It's no good marr he has had his orders from the unions and that's that. He also had orders from us to get us out of the eu. But it's not for him union's 1st corby 2nd, Labour 3rd and we come somewhere after the cat.
The original Brexiter, fought against the EU throughout his political career. Now just a clueless, differing Hypocrite. Country would not survive Corbyn and the EU
Corbyn is an EU puppet Labour has become a London club not representative of the real decent working people. What an hypocrite he is desperate to gain power and would sell this country out dangerous!!
I agree with Corbyn on bringing key sectors of the economy under public ownership but being in the single market is not compatible with nationalisation. If we can agree a deal which allows the UK economic sovereignty for a high wage economy that works if we can't that doesn't.
All we need now is an announcement from Corbyn to Labour supporters to go back to their costituencies and prepare for government. It worked for David Steele.
Which do you prefer, being angry about bombings or stopping the bombing. Calling the IRA and HAMAS bombers fuck faces feels good and all but all it's going to do is bring more of them. Corbyn opening lines of dialog and trying to actually stop it is better than HAHA FUCK TERRORIST YEZZ MATE.
U.K. seeks an incapacitated membership. This is what Germany dislikes about #Brexit : We germans are in need of U.K. member speech when it comes to internal european affairs.
4 Ways Labour Are Attacking the Working Class Right Now- 1. Destroying social housing in London Social housing is under attack, especially in London where estate demolition and regeneration have the potential to rake in hundreds of millions in profit for councils and property developers. And in this attack, it’s Labour councils leading the charge. Southwark’s Labour councillors have long and well-documented links with property developers: their demolition of over 1200 homes on the Heygate Estate in Elephant & Castle was supposed to be replaced with around 2,500 homes, of which only 500 would be for social housing. After developer Lendlease got the contract, this went down to 82 and to date there are ZERO social housing units on the development where Heygate once stood, all the flats having been sold to foreign investors. Southwark council are also currently in the process of demolishing the Aylesbury Estate, with over 2700 dwellings housing over 7000 people. Newham’s Labour council and Mayor Robin Wales who in 2014 evicted almost thirty homeless mothers from the Focus E15 shelter in East London. While the council claimed they had nowhere to rehouse them, the mothers pointed out that the borough’s nearby Carpenters Estate in Stratford had 600 empty homes on it. That estate, too, is being depopulated and prepared for demolition. Similar stories could be told of estates in pretty much any Labour-run borough in London. Tens of thousands in social housing units to be demolished. Millions to be made by councils and property developers. 2. Evicting the homeless Homeless people also often find themselves the victims of Labour councils’ ire. Vulnerable rough sleepers who decide to pitch tents near each other for safety in so-called ‘tent cities’ have been attacked by Labour-run councils in Bristol, Hull and Leeds using injunctions to clear the site and ensure they couldn’t reassemble elsewhere.. Similar injunctions were used by Manchester City Council against the homeless setting up camps in the city centre under the previous mayor, Richard Leese. Since then, new mayor Andy Burnham pledged to drive down homelessness in the city, though campaigners remain sceptical, with one of his first appointments being that very same Richard Leese for Deputy Mayor. As recent as April this year, Brighton and Hove City Council used a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to stop homeless people from sleeping along the seafront or in the city’s parks as well as clearing a homeless encampment next to St Peters Church on land not covered by the PSPO, which campaigners said offered no legislative grounds or paperwork. Not only is Brighton and Hove City Council led by Labour but its Labour Party has huge involvement from Corbyn supporters: in February and March 2017, internal elections saw 29 out of 30 executive positions filled by candidates supported by the left of the party while almost all of of the 30 delegates to this weekend’s conference support Jeremy Corbyn. 3. The Birmingham bins dispute The Birmingham bins dispute has been rolling on now for months and originates from the Labour-controlled Birmingham City Council’s attempt to cut costs by making over 100 workers redundant and downgrading some refuse staff’s jobs, resulting in pay cuts of around £4000. Furthermore, refuse collection teams are made up of three workers: one driver and two at the back collecting rubbish, one of whom is responsible for safety. By getting rid of one of those roles, the Labour council is putting the remaining worker’s safety at risk. On top of that, a provisional deal had been hashed out between the council, the union and Acas in mid-August. Yet only two weeks later - notably once bin staff had cleared the rubbish that had piled up during their strike - the council went back on their agreement and issued workers with redundancy notices anyway! And only a few days later, they started advertising for the new downgraded and lower paid role. 4. Durham Teaching Assistants' pay cut The Durham Teaching Assistants’ struggle has seen their employer, the Labour-run Durham County Council, attempt to cut the pay of 2,700 workers who are already amongst the lowest paid in the country. Nonetheless, the