“As lovely as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena-with the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules.” Oh sweet, Wonder Woman’s also part Shazam, or Haam.
CookieMastah well hippolyta has always been eaisly swayed by flattery heck according to Wonder woman in her animated film hippolyta once went to bed with a swan
What's even more ironic is that in the version of the myth I heard, Heracles wasn't even trying to conquer the Amazons. He just needed to get the Magic Girdle for one of his twelve labors. Hippolyta willingly gave it to him, possibly after they fought to a draw, and they seemed to like each other. Hera, who hated Heracles' guts, disguised herself as an Amazon and lied that he was trying to kidnap their queen. A fight broke out, Hippolyta got injured, and Heracles had to leave in the confusion.
I never really understood why Diana and the other amazons swear to Hera and Aphrodite when both are goddesses that represent relationships with men, instead of Athena and Artemis both of which are goddesses that don't really have anything to do with men and are known for their skills in combat and war. JUST LIKE THE AMAZONS, HOW BOUT THAT?!
Not sure. It's possible Marston didn't do enough research into Greek mythology or purposefully changed some things around to get his comic's message across. I'll need to do more research. That being said, and if you want to get crazier, some versions of the myths have the Amazons as worshippers of *Ares,* with Hippolyta being his demigoddess daughter! How's that for irony?!
Aphrodite and many other gods have Epitaphs and aspects. Aphrodite isn't just the goddess of sexual love but all kinds of love. Also, she was worshipped as a war goddess.
Yeah, Wonder Woman is one of the only DC characters that didn't got their own animated series alongside with other characters; the Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, the Flash, the Doom Patrol, the Justice Society, Shazam, Green Arrow, Hawkman, the Blue Beetle, Zatanna, Supergirl, the Suicide Squad, etc. Just saying, people.
Can I just say that it drives me completely batty when stories about GREEK mythology use the name MERCURY for the god? His Greek name was Hermes, damn it! Mercury was the Roman name, just like they called Ares "Mars" and Aphrodite "Venus" and suchlike. Hermes, damnit! HERMES.
that's like arguing you can call John "Ivan" because they have the exact same meaning, you're still going to be considered wrong. Also, they are not the exact same gods, yea the Romans based their gods on the Greek ones but, they were still different.
I think secret origins month has become my favorite segment, even more than miller time. With Miller time, it's usually guaranteed to be horrible, but with this we get some variety in quality and content.
The problem with DP is that unlike the silver age stuff where stuff is wrapped up in a nice bow and even if small things change over time the basics stay the same....people o f later generations constanly have their origins changed. DP is like the Joker in that each writer has their own origin to him.....They cant even agree that Waded is his real name
I'll give Wonder Woman Earth One some credit on something; Like in the Golden Age version, Hippolyta did congratulate Diana for besting their greatest warrior - in public. The instant they were alone, she was MAD.
Wonder Woman may have the strength of Hercules and the speed of mercury but does she have the wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Altus, the power of Zeus, or the courage of Achilles?
RManifesto yes and mercury is roman not greek. point is her having the strength of hercules and speed of mercury i'm pretty sure marston might have read whiz comics.
Honestly is it me or does Marston's quote make a good argument against Real Women Don't Wear Dresses (the idea that tries to combat sexism with a very strong woman that can do anything a man can do...but still often ends up sexist in execution by claiming that femininity is a weakness and that masculinity is superior even in woman) IN THE FORTIES?!
Why yes If I remember correctly, the guy was also watching closely as the suffragette movement was going on. Guy was also into BDSM. With two women. One of them his wife
@@hagros93 I mean, it still has the same tone, energy and feel. Just updated lyrics to fit better with how much he evolved and been trough. I kinda like it.
The 'robot plane' seems to be either a Curtiss P-36 Hawk, and given when this was written was probably based on one. There WERE remote-controlled BOMBERS in the 1940's, but as far as I can tell, no remote-controlled P-36's. Also, a few EXPERIMENTAL aircraft were developed to fly at extremely high altitudes, namely the Westland Welkin and the Blohm and Voss BV-155, but the only stratospheric bomber I know of that was in German operation, the Junkers 86, was a twin-engined medium bomber primarily used for reconnaissance. However, from what I can see, the bombers had twin tails, meaning they could be Ju-86's, in which case the main problem is this... The P-36A's Service Ceiling is approximately 32,700 feet. The JU-86's is _47,244 feet._ The Ju-86 can just _climb over_ the P-36! So, instead of just _climbing away from_ the outdated fighter, they abandon the raid entirely! This is deserving of the following quote: _"You magnificent bastard, I read your book!"_
8:00 I'm 100% sure Aphrodite would explode with rage if someone compared her to a mortal. God, I love pantheons... I think that was contradictory sentence..
Fun fact: Jack Kirby received a threat by note in his office saying that Nazi sympathizers were waiting for him in the building lobby. All for the creation of Captain America. His response; roll up his sleeves and strut down to the lobby then and there as he was a practiced boxer and grew up on the lower East side. The Nazi punks did not actually meet him in the lobby, nobody was there.
Wow, the same person that invented polygraph machine prototype and systolic blood pressure measurement, also created one of the greatest heroes ever made.
I wonder if Linkara has read The History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore. It was very informative not only about Wonder Woman's origins and her run in comics but about Marston's personal life and beliefs. I would recommend it to any Wonder Woman fan.
+Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall I don't know Vandel Savage alluded that he had his head cut off before and apparently he got better seems like invulnerability to me.
+MrGMoney1944 Invulnerable means that you cannot be hurt, Immortal means that you cannot die. Having your head cut off and living means you are immortal. Having someone TRY to cut your head off and be unable to means you are invulnerable. People seem to equate the two a lot though, so confusion is understandable.
