The best advice you gave is that collecting should be enjoyable, not a stressor. That’s a great bright-line test. If it crosses into stress, a change or two needs to be made. Thank you, Jeff. 🙏
It took me far too long to get smart about collecting. For way too long I didn't know how to curate, was ignorant about labels, felt FOMO, felt compulsion to buy over truly buying only what I REALLY wanted, etc. For me finding balance was key. It's not about having as much physical media as you can. It's not about needing to grab every boutique release put out because of FOMO. It's about curating what you love and working within a budget to maximize the pleasure of collecting.
As far as movies go, I am getting a few key movies that should be really spectacular in 4k. Not likely more than 50 movies in 4k. I do have a few hundred Blurays, though. But if it isn't something that really means something to me, I rent it online. My big love is music, especially if it's released on SACD. But I don't pay with credit. Only debit or PayPal. And I don't expect any profit to be made on my collection. It's only for my own benefit.
I like Marie Kondo’s approach to possessions. Does it spark joy? Like collecting albums it can be something very personal to one’s taste, a smaller tighter collection can be even more fun. The quality v quantity thing.
Thanks for the advice. I have recently got into collecting and have set my self some rules. 1. A monthly budget which is affordable for me. 2. Buying preowned is fine. 3. Only get limited editions for my all time favourites. 4. Starting with my favourites which aren't typically on streaming.
I have been a movie collector for over 30 years. I have collected vinyl,sport cards. Sports memorabilia, as well since I was a young lad. It's always a give and take with anything you collect . An can't fall into to the fomo mentality or in a social media day and age . The shaming of how you collect or what you buy. It's your collection at the end of the day and it has to work for you. I have so much I can talk about this. As I have seen and fell into alot of the pitfalls of collecting. But will keep it short. Thanks for a great video
I try to have strict rules in place for my 4k collection 1. it has to be a favorite or family favorite (this ensures rewatchability) 2. it has to be considered a classic, or a 'good' film. (This ensures the collection has some level of credibility) 3. It has to have great picture/sound to justify the 4k cost If a film misses on any of the above I try to avoid it. There are a few exceptions but I try to stick to it.
Who cares if it’s not a classic or considered a “good film” peoples ideas of a good film can change and I love films that are definitely not considered “good films” but I think they are good
As someone with a large collection in a different domain, I try to inform fellow collectors of the same things: Collecting vs. hoarding, unhealthy habits, setting limits, and enjoying your collection. Hoarding is a mental disorder that is a combination of anxiety + depression, and getting into collecting for those reasons will not solve the underlying problem. Thank you for bringing attention to this.
yeah Jim, how do you identify what the borderline is between Collecting + hoarding though? It can't be as simple as shelf space in a bedroom/spare room? Everybody's dwellings have different shelf space? Those of us who have finances under control, with more money coming in than going out, and little debt - does that absolve us of indulging in collections? I'm doubting things are as simple as you state above...
@@thedys70 I never implied they were simple, although there is some fairly basic criteria to distinguish hoarding from collecting, mainly "is this harming me or others". For example, if you're neglecting family, your job, or other responsibilities. Another guideline is how well it is managed and cared for: If you can locate and put your hands on any one of your items in 2 minutes or less, that is most likely a collection and not a hoard.
@@JimLeonard thanks for reply Jim; you'll also note younger kids are prone to collecting things too; gum cards, for example, are often the gateway-drug into collecting, obtaining a numerical set etc. Yet they are way too young to have developed mental disorders [often at hands of adults] by that age? They just do it for the fun of it, and for the social interaction.
I totally agree with points 1 and 3. But have to say I disagree with point 2. I have many films that I love, and watch repeatedly....but are not considered classics. Knowing, The Town, Doctor Sleep..just to name a few. Yet, there are so called classics that have washed right over me on viewing them. I think as long as it's something you know you will rewatch, it's worth having it in your collection.
You definitely put out this video at the right time. I’ve dropped hundreds of dollars on Black Friday deals, criterion sale, etc. and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Thank you for making this video, it was a wake up call.
I totaled all mine black friday movie purchases up and it came to just over 800 dollars from the beginning of Nov. and the last day of the VS sale. Between Amazon, Best Buy, local used stores, Diabolik, VS, Kino, Arrow and WalMart
I took about 50 BluRays that I really didn't care for and got £17 for them, and then put the rest of my collection in sleeves with their slip covers and inserts. The only movies I have on display now are my all-time favourites. These movies make me happy every time I see them.
I love this video. I only have about 750 movies that are a mix of 4k, blu-ray and DVD. I'm very happy with my collection and I'm currently tying to just upgrade most of my DVDs to 4k or blu-ray.
I could have posted this verbatim; I kept all receipts from DVDs purchases going back 20+ years, and tabled them onto .xls spreadsheet, and it's totalled around $10,000. That might sound like a substantial figure, which it is as a sum, however divided by 20 years for an annual average, isn't that much really. However, parting with DVDs even after i've upgraded that film to bluray, is still a science i'm working on lol! Point in case - I haven't yet tossed out my VHS tapes.....
In the past year I finally slowed down on buying every movie I wanted to watch. I'm focusing on movies I want keep and sometimes share. Movies has always been my family's love language.
I've got into movie collecting almost two years now and I'll be honest right here...I've dumped a lot of money into it. Majority films I love but certain boutique labels intrigued me to buy. After watching this video helped me a lot mentality. Need to take a step back and admire the collection you have. Thanks jeff!
I have certain rules I try to follow collecting movies. 1. Only buy anything I know I will want to watch multiple times 2. Don't spend more than £40 on an individual movie 3. Don't double dip on a newer version because of the packaging 4. Only upgrade to 4K if I don't already own it, or it's an absolute favourite movie 5. If upgrading, sell/donate the older version 6. Don't always buy it straight away, wait for it to go on sale and save money (this often takes just a few months) 7. Don't blind buy 8. DEFINITELY DON'T BLIND BUY AT FULL PRICE! 9. Don't buy a movie I know I don't like and won't watch just because it's from a franchise I do like and it's "completing the collection" 10. Take advantage of sales as much as possible (see rule 6)
I’ve had to set rules…I started collecting in 2005 No longer blind buying, upgrading everything, buying duplicates for slipcovers and shit like that Waiting for sales/reviews and only buying what I’ll watch It’s stressful being a collector Great video
I have watched your video before but came back to it since i am doing my own and needed to get your points to help me get started. I don't always think of everything and can easily miss a good point. Thanks again!
