It is so crazy to me that decades ago the same company was fined 800M dollars in fines and they can just do their business here in the Netherlands without consequences.
WhAT A SICK WORLD IS THIS. If this kind of company's just keep on doing this and the goverment will not do anything, than how serious can i take the goverment when it comes to our safety ? Time to get allot of poeple behind bars and fix the system!
Because the fines are laughing stock for these companies. If you have your Vehicle Testing Regulations ( APK ) and you have a ( as they say ) dirty diesel and your emissions are too high you just pay a X amount and you can drive again further. Environment, health, nature etc. isn't important..the cash-cow is important.. All regulations and plans made up by EU and the countries part of it is a big big business with a huge revenue...Its's the new War-machine money..
It is how the Netherlands work. It's just a facade. On the outside it all seems so decent. People and politicians feel so good and proud about their country. But meanwhile...
This proves once again that large companies have the exact same character traits as a psychopath: narcissistic, total lack of empathy, only caring about their image, overt lying without any inhibition, etc.
When a conglomerate says that you're participating in "questionable journalism", you know you're doing it right and spreading the facts out there. Great documentary!
Dutch government needs to indict and sue this company. Senior management needs to be persecuted and jailed. Profits of last decades need to be collected and paid to people that are affected and to clean up the environmental damages. Criminal.
@@Doubtfull1988 Well, if there is criminal negligence of part of management... it was allowed, but then, Chemours (Dupont at the time) knew about this. And they also knew that they should have told.
Idioot dat Jetten en Tjeerd de Groot dit over het hoofd hebben gezien, en die zogenaamde milieuactivisten …waar waren zij, nou in IJmuiden en Schiphol…..maar niet daar waar het echt nodig is, waar onze natuur, onze leefklimaat wordt verwoest, nee, ze geven liever de boeren de schuld…..en dit zegt veel over die regering die nu gevallen is….dat ze ons gewoon in de maling hebben genomen, met hun zogenaamde stikstof…laat ze maar een goede onderzoeken verrichten in Dordrecht en Helmond….. Of is dit wat de Groot bedoeld met ons water…..wist hij het……wordt het eens tijd dat soort giftige bedrijven aan te pakken…
Kneus. Zembla doet niks anders dan de idiote propaganda opblazen tot het zelfde idiote situatie op een ander niveau. Je hele wereld is nep als je dit soort fabeltjes krant figuren en instanties blijft volgen. En jou acties schaden mijn vrijheden en rechten. Omdat ze met dit soort practijken de wereld als aan slaven bedrijf willen gasn vormgeven. Wordt wakker voor het te laat is.
Zolang er geen levens worden vernietigd door levenslange straffen (of doodstraffen), zal deze vorm van criminele corruptie steeds weer gebeuren en zal met er NIETS aan doen... laat dat tot je doordringen... Wat gebeurt er met individuen die zoveel leed veroorzaken? Krijgen die geen levenslange gevangenisstraf? Waarom zouden bedrijven en hun leiderschap anders behandeld moeten worden?! ALS JE DE MENSEN DIE DE LEIDING HEBBEN NIET STRAFT (MET TERUGWERKENDE KRACHT), VERANDERT ER NIETS... HELEMAAL ___NIETS___ ZAL VERANDEREN... ABSOLUUT NIETS!!!
Ja heel mooi alleen word er niks mee gedaan door onze overheid. Een bedrijf wat bijna geen belasting betaald en ons kapot maakt met gif mag gewoon blijven.
Agreed. But with the Senate having no term limits, and the revolving door still spinning, how do we go about getting legislation passed that hold the actual natural persons of the people accountable for their criminally negligent decisions and actions while working behind the "person" of the corporation, which always takes all of the wrap, the blame and the fine. Thank you United States Supreme Court for this just legal structure......what a bunch of idiotsticks they are.......we need legislation that makes the corporation pay the fine, and the executives do the time. Winning campaign slogan right there if one had the personal fortune it takes to win a Senate seat, cuz your donor list is gonna struggle with that slogan, unless you can crowdsource your campaign financing, but only the super pacts can do that, otherwise its illegal......somebody steer me in a direction where we are not F^&*(#!
Dupont should be charged with crimes against humanity. And their board and directors should be given life in prison. American prison, not european ones. They prioritized personal and commercial wealth over the health of the entire world. Its beyond criminal.
There's no chance they'll be convicted in a US court. In the Netherlands there might be a chance (but let's be honest, they'll settle for a few billion instead)
And went completely silent on COVID-19 (As they did at all the interest and fear-mongering surrounding the Mexican flu ten years earlier starring the same people.)
Nobody will go to jail. Things will be settled with maybe a fine. That will be lower then the gained profits. White collar crime is always a win in NL.
@@tripzincluded8087 The politicians were not informed about the internal reports and studies. They deliberately withhold this information from the politicians
Those that are responsible should be stripped of all assets and jailed for life. These fines for multinational corporations when they break the rules do not work.
Fines for multinational corporations can work, but the cost of them for some of the companies involved now is so low that it is not an any way an impressive amount to them, they basically laugh them off as a form of financial collateral damage. These fines need to be so incredibly high that they hurt really, really bad, and might run the risk of a company suffering near bankruptcy immediately. They need to be so incredibly disruptive economically that a company would not even dare to think of breaking the rules, and become the deterrent they should be. If they do, and it's the result of a plant malfunction, ok, that will probably happen but you can then also immediately wonder how there are no containment measures taken to prevent a malfunction reaching ground-surface water levels or sources. Companies that are so big that they rule governments instead of the other way around, deserve to be fined as such, and unfortunately, that's not something we have yet even began doing, nor might we ever.
Its falling in the rain. The Dupont plant in Fayettville NC dumped so much in the Cape Fear River, the foam was visible from space. It floated right over to Europe and into the Mediterranean sea then around CV the world. The churning waves in the ocean put it into sea mist. Than it falls in tain. The most rainy areas are predicted to become more contaminated over time. It gets into foods grown on soils. Lettuce is one vegetable that absorbs PFAS and other toxins at an increased rate. Leafy greens in general are more contaminated than roots and fruits. What you need to do in areas near plants is to start compiling health issues. Government panels dont seem to do a great job with that. They usually have industry representatives on the panels. Genetics cones to play as does other expisures. PFAS carries heave metals to DNA and attaches there. That affects enzyme production. If a person makes lower levels of a certain enzyme or enzymes due to genetics or things like radiation exposure, they will show effects to their enzymes at lower levels of exposure. You may see an entire family experiencing health effects that dont show across the entire population. They dont exist statistically! Certain animals are also more suceptable. Mice and cats are two. Birds also. I had parakeets fall off the perch after frying pans were left on the stove accidentally. Baby boomers are also the first generation with exposure. It mostly hit after birth. The children of baby boomers are the ones with worse health effects due to exposure in utero. ADHD and metabolic syndrome (adult onset diabetes/ obesity/ fatty liver) are two good biomarkers for childhood exposure. Metabolic syndrome is also very indicative of adult exposures.
Unbelievable. When I was a child and lived in the area, I remember a severe fire that spread black soot throughout the entire local area. The local government drove cars through the streets, instructing us to keep our windows and doors closed. But the next day, they also said that it was not harmful to our health. I could hardly believe it.
It is now said that cleaning the pfas contaminated water will be too expensive. Well... let Du Pont / Chemours and their investors pay for it. They caused the damage and cannot walk away like nothing happened.
Het probleem is dat dit soort bedrijven miljarden hieraan verdient terwijl ze weten dat ze er na een paar jaar moet een boete van enkele miljoenen vanaf komen zonder verdere sancties. Je zal geen enkele CEO of hoog geplaatste persoon de bak in zien gaan ook al zijn er zoveel levens verwoest. En de politici zullen er ook wel genoeg aan hebben verdient doormiddel van mandaten/omkoperij.
