I'm in Tulsa, and my spring peas were burned up by the middle of June. I'm going to give them another go towards the end of August, and zucchini and broccoli, too. I lost my oldest son last summer, and my job and my garden have saved my life and my sanity. Love your passion and videos, thanks so much for all you do!
Hello Tulsa Okie 👋 I live in N Oklahoma City. So hello Okie Neighbor...Dontcha just love his enthusiasm? 😊 I'm learning. I'm doing flower bed vegetables along with my flowers and container gardening...Not getting much of my squash. Well I got a few squash but they are dying off. I'm working on that reason. Just curious as to what your gonna plant now it's Almost August first?
I'm in central Alabama, zone 7B. I have seedling growing for Late Nagasaki Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Crookneck Squash, and Zucchini. I have seeds for more zucchini, Hilton Cabbage, and Chicago Pickling cucumbers that I am waiting to sprout. My pole beans, New Zealand Spinach, Black Cherry, Sun Gold, and Sunrise Bumble Bee Tomatoes are producing fruit. My pole beans, peppers, and New Zealand Spinach are all producing well, but the peppers in my GreenStalk Tower are out producing the peppers in my raised bed. The soil temperature here is too high for Danvers to spout, so I have to wait for rain, or cooler weather to resow them. In a couple weeks, I will be sowing seeds for Komatsuna, shelling peas, Pak Choi, Golden Detroit Beets, and kohlrabi. In September, I will sow lettuce seeds, and winter tomatoes for my greenhouse.
@@LittlePieceOfHeaven.65 I was growing Park's Whopper, Debut Hybrid, and Tiny Tim. They were doing really well until they weren't. I was using supplimental heat during nights when the temperature fell below freezing. The heater turned off during the night, and it got cold enough inside to kill every plant inside it. Without a reliable means of heating the greenhouse, I opted to remove it from my garden.
@@LittlePieceOfHeaven.65 No, it was a complete loss. Come January, I did seed starts for Dad's Sunset, Thornburn's Terra-Cotta, Clasic Beefsteak, Ace-55, and Grand Marshall. I have more tomatoes than I know what to do with. The Grand Marshall and Thornburn's Terra-Cotta were my best producers.
James, do you have any people stealing your produce? Your neighbors are probably so envious of all the abundance! Your garden has truly become a food forest! I wish you would extend your business to a seedling selling company. As a fellow Jerseyan, I would love to buy some seedlings from you one day.
James. you are definitely my hero and my guru! About a year ago I decided to see if I would like retirement, and started growing my garden. It has been a year of experimentation and wonder! I learned so much from you, and yes- decided to retire and garden full time! It just gets better the more I learn, and I am trying more exotic varieties, and learning new techniques. My freezers are full, I have the canning jars lined up, and the flood of food keeps pouring in! THANK YOU!
I love the way you word things and give inspiration to look toward the future. I'm in Southern NH and I did a big makeover to my garden this year and invested in raised beds packed them full of plants. We got so much rain in the spring everything is so behind schedule or diseased. Starting fresh with a look towards fall veggies has me excited. I started all my brassicas about two weeks ago and they already need to be potted up. I plan to plant them out in early September.
Questions Tuck & James * Do you offer shirts in tall sizes? * I use Mel Bartholomew method and never deviated his advice, I have difficulty finding vermiculite, the perlite tends to float and not as useful. Can you still get vermiculite inspite of the warnings? * Do you have watering systems or just hose? * Here in North East we are in a rain pattern, I assume in NJ you are similar, what are your tips on watering and too much rain? * Sending many❤❤❤❤ to Tuck, he is so awesome! Thanks Jon
James & Tuck, your videos are the first videos I watch every day. Thanks so much for all the amazing information! I am located i southeastern Pennsylvania so my weather is mostly the same as yours. I have taken your advice on many things (especially the netting and the shade cloth!) and it has helped my garden to thrive. Now I've got my list ready for the plants to start in August and the best way to get them started too! Keep up the great work! Thank you!
Great timing & reminder for prepping the Fall Garden. Many new gardeners don't know that planting seeds & starts are a year round endeavor, not just in the Spring/Early Summer. Glad you covered the important info on the seed packets to help individuals make wise decisions and not just purchase the seeds based on the pretty picture or 'hey, I like blah, blah, blah let's plant some of them".
Same. My old girl doesn’t make it outdoors until after 7pm. She snoozes through most of the heat and is then a night-owl. But the heat just knocks ‘em out.
