read mahabharat
8.What if kunti didn't leave him and raise him like a small brother ❤
So In Mahabharata, there is no single person who is completely good including dharmaraj.. so its okay to be fan of any character of Mahabharata.. ultimately i know, it's the game of lord krishna 🙏🏻
"Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare" ❤
Such along comment using only serials... I pity you
What about he lied to kord Parshuram? What about he left his friend in Gandharva war? What about he abused Panchali and Madra women? What about he betrayed Abhimanyu? What about he fled away in Panchal yuddh?
Never say arjuna to put his bow otherwise death is confirmed 😅
Yudhisthir made tha mistake
karna's defeats, virat parva
इदानीमेव तावत् त्वमपयातो रणान्मम । तेन जीवसि राधेय निहतस्त्वनुजस्तव ।। १५ ।।
अर्जुन बोले-राधापुत्र ! अभी कुछ ही देर पहलेकी बात है, मेरे सामने युद्धसे पीठ दिखाकर तू भाग गया था, इसीलिये अबतक जी रहा है; किंतु तेरा छोटा भाई मारा गया ।। १५ ।।
भ्रातरं घातयित्वा कस्त्यक्त्वा रणशिरश्च कः । त्वदन्यः कः पुमान् सत्सु ब्रूयादेवं व्यवस्थितः ।। १६ ।।
तेरे सिवा दूसरा कौन ऐसा पुरुष होगा, जो अपने भाईको मरवाकर और युद्धका मुहाना छोड़कर (भाग जानेके बाद भी) भलेमानसोंके बीचमें खड़ा हो ऐसी डींग मारेगा? ।। १६ ।।
उत्पेतुः शरजालानि घोररूपाणि सर्वशः ।
अविध्यदश्वान् बाह्वोश्च हस्तावापं पृथक् पृथक् ।। १९ ।।
सोऽमृष्यमाणः कर्णस्य निषङ्गस्यावलम्बनम् । चिच्छेद निशिताग्रेण शरेण नतपर्वणा ।। २० ।।
फिर तो आकाशमें सब ओर भयंकर बाणोंके समूह उड़ने लगे। अर्जुनसे यह सहन न हो सका; अतः उन्होंने झुकी हुई गाँठ एवं तीखी नोकवाले बाणसे कर्णके घोड़ोंको बींध डाला। भुजाओंमें भी गहरी चोट पहुँचायी और हाथोंके दस्तानोंको भी पृथक् पृथक् विदीर्ण कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं, कर्णके भाथा लटकानेकी रस्सीको भी काट गिराया ।। १९-२० ।।
उपासङ्गादुपादाय कर्णो बाणानथापरान् ।
विव्याध पाण्डवं हस्ते तस्य मुष्टिरशीर्यत ।। २१ ।। तब कर्णने (अलग रखे हुए) छोटे तरकससे दूसरे बाण लेकर पाण्डुनन्दन अर्जुनके हाथमें चोट पहुँचायी। इससे उनकी मुट्ठी ढीली पड़ गयी ।। २१ ।।
ततः पार्थो महाबाहुः कर्णस्य धनुरच्छिनत् । स शक्तिं प्राहिणोत् तस्मै तां पार्थो व्यधमच्छरैः ।। २२ ।।
तब महाबाहु पार्थने कर्णका धनुष काट दिया। यह देख कर्णने अर्जुनपर शक्ति चलायी, किंतु पार्थने उसे बाणोंसे नष्ट कर दिया . ततोऽनुपेतुर्बहवो राधेयस्य पदानुगाः ।
तांश्च गाण्डीवनिर्मुक्तैः प्राहिणोद् यमसादनम् ।। २३ ।।
इतनेमें ही राधापुत्र कर्णके बहुत-से सैनिक वहाँ आ पहुँचे, किंतु अर्जुनने गाण्डीवद्वारा छोड़े हुए बाणोंसे मारकर उन सबको यमलोक भेज दिया ।। २३ ।।
ततोऽस्याश्वाञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्बीभत्सुर्भारसाधनैः । आकर्णमुक्तैरवधीत् ते हताः प्रापतन् भुवि ।। २४ ।।
तत्पश्चात् बीभत्सुने भार (शत्रुओंके आघात) सहनेमें समर्थ तीखे बाणोंद्वारा, जो धनुषको कानतक खींचकर छोड़े गये थे, कर्णके घोड़ोंको घायल कर दिया। वे घोड़े मरकर पृथ्वीपर गिर पड़े ।। २४ ।।
अथापरेण बाणेन ज्वलितेन महौजसा ।
विव्याध कर्णं कौन्तेयस्तीक्ष्णेनोरसि वीर्यवान् ।। २५ ।।
तत्पश्चात् पराक्रमी कुन्तीकुमारने महान् तेजस्वी तथा अग्निके समान प्रज्वलित दूसरे बाणद्वारा कर्णकी छातीमें आघात किया ।। २५ ।।
तस्य भित्त्वा तनुत्राणं कायमभ्यगमच्छरः । ततः स तमसाऽऽविष्टो न स्म किंचित् प्रजज्ञिवान् ।। २६ ।।
यह बाण कर्णका कवच काटकर उसके वक्षःस्थलके भीतर घुस गया। इससे कर्णको मूर्च्छा आ गयी और उसे किसी भी बातकी सुध-बुध न रही ! २६ . स गाढवेदनो हित्वा रणं प्रायादुदङ्मुखः ।
ततोऽर्जुन उदक्रोशदुत्तरश्च महारथः ।। २७ ।।
कर्णको उस चोटसे बड़ी भारी वेदना हुई और वह युद्धभूमिको छोड़कर उत्तर दिशाकी ओर भागा। यह देख अर्जुन और उत्तर दोनों महारथी जोर-जोरसे सिंहनाद करने लगे ।। २७ ।
Sutan not shudra😂..Suta is a high cast child of a brahmin and kshatriya. What to get offend here.She was not ready to marry Karna and it's her choice to marry whom because it is swayamvara😂How your evil Karna took revenge for that?