Ik heb in Rotterdam nabij Barendrecht op school gezeten. Ik herinner me nog dat een (zelf zieke) docent decennia terug zei dat een opvallend hoog aantal docenten een schildklierafwijking had en dat het ver boven het gemiddelde lag. Een groot deel van die docenten woonde in Barendrecht. Ik heb als tiener ook een schildklierautoimmuunziekte gekregen en meerdere leeftijdsgenoten van mij destijds ook (veel Graves). Toen dachten we (afgezien van die ene pientere docent) dat het nu eenmaal iets was wat af en toe kon gebeuren. Inmiddels denk ik er anders over.
Een vriendin van mij was een paar jaar geleden ook gediagnotiseerd met Graves. Opgegroeid in Spijkenisse en later Zuid, Noordereiland en Centrum. De kilo's vlogen er af terwijl ze alleen maar aan het eten was. Ik kan het niet aantonen maar het feit dat de schadelijke gevolgen al zo lang bekend waren? Maar serieus? Moeten wij aantonen dar wij gezond leven of moet de overheid daar zorg voor drgsen? In ieder gevaln duidelijkheid maar of we die gaan hebben?
@@igmoarOp dit moment valt er weinig te bewijzen. Dat komt later wel, als meer mensen zich melden. De ziekte van Graves is in veel gevallen makkelijk te behandelen, maar slaat door de behandeling vaak wel over in juist een traag werkende schildklier. In ieder geval hadden opvallend veel leerlingen uit Barendrecht de ziekte, vaak al met 15 jaar.
Meanwhile, Dordrecht just keeps voting for parties that guarantee companies like this can do whatever they want. People don't seem to understand that this stuff ends your life as you know it. Water companies also can't get it out.
@@Plusser654 GroenLinks has the same amount of seats as vvd in the city government and they want to close Chemours. But I don't know if that's actually possible or just a way to get votes
I was born and raised close to the factory. Lived there during the 70's. 80's and 90's. My parents and my sister all died from cancer during those years. Coincidence?! Everyone involved at Dupont during those years and knew... you should be deeply ashamed and I hope you'll never catch another night of peaceful sleep.
Here to corroborate this downstream. Pets dying of cancer left and right, family.. Friends.. I always felt like people were just dropping dead around me. Finding out that that was actually what was happening...
And the most baffling is, that it was known by Dupont and 3M around 60+ years ago that it was highly toxic for people and animals!!! It's just infuriating to see that those companies are still around!! The people that knew should be put on public trail and given a dose of PFAS, like they did with the monkeys!!
Yup! They were even “studying” the effects these chemicals had on the fetuses of pregnant woman working in their factories, without their knowledge or consent, of course.
Dupont's callous deception about PFAS is a slap in the face of humanity. Their blatant disregard for public health is nothing less than a crime. If serious actions aren't taken, this will be our grim, unchanging reality. Real penalties, like lifetime prison sentences, are a must. Outrageous! 😠
All these sites need a LARGE water flow in and a way to get rid of it again. That's why they are next to a river site. Close to water flow. If they are not they would need a large water basin to hold the dirty water. But they don't want it near or on site cause it's so toxic.
I think that the PFAS sstuff went to Chemours. IFF is a different branch, they do artificial fragrances and flavors. Still chemical, but very different chemistry,
The site in Bruges produces enzymes, for food, beer, washing powder etc, its locally known as the yeast factory. Nothing to do with PFAS at all so get your facts first before spreading more fear. In Belgium 3M in Zwijndrecht and Indaver in Antwerp are the known PFAS polluters.
26:11 Wat ik ook zo bizar vindt is dat, nu nog steeds, iedereen het altijd heeft over "we hebben arbeidskrachten nodig". Alsof er een absoluut dringende behoefte is aan die producten (in dit geval PFAS). Er was ook een wereld vóór dat we PFAS gebruikten, dus absoluut noodzakelijk is het niet. Hetzelfde zie je nu eigenlijk ook. Er wordt keihard geschreeuwd en nagepraat "we hebben arbeidsmigranten nodig" (voor werken in de kassen, voor werken als software engineers, etc etc). Maar we staan niet stil met de vraag is dat nou echt zo? Hebben we die echt nodig? Is het echt zo belangrijk dat de economie maar blijft groeien? Of is het niet beter als we gewoon een stapje terug doen? Ja dat betekent minder geld en minder consumeren (alhoewel ik me dat nog afvraag aangezien minder arbeiders=meer loon). Maar ook minder mensen en dus meer ruimte, meer rust, minder auto's, minder lawaai, minder uitstoot en minder stress.
Ik denk dat heel veel kleine en grote wantoestanden ontstaan en in stand gehouden worden door een menselijk oer-trauma. "Er is iets niet goed met mij / met de wereld." Daaruit ontstaan individuele en collectieve overlevingsstrategieën, ook coping-mechanisms genoemd. Daarom dat mensen door de eeuwen heen zo gehapt hebben op religies, want ze beloofden een betere wereld. Religieuze en politieke leiders spelen daarop in, soms willens en wetens, soms onbewust. Voor hen zijn het ook coping-mechanisms, en in hun optiek bedoelen ze het goed. Het succes van kapitalisme / materialisme is dus een logisch gevolg. Zelfs een klein gemak, zoals het niet meer aanbakken van je pan, wordt breed omarmd en makkelijk gekocht. En daarom is het ook zo moeilijk mensen (inclusief mezelf) los te weken van kortetermijndenken, want je neemt daarmee hun overlevingsstrategieën weg, en dat wordt al te makkelijk - hoe subtiel dan ook - ervaren als levensbedreigend. Veel aangedragen oplossingen zijn in feite nieuwe coping mechanisms, zoals bijvoorbeeld het geloof in elektrische auto's. Einstein zei: “Je kunt een probleem niet oplossen met de denkwijze die het probleem heeft veroorzaakt.” Ik wil daarmee niet alle tijdelijke oplossingen van tafel vegen, maar wel uitnodigen om op een diepere laag te kijken.
@@MrNoodlot klopt, maar de kern van het verhaal is hetzelfde. Chemours is nog niet gesloten door de overheid. Blijkbaar is het belang van banen (en dus geld) groter dan de gezondheid.
This is a prime example of why we should NOT have smaller governments and give way to corporate enterprises to do as they please. Corporate industry will always(!) put profit and self preservation before society's interests. We need a bottom up democracy not a top down corporate 'democracy'.
Today I finished required training for my job for a DNO in which this documentary was mentioned. I was about to search for it but found the YT algorithm had actually suggested it today! I am not surprised about this corporate attitude, we've already seen this time and again (e.g. hexavalent chrome, tobacco, asbestos, hydrogenated oils, etc). and I am waiting for the next scandal.
De opmerking van de vrouw is best tekenend: ze verwachtte dat de overheid haar wel beschermde. Het is aan een kant mooi dat we ooit een overheid hebben gehad die dit vertrouwen heeft weten op te bouwen, maar er leven erg veel mensen in Nederland met volle vertrouwen dat "alles wel goed zal zijn". Het is niet leuk om in onzekerheid te leven, maar ook in dit relatief veilige land moet je gewoon op je hoede blijven. Als je teveel vertrouwd wordt het vroeg of laat misbruikt.
I did a research study at Dupont. Management is specifically instructed not too talk about it, downplay it and actively digress the topic. It has been known for decades that people who worked there, and the small working-class suburb next to it, have drastically lowered life expectations. It's common to die just after retirement age. Imagine working for Dupont your whole life and your reward being a chronic and/or terminal illness. Everyone working there has to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Dupont also knows about it from their own measurements, they track all of that. So there are many explanations as to how they've managed to cover it up for so long.
we have random inspections, unions supposedly watching over workers, laws against putting workers in danger and somehow no one's sus senses went off after they forbade fertile women from working the lines
Dank Zembla. Behoorlijk shockerend dit. Laat de verantwoordelijken maar een PFAS verontreinigd dieet opgedwongen krijgen als het volgens hen niet gevaarlijk is.