I was writing down everything you were telling us to plant and I just realized I could save the video and just keep rewinding it❤💯😉tell tuck I said ruff ruff and hi😅 my poocharelli stays inside because he has problems in the heat,love from our family to yours 😃💪
@Disabled.Megatron mulberry trees?! I have a prolific producer that sprouts suckers all over my 1/4 acre yard! It’s a nuisance! Please explain how I should love and admire this monster
Im in Michigan and have followed your food forest for awhile now. What you do is fantastic! Thank you for inspiring and encouraging us fellow gardeners, I've learned so much from you! And Tuck is of course a star as well as the guardian! Hugs from the middle of the Mitten!
Been on new born schedule this July, just getting my head out of the newborn life fog just on time for your video and getting motivated to go back in the garden for fall crops sowing! Thanks James and Tuck!
My fruit and veggie obsessed kid loves this channel so much! I'd love to try and do some planting with him but we have absolutely no sun except in the early morning and nothing seems to grow. He loves gardening with his g-pa though and they watch this channel too. Thanks for the inspiration for their backyard at least. 🍎🥦
Came here for the happiness and left with a little enthusiasm, inspiration and knowledge. I've been digging up potatoes today looking forward to planting something in its place for another bountiful harvest. Will amend it with compost although it's full of worm castings perhaps due to weeks of rain, perhaps due to the leaves covering the soil, perhaps due to the occasional rotting potatoe from all the rain. I need to dig the bed deeper so it drains better.
James. Excellent advice. I have been gardening since I could first walk. I pick up little tidbits everytime I watch your video. Keep up the great content.
I'm fairly new to your channel...I like your upbeat, inspirational style...You give soooo much information that when I watch your videos I need to have my memo pad to jot down everything I want to remember...Thank You James 👍
I tried growing napa cabbage this spring and it bolted immediately. I’m going to try growing it again in late August. Plus I’m going to grow spinach, beets, and maybe some more turnips.
Yup, too dang hot! I agree. Here in mid Missouri we are in an extreme drought. Two years of it so far. So, we are too dang hot and too dang dry! But…hope spurs us on. Thanks, James!
Half way through watching this I ran out to my garden tilled up a spot and sowed some carrots and radish. You better be right or I'll be pissed Jimmy 😊 great content from joisey
The only seeds I sow in August have to be done indoors. In the Med region, some areas are going to exceed 45 deg C! This month is usually hotter than July. When September comes, I’ll begin planting outdoors again. Love from Cyprus!
This year is my second. James you rock man. This years had more failures than last but loving it. The main characters of season 2 have been the hummingbirds on my scarlet runners, and baby bunns the destroyer lol. He's a jerk but pretty cute, and leaves my pots alone.
One last thing I would like to say. Even in high 90's-100 degree heat and humidity that makes it feel like 190, my Zinnia's continue to just flower like there is no tomorrow. If anybody is curious, specific variety is Benary's Giant. They stand about 5 feet tall, have GINORMOUS thick blossoms and, something I rarely EVER see with Zinnia's, they had little to no leaf spot disease until recently, but it's still only at the bottom. I am amazed and Impressed, and I always have beautiful flowers for my table and even more in my yard for the pollinators.
I'm from Toms River, just down the Blvd from you, but I live in Portugal now on the Silver Coast & while the literature says we don't technically get frost here, we will often get 2-5 nights of frost in January. I love that I can grow nearly year round here! I just started more beans, peas, leafy greens, celery, amaranth (I don't use it as a grain, I use it like a spinach or dandelion...the Greek way), dill, and a few other things I can't remember right now.
I really enjoy your videos! Very educational! And now I know why my carrots I planted 2 weeks ago didn't germinate...I planted too deep and there was intense heat...while I was away on vacation.😏 I'm going to try again after watching your video. I like how you also showed the square foot with the string to make it clear how many seeds to plant. Thanks for the great videos!
I luckily was still harvesting stuff all the way into January last year. Down here in Texas. We barely had a frost here last year. And I can count how many days it dipped below freezing on one hand. This year, some of my stuff have gone dormant until temps cool off.
I love your enthusiasm! I’m working to grow as much food for my family as possible to help reduce our grocery bill, but my family is not very supportive. I have a lot on my plate (no pun intended) and we are more than 1/2 way thru the growing season! Ive turned into a midnight Gardner! My neighbors must think we’re like that family from The Burbs! 😆 But I can’t give up! I must keep going. Even if they don’t help. Your enthusiasm has inspired me to not feel so discouraged. Thank you so much!
