People who don’t like this video claim “you were never a Jew” or “you never lived in Judaism” or “you betrayed your ancestors”. Here are the facts: 1) I’m a Jew through maternal lineage (though paternal as well). Parents became Christian in their 20’s. I became a Baal Teshuva in 2010. As I became more serious about my faith I lived according to Orthodox Halakha. 2) Judaism is the acceptance of Torah Shebichtav and Torah Sheba’al Peh as passed down from Moshe through to the sages of the Great Court. 3) Catholicism is the true continuation and fulfillment of the Faith of the ancient Hebrews (aka Temple Time Judaism) and thus me becoming Catholic, is to fulfill my Jewish identity.
You just skipped over the possibility of Karaite Judaism and went straight to idolatry. So even if Orthodox Judaism didn’t hold all your answers, why not some other branch? It is either Orthodox or nothing lol? What have you gained by not keeping Jewish rituals and adopting Catholic ones that are completely foreign to anything in the Tanakh?
Fulfill your Jewish identity by what praying in Latin lol? Why not Greek Orthodoxy lol? You sound confused rather than enlightened. Your people have been murdered in the past by members of the Church you have joined.
Who told you I never looked into the Karaite movement? Of course I did but that system is awfully flawed. Oral Torah is essential. God has always operated in this way: written instruction, oral instruction and a living body of authority to guide His people. In the ancient Faith it was: Torah Shebichtav, Torah Sheba’al Peh, and the Great Court. This found its continuation and fulfillment through Yeshua Our messiah: Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium. Additionally, I still honor my Jewish heritage through customs that do not go against Church teaching. I speak on that on other videos of mine.
@@TheJewishCatholic You’re the one complaining about all the differences of opinion one finds in the Gemara and halakhic sources. Whatever the case is Catholicism didn’t inherit any Torah Sheb’al Peh, because they made void even the written Torah in many instances. You have essentially just replaced Jewish observances like Shabbat, Pesach, Chag Hamatzot, Shavuot, Sukkot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur with a new set of holy days and liturgy. Do you even pray in Hebrew? No more tallit? Why not? Why are you so goyish in your observance when Yeshua himself kept these traditions? Your only gripe is that you cannot know for sure the details of how exactly all these things should be properly observed, so with the Catholics you observe Saints and icons instead.
We are a very devout Catholic family & in our extended family there are several who are priests and nuns, we are Javanese living in Indonesia and we are very happy that Jews have become Catholics.👍💖🙏
I’m a Jewish Catholic, too, and I love your videos. They reaffirm for me that I am in the right place and that I am not alone. Can you give some links to some of the ancient writings, such as the early church fathers? My Hebrew School Hebrew is very rusty, I have no Greek or Latin, and English is my only language for reading. Again thank-you for showing me that I am not alone!
3 volume book set in eBay cheaper. Early Church Fathers by Sullivan jurgens. Covering 900yrs. Like 30$ or Amazon new set for $ 54 . The whole library 24 book set close to 2000$
Thank-you to the people who replied to my question about locating the writings of the early church fathers. I will follow up on your suggestions. Shalom!
Im a former Messianic myself and left the movement in 2017 after 9 years of searching snd studying with them. I ended up baptizing into the Coptic Orthodox Church in 2019 and have a lot of respect for my Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians because we are of Apostolic origin as well.
The Sanhedrin today is in the Catholic Church. It's partly corrupted right now but God will take care of it soon. Consider joining Copts in Communion with Rome
glory to God my coptic brother! forgive my asking but do you have any coptic youtube channels I could watch? I am pretty dead set on catholiscism but when it come to my soul i dont want to leave any stones unturned. God bless you and your family!
I visited a Jewish ✡ synagogue 🕍 on the 50th anniversary of Nostra aetate. The Shabbat services and other Jewish ✡ services caused a boomerang effect: start as a Catholic; get swayed over to Protestants, Jews, other religions; but they all led me back to Catholicism ⛪! 🤯
@@arielelijah1282 Shabbat Shalom! My Jewish ✡ friends invite me to their services. The reading 📚 of the day and the homily are 2 of the highlights for me, the Catholic. Much of the worship reflects what is the foundation for Christianity ✝️
Amen! Thank you for the video! That was me growing up Episcopalian, then looked around different denomination until I ended up in Messianic Judaism. Finally, I converted to the Catholic Church, and it has been a blast! Now I am thinking about a religious vocation.
I read an article in the New York Times a few years ago. The article was about a trend that was happening in Israel. Israeli Jews would attend Catholic services (the Mass) on Sundays. They were attending the services out of curiosity and the article mentioned how they were struck by how similar the Catholic Mass was to their own religious (synagogue) services.
I can't thank you enough for posting this. I've been trying to put into words why Messianic Judaism wasn't something I could actively practice. I came back to my Catholic faith 4 months ago, but I would've considered myself Messianic prior to that. For 3 years I tried to practice all of the feasts in the Messianic tradition the way Jesus would have, but then I realized there's no way that's possible because the temple was destroyed. I believe the Holy Spirit was calling me back home to the Catholic Church through my frustration of not being able to keep the Messianic feasts and kosher. Thank you again Daniel! God bless!
You should make a video on that, that is very interesting. I have flirted with the hebrew roots movements but some of it seems more false than true ie talmudic bits and Black Hebrew fake Hebrew names it's seems a real mish mash of different beliefs. I do like to not work on The Sabbath day though but I don't judge anyone that dosen't as all days are for worship.
Thanks be to God! Your story was very heartening and made so much sense. As a Roman Catholic that has studied Sacred Scripture, the Patristics, and with a background in philosophy, all of your points were well-reasoned and thorough. Your conclusion is my own, such that I argue that the faithful during Apostolic times shouldn't have accepted the name first given to them in Antioch, i.e. "Christian," but rather kept stating that which we are: New Covenant Jews/New Law Jews/New Testament Jews. I get that having a new name would make it more amenable to the Gentiles at the time and onwards, but on the other hand, it would go a long way to helping Jews now realize the call that God had given them from the beginning, and is still giving them now. They need to overcome the rabbis' mis-instruction, and read the Tanakh for themselves. Start with Matthew/Levi's genealogy at the beginning of his gospel, which was the first one written (for a reason). May God help them all to hear His voice and be open to His Word, Love and Truth. The sooner they do this, then the sooner that prophecy of Paul can be fulfilled, and then hopefully sooner will His return come to pass. God help us, and deliver us from evil. Amen.
I have watched Brother Bob Fishman a Jewish Catholic (Franciscan) on EWTN /Catholic Television Network ,he teaches us the wonderful Hebrew praises to Almighty GOD .
Glad for you and the Catholic Mass and Church are awesome, but i wonder, don't you miss Judaism and Synagogue at all? I quite enjoy the culture and the Services when i attend. Personally i attended both since childhood.
Rochester, I see multiple problems with Judaism (no offense): 1. Moral issues with things like allowances for contraception and abortion 2. A lack of miracles that point to it as truth over Christianity. Miracles are one of the main evidences for divine revelation 3. A lack of unity. There were the two schools back then. Plus all of the different types from Essene, to Pharaseeical, to Sadducee, and so on. Now, there’s reform, conservative, Orthodox, and ultra Orthodox. As well as the Ashkenazi, the Sephardic, the Yemenite, etc. even the Talmud seems to just be arguments from different sages without much congruity. 4. There is a 2,000 year and counting “waiting period” in Judaism, that makes little sense. The destruction of the First to when the Jews regained their land was only 50 years. 5. Jesus managed to spread the “Knowledge of the Lord”, throughout most of the world, even to the Gentiles, like was prophesied of the Messiah 6. The Temple sacrifices stopped being sacrificed right at the time Jesus began His ministry. That’s a huge “coincidence” if you ask me. 7. Daniel’s 70 sevens, and the time the Messiah was supposed to show up according to the sages was Jesus’s time. 8. The Second Temple was somehow supposed to be greater than the first, and the arguments the Rabbis have given prove to be unsatisfactory. 9. The “Seed of the Woman” and the “Almah” in Isaiah, as well as the mem in Isaiah seem to indicate Mary and Jesus as being important. In fact, Marian typology makes the Messianic claims of Jesus stronger in my thoughts. 10. The Suffering Servant. And the Righteous man in Wisdom. I have a hard time believing that the suffering servant is supposed to be some “righteous remnant”, even though the early Rabbis didn’t hold to this view. 11. Catholicism actually does make logical sense. 12. And there’s plenty more but these are some of the reasons why I don’t believe Judaism is true
I thank God for finding your chanel. Such great apostolate. It increases my Hope! For it is the conversion of Jews that I pray every day. Cradle Catholic here, continually trying to increase my knowledge of the Faith. Thank God for every good things that He gives every moment or our lives. Blessings!
That's how it is. What was also always fired against the Catholics because they supposedly celebrate the festivals at the wrong time like Easter etc.? Most Messianic Jews or "Torah" Christians celebrate the feasts according to Hillel the 2nd. The Catholics, on the other hand, celebrate Easter (Passover) as was customary in Jesus' time. The first full moon after the vernal equinox. Has always been Passover. Just a small example.
One great book is “Jewish Identity” by Carmelite priest Fr. Elias Friedman (deceased), in which he tried to deal with the issues associated with conversions of Jews to The Church.
Thank you for educating us about Judaism. You explain it so well. I am Catholic and regard my Lord Jesus, a Jew, as the Messiah who came to direct our path to Him through Christianity while glorifying Him with lives of gratitude, love and kindness.
Your channel is truly Providential for not only your intended audience but even us as cradle-Catholics...The Scriptures both- Old Testament and New Testament are what we've heard over and over during the Liturgy at Holy Mass for years... and unwittingly are so part of our system! Seeing the hand of God at work throughout Salvation history and how it radiates to whole mankind with the gradual revelation of Who He IS ....and realising the continuity to us here and now even is such Joy!! So glad that we can make the connection and better understand our FAITH with even the Jewish lens. Very grateful for learning something about our Jewish heritage too through your video! I love the beauty of my Catholic faith but my heart is also for my Jewish brethren. (On a side note, I never really worry too much about them-the Jews- knowing that Our Good Lord is a faithful God and always true to His Promises as St Paul reminds us...they need only to seek Him in sincerity of Heart not the logic of the Head :).....But I'm grateful to God for your witness and look forward to learning more. May God continue to bless you and Our Lady keep you and your family too!!
Thanks for your channel. While I was a teenager in Tokyo, an international school student, one friend of mine is Jewish. I am still in touch with him. I struggle to talk to him about the Catholic faith without being pushy. What suggestions do you have. Maybe you can do a video about how to share the Catholic faith
Congrats for that move. As an half spaniard half italian my ansestors left behind pagan worship and custom more than 1000 years ago and had no problem to embrace the Truth and The Way. Chist is King ¡Viva Cristo Rey!