council has a attempted to rewrite their contracts so that TAs will be only be paid during term time rather than throughout the year. The result is a staggering 23% pay cut; with Durham TAs earning around £20,000, that would cut their pay by almost £5000 a year. The original plan was to sack all Durham TAs and re-employ them from January 1st 2016 under the new contract and, had it not been for the militancy of the TAs, that is exactly what would have happened. As it is, after two years of struggle, the TAs managed to force the council to bring them an improved offer (after rejecting multiple previous attempts) earlier this month, which they are currently discussing. A party or a movement? One accusation thrown at left-wing critics of the Labour Party is of ‘purism’, abstract ideology and no practical alternatives. But these examples of Labour attacks on working-class people are anything but abstract: they are real people whose pay, conditions and housing are being eroded by decisions made by Labour Party officials. At the national level, Labour in opposition is supporting the end of Freedom of Movement as the UK leaves the EU. Corbyn’s references to the ‘wholesale import’ of workers reinforce ruling class attacks on migrants workers’ wages and conditions under the pretense of concern for those of British citizens. Strikes by mostly migrant university and hospital cleaners and Deliveroo riders show that migrants are often at the forefront of driving low wages up via workplace organisation rather than pushing them down, while May’s ‘hostile environment’ and the withdrawal of Freedom of Movement will make people easier to sack and evict. Corbyn’s support for an additional 10,000 police officers on the street continues a complete lack of opposition to state violence in the wake of the deaths of Edson da Costa and Rashan Charles in Hackney and Newham this summer. The resistance to these attacks also show the very real practical alternative to party politics. Attacks on social housing have been resisted by community groups that make up the Radical Housing Network and the activism of groups like Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth has in some cases meant people not losing their homes. Meanwhile, the resistance of workers in Birmingham and Durham show how workers can fight employer attacks on pay and conditions. Not by waiting for Labour politicians to step in on their behalf (if they had, they’d be thousands of pounds poorer by now) but by getting organised and taking direct action. Left-wing Labour activists might say it’s not an either/or choice. Perhaps they’re right. But so far that’s abstract ideology. The ball’s now in their court to show how Labour can do party politics and grassroots activism at the same time, and who they’ll side with when, as in the examples above, the two come into conflict.
lynn davy LOL see how quickly you change your mind when you get rapped by an muslim refugee, WAKE UP! a vote for Jeremy is a vote for cultural Marxism and all it's evils.
He wants to make a socialist society in a country where NOBODY, especially his followers, is willing to pay more tax. FAILFAIL FAILFAILFAILFAIL FAIL FAIL FAILFAILFAILFAIL
Mark loyal to England Are you afraid of him because he's a socialist or are you scared of him because he is better than every candidate for Prime Minister than any Tory apart from a zombified Maggie Thatcher?
some unions have allowed the big bosses to reduce or steal working pensions , the unions of today are not all the good they use to be back in the 80s now all a union is good for is protecting your job as the higher ups that work these unions aid in the redirecting of our working pension contributions out of the workers pockets. if corbyn was the man of the working class he would get to the root problem of some unions or big boss CEOS stealing our Pensions or the money pot of the current generation working their butts off for a future pension.
“The supreme law of the State is self-preservation at any cost. And since all States, ever since they came to exist upon the earth, have been condemned to perpetual struggle - a struggle against their own populations, whom they oppress and ruin, a struggle against all foreign States, every one of which can be strong only if the others are weak - and since the States cannot hold their own in this struggle unless they constantly keep on augmenting their power against their own subjects as well as against the neighborhood States - it follows that the supreme law of the State is the augmentation of its power to the detriment of internal liberty and external justice.” ― Mikhail Bakunin
As an american i can say without a doubt that you brits dont know how lucky u are, compare this to any cnn fox or msnbc segment it would have immiedaitely dissimolated , atleast marr actually presses him on real issues that effect the country and matter to people
The plan is simple. Wait until Oct 2018 with the govt. in hysteria over brexit and bring them down with a vote of no confidence triggered by failure to get a large chunk of the EU withdrawal bill through. Then Labour go to the polls promising a rational approach to brexit with nothing ruled in or out, including abandoning Brexit. The EU27 make it clear they would welcome UK back in the fold and even hold out some concessions. UK abandons leaving, and Prime Minister Corbyn hailed a national saviour (for a short time).
The man wants to be PM but he can't even answer a simple question when it comes to defence of the realm. We can't have a PM who refuses to ensure our safety and freedom. Talking is no good if you won't back it up with the threat of action, and that's all this guy is, all talk, no action.