Thank you great vid, I have gotten all my supplies to built the bed cover for my 8 above ground beds that you showed how to build, will be putting them together Labor Day weekend 😁 thanks for all you show us , so much appreciated
It is too dang hot! I'm in GA zone 7 I can plant everything you said in Sept My last frost is Nov 3. Thanks for the recommendations on how to get the plants started. I have started some in my basement with grow lights, they can't make it outside, we've been in the 90s with no rain. My corn, tomatoes and beans are finished mainly because of the heat. Okra, flowers and herbs are doing good. I'm going to dig the ground where everything is done and put down some leaf compost and let it sit for a month. I do love my fresh carrots, I recently pulled the last of the spring ones. God Bless you and Tuck!
I'm in Cobb County. Just put in some dill and broccoli seeds and hope they'll be ok. I got started late, so my cukes are just now producing and still looking good. I did get shade cloth this season and it's been helping over my many green tomatoes I think on the 95 degree days. Today was strangely only about 87!!! :)
Love ur enthusiasm and energy gives me hope that once i am burned out i can keep going. Its been a great year in jersey and i now need to keep pushing! Thx for the push
I bought a packet of Scarlet Nantes Heirloom Carrot seeds I'm super excited about. The giant curled mustard seeds I dusted around a couple weeks ago are really coming into their first true leaves. I planted a few more things just to keep the greens ample and going!
Great info. We had a lot of rain so I didnt get 1/2 my seeds in before it got really hot. A lot of things bolted so I may try again in August. Nice to have a list of what will grow in summer.
Just found your channel awesome job you explain everything so it’s easy to understand and I appreciate that I gave you a thumbs up and subscribed and I will be sharing and I am a Yorkie guy too I have two and would do anything for my little friends thanks again man I am glad I found you 👍🙏❤️
Here in coastal Mississippi it is way too hot to plant some of these now. Is there any chance iu could give temperature ranges for these things. For instance, Spinach and lettuces are best grown in Winter here. Spring and Fall Are too warm/,hot.
My 6 MONSTER Tomato plants have 3 tomatoes left now. Here in NW Louisiana, t1emps are around 100 everyday and 80 at night. I WOULD replant those containers EXCEPT that the tomato plants are the main support for my Cucumber plants which are running at full throttle right now. Four containers of cucumbers, each sending at least 1 but usually fruits a day. The tomato plants are about 7 feet tall, the cucumbers are over 10 feet tall. All in a 10 foot x 6 foot space. GO VERTICAL Y'ALL!!! BUT, get a light weight ladder. Any suggestions James?
I entered my zip code, 33165, into Old Farmer’s Almanac to see when my first frost was, and it laughed at me. 😂😅 LOL Send us some cool weather, please! Thank you so very much for sharing. Happy growing, everyone!
Thank you very much for this excellent video. I am interested in extending my growing season and this was very informative. I love the thought of the late brassicas. I got poor germination on my second crop of carrots, but I'm going to try some more. Best wishes to you.
I have great success starting my carrots in a plastic ice cream bucket. I put holes in the lid. Put the seeds down sprinkle with soil and water. Put the lid on and literally 3 days later I check them. Take the lid off and they have all sprouted. I've tried this method with many different varieties of carrots and it has never failed. I transplant them right away. I've never lost any during transplant. Hope this is helpful to anyone struggling to grow carrots.
Hey James! Tuck has the right idea staying inside. . I live in NW Fl. and we are under constant heat advisories. 🔥 Take care of yourself man! We ALWAYS appreciate your (and Tuck's) videos but we want you to stay safe and healthy too! God Bless you both and thank you for continuing the encouragement to grow something, anything. I LOVE these kinds of videos by the way. it helps me to remember that there is ALWAYS something I can plant. In fact I've just started some seeds in trays AND outside in the stupid heat. LOL I will say my second round of sunflowers and a first round of watermelon are coming up nicely. I gotta wait (probably a bit longer than you do) to do some more beans as my first set just fizzled out as it got too hot and wet too fast this year. Good luck to all gardener's everywhere!