I’m coming from a mixed Jewish/protestant background but have felt that this is no longer the path I should be on. I have explored Messianic communities in the States and in Israel and really fell in love with the way the congregations in Jerusalem held themselves. On the flip side, I have not found anything similar to that here. My roommate is orthodox Christian and my best friend has recently begun the conversion process to Catholicism. We have had many discussions on the matter but I think that there are a few roadblocks that really inhibit me from being able to reach further into the idea of becoming Catholic that maybe you can give some feedback on: 1) I recognize the idea of the church in Rome as being the head of the Catholic Church. I was taught that the Pope’s of the past ordered Jews to be killed and that they helped the Nazis. I recognize this may be an exaggeration, but it does make it difficult when I consider the possibility of Catholicism. 2) My friends have explained to me how the iconic images of Mary and the saints are not idols. I see and respect their reasoning, but I still can’t see how it’s not. I saw your video on the communion and how that is not idolatry and I get that, but my friends will ask these saints to talk to God on their behalf. I have seen other more religious Jews do the same thing with the rabbis of old. Both of these examples seem to contradict the Torah. I thought we were supposed to pray to God alone. What are your thoughts on this? I would say the is the biggest hurtle I’ve had with approaching Catholicism. I can just hear my father’s voice in my head saying “this is why God sent us to Babylon”. 3) Being Jewish there are many cultural and religious aspects that are mentioned in Torah for us to adhere to. Do you think it is acceptable to continue things such as wearing a kipa, maintaining kosher, etc? Does this cause issues with you and others in the church? I had this problem in the past where others thought I was going against the Bible for doing these things. 4) I guess to bounce off the last point, which aspects of Torah do you keep concerning these customs? Some messianic emphasize it heavily while others are more lax. 5) This may be a trivial thing but how do you mix Pesach and Easter? They are on different days so which do you commemorate the resurrection if it happened on Pesach but the Catholic Church has its own date and time for it? How do you do Shabbat? 6) My last point may be a little blunt but there are not a lot of Jewish people going to the Catholic Church; whereas, the Messianic congregations in Israel are growing. It doesn’t seem, on the outside anyway, that the Catholic Church is really doing a lot to remind our people of who Yeshua is. Why is there such a contrast? In the past, ignorant as this mentality was, I just thought the Catholic Church hated Jews and that’s why they aren’t coming. I know that wasn’t the best mentality but I am still curious as to why it seems that way. I apologize for the length of this post and the density of the material in it. There are just not many people who I can approach in your position who can give me this feedback. In fact you are the only Jewish person who is Catholic that I have ever heard of. I quite frankly didn’t think it was a thing. Another reason that has given me pause with the idea of pursuing being Catholic.
As someone who was born into the Catholic faith, but only recently confirmed as an adult, we Catholics view the Tanakh through the lens of the New Testament. It must be fascinating to have a Mosaic understand of the Tanakh and then come to the New Testament and see Jesus the way his first century disciples saw him.
THANK you for your Faith. In the communion of saints, we are one in the anointed Saviour. I've studied our Jewish roots since I was 20 & am now 72. It's an even tougher world for you young people now !
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 *🕍 Understanding the Diversity in Judaism* - Judaism encompasses various sects and subgroups, such as Reformed, Conservative, Orthodox, and Ultra-Orthodox. - These groups differ significantly in their interpretations of religious laws, rituals, and observances. - Variations exist in dietary laws, Sabbath observances, and theological beliefs like the nature of God and the Torah. 04:23 *🌐 Challenges within Messianic Judaism* - Messianic Jewish communities exhibit doctrinal diversity, especially concerning beliefs about Yeshua's divinity and adherence to traditional Jewish laws. - Discrepancies arise on issues like kosher dietary laws, Sabbath observance, and calendar systems. - The absence of centralized authority leads to theological disputes and varying interpretations of Jewish practices. 08:16 *⛪️ Critique of Modern-Day Judaism and the Quest for Ancient Roots* - Modern-day Judaism, including Messianic Judaism, lacks the Temple, priesthood, and sacrificial system observed in ancient times. - This raises questions about the legitimacy of current Jewish practices as responses to historical Jewish traditions. - Investigating early Christian writings and the apostolic fathers offers an alternative perspective on religious continuity and doctrinal beliefs.
From my understanding, Messianic judism came out of the Jesus Movement of the 1960s-1970s as a respond of becoming Christians but wanting to maintain their Jewish identity.
@@TheJewishCatholic That is what I learned recently, especially with the rise of the Hebrew roots movement and the troubled it is causing within the sects of Messianic judism
Thank you for your videos. After being Protestant for 10 years and then Hebrew Roots since 2014, I'm on my way to become Catholic. I struggle with leaving the Sabbath observance behind with a good conscious. I'm interested how you handled the commandment. I heard and read everything in the Catechism as well Catholic Answers but this isn't convincing to me. How did you deal with it, especially coming from a Jewish background. Thank you and blessings.
“IF” you have not already, please consider going to Adoration of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament (also known as “Holy Hour”). Call your local parish and find out when they offer it. Then, just go and sit in silence in Christ’s Presence. Take your bible. Read scripture, pray, contemplate. Tell the Lord of your search for truth, of your doubts, worries, even fears. Then, be as patient with Him as He has been with you. When you receive the grace to know that HE IS THERE, you will be forever changed. Miracles occur in Christ’s presence - of that I can personally attest.
Saint Clement the Roman was jewish also, a roman jewish as Flavius Josephus, and Saint Epiphanius of Salamis was too, and his convertion was due to seeing inconsistency due to hateful practices in Jewish groups against Christians, this when he was 16.
So, my understanding was that this was not the first time the temple was destroyed, and the formation of synagogues and such is a response to the destruction of the FIRST temple. The only major breakaway from this tradition, which was already part of the Judaism that Jesus practiced, (AFAICT) was the writing down of the oral law (because they were afraid that the oral law would be completely forgotten) in the Mishnah, and the subsequent commentaries in the Gemara. Obviously, between the first and second temple, many of the laws could not be kept the same way either.
The Shulhan Aruch was written by Joseph Karo who was Sephardic. Joseph Karo was born in Toledo Spain in 1488. In 1492, aged four, he was expelled from Spain with his family as a result of the Alhambra Decree and subsequently settled in the Kingdom of Portugal. How would Joseph Karo feel about you joining the Catholics?
I am aware of his story. I didn’t call him Ashkenazi. I said his compendium has an Ashkenazi flavor. As for his feelings, don’t really care what he feels about me being Catholic.
@@TheJewishCatholic it's not something you have any influence on. Judaism is an ethno religion, messianics aren't part of that. You're Christian, not Jewish
@TheJewishCatholic thanks for sharing. have you heard of Roy Schoeman? he was also jewish and ended up in catholic church. you should reach out to him and maybe you have your testimony on his radio show. he wrote a book that chronicles jewish converts to the Catholic Church.
I am Jewish messianic Judaism is the dumbest thing they usually have Protestant theology but added some Jewish things like wearing a kippa or doing the kiddish over wine. If your theology is Protestant Christianity why not call it Protestant Christianity? Judaism doesn’t believe in a man dying for another man’s sins or a trinity.
@@EsseQuamViderity Thanks for the back handed insult. You obviously have a great understanding about the historical foundations of mass, liturgy, the clergy overall and the governance structures of the Catholic Church. Surely you can make an unequivocal case that all of these are unconnected to worship practices established by Moses; and to demonstrate that God built up Judaism and the Jewish people in order to then thoroughly wipe it out though the coming of Messiah by establishing something radically unrelated. It's not like God's gifts are irrevocable, so I guess you'll have an easy job in providing a compelling proof for the unjewishness of the RCC. This is where you see the limitations of coming from a Protestant background rather than a Jewish one.
@@EsseQuamViderityso you should do research before being offended and standoffish. The catholic faith IS the continuation of the Jewish faith from the second temple period. Much of our tradition is rooted in Judaism. Especially the mass.
@@EsseQuamViderityafter the second temple collapsed rabbinic Judaism was created and it is a totally different type of Judaism and they reject the messiah.
@@EsseQuamViderity Because the Catholic Church ... is the prophesied AntiChrist in Revelations ... who placed the Pope ahead of God .. and murdered millions of Jews & Christians for "church" heresy over 1260 years since the fall of the Roman Empire ( 4th Beast). Hey genious. Sabbath is Saturday ... starting sunset Friday .. not Sunday. Jesus was born 1 Nisan 6 BC not in December when the pagan sun god is worshiped. Jesus had 4 brother & at least 2 sisters so Mary was not an eternal virgin (lol). God forbid praying to the dead. Salvation is simply faith in the life, death & resurrection of God's only Son ... not being baptized, following church rules and do works. And just as the Roman Cathoic Church being the most obvious AntiChrist ... the False Prophet is clearly ... Islam. Which is why Catholic Priests ... made up the lie .. of the 7 year tribulation ...where the AntiChrist & False prophet will appear, create a one world order ... and kill millioins of Jews & Christians.
Honest question: hypothetically, if someone were to provide satisfactory answers regarding Rabbinic Judaism would you leave your current way of life and return to Torah?
Hypothetically. If someone were to show me how Rabbinic Judaism is the authentic continuation of temple Judaism and not what was handed down by Yeshua of Nazareth and His Apostles, yes. Many have tried. But I’m Catholic as you see.
Can you make a video just focused on the observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? It’s an argument that comes up a lot with my Messianic Jewish friends. It’s an argument they use to not accept Catholicism. I’ve tried researching it online and cannot get a convincing arguments. Thanks.
Holy Scriptures/Bible are composed of the TeNaKh (Torah (Law/Instructions), Nevi’im (Prophets), Kethuvim (Writings) & Brit HaChadasha (Apostolic Writings), to be the verbally and plenarily inspired Word of Elohim/God (Matt. 5:18; II. Tim. 3:16-17; II. Peter 3:14-16). I hold the Bible to be inerrant in the original writings, infallible, God-breathed, and the complete and final authority for faith and practice (II. Tim. 3:16-17). Ruach HaKodesh was the divine author of Scripture (John 14:25-26; II. Peter 1:20-21; Acts 1:16). While still using the individual personalities of the human authors, Ruach HaKodesh superintended them to insure that they wrote precisely what He wanted written, without error or omission. Furthermore, I reject claims that “the Old Testament has been done away with” (Isaiah 40:8, Malachi 3:6, Matt. 5:18, II. Tim. 3:16, II. Peter 1:20-21, I. Thess. 2:13). Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus Christ is righteousness/godliness revealed in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16), declaring Elohim/God whom no one has seen (John 1:18), the everlasting Father who dwells in Him (John 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:19). Indeed, He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14), the visible image of the invisible Elohim (Colossians 1:15), and the exact representation of His nature (Hebrews 1:3) for in Him the fullness of deity was pleased to dwell in bodily form (Colossians 2:9) just as the prophet Isaiah foretold (Isaiah 11:1-2). He is Emmanuel, "Elohim with us" (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23), the arm of YHWH revealed (Isaiah 53:1; Exodus 6:6). And so when we see Him we see the Father (John 14:9), when we hear Him we hear the Father (John 7:16, 12:49, 14:10,24). He is the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the completion (Revelation 1:8, 22:12-13); the Living Bread that came out of Heaven (John 6:51) whose origins are of old (Micah 5:2). All things have been created by, through, and for Him (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:1), and all things and all authority on Heaven and Earth have been given to Him (Matthew 11:27, 28:18). As such He is the true Elohim (1 John 5:20) whose throne is forever (Hebrews 1:8) and at His Name, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that HE IS THE LORD which brings glory to the Father (Philippians 2:9-11) the One who has completed His work through Him (Matthew 26:39, Luke 22:42, John 4:34, 6:38), and finally, it is finished (John 19:30). I believe that God became incarnate in the person of Yeshua HaMashiach; that He was conceived of Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Miryam (Mary); that He is truly God and truly man; that He lived a perfect, sinless life; that all His teachings are true (Isa.14:1ff.; Matt. 1:23). I believe that Yeshua died on the cross for all mankind as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice (I. Jn. 2:2; Isa. 53:5-6). I hold that His death is efficacious for all who believe; that our justification is ground in the shedding of His blood; and that it is attested by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead (John 1:12; Acts 16:31; Rom. 5:9; Eph. 1:17; Matt. 28:6; I. Pet. 1:3). Salvation is a gift of God’s grace through faith in the finished work of Yeshua Messiah on the cross (Eph. 2:8-9). Messiah shed His blood to accomplish justification through faith, propitiation to Yahweh, redemption from sin, and reconciliation of man. Messiah died for us and bore our sins in His own body (Rom. 5:8-9; I. Peter 2:24). In order to be saved one must first understand that he has broken Yahweh's perfect law and is condemned because of his sin to eternal destruction away from the presence of almighty Yahweh (Deut 11:28, Rom 6:23). He must then accept the blood of Yeshua/Jesus over the door posts of his heart and believe that outside the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua there is no other way for salvation. At the point of conversion it is the responsibility of the believer to submit himself to the teachings of his new Rabbi Yeshua, be baptized (immersed) into His name and follow Him all the days of His life (Luke 9:23, 1 Cor. 9:24). I believe this is best done by surrounding oneself with a community of believers that have the same passion to be more like Him daily. Being in a local community of believers is critical for spiritual growth, accountability and the maturity of the spiritual gifts within the body.
