Hello, I am a new user of seismic Unix i would like to know how to use the program SUZERO zero-out data within a time window, is there a way to go in every trace and try to eliminate noisy traces to zero? Thank you in advance.
Hi, on page 16, at ep 600 and ~800, there is strong repetition of low frequency (kinda swell noise) and it is consistent through the whole time lag. But, there is no indication of that low frequency or any structure that will represent such low frequency. Can you explain?
Hi Semut, are you referring to the vertical stripes/noise at 600 and 800 mark on the the right hand autocorrelation section? could they be artefacts generated during the process itself. I agree with you, there is no indication what would cause it from the left hand panel
Thank you so much sir,
Hello, I am a new user of seismic Unix i would like to know how to use the program SUZERO zero-out data within a time window, is there a way to go in every trace and try to eliminate noisy traces to zero? Thank you in advance.
Hi, on page 16, at ep 600 and ~800, there is strong repetition of low frequency (kinda swell noise) and it is consistent through the whole time lag. But, there is no indication of that low frequency or any structure that will represent such low frequency. Can you explain?
Hi Semut, are you referring to the vertical stripes/noise at 600 and 800 mark on the the right hand autocorrelation section? could they be artefacts generated during the process itself. I agree with you, there is no indication what would cause it from the left hand panel