Hayashi san, good morning to you. I appreciate that your channel is aimed at other farmers but I'm happy that you respond to me and answer all my questions. I was wondering what the gloves hanging from the tractor blade were for, you answered it today, but I still don't really understand? The subtitles are helpful, but they are not perfect. I enjoy watching the mochi preparation, but the videos of the fields are very interesting to me! Tractor technology has really improved since I was a child, they really are advanced now, with wireless controls and GPS systems! I remember the Honda Supercub years ago here. It used to be an iconic vehicle either as a 50cc or 70cc model, even this has become more advanced! Thank you for making these interesting videos, and tell your little brother I send my regards!
It's not interesting just to see our own farm work, so we also photograph neighboring farmers. Those gloves have a protrusion on the tractor attachment called Aze Clean, which is dangerous, so I cover them with them to protect them while I'm moving. Modern tractors have advanced features and are really easy to ride. Super Cub is popular in Japan and has become difficult to obtain recently. That's why super mechanics buy damaged cars, fix them and keep them running.\(^o^)/
Hayashi san, good morning to you. I appreciate that your channel is aimed at other farmers but I'm happy that you respond to me and answer all my questions. I was wondering what the gloves hanging from the tractor blade were for, you answered it today, but I still don't really understand? The subtitles are helpful, but they are not perfect. I enjoy watching the mochi preparation, but the videos of the fields are very interesting to me! Tractor technology has really improved since I was a child, they really are advanced now, with wireless controls and GPS systems! I remember the Honda Supercub years ago here. It used to be an iconic vehicle either as a 50cc or 70cc model, even this has become more advanced! Thank you for making these interesting videos, and tell your little brother I send my regards!
It's not interesting just to see our own farm work, so we also photograph neighboring farmers. Those gloves have a protrusion on the tractor attachment called Aze Clean, which is dangerous, so I cover them with them to protect them while I'm moving. Modern tractors have advanced features and are really easy to ride. Super Cub is popular in Japan and has become difficult to obtain recently. That's why super mechanics buy damaged cars, fix them and keep them running.\(^o^)/
Thank you, \ (^ o ^) /
米騒動 スーパーは5キロも4キロもまぜこぜに積んであります ( -_・)?と考えないと 思います。スーパーも取りすぎたのか?でも安売りでも価格はそれなりにしていて パンも高いです。小麦離れも多くなってきているとか 我が家の朝食は米が多くなりました。苗の温室 油断すると30度 1月とは思えない 早く植えて早く収穫して 酷暑はみんなで昼寝しかないかも 夏の水不足にならない程度に降って欲しい
林さんのお母さん 私も同じ症状ではや20年 バチがあたったではなく 気がついた❗それで良かったと
発見できる大きさになるまで10年 それ以降は急激に大きくなり悪さをする 良かったんですよ おまけの人生 家族と一緒にまだ働ける 何より嬉しいことです。お若いです では🙋
ありがとうございます、、この地球温暖化では、働き方改革と経営改革をしないといけませんね。バチが当たったのは、私で母は、巻き添えでしたね。でも本当に気づいて良かった。今では、毎年検診していますが昔は、無かったのでd( ̄^ ̄)
素朴な疑問なのですが 畔塗り早くありませんか。
ありがとうございます、、私もそう思いますが農家がこの天気に我慢できなくなるのも分かります。雪降って欲しい、、d( ̄^ ̄)
一度試したことありましたがちょっと深くなり過ぎたのとあぜクリーンで十分なので止めました。荒起こしでディスクカッターを掛けるのでもしも十分でなければそこでやれるので、、d( ̄^ ̄)
回ってた、、? ロータリの爪ですか?
トラクターのオペ 若者に交代するべきでは?
本当にそれが課題です、、今、若者達は、餅つきしていますd( ̄^ ̄)