I’m confused as to why he called modern Judaism a false response because of man made mandates responding to the lack of a trample and priest etc but then mention the path the of the disciples students as more a more “fluid” response. Like what about what they thought was better or “fluid” and why wouldn’t they also be man mandated false responses unless it balls down to preference
Dear Daniel, I'm a religious Jewish educator and I'd like to point out a few things: Both Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity can be seen as responses to the changes in Jewish life brought about by the destruction of the Temple and the loss of Jewish sovereignty in the land. But I couldn't see from this video why you believe the Rabbinic response isn't "legitimate." Below (summarized) is what my disagreement with you is based on: 1. The Rabbinic teachings about how we achieve atonement and forgiveness without sacrifices are deeply rooted in Scripture itself. There are many Tanakh passages which make clear the alternate and preferable means for reconciling with God. These consist of things like: pouring out your heart in sincere prayer; a humble and contrite spirit; changing one’s way of life for the good; pursuing justice and compassionate deeds; generally obeying God’s own commandments. Most pointedly, the Rabbinic concept called “Teshuvah,” meaning (as I'm sure you know) “return” or "repentance" is found in a variety of places in Scripture. Some of the relevant verses for the ideas just mentioned include: Deuteronomy 30:4-14; 1 Samuel 15:22; Hosea 14:2; Isaiah 1:18-20; Micah 6:6-8; Ezekiel 18:21-23; Psalms 32:5-6; 51:16-17; 141:2; Jonah 3:6-10. The Rabbis gave concrete and beautiful expression to God's own expressed will concerning atonement. 2. Christianity, and in some ways particularly Catholicism, asserts a wide variety of things that are in serious conflict with the Tanakh teachings. I understand that you are interested in the biblical system of sacrifice, but where does the Tanakh state that one can consume human blood-or the "blood of God" in order to be forgiven?! Even if you somehow believe Rabbinic teachers post-70 CE weren't following the Jewish Bible precisely, how can Christian ideas about sacrificing God Himself line up with Scripture? Catholics (and the Church fathers) are not following the laws and principles of Leviticus in church; they've created a symbolic system based on the narratives in the Gospels-a system which introduces new theological problems, such as the trinity, of course. I ask you to consider this: what's a bigger departure from the spirit and principles of Tanakh: not having priests anymore, or claiming that God is composed of three distinct persons, one of whom generated (begat) and produced the other two, and another of whom is eaten weekly? 3. Finally for now, I believe there's something pretty wrong with arguing that since we can't do all of God's commandments, then we shouldn't do the rest of God's commandments. For example, Yom Kippur has several dimensions. Besides the sacrificial and priestly parts, there's the confession of sin; fasting and self-deprivation; and refraining from all forms of work. These are all as much commanded and desired by God as the sacrifices. Just because we can't literally do the latter doesn't mean we should throw out the other parts. If you're concerned about staying true to God's word in Scripture, then the aim should be to maximize everything God said to do, to preserve all that which is in our power, in order to love, adore, and serve Him. Best wishes and hoping to hear your thoughts.
good job. I also notice that many Messianic Jews still believe that the Jews are somehow eternally chosen by their DNA. I think they were chosen of course, but chosen as the beginning to receive God's revelation, and not eternally special/privileged, afaik all faithful Catholics are now "chosen", whether they are Jews or Gentiles. Right?
The Jewish identity remains. This is not error. Even Paul acknowledged his heritage after having accepted Yeshua as Messiah. The vocation of a Jew remains to bring the Messiah to the world. The role of the Jewish people also remains. Scripture makes it clear that a sign of the end times is a mass regathering of the Jews into the messianic kingdom of Christ. Sure, my people have been blinded in part, as St Paul states, but we still have a role to play. I’m trying to do my part with this channel.
@@TheJewishCatholic Here I agree 100% with you son. Well said. Also Pope Clement VI said " we nevertheless are mindful of our duty to shelter the Jews, by reason of the fact that our Savior, when he assumed mortal flesh for the salvation of the human race, deemed it worthy to be born of Jewish stock, and for the sake of humanity in that the Jews have called upon the assistance of our protection and the clemency of Christian piety. " So Catholic Tradition back you here 100% son.
@@TheJewishCatholic Many American Protestants seem to think that "chosen people" means they need to support the State of Israel in whatever it does as well as support building a new Temple in Jerusalem. I think that is wrong. Nobody can "speed up" when Jesus returns, and Jews can't get saved by having such a new temple either, but only by embracing Jesus the Messiah.
@@p4radigm989 Politics is a matter of prudent judgement according to Catholic teaching not Faith and Morals per say. A Catholic can support a Palestinian State or Support Israel or support a Two State solution. I support Israel as a Catholic Zionist. As too building the Temple. If we believe St Pius X that would not be allowed. Catholics cannot in principle support the restoration of the Old Testament Church as it would be an affront to the New Testament One. We should work to lead Jews to their Messiah Yeshua Ben Miriam. Jewish Catholics can keep Jewish Traditions. Which is grant.
Let's hope Nethanyahu converts it. with this news All the world would be shocked; however, The miracle is possible with the New Testament. Let's pray for him
I went down a similar path. I was trying to keep all the halakha etc. What happened for me was that I went really deep into the kabbalah and read the entire Zohar and learned the entire system of Lurianic kabbalah and I realized the purpose of the halakha and why it was needed. But then I understood what Yeshua did on the cross and I understood kabalistically that theres no longer any need to keep all the halakha for those who have been baptized into his death. It literally says in Zohar Naso that only those who don't understand the Torah have to keep studying the Mishnah in the days of the Messiah.
I took a very similar path. In my opinion, the lack of studying the Zohar in modern-day orthodox and reform Judaism is why there is so much confusion and misunderstanding about what the messiah is in the Israelite religion. The zohar in my opinion gives the true revelation of the old and new testaments, and unfortunately the talmud greatly confuses this revelation by having some of the same names (shimon bar yochai, yosi, etc) say the exact opposite things that they say in the Zohar. Reading the zohar was life changing, and lead me to the true revelation of the name A-H-Y-H in hebrew (I AM) and IESUS in latin (I AM). The name is only given to those who understand the messiah is christ consciousness, and that death is the triumph. Once you understand that the messiah is not a king of this physical world but a consciousness that governs all worlds, you are freed from the halakha as their entire purpose was to lead humans towards the good and away from evil. Once you overcome the sitra achra and are willing to die rather than commit evil, the name is given to you and you are freed from the obligations of the law. The zohar changed my life forever.
@@EricM93 Exactly. Talmud has the same gematria as Lillith in hebrew. It's a covering for the oral toral, the female principle. Check this out: Zohar Naso: Verse 91 The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, prohibition or permission, purity or impurity, will no longer apply to Yisrael, since our sustenance will be solely from the side of the Tree of Life, where there are no contradictions stemming from the Evil Side, nor any strife nor difference stemming from the unclean spirit, as it is written: "And also I will cause...the unclean spirit to pass out of the land" (Zecharyah 13:2). The Torah scholars will not need to be sustained by the ignorant, just from the good side by eating of the clean, kosher and permissible. They will not need to get it from the mixed multitudes, who eat the unclean, unfit and prohibited, and who are themselves defiled by defiling themselves with a woman during menstruation, a maidservant, a gentile woman or a prostitute. They are the children of Lilit, who is a menstruate woman, a maidservant, a gentile woman and a prostitute, and they return to their roots. About them, it is written: "For out of the serpent's root shall come forth a viper" (Yeshayah 14:29) Naso: Verse 95 Thus, prohibition and permission, purity and impurity will not pass away from the common people. From their aspect, there will be no apparent difference between the exile and the days of the Messiah, except for the delivery from servitude of Yisrael to the empires alone because they will not taste from the Tree of Life WHEN IT WILL BE REVEALED IN THE DAYS OF THE MESSIAH, and they will need to learn MISHNAH, about what is prohibited and permissible, what is unclean and clean. They will be shamed in front of a Torah scholar like darkness before light, since the mixed multitudes are like beasts, who are ignorant, who are darkness and were not even called Yisrael, just slaves sold to Yisrael, as was already explained. These are pretty harsh words, straight out of the Jewish books. Would love to discuss it some time.
@@EricM93 Exactly. Talmud has the same gematria as Lillith in hebrew. It's a covering for the oral toral, the female principle. Check this out: Zohar Naso: Verse 91 The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, prohibition or permission, purity or impurity, will no longer apply to Yisrael, since our sustenance will be solely from the side of the Tree of Life, where there are no contradictions stemming from the Evil Side, nor any strife nor difference stemming from the unclean spirit, as it is written: "And also I will cause...the unclean spirit to pass out of the land" (Zecharyah 13:2). The Torah scholars will not need to be sustained by the ignorant, just from the good side by eating of the clean, kosher and permissible. They will not need to get it from the mixed multitudes, who eat the unclean, unfit and prohibited, and who are themselves defiled by defiling themselves with a woman during menstruation, a maidservant, a gentile woman or a prostitute. They are the children of Lilit, who is a menstruate woman, a maidservant, a gentile woman and a prostitute, and they return to their roots. About them, it is written: "For out of the serpent's root shall come forth a viper" (Yeshayah 14:29) Naso: Verse 95 Thus, prohibition and permission, purity and impurity will not pass away from the common people. From their aspect, there will be no apparent difference between the exile and the days of the Messiah, except for the delivery from servitude of Yisrael to the empires alone because they will not taste from the Tree of Life WHEN IT WILL BE REVEALED IN THE DAYS OF THE MESSIAH, and they will need to learn MISHNAH, about what is prohibited and permissible, what is unclean and clean. They will be shamed in front of a Torah scholar like darkness before light, since the mixed multitudes are like beasts, who are ignorant, who are darkness and were not even called Yisrael, just slaves sold to Yisrael, as was already explained. These are pretty harsh words, straight out of the Jewish books. Would love to discuss it some time.
It appears that my comment on human deification (i.e. theosis) was deleted or censored; dunno why. Regardless, for those ignorant of this fundamental Christian teaching, here is paragraph 460 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":"For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God." "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God." "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods." The basis of this teaching from the Patristics onward is rooted in Genesis and the Psalms, as well as the Gospels and epistles.
I was brought up Jewish and became a Catholic by accident at the age of 35. Owing to problems in the local Catholic parish, there was nowhere to go on a Sunday apart from one of the Eastern Orthodox Churches in my city, and I ended up there six years ago, after 45 years.
How does one become a Catholic by accident? During the ceremony, one has to affirm their belief of the Catholic faith. Someone can not accidently become Catholic.