I'd never vote for anyone who can't give a straight answer when asked could he launch a nuclear retaliation. A deterrent only works when it's a credible threat and with JC it becomes a nuclear waste of space, because he clearly won't do it. With nutjobs like Kim Jong Un in N Korea I'd say that it's a pretty relevant issue. It's not that I like the idea of nuking anyone, but the threat of retaliation has kept the world free of major conflicts since 1945. Being prepared to launch saves lives and he won't commit to that. He would put us at risk because he wants to sit down and talk to these whack jobs. Nice in theory but doesn't work when you're dealing with people who don't want to talk to you, they just want to kill you. Kim Jong Un, ISIS, whoever. He wouldn't even commit to ordering a drone strike. I'm sorry but I can't vote for a pussy.
The only UK politician who has yet said they'd push 'The Button' without hesitation is Theresa May. All others have deflected the question. Corbyn is concurrent with this. Have you considered the fact that nuclear weapons don't actually exist?
Nuclear weapons exist, fact. I'm pretty sure Kim Jong Un is testing rockets as a delivery system. I'm pretty sure that when the Soviet Union collapsed they lost control of Nuclear missiles in satellite countries. I'm pretty sure that us having a nuclear deterrent keeps us safer than if we didn't have one. I'm absolutely certain that I will never vote for any PM candidate who isn't prepared to use that deterrent if necessary, because if they aren't it ceases to be a deterrent.
jmcdermottuk - I certainly agree that we need to 'have' nuclear weapons if everyone else 'has' them. Whether they exist or not is kind of secondary really. We also have to remember that modern non-nuclear weapons are exceptionally nasty. The only point we can abandon nuclear is if the whole world does so simultaneously. I'm glad you've mentioned KJU's rockets delivery systems. You obviously understand that he can deliver any weapon he wants with nothing more exotic than a large aeroplane. I don't think Corbyn's anti-military action as such. He's just not prepared to commit to a pre-emptive strike. Thanks, incidentally, for a sensible response. It's refreshing to have a discussion rather than an exchange of abusive rhetoric.
BBC don't even hold him to account... can u imagine if May had told students she'd pay off their loans then say she didn't mean to say that? BBC love that marxist... but like I said, what about the rest of us?
There's a difference between the single market and the EU. We don't want our exports shut out of Europe. We just want Britain out of the EU and its treaties that limit what laws we can pass here. You're not going to get any other policy abut it from any other party either, except the Lib-Dems who want to ignore the referendum completely. No one wants to lose the trade access.
No. They are the same level of Tory poison in both places. And the EU is completely undemocratic and impervious to popular will. At least at the national level we can vote out our local Tories and pass laws in the opposite direction. The EU parliament is completely toothless, essentially ceremonial. It cannot propose or veto legislation. All EU laws and treaties are developed by the EU Commission, which is completely composed of appointees and flooded with corporate placemen and lobbying, like the US Congress and Senate, and then those laws and treaties are passed by the council of ministers, who aren't directly elected for that job, and ratified or not ratified by national parliaments. At no point does the publc get to vote on this stuff, except the occasional referendum about a new treaty which generally gets ignored. The outcome is what is happening to Greece, and the likes of Wolfgang Schauble blithely insisting that "elections cannot be allowed to change the economic policy of Greece." As a structure, as presently built, it's a mechanism for enforcing neo-liberalism, corporatism and financialisation. By getting out, we can change course, and in doing so help to show other EU countries the virtue of changing course, and if they can force such a change on the EU, well and good, but I doubt it. A new set of treaties would be required, which aren't going to come from the EU Commision, Shauble, Tusk, Lagard or any of them. It is the EU's current institutional policy inertia, especially the effects of the Eurozone and the ECB on all the net importer countries, which is shaking it apart, and it's pointless to complain against the symptom while pretending there is no disease in the body as a whole and trying to continue as normal.
"We don't want our exports shut out of Europe. We just want Britain out of the EU and its treaties that limit what laws we can pass here." You can't have both. If you want OUT< then you leave the EU and have tariffs. Stand by your vote you coward !
If your not a liberal by the age of 25 you don't have a heart, If you're not a conservative by the age of 35 you don't have a brain, W Churchill. The youth are getting older. Corbyn is a con man and he picks on the young & gullible to support him.
How many years ago was this? times change situations change people voted Tory this time because they wanted Brexit.Brexit was not a Tory Policy, In fact, Theresa May was a staunch remainer. The lines have become blurry, and care for human beings has become a necessity in the world regardless of how well of people might be at 35, Companies are folding, nobody knows who will be made redundant or lose their home from one day to the next. So to quote Churchill is outdated. Move on and have a heart for others, as Corbyn does. He has money, but he isn't a selfish arse, he cares about people and human plight. A little dose of humanity might do you good.
Catherine Love wake up care for the world costs hope you're paying why should I pay taxes to save the world that's the UN's job corbyn would bankrupt Britain
If you actually read up on the workers directive and listen to what he says about clamping down on the undercutting of wages by the mass importation of low paid workers then you will see what Labour has to say about immigration. And, what exactly are the Tories going to do about immigration? Do they actually have a policy yet?