Wow, these companies are just evil. It seems very obvious that there is malicious intent, how come the leadership is not serving life in prison by now?
Dit werd behandeld in het NOS-journaal van 15 juni. De vraag is wat er verder mee gebeurd. Hopelijk hulp voor de slachtoffers, verboden op deze stoffen en straffen voor de verantwoordelijken.
@@ZEMBLA_BNNVARA gaan jullie ook een aflevering besteden/maken aan in hoeverre ons drinkwater nog veilig is? Evides neemt bijvoorbeeld maaswater in bij de Haringvliet en andere plekken waar een grote pfas vervuiling is.
@@fred1642 Op de website van Evides is er een speciale pagina over dit onderwerp met (helemaal onderaan de pagina) daarop ook per regio een document met metingen per waterbron. Ik kan helaas geen linkje delen op TH-cam, maar je kan er eenvoudig komen door op de website even het menu te openen, vergrootglas aan te tikken en als zoekopdracht ‘pfas’ in te voeren. De pagina ‘PFAS en drinkwater’ komt dan vanzelf uit de zoekresultaten. 🙃
The river Merwede becomes the Oude Maas, after a few km. And de oude Maas feeds the Brielse Maas, where a lot of people recreate. From the Oude Maas water also flows to het Spui into het Haringvliet. Another place with a lot of recreation. All the beaches, every place where people swim should be investigated. Hoek van Holland and Oostvoorne too. I spend my whole childhood in the Brielse Maas. Sailing and swimming. Every summer. I know a lot of people overthere get ill. Lots of cancer and auto-immune disease. I'm ill myself.
Gov't agencies can shut down ANYTHING overnight...and yet 3M and Dupont continue to profit in business. Overnight! But not companies that manufacture and produce PFAS. Well, money is power, eh?
Even that doesn't matter. The CEO's responsible are privately filthy rich and that money will not be taken from them. They don't care if the company goes bust. They can continue in other companies. Only jail sentences can really change things. But that won't happen.
De gemeente dordrecht was hier wel degelijk van op de hoogte !!! Zelf heb ik nog stage gelopen in het dupont lab die door de gemeente was gesubsidieerd waarna ook bekend werd dat er zeer schadelijke chemicalien onder zeer gevaarlijke omstandigheden werden opgeslagen...
I was raised in NJ. My grandmother worked at DuPont. I remember she gave me a white leather wallet stamped in gold with “DuPont”.I think it was her employee present for however many years. It’s a world in which I don’t know what to eat, what to drink, where to swim. My husband has chronic leukemia. Im disgusted with humans and the corporations that kill us. If we want to have an impact at all, embracing a non consumerism way of life is the only way to kill corporations. #killcorporationsthroughanticonsumerism
No the best way would be to enact an similar law like the RICO law but for corporations, arrest all the managers and higherups who could've known. Start a huge lawsuit against all of them, many of them would fold and say they heard it from the boss and ask them to testify, then you'll have the majority of the company higher ups trying to save themselves and sue DuPont with state backing.
If you're disgusted by humans then you're not part of the solution but part of the problem. This shit is no excuse for misanthropic ideas and misanthropes (especially among environmentalists) are just as much as a cancer of society as these PFAS-dumping crooks!
Dupont's lies about PFAS since the 60s are just sickening. They don't care about our health. If nobody gets locked up for good, nothing will change. It's a damn disgrace! 😡
How and why were they* (*Du Pont and 3M) permitted to self investigate/scrutinise? It's beyond shocking and ludicrous that the laboratory findings, as issued by them*, were accepted and never questioned by the relevant governments!!! Indeed, "the love of money is the root of all evil" (Timothy 6:10)
Zembla is a prominent, reliable and independent media source (TV program producer)) addressing critical issues that have a serious negative effect on society (health, safety, security, justice, environment etc.). I have seen the Cover-up documentary on PFAS pollution by Chemours (Dupont) industry in Dordrecht and hearing of Directors by the Parliamentary Commission. The Directors of Chemours show no regret at all, don't feel liable and stick to the harmless levels of pollutants from PFAS and other hazardous waste that they emit in the air and discharge in the water and soil. Chemours does not take social corporate responsibility for serious at all, did not inform the people early onwards (from the late 60's) and is reluctant to share data, reports etc. timely and beforehand with authorities and community based organisations. This is a scandal and will become even bigger in the years to come. I regret to say that the Parliamentary Commission could have been more pronounced and articulated in forwarding the hearing questions.
Nee klopt niet. En diesel autos van tegenwoordig komt de lucht er schoner uit dan het erin gaat . Ev 's zijn pas slecht voor het milieu...waarom doet iedereen alsof elektrische autos geen uitstoot Hebben? Slechter voor mileu dan een diesel!
@@freekjacobs6096 Ik vind pfas volledig veilig. Jij weet toch ook niet wat er in een frikandel zit? Die eet je toch ook? Daarom nam je ook het vaccine. Ik geloof er niks van dat pfas gevaarlijk is. Het is allemaal goed onderzocht....teflon is volledig veilig kunt het gewoon aanraken. Doe ik dagelijks in mijn werk. Nooit last van gehad. Ik geloof deze teflon wappies niet. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
@@freekjacobs6096miljarden pannen met teflon anti-aanbaklaag verkocht. Nooit iets over gehoord. Hetzelfde zeggen ze ook over vaccines: miljarden gezet. Ministers v gezondheid Hugo de Jonge en Lauterbach v Duitsland beiden in koor : GEEN BIJWERKINGEN. Nada , noppes . En na jaren komt uit dat productie v teflon gevaarlijk is ?? Oh......vergelijk maar eens de bejegening van pfas slachtoffers met vaxx schade slachtoffers. IS EXACT HETZELFDE. JIJ REAGEERT NET ZO OP VAX SLACHTOFFER ALS IK NU DEED OP PFAS SLACHTOFFER.
The sad thing about documentaries like this, is that there are no names mentioned. Who where the people at the top of these company's? Who had the end responceability? Who where the polititision responsible for invioramental afairs? How was this all going forward over the years? And are these chemicals stil pressent in our waterway's?
There's good reason for that, these are americans - If there's no indictment in an official court about these matters, that would be slander (or libel) and they'd get sued in US courts.
@@kedrednael Yeah, but these aren't proven facts yet. This is a journalist report. If this gets proven or confirmed by official sources they can start naming names. Otherwise, they could get sued and they'd have to prove it's the truth in court, which even if they can would be a very expensive undertaking.
@@korenn9381Why is it not true? We can isolate these chemicals. We know they have health consequences due the cow case. What else is there left to prove?
As a child in the 90s been swimming every year in the sea near the coast of Dordrecht. 30 years later i have infections and bruises from minimal injuries. Compared to people around my age, my immune system is a lot weaker
Ga maar eens naar een blokker of supermarkt, je kan geen eens pannen met teflon meer kopen. Het zijn nu pannen met nieuwe "groene" stoffen. En dan maar hopen dat die ook echt beter zijn, of gewoon nog onder de radar zijn.
They say they have STOPPED making C8. But the city of South Shore, Ky found it in their drinking water. So it’s in the Ohio River. The Mayor of South Shore has a current lawsuit against DuPont! This was in 2022 or 2023
This is why I don't eat fish and sea food in general. I also don't buy any water resiliant materials and products containg teflon. It's a crazy world 😢
I just left NC after living there for 20 years. I'll never forget learning about GenX. I don't live near Wilmington but have thyroid disease, along with others in my family and can't help but wonder...
Just found a you tube video on the wrappers on Kerrygold butter containing pfas. I will email them to find out why the wrappers have been changed for the USA/Canada market but not for the Uk. I wonder how long they have known about this. No more purchases for me and mine.
27:21 inderdaad, wie doet dat? Waarom worden deze mensen niet met naam en toenaam genoemd, ze klinken mij nogal gevaarlijk, ik wil van ze uit de buurt blijven.
