True humanity is to know the truth and act according to the truth. It is evil to play into the narrative of the terrorists which is to prolong the war and therefore the suffering.
@@funckmasta Wake up sleeper. Aprox 2 million people, half of them women and children are trapped in Gaza with no safe place to flee to. Over 10,000 people, men, women and children have been taken, held, tortured in Israeli prisons since Oct 7th alone. Not just from Gaza, but from the Occupied West Bank as well, no Hamas, no hostages there. What of the over 17,000 children who have been killed in Gaza? And you want us, the rest of the world to focus on 101 people? Yes, their lives matter as well and they too are being killed by the bombs that are being dropped on their own heads by the IDF as well. You can not, or I guess you personally can, justify a genocide over a one day event, over 250 hostages taken on one day. But you turn a blind eye to all that came before against the Palestinian people. You turn a blind eye to their suffering. You turn a blind eye to the horrors they and the generations that came before them have been subjected to, with no end in sight. What would you do if you were in their shoes? What would you do if peaceful, legal actions failed to stop the atrocities that were being committed against you and your loved ones? I know what I would do, I would fight back.
She should have mentioned October 7. That massacre of Jews that the people of Gaza committed was a real Genocide. What is happening in Gaza now is a reaction to it.
Dr. Hassan is and always will be one of the strongest women this world has ever seen. She has witnessed firsthand what we all know is happening. Through her, we unite our feelings that humanity is watching and will never forget or stop fighting for peace.
@@unitedeurope2 is she jew? Nope... so its not same. but your peoples good in acting. and that whatcha do. where is the lists??monday tuesday wed??ehehehe
You know why you are saying this ,because you have zero humanity , how can you ignore and minimize the loss of innocent lifes just because they are not from your same country ,religion ,ehinicity ??? ...if you dont believe the truth that is evidant with all these masaccres and thousands of killed , injured ,wounded , orphaned ,have died from hunger ,illness ,diseases ,burned ,amputated due to the Israeli bombardment , besige not allowing food ,medical aid , medicine to enter for the suffering people, maybe go and search for you conscience for it as a human not as zionist for it with peace in your heart and without the evil to kill a human ( child ,woman ) just because you think you are the chosen people and you have the right to dehuminize others and end their lifes ...and don't tell me babies and children and pregnant woman and journalists and bakers and doctores and paramedics attacked you on 7th of October. . @unitedeurope2
Thank you Doctor 💔 Please United Nations, stop this atrocity and end the impunity of these criminals. We cannot allow this to undermine our belief in the law. Humanity is in shock. Life will never be the same because of this injustice we have been facing every day for over a year. Please stop this now!
Same thing we have allowed to happen time and time again. Most people are awful enough to look the other way and concern themselves with trivial matters knowing fully well they're supporting and funding the suffering and death of others.
I like a lot of people horrified by what's going on, am getting genocide fatigue, a luxury of not being in Palestine I guess, but this is the first time in ages that I felt compelled to watch the whole speech to the bitter end & she delivered a very eloquent, heartbreaking account of the what BS the US/Israeli murder machine has been allowed to get away with. :(
@@pavel0900so the Israelis. Who let the 10/7 attack happen. Who k1lled most of the dead Israelis on 10/7. Who are k1lling 70% women and children. Who only want to steal North Gaza gas fields, and to have Lebensraum on the beach, "cleansed" of Untermenschen. The zios have become the monsters who merdered their grandparents.
@ sometimes I wish I had no heart, so I didn’t have to feel the pain for all those innocent victims on both sides. But the side who declared war is now claiming the victim status. You don’t throw the first punch, and then complain. Hamas and Iran knew what they were doing. They are using civilian casualties as leverage against Israel. Martyrdom is the most important psychological weapon of Hamas. Ask yourself why none of the locals were allowed inside the vast network of tunnels? Why do they build tunnel entrances and rocket launchers next to schools, hospitals and mosques? The answer is simple, if you only dare to use the brain and not the heart for a second.
No words. Only tears. Just heartbreaking!!!!! Thank you Mrs Tanya Haj Hassan for your report on Palestinians Gazaouis’ conditions and also thank you for informing the Just men and women on this earth!!!! May Gob bless you Mrs Tanya Haj Hassan.🙏🏻🤲
Heart breaking that we in the West and our governments are personally committing a Genocide not just looking the other way. We the people across the world are rallying, writing letters and petitioning our governments and our voices are silenced and ignored. I listened to this courageous doctor to bear witness to what we know and what we refuse to stop a genocide by Israel of Palestinian people mostly children 😭
Russia is not the enemy of America but Israel and its lobby groups are. "Julian Assange" I will add many American Politicians and the mainstream western media.
