🙏 Amen. As the evil of the world is more and more manifest to many, the blessings of God are also revealed. How blessed are we in this generation to have the denominational spiritual shackles removed and to begin to see more clearly the promises and calling of God to those who believe and are waiting on the Lord from heaven, and also to Israel.
27-1-25. Such marvelous content! I don't think I have heard such rendering of the scriptures before last week. Thank you for doing due diligence to the word of God. Also, I salute the fact that you don't seem puffed up by your knowledge and understanding. This is so rare! I was beginning to doubt the Rapture, but you are providing such sane biblical teaching that I can't help but pay attention.
Hope you live to at least one hundred years old brother! You’re an eternal blessing to me because the knowledge I’ve gained is because of your dedication to correct study . Thank God the father,Christ His Son and the Blessed Holy Ghost. As One and Three!
Thanks Dr. Felter: As always I never get enough of your lessons and the simplicity of the way you teach gives me glorious insight. Or maybe it's because I'm a new Creature in Christ and I can see so clearly. God bless. And by the way: your T-shirts are awesomes, I bought 2 and the third one represents my Identity in Christ.
Dr. Felter, thank you for your clear and concise teaching of the word, rightly divided. I’ve had some questions that no one seems to have adequate answers to. I pose this to you and anyone reading this post. Why would a Jew want to believe the gospel of the grace of God with its eternal heavenly destination, if it meant they would miss out on the millennium and their eternal earthly kingdom destination? How or should we preach the gospel of the grace of God to Jews or anyone who wants the eternal earthly destination over the heavenly? My next question, concerns Eph 1:12-13 KJV. Why did Paul say the “the gospel of your salvation” instead of “the gospel of our salvation?” It makes me wonder if Paul was given the gospel of the grace of God exclusively for the Gentiles, but he himself was still under the earthly kingdom program like the little flock. In Acts 9 it’s assumed he was saved by the gospel of the grace of God, but you will not find that gospel stated there or in Acts 10 with Peter and Cornelius.
1 Thess 4:17 “…and so shall we ever be with the Lord” means that the raptured believers return to the earth as the Lord returns to the earth in the Millennial Kingdom per Revelation 20:4-6. Correct?
THANK YOU, SIR!! You have (again) confirmed my Lessons to the Prayer Group via Right Division!! YT just brought me here and I just watched this lesson. Yes, I bookmarked your site and subd'd. I am a Devout life long KJV Bible Believing Christian. I am also forwarding this Lesson to the Group. Oh!! the CONFUSION out there!! God is NOT the author of Confusion!! IF ONLY people would read the KJV Version, and NOT all the PERversions!! God Bless you Sir!! Jerry
Well forward them his other teaching about the mistranslation that the KJV translation gave us about the meaning of Apostocia. Apostocia was translated as a departure (rapture) since 390BC all 8 translations prior to KJV translated Apostocia as departure. All Christians believes 2 thess to mean the church departs the earth before Antichrist is revealed. kJV has modern Christian’s believing people will fall away from the faith it is practically heretical. Jesus says I will not lose one commited to me by the Father!
Thank you Paul. The Teaching is awesomely True. The new Tshirts are awesome as well. I’ll email a picture of us sporting the New t- shirts when the kids get back over here. We both know Paul, that the Old Testament all through the RED letters of Jesus Christ speaking was all Old Testament too! All the way up in all 4 Gospels till Jesus’s Death, Burial and Resurrection. Hebrews 9:16 “For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.” And JESUS wasn’t talking too you. I’m sure some of your readers will be confused about this comment. Jesus Christ is LORD. I’m ❤ you Paul.
Thank you Dr Felter for this important message. Unfortunately most of the Body of Christ does not realize these facts (i didn't until recently), and wow will they be happily suprised after the rapture!! Hanging on with you! Linda, a grateful viewer.
Thank you Dr Felter for another OUTSTANDING teaching! You answered many questions I had! Your teachings are easy to follow. Thank you for being a Beacon of Rightly Dividing! God bless you richly!❤
Thank you brother Paul for the edifying teaching. God bless you and your family and all the brothers and sisters in Christ. I have one question though. What are the destinations for the following souls? The uncircumcised generation to be born in the seven year tribulation period and the left behind, do they then have to convert to the Jewish religion, to have any salvation into the earthly kingdom?
Great study! Just 1 question. It is preached that the saints are coming back with Jesus at the second coming? Have you heard this teaching? Now my KJB says armies Revelation 19:14 but I have had teaching that we are coming back with Jesus. Can you please explain?