Sage Harpuia But what would you call Savages ability? I mean does he magically reform himself like Clayface or does he just need to be in contact with other parts of his body to slowly put himself back in one piece.
Well this is late, but it uses Roman mythology, which is where the name Hercules comes from, he was called Heraclese in Greek mythology because she was actually named Hera.
Wait a minute....you mean to say that one of the people that helped make the lie detector, created the symbol of TRUTH in the DC universe?! That is next level strange. Btw Wonder Woman is my favorite female superhero with maybe Spider-Gwen a close second.
It is my personal head canon that the infinite tricorders from after Missingno’s defeat were used as spare parts for various tech needs of the Linkara gang
Actually, remote controlled planes as weapons were at thing the US military deployed during the war. However, it wasn't until 1944 and usually worn out bombers, not fighters. The project, ironically "Operation Aphrodite" (it almost screams "someone got this idea from this comic") involved the surplus b17s being striped of basically everything short of their hull, engines, fuel tanks and controls. They were then loaded to the brim with explosives and then flown at Uboat pens and V2 launch sites, controlled from another plane following close by. A crew of two would get the "robot plane" (I'm just gonna call it a drone) airborne, arm the explosives and then bail out once remote control was established. Side note, JFK's elder brother Joseph Kennedy Jr, who their father was originally grooming to be president, died when the explosive charge on the drone he was getting airborne fired prematurely. The project was not exactly the poster child for the military's successes. None of the planes hit their intended targets, arguably causing more damage to England than to Germany as the operators tended to lose control over them before they were across the channel.
Wanderingsage7 Very well. I don't follow DC or any comics today (well, except IDW's good Godzilla comics such as Rulers of Earth), so please pardon my ignorance.
The Amazons' magic artifact that let's them watch history is wheel shaped, yet they called it a "Magic sphere?" Why couldn't they call it the "Wheel of Time?" It makes more sense and sounds less generic!
it is amusing seeing this given the retelling of this story in Wonder Woman Rebirth that actually works to fill the plot holes while updating for modern writing
Marston already filled most of the plot holes himself in Wonder Woman #1. The All-Stars origin is probably extremely compressed compered to his original idea, given how few pages he got to work with and having to tell some of it in pure text and all.
And finally don't have to worry about glitches in the end credits anymore... although I still kept an eye out for such things even a long time after the Entity ark ended. Just in case.
Something that is really scary to consider is the fact that the captain America movie in a way almost became nonfiction. The Nazis were actually working on jet planes with the goal in mind of moving so high and so fast that any allied forces they came across would be unable to hurt them and they would go straight to the US attacking New York and working their way to Washington DC.
Fun Fact: The Nazi's had planned on using Jets as fighters and designed them as such. They would have had them ready to deploy, possibly before D-day, but then Hitler ordered they be changed into bombers instead of fighters. So it was pushed back until early 1945 Since they had to come up with a way to efficiently bomb something while traveling at jet speeds. Even then transforming a fighter into a bomber doesn't result in a very good bomber. Believe it or not, This wasn't the first time Hitler screwed over a technology that could have turned the war in their favor. Nor was it the last. He was far more interested in things like the Maus tank, Basically a tank the size of a 4 story building. or the Gustav cannon, a cannon so large it needed to be put on train tracks to handle the recoil. Neither of which were very efficient. To paraphrase Stargate SG-1, "They used weapons of terror, they strike fear in the enemy, we used weapons of war, they killed the enemy."
Linkara> They could be a democratic monarchy like Canada and other nations in the Commonwealth. The technical leader is the Queen, though rulership is generally deferred to the Prime Minster
Admittedly my knowledge of WWII-era history is far from perfect, but as I learned it, in 1941 the general public opinion in America was very anti-German. America didn't want to get sucked into war, of course, but they also didn't want to see Germany victorious; this eventually led to propping up Great Britain's war effort through ever-increasing materiel support through the Lend-Lease policy, which was signed into law in March of 1941. As such, while America didn't formally declare war until December of that year, it had already been on a pretty clear collision course with Germany for months at least.
You're mostly right. Although there was a minority, albeit a very loud one, that openly supported the Nazis. They often argued that Britain was the original enemy of the United States and that it's cutting off the trans-Atlantic cable in WW1 forced Americans to sympathize with them, despite cases of British forces using similarly cruel tactics. They used George Washington as their symbol and were called the Silver Legion of America. They thankfully disbanded after Pearl Harbour, and haven't been seen since then.
This reminds me of the villain from Brigadoon. Seriously, the guy was stuck there for like a week and he was already willing to sacrifice everybody there to leave. How are the Amazons so content with their confinement???
Well in Brigadoon he has the world as a reference point so he got bored of the peace used to more....The Amazons wont have ref for more...although they know its out there last they knew the whole world was like that of the Amazons except with more death and violence
I like to state that Themaskyra was probably a nation of lesbians because the locals are bound to remember romance and probably decided to improvise at some point of their time being isolated from men.
I think it makes perfect sense that despite living there for so long nobody's tried to leave even with their purported tech level. I mean if I were on an island with only other women, futuristic technology, centuries of peace and immortality I would have no desire to leave that for our terrible world. The 1940s? Hell no. Let's see, female utopia or misogynistic dystopia? Not a period of time yet worth it. Plus you can see into the outside world so it's not like you'd miss any of the good fiction or art. Don't get me wrong the urge to see Queen live would be high, but not higher than the female-only utopia.
Be fair, the Greco-Roman world did view love as "friendship gone mad." (Why the heck we call the genre about love "romance" then, I've honestly never gotten).