Faudra-t-il donc toujours, jusqu'à la fin des temps, que les peuples soient comme du bétail dans les mains des puissants qui les gouvernent? Bétail qu'ils tuent ou font travailler ou croupir dans la misère selon leur bon vouloir ? Nous avons tous une place sur cette terre ; les uns qui gouvernent, les autres qui sont gouvernés mais tous nous sommes revétus de la dignité humaine, égaux et respectables. On entend prononcer le nom de Dieu dans bien des langues mais où est-Il au milieu de toute cette horreur sans cesse répétée : l'Irak, la Syrie c'était il n'y pas longtemps, les mêmes crimes contre l'humanité. Nous pleurons nos morts victimes de terroristes et chacun laisse un grand chagrin dans le cœur des siens. Que pensez-vous de ce que laisse dans le cœur d'un peuple des dizaines de milliers de morts toutes aussi injustes ?
No matter what we do where we go to complain or supplicate to save Gaza's lives the governments don't care because Israel is the owner of all the world, they are afraid to go against them.
Mon Dieu, l'horreur qui va être découverte à l'ouverture de Gaza aux yeux du monde. Honte à tous ceux qui n'agissent pas contre ces crimes et honte à ceux qui sont en train de les commettre en toute impunité
Thank you. As a Polish person I hope with my whole self to see within my lifetime Palestinian people experiencing justice and Palestine being liberated from this to core barbaric occupation. First though the GENOCIDE MUST BE STOPPED!!!
Very true. Well, ISRAEL does with the help of the America & Europeans. They're all guilty . Guess what they all have dogs which are well cared for and protected than Palestinians.
The enslaved,terribly suffering Palestinian people for over 76 years are completely alone and abandoned to be devoured by one of the greatest barbarian in the history of mankind. Only a few,extraordinary people tell the truth about their endless,terrifying tragedy and bravely,constantly stand up for them. I admire and thank you for your attitude in defense of terribly suffering Palestinians and the highest values.
this letter is so worthy of ready, every single word soaked in painful truth , some accept , yet it’s extremely inconvenient , to even acknowledge -thanks so much for your bravery & courage Dr Tanya Haj Hassan
They can but at their own risk meaning most probably killed. The battleground is considered no man land. Any human activity from a supposedly no man land will automatically be considered terrorist target. Israel has told all civilians to leave the area 2 weeks before bombing. So they will not check to see if you are journalist or civilian. If you had been told that area will be bombed, and you stay there, then there's reason to believe that you are not regular civilians, and likely operating the rocket launchers. The surveillance drones do not have such high resolution to distinguish a journalist vs a terrorist. The camera is easily mistaken as anti tank launcher with the limited resolution of surveillance drones from such high altitude. When a bomb drop on journalist, they'll say indiscriminate and cruel bombing, genocide. But you've already been told not to enter the warzone. Infra red cameras cannot see the word PRESS on your shirt. It'll be the same color on the screen
Tell them man up. You have started the atrocities not Israelis. This so called Dr is just giving reports about what happened in the war. I just want to know what was her reaction on Oct 7th, 2023?!
Je pleure, je pleure j’imagine tellement perdre mon fils dans une telle situation que j’ai pas de mots…. Le 8 Octobre pour beaucoup la morts a était une délivrance d’un guetto de Varsovie, un camps de concentration de 17 ans , blocus et l’horreur de 1500 enfants dans les geôles sionistes…. Me dégoûte et je m’en rappellerai toute ma vie.
I am crying and my heart is broken into so many pieces I have lost count. I am a mother, and a grandmother. A seasonal flu and a small hurt to my kids and grandkids pains my heart. And in Gaza the kids are blown into pieces. Dear God Almighty please send your wrath on these terrible people who are committing these crimes.
Amen, I agree. Same here Mary, as a Mom and Grandmother it has been killing me. We are on the front lines as well, fighting with fasting and prayers. Not complaining and certainly not boasting, just to share that you are not alone in your heartbreak. I've gone from a healthy 126lbs to 106 at last check. Even when I was lead to break my fast, I'm so grief striken that I forget or have no interest in eating. My eyes have literally grown dim with weeping, my skin hangs off my flesh, I am wasting away with grief. My only hope is in God, I"m holding onto Him. The "principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places" are servants of satan and they will too will face the second death prepared for the enemy of our souls and all who serve him. There will be no end to their suffering. They have shown no mercy, even to the little ones of God, none will be shown to them either.
@@coleengoodell7523 plz take care of your health, world is facing serious scarcity of good people, stay healthy so you can inspire people around you and galvanize them to protest , we need to vocalize our stance on this otherwise history ( and we ourselves) will remember us as silent onlookers.... Take care of your health, it's a blessing too, not all have it sadly.....
We world community apologise you for what you have gone thru as a lady, as mother that nobody, just nobody in this heartless world Can understand, we sincerely appreciate your courage &your teams hard work with millions and millions of thanks to keep life and humanity alive, ihav no words say any thing further. This will not go unpunished un answered. The punishment will be total unimaginable unthinkable just wait for magic.