❤ parshuram shishya radhey karn❤
Also shishya of dronacharya
(📌) *Drona Vadhaparva, Chapter 1132(155) Vedavyas Mahabharata (BORI CE®)*
*ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः*
*रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात्कर्णो वृषा स्मृतः*
_Brahmanyah Satyavadi Cha Tapasvi NiyataVrat... Ripushvapi Dayavanasya... Tasmat Karno Vrisha Smritah_
_"He is devoted to brahmanas.Hes truthful. He has engaged in auster ities. He is devoted to his vows. He is compassionate towards his ene mies. It is for these reasons that Karna is known as Vrisha."_
Ye wala reference bhi daaldeta quora graduate 😂
O dushasan this vikarn is only a child though he speaks words of wisdom strip away the garments from Draupadi (said by karan)
Ref: dyut parva BORI CE
Well, nobody denies that Karna made mistakes and committed sins, and hence was punished too. But keeping his unfortunate birth and disowning by his mother aside, he still had his qualities that you cannot take away from him. He stood for friendship, he kept his word when his mother requested him to spare the 5 Pandava brothers, and moreover as a warrrior, he was no walk in the park.
You are wrong
@pkoppart Please get your facts right!!! Kunti devi didn't ask Karna to spare the lives of pandavas. It was Karna’s proactive offer. First let's analyse the entire scenario in Q&A manner.
Why did Kunti approach Karna before the war???
Isn’t it obvious? The tables were about to turn. The happy days of Karna were about to be over, something even Karna was perfectly aware of. She thought her identity and plea would penetrate the stony heart of Karna and he would be compassionate towards his brothers. In turn, that would save the Karna from the sure fate of fighting against Dharma.
Who was winning the war???
Now even before the war began, almost everyone who knew anything about military and warfare knew Pandavas were winning the war.
- Arjuna had defeated all the elite warriors together and single-handedly in Virata war.
- Shree Krishna and Bhagwan Parshuram had categorically declared in the Hastinapur’s court assembly that Pandavas would win the war.
- Bhishma and Dronacharya too were convinced Pandavas would win the war.
- Even Karna knew Pandavas are winning the war. He admitted the same to Shree Krishna during Krishna-Karna meeting.
- Unknown to most of them even Bhagwan Shiva willed Pandavas victory and blessed Arjuna with most powerful and lethal weapon of all - Pashupatastra.
If Pandavas were winning the war, why did Kunti approached Karna?
A war even in victory causes devastations. Kunti knew Karna hated his own brothers because of evil delusions. She was tormented by this - brothers fighting brothers. She wanted to change the situation..
She approaches Karna to disclose his true identity so that he comes out of his delusions and do what is right -
Even Suryadev advised Karna to follow Kunti advise and side with pandavas.
Were Pandavas in any real danger from Karna?
Shree Krishna didn’t think so. Bhagwan Parshuram didn’t think so. Karna didn’t think so. Facts doesn’t point in that direction.
In every single direct or indirect encounter between Karna and Pandavas, Karna was badly vanquished and was forced to retreat at the hands of Arjuna. Bhemma defeated him in Rajasuya yagna. Even Kripacharya wonders on this questions before Matsya battle - In which battle have you ever defeated any Pandava? Karna had no answer.
Wasn’t Kunti afraid for the lives of Parthas(her sons)?
Yes. She was ofcourse worried about the life of Parthas. Not just for five Parthas but for six Parthas. Perhaps most for the 6th Partha - Karna.
You see war always brings devastations. And it wasn’t fair that one brother kills another for no reason. Karna was one of the strong warriors and he could have killed some of his brothers.
But to be honest all the past encounter between Karna and Arjuna have seen Arjuna thrashing Karna badly and the same pattern repeated even in Kurukshetra later. With Krishna on his (Arjuna’s) side, her worry was more for Karna, she knew, is delusioned and siding with evil. Natually she wished well for him as well as her other sons.
Why didn’t Kunti approached Karna sooner?
Being a Partha wasn’t a bed of roses. Partha’s suffered in exile most of their lives. Karna on the other hand enjoyed Kingship most of his life. It would have been selfish of Kunti to disclose the secret sooner and rob Karna from his comforts. Afterall she was also guilt-ridden for letting him go as an infant. She might have thought, she had no right to rob his happiness again.
But approaching decisive war changed everything. This time everyone knew would be a war with no return. She could wait no longer.
What was Kunti’s request?
Kunti Devi wanted Karna to support his brothers and Dharma. Even Suryadev supported Kunti on this and suggested Karna to follow Kunti’s directives and side with pandavas. Here Karna had a golden opportunity to stop the war had he sided with the pandavas. But he didn't. Duryodhan wouldn't even have dared to wage the war against pandavas had karna not been on his side.
Why did she asked Karna to spare the lives of her four sons???
Kunti never asked this. It was Karna’s proactive offer, which of course Kunti couldn’t refuse. Kunti Devi wanted Karna to support his brothers and Dharma. Why should she refuse such a grand offer. One of her son suggested that he would not kill his four brothers. That was a victory of her love. She gladly accepted it.
But it was cruel of Karna to say a mother that he would kill one of her son(Arjuna), knowing he was talking about his own younger brother.
Now there is an interesting twist here. Karna requested Krishna not to disclose this secret to Pandavas. Why? Because he knew Pandavas knowing his identity would sacrifice their right and won’t fight him. Unfortunately Karna couldn’t bring himself to have heart so great as to spare Arjuna’s life as well.
Why only four sons?
Did Kunti ask him to spare the life of only four sons? Did he not explicitly announced in front of a mother that he would kill one of her son, if possible? Does this sound honorable to you? I find it cruel. In what world a mother would be ok if a son of her own says that he would kill the other son of hers. Arjuna never knew the identity of his brother Karna. But Karna knew the identity of Arjuna. Still he was determined to kill him. Is this honorable?