It is that in a way she is teh first ultra feminist....In the culture of the time women were weak and submissive of men but she had higher hopes for the Amazons...when they let her down she removed them from men to make them better
And the weirdest thing: Wonderwoman is and amazon, very well... but most of her villains from mythology have nothing to do with amazons. Even more, Wondy's archenemy is ARes... and he is her grandfather. Funny how there is no Otrera, mother of Hippolyta in DC. Also Hippolyta is supposed to be dead. Also she was once in love with Hercules, who in today's continuity is Wondy's brother.. eeeeeeeewwww... Funny how Percy Jackson, child/teenager book (and I know you can be adult and love it, I don't judge you, I love it too) is more myth acurate than comics which are supposed to be aimed at "40 year old men" by DC's own words
BTIsaac I knew classical mythology before Percy Jackson. And no, it's not. Guy who wrote it knows history and hates inaccuracies. And hell, it's far more better representation of mythology than DC comics (not that I don't like DC comics). You are seriously calling Percy Jakcson insult to mythology under Wonder-woman review? Wonder-woman.
Greek Mythology is why I picked up Percy Jackson to begin with, and no, it is far from an insult to the classic mythology. If anything, it is the closest that ANY sort of media has gotten to accurately portraying the original Greek stories, and it does it with a modern twist making it even more remarkable. The REAL insult to Greek Mythology was the P.O.S. Movie made based on the book which completely shat on both Greek Mythology and the Book's entire premise.
+Gollum I don't care if this comment is old, I'll still reply anyway. The Cheetah, Ares, and the sorceress Circe are the Big Three Wonder Woman enemies, and they sort of share the spot, though in terms of sheer power Ares (being a god and all) is at the top of the food chain. The Cheetah is just the most recognizable of the three, with some help from cartoons like Super Friends, meanwhile Ares was the villain of the direct-to-DVD Wonder Woman movie, and Circe is slated to appear in the upcoming WW film, likely as the villain.
Gold -First Superheroes. Silver-After WW2, more sci fi in hero origins. Bronze-Social Issues discussed in comics, think Green Lantern/Green Arrow. Dark Age-Youngblood's disease. ?-What we're currently going through.
+One Boring Bastard Each character has varying degrees of development, and the main core of the JL has their own comic+ some fan favorites, however, we will not know what is now cannon until DC Rebirth.
12:09 honestly it's supposed to fault for going to Aphrodite for help because Aphrodite is a goddess of Hippolyta should have gone to Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy
Ok, someone answer me honestly: I see the Hogan Joke, and i'm actually wondering if they tried to work Superheroes into wrestling. Like, they had Robocop in WWF I think and Chucky the doll in goddamn WCW. Someone answer me if they can
As far as I know the only truly stratospheric craft in the 40s were Germany's V2 rockets. Nothing else during World War 2 could get that high. Also while planes COULD get high enough that they couldn't be seen clearly from the ground, they could still be heard, and radar detection was used in World War 2.
Back in the old days, in order to qualify for the 2nd class periodical rate from the post office, you had to have so much plain text in your publication to qualify (the equivalent of 1 page I think.) That is probably why there was so much text not in comic format.
***** Not really. Her powers can easily be outmatched by Superman, her origins are kinda sexist and most of her gear seems impractical. How useful is a lasso when you are friends with someone that can rip the information out with a thought. If I wanted to make a strong female character, I would make a female Green Lantern of 2814.
Michael Iv Except she has more combat training than almost any other league member and in some ways is a better fighter than batman. Even de powered wonder woman is well trained enough to keep up with metas and is skilled enough to memorize the flash's patern that he fell into and land a hit on him. Note i've never read a single wonder woman comic all of this comes from other things but even then the lasso does more than just give information. For one it can break mind control another is it's outright unbreakable i believe even even to superman if due to the magical nature acting like psuedo kryptonite. Finally her bracelets are bullet proof and she's actually handy as all hell with a sword. You can dislike wonderwoman but her equipment is solid and is magnified with raw talent and rigid training.
Michael Iv Eh thats the thing about super heros they can't really bring peace to the world unless they took over. Even then your always going to have war mongers and people that just cause chaos for chaos sakes. The best they can do is save the world from cosmic threats and keep super villians in check.
Linkara should keep the first intro for the DC issues, while the second intro can be for Marvel. Just edit out that DC footage from THAT intro and use other Marvel-related media.
Come to think of it, why wasn't Artemis one of the patron goddesses of the Amazons in this story. They only mention once, and Artemis seems a better fit than Aphrodite.
IIRC, Hippolyte is how it's spelled directly translated from the Greek Ἱππολύτη -Hippolyte was the Queen of the Amazons in the works of Plutarch and other writers, and is the key character in episodes of the stories of Theseus and Heracles. In both cases, she falls in love with the hero, but just as things are looking up, there's a love triangle and other confusion, a fight breaks out, and she is killed (the "Disposable love interest" trope is THAT old) . Ἱππολύτη is actually pronounced Hippolyta...except when it isn't. Yeah, Es are a big problem, especially as the pronunciation changes over time and there's a lot of different grammatical rules to it. Really, pronounce it however you want. Especially since the y in Greek can be pronounced either as a u or a y. I took classics in college (which is why I'm unemployable), but didn't have the time to learn the languages.
Now, Hippolyta's girdle's nature is unclear. Heracles IS sent to get it and he gets through seduction/killing people as I mentioned, but in context it could either be an emblem of a powerful ruler of a warrior people (a common fetch quest in Greek hero myths), or it could actually be Aphrodite's MAGIC GIRDLE, which actually is a magic artifact that helps her be irresistible to men. Being irresistible without it, Aphrodite does like to lend it out to people (there's a hilarious part in the Iliad where Hera borrows it to seduce Zeus to distract him from Poseidon helping the Greeks out). In ancient Greece, girdles were just a belt used to slim down the waist, push up the breasts, or just hang on the hips depending on where it was worn.