You are spot on Jeff with setting a budget. I was spending way too much on movies. I now do a lot more research on whether to upgrade. You and Adam movie guy 365 are a huge help that way. If I want a steel book or costlier special edition, I don’t get the other movies that month. I no longer do blind buys either.
I’ve kind of been going through this as of late also. Just recently moved into a place where I finally have some room for my collection; most have been in totes for the last 2 years. Combining some titles into combo cases has been helpful also, plus looking through my collection and asking myself “Do I enjoy this or did I feel like it needed to apart of my collection”? Getting rid of some titles every so often and being more smart about purchasing has been great and I appreciate this video. Plus, buying some titles on digital (I.e. ones I enjoyed, but don’t neccessarily need on a shelf and/or if a title is only available on 4K via streaming) has also been great.
300 that’s my absolute limit though I do often keep in storage films that were good but didn’t quite make the cut. 300 is a good number not just for storage limits & manageability, it also compels you to have higher standards for what’s worth keeping. Too many people collect junk cinema just to raise their number of movies.
So glad ya making videos like this cause I’ve really caught the collecting bug and don’t wanna find myself buying things just for the sake of it, just because I have to have it.
Thank for this. Couldn’t have come at a better time. Lately I’ve been obsessing over getting as many movies I can while they are on sale and it’s become mentally taxing. I don’t think I’ll ever even have time to watch them. It’s fun to collect them but it can definitely start becoming stressful fast.
I really appreciate that you keep making this video anew. It's so important to keep perspective with collecting, so that it remains a source of joy and not a financial or psychological burden. For myself, I try to set goals around finding movies, so I try to only buy when they are on sale or second hand. And I also use the urge to collect as motivation to go out to my local book/movie store and browse. Holding a stack of disc's in hand, and deciding what u want to walk out with, is part of the physical media experience, and thus makes even a single purchase feel like more of a dopamine hit. Anyone else play these games with themselves?
That was a good talk I didn't spend much on movies the past few months but when Amazon kept reminding me about black Friday before black Friday I went alittle crazy and ordered like 13 movies but all movies I wanted
Thanks for this video! I have been pondering whether to finally let go of some of the DVDs I’ve since replaced on Blu-Ray, I’m running out of space and I think this video has inspired me to start culling a few. Thanks again.
Very relevant video! I noticed too that what I love from collecting is to be able to get my hands on a rare item or an item who had not been reissue in a long time ago... definitely get me a high, but when the item is bought, that rush is often gone... Now I'm definitely aware of that feeling and try to take a step back and ask myself If i really need it...
Also doing a bit looking online to see if you movie you want is coming to 4k or getting a release from a label you like. That way it's easier to budget and plan out purchases. Plus going used helps a ton.
I got wrapped up in Vinegar Syndrome and since have been trying to sell them off once I realized most of these movies are not things I'll rewatch. I'm also a vinyl enthusiast and have trimmed down my collection to things I actually listen to. This is a very important video. It'll save you hundreds if not thousands and a lot of regret. Movies aren't about a fancy slip cover, etc It's about the movie
I made a list of all movies, vinyl albums, cds, books etc i would like to get. I may add or subtract to it. Like if i saw a movie at the theater that i know i will watch again or i just change my mind on a movie. But i never rush myself. Its not gonna ruin your life if you cant get that one movie. Having a list really helps cut down on impulse buying and becoming a hoarder instead of a collector. Collectors are usually a lot more organized than hoarders. I always hear people say you cant take it with you when you die. No but what i can do is donate it. I will enjoy them while im alive and then others can enjoy them if they choose too.
my favourite thing to do is go to 2nd hand shops and find Blu-rays, we have a shop here in the UK called CEX and there's so many cheap blu-rays, like 50p - £2 there's loads, nd thanks to you I've heard about Zavvi and i've got a few gems on sale over black friday
First off, just wanna say I stumbled across your channel and really enjoyed this video! It really put into perspective how my collecting habits have changed, especially in the last five years. There was a time when my room was crowded with shelves that were filled movies and games. It was definitely a “quantity over quality” situation. Things changed in 2021 when I started working full time and was making decent money. I threw out all the shelves, purged a good chunk of my collection, and redid my media room/office/bedroom to look more nice and organized than before. It was no longer “Shelf City."
Certainly good advice. I was happy to discover 5 or 6 DVDs where I had gotten newer versions. Throwing them away felt wrong. Was happy to sell them on eBay for 1€+shipping, feels good to know they go on to someone and I have more room. The financial is really secondary in that example.
You are single handedly responsible for a joy that i never thought i would ever have. Ive never purchased any physical media. I was a fan of streaming and digital purchase. Now i look forward to ordering movies i really like and i bought a nas so i can back up and watch them in all my rooms. While leaving my main setup with my oled. But i do have to check myself from time to time so i dont order movies or shows i really dont care about. But thank you so much for all the knowledge and for introducing us to physical media!
Love you and your videos Jeff, they have really helped me with my passion and stop me from saying well so many others collect all movies so why shouldn't i, but instead i have kept my collection personal and condensed to just movies i love and it helps so much as you said to not see movies everywhere in the home and own movies that you know you wont watch and that would be better in the hands of someone that will truly appreciate it
Thank you very much for this video. It needed to be said and I needed to hear it. There has to be a balance in life, even if money or the lack of it is an issue. I used collect way to many things without having my own physical space (apartments, someone elses house, limited finances). Now I am a lot more careful and yet, not good enough, even though wiser. We have to be careful things (and often things not physical) don't become an IDOL.
It’s always good to talk about this subject once in a while. My issue was when 4K was introduced. I was buying 4K for movies I really didn’t watch all that much. Now half of my movies are still DVD. You don’t need every movie in 4K. Just the ones you really watch more than once. And another tip I learned, don’t blind buy! Always watch the movie first. Last, if you have the urge to watch a movie you have not seen in a while, pick it up at the library for free. Tastes change as we age. When you watch the movie again, you will find out, this movie is not that good as I once remembered. Life is short. It’s only plastic.
I had a shelf full of DVD’s and blurays that I condensed into a binder. I threw away all the cases. It was such a relief, because it saved an entire cluttered shelf that was there for my whole life. The boxes mean nothing for me. Even the special editions of whatever movie.