I have recently discovered tepary beans. They actually produce better with less water. They tolerate, dry, salty, sandy soil. I believe native Americans grew then in the Arizona region. The way the world is going might be good to have some crops that like hot and dry🥵
we are in the same zone 5,6 so it makes it easy to grow the same stuff, my tomatoes have done so well this year last year was pretty bad but with your help I was able to remedy this :)
I'm south east Ontario so we're very close. Shade cloth and bug netting does wonders. Gets everything through the heat to the sweet weather spot. Both can be reused for a few years and they arent an expensive investment. I dont bother with 'spring crops' bc no matter how early i plant, by harvest its all bolting in heat. I do main crops and go to fall crops under shade cloth and bug netting
Another great video. Thank you for this. I am in Pennsylvania and in zone 6. I am planning my fall garden thanks for the info on what to 0lant and when. Dont blame Tuck fir staying in. Too hor for me also. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
James, I grow mostly in a greenhouse, in zone 3 and have found that the greenhouse schedule is pretty close to yours with no greenhouse. (Outdoors my first frost is Sept. 1). Very convenient! Thank you for your tips.
Are you saying that I can start carrots in this 100+degree weather??
Hidden Easter egg garden gnome 9:36
How did you deal with mosquitos at this time? I can’t stay next to my garden without get biting from hundred of mosquitos
check this out there is more season left!!
This is not just a garden, it's a well-timed symphony. Bravo, maestro!
I'm in Tulsa, and my spring peas were burned up by the middle of June. I'm going to give them another go towards the end of August, and zucchini and broccoli, too. I lost my oldest son last summer, and my job and my garden have saved my life and my sanity. Love your passion and videos, thanks so much for all you do!
Sorry for your loss 🌱
I'm just outside of Tulsa!! It's been hot lately.
@nikkireigns thank you...doing better every day.
Hello Tulsa Okie 👋 I live in N Oklahoma City. So hello Okie Neighbor...Dontcha just love his enthusiasm? 😊 I'm learning. I'm doing flower bed vegetables along with my flowers and container gardening...Not getting much of my squash. Well I got a few squash but they are dying off. I'm working on that reason. Just curious as to what your gonna plant now it's Almost August first?
I’m so sorry for you loss. ❤❤❤❤
PLEASE PLEASE post a vid of you in your garden in a normal day. What you do in a normal all day in your amazing garden you have
I'm in central Alabama, zone 7B. I have seedling growing for Late Nagasaki Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Crookneck Squash, and Zucchini. I have seeds for more zucchini, Hilton Cabbage, and Chicago Pickling cucumbers that I am waiting to sprout. My pole beans, New Zealand Spinach, Black Cherry, Sun Gold, and Sunrise Bumble Bee Tomatoes are producing fruit. My pole beans, peppers, and New Zealand Spinach are all producing well, but the peppers in my GreenStalk Tower are out producing the peppers in my raised bed. The soil temperature here is too high for Danvers to spout, so I have to wait for rain, or cooler weather to resow them. In a couple weeks, I will be sowing seeds for Komatsuna, shelling peas, Pak Choi, Golden Detroit Beets, and kohlrabi. In September, I will sow lettuce seeds, and winter tomatoes for my greenhouse.
What winter tomato variety ?
@@LittlePieceOfHeaven.65 I was growing Park's Whopper, Debut Hybrid, and Tiny Tim. They were doing really well until they weren't. I was using supplimental heat during nights when the temperature fell below freezing. The heater turned off during the night, and it got cold enough inside to kill every plant inside it. Without a reliable means of heating the greenhouse, I opted to remove it from my garden.
@@jaytoney3007 What a terrible loss! I am looking at 42 Day Wonder or Tiny Tim. Did you get to taste Tiny Tim?
@@LittlePieceOfHeaven.65 No, it was a complete loss. Come January, I did seed starts for Dad's Sunset, Thornburn's Terra-Cotta, Clasic Beefsteak, Ace-55, and Grand Marshall. I have more tomatoes than I know what to do with. The Grand Marshall and Thornburn's Terra-Cotta were my best producers.
James, do you have any people stealing your produce? Your neighbors are probably so envious of all the abundance! Your garden has truly become a food forest! I wish you would extend your business to a seedling selling company. As a fellow Jerseyan, I would love to buy some seedlings from you one day.
I’m sure he just shares with the neighbors
I watch alot of gardening here on YT, but I am so impressed with your growing style and the abundance that comes out of your garden.