Why do people assume that such big businesses have to act ethical? Those businesses are so big and influencial that they don't want to risk bankrupcy or huge Liabilities so they chose to cover up and clean up the mess. In mine opinion you can't trust any of business of such influencial economical power. No business will risk their legacy for bankrupcy. They are way to deep to open up. My point is, you can never trust companies with huge economical and political power to be honest or ethical.
Werkelijk waar heel erg schokkend dat dit aan de hand is, misschien nog erger dat we een overheid hebben die hier helemaal niks aan doet en de aandeelhouders van dit soort bedrijven gewoon in de kaart blijft spelen. Eigenlijk niet zo verwonderlijk want veel van onze politici verdwijnen na hun politieke carrière in de besturen/directies van deze bedrijven om zo ook zelf een graantje te kunnen meepikken van de enorme winsten die deze bedrijven maken....walgelijk 😞
I used to work for a company that produced Teflon tubing with chemicals from DuPont/Chemours. I'm sure I've got exposed to some fucked up shit, sometimes people would get what they called the 'Teflon fever'. You would feel so cold even if you were like packed in clothes and under a blanket, after a few hours of sleep you would feel normal again. It would happen after the chemicals had been heated and you would breathe in the fumes. Or when someone had a microscopic part of the powder on his hands and it ended up on his cigarette and smoked it. And I've talked and worked with people that had also worked in the plant in Dordrecht and I've heard so many stories about sick workers there.
Wat gaat er nu met die bedrijven gebeuren? Het lijkt me dat er een overvloed aan bewijs is om het bedrijf te ontbinden en de mensen die de waarheid hebben verzwogen een flinke gevangenis straf op te leggen.
De reactie van zijn vrouw is heel menselijk, erg nederlands, maar tevens de reden dat beschuldigers het moeilijk hebben zaken rond te krijgen. En dat de beschuldigden rustig door gaan en nooit verantwoordelijkheid nemen.
I think that the liability of what is now Chemours should also be carried by what is now Dupont, if you see how this was done. Actually, let them both pay the full amount. Dupont selling off Chemours to get rid of liability is another criminal construct.
God have mercy on our souls. I'm not religious but this the only response I can think of. I've been using Teflon pans for cooking my entire life until around 2 years ago, and I'm only now being informed about this shit through this underrated documentary while this information should have been common knowledge at least 40 years ago. I almost feel like we deserve this. Politicians must have known about this for a long long time and have kept their mouth shut, so we're doomed no matter how you look at it. It's almost poetic in a messed up way
It's made me realise it's all been done on purpose. If it suppresses our immune systems and lowers fertility, then its all about control and depopulation
who would have thought a 100 years of the profit motif being the most important thing in society would lead to companies only caring about profit, i'm shocked :o
It is so crazy to me that decades ago the same company was fined 800M dollars in fines and they can just do their business here in the Netherlands without consequences.
If this kind of company's just keep on doing this and the goverment will not do anything, than how serious can i take the goverment when it comes to our safety ?
Time to get allot of poeple behind bars and fix the system!
Because the fines are laughing stock for these companies. If you have your Vehicle Testing Regulations ( APK ) and you have a ( as they say ) dirty diesel and your emissions are too high you just pay a X amount and you can drive again further.
Environment, health, nature etc. isn't important..the cash-cow is important..
All regulations and plans made up by EU and the countries part of it is a big big business with a huge revenue...Its's the new War-machine money..
That is because we (The Netherlands) have a government that only focuses on making money and does not give a shit about its inhabitants.
It is how the Netherlands work.
It's just a facade. On the outside it all seems so decent. People and politicians feel so good and proud about their country.
But meanwhile...
This proves once again that large companies have the exact same character traits as a psychopath: narcissistic, total lack of empathy, only caring about their image, overt lying without any inhibition, etc.
Yeah, like Pfizer..
Indeed. Aided and abetted by corrupt political systems that take bribes to look the other way and/or underfund the monitoring and enforcement bodies.
Corporations consist of human beings pushing profits, lies, corruption, and death.☠️Heaven help all of us!!
They are of the same mentality of those behind vx and medicines
When a conglomerate says that you're participating in "questionable journalism", you know you're doing it right and spreading the facts out there.
Great documentary!
Dutch government needs to indict and sue this company. Senior management needs to be persecuted and jailed. Profits of last decades need to be collected and paid to people that are affected and to clean up the environmental damages. Criminal.
Helas they allowed this for over 30+ years
@@Doubtfull1988 Well, if there is criminal negligence of part of management... it was allowed, but then, Chemours (Dupont at the time) knew about this. And they also knew that they should have told.
@@Doubtfull1988 unfortunately lobbying and private interests are above the interest and rights of the people in the Netherlands as well.
@@pizzablender prime example of greedy capitalistic American Management Style.
Idioot dat Jetten en Tjeerd de Groot dit over het hoofd hebben gezien, en die zogenaamde milieuactivisten …waar waren zij, nou in IJmuiden en Schiphol…..maar niet daar waar het echt nodig is, waar onze natuur, onze leefklimaat wordt verwoest, nee, ze geven liever de boeren de schuld…..en dit zegt veel over die regering die nu gevallen is….dat ze ons gewoon in de maling hebben genomen, met hun zogenaamde stikstof…laat ze maar een goede onderzoeken verrichten in Dordrecht en Helmond…..
Of is dit wat de Groot bedoeld met ons water…..wist hij het……wordt het eens tijd dat soort giftige bedrijven aan te pakken…
Bedankt Zembla voor jullie super werk wat jullie verrichten!
Kneus. Zembla doet niks anders dan de idiote propaganda opblazen tot het zelfde idiote situatie op een ander niveau. Je hele wereld is nep als je dit soort fabeltjes krant figuren en instanties blijft volgen. En jou acties schaden mijn vrijheden en rechten. Omdat ze met dit soort practijken de wereld als aan slaven bedrijf willen gasn vormgeven. Wordt wakker voor het te laat is.
@@bregjemarieke1434de enige omroep die nog echt journalistiek verricht i.p.v overheids papegaai spelen
Zolang er geen levens worden vernietigd door levenslange straffen (of doodstraffen), zal deze vorm van criminele corruptie steeds weer gebeuren en zal met er NIETS aan doen... laat dat tot je doordringen... Wat gebeurt er met individuen die zoveel leed veroorzaken? Krijgen die geen levenslange gevangenisstraf? Waarom zouden bedrijven en hun leiderschap anders behandeld moeten worden?! ALS JE DE MENSEN DIE DE LEIDING HEBBEN NIET STRAFT (MET TERUGWERKENDE KRACHT), VERANDERT ER NIETS... HELEMAAL ___NIETS___ ZAL VERANDEREN... ABSOLUUT NIETS!!!
Ja heel mooi alleen word er niks mee gedaan door onze overheid.
Een bedrijf wat bijna geen belasting betaald en ons kapot maakt met gif mag gewoon blijven.
This greed will never end as long as there are no criminal charges for damages.
Facts !!!! That is the hard truth 😢 Greed kills here's proof !!!!!
Haha thats an optimistic view. Capitalism is the issue
@@Gigachad-mc5qz capitalism has made America the greatest country in the world it is the democrats who are ruining America.
Agreed. But with the Senate having no term limits, and the revolving door still spinning, how do we go about getting legislation passed that hold the actual natural persons of the people accountable for their criminally negligent decisions and actions while working behind the "person" of the corporation, which always takes all of the wrap, the blame and the fine. Thank you United States Supreme Court for this just legal structure......what a bunch of idiotsticks they are.......we need legislation that makes the corporation pay the fine, and the executives do the time. Winning campaign slogan right there if one had the personal fortune it takes to win a Senate seat, cuz your donor list is gonna struggle with that slogan, unless you can crowdsource your campaign financing, but only the super pacts can do that, otherwise its illegal......somebody steer me in a direction where we are not F^&*(#!