I look forward to the day when JC and his party has turned the UK into Fall out 5. I have started investing in bottle caps ready to become an overnight millionaire
People still aren't getting excited about Adult Schools. So there probably will be investments in - libraries and - minors applying to five (5) majors and to pre-professional paths.
Jeremy Corbyn voted to leave the common market (1975), voted against the single market (1986), opposed the Maastricht Treaty on EU integration (1992), and opposed the Lisbon Treaty (2007). Just a reminder to Remain supporters and the 66% of Labour members who want to stay in the Single Market.
I assume you're referring to previous IRA members turned politicians like the Sinn Fein party we are not at war with IRA anymore mate. We made peace with those enemies a long time ago. In the current political climate I do not see them as enemies of the UK.
Laurence Connelly. You can ask and you will get the answer. It is an emphatic no. What was the outcome of the Rochdale case you cite? I don't actually recall this.
How does this make Corbyn or me an apologist? It appears to me that Cryer attempted to deal with the situation and was shut down through no fault of her own.
paulanderson79 Corbyn has never come out at any point to condemn these people . They all still work for the Labour Party. Do you think this is ok . Do you think that he conducted himself good over this .
Mark loyal to England you do realise hs2 a project green lighted by the Tories is 52 billion. costing more than all of labours major spending pledges put together. Not to mention investment brings return and benefits us all. You are a moron. Very ignorant and brainwashed
Feels good to know the first time I've ever joined a party is one led by Jeremy Corbyn!
Where are this beautiful beach from?
Brighton. South coastline of UK.
paulanderson79 Thanks from Brazil :)
More than welcome my good friend. :)
Where I grew up! Thanks for the compliment from the land of beaches - it's rather cold and full of stones. But it looks nice :-)
It is necessary to resist and defy laws that seek to restrict and punish the rights and terms of workers.
Why doesn't Andrew Marr just scream "Say what i want you to say!!" in his face
Pitiful an old man with no grip on life's problems just his own.
Does anybody know if Andrew Marr and Andrew Neale are related.
The man that won't press a nuclear button 😂😂
There isn't one. Nuclear weapons are mythical. Unfortunately modern conventional weapons are extremely nasty.
It's no good marr he has had his orders from the unions and that's that. He also had orders from us to get us out of the eu. But it's not for him union's 1st corby 2nd, Labour 3rd and we come somewhere after the cat.
The original Brexiter, fought against the EU throughout his political career. Now just a clueless, differing Hypocrite. Country would not survive Corbyn and the EU
Corbyn is an EU puppet Labour has become a London club not representative of the real decent working people. What an hypocrite he is desperate to gain power and would sell this country out dangerous!!
I agree with Corbyn on bringing key sectors of the economy under public ownership but being in the single market is not compatible with nationalisation. If we can agree a deal which allows the UK economic sovereignty for a high wage economy that works if we can't that doesn't.
All we need now is an announcement from Corbyn to Labour supporters to go back to their costituencies and prepare for government. It worked for David Steele.
If he wants to be a PM. Give him to a coroner.
Jeremy Corbyn wouldn't rest in his grave without transforming society
Society needs Corbyn now more than ever.
Well i'm still willing to give it a go. Get him boxed up and we will see.
He will rest when 50 million lie dead just like his hero Mao.
"They don't even [teach]."
No music, hip-hop, nor writing.
Behold....The Great Deceiver. This man of the people, for the people, this feculent IRA apologist. Redemption lies within.
Which do you prefer, being angry about bombings or stopping the bombing. Calling the IRA and HAMAS bombers fuck faces feels good and all but all it's going to do is bring more of them. Corbyn opening lines of dialog and trying to actually stop it is better than HAHA FUCK TERRORIST YEZZ MATE.
U.K. seeks an incapacitated membership. This is what Germany dislikes about #Brexit : We germans are in need of U.K. member speech when it comes to internal european affairs.
4 Ways Labour Are Attacking the Working Class Right Now-
1. Destroying social housing in London
Social housing is under attack, especially in London where estate demolition and regeneration have the potential to rake in hundreds of millions in profit for councils and property developers. And in this attack, it’s Labour councils leading the charge. Southwark’s Labour councillors have long and well-documented links with property developers: their demolition of over 1200 homes on the Heygate Estate in Elephant & Castle was supposed to be replaced with around 2,500 homes, of which only 500 would be for social housing. After developer Lendlease got the contract, this went down to 82 and to date there are ZERO social housing units on the development where Heygate once stood, all the flats having been sold to foreign investors. Southwark council are also currently in the process of demolishing the Aylesbury Estate, with over 2700 dwellings housing over 7000 people.