I collect quite a variety of items: primarily action figures, but also movies and comics. I’ve made certain categorical choices with each collection to keep it narrowed down. With movies, I only buy steelbooks now. They’re more expensive per movie, but That helps keep me from buying just anything & everything.
Best Buy’s Black Friday deals AKA their fire sale were insane, but I had to control myself due to wanting to get better with my finances and I was also unemployed for some months and want to build up my savings. I keep trying to keep the mentality of my collection being a personal curation of my favorite films, and are movies I plan to watch multiple times for the rest of my life. Also I try to go for slip covers but it’s not the end of the world. Steelbooks don’t do much for me and the few I have are just because of the deal so thankfully not falling into that money pit and other collectors editions.
A ton of salient points here. It’s all about balance an enjoyment. Especially being in the movie community it’s a giant feedback loop of seeing the newest flashy releases which makes it easy to have FOMO take over. Learning to restrain on that is such a big deal. Even learning you don’t need to partake in every single sale is a big thing. I will say though and this goes for everyone in the comments…stop using Hoarder as a derogatory term against other collectors because they don’t collect the way you do. As was mentioned in the video we all have different budgets, space, etc… so what comes across as hoarding to one person isn’t to another. I so often find that term throw around as a way to put someone down because they “buy too much” those people need to stay out of the wallets of others. As long as the person is aware of their habits and enjoys it collect as much or as little as you possibly want.
One thing thats curbed my collecting is simply starting a family. Not having rhe same money and time really helps me buy only the films i really want. Love steelbooks but the prices of those are getting out of hand so am getting out of that game. Great video Jeff.
Thank you for this video. I’m currently trying to get my collection under control. I’m at a rough spot currently and trying to make film collecting more enjoyable again.
I tracked my spending on movies this year and I am at $13,558 through November. That's way more than I planned at the beginning of the year. I am out space. My shelves are all full and I now have stacks of movies on the floor. My goal for 2024 is to cut back by at least half. I will start by not be renewing my VS subscription.
Great piece Jeff. I’ve also been trying to figure out why we collect things recently… especially now that I seem to be continually fielding criticism from the “I got rid of all my discs and just stream everything now” crowd. Having to defend purchasing physical media gets pretty tiresome, so trying to understand why we collect movies has helped. There can be multiple reasons of course, but I think I’ve figured out mine. The business of purchasing and curation becomes a lot easier when you know why you’re doing it and what your criteria are.
Great video bro, this is so relatable to so many collectors, that’s how I’m feeling about Funko pops lol, way too many and need to downsize asap. It’s overwhelming had To move stuff for the kids room since it was bigger. Don’t find the same joy in collecting figures. Now I’m slowly collecting LP records and just started physical media Movies. Blew my mind how amazing it is to watch 4k HD when you have a compatible tv and great surround sound. Left me speechless lol
Great video! I have over 1300 movies and only a handful of cases. They all go into sleeves in a DVD file cabinet and I track them with DVD Profiler. It eliminates the clutter and has a high WAF. I’ve also ripped most of them to a server and playback is on a Zidoo media player.
I'm currently drowning in about 2,500 DVDs and Blu-rays, so this video might just be the catalyst for me to finally scale back a bit. It is depressing how little you can recuperate from selling them, however. The binder solution looks like my best option.
I agree. I used to just scoop videos out of the half priced bin at Best Buy until I realized I had three copies of “Smokey and the bandit”. Then I started becoming a bit more picky about films. Like Criterion has its own place, so do the large movie collections and then the rest. When I moved I discovered that the collection needed 10 very large bins to move (btw, your video about moving a large collection was very helpful to me thank you). So far about five of these bins are still in my closet because I haven’t had the chance to set my wall units up in my new place. I figure, enjoy your hobby but don’t let it overwhelm you/bankrupt you.
I'm guilty of doing this as of the last 6 months. I figured out from another hobby of mine that I don't need every one that is pretty cool. Or, this one will be worth a lot someday. But, I'm starting to fall back into the old habit with 4k steelbooks. If it's a movie that was even remotely good, I have to have it, and in a steelbook. So, to come to the point, I needed this. Sometimes you just need someone else to remark on a subject without being passive aggressive. Thank you 👍
Completely agree with your tips for collecting - I have 3 rotating shelves from Amazon. That is my limit with movies - whether movies or TV shows, whether DVD or Blu-ray...shelves start getting tight - time to clear some out. I have a thing about clutter.... :)
Binders are awesome! I have 80% of my collection in about 8 large binders and when they start getting too full I do some curating lol I keep the cases in boxes in the garage for when I sell them.
It’s definitely a mental game in many ways. I’ve been collecting since VHS and have purged many times. I keep about 1,200 movies only, and I probably have less than 1,200
One thing that’s helped me condense is putting the standard general releases in a cd wallet. I would love a wall of movies but it’s just not feasible for me. Also most of my movies come from the thrift store so the cases are always dinged up or sometimes gross. Special releases or box sets for movies I love get shelf space but because I have other things I collect I don’t always take a dive on a brand new set that comes my way.
I've thought about the cd wallet to conserve space. I would like to put the discs in the wallet in alphabetical order, but then every time I get an "A" title then I would have to shift everything after one space to the right. So I haven't got the wallet.
Some absolutely superb points here especially around the debt area... something I have been the subject of in the past. Also, I'd add that buying "just because it's cheap" which I fall into all the time. Don't buy if you'd not buy at full price anyway. This is a lesson I really have. Also, I'd agre with the go through your collection and keep what really means something to you... don't keep and hoard for the sake of "I bought it I'm keeping it" but then never watch it again... that's when you get shut.
Great video Jeff. The best thing I heard Jeff say was "Curate". A collection is best when it evolves and it's meaningful to you (Quality over quantity). As I head closer to retirement age I'm more mindful about my collections and selling off or donating what no longer brings me joy. I've been collecting movies since the 1990's. My collection has evolved many times over all these years. I personally set criteria so I only keep movies that want to watch multiple times. That's what works for me. As Jeff said: Everyone is different. Your age, space, and finances all play a role in what works best for you.