Thank you so much for your testimony and for the work that you and your colleagues have done so far. Your bravery and dedication as a group is so very different from the brutish behaviour of your persecutors.
God bless Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan. She's an angel doing what she loves and sadly she has experienced the suffering of innocent children, men and women in great numbers. This is very painful to live, and she has been brave and strong having to daily run her jobs in every traumatic event one after the other. May God reward you Dr Hassan. I pray Palestine will be free and WE hope for reparations for the Palestinian people - may the wrongdoers face Gods wrath for I believe they do not deserve forgiveness and shall be punished to the full extent of the law. May all the innocent victims rest in Jannah. This has been a horrific year for many around the globe. We are in solidarity with Palestine. Palestinians are not alone; WE LOVE THEM and the Ummah. May the Great Lord give Palestine justice.
Dr Tanya thank you for humanity and your compassion Heartbreaking I can't even imagine what they have seen in Gaza. Thank you to all the amazing Humanitarians, Doctors, and nurses. 💔
I feel for Dr. Haj Hassan. She must be traumatized herself. Just hearing her testimony has me in tears, I can't imagine how much worse it must be to have lived through that. She is truly courageous, nit just for going there and facing some of the worst known atrocities ever perpetuated on a human population, but also for giving testimony at this hearing. It must have been so hard for her for speak but she did it beautifully, eloquently and heartfelt. Much love to you Dr. Haj Hassan ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@thiphan264 what a stupid and senseless and bizarre comment! Does that mean that Norman F. is a self-hating American Jew who, because of his work and belefs on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, can be considered a Hamas supporter? It is sad enough that pro-human human beings must protest against obvious genocide and segregation!
Grazie grazie grazie... Ho pianto con te... Grazie per la tua umanità e sensibilità e grazie per quello che fai, non posso e non riesco neanche immaginare che ferite ti abbia lasciato un esperienza di quel genere.
Dr Tanya respect pour votre discours tellement touchant,😢😭🇵🇸 vous nous avez fait tous pleuré, par vôtre lecture si dure a entendre, nous ne pouvons imaginer ce que vous et tous les docteurs, médecins ont pu enduré pour les soigner, vous êtes devant une cour de justice, le monde attend que justice soit faite, izrael n'arrêtera jamais jusqu'au dernier, leurs gouvernements sont heureux quand ils les tuent, si les représentants de la loi n'agissent pas rapidement, j'ai bien peur, pour les palestiniens 😭😰🇵🇸 Dr un immense respect et merci pour votre témoignage poignant, merci a tous les médecins humanitaires, journalistes, et bénévoles, vous avez apportés beaucoup pour la Palestine 😭😰👶😇👫🇵🇸🤲👍👏🙏❤️❤️
Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan, if you read these comments, thank you for your courage, skill, bravery, truth and for putting your life and mind at risk from caring for human life that has been annihilated by the terrorist regime, Isntrael. I cannot fathom the pain and suffering you have witnessed and how much you wanted to help and save every single human life. I pray for the hundreds of thousands of lost lives; the lives who are still going through this trauma, suffering greatly through intentional starvation, disease, shrapnel injuries, injuries from collapsed buildings under rubble, et al. There is no justification for any of what the U.S. has allowed Isntrael to do. This isn't and never was "self defense" or a "right to self blah blah" b.s. drama. Global citizens would have ended this immediately. The future and the world will not be kind to any who created this apocalypse. I pray for you and for all who have endured these horrors.
The power of this ...... The absolute and unmitigated power of this statement of human facts and emotion, speaks more to all of us than the thousands of volumes that will be written about this 'War'.
We've heard this over and over again. It's still just as heartbreaking now, but that didn't make any difference in over a year. What's the point anymore? People aren't lacking information. They all know. We all know. What's lacking is compassion, empathy and the will to do anything from those who *actually* can. I have no idea how to force their hand, but I know I will never, *NOT EVER* forgive them. And even though it's not going to bring any of the victims back, I hope justice will eventually find its way to those responsible.
May God with the spirit of kindness always surrounds you Dr. Tanya, thanking you also from my friends with kind regards and endless respect from the good old Vienna YOU ARE IN OUR MIND❤
I don't know if there is anyone here, watching Dr. Mansour, this sweetheart is crying, do you see that? And it's not the first time. This sweet man has a PhD in counselling, so I do think he has empathy. I will feel for this man, who tries to fight for Gaza in the UN.
you are an ordinary are a fool, who tries to "destroy" the facts, because all the horror that itsnoreal is doing to people in Gaza, for 14 months already, the whole world is watching live 🥺... and journalists, although killed a little less than 200 of them, they report live, and witnesses of people who are there on the spot, and doctors from all over the world, who went there to help with the wounded and sick... YOU you're trying to make fools of people from all over the world, aren't you...well, you won't be able to 🤫🤫👎!!!!!!!!!
