Climate Action Schools: Virtual Exchanges and Global Collaborations

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ส.ค. 2022
  • Something special happens when people from different locations and different life experiences come together to create change. Our teachers and students join in virtual exchanges and global collaborations and, as they become united in an effort for taking on a problem as big as the climate crisis, they start to understand how in this world we all fit together. Each of our Climate Action Schools will be matched with three other global schools and will engage in school-to-school and class-to-class virtual exchanges. After schools identify an area of action, classes will connect to share perspectives and offer authentic feedback. There will be many entry points for contribution and creation, digital citizenship and innovation, and literacy, storytelling, and self-expression, and throughout the experience, we will move across the curriculum with interdisciplinary studies in the arts, research, numeracy, literacy, social-emotional learning and wellbeing, and of course science and environmental studies. Ultimately for us, we hope to provide space for our students and teachers to have shared, positive experiences with people who may live and look differently-representing true solidarity in a project fueled by hope, optimism, and joy! We can’t wait to see who you will be matched up with for this year! www.takeaction...

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