Thank you for making this video, Jeff. I have an issue with overspending on my movie collection sometimes, and it can cause problems for my wife and I. I am working on overcoming the issue, but it can be a struggle. Thank you for sharing your experiences with this. 😊
I have bought films just because they were cheap or on sale and stayed there without being watched for years. While others you keep them in a watching cycle of sorts. So I try to once a month at least with my movie application app to watch some of those films as you forget you even have them. If I don't feel like givng them a shot more than few months in a row. It is time for them to leave. I got close to 700 flicks, so, even if I watched a different one every day it would take over 2 years to seem 'em all, but keeping them on rotation works.
Great video. I’ve been doing similar videos recently around the same sort of topic. Surprising to hear from so many other that have been through the same or even suffering in the same way.
I buy my DVDs a few at a time when I know I can afford it, I ditch the cases and keep them in a Disk Wallet, I rip them as soon as I get them home and watch them digitally
Awesome advice Jeff. My mentality is... - With the convenience & availability of streaming....I only buy the ones I really really love (aka all time fav and best 4K quality video/sound IMO) - Only buy new. I like the idea of being the original and only owner of the disc. - Storage: Not a problem for me...I like a minimalistic setup and hate shelves on display or clutter. I store my movies in the concealed drawers inside my TV stand.
Thank you for this upload! This could be the ultimate culmination of your show for Us like minds. I've been a fan person for over 30 years and got to a point we're I had to single sleeve Everything and put them, lovingly, into a Very Large drawer. This year, 3 years after the divorce, I had to throw away all the cases during a pretty heavy life sweep. I now know I should have kept about 25 percent, regret. But I still got the hard copy! My ears and eyes are thankful. 😉
I treat movie collecting as a moderate hobby, and not owning every popular movie, because I don’t feel comfortable owning hundreds of movies that I can easily access online. Especially I’m on a budget and I sold several Disney/Marvel blu rays because I don’t watch them anymore. Keep movies that have replay value that I would watch with my family and friends, especially I don’t want my kids to damage my physical disc movies!
I've been collecting since highschool and my tastes are so different now that I've come to the conclusion that its totally okay to get rid of blu's you don't watch anymore. Now i budget, because im an adult and i have to, and get a few here and there. Once the single media shelf i have is full, I'll probably revisit my collection and free up some space. 🤷🏻♂️ Some of the collectors i see on Instagram need some help i cant imagine having the type of collections they have. 😂
Another great video man, it took me many years before i realized i was hoarding. Did a massive curation this year and sold off a ton of titles I really didnt need due to FOMO.
Great video, and very timely. I've actually decided to take a break from any big purchases until the Spring, I'll still hit up my local Goodwills and thrift stores here and there but no more boutique sale hauls for a while. It does get stressful when your buying is outweighing your viewing/enjoying. But the buying definitely delivers those dopemine hits so it's tough to stay disciplined.
I downsized my large physical media collection. I kept only the movies that I will watch again from time to time. Made no sense for me to keep movies that just sit there on the shelf, not to be watched again.
Hi Jeff, greetings from the UK. Ive been a collector of movies for many years. I am now in my mid 60s and moved from VHS and started collecting DVD's and started replacing my tapes with discs but only the films I really loved. I either sold the tapes on eBAY and ones that didn't sell went to the tip. I ended up with about 500 DVD's. So when Blu Ray came I tried selling the DVD's but they don't sell well so will have to try and find a collector who wants them.I did not have the same passion for film until I bought a new 4K UHD TV and 4K player. I watched many blu ray channels on TH-cam to what films are worth upgrading to. I now have an Atmos system including sub and thanks to YOU I am now buying 4K Blu Ray discs and selling some of my Blu Ray discs. Im a big horror film fan too.... Keep up the great work.
I ditch my plastic cases years ago to make space and keep them in a disc holder. And now I just thought of getting rid of my Blu-ray Disc and just keeping the 4k ones only and keeping the Blu-ray Disc I don’t have in 4k
Very good and thank you for this. the day before you put out this I went to a buy and used store for movies and sold all that movies I don’t need anymore. Thanks again now I have mostly what I really love. 😅
This was a great informative video. I agree with what you said. I only buy movies that have meaning for me. I think there are a lot of people that buy multiple copies of one movie and I never understood that. This video shows what's important when collecting. Thank you
One thing I’ve never understood about some collectors is buying movies you haven’t watched first. I would never buy a movie I haven’t seen. Maybe if you live in a country where it’s easy to sell on eBay if you don’t like it it could make sense but where I live I would just be stuck with a movie I don’t like.
I have one rule which probably helps me dramatically in making sure I collect what I love, and that is I only buy movies I have previously viewed and like enough to rewatch. Doesn't matter what critics or audiences say about a movie, there is always a chance I won't like it as much as everyone else does.
The cyclical nature of the collector is; Collection, Curation, Donation (Either at death or prior). Some just become stuck indefinitely or temporarily at the first step. It’s ok we’ve all been there.
Good discussion! I limit myself to a few franchises only. Special features are unfortunately not what they use to be (or at least that’s what I tell myself) so I don’t feel like I am missing out.
Follow me on Instagram for more movie content:
The best advice you gave is that collecting should be enjoyable, not a stressor. That’s a great bright-line test. If it crosses into stress, a change or two needs to be made. Thank you, Jeff. 🙏
Couldn't agree more !
It took me far too long to get smart about collecting. For way too long I didn't know how to curate, was ignorant about labels, felt FOMO, felt compulsion to buy over truly buying only what I REALLY wanted, etc.
For me finding balance was key. It's not about having as much physical media as you can. It's not about needing to grab every boutique release put out because of FOMO. It's about curating what you love and working within a budget to maximize the pleasure of collecting.
💯 Only get what you must have
Yeah I find myself in this. Thx 🙏
As far as movies go, I am getting a few key movies that should be really spectacular in 4k. Not likely more than 50 movies in 4k. I do have a few hundred Blurays, though. But if it isn't something that really means something to me, I rent it online.
My big love is music, especially if it's released on SACD. But I don't pay with credit. Only debit or PayPal. And I don't expect any profit to be made on my collection. It's only for my own benefit.
The curation must begin before you buy not after, but now with the ability to sell off parts of your collection, that doesn't hurt as much.
FOMO is the damn devil...
I like Marie Kondo’s approach to possessions. Does it spark joy? Like collecting albums it can be something very personal to one’s taste, a smaller tighter collection can be even more fun. The quality v quantity thing.