Lebanon's courageous stand against Israel has saved countless Palestinian lives, earning the nation our highest esteem. The ultimate sacrifice of 4000 Lebanese citizens has not only protected Gaza but also inspired a sense of hope and resilience throughout the region. Blessed be Lebanon 🇱🇧 for its remarkable display of bravery, compassion, and commitment to justice.
The God I worship never slumbers nor sleeps and is watching over the beautiful people of Gaza and Lebanon. There is something called Karma. Just watch snd see how the mighty God I worship is going to bring justice.
Amen. And even then the wicked and accursed will cry out in rage against God, but He will not hear them or give heed, just as they've shown no mercy, no mercy will be shown to them either.
Dr Tanya thank you for humanity and your compassion
She is very Brave much respect for her and her stand for life and Humanity
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
New Zealand 🇳🇿
True humanity is to know the truth and act according to the truth. It is evil to play into the narrative of the terrorists which is to prolong the war and therefore the suffering.
@@willtestagain The t 's being the US funded state project.
Exactly 💯
New Zealand 🇳🇿
@@willtestagainI agree, Is.ra.el is the biggest terrorist state in the world.
When a doctor cries blood from what she witnessed in there , you know it's hell.
@@funckmastathey were ready to return ALL of them back in November last year. It' satanyahu who opposes the deal. Update yourself.
@@funckmasta Wake up sleeper. Aprox 2 million people, half of them women and children are trapped in Gaza with no safe place to flee to. Over 10,000 people, men, women and children have been taken, held, tortured in Israeli prisons since Oct 7th alone. Not just from Gaza, but from the Occupied West Bank as well, no Hamas, no hostages there. What of the over 17,000 children who have been killed in Gaza? And you want us, the rest of the world to focus on 101 people? Yes, their lives matter as well and they too are being killed by the bombs that are being dropped on their own heads by the IDF as well.
You can not, or I guess you personally can, justify a genocide over a one day event, over 250 hostages taken on one day. But you turn a blind eye to all that came before against the Palestinian people. You turn a blind eye to their suffering. You turn a blind eye to the horrors they and the generations that came before them have been subjected to, with no end in sight.
What would you do if you were in their shoes? What would you do if peaceful, legal actions failed to stop the atrocities that were being committed against you and your loved ones? I know what I would do, I would fight back.
@@funckmastaGo back under your rock.
@@funckmasta "Whataboutism" is a contagious disease of the 21st century, affecting mainly couch potatoes and judeozionazis.
@@funckmasta NOTHING excuses genocide!
You devil.
"What is left to say?" This doctor and others have made it really clear. They sounded the alarm last year.
Yeah , what the F peeps ?
The zionists have in my opinion bought all the governments.
In war people die.
What is she thinking?
She should have mentioned October 7. That massacre of Jews that the people of Gaza committed was a real Genocide. What is happening in Gaza now is a reaction to it.
Dr. Hassan is and always will be one of the strongest women this world has ever seen. She has witnessed firsthand what we all know is happening. Through her, we unite our feelings that humanity is watching and will never forget or stop fighting for peace.
What if she’s good in acting?
No evidence,just words 🤦
It looks doggy to me.
@@unitedeurope2 is she jew? Nope... so its not same. but your peoples good in acting. and that whatcha do. where is the lists??monday tuesday wed??ehehehe
You know why you are saying this ,because you have zero humanity , how can you ignore and minimize the loss of innocent lifes just because they are not from your same country ,religion ,ehinicity ??? ...if you dont believe the truth that is evidant with all these masaccres and thousands of killed , injured ,wounded , orphaned ,have died from hunger ,illness ,diseases ,burned ,amputated due to the Israeli bombardment , besige not allowing food ,medical aid , medicine to enter for the suffering people, maybe go and search for you conscience for it as a human not as zionist for it with peace in your heart and without the evil to kill a human ( child ,woman ) just because you think you are the chosen people and you have the right to dehuminize others and end their lifes ...and don't tell me babies and children and pregnant woman and journalists and bakers and doctores and paramedics attacked you on 7th of October. . @unitedeurope2
@@unitedeurope2Go to video, fool. The mass graves look like Babi Yar.
Heartbreaking I can't even imagine what they have seen in Gaza. Thank you to all the amazing Humanitarians, Doctors, and nurses. 💔🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴
That's Jordanian flags 🤗
Are you sick? Did you hear the doctor say l held a childs hand while she took her last breath ? What on earth is wrong with you ?@@funckmasta
Can somebody imagine what the Zaka volunteers saw after October 7th?
Not 40 beheaded babies, thats for sure @JanJohann
Dr.Tanya is Awesome. God Bless Her Always.❤❤❤
Thank you. None of us can imagine what Dr. Hassan went through, except the Palestinians themselves.
@@foxxyboxxy9348 None of us can imagine why the Palestinians still hold 101 hostages instead of ending the „genocide“.
Le Génocide est commis par Israël, n'inversez pas l'histoire !!! Shame Israël !!!
