Martinus Bastenius de Pici Mirandulæ super arte Cabbalistica opinione - 2015

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 พ.ค. 2016
  • Documentum Powerpoint huius acroasis hic inveniri potest:
    Quamquam Latinitatis amatores quique Orationem de hominis dignitate Pici illius Mirandulani (1463-1494) jure ac merito legunt laudantque, pauci tamen sibi conscii esse videntur eandem, elegantissimam illam quidem, non fuisse nisi ‘præfationi’ maximo eiusdem operi Conclusiones nongentæ (1486) inscripto, quo auctor omnem doctrinam sapientiamque (‘omnem rem scibilem’) universo quodam conspectu tractare studebat. Cujus operis, intellectu perdifficilis ideoque sæpenumero neglecti, haud exigua pars doctrinam q.d. ‘Cabbalisticam’ attingit, per quam Picus, ut primus scriptor Christianus, Judæos priscam atque arcanam suam sapientiam servavisse censebat. Nonnullas harum conclusionum præsertim Cabbalisticarum ex ipsis fontibus Hebræis eo explicandas suscipiemus, quo liqueat quid Picus ille Mirandulanus de arte Cabbalistica senserit.
    Dr. Martinus Bastenius n in Academia Lugduno-Batava linguam Hebræam litterasque Rabbinicas docet. Dissertationem scripsit de syntaxi sermonis Hebræi in voluminibus dumtaxat ad Mare Mortuum repertis. Anno 2013 a studiosis Academiæ Lugduno-Batavicæ præmio docendi ornatus est. Rursus carmina Latina condere solet, quæ quidem olim divulgare studet.
    Temet socium nobis adscribe:
    Nisi graveris quæsumus pelliculam divulges, bona nota designes, vel subsidio nobis sis ad pelliculas in vulgares sermones vertendas.
    Athenæum Illustre societas est Amstelodami sita quæ sibi humanitatem seu παιδείαν illam Latinis Græcisque litteris veluti vivo suco ac sanguine per sæcula hominumque ætates nobis traditam ad veterem splendorem dignitatemque restituere proposuit.

ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @valeriusdacius2123
    @valeriusdacius2123 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mihi MAXIME interest argumentum hujus sermonis!

  • @kylefoley76
    @kylefoley76 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love this lecture.

  • @user-fk4fn3vn3f
    @user-fk4fn3vn3f 6 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Yan_Alkovic
      @Yan_Alkovic 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      So wait, you’re a Korean making a comment in Japanese saying that a TH-cam video where a Dutchman discussed Hebrew word magic was amazing….
      That kinda warms my heart, even if the video is kinda lame TBH…

  • @DVb2R93C
    @DVb2R93C ปีที่แล้ว

    bene loqui

  • @Pink--Black
    @Pink--Black 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The speaker here (Martinus Bastenius) incorrectly believes to have stumbled upon something new. The fact that a certain tradition of magic (not magic in general; astral/talismanic magic for example is very different!) is based on the Biblical-Quranic idea of God creating the world by speaking is widely known among scholars. For example, Jewish sources such as Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and Targum Neofiti linked the tetragrammaton YHWH to the YHY ('let there be', the Latin 'fiat') of Genesis 1 (see McDonough 1999, p. 130), and associations of this sort between the divine name and the creative logos lead to an entire medieval tradition of using divine names for magical purposes (often tied up to speculations about the Shem ha-Mephorash in various forms of angel magic; see e.g. Izmirlieva 2008).
    But the idea that the essence of things is given by their names and the letters of which they consist is not exclusively Jewish (on the following, see Acevedo 2020). Plato's remarks on the double meaning of the Greek word stoicheion as either 'letter of the alphabet' or 'physical element' lead to a long tradition of speculation about the links between words and things. This culminated in the Arabic-Islamic ʿilm al-ḥurūf or 'science of letters'. Actual alchemists such as those writing under the name of Jabir ibn Hayyan claimed that the elemental formula of every substance can be found by a numerological analysis of the letters constituting the substance's name -of course using the Arabic names, since Muslims regarded Arabic rather than Hebrew as the language of God.
    In short, Pico della Mirandola's 1486 Conclusiones regarding letter magic are nothing more than summary statements drawing upon a very long and rich medieval tradition, until then largely ignored by Latin scholars, but very well known in the Hebrew and Arabic traditions of his time. In fact, in the very period Pico was active, letter mysticism (known as ḥurufiyya) was absolutely flourishing in Persia and in the Ottoman empire.
    On this subject in general, see especially Acevedo, Juan 2020. Alphanumeric Cosmology from Greek into Arabic: The Idea of Stoicheia through the Medieval Mediterranean. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Despite the title of his book, Acevedo also covers the background in Genesis/Psalms, as well as Jewish works such as Sefer Yetsirah (‘Book of Formation’).
    On the early Jewish traditions concerning the power of the name of God, see McDonough, Sean M. 1999. YHWH at Patmos: Rev. 1:4 in Its Hellenistic and Early Jewish Setting. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. For those willing to take a deep dive, see also Cohon, Samuel S. 1951. "The Name of God, A Study in Rabbinic Theology", Hebrew Union College Annual, 23(1), pp. 579-604; Fossum, Jarl E. 1985. The Name of God and the Angel of the Lord: Samaritan and Jewish Concepts of Intermediation and the Origin of Gnosticism. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck; Gieschen, Charles A. 2020. "The Divine Name as a Characteristic of Divine Identity in Second-Temple Judaism and Early Christianity", in Novenson, Matthew V. (ed.). Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Leiden: Brill, pp. 61-84. Somewhat oblivious on the Biblical and Hellenistic philosophical origins but useful on the later (medieval) tradition is Izmirlieva, Valentina 2008. All the Names of the Lord: Lists, Mysticism, and Magic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. On ḥurufiyya, see Usluer, Fatih 2007. Le Houroufisme. La doctrine et son influence dans la littérature persane et ottomane. PhD thesis, EPHE-Paris.

    • @jimynewton
      @jimynewton 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well-said. Thank you

  • @ezzovonachalm9815
    @ezzovonachalm9815 ปีที่แล้ว

    sermo actoris huius conferentiae. Sonum intensitatis praeco augere !

    • @MM-li4sp
      @MM-li4sp ปีที่แล้ว

      Ego omnia clare audio