@@reginapontes5672 I went to a Catholic Church to do a recce for wedding photographs. The only time available was a Sunday High Mass. It was in Latin and Italian - I didn't understand a word. Instant conversion. Instruction and baptism were nearly a year later, of course. Apparently it happens quite often with the old Mass. They stopped doing it locally so I started going to the Serbian parish. The numbers creep up - people come for baptisms, weddings and funerals and are Instantly converted. They have Instruction for a year or two before baptism and confirmation.
Gosh that sounds just heavenly! I'm a Convert from Protestant but never been to a live Latin Mass since there are none where I live now - far from America. But I Love being a Catholic Christian and the last 4 years of my life since I've been a seriously practicing Catholic have been the absolute best of my entire existence as a human being on this planet of such sorrow and horrors and confusion. I would say the Rosary alone would keep me Catholic if nothing else because the sheer *POWER* for transformation (for the better) I have experienced in this one prayer devotion alone cannot be compared to anything I ever experienced before! I try to imagine how I ever got through a day before without praying at least 4 Rosaries and it doesn't seem possible! If I were one of those early Christians that was going to be thrown to the lions in the colosseum the only thing I would ask would be to be allowed to pray as many Rosaries as I could then I feel I could face the ferocious beasts with a calm spirit certain I could get through unthinkable evil with the graces "downloaded" from that mighty Prayer. May the LORD grant that I might attend a live Latin Mass somewhere some day. Maybe if I visit the US or France or Spain🙏🙏🙏💙💙💙✝️✝️✝️❤️❤️❤️
ive been watchih your videos for a bit, and they got me thinking, do you think that we should follow what the rabbis teach or should we dicard them completely? ive been very interested in jewish spirituality an im wondering how tk apply it to my life. Gid bless ypu and your ministry
the title is kind of missleading. from listening to the entire video it seems to me like you were never jewish. so how could you have left Judaism. in order to be jewish one must convert and join the jewish people and accept the tora. once you do that there is no way back. but since you have never done that you were never jewish. so what is this title?
I’m a Jew. Through the material lineage. My parents became Christian in their late 20’s. I became a Baal Teshuva in 2010. I became more and more serious in my faith and lived according to orthodox halakha. Of course, my believe in Yeshua of Nazareth as messiah remained and it still does.
@@whoahna8438no one prays TO a statue in the world of Catholicism. Don’t you think it would be wiser to study up from Catholic sources to know what we believe and practice instead of making false claims based on assumptions? Just so that you don’t come off as misinformed.
I was raised Protestant (specifically PCA) and converted to Judaism. This is a very interesting perspective that I completely disagree with. One of the things I really love about Judaism is their consistency throughout the sects, it primarily changes based on how observant you are. Like the reform movement isn’t very observant and they don’t think the Torah commandments are very important while orthodox movements are observant. They would both agree that G-d commanded Jews to keep kosher, but only one of them cares to follow it and I think that is where most differences stem. As for your Ashkenazi vs Sephardi, they’re a lot more similar than you seem to realize. The primary difference is the food. The only reason Sephardi Jews eat rice during Pesach is because rice is crucial to their cultural diet. There’s also speculations about wheat being stored in the same barrels as corn and such in Europe which would be a reason why Ashkenazi Jews don’t eat that. Overall, as long as you make sure the rice you eat is kosher for Passover, I don’t think any rabbis would take issue with people eating it. All that to say, Judaism is a lot more consistent between denominations as opposed to Christianity. Jews typically argue over the reasoning of laws, not the actual laws. And their arguments are about very trivial things like which order to write the verses on tefillin. I also found it was left with a lot of unanswered questions in Christianity that I believe Judaism has better answers for such as, why would Jesus die for people’s sins, that doesn’t seem fair/right, how do I go to heaven, who goes to heaven, etc. This is not meant to hate, I just think it’s really interesting that we have complete opposite perspectives
I grew up as Catholic. I am a full heathen by cirstances of birth; slightly more than 2 months premi. The doctors did not perform the customsry cosmetic surgery on me. With strong enough lungs, I did not have an oxygen tent incubator asd didn't suffer a common damage. And as a 6th grade Catholic I started to ask questions during a Holy Saturdayvvigal; 'Whatcis there about salvation that required Him to be naked?'. Over the years I haved away from Mathew's accountand view of Christ's display on the cross. Catholicism is still centered on pain and suffering. Not whatvis shown. As He stand having given up His under garment; is there any flower of the field drom mountain medow to jungle clearing, or bird of the air reguardless of plumeage that as arrayed as He? What is the difference between He and Solomon and all his robes?
The Hebrew Faith has in some way or another always been a “messianic Faith”. It just means different things to different people. For some, they are messianic because they believe Yeshua is the messiah… like me. For others, they are messianic because they believe the Lubavitcher Rebbe is the Messiah that will come again. Yet others are messianic in the sense that they await a King Messiah in the future.
As a lifelong catholic, this fills my heart with joy. God bless you. Welcome home, brethren. You were called first, and somehow, you arrived. Halelluja!
@@TheJewishCatholic The question is you said you was a Christian correct before you converted.. Yes I know we can say we had a jewish soul from passed ages. yes, i know when you convert you are officially a Jew and nolonger a goy. Yes, I know in this day in time there are people who got their DNA and have 1% Ashkanzi Eastern European Jewish ancestries... There are so many loop hole that one can say they are Jewish. Yes, I know those that say they a J.C. followers are saying they are the real jewish hebrew because J.C. died for them.
Hey! Just out of curiosity, did you ever look into Eastern Catholic Chrisitanity? There are various portions of Eastern Orthodox churches in full communion with the Pope and Rome, and i know jerusalem is headed by a Greek patriarch, and logically would be more consistent with some of the Jewish/other earpy eastern Catholics. Maybe Melkite Catholicism, in which i altar served for about half a year, would be interesting to look into if you haven't already!
You are right. I belong to the Eastern Rite (Greek) Catholic Church, having Jewish roots, according to my parents. For example, Liturgy of the Gifts - Oriental name Proskomidia (where the names of Moshe, Aaron, Elijah, Elisha, David of Jesse, Daniel, etc. are mentioned nominally.), The Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, the Canon of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Canon of St. Andrew the Cretan, and many other spiritual offices remind us of many beautiful common spiritual elements, which are found in the Torah, the Tanakh, etc. The reality, is that an interest in them must also be shown. I say this because I also had to deal with the Western Rite Catholic Church, but I feel better now in the Oriental Catholic Rite.
Dude is speaking facts. It is impossible to practice Biblical Judaism. You also have things like the targums that show that many Jews believed that God is multipersonal. I have been reading Leviticus with an Orthodox commentary; you can clearly see the similarities between Old Testament worship and how the apostolic churches worship. Reading Leviticus after becoming Catholic has been much less boring.
People who don’t like this video claim “you were never a Jew” or “you never lived in Judaism” or “you betrayed your ancestors”.
Here are the facts:
1) I’m a Jew through maternal lineage (though paternal as well). Parents became Christian in their 20’s. I became a Baal Teshuva in 2010. As I became more serious about my faith I lived according to Orthodox Halakha.
2) Judaism is the acceptance of Torah Shebichtav and Torah Sheba’al Peh as passed down from Moshe through to the sages of the Great Court.
3) Catholicism is the true continuation and fulfillment of the Faith of the ancient Hebrews (aka Temple Time Judaism) and thus me becoming Catholic, is to fulfill my Jewish identity.
You just skipped over the possibility of Karaite Judaism and went straight to idolatry. So even if Orthodox Judaism didn’t hold all your answers, why not some other branch? It is either Orthodox or nothing lol? What have you gained by not keeping Jewish rituals and adopting Catholic ones that are completely foreign to anything in the Tanakh?
Fulfill your Jewish identity by what praying in Latin lol? Why not Greek Orthodoxy lol? You sound confused rather than enlightened. Your people have been murdered in the past by members of the Church you have joined.
Who told you I never looked into the Karaite movement? Of course I did but that system is awfully flawed. Oral Torah is essential. God has always operated in this way: written instruction, oral instruction and a living body of authority to guide His people.
In the ancient Faith it was: Torah Shebichtav, Torah Sheba’al Peh, and the Great Court. This found its continuation and fulfillment through Yeshua Our messiah: Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium.
Additionally, I still honor my Jewish heritage through customs that do not go against Church teaching. I speak on that on other videos of mine.
@@TheJewishCatholic You’re the one complaining about all the differences of opinion one finds in the Gemara and halakhic sources. Whatever the case is Catholicism didn’t inherit any Torah Sheb’al Peh, because they made void even the written Torah in many instances. You have essentially just replaced Jewish observances like Shabbat, Pesach, Chag Hamatzot, Shavuot, Sukkot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur with a new set of holy days and liturgy. Do you even pray in Hebrew? No more tallit? Why not? Why are you so goyish in your observance when Yeshua himself kept these traditions? Your only gripe is that you cannot know for sure the details of how exactly all these things should be properly observed, so with the Catholics you observe Saints and icons instead.
I am Jewish and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church this Easter 🇻🇦
Your reasoning is similar to my own, which led me to Catholicism.
Welcome home 🙌🏾 Nigerian Catholic here 🙏🏾
Welcome 🙏 home! God bless you! ✝️ 💒
Come back Home.
Welcome home, brethren.
Welcome home!
We are a very devout Catholic family & in our extended family there are several who are priests and nuns, we are Javanese living in Indonesia and we are very happy that Jews have become Catholics.👍💖🙏
Your family sounds beautiful ❤
What a blessing!
Tuhan Berkati!
Jews don’t “become” Catholics but “enter” the fullness of Judaism ie their Heritage/home. Pax Christi
Shalom. 🙏 Salam kenal dr Javanese Catholic in the UK here.
Jawanya di mana? Saya dr Jogja.
I’m a Jewish Catholic, too, and I love your videos. They reaffirm for me that I am in the right place and that I am not alone. Can you give some links to some of the ancient writings, such as the early church fathers? My Hebrew School Hebrew is very rusty, I have no Greek or Latin, and English is my only language for reading. Again thank-you for showing me that I am not alone!
3 volume book set in eBay cheaper. Early Church Fathers by Sullivan jurgens. Covering 900yrs. Like 30$ or Amazon new set for $ 54 .
The whole library 24 book set close to 2000$
Shalom L Cheim 🕎✝️❤️
@@r.c4914 The William Jurgens 3 volume set are an excellent starting point!
Search for the writings of the fathers in into newadvent, their writings are extensive so you shall need to know where to look
Thank-you to the people who replied to my question about locating the writings of the early church fathers. I will follow up on your suggestions. Shalom!
Im a former Messianic myself and left the movement in 2017 after 9 years of searching snd studying with them. I ended up baptizing into the Coptic Orthodox Church in 2019 and have a lot of respect for my Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians because we are of Apostolic origin as well.
The Sanhedrin today is in the Catholic Church. It's partly corrupted right now but God will take care of it soon. Consider joining Copts in Communion with Rome
glory to God my coptic brother! forgive my asking but do you have any coptic youtube channels I could watch? I am pretty dead set on catholiscism but when it come to my soul i dont want to leave any stones unturned. God bless you and your family!
@hamontequila1104 I would still say stay catholic coming from someone who's churches were once oriental
@@RJDJ__ Are you referring to Eastern Catholics?
@famicommike9014 All oriental catholics are eastern catholics, not all eastern catholics are oriental catholics. If that makes sense
Iam catholic Jew since 1990!
Happy to see you home!
Come back home to Judaism! Your soul would be happy and so more comfortable at home!