Shame Israël !!! the Génocide is commiting by Israël With US complicity and Many others
@@funckmastasûrement parce que netanyaou s’en fiche de ces otages
@ Sorry, I don’t speak Chinese.
No wonder why international media and Journalists aren’t allowed to report in GAZA, just imagine what Palestinian 🇵🇸 bee living through
Thank you Doctor 💔 Please United Nations, stop this atrocity and end the impunity of these criminals. We cannot allow this to undermine our belief in the law. Humanity is in shock. Life will never be the same because of this injustice we have been facing every day for over a year. Please stop this now!
The ongoing mass destruction in Gaza may be traumatizing the whole world population. Like a Pandemic.
Strong words describing atrocities! A dark page in the history of human rights. Shame on us!
Hard to listen to. Heart wrenching. God save us all. What have we allowed to happen?
Same thing we have allowed to happen time and time again. Most people are awful enough to look the other way and concern themselves with trivial matters knowing fully well they're supporting and funding the suffering and death of others.
I like a lot of people horrified by what's going on, am getting genocide fatigue, a luxury of not being in Palestine I guess, but this is the first time in ages that I felt compelled to watch the whole speech to the bitter end & she delivered a very eloquent, heartbreaking account of the what BS the US/Israeli murder machine has been allowed to get away with. :(
When voice can’t explain the amount of emotions, whole body struggle to speak; the amount of pain and suffering is unimaginable
Thank you doctor and your colleagues for goodness sake. You risk your life to save others lives
Enough is enough, what kind of people are you? How can you turn a blind eye to this brutality?stop the monsters.
Seems like no Muslim or Arab army are willing to do that.We have cowards in our Midst
The monsters are those who started this war
@@pavel0900so the Israelis. Who let the 10/7 attack happen. Who k1lled most of the dead Israelis on 10/7. Who are k1lling 70% women and children. Who only want to steal North Gaza gas fields, and to have Lebensraum on the beach, "cleansed" of Untermenschen. The zios have become the monsters who merdered their grandparents.
@@pavel0900Just a bot without heart!
@ sometimes I wish I had no heart, so I didn’t have to feel the pain for all those innocent victims on both sides. But the side who declared war is now claiming the victim status. You don’t throw the first punch, and then complain. Hamas and Iran knew what they were doing. They are using civilian casualties as leverage against Israel. Martyrdom is the most important psychological weapon of Hamas. Ask yourself why none of the locals were allowed inside the vast network of tunnels? Why do they build tunnel entrances and rocket launchers next to schools, hospitals and mosques? The answer is simple, if you only dare to use the brain and not the heart for a second.
We are sick of seeing dying humanity in every single moments in Gaza
No words. Only tears. Just heartbreaking!!!!!
Thank you Mrs Tanya Haj Hassan for your report on Palestinians Gazaouis’ conditions and also thank you for informing the Just men and women on this earth!!!!
May Gob bless you Mrs Tanya Haj Hassan.🙏🏻🤲
Heart breaking that we in the West and our governments are personally committing a Genocide not just looking the other way. We the people across the world are rallying, writing letters and petitioning our governments and our voices are silenced and ignored. I listened to this courageous doctor to bear witness to what we know and what we refuse to stop a genocide by Israel of Palestinian people mostly children 😭
Russia is not the enemy of America but Israel and its lobby groups are.
"Julian Assange"
I will add many American Politicians and the mainstream western media.
Faudra-t-il donc toujours, jusqu'à la fin des temps, que les peuples soient comme du bétail dans les mains des puissants qui les gouvernent? Bétail qu'ils tuent ou font travailler ou croupir dans la misère selon leur bon vouloir ?
Nous avons tous une place sur cette terre ; les uns qui gouvernent, les autres qui sont gouvernés mais tous nous sommes revétus de la dignité humaine, égaux et respectables. On entend prononcer le nom de Dieu dans bien des langues mais où est-Il au milieu de toute cette horreur sans cesse répétée : l'Irak, la Syrie c'était il n'y pas longtemps, les mêmes crimes contre l'humanité. Nous pleurons nos morts victimes de terroristes et chacun laisse un grand chagrin dans le cœur des siens. Que pensez-vous de ce que laisse dans le cœur d'un peuple des dizaines de milliers de morts toutes aussi injustes ?
@@soniagoossens3191so beautifully said, tyvm.
You will note that all the nations who support the genocide are involved in the same financial institutions and are all members of NATO.
No matter what we do where we go to complain or supplicate to save Gaza's lives the governments don't care because Israel is the owner of all the world, they are afraid to go against them.
Thank you brave doctor.🇵🇸
Mon Dieu, l'horreur qui va être découverte à l'ouverture de Gaza aux yeux du monde. Honte à tous ceux qui n'agissent pas contre ces crimes et honte à ceux qui sont en train de les commettre en toute impunité
Thank you. As a Polish person I hope with my whole self to see within my lifetime Palestinian people experiencing justice and Palestine being liberated from this to core barbaric occupation. First though the GENOCIDE MUST BE STOPPED!!!