Dear brother or sister in Christ, I hope it is okay, when I try to answer your question. I also know many Christians who believe that the Body of Christ will return to earth at the second coming of Christ because of Revelation 19:14 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Many think the Body of Christ is talked about because of the white and clean linen, as we are also cleansed from sin by the blood of our saviour, having His white righteousness upon us. BUT Because Revelation is a book of prophecy, a book written by John, an apostle of Israel, giving more details about the prophecy that Daniel already has spoken, there can be NO reference about the church the Body of Christ in it. Because we are the mystery, the unsearchable information, nowhere else than in Paul's epistles can we find a single hint about us. When looking for the answer who the white robed armies in Revelation 19:14 are, we must search it in the prophecy books of our Bible. Maybe these questions to identify the horse riding armies from heaven, clothed white and clean could help: Who is also referred to being holy, dressed in white? Mark 16 5And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted. John 20 12 And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. Whose living realm is in the heavenlies? Gen. 22 11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. Gen. 28:12 12And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. Matthew 18 10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. 24 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Who is working as soldiers/armies on Gods behalf? Ps. 68 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. 2. Sam. 24 16 And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite. 17And David spake unto the LORD when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's house. And who said Jesus during His earthly ministry would come with Him at His second coming? Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory Mark 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. Luke 9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels. I hope I am on the right track with my study here, Grace and Peace 🙏❤️
Thanks for this sermon Dr Paul, your ministry is surely a blessing to me and others. I want to ask if gentiles who do not receive the mark and believe the everlasting gospel get to enter the millennial kingdom?
Good presentation. I only have one issue. You said that the ungodly are cast alive into the lake of fire and then tormented ( Bar B Qued ) for all eternity, Inferring that these people are alive, and totally conscience while burning forever. I have to disagree with you because of EZK 28 where we learn of the ultimate end of Satan who was in the garden of Eden. Here God plainly says " I will destroy you, and turn you into ashes EZK 28:18. I don't see how you can be wide awake and ashes at the same time.
Also... how do you reconcile Revelation 5:9-10 KJVS And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; [10] And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth...??? This is us the church is it not?
Those are Jews saved during the Tribulation from everywhere on earth. They are kings and priests (Exodus 19:6). Israel reigns on earth with Jesus Christ, not the church as our eternal home is heavenly places. Revelation 5:9-10 is about Israel, they inherit the earth, not us!
3:18, If the promise land is from the Nile river in Egypt, then the Israelites were already in the promise land when they they dwelt in Goshen, Egypt. Thus, when God says He is taking the Israelites 'into' their promise land it does not make sense for the Nile river to be the origin point of the west boarder of the promise land. Hence why folks have proposes the Wadi El Arish as the south-western boarder of the promise land. This sits directly above the Red Sea passover. Joshua's passover marks the south-east-eastern boarder along the Jordan river for Joshua and Caleb's passover and the final passover on dry ground is the reference of the 200 milliion man army [of God] who passover the Euphrates in Rev9:13. These mark the boarders of the promise land.
That part of the future Promised Land was under Egyptian control and Israel was in bondage to Egypt! Just like the northern regions were under Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman control. Cme on man, is this really that hard to understand?
There will be no "new Christians" during the Tribulation as the time of the church and Christians ends at the Rapture. Tribulation saints must believe in Jesus as the Messiah of Israel and keep the commandments of the Law of Moses (Rev: 12:17, 14:12, 22:14). They will be mostly Jews.
At 24:50 Dr. Felter begins to speak about why the devil and the fallen angels are cast out of Heaven at the midpoint of the Tribulation but never fully explains why. If the War in Heaven described in Rev. 12:7-10 is referenced in Matt. 24:29-30 where “stars” are falling (falling angels?) and the powers of the heavens are shaken (the reality of Michael’s war with the devil) perhaps that War is completed with all the fallen angels and the devil having been ejected from Heaven prior to the Church’s arrival in the Rapture, just prior to the Tribulation. Heaven would absolutely become a welcoming place for the Church, especially in view of the fact that the “accuser of the brethren” would no longer be present or able to approach God. Contending with the devil’s accusations for 3 1/2 years after arriving in Heaven - before he is finally ejected -- seems unlikely, doesn’t it? Then having been confined to Earth at the beginning of the Tribulation, the Enemy would immediately begin his evil intentions with great resolve, quickly bringing forth the antichrist. Do these interpretations make sense, Dr. Felter?
What happens to people at the end of The Millennium Kingdom? We have a new Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem. Are there still people with mortal bodies? What about the earthly kingdom? And who inherits the New Jerusalem? Thanks again.
The New Jerusalem will be shared by all believers both Israel and the body of Christ. Galatians 4:26 KJV - "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all."
"T-shirt loving person" (?) "Love not the world; n̈or the thingʻs that are in the world." Ezk 16;49 it starts subtley, and the wise will disçern the slippery slope.