Watching you and Tucker in the garden just makes my heart happy. ❤😊
step 1, use insect netting and shade cloth for most plantings, carrot board trick and spinach stratification trick; 2, cucumbers, summer squash, & green beans; 3, lettuce arugula, kale, chard, mustard greens, & spinach; 4, carrots, radishes, beets, & turnips; 5, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage; 6, peas, claytonia, tatsoi, red Velvet Sorrel, Bok choy, Verte de Cambrai Mâche Maruba Santoh Mustard, Palla di Fuoco Rossa Radicchio, Fiero Radicchio; collard greens green onions
Does anyone know what kind of board James used for the carrots? It was quite thick but I couldn't tell what it was.
@@greenhearted8453Simple scrap plywood should work
Cardboard and a rock work well too
@@greenhearted8453 I use burlap. Cut it to the shape you need. Works well with parsley too.
James. you are definitely my hero and my guru! About a year ago I decided to see if I would like retirement, and started growing my garden. It has been a year of experimentation and wonder! I learned so much from you, and yes- decided to retire and garden full time! It just gets better the more I learn, and I am trying more exotic varieties, and learning new techniques. My freezers are full, I have the canning jars lined up, and the flood of food keeps pouring in! THANK YOU!
Thank you! I’ve been half*$$ing my garden in NC and I was looking for “it’s not too late!” You’re my hero!
Love love the diversity of yield. Beautiful crops and your enthusiasm in presenting is infectious- pleasure learning your tips.
JP is too wholesome. I'm in love with his heart. ❤️
I love the way you word things and give inspiration to look toward the future. I'm in Southern NH and I did a big makeover to my garden this year and invested in raised beds packed them full of plants. We got so much rain in the spring everything is so behind schedule or diseased. Starting fresh with a look towards fall veggies has me excited. I started all my brassicas about two weeks ago and they already need to be potted up. I plan to plant them out in early September.
Wow thank you on the tip on how to plant carrots!!
James your love and energy make all of us fall in love with gardening. Tuck certainly helps also. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Questions Tuck & James
* Do you offer shirts in tall sizes?
* I use Mel Bartholomew method and never deviated his advice, I have difficulty finding vermiculite, the perlite tends to float and not as useful. Can you still get vermiculite inspite of the warnings?
* Do you have watering systems or just hose?
* Here in North East we are in a rain pattern, I assume in NJ you are similar, what are your tips on watering and too much rain?
* Sending many❤❤❤❤ to Tuck, he is so awesome!
James & Tuck, your videos are the first videos I watch every day. Thanks so much for all the amazing information! I am located i southeastern Pennsylvania so my weather is mostly the same as yours. I have taken your advice on many things (especially the netting and the shade cloth!) and it has helped my garden to thrive. Now I've got my list ready for the plants to start in August and the best way to get them started too! Keep up the great work! Thank you!
Love for tuck. Gnome 9.36
Hi! Gnome @ 9:36. Thanks for all the ideas to plant in the summer!
wow i barely saw it, even going back!!
Based on the last video my 5 year old is a Tuck fan. I'm in Indiana and going to try to get some growing in this year
Great timing & reminder for prepping the Fall Garden. Many new gardeners don't know that planting seeds & starts are a year round endeavor, not just in the Spring/Early Summer.
Glad you covered the important info on the seed packets to help individuals make wise decisions and not just purchase the seeds based on the pretty picture or 'hey, I like blah, blah, blah let's plant some of them".
I’ve had great success with the blah blah blah method. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!
I've had some awesome surprises and success with blah blah blah. Have to save room for fun stuff and experimentation too 😉
I planted my fall carrots today. Always my favorite, the cooler weather makes them so sweet.
Miss seeing Tuck, but glad that you're keeping him out of the heat! ❤❤❤ for Tuck! Your garden is beautiful, as always. 😊
Same. My old girl doesn’t make it outdoors until after 7pm. She snoozes through most of the heat and is then a night-owl. But the heat just knocks ‘em out.
I was writing down everything you were telling us to plant and I just realized I could save the video and just keep rewinding it❤💯😉tell tuck I said ruff ruff and hi😅 my poocharelli stays inside because he has problems in the heat,love from our family to yours 😃💪
Tucker is a great dog❤❤❤❤
The best! 😁🐕❤️
I plant my garden in my greenhouse and I'll take the cover off in the summer and put it back on in the late Fall before the first fost
Thank you Sir, so appreciate what your doing! I am still learning for sure, zone 9-10 is hot and humid right now.
Been on the grind to start my own food forest, thanks for the motivation!
Let’s Gooo!!!! 🐕😁❤️
@Disabled.Megatron Thanks for the recommendation, my nieghboor has one, and it pumps out berries.