Dupont should be charged with crimes against humanity. And their board and directors should be given life in prison. American prison, not european ones.
They prioritized personal and commercial wealth over the health of the entire world. Its beyond criminal.
There's no chance they'll be convicted in a US court. In the Netherlands there might be a chance (but let's be honest, they'll settle for a few billion instead)
How about a good old death sentence induced by the people they harmed.
They wont even get a day in prison. Dutch judicial system is a joke.
Death penalty,
Problem solved in 1 day
For non Dutch: Zembla is a very reliable resource and investigating program.
I know they are,because they did it to everyone drinking water out of the Ohio River without so much as a warning.
And went completely silent on COVID-19 (As they did at all the interest and fear-mongering surrounding the Mexican flu ten years earlier starring the same people.)
To be honest; it should be possible to hold the people(management, leadership),and the company, responsible/liable.
and the politicians involved .. (::)
Nobody will go to jail.
Things will be settled with maybe a fine. That will be lower then the gained profits. White collar crime is always a win in NL.
@@tripzincluded8087 The politicians were not informed about the internal reports and studies. They deliberately withhold this information from the politicians
Should hold them liable asap.
Those that are responsible should be stripped of all assets and jailed for life. These fines for multinational corporations when they break the rules do not work.
zou moeten ja maar droom maar lekker verder 😭
Fines for multinational corporations can work, but the cost of them for some of the companies involved now is so low that it is not an any way an impressive amount to them, they basically laugh them off as a form of financial collateral damage.
These fines need to be so incredibly high that they hurt really, really bad, and might run the risk of a company suffering near bankruptcy immediately.
They need to be so incredibly disruptive economically that a company would not even dare to think of breaking the rules, and become the deterrent they should be.
If they do, and it's the result of a plant malfunction, ok, that will probably happen but you can then also immediately wonder how there are no containment measures taken to prevent a malfunction reaching ground-surface water levels or sources.
Companies that are so big that they rule governments instead of the other way around, deserve to be fined as such, and unfortunately, that's not something we have yet even began doing, nor might we ever.
Italy here -Veneto Region. Same issue, same kind of factory, same toxic compounds, same results on citizens....
We need a pfas alliance.
@@zotter2542we need a save humanity and planet earth alliance
Maybe they will find it in a comet.
Man West Virginia North Carolina Norway Italy
Its falling in the rain. The Dupont plant in Fayettville NC dumped so much in the Cape Fear River, the foam was visible from space. It floated right over to Europe and into the Mediterranean sea then around CV the world. The churning waves in the ocean put it into sea mist. Than it falls in tain. The most rainy areas are predicted to become more contaminated over time. It gets into foods grown on soils. Lettuce is one vegetable that absorbs PFAS and other toxins at an increased rate. Leafy greens in general are more contaminated than roots and fruits. What you need to do in areas near plants is to start compiling health issues. Government panels dont seem to do a great job with that. They usually have industry representatives on the panels. Genetics cones to play as does other expisures. PFAS carries heave metals to DNA and attaches there. That affects enzyme production.
If a person makes lower levels of a certain enzyme or enzymes due to genetics or things like radiation exposure, they will show effects to their enzymes at lower levels of exposure. You may see an entire family experiencing health effects that dont show across the entire population. They dont exist statistically! Certain animals are also more suceptable. Mice and cats are two. Birds also. I had parakeets fall off the perch after frying pans were left on the stove accidentally. Baby boomers are also the first generation with exposure. It mostly hit after birth. The children of baby boomers are the ones with worse health effects due to exposure in utero. ADHD and metabolic syndrome (adult onset diabetes/ obesity/ fatty liver) are two good biomarkers for childhood exposure. Metabolic syndrome is also very indicative of adult exposures.
Unbelievable. When I was a child and lived in the area, I remember a severe fire that spread black soot throughout the entire local area. The local government drove cars through the streets, instructing us to keep our windows and doors closed. But the next day, they also said that it was not harmful to our health. I could hardly believe it.
De moerdijk brand?
Gelukkig was ik toendertijd net op vakantie in Frankrijk
@@theburnix Yep
Dat herinner ik me ook! Maar misschien zijn er meerdere branden geweest. Was dat niet de brand op het bedrijventerrein van 2010?
Such liars!!! So awful!!!
Where would a person go to get their blood tested for PFAS?
It is now said that cleaning the pfas contaminated water will be too expensive. Well... let Du Pont / Chemours and their investors pay for it. They caused the damage and cannot walk away like nothing happened.
That’s capitalism. The toxic waste is considered an “externality”…
Uitstekend werk Zembla! Dat jullie meer licht mogen schijnen op duistere praktijken van dit soort corporaties.
Het probleem is dat dit soort bedrijven miljarden hieraan verdient terwijl ze weten dat ze er na een paar jaar moet een boete van enkele miljoenen vanaf komen zonder verdere sancties. Je zal geen enkele CEO of hoog geplaatste persoon de bak in zien gaan ook al zijn er zoveel levens verwoest. En de politici zullen er ook wel genoeg aan hebben verdient doormiddel van mandaten/omkoperij.
Yes please. You aren’t alone.
Ik heb in Rotterdam nabij Barendrecht op school gezeten. Ik herinner me nog dat een (zelf zieke) docent decennia terug zei dat een opvallend hoog aantal docenten een schildklierafwijking had en dat het ver boven het gemiddelde lag. Een groot deel van die docenten woonde in Barendrecht. Ik heb als tiener ook een schildklierautoimmuunziekte gekregen en meerdere leeftijdsgenoten van mij destijds ook (veel Graves). Toen dachten we (afgezien van die ene pientere docent) dat het nu eenmaal iets was wat af en toe kon gebeuren. Inmiddels denk ik er anders over.
Heb je ook een rechtzaak aangespannen?
Wat was er specifiek in Rotterdam het gevaar? De lucht of drinkwater of zwemmen op een bepaalde plek?
Een vriendin van mij was een paar jaar geleden ook gediagnotiseerd met Graves. Opgegroeid in Spijkenisse en later Zuid, Noordereiland en Centrum. De kilo's vlogen er af terwijl ze alleen maar aan het eten was. Ik kan het niet aantonen maar het feit dat de schadelijke gevolgen al zo lang bekend waren? Maar serieus? Moeten wij aantonen dar wij gezond leven of moet de overheid daar zorg voor drgsen? In ieder gevaln duidelijkheid maar of we die gaan hebben?
@@igmoarOp dit moment valt er weinig te bewijzen. Dat komt later wel, als meer mensen zich melden. De ziekte van Graves is in veel gevallen makkelijk te behandelen, maar slaat door de behandeling vaak wel over in juist een traag werkende schildklier. In ieder geval hadden opvallend veel leerlingen uit Barendrecht de ziekte, vaak al met 15 jaar.
@@blackjack21xDe nabijheid tot Dordrecht……
I live in dordrecht and I'm happy this is being covered
Meanwhile, Dordrecht just keeps voting for parties that guarantee companies like this can do whatever they want. People don't seem to understand that this stuff ends your life as you know it. Water companies also can't get it out.
People don't care about their life anymore😂 its beautifull
@@Plusser654 GroenLinks has the same amount of seats as vvd in the city government and they want to close Chemours. But I don't know if that's actually possible or just a way to get votes
@@boris2599 its not about politics mate. Its about all the people of Dordrecht and sliedrecht standing in front of the gate there
Im happy when they shut it down.
Eventually people are gonna have to start taking matters into their own hands.
I was born and raised close to the factory. Lived there during the 70's. 80's and 90's. My parents and my sister all died from cancer during those years. Coincidence?!
Everyone involved at Dupont during those years and knew... you should be deeply ashamed and I hope you'll never catch another night of peaceful sleep.
Here to corroborate this downstream. Pets dying of cancer left and right, family.. Friends.. I always felt like people were just dropping dead around me. Finding out that that was actually what was happening...