Thank you for which is a huge work that we almost never hear preached about, and at least for me, fills in gaps of my understanding. What I still wonder about is if there is a mingling in the eternal state, when the New Jerusalem comes down to earth? Do Rapture saints get to meet characters from Adam on, people we long to know like David? I would like to talk to Hannah, and Ruth, and Esther, to name a few. Also, one other question, since I know so many Gentile friends who seem to be headed into the 7 year tribulation--are they called under the Jewish umbrella, if saved during the Tribulation, and destined for the Millenial Kingdom, either as mortals, or immortals? Will there therefore be a mingling of mortals and immortals in the Millenial Kingdom? Thank you.
Rev 7:9-17 who is this group where they live eternally. 144000 Jews Evangelist when and how. They enter 1000 years kingdom - They come at the 2nd coming along with Jesus
It's not clear how an when they come and go. Jesus returns with his holy angels to fight and cleanse the earth not the 144,000 nor us the church. The 144,000 show up in Jerusalem at the start of the 7-year Tribulation and again at the start of the Millennial Kingdom. I think most will be martyred during the Tribulation.
Please do a teaching on the fallacy of Christian Universalism. Now being taught and believed by many right division Acts 9 Churches on TH-cam.....God will save ALL in the end .
I'm sure you will block this reply if you haven't blocked the TRUTH from being spoken already. So, let me ask you if YOUR teachings ALIGN with what JESUS taught. The answer is NO!!! Thats why you pre-tribers NEVER QUOTE Jesus when teaching the pre-trib lie. So, go ahead and BLOCK what Jesus taught. Mt13:30/ 25:32-33/ Lu17:26-30/ Jn5:28-29. Now see if what YOU teach aligns with what JESUS taught. Will you ADD TO Gods word and ADD your time periods to what Jesus taught???
The only thing that surpasses your ignorance is your arrogance! Those passages in Matthew 13 and 25 pertain to Jesus' second coming at the end of the 7-year Tribulation! Jesus did not teach on the Rapture but left that to the apostle Paul.. That is why Paul calls it a MYSTERY as he was the first to reveal it. "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed," 1st Corinthians 15:51. The wheat and tares is not the Rapture, the judgment of the nations is not the Rapture! Get your eschatology straight before you leave comments worthy of deletion.
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 So, if someone disagrees with you, and provide SCRIPTURE to back it up. YOU say that is WORTHY OF DELETING the comment? That does NOT sound like what Paul taught. 2Tm 3:16. Also to prove I know what I'm talking about. Why did you not ADDRESS Lu17:26-30 This is JESUS telling us what will happen when he is REVEALED. Do you know what REVEADED means. The SAME DAY Lot (Represents believers) went "OUT" of the city (Represents rapture/ Resurrection) God destroyed THEM ALL. (All unbelievers) Did Jesus say SAME DAY or 7-YEARS? Also, why did you not address Jn5:28-29 Jesus said ALL that are in the graves shall come forth. (Just and unjust together) Where does JESUS teach YOUR time periods in these verses? Now, let me use you own SCRIPTURES against you. 1Cor 15:51 Behold I show you a Mystery. This Mystery Paul was talking about has NOTHING to do with THE resurrection/ rapture. The Mystery was HOW THE resurrection would HAPPEN. Jesus taught THE resurrection YEARS before Paul ever came on the scene. There was NO mystery about it. Paul was simply telling HOW THE resurrection would happen. That was the mystery. (Corruptible putting on Incorruption) Also, what part of verse 54 Do you not understand? Clearly this is THE resurrection/ Rapture. This is when DEATH is SWALLOWED UP. (Destroyed) This is the LAST ENEMY. 1Cor 15:25-26. So, how can there be MORE DEATH AFTER THIS? Jesus teaches this EXACT same thing over and over. Lu20:34-36 THE resurrection is the end of the WORLD. NO MORE DEATH. I'm not quite as IGNORANT as you think.
@@SkunkWorksRifle You are 100% correct. But NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND. Mt13:30 Where does Jesus teach anyone left behind? Mt25:32-33 Where does Jesus teach a time period between this separating sheep from goats? Lu17:26-30 Jesus said THE SAME DAY. Jn5:28-29 ALL that are in the graves shall come forth (Just and unjust together) Where do you see Jesus teach YOUR time periods between this event? JESUS taught THE (One) resurrection and THE DAY of judgment happen together. Mt12:41-42. This is why you pre-tribers NEVER QUOTE Jesus when teaching the pre-trib LIE. As if Paul would teach something different than JESUS. So, who should we believe, Jesus or pre-trib teachers????