They are great to snack on, as you potter about the garden! Most of mine never made it indoors! 😆
@Disabled.Megatron mulberry trees?! I have a prolific producer that sprouts suckers all over my 1/4 acre yard! It’s a nuisance! Please explain how I should love and admire this monster
@@heidiedwards7819 they are disastrous , they literally give too much berries,,😘🤑
Im in Michigan and have followed your food forest for awhile now. What you do is fantastic! Thank you for inspiring and encouraging us fellow gardeners, I've learned so much from you! And Tuck is of course a star as well as the guardian! Hugs from the middle of the Mitten!
I've been gardening for over 50 years. You have taught me a lot.
You and tuck are a absolute inspiration. Much respect to a master gardener, and you are also right about keep thinking about the next cycle.
Been on new born schedule this July, just getting my head out of the newborn life fog just on time for your video and getting motivated to go back in the garden for fall crops sowing! Thanks James and Tuck!
Perfect timing! I'm just planting more seeds today.
Let's Gooo @dawnbielawski9212
My fruit and veggie obsessed kid loves this channel so much! I'd love to try and do some planting with him but we have absolutely no sun except in the early morning and nothing seems to grow. He loves gardening with his g-pa though and they watch this channel too. Thanks for the inspiration for their backyard at least. 🍎🥦
‘Love your genuine enthusiasm and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with all of us!
Came here for the happiness and left with a little enthusiasm, inspiration and knowledge. I've been digging up potatoes today looking forward to planting something in its place for another bountiful harvest. Will amend it with compost although it's full of worm castings perhaps due to weeks of rain, perhaps due to the leaves covering the soil, perhaps due to the occasional rotting potatoe from all the rain. I need to dig the bed deeper so it drains better.
James. Excellent advice. I have been gardening since I could first walk. I pick up little tidbits everytime I watch your video. Keep up the great content.
I'm fairly new to your channel...I like your upbeat, inspirational style...You give soooo much information that when I watch your videos I need to have my memo pad to jot down everything I want to remember...Thank You James 👍
thank you for the encouragement some of my garden crops didn't make this its wonderful to know I can replant again! - keep you and tuck COOL!
I am growing my "fall" carrots in pots...Danver...and I used paper towels on top. Germinated quickly.
Thanks for helping me stay on track my first year. I've got some fall crops to think about! Big thank you
Perfect timing on this video for me. I just pulled a bed of bolted greens and don’t want the space to just sit empty until spring😊 thank you!
I tried growing napa cabbage this spring and it bolted immediately. I’m going to try growing it again in late August. Plus I’m going to grow spinach, beets, and maybe some more turnips.
Yup, too dang hot! I agree. Here in mid Missouri we are in an extreme drought. Two years of it so far. So, we are too dang hot and too dang dry! But…hope spurs us on. Thanks, James!
Let's Gooo! Thanks for the generous contribution @shizukokitagawa8798 , it means a lot to me and the little boss! 🐕😁❤️
Half way through watching this I ran out to my garden tilled up a spot and sowed some carrots and radish. You better be right or I'll be pissed Jimmy 😊 great content from joisey
Did you use the board technique? 😊
What an odd comment to make…
Blessings to all!
Thanks Rev, Blessings to you as well!
May you be blessed more abundantly!
The only seeds I sow in August have to be done indoors. In the Med region, some areas are going to exceed 45 deg C! This month is usually hotter than July. When September comes, I’ll begin planting outdoors again. Love from Cyprus!
This year is my second. James you rock man. This years had more failures than last but loving it. The main characters of season 2 have been the hummingbirds on my scarlet runners, and baby bunns the destroyer lol. He's a jerk but pretty cute, and leaves my pots alone.
Variety is key. Stay within your time frame. Don't forget some of your winter squash varieties. Keeping space in mind you can always trellis.
One last thing I would like to say. Even in high 90's-100 degree heat and humidity that makes it feel like 190, my Zinnia's continue to just flower like there is no tomorrow. If anybody is curious, specific variety is Benary's Giant. They stand about 5 feet tall, have GINORMOUS thick blossoms and, something I rarely EVER see with Zinnia's, they had little to no leaf spot disease until recently, but it's still only at the bottom. I am amazed and Impressed, and I always have beautiful flowers for my table and even more in my yard for the pollinators.
Humidity makes the temperature feel 100 degrees hotter than it actually is? Do you live near the Equator?? 😂❤
Many, many thanks for such brilliant info! Cheers!