When Israeli side started to attack medical staff helping civilians Polish volounteer was the first victim
Free them from islamic jihad ideologie and they can built a new singapore
Il doit être arrêté et reconnu judiciairement !
What Hamas started is unforgivable
@@Dakini31 I'm curious. Have you actually watched the video?
No religion allow this, no human allow this, even animals are not that cruel
Except the IDF, isrseli government and the zionists
Very true. Well, ISRAEL does with the help of the America & Europeans. They're all guilty . Guess what they all have dogs which are well cared for and protected than Palestinians.
Oh, dear my reply to your text has vanished. I wonder if you deleted.
It's the TH-cam deleting comments it considers anti- ecsenmtric
It’s happening to many people including me.
The enslaved,terribly suffering Palestinian people for over 76 years are completely alone and abandoned to be devoured by one of the greatest barbarian in the history of mankind. Only a few,extraordinary people tell the truth about their endless,terrifying tragedy and bravely,constantly stand up for them. I admire and thank you for your attitude in defense of terribly suffering Palestinians and the highest values.
Enslaved? Nope.
Thank you for sharing! You are a brave soul.
Theese stories needs to be told around the world .
Dr. Tanya we all love you for your pain and infinite love!
I admire this doctor so much …. What a courageous woman .. ❤❤❤
Reyad mansoor is always ready to cry … always in motion ,.
Yes, because she is human not like the perpetrators.
A good video for all those who still haven't discovered their conscience, for all those who have always looked away, and for those who still do...💔😢
If people have not find the humanity yet, they never will find it.
Brave for speaking out against all the lies being spread about no genocide being commited💪!
Ложь с вашей стороны.
this letter is so worthy of ready, every single word soaked in painful truth , some accept , yet it’s extremely inconvenient , to even acknowledge -thanks so much for your bravery & courage Dr Tanya Haj Hassan
Brave Woman, why arent international reporters allowed in? clear verification of imprisonment
They can but at their own risk meaning most probably killed. The battleground is considered no man land. Any human activity from a supposedly no man land will automatically be considered terrorist target. Israel has told all civilians to leave the area 2 weeks before bombing. So they will not check to see if you are journalist or civilian. If you had been told that area will be bombed, and you stay there, then there's reason to believe that you are not regular civilians, and likely operating the rocket launchers. The surveillance drones do not have such high resolution to distinguish a journalist vs a terrorist. The camera is easily mistaken as anti tank launcher with the limited resolution of surveillance drones from such high altitude. When a bomb drop on journalist, they'll say indiscriminate and cruel bombing, genocide. But you've already been told not to enter the warzone. Infra red cameras cannot see the word PRESS on your shirt. It'll be the same color on the screen
@bambooarchery, whitewashing a little, are we?
Good! A Straw Man Fallacy there. Misinformation.
My eyes are full of tear dr how my Palestinian are in pain 😢😢 and 😭
Stop the genocide in Gaza
Freedom and justice for Palestine 🇵🇸..Thank you doctor 👍🏻
Tell them man up. You have started the atrocities not Israelis. This so called Dr is just giving reports about what happened in the war. I just want to know what was her reaction on Oct 7th, 2023?!
Thank you for you brave heart and mind! Thank you for the help to Palestinian people! Thank you!!!
Thank you, Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan!!! You are courageous, strong and an example. Please continue to speak up.
As a human being my support, Sympathy and solidarity is always with Innocent ❤Palestinian❤😢
Je pleure, je pleure j’imagine tellement perdre mon fils dans une telle situation que j’ai pas de mots…. Le 8 Octobre pour beaucoup la morts a était une délivrance d’un guetto de Varsovie, un camps de concentration de 17 ans , blocus et l’horreur de 1500 enfants dans les geôles sionistes…. Me dégoûte et je m’en rappellerai toute ma vie.
I am crying and my heart is broken into so many pieces I have lost count. I am a mother, and a grandmother. A seasonal flu and a small hurt to my kids and grandkids pains my heart. And in Gaza the kids are blown into pieces. Dear God Almighty please send your wrath on these terrible people who are committing these crimes.
Justice without mercy.
The blood of the innocent cries out 😢
Amen, I agree. Same here Mary, as a Mom and Grandmother it has been killing me. We are on the front lines as well, fighting with fasting and prayers. Not complaining and certainly not boasting, just to share that you are not alone in your heartbreak. I've gone from a healthy 126lbs to 106 at last check. Even when I was lead to break my fast, I'm so grief striken that I forget or have no interest in eating. My eyes have literally grown dim with weeping, my skin hangs off my flesh, I am wasting away with grief.
My only hope is in God, I"m holding onto Him. The "principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places" are servants of satan and they will too will face the second death prepared for the enemy of our souls and all who serve him. There will be no end to their suffering. They have shown no mercy, even to the little ones of God, none will be shown to them either.