@@markhauserbible7168 what Jesus Christ taught is the Truth, no one in their right mind would deny it, Jesus Christ also taught the Apostle Paul through special revelation about the Church, the body of Christ, the Apostle Paul makes clear in his letter to the Church at Rome the distinction between the Nation Israel and the Church, the body of Christ, Israel has the covenants and was given the Law of God and is loved by God, but now, speaking of the times of dispensations, there is no difference between the Jew and Gentile, and anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, The Apostle Paul preaches Christ and him crucified for the forgiveness of sin, which is the message of the Church to the World, Jesus Christ during his ministry on earth preached the Kingdom of Heaven,.... repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, he preached this message first to the Nation Israel and a lot of what you are referring to has to do with the Nation Israel and the time of Jacob's trouble and should not be confused with the Church, the body of Christ, having said this I'll go on to say that we will all give an account before the Lord every thought, deed, or action, every word that we speak, for we are subject to him and him alone, God Bless
Jesus told his deciples in Mathew 10:1-10. Got to jews only. Jews are a bloodline, after they came out of Egypt. I don't see any gentiles being part of Israel. Help me see how this could be.
Thank you so much Dr. Paul for the work you do, so I've sent you a small donations to help you in some way for your ministry, God bless and thank you, please check your email from LC
While the Tribulation is primarily for Israel....it is also for the whole world. Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 Yes...but there is now a false teaching that only Israel will have the wrath of God poured out on them during the Tribulation. My point is that the wrath of God will be poured out on the entire world (except the remnant).
I believe the tribulation will be 3.5 years, not 7 years. I understand about the 70th week in Daniel but I believe half of that week was fulfilled at Christ's first coming. Nowhere in the Book of Revelation do we read anything at all about 7 years. EVERY mention of time is 3.5 years. Just my 2 cents.
The Antichrist confirms a 7 year covenant (Dan 9:27) When exactly did that happen during Jesus' ministry??? Read Dan 9 26. The Messiah is cut off, dies, between the 69th and 70th week. Study the Scriptures first, then the writings of men. Blessings
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 Its hard for you to kick against the pricks. There is NOT one verse that teaches a 7-year tribulation. Dan 9:27 And he shall CONFIRM THE COVENANT with many for one week, and in the midst of the week. HOLD it right there. Where do you see even a HINT at 7-YEARS of tribulation at this halfway point in the verse? Also, the antichrist NEVER CONFIRMS THE COVENANT with anyone. There are TWO COVENANTS. Heb8:6-10. So, who is this that CONFIRMS? 1Cor 1:6,8/ Gal 3:17. JESUS!!! My guess is you will not reply to these scriptures either. Just remember God is watching how you treat the TRUTH. Jn17:17
@@toxtethogrady4610 Oh, that's right teacher, you are right and Heb 8:6-10 is WRONG. You pre-tribers hate to be CORRECTED. And will use scriptures OUT of context to show your pride. There are TWO covenants NOT three. This why Paul wrote what he did in 1Cor 2:13-14
🙏 Amen.
As the evil of the world is more and more manifest to many, the blessings of God are also revealed.
How blessed are we in this generation to have the denominational spiritual shackles removed and to begin to see more clearly the promises and calling of God to those who believe and are waiting on the Lord from heaven, and also to Israel.
Amazing! Grace and peace to all brethren! ❤❤❤
27-1-25. Such marvelous content! I don't think I have heard such rendering of the scriptures before last week. Thank you for doing due diligence to the word of God. Also, I salute the fact that you don't seem puffed up by your knowledge and understanding. This is so rare! I was beginning to doubt the Rapture, but you are providing such sane biblical teaching that I can't help but pay attention.
I am choosing to think you are one of the rare, enlightened ones, so to speak!
Only pastor who makes complete sense.
❤god bless
Hope you live to at least one hundred years old brother! You’re an eternal blessing to me because the knowledge I’ve gained is because of your dedication to correct study . Thank God the father,Christ His Son and the Blessed Holy Ghost. As One and Three!
Thank you brother, may the Lord richly bless you!
You answered a lot of unanswered questions! Thank you and God bless!!!!
Great study brother , truly edifying. Please keep them coming! Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might !!
Thank you, I will!
Thank you for this amazing blessed teaching from the Wird.
Will need to listen later, but for now...happy to see another lesson & hope you are well...
Thanks Dr. Felter: As always I never get enough of your lessons and the simplicity of the way you teach gives me glorious insight. Or maybe it's because I'm a new Creature in Christ and I can see so clearly. God bless. And by the way: your T-shirts are awesomes, I bought 2 and the third one represents my Identity in Christ.
Many thanks! and God Bless!
Thank you
Dr. Felter, thank you for your clear and concise teaching of the word, rightly divided. I’ve had some questions that no one seems to have adequate answers to. I pose this to you and anyone reading this post.
Why would a Jew want to believe the gospel of the grace of God with its eternal heavenly destination, if it meant they would miss out on the millennium and their eternal earthly kingdom destination? How or should we preach the gospel of the grace of God to Jews or anyone who wants the eternal earthly destination over the heavenly?