If u clearly analyze the chain of these events you would actually realize Karna indirectly betrayed his friend Duryodhan by proactively promising Kunti Devi which she didn't ask for it in first place as u guys belive.
Was Karna’s action in favour of Duryodhana?
Karna said that he is under debt of Duryodhana and can’t leave his side. If he were earnest, he would have been a man of honour. But let us consider a few points -
- Everyone knew the main contender of throne of Hastinapur was Yudhishthir. Had he died, Duryodhana would have better chance to claim the throne. But Karna spared Yudhishthir in his oath. Does this make Karna a man of honor?
- Bhima had taken an oath to kill every single Kaurava. Karna could have killed Bhima and protected his friend Duryodhan and his brothers. Yet Karna spared Bhima in his oath and saw most of the Kaurava brothers getting killed in front of his eyes. Many were killed while trying to protect Karna from same Bhima. Does this make Karna a man of honor?
- Did Karna ever inform Duryodhana that he would not be killing four Pandavas? Never. Does that make him honorable?
Was Karna loyal to Duryodhana in general?
Karna certainly said, he was loyal to Duryodhana and can’t switch sides. He said the same to Krishna and Kunti. But if only words had wing, demons would be worshipped. Let us examine Karna actions towards Duryodhana.
- A true friend would extend those advice that are in the best interest of his friend. All Karna did was to instigate him on various occasions and advised Duryodhana to reject Shree Krishna’s peace proposal. He could have prevented the war, but he chose not to, knowing it would bring doom to Duryodhana and his clans.
- If Karna were loyal to Duryodhana he wouldn’t have spared the life of Yudhisthira and Bhima in his oath. At the least, he would have the integrity to inform about his oath to Duryodhana.
- Karna fled from Gandharavas leaving his best friend behind to be captured. Arjuna and Bheema had to rescue them. Not only Duryodhana, but women of the royal family too were at the risk of capture, had noble Pandavas not intervened. Is this act of Karna honorable?
- Karna refused to fight the war of Kurukshetra for first 10 days (more than half the battle) for his selfish ego not because Bheeshma stopped him from fighting as you guys tend to belive. Ironically, he would not leave the war for Dharma and family. But he had no moral qualms, no remembrance of loyalty when it came to his selfish ego. What man of honor would abandon his friend for his ego but not for Dharma?
My answer refers to authentic versions of Mahabharath including
- Bibek Debroy translation of Bori critical edition
- English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli (KMG),
- Neelkanth edition Sanskrit Hindi version of Gita Press.
- Mahabharat adaptation by Shri Rajgopalachari based on Dakshinayat.
@@Bunns-ty5fm Where is Ved Vyasa's orginal version?
@@pkoppart First, we need to understand what is Vyas Bharath? Vyas Bharath was originally authored by Maharishi Ved Vyas. But Ved Vyas may not have done a mass printing. In those days the epics and the knowledge were propagated by word of mouth following Shruti-Smriti tradition. A proof of the same is within the epic itself. The entire epic is narrated by Vaipanyadas to King Janamajeya.
The Mahabharata is based on events from over five thousand years ago, passed down orally through generations via the Shruti-Smriti tradition. Shruti means "what is heard," and Smriti means "what is remembered."
In this tradition, stories are told and remembered by people, which can lead to variations over time. For example, if my father tells me a story, I might remember it slightly differently and add my own details when I tell it to my children. These changes can lead to different versions of the story. However, if many people hear and pass on the same story, the core narrative remains consistent despite minor variations.
As we all know, BORI devoted over 40 years, comparing and analysing over 1259 scripts and identified the most consistent elements across them. This method helps filter out deviations and ensures a more accurate representation of the original story. This can be considered nearest to Ved Vyas’s narrative. While the accuracy of BORI's version can be questioned, it remains the most reliable source available and closest to Sage Ved Vyas Mahabharath.
No one claims the BORI version of the Mahabharata is absolutely accurate, but it is considered more reliable than other versions.
@@Bunns-ty5fm Out of all the available versions, one would hold Vyasa's version above all.And things are clearly explained there
Om namah shivaya Parvati patey har har Mahadev 🔱🥀🙏🙏
He was a Hero,a human with Gods power ❤❤❤
मित्र कर्ण ❤
Leh dube tujhe apne sath
Karn always great
In kaliyuga people believe what in dwapar yuga gods don't use to believe everyone claim Arjun was greatest but in in dwapar yuga in Arjuna own time gods don't have believe on him that he was greater than karna that's why his father Indra dev come to beg kawach and kundal from karna his mother went to beg that don't kill any of her sons and tell him his birth story lord Krishna himself reach out to karna to offer to fight with Pandavas that he was there elder brother later Krishna bought a celestial chariot for Arjuna in which lord hanumaan was present to protect lord Krishna himself in front and then Krishna saved the chariot with his Maya from several errows of karna in one instance Krishna lower the chariot from takshak and saved Arjuna later brought ghatochkach to save Arjun from Shakti astra Krishna did what not to save Arjun still Arjun had to kill karna in cheating after all this Arjun came out greater of all😂
First of all don't, mix mahabharat and puran, 2nd karna was inferior to abhimanyu , during virat yudh karna was humiliated along with all kauravas without Krishna without hangman alone arjuna against drone this, karna kripachary etc
@@knowledge-21234 first you need to read rather than just believing the serial in Virat war it was not Arjun it was bruhanala in half male in lady uniform due you think any warrior would have fought with her she there in front of them till night fall because Arjun also knowing noone recognise him and Pandavas claim that there agyatvas was successful if Kauravas spotted Arjun than there very claim of successful banvas and agyatvas fall flat in serial to show it more dramatic they make people believe that as soon as night fall bruhanala suddenly changed into Arjun and destroyed the Kauravas how in night war happened in those thousand of year ago use your common senses
@@knowledge-21234 Abhimanyu was no match if you read you will know that Abhimanyu killed duryodhana son lakhmana and 2 of karna son just day before chakravyuh also chakravyuh not made to show how great Abhimanyu is its just in serial in reality chakravyuh was made to capture yudhishthir and finish the war but Abhimanyu came in between when Arjun was no match to karna as per lord Krishna himself many a time he told it to Pandavas than how come 15 year boy Abhimanyu will match also if you put up your logic what would duryodhana and karna would do spotting their sons killer in chakravyuh award him for bravery
@@geetanjalisahu5339 no follow the kshatriya dharma, if he can't follow kshatriya dhRm he is n9t even warriors forgot being greatest. he is at lowest ranks. I am a kshatriya and without dharma nothing matters
What next would karna do will he kill people in there sleep like aswathama did these are sign 9f weak people who just cry f9r society like joker in batman and do all crime by playing victi, card
@@geetanjalisahu5339 and even before virat war agyatvas was finished bhisma himself said it don't argue fake news with me
No one was pure evil or pure good in Mahabharat...all are grey characters.
