It’s still kicking around and I’ve done a few bits and bobs to improve it, hopefully coming into summer I’ll be driving it more often and shoot some driving videos, I’ve started an instagram account for Wispy’s Workshop where I post some reels and photos of what I’m playing with, the Vy included!
Orrrrr you could ventilate the bonnet and have the exhaust exit that
I mean I would but it’s a bit hard to be discreet for testing trips 😂
looks good as mate, but any updates on the Commodore?
Cheers mate, which commodore? I’ve got two of them that I play around with
@@MrWispy99 L67 VY, has been a while since you made any content with it
It’s still kicking around and I’ve done a few bits and bobs to improve it, hopefully coming into summer I’ll be driving it more often and shoot some driving videos, I’ve started an instagram account for Wispy’s Workshop where I post some reels and photos of what I’m playing with, the Vy included!
@@MrWispy99 cool as man I’m in the process of getting my sting red ecotec vy ready for my p’s.. same user as your channel?
Yeah nice, love the colour! Search Wispy’s Workshop and you should find it