,😂😂😂😂 catholic Jew oy vey
@@mottchessWhy would anyone return to a dead religion (in God’s eyes) with no temple or anything else?
I visited a Jewish ✡ synagogue 🕍 on the 50th anniversary of Nostra aetate. The Shabbat services and other Jewish ✡ services caused a boomerang effect: start as a Catholic; get swayed over to Protestants, Jews, other religions; but they all led me back to Catholicism ⛪! 🤯
Spot on. Pax Christi
the v'ruach hakodesh guides and inspires you
@@arielelijah1282 Shabbat Shalom! My Jewish ✡ friends invite me to their services. The reading 📚 of the day and the homily are 2 of the highlights for me, the Catholic. Much of the worship reflects what is the foundation for Christianity ✝️
Amen! Thank you for the video! That was me growing up Episcopalian, then looked around different denomination until I ended up in Messianic Judaism. Finally, I converted to the Catholic Church, and it has been a blast! Now I am thinking about a religious vocation.
All glory to the Most High!
I read an article in the New York Times a few years ago. The article was about a trend that was happening in Israel. Israeli Jews would attend Catholic services (the Mass) on Sundays. They were attending the services out of curiosity and the article mentioned how they were struck by how similar the Catholic Mass was to their own religious (synagogue) services.
I agree they are both pagan
I started going to mass just to have someone to wish me peace!
Would you happen to know where I can find that article? It sounds interesting!
@@Dustin_Quick_Holy_Smokes he made it up. Jewish prayer service is completely different from catholic idol service
I can't thank you enough for posting this. I've been trying to put into words why Messianic Judaism wasn't something I could actively practice. I came back to my Catholic faith 4 months ago, but I would've considered myself Messianic prior to that. For 3 years I tried to practice all of the feasts in the Messianic tradition the way Jesus would have, but then I realized there's no way that's possible because the temple was destroyed. I believe the Holy Spirit was calling me back home to the Catholic Church through my frustration of not being able to keep the Messianic feasts and kosher. Thank you again Daniel! God bless!
You should make a video on that, that is very interesting. I have flirted with the hebrew roots movements but some of it seems more false than true ie talmudic bits and Black Hebrew fake Hebrew names it's seems a real mish mash of different beliefs. I do like to not work on The Sabbath day though but I don't judge anyone that dosen't as all days are for worship.
As a born Jew, the catholic church was so welcoming to me. I’m so glad I made the choice to become catholic.
Welcome home!
@@TheJewishCatholic it’s true it felt like home.
Wasn't aware I had so many Jewish brothers and sisters in christ happy to see this 🙌
More to come according to prophecy! :)
Not a single one bro
@@charananekibalijaun8837 ✝✝✝🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥 Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on Us.
@@TheJewishCatholic amen! 🙏🏼
Cradle Catholic here who left the church for a period of time and looked into Messianic Judaism. Great video
I was a Conservative Jew before my conversion. Best decision I ever made.
Thanks be to God! Your story was very heartening and made so much sense. As a Roman Catholic that has studied Sacred Scripture, the Patristics, and with a background in philosophy, all of your points were well-reasoned and thorough.
Your conclusion is my own, such that I argue that the faithful during Apostolic times shouldn't have accepted the name first given to them in Antioch, i.e. "Christian," but rather kept stating that which we are: New Covenant Jews/New Law Jews/New Testament Jews.
I get that having a new name would make it more amenable to the Gentiles at the time and onwards, but on the other hand, it would go a long way to helping Jews now realize the call that God had given them from the beginning, and is still giving them now.
They need to overcome the rabbis' mis-instruction, and read the Tanakh for themselves. Start with Matthew/Levi's genealogy at the beginning of his gospel, which was the first one written (for a reason).
May God help them all to hear His voice and be open to His Word, Love and Truth. The sooner they do this, then the sooner that prophecy of Paul can be fulfilled, and then hopefully sooner will His return come to pass. God help us, and deliver us from evil. Amen.
Amen 🙏
I have watched Brother Bob Fishman a Jewish Catholic (Franciscan) on EWTN /Catholic Television Network ,he teaches us the wonderful Hebrew praises to Almighty GOD .
I recently found your channel. You have a gift for instructing. Ill be catching up on your other videos. God bless you.
I was born Jewish and was baptized into the holy catholic church in 2014 best thing ever
Sounds dumb to me. Why...
Glad for you and the Catholic Mass and Church are awesome, but i wonder, don't you miss Judaism and Synagogue at all? I quite enjoy the culture and the Services when i attend. Personally i attended both since childhood.
Rochester, I see multiple problems with Judaism (no offense):
1. Moral issues with things like allowances for contraception and abortion
2. A lack of miracles that point to it as truth over Christianity. Miracles are one of the main evidences for divine revelation
3. A lack of unity. There were the two schools back then. Plus all of the different types from Essene, to Pharaseeical, to Sadducee, and so on. Now, there’s reform, conservative, Orthodox, and ultra Orthodox. As well as the Ashkenazi, the Sephardic, the Yemenite, etc. even the Talmud seems to just be arguments from different sages without much congruity.
4. There is a 2,000 year and counting “waiting period” in Judaism, that makes little sense. The destruction of the First to when the Jews regained their land was only 50 years.
5. Jesus managed to spread the “Knowledge of the Lord”, throughout most of the world, even to the Gentiles, like was prophesied of the Messiah
6. The Temple sacrifices stopped being sacrificed right at the time Jesus began His ministry. That’s a huge “coincidence” if you ask me.
7. Daniel’s 70 sevens, and the time the Messiah was supposed to show up according to the sages was Jesus’s time.
8. The Second Temple was somehow supposed to be greater than the first, and the arguments the Rabbis have given prove to be unsatisfactory.
9. The “Seed of the Woman” and the “Almah” in Isaiah, as well as the mem in Isaiah seem to indicate Mary and Jesus as being important. In fact, Marian typology makes the Messianic claims of Jesus stronger in my thoughts.
10. The Suffering Servant. And the Righteous man in Wisdom. I have a hard time believing that the suffering servant is supposed to be some “righteous remnant”, even though the early Rabbis didn’t hold to this view.
11. Catholicism actually does make logical sense.
12. And there’s plenty more but these are some of the reasons why I don’t believe Judaism is true
You Are a TRUE ISRAELITE now, in Christ in whom we have the fullfilment of the Tohra, the Prophets, the Temple, the Land and God.
Really cool production. Also thank you for sharing your testimony. May God bless you
I thank God for finding your chanel. Such great apostolate. It increases my Hope! For it is the conversion of Jews that I pray every day. Cradle Catholic here, continually trying to increase my knowledge of the Faith. Thank God for every good things that He gives every moment or our lives. Blessings!
Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the content.
Why do you particularly want the Jews to convert?
That's how it is. What was also always fired against the Catholics because they supposedly celebrate the festivals at the wrong time like Easter etc.? Most Messianic Jews or "Torah" Christians celebrate the feasts according to Hillel the 2nd. The Catholics, on the other hand, celebrate Easter (Passover) as was customary in Jesus' time. The first full moon after the vernal equinox. Has always been Passover. Just a small example.
One great book is “Jewish Identity” by Carmelite priest Fr. Elias Friedman (deceased), in which he tried to deal with the issues associated with conversions of Jews to The Church.
Awesome points, explanation!! Im a convert to Catholicism and you just explained so beautifully the roots of the Catholic faith! God Bless🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️✝️✝️
This is great to hear, thank you for sharing your story!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Messianic Judaism is Protestantism with Jewish customs
For the most part, yes. Not all groups.
Thank you for educating us about Judaism. You explain it so well. I am Catholic and regard my Lord Jesus, a Jew, as the Messiah who came to direct our path to Him through Christianity while glorifying Him with lives of gratitude, love and kindness.
Thanks for explaining the different types of Judaism through own testimony brother Daniel, Wellcome Home! God bless you.
Great teaching brother all roads lead to Rome and all are welcome home 🙏🏻
I thank you so much for your explanation. It helped me answer some questions I had.
Glad it was helpful!
Your channel is truly Providential for not only your intended audience but even us as cradle-Catholics...The Scriptures both- Old Testament and New Testament are what we've heard over and over during the Liturgy at Holy Mass for years... and unwittingly are so part of our system! Seeing the hand of God at work throughout Salvation history and how it radiates to whole mankind with the gradual revelation of Who He IS ....and realising the continuity to us here and now even is such Joy!! So glad that we can make the connection and better understand our FAITH with even the Jewish lens. Very grateful for learning something about our Jewish heritage too through your video! I love the beauty of my Catholic faith but my heart is also for my Jewish brethren. (On a side note, I never really worry too much about them-the Jews- knowing that Our Good Lord is a faithful God and always true to His Promises as St Paul reminds us...they need only to seek Him in sincerity of Heart not the logic of the Head :).....But I'm grateful to God for your witness and look forward to learning more. May God continue to bless you and Our Lady keep you and your family too!!
Great video. Makes so much sense. It’s amazing to me so many Protestant Christians miss this.
Thanks for your channel. While I was a teenager in Tokyo, an international school student, one friend of mine is Jewish. I am still in touch with him. I struggle to talk to him about the Catholic faith without being pushy. What suggestions do you have. Maybe you can do a video about how to share the Catholic faith
Great to see you back, Daniel!
Hey, thanks!
Rome, sweet home!🙏
You nailed it 😂😂😂
Congrats for that move. As an half spaniard half italian my ansestors left behind pagan worship and custom more than 1000 years ago and had no problem to embrace the Truth and The Way. Chist is King ¡Viva Cristo Rey!
I’m coming from a mixed Jewish/protestant background but have felt that this is no longer the path I should be on. I have explored Messianic communities in the States and in Israel and really fell in love with the way the congregations in Jerusalem held themselves. On the flip side, I have not found anything similar to that here. My roommate is orthodox Christian and my best friend has recently begun the conversion process to Catholicism. We have had many discussions on the matter but I think that there are a few roadblocks that really inhibit me from being able to reach further into the idea of becoming Catholic that maybe you can give some feedback on:
1) I recognize the idea of the church in Rome as being the head of the Catholic Church. I was taught that the Pope’s of the past ordered Jews to be killed and that they helped the Nazis. I recognize this may be an exaggeration, but it does make it difficult when I consider the possibility of Catholicism.
2) My friends have explained to me how the iconic images of Mary and the saints are not idols. I see and respect their reasoning, but I still can’t see how it’s not. I saw your video on the communion and how that is not idolatry and I get that, but my friends will ask these saints to talk to God on their behalf. I have seen other more religious Jews do the same thing with the rabbis of old. Both of these examples seem to contradict the Torah. I thought we were supposed to pray to God alone. What are your thoughts on this? I would say the is the biggest hurtle I’ve had with approaching Catholicism. I can just hear my father’s voice in my head saying “this is why God sent us to Babylon”.
3) Being Jewish there are many cultural and religious aspects that are mentioned in Torah for us to adhere to. Do you think it is acceptable to continue things such as wearing a kipa, maintaining kosher, etc? Does this cause issues with you and others in the church? I had this problem in the past where others thought I was going against the Bible for doing these things.
4) I guess to bounce off the last point, which aspects of Torah do you keep concerning these customs? Some messianic emphasize it heavily while others are more lax.
5) This may be a trivial thing but how do you mix Pesach and Easter? They are on different days so which do you commemorate the resurrection if it happened on Pesach but the Catholic Church has its own date and time for it? How do you do Shabbat?