And competition isn't a bad stop giving excuses that Karn has competition with Arjun in his mind.
Competition makes someone better.
Brother, nowadays there is competition everywhere, so are we also adharmi?😂
@@harshrawat962 That's what I'm talking brother... Competition is a good thing so they are trying to prove Karn evil at any cost, even if the reason is baseless but they are still giving it 😂
😂😂those time competition is wrong and why to compete with a person who is 10/12 year's younger than you and karn is jealous of Arjun@@sangramjenaricky
@@abhisekdhall3086 Bete ye tum log bolte ho ki competition kar rha tha tu kya Karn ne mann ke andar ghusa hua tha 😂😂😂
Aur 10/12 saal chhota ho ya bada talent me competition karna hi chahiye gadhe warna aage jaane ki motivation kya class me first aata h wo v dusro se competition hi karta h dobara v first aa jaun to kya wo last aane wale se competition nhi kiya kya?
Dimaag nhi h kya 😂😂😂
Dronacharya ne Ekalavya ka v angutha katwa kiya ab kya wo v competition kar rha tha..
Karn was jealous of Arjun or Arjun was jealous of Karn after Rangbhumi we all know very well 😂😂😂
Sony putra average watcher
Jis tree par Jada fruits hote hai log ussi par patthar marthe hai
By the way ye dono mujhe kudh hi confuse lag rahe hai
मित्र ❤
To all those who accuse Karna of disrobing and insulting Draupadi,
Bhishma was there,
Drona was there,
Dhritrastra was there,
Vidur was there,
All dharmis doing nothing just bragging and listening to Duryodhan.
Pandavas were there (watching their heads down their wife get stripped)
If you have a bit of guts to justify the above mentioned dharmis silence and rest, i challenge you please justify this on the comments section.
😂 your mother have 5 husband
It was karna idea to disrobe Draupadi
Bhai thoda padh lo
@@tushartilwani9540 And whose will to gamble her?
@@rahulanand2142Pandavas was slaves that time.But it is their fault.But idea of disrobing and women and order her to sleep with others is a good act or bad? How can you justify this?😅
@@-V6984 🤣🤣 Slave enough to gamble their own wife.
Karna❤is hero
Karna is like doctor doom.
Doctor Doom is like Karna.
@@SR059 your mother have 5 husbands😅
@@bijoymondal6005Polygamy and polyandry are common those days😅
Karna ❤
Yeh khud hee bhut confuse lg rhe hain yeh karan ko hate krte hain bs
Hindi mein bol dijiye sir....😶
they who side with adharma are not to be sympathized with. whoever emotional their story may be.
Han Bhai tum sab jante ho karn bahat bura tha isiliye bhagwan Sri Krishna usko apne side me Lena chahte the
To arjun ne dropadi ko kiyu nahi tiyaga tha apne bhai o ke liye 😂😂😂😂
Arjun is bigger lover boy😅
Hindi me bol deta kuch Samag nahi ata
Challenge hai arjun bhakto ko ki aao aur reply de
@psviraj106 lo tumhaara reply हिंदी में:
भक्त: भक्त वह व्यक्ति होता है जो किसी देवी-देवता, गुरु, या किसी आदरणीय व्यक्ति के प्रति अटूट श्रद्धा और समर्पण दिखाता है। इसका अर्थ होता है निष्ठा और भक्ति भाव से भरा हुआ व्यक्ति।
Ab Kya bologe Arjun bhakt, bhakt srif Bhagwan ke nahi hote, samjhe. Agar knowledge hai toh ache se Arjun ki mahanata batao 🤣 , Sahi kaha Arjun Bhagwan thodinaa hai(nara avatar) Tumne prove kardiya 😂😂😂
@@psviraj106Bhala mujhe Karna ke chote Bhai Arjun se Kyu ghrina Hogi ........ Yaha Arjun bhakt ke comments dekhe Tumne, aur ye video Mai Jo tilak lagaya huwa insaan hai Usne kabhi authentic Bori ce Mahabharata nahi padhi, aur wo Gita press Wala Mahabharata ko ved vyas Mahabharata bol Raha hai 😅😅 toh murkhata toh Dekho uski 😅😅😅😅 Mai toh eklavya ka anguthaa katwaane wale veer Arjun ka bahut respect karta hu mahadev ki kasam. Lekin Jo Karna ke baare Mai Ulta Gyan PEL raha hai wo toh uske liye bola ki Arjun bhakto aao Arjun ko Karna se mahan sabit kardo . Bas itna hi
@@psviraj106Video dekh Ulta pulta Gyan pelke khudko knowledgeable person sabit Karna chahata hai. Abe mene challenge Kiya hai Arjun ke follower ko ki aao aur reference do Jo ye tilak wale ne bola aur uske opposite Mai bhi reference dunga. Kya itni si challenge se dar gaye wo log 😅😅😅
@psviraj106 Mai khud kehta hu Jo bhi Karna ko ishwar yaniki Bhagwan maanta hai wo murkh hai. Haa Lekin Karna ki story ko motivation banaaya toh acha hai. Bhagwan kehna Pagal panti hai. Mahabharata mein srif Bhagwan srif Krishna hi hai aur koi nahi insaani Roop Mai. Karna ki jay Kara lagao Lekin Bhagwan mat bolo.