We have an All Star Comics #8 ^.^ even got to hold it and such before we sent it off to get graded. (Tbh I hate that the comic business has to grade things now. Sigh, but yada yada ya know)
@@karanlalla9854 To be fair, in some versions of the myth, he was drugged/mind controlled by Hera to do the "kill your family" bit. Because instead of simply punishing Zeus himself for his infidelity or getting a divorce, she decides his lovers and children have to pay the price. 🤦♂️
“As lovely as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena-with the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules.”
Oh sweet, Wonder Woman’s also part Shazam, or Haam.
12:00 By "deceat and trickery" she means he flirted with her, and Hippolyta started blushing. He must've complimented her MAGIC GIRDLE
well hippolyta has always been eaisly swayed by flattery
heck according to Wonder woman in her animated film hippolyta once went to bed with a swan
What's even more ironic is that in the version of the myth I heard, Heracles wasn't even trying to conquer the Amazons. He just needed to get the Magic Girdle for one of his twelve labors.
Hippolyta willingly gave it to him, possibly after they fought to a draw, and they seemed to like each other. Hera, who hated Heracles' guts, disguised herself as an Amazon and lied that he was trying to kidnap their queen. A fight broke out, Hippolyta got injured, and Heracles had to leave in the confusion.
@@anthonyrodriguez1119 that swan was most likely Zeus in disguise. Swans are his thing
I never really understood why Diana and the other amazons swear to Hera and Aphrodite when both are goddesses that represent relationships with men, instead of Athena and Artemis both of which are goddesses that don't really have anything to do with men and are known for their skills in combat and war. JUST LIKE THE AMAZONS, HOW BOUT THAT?!
Not sure. It's possible Marston didn't do enough research into Greek mythology or purposefully changed some things around to get his comic's message across. I'll need to do more research.
That being said, and if you want to get crazier, some versions of the myths have the Amazons as worshippers of *Ares,* with Hippolyta being his demigoddess daughter! How's that for irony?!
Maybe the writers don't know their mythos?
Writers who never study what they're supposed to write about? Inconcivable! Isn't that right, Leifeld? xD
Yeah usually the patrons of the Amazons are Artemis and Ares, or in more ironic terms, Aphrodite and Athena's respective godly opposites.
Because Hera is the patron of the Amazons in Greek myth
Aphrodite and many other gods have Epitaphs and aspects. Aphrodite isn't just the goddess of sexual love but all kinds of love. Also, she was worshipped as a war goddess.
Wonder woman: truth
Batman: justice
Superman: hope
together they make the Justice League of America
Correction: They make the Trinity. The Justice League is the Trinity, plus all the other heroes that have joined them.
If only the US actually believed in and upheld those virtues; and not just for a privileged class/group.
Only when combined with a speedster, a space cop, an atlantean, and a cyborg.
@@ryanangelastro504 I mean, there's like 3 or 4 speedsters and god knows how many Space Cops.
@@ryanangelastro504 Or a Martian cop.
That animated Justice League song is just so good.
My childhood... x)
Yeah, Wonder Woman is one of the only DC characters that didn't got their own animated series alongside with other characters; the Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, the Flash, the Doom Patrol, the Justice Society, Shazam, Green Arrow, Hawkman, the Blue Beetle, Zatanna, Supergirl, the Suicide Squad, etc.
Just saying, people.
“Hyppolita tells the contestant to remove the mask, revealing... GRANNY GOODNESS!”
Can I just say that it drives me completely batty when stories about GREEK mythology use the name MERCURY for the god? His Greek name was Hermes, damn it! Mercury was the Roman name, just like they called Ares "Mars" and Aphrodite "Venus" and suchlike. Hermes, damnit! HERMES.
To be fair, they're the exact same gods. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet.
Lawnie It's like calling Heracles Hercules.
that's like arguing you can call John "Ivan" because they have the exact same meaning, you're still going to be considered wrong.
Also, they are not the exact same gods, yea the Romans based their gods on the Greek ones but, they were still different.
same goes for hercules that the roman name
Lawnie I feel the same when they use Hercules
I think secret origins month has become my favorite segment, even more than miller time. With Miller time, it's usually guaranteed to be horrible, but with this we get some variety in quality and content.
Garrett Knisley i still get angry when he does secret origins month, and skips over the origins of Deadpool
Be patient.
The problem with DP is that unlike the silver age stuff where stuff is wrapped up in a nice bow and even if small things change over time the basics stay the same....people o f later generations constanly have their origins changed. DP is like the Joker in that each writer has their own origin to him.....They cant even agree that Waded is his real name
I'll give Wonder Woman Earth One some credit on something;
Like in the Golden Age version, Hippolyta did congratulate Diana for besting their greatest warrior - in public. The instant they were alone, she was MAD.
Wonder Woman may have the strength of Hercules and the speed of mercury but does she have the wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Altus, the power of Zeus, or the courage of Achilles?
King Solomon is Hebrew and Biblically based, not Greek.
RManifesto yes and mercury is roman not greek. point is her having the strength of hercules and speed of mercury i'm pretty sure marston might have read whiz comics.
Zettabeam62 That's Shazam
+Zettabeam62 No that's Mary Marvel.
no it's captain marvel,shazam was the wizard, and mary her had powers given to her by a different set of gods and goddesses.
She has a Magic Girdle. Where'd she purchase that?
On Amazon of course
Does the comic mean the Lasso?
No, it’s not a Magic Girdle! It’s a *MAGIC GIRDLE*!
Honestly is it me or does Marston's quote make a good argument against Real Women Don't Wear Dresses (the idea that tries to combat sexism with a very strong woman that can do anything a man can do...but still often ends up sexist in execution by claiming that femininity is a weakness and that masculinity is superior even in woman) IN THE FORTIES?!