6) My last point may be a little blunt but there are not a lot of Jewish people going to the Catholic Church; whereas, the Messianic congregations in Israel are growing. It doesn’t seem, on the outside anyway, that the Catholic Church is really doing a lot to remind our people of who Yeshua is. Why is there such a contrast? In the past, ignorant as this mentality was, I just thought the Catholic Church hated Jews and that’s why they aren’t coming. I know that wasn’t the best mentality but I am still curious as to why it seems that way.
I apologize for the length of this post and the density of the material in it. There are just not many people who I can approach in your position who can give me this feedback. In fact you are the only Jewish person who is Catholic that I have ever heard of. I quite frankly didn’t think it was a thing. Another reason that has given me pause with the idea of pursuing being Catholic.
Thank you for making this video!
I've recently been thinking about the challenges from Jewish people. Thank you for your content! God bless you!
>leaving judaism
>lived as messianic jew
Bro, you have never entered judaism to leave it
Do you know what Judaism is?
As someone who was born into the Catholic faith, but only recently confirmed as an adult, we Catholics view the Tanakh through the lens of the New Testament. It must be fascinating to have a Mosaic understand of the Tanakh and then come to the New Testament and see Jesus the way his first century disciples saw him.
THANK you for your Faith. In the communion of saints, we are one in the anointed Saviour. I've studied our Jewish roots since I was 20 & am now 72. It's an even tougher world for you young people now !
So fascinating!! Thank you for sharing! ✝️🙏🏻🇻🇦
Amazing explanation. Thank you.
You are welcome!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 *🕍 Understanding the Diversity in Judaism*
- Judaism encompasses various sects and subgroups, such as Reformed, Conservative, Orthodox, and Ultra-Orthodox.
- These groups differ significantly in their interpretations of religious laws, rituals, and observances.
- Variations exist in dietary laws, Sabbath observances, and theological beliefs like the nature of God and the Torah.
04:23 *🌐 Challenges within Messianic Judaism*
- Messianic Jewish communities exhibit doctrinal diversity, especially concerning beliefs about Yeshua's divinity and adherence to traditional Jewish laws.
- Discrepancies arise on issues like kosher dietary laws, Sabbath observance, and calendar systems.
- The absence of centralized authority leads to theological disputes and varying interpretations of Jewish practices.
08:16 *⛪️ Critique of Modern-Day Judaism and the Quest for Ancient Roots*
- Modern-day Judaism, including Messianic Judaism, lacks the Temple, priesthood, and sacrificial system observed in ancient times.
- This raises questions about the legitimacy of current Jewish practices as responses to historical Jewish traditions.
- Investigating early Christian writings and the apostolic fathers offers an alternative perspective on religious continuity and doctrinal beliefs.
Wow. If I had the funds, I’d hire you!
Bless you, Daniel.
Welcome brother Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life ♥️
Jesus is a Jewish rabbi why would anyone want to worship him , just worship god ,,, not a man who goes to the toilet .
From my understanding, Messianic judism came out of the Jesus Movement of the 1960s-1970s as a respond of becoming Christians but wanting to maintain their Jewish identity.
That movement exists but it is not the only form of messianic Judaism.
@@TheJewishCatholic That is what I learned recently, especially with the rise of the Hebrew roots movement and the troubled it is causing within the sects of Messianic judism
Thank you for your videos. After being Protestant for 10 years and then Hebrew Roots since 2014, I'm on my way to become Catholic.
I struggle with leaving the Sabbath observance behind with a good conscious. I'm interested how you handled the commandment. I heard and read everything in the Catechism as well Catholic Answers but this isn't convincing to me. How did you deal with it, especially coming from a Jewish background. Thank you and blessings.
“IF” you have not already, please consider going to Adoration of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament (also known as “Holy Hour”). Call your local parish and find out when they offer it. Then, just go and sit in silence in Christ’s Presence. Take your bible. Read scripture, pray, contemplate. Tell the Lord of your search for truth, of your doubts, worries, even fears. Then, be as patient with Him as He has been with you. When you receive the grace to know that HE IS THERE, you will be forever changed. Miracles occur in Christ’s presence - of that I can personally attest.
@@HAL9000-su1mz thanks HAL. Will do! (funny: my wife and I watched 2001: A space Odyssey 2 days ago)
@@Gooey1000 The Magisterium is HAL9000. Conversely, I am imperfect and inclined to error - except in recommending Adoration of Christ. Final answer.
I have to prepare well but a video on the Shabbat is on the way!
@@TheJewishCatholic oh please do! Thank you in advance!
I may be a bit biased (me being a Traditional Catholic), I’ve deduced that Catholicism is the natural theological flow for Judaism.
You're not biased. Hello to a fellow TLM Catholic! All will be well...the gates of hell will never prevail!
Saint Clement the Roman was jewish also, a roman jewish as Flavius Josephus, and Saint Epiphanius of Salamis was too, and his convertion was due to seeing inconsistency due to hateful practices in Jewish groups against Christians, this when he was 16.
Thank you for sharing this comment about Pope Saint Clement being Jewish as I was born on his Feast Day.♡
This is your best video yet.
So, my understanding was that this was not the first time the temple was destroyed, and the formation of synagogues and such is a response to the destruction of the FIRST temple. The only major breakaway from this tradition, which was already part of the Judaism that Jesus practiced, (AFAICT) was the writing down of the oral law (because they were afraid that the oral law would be completely forgotten) in the Mishnah, and the subsequent commentaries in the Gemara. Obviously, between the first and second temple, many of the laws could not be kept the same way either.
This is my response to those who make the claim “but this happened before”…
Excelente, hay una continuidad insoslayable.
The Shulhan Aruch was written by Joseph Karo who was Sephardic.
Joseph Karo was born in Toledo Spain in 1488. In 1492, aged four, he was expelled from Spain with his family as a result of the Alhambra Decree and subsequently settled in the Kingdom of Portugal. How would Joseph Karo feel about you joining the Catholics?
I am aware of his story. I didn’t call him Ashkenazi. I said his compendium has an Ashkenazi flavor. As for his feelings, don’t really care what he feels about me being Catholic.
Welcome Home brother.
Very interesting video brother!
What about the Zohar? Kabbalah? Do all groups read it, study it? What are your thoughts? How does it relate to Torah/Talmud? Thank you.
Yeshua Jesus is the Door: We can all enter through Him. God save us all.
You were never Jewish if you were messianic
Guess how much I value your opinions regarding what and who I am….
@@TheJewishCatholic it's not something you have any influence on. Judaism is an ethno religion, messianics aren't part of that. You're Christian, not Jewish
@@TheJewishCatholic and tbh, nobody cares what your identify yourself with. You're fooling people
@@charananekibalijaun8837lol. Your opinion….. still worth the same. Nope, less. 😅
Glad somebody said it. Messianic Judaism is an oxymoron.
So much legalism, but only one Father, Son and Holy spirit
@TheJewishCatholic thanks for sharing. have you heard of Roy Schoeman? he was also jewish and ended up in catholic church. you should reach out to him and maybe you have your testimony on his radio show. he wrote a book that chronicles jewish converts to the Catholic Church.
I have. I had him on my channel a while back.
@@TheJewishCatholic ok, i will check that out..
Isn’t messianic Judaism derived from Protestantism, or at least Protestant axioms?
it is. Messianic "Judaism" isn't Judaism at all. Just ask any Jew.
I am Jewish messianic Judaism is the dumbest thing they usually have Protestant theology but added some Jewish things like wearing a kippa or doing the kiddish over wine. If your theology is Protestant Christianity why not call it Protestant Christianity? Judaism doesn’t believe in a man dying for another man’s sins or a trinity.
You left rabbinism, not Jewish worship, which is continued in the Church.
Nice nit picking. You’re obviously an expert and thank you for letting us all know. Btw we don’t have Jewish worship in the Church. Genius.
@@EsseQuamViderity Thanks for the back handed insult.
You obviously have a great understanding about the historical foundations of mass, liturgy, the clergy overall and the governance structures of the Catholic Church. Surely you can make an unequivocal case that all of these are unconnected to worship practices established by Moses; and to demonstrate that God built up Judaism and the Jewish people in order to then thoroughly wipe it out though the coming of Messiah by establishing something radically unrelated. It's not like God's gifts are irrevocable, so I guess you'll have an easy job in providing a compelling proof for the unjewishness of the RCC.
This is where you see the limitations of coming from a Protestant background rather than a Jewish one.
@@EsseQuamViderityso you should do research before being offended and standoffish. The catholic faith IS the continuation of the Jewish faith from the second temple period. Much of our tradition is rooted in Judaism. Especially the mass.
@@EsseQuamViderityafter the second temple collapsed rabbinic Judaism was created and it is a totally different type of Judaism and they reject the messiah.
@@EsseQuamViderity Because the Catholic Church ... is the prophesied AntiChrist in Revelations ... who placed the Pope ahead of God .. and murdered millions of Jews & Christians for "church" heresy over 1260 years since the fall of the Roman Empire ( 4th Beast).
Hey genious. Sabbath is Saturday ... starting sunset Friday .. not Sunday. Jesus was born 1 Nisan 6 BC not in December when the pagan sun god is worshiped. Jesus had 4 brother & at least 2 sisters so Mary was not an eternal virgin (lol). God forbid praying to the dead. Salvation is simply faith in the life, death & resurrection of God's only Son ... not being baptized, following church rules and do works.
And just as the Roman Cathoic Church being the most obvious AntiChrist ... the False Prophet is clearly ... Islam. Which is why Catholic Priests ... made up the lie .. of the 7 year tribulation ...where the AntiChrist & False prophet will appear, create a one world order ... and kill millioins of Jews & Christians.
Honest question: hypothetically, if someone were to provide satisfactory answers regarding Rabbinic Judaism would you leave your current way of life and return to Torah?
Hypothetically. If someone were to show me how Rabbinic Judaism is the authentic continuation of temple Judaism and not what was handed down by Yeshua of Nazareth and His Apostles, yes.
Many have tried. But I’m Catholic as you see.
Can you make a video just focused on the observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? It’s an argument that comes up a lot with my Messianic Jewish friends. It’s an argument they use to not accept Catholicism. I’ve tried researching it online and cannot get a convincing arguments. Thanks.
Finally made it home and still even more Jewish. ❤😊
שלום אח היקר
תודה על העבודה הטובה
שהשם יברך אותך
Holy Scriptures/Bible are composed of the TeNaKh (Torah (Law/Instructions), Nevi’im (Prophets), Kethuvim (Writings) & Brit HaChadasha (Apostolic Writings), to be the verbally and plenarily inspired Word of Elohim/God (Matt. 5:18; II. Tim. 3:16-17; II. Peter 3:14-16). I hold the Bible to be inerrant in the original writings, infallible, God-breathed, and the complete and final authority for faith and practice (II. Tim. 3:16-17). Ruach HaKodesh was the divine author of Scripture (John 14:25-26; II. Peter 1:20-21; Acts 1:16). While still using the individual personalities of the human authors, Ruach HaKodesh superintended them to insure that they wrote precisely what He wanted written, without error or omission. Furthermore, I reject claims that “the Old Testament has been done away with” (Isaiah 40:8, Malachi 3:6, Matt. 5:18, II. Tim. 3:16, II. Peter 1:20-21, I. Thess. 2:13).
Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus Christ is righteousness/godliness revealed in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16), declaring Elohim/God whom no one has seen (John 1:18), the everlasting Father who dwells in Him (John 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:19). Indeed, He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14), the visible image of the invisible Elohim (Colossians 1:15), and the exact representation of His nature (Hebrews 1:3) for in Him the fullness of deity was pleased to dwell in bodily form (Colossians 2:9) just as the prophet Isaiah foretold (Isaiah 11:1-2). He is Emmanuel, "Elohim with us" (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23), the arm of YHWH revealed (Isaiah 53:1; Exodus 6:6). And so when we see Him we see the Father (John 14:9), when we hear Him we hear the Father (John 7:16, 12:49, 14:10,24). He is the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the completion (Revelation 1:8, 22:12-13); the Living Bread that came out of Heaven (John 6:51) whose origins are of old (Micah 5:2). All things have been created by, through, and for Him (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:1), and all things and all authority on Heaven and Earth have been given to Him (Matthew 11:27, 28:18). As such He is the true Elohim (1 John 5:20) whose throne is forever (Hebrews 1:8) and at His Name, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that HE IS THE LORD which brings glory to the Father (Philippians 2:9-11) the One who has completed His work through Him (Matthew 26:39, Luke 22:42, John 4:34, 6:38), and finally, it is finished (John 19:30). I believe that God became incarnate in the person of Yeshua HaMashiach; that He was conceived of Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Miryam (Mary); that He is truly God and truly man; that He lived a perfect, sinless life; that all His teachings are true (Isa.14:1ff.; Matt. 1:23). I believe that Yeshua died on the cross for all mankind as a representative, vicarious, substitutionary sacrifice (I. Jn. 2:2; Isa. 53:5-6). I hold that His death is efficacious for all who believe; that our justification is ground in the shedding of His blood; and that it is attested by His literal, physical resurrection from the dead (John 1:12; Acts 16:31; Rom. 5:9; Eph. 1:17; Matt. 28:6; I. Pet. 1:3).
Salvation is a gift of God’s grace through faith in the finished work of Yeshua Messiah on the cross (Eph. 2:8-9). Messiah shed His blood to accomplish justification through faith, propitiation to Yahweh, redemption from sin, and reconciliation of man. Messiah died for us and bore our sins in His own body (Rom. 5:8-9; I. Peter 2:24). In order to be saved one must first understand that he has broken Yahweh's perfect law and is condemned because of his sin to eternal destruction away from the presence of almighty Yahweh (Deut 11:28, Rom 6:23). He must then accept the blood of Yeshua/Jesus over the door posts of his heart and believe that outside the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua there is no other way for salvation. At the point of conversion it is the responsibility of the believer to submit himself to the teachings of his new Rabbi Yeshua, be baptized (immersed) into His name and follow Him all the days of His life (Luke 9:23, 1 Cor. 9:24). I believe this is best done by surrounding oneself with a community of believers that have the same passion to be more like Him daily. Being in a local community of believers is critical for spiritual growth, accountability and the maturity of the spiritual gifts within the body.
I’m confused as to why he called modern Judaism a false response because of man made mandates responding to the lack of a trample and priest etc but then mention the path the of the disciples students as more a more “fluid” response. Like what about what they thought was better or “fluid” and why wouldn’t they also be man mandated false responses unless it balls down to preference
Welcome home to all!!
Salamat po sa Diyos. Amen! from CFC/BEC and Choir!
Watching from Philippines ❤
Bro turned from Christianity to Christianity. Wow, impressive 😂
Isn’t it :)
@Faire-rs7ph you think I am a Muslim? 😂🤦
Thank you. My own journey was very similar.
Dear Daniel, I'm a religious Jewish educator and I'd like to point out a few things: Both Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity can be seen as responses to the changes in Jewish life brought about by the destruction of the Temple and the loss of Jewish sovereignty in the land. But I couldn't see from this video why you believe the Rabbinic response isn't "legitimate." Below (summarized) is what my disagreement with you is based on:
1. The Rabbinic teachings about how we achieve atonement and forgiveness without sacrifices are deeply rooted in Scripture itself. There are many Tanakh passages which make clear the alternate and preferable means for reconciling with God. These consist of things like: pouring out your heart in sincere prayer; a humble and contrite spirit; changing one’s way of life for the good; pursuing justice and compassionate deeds; generally obeying God’s own commandments. Most pointedly, the Rabbinic concept called “Teshuvah,” meaning (as I'm sure you know) “return” or "repentance" is found in a variety of places in Scripture. Some of the relevant verses for the ideas just mentioned include: Deuteronomy 30:4-14; 1 Samuel 15:22; Hosea 14:2; Isaiah 1:18-20; Micah 6:6-8; Ezekiel 18:21-23; Psalms 32:5-6; 51:16-17; 141:2; Jonah 3:6-10. The Rabbis gave concrete and beautiful expression to God's own expressed will concerning atonement.
2. Christianity, and in some ways particularly Catholicism, asserts a wide variety of things that are in serious conflict with the Tanakh teachings. I understand that you are interested in the biblical system of sacrifice, but where does the Tanakh state that one can consume human blood-or the "blood of God" in order to be forgiven?! Even if you somehow believe Rabbinic teachers post-70 CE weren't following the Jewish Bible precisely, how can Christian ideas about sacrificing God Himself line up with Scripture? Catholics (and the Church fathers) are not following the laws and principles of Leviticus in church; they've created a symbolic system based on the narratives in the Gospels-a system which introduces new theological problems, such as the trinity, of course. I ask you to consider this: what's a bigger departure from the spirit and principles of Tanakh: not having priests anymore, or claiming that God is composed of three distinct persons, one of whom generated (begat) and produced the other two, and another of whom is eaten weekly?
3. Finally for now, I believe there's something pretty wrong with arguing that since we can't do all of God's commandments, then we shouldn't do the rest of God's commandments. For example, Yom Kippur has several dimensions. Besides the sacrificial and priestly parts, there's the confession of sin; fasting and self-deprivation; and refraining from all forms of work. These are all as much commanded and desired by God as the sacrifices. Just because we can't literally do the latter doesn't mean we should throw out the other parts. If you're concerned about staying true to God's word in Scripture, then the aim should be to maximize everything God said to do, to preserve all that which is in our power, in order to love, adore, and serve Him.
Best wishes and hoping to hear your thoughts.
Nice to meet you, I’m catholic too, I’m lazare.
good job.
I also notice that many Messianic Jews still believe that the Jews are somehow eternally chosen by their DNA.
I think they were chosen of course, but chosen as the beginning to receive God's revelation, and not eternally special/privileged, afaik all faithful Catholics are now "chosen", whether they are Jews or Gentiles. Right?
The Jewish identity remains. This is not error. Even Paul acknowledged his heritage after having accepted Yeshua as Messiah. The vocation of a Jew remains to bring the Messiah to the world. The role of the Jewish people also remains. Scripture makes it clear that a sign of the end times is a mass regathering of the Jews into the messianic kingdom of Christ. Sure, my people have been blinded in part, as St Paul states, but we still have a role to play. I’m trying to do my part with this channel.
@@TheJewishCatholic Here I agree 100% with you son. Well said. Also Pope Clement VI said " we nevertheless are mindful of our duty to shelter the Jews, by reason of the fact that our Savior, when he assumed mortal flesh for the salvation of the human race, deemed it worthy to be born of Jewish stock, and for the sake of humanity in that the Jews have called upon the assistance of our protection and the clemency of Christian piety. " So Catholic Tradition back you here 100% son.
@@TheJewishCatholic Many American Protestants seem to think that "chosen people" means they need to support the State of Israel in whatever it does as well as support building a new Temple in Jerusalem. I think that is wrong. Nobody can "speed up" when Jesus returns, and Jews can't get saved by having such a new temple either, but only by embracing Jesus the Messiah.
@@p4radigm989I see that. I get what you are saying here.
@@p4radigm989 Politics is a matter of prudent judgement according to Catholic teaching not Faith and Morals per say. A Catholic can support a Palestinian State or Support Israel or support a Two State solution. I support Israel as a Catholic Zionist. As too building the Temple. If we believe St Pius X that would not be allowed. Catholics cannot in principle support the restoration of the Old Testament Church as it would be an affront to the New Testament One. We should work to lead Jews to their Messiah Yeshua Ben Miriam. Jewish Catholics can keep Jewish Traditions. Which is grant.
So. Based.
Let's hope Nethanyahu converts it. with this news All the world would be shocked; however, The miracle is possible with the New Testament. Let's pray for him
Dude you clearly didn’t study enough or you would also have come to the natural conclusion that Jesus could not possibly be Moshiach.
I went down a similar path. I was trying to keep all the halakha etc. What happened for me was that I went really deep into the kabbalah and read the entire Zohar and learned the entire system of Lurianic kabbalah and I realized the purpose of the halakha and why it was needed. But then I understood what Yeshua did on the cross and I understood kabalistically that theres no longer any need to keep all the halakha for those who have been baptized into his death. It literally says in Zohar Naso that only those who don't understand the Torah have to keep studying the Mishnah in the days of the Messiah.
I took a very similar path. In my opinion, the lack of studying the Zohar in modern-day orthodox and reform Judaism is why there is so much confusion and misunderstanding about what the messiah is in the Israelite religion. The zohar in my opinion gives the true revelation of the old and new testaments, and unfortunately the talmud greatly confuses this revelation by having some of the same names (shimon bar yochai, yosi, etc) say the exact opposite things that they say in the Zohar. Reading the zohar was life changing, and lead me to the true revelation of the name A-H-Y-H in hebrew (I AM) and IESUS in latin (I AM). The name is only given to those who understand the messiah is christ consciousness, and that death is the triumph. Once you understand that the messiah is not a king of this physical world but a consciousness that governs all worlds, you are freed from the halakha as their entire purpose was to lead humans towards the good and away from evil. Once you overcome the sitra achra and are willing to die rather than commit evil, the name is given to you and you are freed from the obligations of the law. The zohar changed my life forever.
If you ever want to discuss the zohar with someone, I'd love to do it.
So what did you decide was the purpose of keeping the law?
@@EricM93 Exactly. Talmud has the same gematria as Lillith in hebrew.
It's a covering for the oral toral, the female principle.
Check this out:
Zohar Naso: Verse 91
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, prohibition or permission, purity or impurity, will no longer apply to Yisrael, since our sustenance will be solely from the side of the Tree of Life, where there are no contradictions stemming from the Evil Side, nor any strife nor difference stemming from the unclean spirit, as it is written: "And also I will cause...the unclean spirit to pass out of the land" (Zecharyah 13:2).
The Torah scholars will not need to be sustained by the ignorant, just from the good side by eating of the clean, kosher and permissible. They will not need to get it from the mixed multitudes, who eat the unclean, unfit and prohibited, and who are themselves defiled by defiling themselves with a woman during menstruation, a maidservant, a gentile woman or a prostitute. They are the children of Lilit, who is a menstruate woman, a maidservant, a gentile woman and a prostitute, and they return to their roots. About them, it is written: "For out of the serpent's root shall come forth a viper"
(Yeshayah 14:29)
Naso: Verse 95
Thus, prohibition and permission, purity and impurity will not pass away from the common people. From their aspect, there will be no apparent difference between the exile and the days of the Messiah, except for the delivery from servitude of Yisrael to the empires alone because they will not taste from the Tree of Life WHEN IT WILL BE REVEALED IN THE DAYS OF THE MESSIAH, and they will need to learn MISHNAH, about what is prohibited and permissible, what is unclean and clean. They will be shamed in front of a Torah scholar like darkness before light, since the mixed multitudes are like beasts, who are ignorant, who are darkness and were not even called Yisrael, just slaves sold to Yisrael, as was already explained.
These are pretty harsh words, straight out of the Jewish books.
Would love to discuss it some time.
@@EricM93 Exactly. Talmud has the same gematria as Lillith in hebrew.
It's a covering for the oral toral, the female principle.