My next question, concerns Eph 1:12-13 KJV. Why did Paul say the “the gospel of your salvation” instead of “the gospel of our salvation?” It makes me wonder if Paul was given the gospel of the grace of God exclusively for the Gentiles, but he himself was still under the earthly kingdom program like the little flock. In Acts 9 it’s assumed he was saved by the gospel of the grace of God, but you will not find that gospel stated there or in Acts 10 with Peter and Cornelius.
1 Thess 4:17 “…and so shall we ever be with the Lord” means that the raptured believers return to the earth as the Lord returns to the earth in the Millennial Kingdom per Revelation 20:4-6. Correct?
Welcome back
THANK YOU, SIR!! You have (again) confirmed my Lessons to the Prayer Group via Right Division!! YT just brought me here and I just watched this lesson. Yes, I bookmarked your site and subd'd. I am a Devout life long KJV Bible Believing Christian. I am also forwarding this Lesson to the Group. Oh!! the CONFUSION out there!! God is NOT the author of Confusion!! IF ONLY people would read the KJV Version, and NOT all the PERversions!! God Bless you Sir!! Jerry
Well forward them his other teaching about the mistranslation that the KJV translation gave us about the meaning of Apostocia. Apostocia was translated as a departure (rapture) since 390BC all 8 translations prior to KJV translated Apostocia as departure. All Christians believes 2 thess to mean the church departs the earth before Antichrist is revealed. kJV has modern Christian’s believing people will fall away from the faith it is practically heretical. Jesus says I will not lose one commited to me by the Father!
Dr Felter, what happen after the Millennium? Are we in heaven to be united with the people of Earth Kingdom in the new heaven?
Thank you Paul.
The Teaching is awesomely True.
The new Tshirts are awesome as well.
I’ll email a picture of us sporting the New t- shirts when the kids get back over here.
We both know Paul, that the Old Testament all through the RED letters of Jesus Christ speaking was all Old Testament too!
All the way up in all 4 Gospels till Jesus’s Death, Burial and Resurrection.
Hebrews 9:16
“For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.”
And JESUS wasn’t talking too you.
I’m sure some of your readers will be confused about this comment.
Jesus Christ is LORD.
I’m ❤ you Paul.
Yes and Amen,Thank you brother Paul❤
You are so welcome!
I am speechless, you broke this allllllllllllllllllllllll the way down!! THANK YOU and God Bless!!
You are so welcome, Blessings
Thank you Dr Felter for this important message. Unfortunately most of the Body of Christ does not realize these facts (i didn't until recently), and wow will they be happily suprised after the rapture!!
Hanging on with you! Linda, a grateful viewer.
Well said! Keep the faith, Jesus is coming soon!
I always struggled with the notion that we come back to earth with Christ. That's for the Jews, not for us saved Gentiles.
That's correct. Amen
Thank you Dr Felter for another OUTSTANDING teaching! You answered many questions I had! Your teachings are easy to follow. Thank you for being a Beacon of Rightly Dividing! God bless you richly!❤
Glad it was helpful! Blessings
That was a good one! Thanks Paul.
Thanks for listening
This is really good stuff, I'm going to need to listen again and again!
Thank you Lord Jesus and thank you for saving our brother, teacher in Christ!
Blessings to you brother!
God bless you pastor I really enjoy hearing rightly dividing the word of truth it has opened my spiritual eyes in
May the Lord continue to give you the spirit of wisdom and enlightenment.
Thank you brother Paul for the edifying teaching. God bless you and your family and all the brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have one question though. What are the destinations for the following souls? The uncircumcised generation to be born in the seven year tribulation period and the left behind, do they then have to convert to the Jewish religion, to have any salvation into the earthly kingdom?
Good study.
Thanks for listening, God bless!
Great study! Just 1 question. It is preached that the saints are coming back with Jesus at the second coming?
Have you heard this teaching?
Now my KJB says armies Revelation 19:14
but I have had teaching that we are coming back with Jesus.
Can you please explain?
Dear brother or sister in Christ,
I hope it is okay, when I try to answer your question.
I also know many Christians who believe that the Body of Christ will return to earth at the second coming of Christ because of Revelation 19:14
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
Many think the Body of Christ is talked about because of the white and clean linen, as we are also cleansed from sin by the blood of our saviour, having His white righteousness upon us.
Because Revelation is a book of prophecy, a book written by John, an apostle of Israel, giving more details about the prophecy that Daniel already has spoken, there can be NO reference about the church the Body of Christ in it. Because we are the mystery, the unsearchable information, nowhere else than in Paul's epistles can we find a single hint about us.
When looking for the answer who the white robed armies in Revelation 19:14 are, we must search it in the prophecy books of our Bible.