Why yes
If I remember correctly, the guy was also watching closely as the suffragette movement was going on.
Guy was also into BDSM. With two women. One of them his wife
Im surprised the lasoo of truth wasn't introduced in the issue. BTW l like the new updated intro, just be sure to NEVER change the theme song :D
Bandit what are you doing here
Christopher Caldwell Haha Im just a fan :D
"NEVER change the theme song" Oof.
@@hagros93 I mean, it still has the same tone, energy and feel. Just updated lyrics to fit better with how much he evolved and been trough. I kinda like it.
@@No0neat Eh, you can certainly hear how Vincent E. L.'s voice changed over the last decade and change.
The 'robot plane' seems to be either a Curtiss P-36 Hawk, and given when this was written was probably based on one. There WERE remote-controlled BOMBERS in the 1940's, but as far as I can tell, no remote-controlled P-36's. Also, a few EXPERIMENTAL aircraft were developed to fly at extremely high altitudes, namely the Westland Welkin and the Blohm and Voss BV-155, but the only stratospheric bomber I know of that was in German operation, the Junkers 86, was a twin-engined medium bomber primarily used for reconnaissance. However, from what I can see, the bombers had twin tails, meaning they could be Ju-86's, in which case the main problem is this...
The P-36A's Service Ceiling is approximately 32,700 feet. The JU-86's is _47,244 feet._ The Ju-86 can just _climb over_ the P-36!
So, instead of just _climbing away from_ the outdated fighter, they abandon the raid entirely! This is deserving of the following quote: _"You magnificent bastard, I read your book!"_
8:53 That actually is a lot funnier for anyone who has seen the animated Wonder Woman movie. XD
That movie was epic.
"I have decided I want my new body to be a plane. Please make it happen."
Joe Repp Linkara: "I have already build THIS body! And you will like it!"
8:00 I'm 100% sure Aphrodite would explode with rage if someone compared her to a mortal. God, I love pantheons... I think that was contradictory sentence..
Fun fact: In the recent arcs for Wonder Woman, the gods have all been ejected from Olympus and this means Aphrodite is crashing on Diana’s couch.
I think one of the reasons we see Nazis as villains as early as the 30s is because many early comic creators were Jewish.
I know! The poor guys got death threats over the comic but didn't give up.
Dylan Ogg I should defiantly watch? How? Like, disagree with every point? Don’t laugh at the jokes?
No, defiantly watch as in "fuck the TH-cam ads! I'm WATCHING THE VIDEO!"
*dramatic explosions*
Fun fact: Jack Kirby received a threat by note in his office saying that Nazi sympathizers were waiting for him in the building lobby. All for the creation of Captain America. His response; roll up his sleeves and strut down to the lobby then and there as he was a practiced boxer and grew up on the lower East side. The Nazi punks did not actually meet him in the lobby, nobody was there.
Wow, the same person that invented polygraph machine prototype and systolic blood pressure measurement, also created one of the greatest heroes ever made.
I wonder if Linkara has read The History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore. It was very informative not only about Wonder Woman's origins and her run in comics but about Marston's personal life and beliefs. I would recommend it to any Wonder Woman fan.
*The Secret History of Wonder Woman.
I’ll have to read it sometime.
Except that Marston’s kids said the book was inaccurate
MAGIC GIRDLE... didn't William Shatner have one of those?
And a magic wig too.
+Alexander Fix All jokes aside, the magic girdle is actually more of a belt than what we think of as a girdle.
@@alexanderfix3629 Technically it was a magic toupee.
Why do the Ammazons have a hospital if they are immortal and have no illness?
+Ice Climber Immortal does not equal invulnerable, and these people play with swords.
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall Fair point.
I don't know Vandel Savage alluded that he had his head cut off before and apparently he got better seems like invulnerability to me.
+MrGMoney1944 Invulnerable means that you cannot be hurt, Immortal means that you cannot die. Having your head cut off and living means you are immortal. Having someone TRY to cut your head off and be unable to means you are invulnerable. People seem to equate the two a lot though, so confusion is understandable.
Sage Harpuia But what would you call Savages ability? I mean does he magically reform himself like Clayface or does he just need to be in contact with other parts of his body to slowly put himself back in one piece.
Well this is late, but it uses Roman mythology, which is where the name Hercules comes from, he was called Heraclese in Greek mythology because she was actually named Hera.
Wait a minute....you mean to say that one of the people that helped make the lie detector, created the symbol of TRUTH in the DC universe?! That is next level strange.
Btw Wonder Woman is my favorite female superhero with maybe Spider-Gwen a close second.
It is my personal head canon that the infinite tricorders from after Missingno’s defeat were used as spare parts for various tech needs of the Linkara gang
Actually, remote controlled planes as weapons were at thing the US military deployed during the war. However, it wasn't until 1944 and usually worn out bombers, not fighters.
The project, ironically "Operation Aphrodite" (it almost screams "someone got this idea from this comic") involved the surplus b17s being striped of basically everything short of their hull, engines, fuel tanks and controls. They were then loaded to the brim with explosives and then flown at Uboat pens and V2 launch sites, controlled from another plane following close by. A crew of two would get the "robot plane" (I'm just gonna call it a drone) airborne, arm the explosives and then bail out once remote control was established.
Side note, JFK's elder brother Joseph Kennedy Jr, who their father was originally grooming to be president, died when the explosive charge on the drone he was getting airborne fired prematurely.
The project was not exactly the poster child for the military's successes. None of the planes hit their intended targets, arguably causing more damage to England than to Germany as the operators tended to lose control over them before they were across the channel.
Fascinating marathoning all the old episodes and seeing the changes and improvements in lighting script writing, effects, etc over the years.