@@coleengoodell7523 plz take care of your health, world is facing serious scarcity of good people, stay healthy so you can inspire people around you and galvanize them to protest , we need to vocalize our stance on this otherwise history ( and we ourselves) will remember us as silent onlookers....
Take care of your health, it's a blessing too, not all have it sadly.....
A powerful testimony! And to think this only scratches the surface of the atrocities in Gaza.
Disgusted by these creatures who are responsible for these evil acts and support this genocide! You should be ashamed! We will remember!
Share it everywhere!
Thank you. So much respect for you.
... there are no words...
I wish the world have more People, like Tanya❤❤
There are in the East Asia but we cant enter Gaza ...
Тогда не было бы войны и была бы справедливость.
Don’t say sorry your a hero to all the world and your traumatised too
The most beautiful people telling the world the truth but the hearts are closed 💔 ❤🍉💯🤲🕊✊️
Thank you to all to all amazing humanitarian, Doctors & Nurses
Thank you for sharing.
We world community apologise you for what you have gone thru as a lady, as mother that nobody, just nobody in this heartless world Can understand, we sincerely appreciate your courage &your teams hard work with millions and millions of thanks to keep life and humanity alive, ihav no words say any thing further. This will not go unpunished un answered. The punishment will be total unimaginable unthinkable just wait for magic.
Thank you so much for your testimony and for the work that you and your colleagues have done so far. Your bravery and dedication as a group is so very different from the brutish behaviour of your persecutors.
It's mindblowing how the whole world couldn't stop this genocide ! The leaders have lost their humanity completely...💔
which leaders? uk is israeli puppet so is usa -- so its them talking back to them
Double standards. Also, maybe, a heavy tool in the political instability in the Middle East countries🤷♂️
Thanks Dr hassan for recesitating humanity 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Vielen Dank für Ihre Erzählung 💔⚖️
Crying with you from Bulgaria!
So powerful and heartbreaking
How much more can we take????
God bless Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan. She's an angel doing what she loves and sadly she has experienced the suffering of innocent children, men and women in great numbers. This is very painful to live, and she has been brave and strong having to daily run her jobs in every traumatic event one after the other. May God reward you Dr Hassan. I pray Palestine will be free and WE hope for reparations for the Palestinian people - may the wrongdoers face Gods wrath for I believe they do not deserve forgiveness and shall be punished to the full extent of the law.
May all the innocent victims rest in Jannah. This has been a horrific year for many around the globe. We are in solidarity with Palestine. Palestinians are not alone; WE LOVE THEM and the Ummah. May the Great Lord give Palestine justice.
Dr Tanya thank you for humanity and your compassion
Heartbreaking I can't even imagine what they have seen in Gaza. Thank you to all the amazing Humanitarians, Doctors, and nurses. 💔
Vielen Dank für Ihren Mut und Ihre Gerechtigkeit. In der heutigen, oft unmenschlichen Welt ist es nicht mehr einfach, die Wahrheit zu sagen.
So was the US representative sitting there listening to all this?
us rep is so dumb evil inhumane
Thank you Dr Tanya…your voice and grief for the Palestinians is heard around the world. This unspeakable horror must end, now!
I feel for Dr. Haj Hassan. She must be traumatized herself. Just hearing her testimony has me in tears, I can't imagine how much worse it must be to have lived through that. She is truly courageous, nit just for going there and facing some of the worst known atrocities ever perpetuated on a human population, but also for giving testimony at this hearing. It must have been so hard for her for speak but she did it beautifully, eloquently and heartfelt.
Much love to you Dr. Haj Hassan ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
May Allah protekt you Dr.Tanya wherever you go and whatever you do Amin 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
The truth matters always
She is a Palestinian Muslim with American citizenship. It is no wonder that she is on the side of Hamas.
@@thiphan264lol, ziobot found
@@thiphan264 you people can't open your mouth without lying and so what if she is. Have you listened to the testimonies?
@thiphan264 Truth is on the side of Palestine, your crimes go back a 100 years.
@@thiphan264 what a stupid and senseless and bizarre comment! Does that mean that Norman F. is a self-hating American Jew who, because of his work and belefs on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, can be considered a Hamas supporter? It is sad enough that pro-human human beings must protest against obvious genocide and segregation!
Lowkey thank you. And all the others unveiling the truth.
Grazie grazie grazie... Ho pianto con te... Grazie per la tua umanità e sensibilità e grazie per quello che fai, non posso e non riesco neanche immaginare che ferite ti abbia lasciato un esperienza di quel genere.