Newham’s Labour council and Mayor Robin Wales who in 2014 evicted almost thirty homeless mothers from the Focus E15 shelter in East London. While the council claimed they had nowhere to rehouse them, the mothers pointed out that the borough’s nearby Carpenters Estate in Stratford had 600 empty homes on it. That estate, too, is being depopulated and prepared for demolition.
Similar stories could be told of estates in pretty much any Labour-run borough in London. Tens of thousands in social housing units to be demolished. Millions to be made by councils and property developers.
2. Evicting the homeless
Homeless people also often find themselves the victims of Labour councils’ ire. Vulnerable rough sleepers who decide to pitch tents near each other for safety in so-called ‘tent cities’ have been attacked by Labour-run councils in Bristol, Hull and Leeds using injunctions to clear the site and ensure they couldn’t reassemble elsewhere..
Similar injunctions were used by Manchester City Council against the homeless setting up camps in the city centre under the previous mayor, Richard Leese. Since then, new mayor Andy Burnham pledged to drive down homelessness in the city, though campaigners remain sceptical, with one of his first appointments being that very same Richard Leese for Deputy Mayor.
As recent as April this year, Brighton and Hove City Council used a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to stop homeless people from sleeping along the seafront or in the city’s parks as well as clearing a homeless encampment next to St Peters Church on land not covered by the PSPO, which campaigners said offered no legislative grounds or paperwork. Not only is Brighton and Hove City Council led by Labour but its Labour Party has huge involvement from Corbyn supporters: in February and March 2017, internal elections saw 29 out of 30 executive positions filled by candidates supported by the left of the party while almost all of of the 30 delegates to this weekend’s conference support Jeremy Corbyn.
3. The Birmingham bins dispute
The Birmingham bins dispute has been rolling on now for months and originates from the Labour-controlled Birmingham City Council’s attempt to cut costs by making over 100 workers redundant and downgrading some refuse staff’s jobs, resulting in pay cuts of around £4000. Furthermore, refuse collection teams are made up of three workers: one driver and two at the back collecting rubbish, one of whom is responsible for safety. By getting rid of one of those roles, the Labour council is putting the remaining worker’s safety at risk.
On top of that, a provisional deal had been hashed out between the council, the union and Acas in mid-August. Yet only two weeks later - notably once bin staff had cleared the rubbish that had piled up during their strike - the council went back on their agreement and issued workers with redundancy notices anyway! And only a few days later, they started advertising for the new downgraded and lower paid role.
4. Durham Teaching Assistants' pay cut
The Durham Teaching Assistants’ struggle has seen their employer, the Labour-run Durham County Council, attempt to cut the pay of 2,700 workers who are already amongst the lowest paid in the country. Nonetheless, the council has a attempted to rewrite their contracts so that TAs will be only be paid during term time rather than throughout the year. The result is a staggering 23% pay cut; with Durham TAs earning around £20,000, that would cut their pay by almost £5000 a year.
The original plan was to sack all Durham TAs and re-employ them from January 1st 2016 under the new contract and, had it not been for the militancy of the TAs, that is exactly what would have happened. As it is, after two years of struggle, the TAs managed to force the council to bring them an improved offer (after rejecting multiple previous attempts) earlier this month, which they are currently discussing.
A party or a movement?
One accusation thrown at left-wing critics of the Labour Party is of ‘purism’, abstract ideology and no practical alternatives. But these examples of Labour attacks on working-class people are anything but abstract: they are real people whose pay, conditions and housing are being eroded by decisions made by Labour Party officials.
At the national level, Labour in opposition is supporting the end of Freedom of Movement as the UK leaves the EU. Corbyn’s references to the ‘wholesale import’ of workers reinforce ruling class attacks on migrants workers’ wages and conditions under the pretense of concern for those of British citizens. Strikes by mostly migrant university and hospital cleaners and Deliveroo riders show that migrants are often at the forefront of driving low wages up via workplace organisation rather than pushing them down, while May’s ‘hostile environment’ and the withdrawal of Freedom of Movement will make people easier to sack and evict. Corbyn’s support for an additional 10,000 police officers on the street continues a complete lack of opposition to state violence in the wake of the deaths of Edson da Costa and Rashan Charles in Hackney and Newham this summer.
The resistance to these attacks also show the very real practical alternative to party politics. Attacks on social housing have been resisted by community groups that make up the Radical Housing Network and the activism of groups like Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth has in some cases meant people not losing their homes.
Meanwhile, the resistance of workers in Birmingham and Durham show how workers can fight employer attacks on pay and conditions. Not by waiting for Labour politicians to step in on their behalf (if they had, they’d be thousands of pounds poorer by now) but by getting organised and taking direct action.