This is amazing. Share this everywhere. The whole world needs to know about PFAS.
Yes! I told my coworkers about Teflon pans and they didn’t believe me.!! PFAS are everywhere and everyone’s blood.
And the most baffling is, that it was known by Dupont and 3M around 60+ years ago that it was highly toxic for people and animals!!! It's just infuriating to see that those companies are still around!!
The people that knew should be put on public trail and given a dose of PFAS, like they did with the monkeys!!
And we are still allowing other PFAS in nonstick pans, appliances and food packaging.
@@AaronFigFrontI think it's mire the byproducts of production than the products they produce
@@norml.hugh-mannpfas isn't a byproduct, it's the input material for manufacturing and sometimes additive to end products.
Yup! They were even “studying” the effects these chemicals had on the fetuses of pregnant woman working in their factories, without their knowledge or consent, of course.
Corruption is the real crime here against humanity.
Dupont's callous deception about PFAS is a slap in the face of humanity. Their blatant disregard for public health is nothing less than a crime. If serious actions aren't taken, this will be our grim, unchanging reality. Real penalties, like lifetime prison sentences, are a must. Outrageous! 😠
And this is yet another shocking situation that proves that big companies and our government can't be trusted.
In Bruges we have a huge Dupont site aswell next to the water. They changed their name to genencor years ago, meanwhile it's now called IFF.
They should call it PFAS
All these sites need a LARGE water flow in and a way to get rid of it again. That's why they are next to a river site. Close to water flow. If they are not they would need a large water basin to hold the dirty water. But they don't want it near or on site cause it's so toxic.
I think that the PFAS sstuff went to Chemours. IFF is a different branch, they do artificial fragrances and flavors. Still chemical, but very different chemistry,
The site in Bruges produces enzymes, for food, beer, washing powder etc, its locally known as the yeast factory. Nothing to do with PFAS at all so get your facts first before spreading more fear.
In Belgium 3M in Zwijndrecht and Indaver in Antwerp are the known PFAS polluters.
26:11 Wat ik ook zo bizar vindt is dat, nu nog steeds, iedereen het altijd heeft over "we hebben arbeidskrachten nodig". Alsof er een absoluut dringende behoefte is aan die producten (in dit geval PFAS). Er was ook een wereld vóór dat we PFAS gebruikten, dus absoluut noodzakelijk is het niet. Hetzelfde zie je nu eigenlijk ook. Er wordt keihard geschreeuwd en nagepraat "we hebben arbeidsmigranten nodig" (voor werken in de kassen, voor werken als software engineers, etc etc). Maar we staan niet stil met de vraag is dat nou echt zo? Hebben we die echt nodig? Is het echt zo belangrijk dat de economie maar blijft groeien? Of is het niet beter als we gewoon een stapje terug doen? Ja dat betekent minder geld en minder consumeren (alhoewel ik me dat nog afvraag aangezien minder arbeiders=meer loon). Maar ook minder mensen en dus meer ruimte, meer rust, minder auto's, minder lawaai, minder uitstoot en minder stress.
Ik denk dat heel veel kleine en grote wantoestanden ontstaan en in stand gehouden worden door een menselijk oer-trauma. "Er is iets niet goed met mij / met de wereld." Daaruit ontstaan individuele en collectieve overlevingsstrategieën, ook coping-mechanisms genoemd. Daarom dat mensen door de eeuwen heen zo gehapt hebben op religies, want ze beloofden een betere wereld. Religieuze en politieke leiders spelen daarop in, soms willens en wetens, soms onbewust. Voor hen zijn het ook coping-mechanisms, en in hun optiek bedoelen ze het goed. Het succes van kapitalisme / materialisme is dus een logisch gevolg. Zelfs een klein gemak, zoals het niet meer aanbakken van je pan, wordt breed omarmd en makkelijk gekocht. En daarom is het ook zo moeilijk mensen (inclusief mezelf) los te weken van kortetermijndenken, want je neemt daarmee hun overlevingsstrategieën weg, en dat wordt al te makkelijk - hoe subtiel dan ook - ervaren als levensbedreigend. Veel aangedragen oplossingen zijn in feite nieuwe coping mechanisms, zoals bijvoorbeeld het geloof in elektrische auto's. Einstein zei: “Je kunt een probleem niet oplossen met de denkwijze die het probleem heeft veroorzaakt.” Ik wil daarmee niet alle tijdelijke oplossingen van tafel vegen, maar wel uitnodigen om op een diepere laag te kijken.
Het gaat nu niet over arbeidsmigratie oelewapper
@@MrNoodlot klopt, maar de kern van het verhaal is hetzelfde. Chemours is nog niet gesloten door de overheid. Blijkbaar is het belang van banen (en dus geld) groter dan de gezondheid.
This is a prime example of why we should NOT have smaller governments and give way to corporate enterprises to do as they please. Corporate industry will always(!) put profit and self preservation before society's interests. We need a bottom up democracy not a top down corporate 'democracy'.
Today I finished required training for my job for a DNO in which this documentary was mentioned. I was about to search for it but found the YT algorithm had actually suggested it today!
I am not surprised about this corporate attitude, we've already seen this time and again (e.g. hexavalent chrome, tobacco, asbestos, hydrogenated oils, etc). and I am waiting for the next scandal.
Geo-engineered food ingredients. Read your labels!!!!
God this is much worse we cannot get rid of this it will be in our bodies forever
Dit is een van de beste kanalen op youtube. Puik werk. Edit: gehele docu gekeken en ik voel me letterlijk misselijk nu.
Dank Zembla! Echt heel schokkend dit..
My god! The mess of a world we live in today
De opmerking van de vrouw is best tekenend: ze verwachtte dat de overheid haar wel beschermde. Het is aan een kant mooi dat we ooit een overheid hebben gehad die dit vertrouwen heeft weten op te bouwen, maar er leven erg veel mensen in Nederland met volle vertrouwen dat "alles wel goed zal zijn". Het is niet leuk om in onzekerheid te leven, maar ook in dit relatief veilige land moet je gewoon op je hoede blijven. Als je teveel vertrouwd wordt het vroeg of laat misbruikt.
Unfortunately you are all to right
I did a research study at Dupont. Management is specifically instructed not too talk about it, downplay it and actively digress the topic.
It has been known for decades that people who worked there, and the small working-class suburb next to it, have drastically lowered life expectations. It's common to die just after retirement age. Imagine working for Dupont your whole life and your reward being a chronic and/or terminal illness.
Everyone working there has to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Dupont also knows about it from their own measurements, they track all of that. So there are many explanations as to how they've managed to cover it up for so long.
we have random inspections, unions supposedly watching over workers, laws against putting workers in danger and somehow no one's sus senses went off after they forbade fertile women from working the lines
I can't understand stuff what I'm trying to get stuff done and it's in a different language. Sorry.
Dank Zembla. Behoorlijk shockerend dit. Laat de verantwoordelijken maar een PFAS verontreinigd dieet opgedwongen krijgen als het volgens hen niet gevaarlijk is.
It is in EVERYTHING! Even the babies’ toys and teething rings, and dried toast, and sick cow’s milk.☠️
Wow, these companies are just evil. It seems very obvious that there is malicious intent, how come the leadership is not serving life in prison by now?
Liability, they covered themselves.
Zembla ❤ mensen verhuis! Die grond is straks niets meer waard
Wowww ... ik woon hier serieus naast al 34 jaar. Heb al jaren rare klachten. 😮
Bizar dat er met geen woord over gerept wordt in het nieuws. Dordrecht en omgeving is het nieuwe Tsjernobyl. Waar blijft die parlementaire enquête!?!?
Dit werd behandeld in het NOS-journaal van 15 juni. De vraag is wat er verder mee gebeurd. Hopelijk hulp voor de slachtoffers, verboden op deze stoffen en straffen voor de verantwoordelijken.
