Yellowstone Wonder, A complete painting lesson by Jerry Yarnell

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ม.ค. 2025
  • This is the 1st of Four(4) episodes in Jerry Yarnell's "A Yellowstone River", a complete painting lesson. In this wonderful painting Jerry excitedly describes his love for the Yellowstone National Park and the elk as one of the many wonders of that Park. This love of the Wyoming area led Jerry to create today’s A Yellowstone Wonder. A beautiful landscape with an elk in the foreground. Jerry is completing this painting in acrylic on an 18x24 stretched canvas. Getting started Jerry uses a pastel pencil to sketch some of the painting features. Then beginning with the #10 bristle brush starts blocking in the background and underpainting for the grassy area leaving no line so as to create soft edges and good eye flow. Switch to #6 bristle brush to create beginnings of shoreline. For remainder of this episode, Jerry uses his famous scrubbing technique to create area for water.
    Date Released On: 12/1/2014
    Recommended Skill Level: Intermediate

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