Thanks for the advice. I have recently got into collecting and have set my self some rules.
1. A monthly budget which is affordable for me.
2. Buying preowned is fine.
3. Only get limited editions for my all time favourites.
4. Starting with my favourites which aren't typically on streaming.
Much needed video on mental health really
Ive been collecting movies for 30 years. I have struggled with all the issues you mentioned. I appreciate this video more than I can say!! Thank you
I have been a movie collector for over 30 years. I have collected vinyl,sport cards. Sports memorabilia, as well since I was a young lad. It's always a give and take with anything you collect . An can't fall into to the fomo mentality or in a social media day and age . The shaming of how you collect or what you buy. It's your collection at the end of the day and it has to work for you. I have so much I can talk about this. As I have seen and fell into alot of the pitfalls of collecting. But will keep it short. Thanks for a great video
I try to have strict rules in place for my 4k collection
1. it has to be a favorite or family favorite (this ensures rewatchability)
2. it has to be considered a classic, or a 'good' film. (This ensures the collection has some level of credibility)
3. It has to have great picture/sound to justify the 4k cost
If a film misses on any of the above I try to avoid it. There are a few exceptions but I try to stick to it.
Bro has rules to collecting wow ur definitely fun for the family lmao 😂💀
Who cares if it’s not a classic or considered a “good film” peoples ideas of a good film can change and I love films that are definitely not considered “good films” but I think they are good
As someone with a large collection in a different domain, I try to inform fellow collectors of the same things: Collecting vs. hoarding, unhealthy habits, setting limits, and enjoying your collection. Hoarding is a mental disorder that is a combination of anxiety + depression, and getting into collecting for those reasons will not solve the underlying problem. Thank you for bringing attention to this.
yeah Jim, how do you identify what the borderline is between Collecting + hoarding though?
It can't be as simple as shelf space in a bedroom/spare room? Everybody's dwellings have different shelf space?
Those of us who have finances under control, with more money coming in than going out, and little debt - does that absolve us of indulging in collections?
I'm doubting things are as simple as you state above...
@@thedys70 I never implied they were simple, although there is some fairly basic criteria to distinguish hoarding from collecting, mainly "is this harming me or others". For example, if you're neglecting family, your job, or other responsibilities. Another guideline is how well it is managed and cared for: If you can locate and put your hands on any one of your items in 2 minutes or less, that is most likely a collection and not a hoard.
@@JimLeonard thanks for reply Jim; you'll also note younger kids are prone to collecting things too; gum cards, for example, are often the gateway-drug into collecting, obtaining a numerical set etc. Yet they are way too young to have developed mental disorders [often at hands of adults] by that age? They just do it for the fun of it, and for the social interaction.
I totally agree with points 1 and 3. But have to say I disagree with point 2. I have many films that I love, and watch repeatedly....but are not considered classics. Knowing, The Town, Doctor Sleep..just to name a few. Yet, there are so called classics that have washed right over me on viewing them. I think as long as it's something you know you will rewatch, it's worth having it in your collection.
Indeed, there’s a difference between a room full of stuff, and a library, or an archive, or a display. Curation is king.
You definitely put out this video at the right time. I’ve dropped hundreds of dollars on Black Friday deals, criterion sale, etc. and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Thank you for making this video, it was a wake up call.
U need make sure u can pay bills too
Posted after Black Friday, so isn't it too late/wrong time then
I totaled all mine black friday movie purchases up and it came to just over 800 dollars from the beginning of Nov. and the last day of the VS sale. Between Amazon, Best Buy, local used stores, Diabolik, VS, Kino, Arrow and WalMart
if ive already seen a movie, i dont purchase it. my collection is strictly for movies i havent seen.
I took about 50 BluRays that I really didn't care for and got £17 for them, and then put the rest of my collection in sleeves with their slip covers and inserts. The only movies I have on display now are my all-time favourites. These movies make me happy every time I see them.
Thanks, Jeff. Timeless advice for collectors. This is a very worthy subject in the Social Media Age. FOMO is brutal. Rock Always! - Heather
I love this video. I only have about 750 movies that are a mix of 4k, blu-ray and DVD. I'm very happy with my collection and I'm currently tying to just upgrade most of my DVDs to 4k or blu-ray.
I could have posted this verbatim; I kept all receipts from DVDs purchases going back 20+ years, and tabled them onto .xls spreadsheet, and it's totalled around $10,000.
That might sound like a substantial figure, which it is as a sum, however divided by 20 years for an annual average, isn't that much really.
However, parting with DVDs even after i've upgraded that film to bluray, is still a science i'm working on lol! Point in case - I haven't yet tossed out my VHS tapes.....
In the past year I finally slowed down on buying every movie I wanted to watch. I'm focusing on movies I want keep and sometimes share. Movies has always been my family's love language.
I've got into movie collecting almost two years now and I'll be honest right here...I've dumped a lot of money into it. Majority films I love but certain boutique labels intrigued me to buy. After watching this video helped me a lot mentality. Need to take a step back and admire the collection you have. Thanks jeff!
I have certain rules I try to follow collecting movies.
1. Only buy anything I know I will want to watch multiple times
2. Don't spend more than £40 on an individual movie
3. Don't double dip on a newer version because of the packaging
4. Only upgrade to 4K if I don't already own it, or it's an absolute favourite movie
5. If upgrading, sell/donate the older version
6. Don't always buy it straight away, wait for it to go on sale and save money (this often takes just a few months)
7. Don't blind buy
9. Don't buy a movie I know I don't like and won't watch just because it's from a franchise I do like and it's "completing the collection"
10. Take advantage of sales as much as possible (see rule 6)
I’ve had to set rules…I started collecting in 2005
No longer blind buying, upgrading everything, buying duplicates for slipcovers and shit like that
Waiting for sales/reviews and only buying what I’ll watch
It’s stressful being a collector
Great video
You dropped this video at the perfect time. My collection is starting to get out of hand and I’ve got to be more selective.
I have watched your video before but came back to it since i am doing my own and needed to get your points to help me get started. I don't always think of everything and can easily miss a good point. Thanks again!
You are spot on Jeff with setting a budget. I was spending way too much on movies. I now do a lot more research on whether to upgrade. You and Adam movie guy 365 are a huge help that way. If I want a steel book or costlier special edition, I don’t get the other movies that month. I no longer do blind buys either.