Check this out:
Zohar Naso: Verse 91
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, prohibition or permission, purity or impurity, will no longer apply to Yisrael, since our sustenance will be solely from the side of the Tree of Life, where there are no contradictions stemming from the Evil Side, nor any strife nor difference stemming from the unclean spirit, as it is written: "And also I will cause...the unclean spirit to pass out of the land" (Zecharyah 13:2).
The Torah scholars will not need to be sustained by the ignorant, just from the good side by eating of the clean, kosher and permissible. They will not need to get it from the mixed multitudes, who eat the unclean, unfit and prohibited, and who are themselves defiled by defiling themselves with a woman during menstruation, a maidservant, a gentile woman or a prostitute. They are the children of Lilit, who is a menstruate woman, a maidservant, a gentile woman and a prostitute, and they return to their roots. About them, it is written: "For out of the serpent's root shall come forth a viper"
(Yeshayah 14:29)
Naso: Verse 95
Thus, prohibition and permission, purity and impurity will not pass away from the common people. From their aspect, there will be no apparent difference between the exile and the days of the Messiah, except for the delivery from servitude of Yisrael to the empires alone because they will not taste from the Tree of Life WHEN IT WILL BE REVEALED IN THE DAYS OF THE MESSIAH, and they will need to learn MISHNAH, about what is prohibited and permissible, what is unclean and clean. They will be shamed in front of a Torah scholar like darkness before light, since the mixed multitudes are like beasts, who are ignorant, who are darkness and were not even called Yisrael, just slaves sold to Yisrael, as was already explained.
These are pretty harsh words, straight out of the Jewish books.
Would love to discuss it some time.
How close are you to going Orthodox?
Orthodox Christian vs Catholic? WHICH TO PICK?!
@TheJewishCatholic 😆 it feels like the more people get to seeking that mix of tradition with depth, Orthodox is not far in their journey 🙂
@@BennyHillLeavesComments did you watch my video on why I denounce “Orthodox Christianity”?
@TheJewishCatholic no I did not. Just stumbled upon your channel
It appears that my comment on human deification (i.e. theosis) was deleted or censored; dunno why. Regardless, for those ignorant of this fundamental Christian teaching, here is paragraph 460 from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":"For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God." "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God." "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods." The basis of this teaching from the Patristics onward is rooted in Genesis and the Psalms, as well as the Gospels and epistles.
I was brought up Jewish and became a Catholic by accident at the age of 35. Owing to problems in the local Catholic parish, there was nowhere to go on a Sunday apart from one of the Eastern Orthodox Churches in my city, and I ended up there six years ago, after 45 years.
How does one become a Catholic by accident? During the ceremony, one has to affirm their belief of the Catholic faith. Someone can not accidently become Catholic.
I went to a Catholic Church to do a recce for wedding photographs. The only time available was a Sunday High Mass. It was in Latin and Italian - I didn't understand a word. Instant conversion. Instruction and baptism were nearly a year later, of course.
Apparently it happens quite often with the old Mass. They stopped doing it locally so I started going to the Serbian parish. The numbers creep up - people come for baptisms, weddings and funerals and are Instantly converted. They have Instruction for a year or two before baptism and confirmation.
Gosh that sounds just heavenly! I'm a Convert from Protestant but never been to a live Latin Mass since there are none where I live now - far from America.
But I Love being a Catholic Christian and the last 4 years of my life since I've been a seriously practicing Catholic have been the absolute best of my entire existence as a human being on this planet of such sorrow and horrors and confusion.
I would say the Rosary alone would keep me Catholic if nothing else because the sheer *POWER* for transformation (for the better) I have experienced in this one prayer devotion alone cannot be compared to anything I ever experienced before! I try to imagine how I ever got through a day before without praying at least 4 Rosaries and it doesn't seem possible! If I were one of those early Christians that was going to be thrown to the lions in the colosseum the only thing I would ask would be to be allowed to pray as many Rosaries as I could then I feel I could face the ferocious beasts with a calm spirit certain I could get through unthinkable evil with the graces "downloaded" from that mighty Prayer.
May the LORD grant that I might attend a live Latin Mass somewhere some day. Maybe if I visit the US or France or Spain🙏🙏🙏💙💙💙✝️✝️✝️❤️❤️❤️
Try Una Voce - they know where the Tridentine Masses are.
ive been watchih your videos for a bit, and they got me thinking, do you think that we should follow what the rabbis teach or should we dicard them completely? ive been very interested in jewish spirituality an im wondering how tk apply it to my life. Gid bless ypu and your ministry
Please post more content ❤
More on the way. Anything you hope to see?
the title is kind of missleading. from listening to the entire video it seems to me like you were never jewish. so how could you have left Judaism. in order to be jewish one must convert and join the jewish people and accept the tora. once you do that there is no way back. but since you have never done that you were never jewish. so what is this title?
I’m a Jew. Through the material lineage.
My parents became Christian in their late 20’s. I became a Baal Teshuva in 2010. I became more and more serious in my faith and lived according to orthodox halakha. Of course, my believe in Yeshua of Nazareth as messiah remained and it still does.
Have you looked into EO?
Of course. I’ve looked at several of the orthodox churches…. I pray for their return.
How do you work out the statues and images?
Same way chabadnik work with images of the rebbe. They serve as visual reminders of people that are important to us.
They're both "man made" and wrong as commanded by Torah
@@whoahna8438Torah forbids the worship of idols/graven images. These are not idols and we do not worship them. It’s really quite simple.
@@TheJewishCatholic praying to them is a form of worship. Using them as symbols or reminders is a form of worship
@@whoahna8438no one prays TO a statue in the world of Catholicism. Don’t you think it would be wiser to study up from Catholic sources to know what we believe and practice instead of making false claims based on assumptions? Just so that you don’t come off as misinformed.
I was raised Protestant (specifically PCA) and converted to Judaism. This is a very interesting perspective that I completely disagree with. One of the things I really love about Judaism is their consistency throughout the sects, it primarily changes based on how observant you are. Like the reform movement isn’t very observant and they don’t think the Torah commandments are very important while orthodox movements are observant. They would both agree that G-d commanded Jews to keep kosher, but only one of them cares to follow it and I think that is where most differences stem. As for your Ashkenazi vs Sephardi, they’re a lot more similar than you seem to realize. The primary difference is the food. The only reason Sephardi Jews eat rice during Pesach is because rice is crucial to their cultural diet. There’s also speculations about wheat being stored in the same barrels as corn and such in Europe which would be a reason why Ashkenazi Jews don’t eat that. Overall, as long as you make sure the rice you eat is kosher for Passover, I don’t think any rabbis would take issue with people eating it. All that to say, Judaism is a lot more consistent between denominations as opposed to Christianity. Jews typically argue over the reasoning of laws, not the actual laws. And their arguments are about very trivial things like which order to write the verses on tefillin. I also found it was left with a lot of unanswered questions in Christianity that I believe Judaism has better answers for such as, why would Jesus die for people’s sins, that doesn’t seem fair/right, how do I go to heaven, who goes to heaven, etc. This is not meant to hate, I just think it’s really interesting that we have complete opposite perspectives
No worries. I sensed no hate. Thanks for sharing your experience. While we do disagree, I appreciate your input.
I grew up as Catholic. I am a full heathen by cirstances of birth; slightly more than 2 months premi. The doctors did not perform the customsry cosmetic surgery on me. With strong enough lungs, I did not have an oxygen tent incubator asd didn't suffer a common damage. And as a 6th grade Catholic I started to ask questions during a Holy Saturdayvvigal; 'Whatcis there about salvation that required Him to be naked?'. Over the years I haved away from Mathew's accountand view of Christ's display on the cross. Catholicism is still centered on pain and suffering. Not whatvis shown. As He stand having given up His under garment; is there any flower of the field drom mountain medow to jungle clearing, or bird of the air reguardless of plumeage that as arrayed as He?
What is the difference between He and Solomon and all his robes?
Will you talk to rabbi tovia singer about this???
lol. Tovia won’t even debate Brown anymore. The man is reserved for the “I get my info from TH-cam” folks.
I’ll pass.
@@TheJewishCatholic I think it would be a good debate.
@@TheJewishCatholic check this video out:
Pastor who discovers Jewish roots leads church to mass conversion!!!
@@Nazarene_Judaismfirstly, I doubt he would debate me. Second I’m not a debater.
@@Nazarene_JudaismJudaism is a flawed system. Check out my videos on that matter. Some of the more recent ones.
it gets confusing because I've heard Jews that don't worship Yeshua but are waiting for a different messiah also call themselves Messianic jews too
The Hebrew Faith has in some way or another always been a “messianic Faith”. It just means different things to different people. For some, they are messianic because they believe Yeshua is the messiah… like me. For others, they are messianic because they believe the Lubavitcher Rebbe is the Messiah that will come again. Yet others are messianic in the sense that they await a King Messiah in the future.
As a lifelong catholic, this fills my heart with joy. God bless you. Welcome home, brethren. You were called first, and somehow, you arrived. Halelluja!
I see why the Rabbi ask why you really want to convert to Judaism.. .. not really serious.. that why they say just stay Christian or become Noahite..
You can’t be a noahide when you are a Jew. I trust you know that.
@@TheJewishCatholic The question is you said you was a Christian correct before you converted..
Yes I know we can say we had a jewish soul from passed ages. yes, i know when you convert you are officially a Jew and nolonger a goy. Yes, I know in this day in time there are people who got their DNA and have 1% Ashkanzi Eastern European Jewish ancestries... There are so many loop hole that one can say they are Jewish. Yes, I know those that say they a J.C. followers are saying they are the real jewish hebrew because J.C. died for them.
Would you say that parts of the Tradition do date back to 2nd Temple Judaism?
Which Tradition? Whose Tradition?
As they sing in Fiddler On The Roof:
Yea, what traditions? Whose?
@@TheJewishCatholic the Catholic Traditions, the basis of pretty much half of Roman Catholic theology.
@@jgr7487yes, a lot of Catholic tradition has its roots in the Ancient Faith of the Hebrews.
Hey! Just out of curiosity, did you ever look into Eastern Catholic Chrisitanity? There are various portions of Eastern Orthodox churches in full communion with the Pope and Rome, and i know jerusalem is headed by a Greek patriarch, and logically would be more consistent with some of the Jewish/other earpy eastern Catholics. Maybe Melkite Catholicism, in which i altar served for about half a year, would be interesting to look into if you haven't already!
I’m familiar with the different rites. But I live in Japan. We only have the Latin Rite.
You are right.
I belong to the Eastern Rite (Greek) Catholic Church, having Jewish roots, according to my parents.
For example, Liturgy of the Gifts - Oriental name Proskomidia (where the names of Moshe, Aaron, Elijah, Elisha, David of Jesse, Daniel, etc. are mentioned nominally.), The Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, the Canon of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Canon of St. Andrew the Cretan, and many other spiritual offices remind us of many beautiful common spiritual elements, which are found in the Torah, the Tanakh, etc.
The reality, is that an interest in them must also be shown.
I say this because I also had to deal with the Western Rite Catholic Church, but I feel better now in the Oriental Catholic Rite.
Dude is speaking facts. It is impossible to practice Biblical Judaism. You also have things like the targums that show that many Jews believed that God is multipersonal. I have been reading Leviticus with an Orthodox commentary; you can clearly see the similarities between Old Testament worship and how the apostolic churches worship. Reading Leviticus after becoming Catholic has been much less boring.
Why not just call yourself Catholic if you have fully converted?
I am Catholic. Be at peace
Completed !.Shalom L Cheim Daniel.🕎✝️ I also watch So Be It ,how wonderful to see our Elder Jewish Brothers and Sisters accepting Yeshua as Meschia .