Maybe these questions to identify the horse riding armies from heaven, clothed white and clean could help:
Who is also referred to being holy, dressed in white?
Mark 16
5And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
John 20
12 And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.
Whose living realm is in the heavenlies?
Gen. 22
11 And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
Gen. 28:12
12And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Matthew 18
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Who is working as soldiers/armies on Gods behalf?
Ps. 68
17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.
2. Sam. 24
16 And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite.
17And David spake unto the LORD when he saw the angel that smote the people, and said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's house.
And who said Jesus during His earthly ministry would come with Him at His second coming?
Matthew 25:31
When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory
Mark 8:38
Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Luke 9:26
For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.
I hope I am on the right track with my study here, Grace and Peace 🙏❤️
Thanks for this sermon Dr Paul, your ministry is surely a blessing to me and others. I want to ask if gentiles who do not receive the mark and believe the everlasting gospel get to enter the millennial kingdom?
Good question! Yes, they will enter the Millennial Kingdom. Blessings
Can you please tell me what it means to "rightly dividing the word of truth"?
I have a video on that precise topic
Brother I think you’re the only one who would get 100% on a bible accuracy test. God loves you!
I appreciate that! Blessings
Good presentation. I only have one issue. You said that the ungodly are cast alive into the lake of fire and then tormented ( Bar B Qued ) for all eternity, Inferring that these people are alive, and totally conscience while burning forever. I have to disagree with you because of EZK 28 where we learn of the ultimate end of Satan who was in the garden of Eden. Here God plainly says " I will destroy you, and turn you into ashes EZK 28:18. I don't see how you can be wide awake and ashes at the same time.
With enough burning I’m sure Satan could be ashed
We ordered t-shirts!
Thank you sir, I hope you and your kids enjoy the t-shirts. Send me a picture so I can post it on my website please
As soon as the kids come over I’ll email you a picture
Also... how do you reconcile Revelation 5:9-10 KJVS
And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; [10] And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth...??? This is us the church is it not?
Those are Jews saved during the Tribulation from everywhere on earth. They are kings and priests (Exodus 19:6). Israel reigns on earth with Jesus Christ, not the church as our eternal home is heavenly places. Revelation 5:9-10 is about Israel, they inherit the earth, not us!
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 Amen
3:18, If the promise land is from the Nile river in Egypt, then the Israelites were already in the promise land when they they dwelt in Goshen, Egypt. Thus, when God says He is taking the Israelites 'into' their promise land it does not make sense for the Nile river to be the origin point of the west boarder of the promise land. Hence why folks have proposes the Wadi El Arish as the south-western boarder of the promise land. This sits directly above the Red Sea passover. Joshua's passover marks the south-east-eastern boarder along the Jordan river for Joshua and Caleb's passover and the final passover on dry ground is the reference of the 200 milliion man army [of God] who passover the Euphrates in Rev9:13. These mark the boarders of the promise land.
That part of the future Promised Land was under Egyptian control and Israel was in bondage to Egypt! Just like the northern regions were under Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman control. Cme on man, is this really that hard to understand?
Maybe I missed it, but what about the new Christians in Christ who die or are martyred during the Tribulation?
There will be no "new Christians" during the Tribulation as the time of the church and Christians ends at the Rapture. Tribulation saints must believe in Jesus as the Messiah of Israel and keep the commandments of the Law of Moses (Rev: 12:17, 14:12, 22:14). They will be mostly Jews.
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 Yes... they are back to the time of "god-fearers"
At 24:50 Dr. Felter begins to speak about why the devil and the fallen angels are cast out of Heaven at the midpoint of the Tribulation but never fully explains why. If the War in Heaven described in Rev. 12:7-10 is referenced in Matt. 24:29-30 where “stars” are falling (falling angels?) and the powers of the heavens are shaken (the reality of Michael’s war with the devil) perhaps that War is completed with all the fallen angels and the devil having been ejected from Heaven prior to the Church’s arrival in the Rapture, just prior to the Tribulation. Heaven would absolutely become a welcoming place for the Church, especially in view of the fact that the “accuser of the brethren” would no longer be present or able to approach God. Contending with the devil’s accusations for 3 1/2 years after arriving in Heaven - before he is finally ejected -- seems unlikely, doesn’t it?
Then having been confined to Earth at the beginning of the Tribulation, the Enemy would immediately begin his evil intentions with great resolve, quickly bringing forth the antichrist.
Do these interpretations make sense, Dr. Felter?
The eternal state, the former things shall not be remembered 🤔, thanks for the lesson and God Bless you and your Ministry 😎👍🇺🇸
So true!
@@SkunkWorksRifle that’s so comforting to know!