Er zijn tientallen Kamervragen gesteld en woensdag is er een hoorzitting in de Tweede Kamer met de CEO van Chemours.
@@ZEMBLA_BNNVARA gaan jullie ook een aflevering besteden/maken aan in hoeverre ons drinkwater nog veilig is? Evides neemt bijvoorbeeld maaswater in bij de Haringvliet en andere plekken waar een grote pfas vervuiling is.
@@ZEMBLA_BNNVARA word het drinkwater gecontroleerd op pfas? Ik woon in de hoekschewaard en Evides haalt het drinkwater uit de Maas.
@@fred1642 Op de website van Evides is er een speciale pagina over dit onderwerp met (helemaal onderaan de pagina) daarop ook per regio een document met metingen per waterbron. Ik kan helaas geen linkje delen op TH-cam, maar je kan er eenvoudig komen door op de website even het menu te openen, vergrootglas aan te tikken en als zoekopdracht ‘pfas’ in te voeren. De pagina ‘PFAS en drinkwater’ komt dan vanzelf uit de zoekresultaten. 🙃
De film Dark Waters vond ik behoorlijk indrukwekkend, dat er ook zo'n fabriek in Nederland staat en er nu pas aandacht voor is vind ik ongelooflijk.
die in nederland is een kopie maar stoot door achterstallig onderhoud veel meer uit dan de fabriek in de USA ooit heeft gedaan
Same here
What is the death toll from this toxic forever chemical?
Evil in these companies could get rid of these chemicals, but they were not make as much profit for the owners
Nu kan ik wel liken. Maar dit moet direct stoppen. Punt.
We must support good lawyers like Beloit. Think how much longer this would have continued without his working, years after years, without pay.
The river Merwede becomes the Oude Maas, after a few km. And de oude Maas feeds the Brielse Maas, where a lot of people recreate. From the Oude Maas water also flows to het Spui into het Haringvliet. Another place with a lot of recreation. All the beaches, every place where people swim should be investigated. Hoek van Holland and Oostvoorne too.
I spend my whole childhood in the Brielse Maas. Sailing and swimming. Every summer. I know a lot of people overthere get ill. Lots of cancer and auto-immune disease. I'm ill myself.
I believe everyone needs to see this
Gov't agencies can shut down ANYTHING overnight...and yet 3M and Dupont continue to profit in business. Overnight! But not companies that manufacture and produce PFAS. Well, money is power, eh?
Sue them into bankruptcy
Even that doesn't matter. The CEO's responsible are privately filthy rich and that money will not be taken from them.
They don't care if the company goes bust. They can continue in other companies.
Only jail sentences can really change things. But that won't happen.
There is a reason that Dupont got rod of the PFAS branch, spinning it off as Chemours...
@@pizzablenderburn it
De gemeente dordrecht was hier wel degelijk van op de hoogte !!!
Zelf heb ik nog stage gelopen in het dupont lab die door de gemeente was gesubsidieerd waarna ook bekend werd dat er zeer schadelijke chemicalien onder zeer gevaarlijke omstandigheden werden opgeslagen...
En dan kun je dat toch "onder de pet houden".
SCHOFTENTUIG !!! Waar zijn de schadevergoedingen? 6 miljard winst/jaar en geen verantwoordelijkheid nemen. Moordenaars zijn het.
Dank jullie wel dat jullie de lef hebben om dit bekend te maken ❤
I was raised in NJ. My grandmother worked at DuPont. I remember she gave me a white leather wallet stamped in gold with “DuPont”.I think it was her employee present for however many years. It’s a world in which I don’t know what to eat, what to drink, where to swim. My husband has chronic leukemia. Im disgusted with humans and the corporations that kill us. If we want to have an impact at all, embracing a non consumerism way of life is the only way to kill corporations. #killcorporationsthroughanticonsumerism
No the best way would be to enact an similar law like the RICO law but for corporations, arrest all the managers and higherups who could've known. Start a huge lawsuit against all of them, many of them would fold and say they heard it from the boss and ask them to testify, then you'll have the majority of the company higher ups trying to save themselves and sue DuPont with state backing.
If you're disgusted by humans then you're not part of the solution but part of the problem. This shit is no excuse for misanthropic ideas and misanthropes (especially among environmentalists) are just as much as a cancer of society as these PFAS-dumping crooks!
You are disgusted with humans? Wrong expression surely!
Dupont's lies about PFAS since the 60s are just sickening. They don't care about our health. If nobody gets locked up for good, nothing will change. It's a damn disgrace! 😡
Dupont is Criminal and sickening
Same as N/Ireland Londonderry blood cancer bone cancer very high and Dupont at the centre of the high death rate.
wat goed dat jullie ook in het Engels doen
Yes, I only speak English and really appreciated being able to watch this.
How and why were they* (*Du Pont and 3M) permitted to self investigate/scrutinise? It's beyond shocking and ludicrous that the laboratory findings, as issued by them*, were accepted and never questioned by the relevant governments!!!
Indeed, "the love of money is the root of all evil" (Timothy 6:10)
Big corporations and corporate greed.
It’s crazy there’s so much scientific evidence against this but governments just let it keep going
Zembla is a prominent, reliable and independent media source (TV program producer)) addressing critical issues that have a serious negative effect on society (health, safety, security, justice, environment etc.). I have seen the Cover-up documentary on PFAS pollution by Chemours (Dupont) industry in Dordrecht and hearing of Directors by the Parliamentary Commission. The Directors of Chemours show no regret at all, don't feel liable and stick to the harmless levels of pollutants from PFAS and other hazardous waste that they emit in the air and discharge in the water and soil. Chemours does not take social corporate responsibility for serious at all, did not inform the people early onwards (from the late 60's) and is reluctant to share data, reports etc. timely and beforehand with authorities and community based organisations. This is a scandal and will become even bigger in the years to come.
I regret to say that the Parliamentary Commission could have been more pronounced and articulated in forwarding the hearing questions.
Spiegel deze situatie eens af tegen het dieselschandaal… Dan is dit toch veel heftiger en toch zo onbekend.
Nee klopt niet. En diesel autos van tegenwoordig komt de lucht er schoner uit dan het erin gaat . Ev 's zijn pas slecht voor het milieu...waarom doet iedereen alsof elektrische autos geen uitstoot Hebben? Slechter voor mileu dan een diesel!
Ja het komende schandaal over de corona vaccins .
@@freekjacobs6096 Ik vind pfas volledig veilig. Jij weet toch ook niet wat er in een frikandel zit? Die eet je toch ook? Daarom nam je ook het vaccine. Ik geloof er niks van dat pfas gevaarlijk is.
Het is allemaal goed onderzocht....teflon is volledig veilig kunt het gewoon aanraken. Doe ik dagelijks in mijn werk. Nooit last van gehad. Ik geloof deze teflon wappies niet.
@@freekjacobs6096miljarden pannen met teflon anti-aanbaklaag verkocht. Nooit iets over gehoord.
Hetzelfde zeggen ze ook over vaccines: miljarden gezet. Ministers v gezondheid Hugo de Jonge en Lauterbach v Duitsland beiden in koor : GEEN BIJWERKINGEN.
Nada , noppes .
En na jaren komt uit dat productie v teflon gevaarlijk is ?? Oh......vergelijk maar eens de bejegening van pfas slachtoffers met vaxx schade slachtoffers. IS EXACT HETZELFDE. JIJ REAGEERT NET ZO OP VAX SLACHTOFFER ALS IK NU DEED OP PFAS SLACHTOFFER.
Dupont,one off the bloodline-families. Nothing gonna happen,nobody gonna pay.
Wie dan?
These family’s don’t care about useless eaters health
@@meidenjager de 13 satanische bloedlijnen
The sad thing about documentaries like this, is that there are no names mentioned. Who where the people at the top of these company's? Who had the end responceability? Who where the polititision responsible for invioramental afairs? How was this all going forward over the years? And are these chemicals stil pressent in our waterway's?