Isn't weird that the writer has confused Aphrodite with Artemis? Because I think Aphrodite would have shipped the Amazons with anyone.
(Amazons cand have lesbian relationships. And Aphrodite doesn't discriminate
Wonder Woman vs Hulk Hogan! The ultimate showdown!
Diana : a man on paradise island?!
Hippolyta: begin snu-snu!
Knowing what sexism was like back then, I find this a step in the right direction.
the most compassionate being in the world, worships the Greek pantheon. ...am I the only one who sees the contradiction here?
Yeah, the Greek Gods are dicks.
TheSefirosu200x Maybe the Greek God they are worshipping is a nicer version.
Cade Thumann according to my limited knowledge of D,Cs Greek Pantheon... nope.
Wanderingsage7 Very well. I don't follow DC or any comics today (well, except IDW's good Godzilla comics such as Rulers of Earth), so please pardon my ignorance.
Cade Thumann pardoned :-) most of my knowledge comes from what I've seen of the Dcau.
The Amazons' magic artifact that let's them watch history is wheel shaped, yet they called it a "Magic sphere?" Why couldn't they call it the "Wheel of Time?" It makes more sense and sounds less generic!
Why not? Wonder Woman lasted about as long as that novel series.
Especially considering wrestling was invented by the Greeks.
Oh so the outfit was made to resemble the American flag on purpose by Hepalita.
It's spelled "Hippolyta" normally, but "Hippolyte" is the literal translation of the Greek version.
Because poor naming conventions is a trademark in comics... x)
it is amusing seeing this given the retelling of this story in Wonder Woman Rebirth that actually works to fill the plot holes while updating for modern writing
Marston already filled most of the plot holes himself in Wonder Woman #1. The All-Stars origin is probably extremely compressed compered to his original idea, given how few pages he got to work with and having to tell some of it in pure text and all.
And finally don't have to worry about glitches in the end credits anymore... although I still kept an eye out for such things even a long time after the Entity ark ended. Just in case.
What's the music at the 9:00 minute mark? I've heard the nostalgia critic use that same tune
Something that is really scary to consider is the fact that the captain America movie in a way almost became nonfiction. The Nazis were actually working on jet planes with the goal in mind of moving so high and so fast that any allied forces they came across would be unable to hurt them and they would go straight to the US attacking New York and working their way to Washington DC.
Fun Fact: The Nazi's had planned on using Jets as fighters and designed them as such. They would have had them ready to deploy, possibly before D-day, but then Hitler ordered they be changed into bombers instead of fighters. So it was pushed back until early 1945 Since they had to come up with a way to efficiently bomb something while traveling at jet speeds. Even then transforming a fighter into a bomber doesn't result in a very good bomber.
Believe it or not, This wasn't the first time Hitler screwed over a technology that could have turned the war in their favor. Nor was it the last. He was far more interested in things like the Maus tank, Basically a tank the size of a 4 story building. or the Gustav cannon, a cannon so large it needed to be put on train tracks to handle the recoil. Neither of which were very efficient. To paraphrase Stargate SG-1, "They used weapons of terror, they strike fear in the enemy, we used weapons of war, they killed the enemy."
Funny thing is, Nazis did the same thing in the DCAU Justice League cartoon. The Savage Time to be more accurate.
Linkara> They could be a democratic monarchy like Canada and other nations in the Commonwealth. The technical leader is the Queen, though rulership is generally deferred to the Prime Minster
Linkara I am a Big Fan of yours and You have changed my life thank you for making me happy 😁👍🏿⭐👍🏿⭐👍🏿⭐👍🏿⭐👍🏿⭐👍🏿⭐👍🏿⭐
Admittedly my knowledge of WWII-era history is far from perfect, but as I learned it, in 1941 the general public opinion in America was very anti-German. America didn't want to get sucked into war, of course, but they also didn't want to see Germany victorious; this eventually led to propping up Great Britain's war effort through ever-increasing materiel support through the Lend-Lease policy, which was signed into law in March of 1941. As such, while America didn't formally declare war until December of that year, it had already been on a pretty clear collision course with Germany for months at least.
You're mostly right. Although there was a minority, albeit a very loud one, that openly supported the Nazis. They often argued that Britain was the original enemy of the United States and that it's cutting off the trans-Atlantic cable in WW1 forced Americans to sympathize with them, despite cases of British forces using similarly cruel tactics. They used George Washington as their symbol and were called the Silver Legion of America. They thankfully disbanded after Pearl Harbour, and haven't been seen since then.
Why did the comic say the speed of Mercury? Mercury is a Roman God, Hermes was the Greek messenger God
If they stuck with the greek names wonder womans name would be artemis not diana
kameron hall Artemis was goddess of the hunt, not the moon.
Trevin Taylor
Some stories have her as both
And yet we have Zeus and Hera and Ares and the like. It's a mess
When the Romans began to use the Greek Pantheon they changed the names and Hermes became Mercury.
This reminds me of the villain from Brigadoon. Seriously, the guy was stuck there for like a week and he was already willing to sacrifice everybody there to leave. How are the Amazons so content with their confinement???
Well in Brigadoon he has the world as a reference point so he got bored of the peace used to more....The Amazons wont have ref for more...although they know its out there last they knew the whole world was like that of the Amazons except with more death and violence
I like to state that Themaskyra was probably a nation of lesbians because the locals are bound to remember romance and probably decided to improvise at some point of their time being isolated from men.
Sally Jones It's been known and confirmed for years. Heck, in Year One, it was implied that Diana went through the population like James Bond.
Yeah, I could see that. Immortal or not if there's one thing Zeus proves, it's that even gods need to get some every now and then.