@psviraj106 Lekin abtak mene kabhi bhi kisi ke bhi video Mai Kahi nahi dekha Karna ki jay Bhagwan kaha comments Mai
Arjun is best
Only RCB ❤
Only 2 things that made Karna great,
1. He followed the daan dharm throughout his life and even donated his Kavacha and Kundal to Indra.
2. Even his birth mother denied him, and the whole life even Karna was in front of her didnt accepted Karna, he promised Kunti not to kill 4 pandavas except Arjun.
Not throughout his life... he sweared to donate anything till he killed arjuna... and furthermore, if you read Mahabharata, you can understand he had traded his Kavacha and Kundala for shakti .. s
He was a fool when he promised not to kill the 4 Pandavas... Kunti devi did not ask for it
@@pragadeeshiyer1749 Bhai, tere jaisa gadha nhi dekha mainey, buddhi bech di h kya, Mahabharat padh le thora, Karna parva ke last chapter me saaf likha h ki usney aajivan Brahmano ko daan diya.
Aur Khud Krishna ne kaha tha ki Indradev ne Karna ke kavach kundal daan maangey, devraj apna image bachaney ke liye Karna ko vasavi shakti di thi kyunki devraj bheekh maangtey ache nhi lagtey.
Aur khud Narad muni ne shanti parva me kaha tha Indradev ne kavach kundal daan maangey they Karna se nhi to Karna ko haraana asambhav tha.
Aur waise bhi Arjun ko maarney ke liye vasavi shakti ki awashyakta nhi thi, wo to Karna ka nagastra hi kaafi tha.
@@pragadeeshiyer1749 Tmhara buddhi jameen ke nichey dhas gya h, Kunti mata ne Karna ko apne 5 cho putro ke praan maangey they, karna ne 4 ko chor diya.
Yaha tk ki Krishna ne Karna ko saara rajya dene ke vachan diya tha agar Karna pandavo ke taraf aa jaata, Karna ne puri duniya ko digvijay me jeet hi liya tha, Pandavo ka jestha hone ke naatey, Karna ke paas Hastinapur ka raja, Indraprastha ka raja aur Angaraaj to tha hi.
Agar Karna Pandavo ke taraf aa jata to wo puri duniya ka sbse shatishaali raja hota, baki Pandav bhai uske angarakshak hotey.
Lekin Karna ne apne mitra ka upkaar chukaney ke liye sab kuch laat maar diya.
@@rahulanand2142 I'm still telling you... Go and read Mahabharata... don't watch tv serials and do not read rashmirathi or Mrityunjay before debating with me, read KMG, Bori, or Gita press, Vivek Debroy's translation etc
@@pragadeeshiyer1749 You are unworthy to debate with anyone fool. And stop acting like an immature Arjun fan.
No sir just go to facts , ravan ko puja jata hai hamari bharat mein ... You have read from wrong writer just like raavan fans absolutely not god ... M Assamese bhagwan krishna says dharma first ...
Yaar such bolta hnu ye dekhr pandavo ko bhi bura lgta hoga ki hamare bade bhai ke baare me aisa bol rhe hnai
Original Mahabharata pdho jo ved Vyas ji ka h.. tv serial aur Ram dhari singh dinkar ka badha chadha kr likha hua kitab dekh kar aur pdh kr overrate mt kro Karan ko ..
Post full video on karn expose
ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः । रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात् कर्णो वृषः स्मृतः ।। २४ ।। कर्ण ब्राह्मणभक्त, सत्यवादी, तपस्वी, नियम और व्रतका पालक तथा शत्रुओं पर भी दया करनेवाला है; इसीलिये उसे वृष (धर्मात्मा) कहा गया है ।। २४ ।।
@@Chaxzer cort kaha se kara hai wo bhi to dikha karn kavya leke aajate ho tum log mahabharat ki baat hoti hai to mot aajati h?
@@ChaxzerO dushasan this vikarn is only a child though he speaks words of wisdom strip away the garments from Draupadi (said by karan)
Ref: dyut parva BORI CE
Bhayi. Aap. Log. Jitne. Log. Hai. Sbhi. Milkar. Jor. Lga. Le. Jitna. Hi. Aap. Log. Use. Badnaam. Krne. Me. Lge. Rhte. Wh. Utna. Hi. Aur. Pasand. Logo. Dwara. Kiya. Jaane. Lgta. Hai😂😂😂😂😂
Bhagwan Parshuram Ji ka Wardan hai bhai KARNA ko 😎🙌
Karna had better dharma than Yudhistra according to Bhagwan Shri Krishna.
Stop watching Sony putra Karna 😂
@@beingiconstar3507 b̤o̤r̤i̤ c̤e̤ m̤a̤h̤a̤b̤h̤a̤r̤a̤t̤ a̤ṳr̤ v̤e̤d̤ v̤y̤a̤s̤ k̤i̤ m̤a̤h̤a̤b̤h̤a̤r̤a̤t̤ m̤a̤ l̤i̤k̤h̤a̤ h̤a̤i̤n̤ j̤i̤s̤ m̤a̤ k̤r̤i̤s̤h̤a̤n̤ k̤h̤ṳd̤ b̤o̤l̤t̤a̤ h̤a̤i̤ m̤t̤l̤b̤ t̤ṳ ṳn̤k̤o̤ f̤a̤k̤e̤ b̤a̤t̤a̤n̤a̤ c̤h̤a̤t̤a̤ h̤a̤i̤n̤ 😂😂😊
LoL 🤣🤣 hardcore Karn fans
📌 Arjun Ek Khalnayak!!