"I was spending way too much on movies" said fucking everybody on this forum...
I’ve kind of been going through this as of late also. Just recently moved into a place where I finally have some room for my collection; most have been in totes for the last 2 years. Combining some titles into combo cases has been helpful also, plus looking through my collection and asking myself “Do I enjoy this or did I feel like it needed to apart of my collection”? Getting rid of some titles every so often and being more smart about purchasing has been great and I appreciate this video. Plus, buying some titles on digital (I.e. ones I enjoyed, but don’t neccessarily need on a shelf and/or if a title is only available on 4K via streaming) has also been great.
300 that’s my absolute limit though I do often keep in storage films that were good but didn’t quite make the cut.
300 is a good number not just for storage limits & manageability, it also compels you to have higher standards for what’s worth keeping. Too many people collect junk cinema just to raise their number of movies.
So glad ya making videos like this cause I’ve really caught the collecting bug and don’t wanna find myself buying things just for the sake of it, just because I have to have it.
Excellent discussion and thank you for sharing!
Thank for this. Couldn’t have come at a better time. Lately I’ve been obsessing over getting as many movies I can while they are on sale and it’s become mentally taxing. I don’t think I’ll ever even have time to watch them. It’s fun to collect them but it can definitely start becoming stressful fast.
I really appreciate that you keep making this video anew. It's so important to keep perspective with collecting, so that it remains a source of joy and not a financial or psychological burden. For myself, I try to set goals around finding movies, so I try to only buy when they are on sale or second hand. And I also use the urge to collect as motivation to go out to my local book/movie store and browse. Holding a stack of disc's in hand, and deciding what u want to walk out with, is part of the physical media experience, and thus makes even a single purchase feel like more of a dopamine hit. Anyone else play these games with themselves?
That was a good talk I didn't spend much on movies the past few months but when Amazon kept reminding me about black Friday before black Friday I went alittle crazy and ordered like 13 movies but all movies I wanted
Thanks for this video! I have been pondering whether to finally let go of some of the DVDs I’ve since replaced on Blu-Ray, I’m running out of space and I think this video has inspired me to start culling a few. Thanks again.
Very relevant video! I noticed too that what I love from collecting is to be able to get my hands on a rare item or an item who had not been reissue in a long time ago... definitely get me a high, but when the item is bought, that rush is often gone... Now I'm definitely aware of that feeling and try to take a step back and ask myself If i really need it...
Thanks Jeff for your calming words.
Also doing a bit looking online to see if you movie you want is coming to 4k or getting a release from a label you like. That way it's easier to budget and plan out purchases. Plus going used helps a ton.
I got wrapped up in Vinegar Syndrome and since have been trying to sell them off once I realized most of these movies are not things I'll rewatch. I'm also a vinyl enthusiast and have trimmed down my collection to things I actually listen to. This is a very important video. It'll save you hundreds if not thousands and a lot of regret. Movies aren't about a fancy slip cover, etc It's about the movie
Well said, that's my plan starting now! Thank you for the video.
What a genuine from the heart video. Thank you.
I made a list of all movies, vinyl albums, cds, books etc i would like to get.
I may add or subtract to it.
Like if i saw a movie at the theater that i know i will watch again or i just change my mind on a movie.
But i never rush myself. Its not gonna ruin your life if you cant get that one movie.
Having a list really helps cut down on impulse buying and becoming a hoarder instead of a collector.
Collectors are usually a lot more organized than hoarders.
I always hear people say you cant take it with you when you die.
No but what i can do is donate it.
I will enjoy them while im alive and then others can enjoy them if they choose too.
Process of elimination for purchasing, and ultimately a method of disposal when the time comes. Excellent straight line thinking.
I wish I had documented my movie collection. It’s too late now. Very important video Jeff. Thank you
One of your best vids. I needed this. Thank you
Divorce the FOMO. I stay away from the release calendar…. and collect what i haven’t seen. I enjoy finding out of print titles!
my favourite thing to do is go to 2nd hand shops and find Blu-rays, we have a shop here in the UK called CEX and there's so many cheap blu-rays, like 50p - £2 there's loads, nd thanks to you I've heard about Zavvi and i've got a few gems on sale over black friday
First off, just wanna say I stumbled across your channel and really enjoyed this video! It really put into perspective how my collecting habits have changed, especially in the last five years. There was a time when my room was crowded with shelves that were filled movies and games. It was definitely a “quantity over quality” situation. Things changed in 2021 when I started working full time and was making decent money. I threw out all the shelves, purged a good chunk of my collection, and redid my media room/office/bedroom to look more nice and organized than before. It was no longer “Shelf City."
This is a super important and helpful video. Thanks!
Certainly good advice.
I was happy to discover 5 or 6 DVDs where I had gotten newer versions. Throwing them away felt wrong. Was happy to sell them on eBay for 1€+shipping, feels good to know they go on to someone and I have more room. The financial is really secondary in that example.
You are single handedly responsible for a joy that i never thought i would ever have. Ive never purchased any physical media. I was a fan of streaming and digital purchase. Now i look forward to ordering movies i really like and i bought a nas so i can back up and watch them in all my rooms. While leaving my main setup with my oled. But i do have to check myself from time to time so i dont order movies or shows i really dont care about. But thank you so much for all the knowledge and for introducing us to physical media!
Love you and your videos Jeff, they have really helped me with my passion and stop me from saying well so many others collect all movies so why shouldn't i, but instead i have kept my collection personal and condensed to just movies i love and it helps so much as you said to not see movies everywhere in the home and own movies that you know you wont watch and that would be better in the hands of someone that will truly appreciate it
Thank you very much for this video. It needed to be said and I needed to hear it. There has to be a balance in life, even if money or the lack of it is an issue. I used collect way to many things without having my own physical space (apartments, someone elses house, limited finances). Now I am a lot more careful and yet, not good enough, even though wiser. We have to be careful things (and often things not physical) don't become an IDOL.
This is why you're one of the best out there..... You Care..... Thank you so much!
It’s always good to talk about this subject once in a while. My issue was when 4K was introduced. I was buying 4K for movies I really didn’t watch all that much. Now half of my movies are still DVD. You don’t need every movie in 4K. Just the ones you really watch more than once. And another tip I learned, don’t blind buy! Always watch the movie first. Last, if you have the urge to watch a movie you have not seen in a while, pick it up at the library for free. Tastes change as we age. When you watch the movie again, you will find out, this movie is not that good as I once remembered. Life is short. It’s only plastic.