I wish you reviewed more Wonder Woman comics, Linkara. She's my favorite. Maybe we could get a review of Odyssey sometime?
Linkara, why is Wonder Woman fighting a glove? 1:33. Was that in the Silver Age?
Well, it was obviously modern artwork, so no.
The glove is actually Giganta's hand.
Oh, that actually makes sense.
I wanted that opening of him working on poyo to go on for like 20 minutes
I think it makes perfect sense that despite living there for so long nobody's tried to leave even with their purported tech level. I mean if I were on an island with only other women, futuristic technology, centuries of peace and immortality I would have no desire to leave that for our terrible world. The 1940s? Hell no. Let's see, female utopia or misogynistic dystopia? Not a period of time yet worth it. Plus you can see into the outside world so it's not like you'd miss any of the good fiction or art. Don't get me wrong the urge to see Queen live would be high, but not higher than the female-only utopia.
True enough.
funny he played a role in the creation of the polygraph considering the lasso.
Be fair, the Greco-Roman world did view love as "friendship gone mad." (Why the heck we call the genre about love "romance" then, I've honestly never gotten).
I'm just wondering why APHRODITE the Goddess of LOVE and PLEASURE is the one who wants the Amazons to have nothing to do with men...
+Alana Lirkali You don't need men for those things. ;3 But putting down an entire gender isn't very loving, so you make a good point.
Fair enough. And true.
Alana Lirkali The Greco-Roman pantheon could be rather petty and jerkish.
It is that in a way she is teh first ultra feminist....In the culture of the time women were weak and submissive of men but she had higher hopes for the Amazons...when they let her down she removed them from men to make them better
Simple, she didn't want the competition.
Wow, the credits music didn't get claimed for once!
10:30 Check out the Pidgeon sisters in the background gossiping about Wonder Woman.
8:52 And cue me laughing my ass off.
I agree
11:00 I see it's the for "the Talk"
7:46 who was that?
What's your opinion on the recent change the cover thing?
Thermiscyra was once Paradise Island?
Hey linkara for the next origins month could you do Batman beyond?
7:46 I just realized this was a prototype bone button joke
Why is this episode not viewable on an iPod?
What's an ipod?
So who came first Wondy or Red Tornado, cause I know one of them is the first woman superhero.
@Will N Does Ma Hunkel even still exist? She was a fun character.
And the weirdest thing: Wonderwoman is and amazon, very well... but most of her villains from mythology have nothing to do with amazons. Even more, Wondy's archenemy is ARes... and he is her grandfather. Funny how there is no Otrera, mother of Hippolyta in DC. Also Hippolyta is supposed to be dead. Also she was once in love with Hercules, who in today's continuity is Wondy's brother.. eeeeeeeewwww... Funny how Percy Jackson, child/teenager book (and I know you can be adult and love it, I don't judge you, I love it too) is more myth acurate than comics which are supposed to be aimed at "40 year old men" by DC's own words
I knew classical mythology before Percy Jackson. And no, it's not. Guy who wrote it knows history and hates inaccuracies. And hell, it's far more better representation of mythology than DC comics (not that I don't like DC comics). You are seriously calling Percy Jakcson insult to mythology under Wonder-woman review? Wonder-woman.
first off wonder woman's archenemy is Cheetah.
Greek Mythology is why I picked up Percy Jackson to begin with, and no, it is far from an insult to the classic mythology. If anything, it is the closest that ANY sort of media has gotten to accurately portraying the original Greek stories, and it does it with a modern twist making it even more remarkable. The REAL insult to Greek Mythology was the P.O.S. Movie made based on the book which completely shat on both Greek Mythology and the Book's entire premise.
Spencer McClure
Well said!
I don't care if this comment is old, I'll still reply anyway. The Cheetah, Ares, and the sorceress Circe are the Big Three Wonder Woman enemies, and they sort of share the spot, though in terms of sheer power Ares (being a god and all) is at the top of the food chain. The Cheetah is just the most recognizable of the three, with some help from cartoons like Super Friends, meanwhile Ares was the villain of the direct-to-DVD Wonder Woman movie, and Circe is slated to appear in the upcoming WW film, likely as the villain.
13:20 Honestly, I thought the story of the Amazons got weird with the introduction of the MAGIC GIRDLE, ya know?
At 21:24 While she could, it probably wouldn't do much good. Diana won fair and square, and the runner-up is not exactly in good shape right now.
Is gold age considered the earliest? Or is Bronze Age in mirror terms of development?
Gold -First Superheroes.
Silver-After WW2, more sci fi in hero origins.
Bronze-Social Issues discussed in comics, think Green Lantern/Green Arrow.
Dark Age-Youngblood's disease.
?-What we're currently going through.
Thank you that helps quite a bit
One Boring Bastard
now are there definitive series for each character in a timeline or have they become too muddled at this point?
+One Boring Bastard
Each character has varying degrees of development, and the main core of the JL has their own comic+ some fan favorites, however, we will not know what is now cannon until DC Rebirth.
Ten years of reviewing the first appearance of Wonder Woman
Love the title card. Cute artstyle.
12:09 honestly it's supposed to fault for going to Aphrodite for help because Aphrodite is a goddess of Hippolyta should have gone to Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy
Minor nitpick they say speed of mercury although they probably meant Hermes who is the Greek version
Same with Hercules
What's your professional opinion on Gail Simone's Ends of the Earth story arc?
I really miss Spooney Camoes
The prose bit was actually a way for DC to sell comics as magazines, I believe.
3:42 that is the exact opposite of what a strong woman is nowadays
what's the music that plays at 8:50?
I don't think I know the official name of it. Back in the day we just kind of traded it around as stereotypical porn music. XD
yeah i keep hearing it in vids from you and the critic but can never find it but thnks for trying to help
Freakin Hulk Spoony lol
just how many sonic screwdriver does he have?