1. Bhisma, Bhagdatt, Bhurishrabha Aur Karn Ko Chal Purvak Mara. Joki Adharm Mana Gaya Hai.
2. Appne Bhai Ke Putra Ghatotkach Ko Karn Ke Vashavi Shakti Se Marrne Keliye Bhej Diya.
3. Arjun Ko Draupadi Se Jada Usske Gandiv Se Lagav Tha.
4. Arjun Ne Shree Krishna Ke Wife's Ko Luttero Ke Hawale Chorr Diya Aur Bhag Gaya.
5. Arjun Dharti Ke Shaare Dhanurdharo Se Jalta Tha, Issliyee Woh Pahar Se Gir Ke Maraa Gaya Tha.
6. Arjun Intna Jalta Tha Ki Ussne Bachpan Mehi Eklavya Ka Angutha Karva Diya.
7. Arjun Ne Ullpi Ke Sharir Ko Pane Keliye Brahmachariya Ka Appman Kiya.
8. Chitrangada Ke Sharir Ko Dekh Ke Arjun Mohit Ho Gaya Aur Chitrangada Ke Pita Ko Dhamki Diya, Taki Chitrangada Ke Pita Chitrangada Ko Arjun Ke Hawale Karrde.
9. Arjun Ne Toh Appni Hi Behen Shubhadra Ko Bich Shabha Me Se Uthaa Liya Tha.
10. Arjun Ne Shree Krishna Ko Issliyee Chuna Kiu Ki Usko Famous Banna Tha.
11. Arjun Ne Shadharan Samsapttako Per Vajrastra Jese Astro Ka Prayog Kiya Jo Galat Tha.
12. Arjun Toh Itna Badda Wala Tha, Ki Woh Gita Giyan Aur Pashupatastra Ki Biddhi Donohi Bhul Gaya Tha.
13. Arjun Ko Jav Pata Chala Indra Ne Karn Ka Kavach Kundal Harliya Hai, Taav Woh Khusi Se Jhum Utha.
14. Arjun Toh Hanuman Ji Kobhi Marrne Ka Icha Rakhta Tha.
15. Arjun Toh Appnehi Bhai Yudhishthir Ka Gala Katna Chahta Tha.
16. Arjun Ne Appnehi Patni Ko Juye Me Lagne Diya.
17. Arjun Toh Appne Mari-jati Hui Sena Ko Marrte Huye Chorr, Bhag Jata Tha. Javki Ussne Bachpan Diya Tha Usske Samne Jobhi Senik Hoga Woh Usko Bachayega.
18. Arjun Ne Pran Liya Tha Usee Yudh Keliye Koi Challenge Karre Toh Woh Nehi Bhagega Fir Bhi Dron Aur Karn Se Yudh Larrne Ke Bajaye Woh Bhag Gaya Tha.
19. Draupadi Suwambar Me Ussne Karn Ko Jhut Bola Ki Woh Brahman Hai.
20. Arjun Ko Bachane Keliye Usske Pita Indra Shakra Ne Ghatotkach, Gandharvo Ko Bheja Karn Ko Marrne Keliye, Aur Shrap Bhi Dilwaya Tha.
21. Arjun Keliye Dron Ne Karn Ka Appman Kiya Aur Usko Brahmastra Nehi Diya Taki Karn Arjun Se Behtar Na Ban Paye.
22. Arjun Shree Krishna Ke Piche Chup Ke Baan Chalata Tha, Issliyee Shrutayudh Ka Amog Ganda Shrutayudh Kohi Wapas Ja Laga Kiu Ki Woh Gadda Nihatto (Krishna) Per Nehi Chalaya Jata Aur Shrutayudh Mara Gaya.
23. Arjun Khud Ko Mahadev Sebhi Jada Shakti Shali Manta Tha, Woh Ek Ghamandi Tha, Mahabharat Me Kahi Bhi Ussko Mahanayak Nehi Kaha Gaya Hai.
24. Arjun Ne Shree Krishna Ke Mana Karrne Ke Bawjud, Khandav Dehen Ke Samay Masum Janwaro Ko Jinda Hi Jala Karr Marr Dala.
25. Arjun Ne Khud Ko Aur Baki Pandavo Ko Kauravo Se Chupane Keliye, Laksha Grah Ke Ang Me 6 Masum Bhikshuo Ko Jinda Hi Ang Me Jala Karr Marr Diya Tha.
26. Arjun Nehi Draupadi Ko Veshya Banne Diya, Aur Yudhishthir Ke Baat Ko Maan Liya. Adi Parv Adhay 114 Me 5 Pati Wali Stri Ko Dharm Anusar Veshya Hi Kaha Gaya Hai.
27. Arjun Appne Baddo Ko Samman Nehi Deta Tha, Arjun Ne Yudhishthir Aur Guru Dron Ko “Tu” Shabdo Se Tiraskar Kiya Tha.
28. Arjun Jo Indra Ka Avtar Tha Usse Pichle Janam Me Shiv Ji Se Srap Mila Tha, Ki Woh Baki Indra Avtaro Ke Sath Janam Lega.
29. Arjun Ne Kamjor Nivatkabcho Per Pashupatastra Chalaya Tha, Jise Kamjoro Per Nehi Chalaya Jata Hai.
30. Arjun Bhulakar, Besharam, Kayar, Behrahem, Charitra Hin, Mithya Bolne Wala, Ghamandi Insaan Tha.
~ Shree Krishna Kobhi Akhri Wakht Me Arjun Ne Dhoka Diya Tha. ( Appne Bap Per Gaya Hai )
Bhai ek bhi valid point nahi hai or tu kya shree krishna se bhi jada sharp brain wala hai ??;😂 you are just a bug infront of them krishna and Arjun you are just brainwashed reel hindu
Bori CE Mahabharat, Drona Parva, Adhay 155, Shlok 24
ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवादी च तपस्वी नियतव्रतः।
रिपुष्वपि दयावांश्च तस्मात् कर्णो वृषः स्मृतः
।। २४ ।।
कर्ण ब्राह्मणभक्त, सत्यवादी, तपस्वी, नियम और व्रतका पालक तथा शत्रुओं पर भी दया करनेवाला है; इसीलिये उसे वृष (धर्मात्मा) कहा गया है
।। २४ ।।
Kaliyug Ka Rona Bandh Karr Tune Appne Jindegi Me Kavi Bhi Mahabharat Ka Ek Page Taak Bhi Paddha Hai? Mahabharat Me Saabse Bara Dharmatma Karn Ko Kaha Gaya Hai, Even Yudhishthira Toh Karn Ke Baal Baara Baar Bhi Nehi Tha Dharm Me, Vrisha For A Reason!!