Thanks so much, great video, I've struggled for years with fall planting. Great tips
I'm from Toms River, just down the Blvd from you, but I live in Portugal now on the Silver Coast & while the literature says we don't technically get frost here, we will often get 2-5 nights of frost in January. I love that I can grow nearly year round here! I just started more beans, peas, leafy greens, celery, amaranth (I don't use it as a grain, I use it like a spinach or dandelion...the Greek way), dill, and a few other things I can't remember right now.
You're so encouraging. Thank you for all your tricks and wisdom. Going to try carrots this year because of your ideas.
I really enjoy your videos! Very educational! And now I know why my carrots I planted 2 weeks ago didn't germinate...I planted too deep and there was intense heat...while I was away on vacation.😏 I'm going to try again after watching your video. I like how you also showed the square foot with the string to make it clear how many seeds to plant. Thanks for the great videos!
I luckily was still harvesting stuff all the way into January last year. Down here in Texas. We barely had a frost here last year. And I can count how many days it dipped below freezing on one hand. This year, some of my stuff have gone dormant until temps cool off.
Love the grow shirt!
I love your enthusiasm! I’m working to grow as much food for my family as possible to help reduce our grocery bill, but my family is not very supportive. I have a lot on my plate (no pun intended) and we are more than 1/2 way thru the growing season! Ive turned into a midnight Gardner! My neighbors must think we’re like that family from The Burbs! 😆 But I can’t give up! I must keep going. Even if they don’t help. Your enthusiasm has inspired me to not feel so discouraged. Thank you so much!
That is awesome. does your family like the things your planting
Come to Texas and plant something. With it being at times 110 out. Nothing survives 😂😂
I love the words of wisdom : " the only way to harvest something is to plant it " , " ya got to get sowing going " !!, love it.
Thank you great vid, I have gotten all my supplies to built the bed cover for my 8 above ground beds that you showed how to build, will be putting them together Labor Day weekend 😁 thanks for all you show us , so much appreciated
It is too dang hot! I'm in GA zone 7 I can plant everything you said in Sept My last frost is Nov 3. Thanks for the recommendations on how to get the plants started. I have started some in my basement with grow lights, they can't make it outside, we've been in the 90s with no rain. My corn, tomatoes and beans are finished mainly because of the heat. Okra, flowers and herbs are doing good. I'm going to dig the ground where everything is done and put down some leaf compost and let it sit for a month. I do love my fresh carrots, I recently pulled the last of the spring ones. God Bless you and Tuck!
I'm in Cobb County. Just put in some dill and broccoli seeds and hope they'll be ok. I got started late, so my cukes are just now producing and still looking good. I did get shade cloth this season and it's been helping over my many green tomatoes I think on the 95 degree days. Today was strangely only about 87!!! :)
Love ur enthusiasm and energy gives me hope that once i am burned out i can keep going. Its been a great year in jersey and i now need to keep pushing! Thx for the push
James can you do a video on your favorite tasting veggies?
I planted what I thought were beets but now I think it’s red kale!
Hugs to our precious boss dog ❤❤❤
I bought a packet of Scarlet Nantes Heirloom Carrot seeds I'm super excited about. The giant curled mustard seeds I dusted around a couple weeks ago are really coming into their first true leaves. I planted a few more things just to keep the greens ample and going!
you and tuck are the most inspiring youtubers i've ever met and your videos are so entertaining! keep up the amazing work!
Me and my husband love your channel and gardening tips. Much love to Tuck❤
Great info. We had a lot of rain so I didnt get 1/2 my seeds in before it got really hot. A lot of things bolted so I may try again in August. Nice to have a list of what will grow in summer.
I would love a tutorial/list on the materials used for the PVC tunnel! Awesome!!!
He has videos on it, look it up.
James made a video.on that topic. Click the channel to get the playlist
Thank you so much for all your knowledge.
Just found your channel awesome job you explain everything so it’s easy to understand and I appreciate that I gave you a thumbs up and subscribed and I will be sharing and I am a Yorkie guy too I have two and would do anything for my little friends thanks again man I am glad I found you 👍🙏❤️
Awesome, thanks James !
Wonderful. I'm already planting my fall garden.
Good to know info! Im going to get out there and get stuff planted at the break of dawn, the coolest p[art of the day!
I ordered a grow shirt last year and love it. Ordered 2 more this year. Soft, soft cotton!