Nor brought to mind - just as with the gap in Gen 1:1
What happens to people at the end of The Millennium Kingdom? We have a new Heaven, Earth, and Jerusalem. Are there still people with mortal bodies? What about the earthly kingdom? And who inherits the New Jerusalem? Thanks again.
The New Jerusalem will be shared by all believers both Israel and the body of Christ.
Galatians 4:26 KJV - "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all."
"T-shirt loving person" (?)
"Love not the world; n̈or the thingʻs that are in the world."
Ezk 16;49 it starts subtley, and the wise will disçern the slippery slope.
You do wear clothes, right?
Thank you for which is a huge work that we almost never hear preached about, and at least for me, fills in gaps of my understanding. What I still wonder about is if there is a mingling in the eternal state, when the New Jerusalem comes down to earth? Do Rapture saints get to meet characters from Adam on, people we long to know like David? I would like to talk to Hannah, and Ruth, and Esther, to name a few. Also, one other question, since I know so many Gentile friends who seem to be headed into the 7 year tribulation--are they called under the Jewish umbrella, if saved during the Tribulation, and destined for the Millenial Kingdom, either as mortals, or immortals? Will there therefore be a mingling of mortals and immortals in the Millenial Kingdom? Thank you.
Yes, we will meet all the OT saints and mortals will mix and mingle with immortals. Blessings, Paul
Jews = New Earth
Body of Christ = New Heaven
The Wicked = Lake of Fire
A little amendment: New Earth
Charging for free information is evil
@@paulgross3067 so you keep attacking this man, doesn’t sound very Godly. All churches charge, one way or another,
Body Of Christ - New Heaven
Jews - New Earth In New Jerusalem City
Gentle Saved In Millennium - New Earth
Wicked - Eternal Lake Of Fire.
Rev 7:9-17 who is this group where they live eternally.
144000 Jews Evangelist when and how. They enter 1000 years kingdom - They come at the 2nd coming along with Jesus
It's not clear how an when they come and go. Jesus returns with his holy angels to fight and cleanse the earth not the 144,000 nor us the church. The 144,000 show up in Jerusalem at the start of the 7-year Tribulation and again at the start of the Millennial Kingdom. I think most will be martyred during the Tribulation.
Some say rapture, some say nay. Which is it?!
There is neither jew nor greek( gentile) male nor female free nor bound but all are one in Christ Yeshua
Please do a teaching on the fallacy of Christian Universalism.
Now being taught and believed by many right division Acts 9 Churches on TH-cam.....God will save ALL in the end .
It's coming soon!
I'm sure you will block this reply if you haven't blocked the TRUTH from being spoken already. So, let me ask you if YOUR teachings ALIGN with what JESUS taught. The answer is NO!!! Thats why you pre-tribers NEVER QUOTE Jesus when teaching the pre-trib lie. So, go ahead and BLOCK what Jesus taught. Mt13:30/ 25:32-33/ Lu17:26-30/ Jn5:28-29. Now see if what YOU teach aligns with what JESUS taught. Will you ADD TO Gods word and ADD your time periods to what Jesus taught???
The only thing that surpasses your ignorance is your arrogance! Those passages in Matthew 13 and 25 pertain to Jesus' second coming at the end of the 7-year Tribulation! Jesus did not teach on the Rapture but left that to the apostle Paul.. That is why Paul calls it a MYSTERY as he was the first to reveal it. "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed," 1st Corinthians 15:51. The wheat and tares is not the Rapture, the judgment of the nations is not the Rapture! Get your eschatology straight before you leave comments worthy of deletion.
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 So, if someone disagrees with you, and provide SCRIPTURE to back it up. YOU say that is WORTHY OF DELETING the comment? That does NOT sound like what Paul taught. 2Tm 3:16. Also to prove I know what I'm talking about. Why did you not ADDRESS Lu17:26-30 This is JESUS telling us what will happen when he is REVEALED. Do you know what REVEADED means. The SAME DAY Lot (Represents believers) went "OUT" of the city (Represents rapture/ Resurrection) God destroyed THEM ALL. (All unbelievers) Did Jesus say SAME DAY or 7-YEARS? Also, why did you not address Jn5:28-29 Jesus said ALL that are in the graves shall come forth. (Just and unjust together) Where does JESUS teach YOUR time periods in these verses? Now, let me use you own SCRIPTURES against you. 1Cor 15:51 Behold I show you a Mystery. This Mystery Paul was talking about has NOTHING to do with THE resurrection/ rapture. The Mystery was HOW THE resurrection would HAPPEN. Jesus taught THE resurrection YEARS before Paul ever came on the scene. There was NO mystery about it. Paul was simply telling HOW THE resurrection would happen. That was the mystery. (Corruptible putting on Incorruption) Also, what part of verse 54 Do you not understand? Clearly this is THE resurrection/ Rapture. This is when DEATH is SWALLOWED UP. (Destroyed) This is the LAST ENEMY. 1Cor 15:25-26. So, how can there be MORE DEATH AFTER THIS? Jesus teaches this EXACT same thing over and over. Lu20:34-36 THE resurrection is the end of the WORLD. NO MORE DEATH. I'm not quite as IGNORANT as you think.