Left-wing Labour activists might say it’s not an either/or choice. Perhaps they’re right. But so far that’s abstract ideology. The ball’s now in their court to show how Labour can do party politics and grassroots activism at the same time, and who they’ll side with when, as in the examples above, the two come into conflict.
Didn't he promise to pay off all student debt.... Ooooo.. He can't...
SwordOF Truth Said it was open to consultation tbh
I live in a firm Labour borough , but then I'm not a racist ....
lynn davy he we go with the favourite labour quote I'm not a racist so no racists in the labour party lol full off um
Maybe not but you are STUPID
lynn davy no your just a moron.
lynn davy LOL see how quickly you change your mind when you get rapped by an muslim refugee, WAKE UP! a vote for Jeremy is a vote for cultural Marxism and all it's evils.
akbar rauf I hope you are joking
akbar rauf. why? hes clearly expressed hos alignment with marxist ideology
akbar rauf Jeremy the Jihadi always contradicts Himself
He wants to make a socialist society in a country where NOBODY, especially his followers, is willing to pay more tax. FAILFAIL FAILFAILFAILFAIL FAIL FAIL FAILFAILFAILFAIL
Jeremy Corbyn - the man for the people of the people.
He's A con man you just can't see it yet.
SmashBrosGuys2933 the man for the Trade Unions you mean.
SmashBrosGuys2933 the man to bring down britain more like
Mark loyal to England Are you afraid of him because he's a socialist or are you scared of him because he is better than every candidate for Prime Minister than any Tory apart from a zombified Maggie Thatcher?
some unions have allowed the big bosses to reduce or steal working pensions , the unions of today are not all the good they use to be back in the 80s now all a union is good for is protecting your job as the higher ups that work these unions aid in the redirecting of our working pension contributions out of the workers pockets. if corbyn was the man of the working class he would get to the root problem of some unions or big boss CEOS stealing our Pensions or the money pot of the current generation working their butts off for a future pension.
“The supreme law of the State is self-preservation at any cost. And since all States, ever since they came to exist upon the earth, have been condemned to perpetual struggle - a struggle against their own populations, whom they oppress and ruin, a struggle against all foreign States, every one of which can be strong only if the others are weak - and since the States cannot hold their own in this struggle unless they constantly keep on augmenting their power against their own subjects as well as against the neighborhood States - it follows that the supreme law of the State is the augmentation of its power to the detriment of internal liberty and external justice.”
― Mikhail Bakunin
Whoever chose him as A Leader obviously didn’t know what leading meant! :-( !
As an american i can say without a doubt that you brits dont know how lucky u are, compare this to any cnn fox or msnbc segment it would have immiedaitely dissimolated , atleast marr actually presses him on real issues that effect the country and matter to people
my mum voted for thatcher 3 times and i got her to vote for corbyn 😁
Never mind
@@matthewroberts1828 why you still watching this. corbyn living rent free in your head, lol
i'm afraid Labour are promising far to much without the ability to deliver ....scary
The plan is simple. Wait until Oct 2018 with the govt. in hysteria over brexit and bring them down with a vote of no confidence triggered by failure to get a large chunk of the EU withdrawal bill through. Then Labour go to the polls promising a rational approach to brexit with nothing ruled in or out, including abandoning Brexit. The EU27 make it clear they would welcome UK back in the fold and even hold out some concessions. UK abandons leaving, and Prime Minister Corbyn hailed a national saviour (for a short time).
He’s History now. At the very Best He’ll go down with the rest of it! :-(
That didn’t work out well !!
JC owns Marr every time!
never done a days work in his life
The man wants to be PM but he can't even answer a simple question when it comes to defence of the realm. We can't have a PM who refuses to ensure our safety and freedom. Talking is no good if you won't back it up with the threat of action, and that's all this guy is, all talk, no action.
What action are you proposing?
I'd never vote for anyone who can't give a straight answer when asked could he launch a nuclear retaliation. A deterrent only works when it's a credible threat and with JC it becomes a nuclear waste of space, because he clearly won't do it. With nutjobs like Kim Jong Un in N Korea I'd say that it's a pretty relevant issue.
It's not that I like the idea of nuking anyone, but the threat of retaliation has kept the world free of major conflicts since 1945. Being prepared to launch saves lives and he won't commit to that. He would put us at risk because he wants to sit down and talk to these whack jobs. Nice in theory but doesn't work when you're dealing with people who don't want to talk to you, they just want to kill you. Kim Jong Un, ISIS, whoever.
He wouldn't even commit to ordering a drone strike. I'm sorry but I can't vote for a pussy.
The only UK politician who has yet said they'd push 'The Button' without hesitation is Theresa May. All others have deflected the question. Corbyn is concurrent with this. Have you considered the fact that nuclear weapons don't actually exist?