Dr Tanya respect pour votre discours tellement touchant,😢😭🇵🇸 vous nous avez fait tous pleuré, par vôtre lecture si dure a entendre, nous ne pouvons imaginer ce que vous et tous les docteurs, médecins ont pu enduré pour les soigner, vous êtes devant une cour de justice, le monde attend que justice soit faite, izrael n'arrêtera jamais jusqu'au dernier, leurs gouvernements sont heureux quand ils les tuent, si les représentants de la loi n'agissent pas rapidement, j'ai bien peur, pour les palestiniens 😭😰🇵🇸 Dr un immense respect et merci pour votre témoignage poignant, merci a tous les médecins humanitaires, journalistes, et bénévoles, vous avez apportés beaucoup pour la Palestine 😭😰👶😇👫🇵🇸🤲👍👏🙏❤️❤️
Dr. Tanya Haj Hassan, if you read these comments, thank you for your courage, skill, bravery, truth and for putting your life and mind at risk from caring for human life that has been annihilated by the terrorist regime, Isntrael. I cannot fathom the pain and suffering you have witnessed and how much you wanted to help and save every single human life. I pray for the hundreds of thousands of lost lives; the lives who are still going through this trauma, suffering greatly through intentional starvation, disease, shrapnel injuries, injuries from collapsed buildings under rubble, et al. There is no justification for any of what the U.S. has allowed Isntrael to do. This isn't and never was "self defense" or a "right to self blah blah" b.s. drama. Global citizens would have ended this immediately. The future and the world will not be kind to any who created this apocalypse. I pray for you and for all who have endured these horrors.
SHAME on our governments in complicity
Thank you. 🙏🏻
Justice ⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️ for Palestine.
The power of this ...... The absolute and unmitigated power of this statement of human facts and emotion, speaks more to all of us than the thousands of volumes that will be written about this 'War'.
this had me tearing up. Heart breaking but much needed speech. Thank you & hope this makes some difference.
We've heard this over and over again. It's still just as heartbreaking now, but that didn't make any difference in over a year. What's the point anymore? People aren't lacking information. They all know. We all know. What's lacking is compassion, empathy and the will to do anything from those who *actually* can. I have no idea how to force their hand, but I know I will never, *NOT EVER* forgive them. And even though it's not going to bring any of the victims back, I hope justice will eventually find its way to those responsible.
100% agree. I will never trust the US government agaIn, nor the UK. How depraved they are.
Thanks dr
Godbless you doctor
Thank you Tanya for your heroism. History will remember you
May God with the spirit of kindness always surrounds you Dr. Tanya, thanking you also from my friends with kind regards and endless respect from the good old Vienna YOU ARE IN OUR MIND❤
Please never give up!!!
thank you for your testimony. i hope this wakes up a person who wasnt awake before
I don't know if there is anyone here, watching Dr. Mansour, this sweetheart is crying, do you see that? And it's not the first time. This sweet man has a PhD in counselling, so I do think he has empathy. I will feel for this man, who tries to fight for Gaza in the UN.
This will haunt us for decades, if not centuries to come.
Thank you for everything you have said and done Tanya
Thank you ❤
What a powerful testimony.
Gaza: a prelude to the end of humanity
My soul feels pain
I cry for you, Palestine.
I do not agree. Hamas is solely to blame.
you are an ordinary are a fool, who tries to "destroy" the facts, because all the horror that itsnoreal is doing to people in Gaza, for 14 months already, the whole world is watching live 🥺... and journalists, although killed a little less than 200 of them, they report live, and witnesses of people who are there on the spot, and doctors from all over the world, who went there to help with the wounded and sick... YOU you're trying to make fools of people from all over the world, aren't you...well, you won't be able to 🤫🤫👎!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your service and courage. You are a loving voice for those who have no voice. May Father God protect you.
Thank you doctor ❤
We proud of you Mrs. Tanja. Thank you so much. You are the best hero i have ever seen.
Lebanon's courageous stand against Israel has saved countless Palestinian lives, earning the nation our highest esteem. The ultimate sacrifice of 4000 Lebanese citizens has not only protected Gaza but also inspired a sense of hope and resilience throughout the region. Blessed be Lebanon 🇱🇧 for its remarkable display of bravery, compassion, and commitment to justice.
Absolutely 💯
Dr Tanya thank you
Sad beyond words.
Thank you.
So called HUMAN rights.......
Thank u❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Shame on Western Media!!!!
The God I worship never slumbers nor sleeps and is watching over the beautiful people of Gaza and Lebanon.
There is something called Karma. Just watch snd see how the mighty God I worship is going to bring justice.
Amen. And even then the wicked and accursed will cry out in rage against God, but He will not hear them or give heed, just as they've shown no mercy, no mercy will be shown to them either.
Thank you 🙏💭
Apocalyptic Apocalyptic in Palestine
I have no words, only tears and broken heart.
I will never understand this aggression by Israel.
You must be really, really stupid. But let's not give up just yet. Google 'October 7' and see if that clarifies things.
No surprise!
@bobacker3465 what a stupid answer !
@@waltermesser9737 after 70+ years of this disgrace against humanity? Yeah I'm not surprised either.