Ok, someone answer me honestly: I see the Hogan Joke, and i'm actually wondering if they tried to work Superheroes into wrestling. Like, they had Robocop in WWF I think and Chucky the doll in goddamn WCW. Someone answer me if they can
As far as I know the only truly stratospheric craft in the 40s were Germany's V2 rockets. Nothing else during World War 2 could get that high. Also while planes COULD get high enough that they couldn't be seen clearly from the ground, they could still be heard, and radar detection was used in World War 2.
Oh, I thought this had something to do with the All-Star line of comics
Back in the old days, in order to qualify for the 2nd class periodical rate from the post office, you had to have so much plain text in your publication to qualify (the equivalent of 1 page I think.) That is probably why there was so much text not in comic format.
7:13-Insert Fire Emblem Awakening feet joke here.
10:40-Still a better love story than Tw...a-actually, no, that manages to be even creepier.
At least wonder women is cool
***** Not really. Her powers can easily be outmatched by Superman, her origins are kinda sexist and most of her gear seems impractical. How useful is a lasso when you are friends with someone that can rip the information out with a thought.
If I wanted to make a strong female character, I would make a female Green Lantern of 2814.
Michael Iv Except she has more combat training than almost any other league member and in some ways is a better fighter than batman. Even de powered wonder woman is well trained enough to keep up with metas and is skilled enough to memorize the flash's patern that he fell into and land a hit on him. Note i've never read a single wonder woman comic all of this comes from other things but even then the lasso does more than just give information. For one it can break mind control another is it's outright unbreakable i believe even even to superman if due to the magical nature acting like psuedo kryptonite. Finally her bracelets are bullet proof and she's actually handy as all hell with a sword. You can dislike wonderwoman but her equipment is solid and is magnified with raw talent and rigid training.
Nina Michel I wouldn't mind if she was "to bring peace to the world of man"
Michael Iv
Eh thats the thing about super heros they can't really bring peace to the world unless they took over. Even then your always going to have war mongers and people that just cause chaos for chaos sakes. The best they can do is save the world from cosmic threats and keep super villians in check.
That's a lot of Sonic Screwdrivers.
And yet, the world may never know what happened with the tricorder flood.
I seem to be in the minority that likes the new Secret Origins intro better than the original
No, there are definitely many, like myself, who prefer the new one over this one.
Me too!
im in the "its not a big deal who cares" group
+MegaDeathRay10 Same here.
Linkara should keep the first intro for the DC issues, while the second intro can be for Marvel. Just edit out that DC footage from THAT intro and use other Marvel-related media.
9:47 How dare you interrupt me while I’m dressing like Madonna
WWE would like you to forget that person that popped up as a representative of wrestling
The outfit used to have a skirt? So it really was just artists making it more revealing.
15:34 What!? They're already at war!
EDIT: Oh, I guess not.
Okay those Amazon outfits were fetish costumes.
+PosthumanHeresy Yeah it's not suprising considering Marstons obvious and massive fetish for bondage.
Ro Jaws True but it's still worth pointing out.
So, the Greek Amazons use the Latin name for Artemis?
Come to think of it, why wasn't Artemis one of the patron goddesses of the Amazons in this story. They only mention once, and Artemis seems a better fit than Aphrodite.
If where getting super techincal the greek amazon's patrons was hera in the myth's less i'm mistaken.
Dylan Frost Really? I thought it was Artemis, what with her being the goddess of hunting and the patron god of virgins.
Nope artemis had a group her hunter's the amazon's where totally hera's.
Dylan Frost ah
I actually met the her creators family by chance. Happened to bump into his late son’s widow who told me about the merch museum the family owns. 😄
IIRC, Hippolyte is how it's spelled directly translated from the Greek Ἱππολύτη -Hippolyte was the Queen of the Amazons in the works of Plutarch and other writers, and is the key character in episodes of the stories of Theseus and Heracles. In both cases, she falls in love with the hero, but just as things are looking up, there's a love triangle and other confusion, a fight breaks out, and she is killed (the "Disposable love interest" trope is THAT old) .
Ἱππολύτη is actually pronounced Hippolyta...except when it isn't. Yeah, Es are a big problem, especially as the pronunciation changes over time and there's a lot of different grammatical rules to it. Really, pronounce it however you want. Especially since the y in Greek can be pronounced either as a u or a y. I took classics in college (which is why I'm unemployable), but didn't have the time to learn the languages.
Now, Hippolyta's girdle's nature is unclear. Heracles IS sent to get it and he gets through seduction/killing people as I mentioned, but in context it could either be an emblem of a powerful ruler of a warrior people (a common fetch quest in Greek hero myths), or it could actually be Aphrodite's MAGIC GIRDLE, which actually is a magic artifact that helps her be irresistible to men. Being irresistible without it, Aphrodite does like to lend it out to people (there's a hilarious part in the Iliad where Hera borrows it to seduce Zeus to distract him from Poseidon helping the Greeks out). In ancient Greece, girdles were just a belt used to slim down the waist, push up the breasts, or just hang on the hips depending on where it was worn.
We have an All Star Comics #8 ^.^ even got to hold it and such before we sent it off to get graded. (Tbh I hate that the comic business has to grade things now. Sigh, but yada yada ya know)
Hercules....A bad guy?!? And people thought the Legend of Hercules film was insulting to the character.
Well ok but I don't see Hercules enslaving people.
To be fair, in some versions of the myth, he was drugged/mind controlled by Hera to do the "kill your family" bit. Because instead of simply punishing Zeus himself for his infidelity or getting a divorce, she decides his lovers and children have to pay the price. 🤦♂️
You have a lot of sonic screwdrivers