@@markhauserbible7168the rapture is only for those..."In Christ"
@@SkunkWorksRifle You are 100% correct. But NO ONE WILL BE LEFT BEHIND. Mt13:30 Where does Jesus teach anyone left behind? Mt25:32-33 Where does Jesus teach a time period between this separating sheep from goats? Lu17:26-30 Jesus said THE SAME DAY. Jn5:28-29 ALL that are in the graves shall come forth (Just and unjust together) Where do you see Jesus teach YOUR time periods between this event? JESUS taught THE (One) resurrection and THE DAY of judgment happen together. Mt12:41-42. This is why you pre-tribers NEVER QUOTE Jesus when teaching the pre-trib LIE. As if Paul would teach something different than JESUS. So, who should we believe, Jesus or pre-trib teachers????
@@markhauserbible7168 what Jesus Christ taught is the Truth, no one in their right mind would deny it, Jesus Christ also taught the Apostle Paul through special revelation about the Church, the body of Christ, the Apostle Paul makes clear in his letter to the Church at Rome the distinction between the Nation Israel and the Church, the body of Christ, Israel has the covenants and was given the Law of God and is loved by God, but now, speaking of the times of dispensations, there is no difference between the Jew and Gentile, and anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, The Apostle Paul preaches Christ and him crucified for the forgiveness of sin, which is the message of the Church to the World, Jesus Christ during his ministry on earth preached the Kingdom of Heaven,.... repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, he preached this message first to the Nation Israel and a lot of what you are referring to has to do with the Nation Israel and the time of Jacob's trouble and should not be confused with the Church, the body of Christ, having said this I'll go on to say that we will all give an account before the Lord every thought, deed, or action, every word that we speak, for we are subject to him and him alone, God Bless
Jesus told his deciples in Mathew 10:1-10. Got to jews only. Jews are a bloodline, after they came out of Egypt. I don't see any gentiles being part of Israel. Help me see how this could be.
Thank you so much Dr. Paul for the work you do, so I've sent you a small donations to help you in some way for your ministry, God bless and thank you, please check your email from LC
Awesome, thank you! Blessings
While the Tribulation is primarily for Israel....it is also for the whole world.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
the great trib. Is NOT for believers at ALL
God has not appointed HIS own to the wrath of Jacob's trouble!!!!
Thank you sir for your faithful words. You ARE a true servant of the Lord
Revelation 3:10 is for the remnant of Israel. They are also spoken of in chapter 12 verses 13-17 Blessings
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 Yes...but there is now a false teaching that only Israel will have the wrath of God poured out on them during the Tribulation.
My point is that the wrath of God will be poured out on the entire world (except the remnant).
I believe the tribulation will be 3.5 years, not 7 years. I understand about the 70th week in Daniel but I believe half of that week was fulfilled at Christ's first coming. Nowhere in the Book of Revelation do we read anything at all about 7 years. EVERY mention of time is 3.5 years. Just my 2 cents.
So when did the Antochrist break the covenant? (Daniel 9:27-midst of the week)
The Antichrist confirms a 7 year covenant (Dan 9:27) When exactly did that happen during Jesus' ministry???
Read Dan 9 26. The Messiah is cut off, dies, between the 69th and 70th week. Study the Scriptures first, then the writings of men. Blessings
@@rightlydividingthewordoftr9434 Its hard for you to kick against the pricks. There is NOT one verse that teaches a 7-year tribulation. Dan 9:27 And he shall CONFIRM THE COVENANT with many for one week, and in the midst of the week. HOLD it right there. Where do you see even a HINT at 7-YEARS of tribulation at this halfway point in the verse? Also, the antichrist NEVER CONFIRMS THE COVENANT with anyone. There are TWO COVENANTS. Heb8:6-10. So, who is this that CONFIRMS? 1Cor 1:6,8/ Gal 3:17. JESUS!!! My guess is you will not reply to these scriptures either. Just remember God is watching how you treat the TRUTH. Jn17:17
@@markhauserbible7168 The covenant with death, brother
@@toxtethogrady4610 Oh, that's right teacher, you are right and Heb 8:6-10 is WRONG. You pre-tribers hate to be CORRECTED. And will use scriptures OUT of context to show your pride. There are TWO covenants NOT three. This why Paul wrote what he did in 1Cor 2:13-14
What about Adam & Eve, Noah and his sons. Those gentiles who believed in the promise of God sending a saviour who lived before Abraham?