Bori Ce, Sambhava Parva, Chapter 114 - 'But the immensely famous Pandu was again greedy for more sons. He summoned the beautiful Kunti yet again. However, she said, "A fourth son has not been heard of, even in times of calamity. After that, a woman is called promiscuous. After the fifth, she is called a courtesan. You are learned in the ways of dharma. You are wise. Because of the desire for offspring, why are you transgressing the law and speaking as if you have lost your reason?""
पाण्डुस्तु पुनरेवैनां पुत्रलोभान्महायशाः। प्राहिणोद्दर्शनीयाङ्गीं कुन्ती त्वेनमथाब्रवीत्
आदिपर्व। ॥६४॥
अति यशस्वी पाण्डुने पुत्रके लोभसे फिर सुन्दर अंगोंवाली कुन्तीको भेजना चाहा। उस पर कुन्ती उनसे बोली। ॥६४॥
नातश्चतुर्थं प्रसवमापत्स्वपि वदन्त्युत।
अतः परं चारिणी स्यात्पश्ञ्चमे बन्धकी भवेत्। ॥६५॥
धर्म जाननेवाले लोग आपत्कालमें भी चौथे प्रसवकी प्रशंसा नहीं करते, क्योंकि चौथे पुरुषसे नारी स्वैरिणी होती है और पांचवें पुरुषसे मिलने से वेश्या होती है। ॥६५॥
Shame?? Jara Mahabharat Se Shlok Dikhana Kaha Shiv Jine Droupadi Vardan Diya Tha?? Karn Woha Jo Kaha 101% Sach Kaha Me Taaal Thok Ke Chunoti Deta Hun Vaisha Kehne Ko Galat Sabit Karrke Dikhade, Are Shree Krishna Ne Jav "Karna Upanivada Parva" Me Droupadi Se Shadi Karrne Ka Offer Diya Tha Karn Ko, Taav Kiya Shree Krishna Bhul Gaye The Droupadi Ke Sath Kitna Galat Kiya Tha Karn Ne? Jake Iyeeh Tu Ami Gantra Se Puch Dekh Kiya Jawab Deti Hai??
सर्वान् नृपांस्तान् प्रसमीक्ष्य कर्णो धनुर्धराणां प्रवरो जगाम। उद्धृत्य तूर्णं धनुरुद्यतं तत्
सज्यं चकाराशु युयोज बाणान्
उन सब राजाओंकी यह अवस्था देख धनुर्धारियोंमें श्रेष्ठ कर्ण उस धनुषके पास गया और तुरंत ही उसे उठाकर उसपर प्रत्यंचा चढ़ा दी तथा शीघ्र ही उस धनुषपर वे पाँचों बाण जोड़ दिये।
दृष्ट्वा सूतं मेनिरे पाण्डुपुत्रा
भित्त्वा नीतं लक्ष्यवरं धरायाम्।
धनुर्धरा रागकृतप्रतिज्ञ-
अग्नि, चन्द्रमा और सूर्यसे भी अधिक तेजस्वी सूर्यपुत्र कर्ण द्रौपदीके प्रति आसक्त होनेके कारण जब लक्ष्य भेदनेकी प्रतिज्ञा करके उठा, तब उसे देखकर महाधनुर्धर पाण्डवोंने यह विश्वास कर लिया कि अब यह इस उत्तम लक्ष्यको भेदकर पृथ्वीपर गिरा देगा।
दृष्ट्वा तु तं द्रौपदी वाक्यमुच्चै-
जगाद नाहं वरयामि सूतम् ।
सामर्षहासं प्रसमीक्ष्य सूर्यं
तत्याज कर्णः स्फुरितं धनुस्तत्
कर्णको देखकर द्रौपदीने उच्च स्वरसे यह बात कही- 'मैं सूत जातिके पुरुषका वरण नहीं करूँगी' यह सुनकर कर्णने अमर्षयुक्त हँसीके साथ भगवान् सूर्यकी ओर देखा और उस प्रकाशमान धनुषको डाल दिया।
Aree Hasta Hun Me Droupadi Ke Charitra Par, Jo Ussne Arjun Jese Charitra Ko Baar Chuna, Jav Yudhishthir Ne Droupadi Ko Juye Me Lagaya Jake Arjun Ka Statment Paddh Pehle!! Jinke Khudke Ghar Sise Ke Hote Hai Woh Dusron Ke Gharo Par Patthar Nehi Feka Karte.
Bori Ce, Udyoga Parva, Chapter-7
"When Duryodhana had left, Krishna asked Kiriti, “I will not take part in the battle. What did you think of when you decided to choose me?” Arjuna replied, "There is no doubt that you are alone capable of slaying all of them. O supreme among men! I am also capable of slaying them alone. 👉🏻 Your deeds are famous in this world and this fame will also devolve on you. I too wish to be famous and that is the reason I have chosen you. It has always been my desire that you should be my charioteer. I have desired this over many nights and you should satisfy my wishes."
Anpar Gawar, Murkh Kahi Ka, Don't Act Like A Hizdda!!
Ager Karn Women's Ka Respect Nehi Karrta Na Toh Tere Pandav Yudh Ke 11we Din Hi Marre Jate.