There's good reason for that, these are americans - If there's no indictment in an official court about these matters, that would be slander (or libel) and they'd get sued in US courts.
@@korenn9381 Isn't it only slander if it's not true?
@@kedrednael Yeah, but these aren't proven facts yet. This is a journalist report. If this gets proven or confirmed by official sources they can start naming names. Otherwise, they could get sued and they'd have to prove it's the truth in court, which even if they can would be a very expensive undertaking.
@@korenn9381so a guillotine then?
@@korenn9381Why is it not true? We can isolate these chemicals. We know they have health consequences due the cow case. What else is there left to prove?
They no care.
Only profits matter
Only paying shareholder matter
You don't matter
As a child in the 90s been swimming every year in the sea near the coast of Dordrecht. 30 years later i have infections and bruises from minimal injuries. Compared to people around my age, my immune system is a lot weaker
Bottled water has even more PFAS, lady.
And even more that is not on the label and not in tap water.
Gadverdamme, en nog steeds zit het in pannen.
Pannen met anti-aanbaklaag boycotten. Koop gegoten ijzeren pannen.
Het eindproduct is niet gevaarlijk - het zijn de halffabrikaten die het probleem vormen.
Gewoon RVS pannen gebruiken, die hele antiaanbak is toch onzin, rvs bakt met beetje olie amper aan. En gaat veeeeeeel langer mee
Ga maar eens naar een blokker of supermarkt, je kan geen eens pannen met teflon meer kopen. Het zijn nu pannen met nieuwe "groene" stoffen. En dan maar hopen dat die ook echt beter zijn, of gewoon nog onder de radar zijn.
@@classicallpvault Dat is niet waar, de PFAS die aan de pan zit is ook kankerverwekkend.
One Word:
Year after year, decade after decade and we allow it to continue. We Can do something about this recklessness you know.
They say they have STOPPED making C8. But the city of South Shore, Ky found it in their drinking water. So it’s in the Ohio River. The Mayor of South Shore has a current lawsuit against DuPont! This was in 2022 or 2023
Did the people in the Netherlands not know about Dupont until Dark waters came out?
How can these corporations stay alive ?
This is why I don't eat fish and sea food in general. I also don't buy any water resiliant materials and products containg teflon. It's a crazy world 😢
As a Wilmington NC Resident, I fully understand the frustration as these Criminal organizations continue to poison millions around the globe.
I just left NC after living there for 20 years. I'll never forget learning about GenX. I don't live near Wilmington but have thyroid disease, along with others in my family and can't help but wonder...
@@KMx108 oh hey that's being dumped into the water of the Netherlands too!
😢 Greed Kills Here's Proof !!!!! Companys like this should be shut down & all the locals a settlement
Remember, we are still using PFAS in nonstick pans, appliances and food packaging.
Just found a you tube video on the wrappers on Kerrygold butter containing pfas. I will email them to find out why the wrappers have been changed for the USA/Canada market but not for the Uk. I wonder how long they have known about this. No more purchases for me and mine.
@@integinteg9222then wat shud I purchased?
@@tazboy1934 Stainless steel or ceramic lined.
27:21 inderdaad, wie doet dat? Waarom worden deze mensen niet met naam en toenaam genoemd, ze klinken mij nogal gevaarlijk, ik wil van ze uit de buurt blijven.
Why do people assume that such big businesses have to act ethical? Those businesses are so big and influencial that they don't want to risk bankrupcy or huge Liabilities so they chose to cover up and clean up the mess. In mine opinion you can't trust any of business of such influencial economical power. No business will risk their legacy for bankrupcy. They are way to deep to open up. My point is, you can never trust companies with huge economical and political power to be honest or ethical.
We need tribunals
This is complete Horror 😢
This is an act of war
Thanks for sharing
Werkelijk waar heel erg schokkend dat dit aan de hand is, misschien nog erger dat we een overheid hebben die hier helemaal niks aan doet en de aandeelhouders van dit soort bedrijven gewoon in de kaart blijft spelen. Eigenlijk niet zo verwonderlijk want veel van onze politici verdwijnen na hun politieke carrière in de besturen/directies van deze bedrijven om zo ook zelf een graantje te kunnen meepikken van de enorme winsten die deze bedrijven maken....walgelijk 😞
Even corporate clown kids will have to drink water. Strange thinking of parents.
This is just criminal. But we’re all ,understandably,blinded by the money involved. It’s about time to reconsider alternatives.
Goed dat dit in het Engels is jongens!
I used to work for a company that produced Teflon tubing with chemicals from DuPont/Chemours. I'm sure I've got exposed to some fucked up shit, sometimes people would get what they called the 'Teflon fever'. You would feel so cold even if you were like packed in clothes and under a blanket, after a few hours of sleep you would feel normal again. It would happen after the chemicals had been heated and you would breathe in the fumes. Or when someone had a microscopic part of the powder on his hands and it ended up on his cigarette and smoked it. And I've talked and worked with people that had also worked in the plant in Dordrecht and I've heard so many stories about sick workers there.
Super belangrijk dat dit algemene kennis wordt bij de Nederlanders. DuPont moet ons land uit!
No wonder half of us are getting cancer!
Blij Zembla weer te zien. Wat doet Rutte en cowboys hieraan?
Helemaal niks. Tata Steel heeft ook jarenlang haar gang kunnen gaan. Het interesseert ze geen zier.
Hij heeft het gezien en toen besloten om nooit naar Dordrecht te verhuizen:D
Niets !!!
Barely scratches the surface. Military, media, and government complicit. You're just helping to cover it up further.
Goed dat de top van dat bedrijf nu jurisch wordt aangepakt.
Wat gaat er nu met die bedrijven gebeuren? Het lijkt me dat er een overvloed aan bewijs is om het bedrijf te ontbinden en de mensen die de waarheid hebben verzwogen een flinke gevangenis straf op te leggen.
Hoofdelijk aansprakelijk stellen, al hun "verdiensten" over de periode afnemen en investeren in herstel van natuur en mensen. En opsluiten!
Het is jammer dat de zogenaamde groene partijen hier niks tegen doen
misdadig !!!!!
De reactie van zijn vrouw is heel menselijk, erg nederlands, maar tevens de reden dat beschuldigers het moeilijk hebben zaken rond te krijgen. En dat de beschuldigden rustig door gaan en nooit verantwoordelijkheid nemen.
I think that the liability of what is now Chemours should also be carried by what is now Dupont, if you see how this was done. Actually, let them both pay the full amount.
Dupont selling off Chemours to get rid of liability is another criminal construct.
The way of the world. Or they are the SAME corporation, but change their name in hopes of hiding their corrupt identity.
Gotta rewrite the law.
Zembla, the pinnacle of research journalism. KUTGW
God have mercy on our souls. I'm not religious but this the only response I can think of. I've been using Teflon pans for cooking my entire life until around 2 years ago, and I'm only now being informed about this shit through this underrated documentary while this information should have been common knowledge at least 40 years ago. I almost feel like we deserve this. Politicians must have known about this for a long long time and have kept their mouth shut, so we're doomed no matter how you look at it. It's almost poetic in a messed up way
It's made me realise it's all been done on purpose. If it suppresses our immune systems and lowers fertility, then its all about control and depopulation
Zembla, jullie zijn helden!!!
who would have thought a 100 years of the profit motif being the most important thing in society would lead to companies only caring about profit, i'm shocked :o
Keep these coming !!!!
Dupont started making teflon in 1939.
Vroeger zeiden ze het al: hoe dichter bij Dordt; des te rotter het wordt.
Dat voegt echt wat toe! Super Wim, alleen al vanwege je originaliteit.
De zee mag de hele Randstad wat mij betreft hebben.
@@classicallpvaultdijkring 14 doorsteken. Probleem opgelost
I aM less than 10 miles from the DuPont plant in WV right now visiting family. They definitely chose this region intentionally.
It's time to do something about this, about Dupont and M3....get them!