Very true!
I had a shelf full of DVD’s and blurays that I condensed into a binder. I threw away all the cases. It was such a relief, because it saved an entire cluttered shelf that was there for my whole life. The boxes mean nothing for me. Even the special editions of whatever movie.
This is such an amazing and important video Jeff.
I collect quite a variety of items: primarily action figures, but also movies and comics. I’ve made certain categorical choices with each collection to keep it narrowed down. With movies, I only buy steelbooks now. They’re more expensive per movie, but That helps keep me from buying just anything & everything.
Best Buy’s Black Friday deals AKA their fire sale were insane, but I had to control myself due to wanting to get better with my finances and I was also unemployed for some months and want to build up my savings.
I keep trying to keep the mentality of my collection being a personal curation of my favorite films, and are movies I plan to watch multiple times for the rest of my life. Also I try to go for slip covers but it’s not the end of the world. Steelbooks don’t do much for me and the few I have are just because of the deal so thankfully not falling into that money pit and other collectors editions.
Thanks for the video Jeff, comes in a good time for me
A ton of salient points here. It’s all about balance an enjoyment. Especially being in the movie community it’s a giant feedback loop of seeing the newest flashy releases which makes it easy to have FOMO take over. Learning to restrain on that is such a big deal. Even learning you don’t need to partake in every single sale is a big thing.
I will say though and this goes for everyone in the comments…stop using Hoarder as a derogatory term against other collectors because they don’t collect the way you do. As was mentioned in the video we all have different budgets, space, etc… so what comes across as hoarding to one person isn’t to another. I so often find that term throw around as a way to put someone down because they “buy too much” those people need to stay out of the wallets of others. As long as the person is aware of their habits and enjoys it collect as much or as little as you possibly want.
One thing thats curbed my collecting is simply starting a family. Not having rhe same money and time really helps me buy only the films i really want. Love steelbooks but the prices of those are getting out of hand so am getting out of that game. Great video Jeff.
Thank you for this video. I’m currently trying to get my collection under control. I’m at a rough spot currently and trying to make film collecting more enjoyable again.
I tracked my spending on movies this year and I am at $13,558 through November. That's way more than I planned at the beginning of the year. I am out space. My shelves are all full and I now have stacks of movies on the floor. My goal for 2024 is to cut back by at least half. I will start by not be renewing my VS subscription.
Great piece Jeff. I’ve also been trying to figure out why we collect things recently… especially now that I seem to be continually fielding criticism from the “I got rid of all my discs and just stream everything now” crowd. Having to defend purchasing physical media gets pretty tiresome, so trying to understand why we collect movies has helped. There can be multiple reasons of course, but I think I’ve figured out mine. The business of purchasing and curation becomes a lot easier when you know why you’re doing it and what your criteria are.
Great video bro, this is so relatable to so many collectors, that’s how I’m feeling about Funko pops lol, way too many and need to downsize asap. It’s overwhelming had
To move stuff for the kids room since it was bigger. Don’t find the same joy in collecting figures. Now I’m slowly collecting LP records and just started physical media Movies. Blew my mind how amazing it is to watch 4k HD when you have a compatible tv and great surround sound. Left me speechless lol
Great video! I have over 1300 movies and only a handful of cases. They all go into sleeves in a DVD file cabinet and I track them with DVD Profiler. It eliminates the clutter and has a high WAF. I’ve also ripped most of them to a server and playback is on a Zidoo media player.
I'm currently drowning in about 2,500 DVDs and Blu-rays, so this video might just be the catalyst for me to finally scale back a bit. It is depressing how little you can recuperate from selling them, however. The binder solution looks like my best option.
keeping the cover arts in a folder file as opposed to throwing them out with the plastic cases?
I agree. I used to just scoop videos out of the half priced bin at Best Buy until I realized I had three copies of “Smokey and the bandit”. Then I started becoming a bit more picky about films. Like Criterion has its own place, so do the large movie collections and then the rest. When I moved I discovered that the collection needed 10 very large bins to move (btw, your video about moving a large collection was very helpful to me thank you). So far about five of these bins are still in my closet because I haven’t had the chance to set my wall units up in my new place. I figure, enjoy your hobby but don’t let it overwhelm you/bankrupt you.
I'm guilty of doing this as of the last 6 months. I figured out from another hobby of mine that I don't need every one that is pretty cool. Or, this one will be worth a lot someday. But, I'm starting to fall back into the old habit with 4k steelbooks. If it's a movie that was even remotely good, I have to have it, and in a steelbook. So, to come to the point, I needed this. Sometimes you just need someone else to remark on a subject without being passive aggressive. Thank you 👍
Completely agree with your tips for collecting - I have 3 rotating shelves from Amazon. That is my limit with movies - whether movies or TV shows, whether DVD or Blu-ray...shelves start getting tight - time to clear some out. I have a thing about clutter.... :)
Binders are awesome! I have 80% of my collection in about 8 large binders and when they start getting too full I do some curating lol I keep the cases in boxes in the garage for when I sell them.
It’s definitely a mental game in many ways. I’ve been collecting since VHS and have purged many times. I keep about 1,200 movies only, and I probably have less than 1,200
Love the advice it really hits home
One thing that’s helped me condense is putting the standard general releases in a cd wallet. I would love a wall of movies but it’s just not feasible for me. Also most of my movies come from the thrift store so the cases are always dinged up or sometimes gross. Special releases or box sets for movies I love get shelf space but because I have other things I collect I don’t always take a dive on a brand new set that comes my way.
I've thought about the cd wallet to conserve space. I would like to put the discs in the wallet in alphabetical order, but then every time I get an "A" title then I would have to shift everything after one space to the right. So I haven't got the wallet.
Some absolutely superb points here especially around the debt area... something I have been the subject of in the past. Also, I'd add that buying "just because it's cheap" which I fall into all the time. Don't buy if you'd not buy at full price anyway. This is a lesson I really have. Also, I'd agre with the go through your collection and keep what really means something to you... don't keep and hoard for the sake of "I bought it I'm keeping it" but then never watch it again... that's when you get shut.