Here in coastal Mississippi it is way too hot to plant some of these now. Is there any chance iu could give temperature ranges for these things. For instance, Spinach and lettuces are best grown in Winter here. Spring and Fall
Are too warm/,hot.
In NC I, have to plant at least 2-3 weeks later. Same zone as Anthony at millennial gardener, except Im in 8A near Charlotte, .
My 6 MONSTER Tomato plants have 3 tomatoes left now. Here in NW Louisiana, t1emps are around 100 everyday and 80 at night.
I WOULD replant those containers EXCEPT that the tomato plants are the main support for my Cucumber plants which are running at full throttle right now. Four containers of cucumbers, each sending at least 1 but usually fruits a day. The tomato plants are about 7 feet tall, the cucumbers are over 10 feet tall. All in a 10 foot x 6 foot space.
GO VERTICAL Y'ALL!!! BUT, get a light weight ladder.
Any suggestions James?
I entered my zip code, 33165, into Old Farmer’s Almanac to see when my first frost was, and it laughed at me. 😂😅 LOL Send us some cool weather, please! Thank you so very much for sharing. Happy growing, everyone!
I love watching your videos, always learning new ways to Improve my garden and you helped out tons this year!
Thank you very much for this excellent video. I am interested in extending my growing season and this was very informative. I love the thought of the late brassicas. I got poor germination on my second crop of carrots, but I'm going to try some more. Best wishes to you.
I have great success starting my carrots in a plastic ice cream bucket. I put holes in the lid. Put the seeds down sprinkle with soil and water. Put the lid on and literally 3 days later I check them. Take the lid off and they have all sprouted. I've tried this method with many different varieties of carrots and it has never failed. I transplant them right away. I've never lost any during transplant.
Hope this is helpful to anyone struggling to grow carrots.
Hey James! Tuck has the right idea staying inside. . I live in NW Fl. and we are under constant heat advisories. 🔥 Take care of yourself man! We ALWAYS appreciate your (and Tuck's) videos but we want you to stay safe and healthy too! God Bless you both and thank you for continuing the encouragement to grow something, anything. I LOVE these kinds of videos by the way. it helps me to remember that there is ALWAYS something I can plant. In fact I've just started some seeds in trays AND outside in the stupid heat. LOL I will say my second round of sunflowers and a first round of watermelon are coming up nicely. I gotta wait (probably a bit longer than you do) to do some more beans as my first set just fizzled out as it got too hot and wet too fast this year. Good luck to all gardener's everywhere!
I have recently discovered tepary beans. They actually produce better with less water. They tolerate, dry, salty, sandy soil. I believe native Americans grew then in the Arizona region. The way the world is going might be good to have some crops that like hot and dry🥵
I think I bought drought-resistant norberg red kidney beans from victory seeds or a company like that.
Wow! Thanks!! So informative. Best gardening channel. I’m recommending you to everyone I know.
A joy, as always. I didn't know about the soaking and freezing tips. I will try it!🎉
Thanks James!! I’m in Illinois and it’s super hot and humid! Give little tuck ❤❤❤❤
we are in the same zone 5,6 so it makes it easy to grow the same stuff, my tomatoes have done so well this year last year was pretty bad but with your help I was able to remedy this :)
Nice timing. I'm in zone 6a NY and it's always tough to know when to plant fall crops
Felt that, im wondering what i can plant here in upstate ny after my next harvest
@@BrutalToucan I'm gonna do sugar snap peas, carrots, beets, radishes, lettuces, spinach and I'm gonna try Brussel Sprouts I think
I'm south east Ontario so we're very close. Shade cloth and bug netting does wonders. Gets everything through the heat to the sweet weather spot. Both can be reused for a few years and they arent an expensive investment. I dont bother with 'spring crops' bc no matter how early i plant, by harvest its all bolting in heat. I do main crops and go to fall crops under shade cloth and bug netting
I thought you were going to jump through the screen and KEEEL me in the intro.
Another great video. Thank you for this. I am in Pennsylvania and in zone 6. I am planning my fall garden thanks for the info on what to 0lant and when. Dont blame Tuck fir staying in. Too hor for me also. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Getting my carrot seeds and beet seeds ready - as well as daikon and radish!!!
That hoop contraption looks cool for your seedlings
It was nice slow down watching you plant 🥕 ❤
James, I grow mostly in a greenhouse, in zone 3 and have found that the greenhouse schedule is pretty close to yours with no greenhouse. (Outdoors my first frost is Sept. 1). Very convenient! Thank you for your tips.