@@oxo-onekarn bakht😅😅😅
Hizda Bhakktt 🤭
Feats of arjun
Ardh narayan( incarnation of sage nar)
During his birth celestials were overjoyed
Held gandiv as bow (undefeated) crafted by vishwakarma himself
Fought on equal grounds with mahadev ( in malayuddha)
Only warrior to carry pashupatastra (capable of destroying world ,what us a mere armor gifted by some deity in front of it)
Didn't need any Armor aith himself his skills were enough to be undefeated
Won against gandharvas (mighty race of higher humans)
Defeated nivatkavachs and kalkeyas ( who defeated gods and ravan)
During Virat parv , he alone defeated while kuru sena without any divine chariot,krishn,and hanuman
Defeated karna 4 times in total
Was good at malayuddha , mace fighting (gada yuddham), sword fighting and best amongst archers during his era
Dhanurved mentions hik to be 3rd best amongst archers ram is 2nd and mahadev being 1st
Was never jealous of anyone
Controlled his sleep and won over it
Conqueror of senses
Now people may come to argue about karna's kavach kundala and eklavya's thumb
Karna- his feats are always overshadowed by his kavach and kundal karna was good but not great
He was deal veer with indra
Exchanged vasavi shakti ( he knew that the bramhin was indra the whole time )
Lost against gandarvas and fled from scene leaving duryodhana behind To be captured by them (arjun freed him)
Lost to satyaki (disciple of arjun) had to kill abhimanyu by cunning tactics
His archer skills were not as polished as arjun ( he rested in luxuries when aejun worked harder for them)
Learnt from both parshuram and drona and kripa( parshuram was direct disciple of shiv arjun too then who is greater than karn) yet couldnt get better
Eklavya- son of Nishad raaj (forest king)
Refused because of political situation ( he was ally of jarasandh who was enemy of hastinapur)
To protect his disciples and promise drona refused to let him study not because he was forest dweller
His mindset was shitty
He gave suffering to the dog that was disturbing him by closing or sewing his mouth with arrows he could have shooed him away but no
He was killed by krishna himself
Absolutely biased and ill informed, I urge you to read the above mentioned sources again from vyas bharat.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Tera ami ganatra ka gyan nhi chalega yha, agar Arjun ke haar aur kamiyon ko gina diya to abhi to madical fail naam rakha h, uske baad zindgi fail naam rkh logey.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Sacchai sunke saarey Arjun bhakt aise hi roney lgte hn, wahi sara dialog chipkatey hn vyas mahabharat wali.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug In Draupadi swayamwar, Karna spared Arjun in disguise of brahmana. Arjun didn't defeat Karna.
In Virat yudh Hanuman was on Arjun's chariot and Arjun used divine bow Gandiva that's why neither Bhishma nor Drona nor Karna unable to break Arjun's chariot and bow.
And in Kurukshetra Arjun defeated all pandavs Singlehandedly when they attacked Karna in the group read Karna parva.
Krishna and Hanuman themselves saved Arjun from Karna 2 times.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Dimag pagla gya h tmhara.
Yaad kar k aya hai
@@eternal-n-blessed Bhai ye log dalit drohi hey, ye vo log hey, jo dalit samaaj ki parchayi se bhi dur bhagte hey, inhi logo ki wajah se aaj pura dalit samaaj hindutv chhod raha hey, ye log ye nahin batayenge ki Danvir Angraj Karna ne kaise 4 pandavo ko jiwan daan diya, kaise sab kuch jaante hue bhi apne kawach kundal Indra ko daan kar diye , swayam Bhagwaan Krishna ne jiski prashansa ki ho, vo vyakti kaise bura ho sakta hey, swayam Bhagwaan Krishna ne jise sinhasan dena Chaha , aur kinkartavyavimudta jisne thukra kar virgati chuni ye vo nahin batayenge, iss sab ke liye , vo south indian brahman ne sirf itna hi kaha, english mey, Haan baad mey Karna mey kuch parivartan acchayiya aai par kya thi ye usne nahin bataya
@@VanshDam-u6yDalit concept hatane keliye hi to Aaj hum sab h bhai....ji purani galtiyan thi usko chhodna h na ki usko soch soch ke aaj ko bura banaye..
@@VanshDam-u6y pahle toh mujhe ye batav karn ka daliton se kya connection hai?
@@VanshDam-u6y pahle toh mujhe ye batav karn ka daliton se kya connection hai?
Karn = Ronaldo Only social media king 😂
Arjun = Massi real life king wc winning not social media ❤❤
Sonyputtar ravan ka ansh tha
Too much lies or miss information by this person
अभी आप को विरोध करने के लिए WhatsApp university वाले आ रहे हैं....तोड मरोड वाली history दिखाए हुए serials देख कर हगने वाले लोग 😂
Tum khud nhi mahabharat padha h yaar durso ko kya gyan de rhe ho.
Bhaai tu khud padh leta mahabahrat unhi whatsapp tv serial ka rona dhona na karta 😂😂😂
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Swargarohan parva me padho, ki Arjun kitna ghamandi tha jiske kaaran wo pahaad se gir gya.
@MedicalFails-qh3ug Ye jiske jhansey mein aakar tmne aadhi baat rat li h, wo kabhi puri baat nhi batayegi, Arjun ki pole agar khul jayegi khamkha tm depression me chaley jaogey.
कर्ण evil hai तो शकुनी क्या है शकुनी की वजे से महाभारत हुवी ना की कर्ण की वझे से
😄😄😄😄😄 सकुनी की वजह से नहीं कर्ण के कारण हुआ। 😄😄😄😄।
If karna mind is not clear so how parsuram teach him .... ????
@MedicalFails-qh3ug this is not my answer.... I ask if karna mind was not clear ,u say that y dronachariya not teach karna brahma astra because karna mind was not clear , so U think aswathama mind was clear , he kill unborn child.... Ok come to main topic... That min u r saying lord parsurama was fool he can't see karna angar issue ,he can't see karna mind was not clear .. So y hi teach karna brahma astra... And y hi give karna vijay danush .??? And u have to admit that dronachariya was partial .....agar nahi tha to y he give brahma astra to ashwatthama..... U think ashwatthama mind was clear ,
@MedicalFails-qh3ug he is not lied according to u suta was half Brahman and half Kshatriya