I try to only buy what I love.
wise words Cam
Great video Jeff. The best thing I heard Jeff say was "Curate". A collection is best when it evolves and it's meaningful to you (Quality over quantity).
As I head closer to retirement age I'm more mindful about my collections and selling off or donating what no longer brings me joy.
I've been collecting movies since the 1990's. My collection has evolved many times over all these years. I personally set criteria so I only keep movies that want to watch multiple times.
That's what works for me. As Jeff said: Everyone is different. Your age, space, and finances all play a role in what works best for you.
Thank you sir!i needed that video,one of your best video
"Finding the coolest rocks." 😂👍🏼 I need to switch and my bank account will appreciate it. 😁
Thank you for making this video, Jeff. I have an issue with overspending on my movie collection sometimes, and it can cause problems for my wife and I. I am working on overcoming the issue, but it can be a struggle. Thank you for sharing your experiences with this.
I have bought films just because they were cheap or on sale and stayed there without being watched for years. While others you keep them in a watching cycle of sorts. So I try to once a month at least with my movie application app to watch some of those films as you forget you even have them. If I don't feel like givng them a shot more than few months in a row. It is time for them to leave.
I got close to 700 flicks, so, even if I watched a different one every day it would take over 2 years to seem 'em all, but keeping them on rotation works.
That's Smart to keep them in rotation
Great video.
I’ve been doing similar videos recently around the same sort of topic.
Surprising to hear from so many other that have been through the same or even suffering in the same way.
I buy my DVDs a few at a time when I know I can afford it, I ditch the cases and keep them in a Disk Wallet, I rip them as soon as I get them home and watch them digitally
Awesome advice Jeff. My mentality is...
- With the convenience & availability of streaming....I only buy the ones I really really love (aka all time fav and best 4K quality video/sound IMO)
- Only buy new. I like the idea of being the original and only owner of the disc.
- Storage: Not a problem for me...I like a minimalistic setup and hate shelves on display or clutter. I store my movies in the concealed drawers inside my TV stand.
excellent mini guide on how to hanldle a collection
Thank you for this upload!
This could be the ultimate culmination of your show for Us like minds.
I've been a fan person for over 30 years and got to a point we're I had to single sleeve Everything and put them, lovingly, into a Very Large drawer. This year, 3 years after the divorce, I had to throw away all the cases during a pretty heavy life sweep. I now know I should have kept about 25 percent, regret.
But I still got the hard copy!
My ears and eyes are thankful. 😉
I treat movie collecting as a moderate hobby, and not owning every popular movie, because I don’t feel comfortable owning hundreds of movies that I can easily access online. Especially I’m on a budget and I sold several Disney/Marvel blu rays because I don’t watch them anymore. Keep movies that have replay value that I would watch with my family and friends, especially I don’t want my kids to damage my physical disc movies!
I've been collecting since highschool and my tastes are so different now that I've come to the conclusion that its totally okay to get rid of blu's you don't watch anymore.
Now i budget, because im an adult and i have to, and get a few here and there. Once the single media shelf i have is full, I'll probably revisit my collection and free up some space. 🤷🏻♂️
Some of the collectors i see on Instagram need some help i cant imagine having the type of collections they have. 😂
Another great video man, it took me many years before i realized i was hoarding. Did a massive curation this year and sold off a ton of titles I really didnt need due to FOMO.
Great video, and very timely. I've actually decided to take a break from any big purchases until the Spring, I'll still hit up my local Goodwills and thrift stores here and there but no more boutique sale hauls for a while. It does get stressful when your buying is outweighing your viewing/enjoying. But the buying definitely delivers those dopemine hits so it's tough to stay disciplined.
very good ideas, thanx!
I prefer collecting on films from my childhood or that took an interest in me also getting blu-ray
I downsized my large physical media collection. I kept only the movies that I will watch again from time to time. Made no sense for me to keep movies that just sit there on the shelf, not to be watched again.
"out of print titles" aka the ones we'd wish we'd bought at the fucking time before the dipshit company stopped the distribution of them!
You have a great collection buddy.
Watched a lot of your videos and subscribed.
Where's your van damme blu rays though😂???😊
Hi Jeff, greetings from the UK. Ive been a collector of movies for many years. I am now in my mid 60s and moved from VHS and started collecting DVD's and started replacing my tapes with discs but only the films I really loved. I either sold the tapes on eBAY and ones that didn't sell went to the tip. I ended up with about 500 DVD's. So when Blu Ray came I tried selling the DVD's but they don't sell well so will have to try and find a collector who wants them.I did not have the same passion for film until I bought a new 4K UHD TV and 4K player. I watched many blu ray channels on TH-cam to what films are worth upgrading to. I now have an Atmos system including sub and thanks to YOU I am now buying 4K Blu Ray discs and selling some of my Blu Ray discs. Im a big horror film fan too.... Keep up the great work.
I ditch my plastic cases years ago to make space and keep them in a disc holder. And now I just thought of getting rid of my Blu-ray Disc and just keeping the 4k ones only and keeping the Blu-ray Disc I don’t have in 4k
I have the same problem but with less area and more boxes in storage sheds
Very good and thank you for this. the day before you put out this I went to a buy and used store for movies and sold all that movies I don’t need anymore. Thanks again now I have mostly what I really love. 😅
Nice Collection!
This was a great informative video. I agree with what you said. I only buy movies that have meaning for me. I think there are a lot of people that buy multiple copies of one movie and I never understood that. This video shows what's important when collecting. Thank you
One thing I’ve never understood about some collectors is buying movies you haven’t watched first. I would never buy a movie I haven’t seen. Maybe if you live in a country where it’s easy to sell on eBay if you don’t like it it could make sense but where I live I would just be stuck with a movie I don’t like.
Thank you jeff!
I have one rule which probably helps me dramatically in making sure I collect what I love, and that is I only buy movies I have previously viewed and like enough to rewatch. Doesn't matter what critics or audiences say about a movie, there is always a chance I won't like it as much as everyone else does.
The cyclical nature of the collector is; Collection, Curation, Donation (Either at death or prior). Some just become stuck indefinitely or temporarily at the first step. It’s ok we’ve all been there.
Good discussion! I limit myself to a few franchises only. Special features are unfortunately not what they use to be (or at least that’s what I tell myself) so I don’t feel like I am missing out.