Nuclear weapons exist, fact. I'm pretty sure Kim Jong Un is testing rockets as a delivery system. I'm pretty sure that when the Soviet Union collapsed they lost control of Nuclear missiles in satellite countries. I'm pretty sure that us having a nuclear deterrent keeps us safer than if we didn't have one. I'm absolutely certain that I will never vote for any PM candidate who isn't prepared to use that deterrent if necessary, because if they aren't it ceases to be a deterrent.
jmcdermottuk - I certainly agree that we need to 'have' nuclear weapons if everyone else 'has' them. Whether they exist or not is kind of secondary really.
We also have to remember that modern non-nuclear weapons are exceptionally nasty.
The only point we can abandon nuclear is if the whole world does so simultaneously.
I'm glad you've mentioned KJU's rockets delivery systems. You obviously understand that he can deliver any weapon he wants with nothing more exotic than a large aeroplane.
I don't think Corbyn's anti-military action as such. He's just not prepared to commit to a pre-emptive strike.
Thanks, incidentally, for a sensible response. It's refreshing to have a discussion rather than an exchange of abusive rhetoric.
Jared O'Mara: Labour MP in bigotry storm may not be the last labour is full of them.
The Tories are finished. No more 1 per cent Tories kissing ass to big bank and pharma. And throwing the rest of the country under a bus.
why so many dislikes?
No Student fees in Scotland..plenty of house building ..we'll stick with SNP..that have these policies in action already thanks!!!
That's only because we subsidise you.
with much thanks to English money. Which the SNP want to lose
Apparently he’s got nice hands. And can play the piano! ;-)
Единственный путь для тов. Корбина - служить трудящимся Лондона. 🇷🇺 ♥️ London
Whos this guy again?
The ghost of Karl Marx
How's the Labour movement now Jezza?
Corbyn gets a bit flustered under pressure.
BBC love comrade Corbyn, but what about the rest of us?
BBC is plural?
BBC don't even hold him to account... can u imagine if May had told students she'd pay off their loans then say she didn't mean to say that? BBC love that marxist... but like I said, what about the rest of us?
David Campisi 66% of Labour Party members want to stay in the single market
There's a difference between the single market and the EU. We don't want our exports shut out of Europe. We just want Britain out of the EU and its treaties that limit what laws we can pass here. You're not going to get any other policy abut it from any other party either, except the Lib-Dems who want to ignore the referendum completely. No one wants to lose the trade access.
No. They are the same level of Tory poison in both places. And the EU is completely undemocratic and impervious to popular will. At least at the national level we can vote out our local Tories and pass laws in the opposite direction. The EU parliament is completely toothless, essentially ceremonial. It cannot propose or veto legislation. All EU laws and treaties are developed by the EU Commission, which is completely composed of appointees and flooded with corporate placemen and lobbying, like the US Congress and Senate, and then those laws and treaties are passed by the council of ministers, who aren't directly elected for that job, and ratified or not ratified by national parliaments. At no point does the publc get to vote on this stuff, except the occasional referendum about a new treaty which generally gets ignored. The outcome is what is happening to Greece, and the likes of Wolfgang Schauble blithely insisting that "elections cannot be allowed to change the economic policy of Greece." As a structure, as presently built, it's a mechanism for enforcing neo-liberalism, corporatism and financialisation. By getting out, we can change course, and in doing so help to show other EU countries the virtue of changing course, and if they can force such a change on the EU, well and good, but I doubt it. A new set of treaties would be required, which aren't going to come from the EU Commision, Shauble, Tusk, Lagard or any of them. It is the EU's current institutional policy inertia, especially the effects of the Eurozone and the ECB on all the net importer countries, which is shaking it apart, and it's pointless to complain against the symptom while pretending there is no disease in the body as a whole and trying to continue as normal.
"We don't want our exports shut out of Europe. We just want Britain out of the EU and its treaties that limit what laws we can pass here."
You can't have both.
If you want OUT< then you leave the EU and have tariffs.
Stand by your vote you coward !
cr4yv3n be patient and see what happens. I have a feeling we might not leave eu. During those 2 uear transitional period, anything could happen.
Have more Western Conferences.
To let everyone KNOW THEIR RANK.
check out the video on youtube - Jeremy Corbyn Enemy of the White Working Class
Silencing of the Speaker.
Jeremy Corbyn is the Prime Minister we need!
SpiderFromMars if britain elected this dude
Evrey thing i thought about u ppl will be destroyed 😅😅😅
He is a true human
Fuck off commie
like a hole in the head
So you want production and government duties be based on the people needs not the benefit of some rich fucks
Almelijy housam He’s not even in power and already lied to get votes. Sort it out dude
Its all too late and you cant stop any of it :)
Corbyn should've been a comedian... Albeit, an unfunny one! But only kids vote for him now. Where has the true Labour gone. Sad days.
I wonder if that high pitched whine is deliberate. Its annoying as all hell but thats what low pass filters are for
I agree, also means that younger ears are the ones that are subject to it due to the frequency
coffin you mean.
Great taste in women as well, D Abbott lol
If you genuinely believe Dianne is a great choice of woman I'll pray for you.
Whats hi IQ got to do with it?.
I'm not impressed.nothing notable here
If your not a liberal by the age of 25 you don't have a heart, If you're not a conservative by the age of 35 you don't have a brain, W Churchill. The youth are getting older. Corbyn is a con man and he picks on the young & gullible to support him.
How many years ago was this? times change situations change people voted Tory this time because they wanted Brexit.Brexit was not a Tory Policy, In fact, Theresa May was a staunch remainer. The lines have become blurry, and care for human beings has become a necessity in the world regardless of how well of people might be at 35, Companies are folding, nobody knows who will be made redundant or lose their home from one day to the next. So to quote Churchill is outdated. Move on and have a heart for others, as Corbyn does. He has money, but he isn't a selfish arse, he cares about people and human plight. A little dose of humanity might do you good.
Bexley Outpost Im a male and support JC. What exactly is your point?
Catherine Love wake up care for the world costs hope you're paying why should I pay taxes to save the world that's the UN's job corbyn would bankrupt Britain
Catherine Love British job's British people that's what we vote for not scroungers of the world
Brexit Corbyn! Brexit! Labour are finished!
Very good.. The people who actually want another 5 years of the crackpot and divided Tories must be nuts themselves..
If you actually read up on the workers directive and listen to what he says about clamping down on the undercutting of wages by the mass importation of low paid workers then you will see what Labour has to say about immigration.
And, what exactly are the Tories going to do about immigration? Do they actually have a policy yet?
What planet are you living on? All the parties are divided.
I look forward to the day when JC and his party has turned the UK into Fall out 5.
I have started investing in bottle caps ready to become an overnight millionaire
Corbyns gone too far left, all this anti Semitism row is a waste of time.
Fire up the helicopters boys, this ones first.
People still aren't getting excited about Adult Schools.
So there probably will be investments in
- libraries and
- minors applying to five (5) majors and to pre-professional paths.
The Capitalist owners will thrive. You should be glad..?
Jeremy Corbyn voted to leave the common market (1975), voted against the single market (1986), opposed the Maastricht Treaty on EU integration (1992), and opposed the Lisbon Treaty (2007). Just a reminder to Remain supporters and the 66% of Labour members who want to stay in the Single Market.
Mogg for PM
i'm voting for this MAN!!
My god a labour nut that can make up it's mind you should be there next leader because the present one has trouble in that department.
Aeon Underhand
I don't remember seeing Jeremy Corbyn fraternising with the Taliban mate lol
I assume you're referring to previous IRA members turned politicians like the Sinn Fein party we are not at war with IRA anymore mate. We made peace with those enemies a long time ago. In the current political climate I do not see them as enemies of the UK.
You need to educate yourself and change your vote.
RED ALERT 'social justice' 'grotesque inequality and devisions' meme reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Farage for PM
How's Venezuela doing Jizzy.
Seen all this before thing's can only get better hahahaha look how that turned out
This Islamic apologists is in dreamland. He has told more lies than he has had hot dinners .
When has he ever apologised for Islam? Why would he? Islam isn't the enemy. Terrorism is.
Laurence Connelly. You can ask and you will get the answer. It is an emphatic no. What was the outcome of the Rochdale case you cite? I don't actually recall this.
paulanderson79 well look it up and stop sticking up for this trash .
How does this make Corbyn or me an apologist? It appears to me that Cryer attempted to deal with the situation and was shut down through no fault of her own.
paulanderson79 Corbyn has never come out at any point to condemn these people . They all still work for the Labour Party. Do you think this is ok . Do you think that he conducted himself good over this .
Go away Corbin
Please give him his full title: "Future Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn"
He hasn't had it up for years.Just a brown hatter now.
Corbyn AND the BBC? I wish you could double-dislike.
I'll do it for you.
The king of the SJWs
Jeremy corbyn=bankrupt britain
mark=tory sheep
Mark loyal to England you do realise hs2 a project green lighted by the Tories is 52 billion. costing more than all of labours major spending pledges put together.
Not to mention investment brings return and benefits us all. You are a moron. Very ignorant and brainwashed
Nick L mark=britain first more like
Adam Kenny and you pal are a deluded brainwashed 🐑 backing a lame duck who will say anything for power wake up
Do you value the national health service?
It's too funny to watch brexiters suffer.
he will never be pm.....
The Establishment used to write him off. They are terrified of him now
my arse , he will never be pm..
Bucket Bomb Corbyn