Believe my last comments got deleted because of my store link 😅 Nice video. I loved your use of light blue and the paint scheme for the fountain guard. For those interested, there is a free army list for this army compatible with warmaster revolutions on my gumroad.
Ah that explains it! Thank you, Im really glad you like the video and the paint scheme, the fountain guard are my favourite of your sculpts. They're all amazing tbf. I will be checking out that army list myself :)
😄 🤣 I was in my garden in 30degree heat in that helmet. I had to colour grade out my tomato red face. John has the orc side of the skit on his video. Be cool to do a skit with you at some point! Really enjoyed doing the voice one for the dwarf video. Hope your projects are going well!
Ah thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment 😊 Just searched up your channel! Looks amazing... subbed. That's my day sorted!
This sums up why I always loved the Epic Scale 40k (back in the day). I used to see people skirmishing with 20 dudes and a tank around a ruined church and thinking.... 'Thats not an 'army' mate, give me a thousand dudes...and a titan, thats an army!'. Plus, like you, I used to love trying to get as much detail as possible in to those tiny tiny miniatures!
Yeah my sentiments exactly! this definitely begins to scratch that SCALE itch. Ah finally someone with my detail oriented madness, that's ace! thank you for watching and commenting! 🙏🙂
Brilliant job, I'm a fan of MESBG and used to like Warmaster. One bit of advice for anyone painting a Warmaster army is to only paint the front of the front rank and back of the back rank on each base, and just do the tops of the obverse sides. It saves loads of time and you won't even see the legs on the "inside" of the bases.
This was a very fast subscribe. You're genuinely hilarious, I feel like so many channels fail with the comedy, especially skits but this hits my sensibilities right on.
28mm gaming just cannot compete with the satisfaction that comes from a small scale large army on the tabletop. Especially linear warfare like your beautiful army! Good job
Every time I find myself in the middle of a Maddeningly Tedious piece of work like this… I try to remind myself that This Work is literally what makes the end result unique, rare, and the extreme Quality that gives it real value!
Years ago I made a Macedonian/Seleucid army for Warmaster Ancients in 6mm scale. It’s still one of my favorite armies to display and look at - almost 100 soldiers in a single tightly packed phalanx unit just gives you a sense of scale on a completely different level! Really loved seeing a LOTR army at this scale! Also enjoyed your sense of humor. Glad I got recommended this video!
That sounds amazing! how many overall in the army? Yeah I'm really enjoying LOTR at this scale, thank you🙏 I really appreciate you watching and commenting.
@@TheWizardsBrush Army looks something like: 6 units of Phalanx 2 units of medium infantry 1 unit of Hoplites 3 units of cavalry 4 units of assorted skirmishers Couple of command units It’s pretty close to 1000 mini miniatures in what would be the equivalent of a medium sized Warhammer army! Sounds like hell to paint, but 6mm is actually quite forgiving and easy to make it look good! Though I did also get sick of painting brown, just like you. Too many spears!
To paint the trees on the shields you could use piece of sponge or leather to just dab the paint. Much faster. To apply the little grass tufts, use tweezers. To make every step easier, use magnifying lenses or glasses. Also, if you had stuck to the canon colours, it all would be much easier, so you dug yourself into a hole there.
Thank you 😊 🙏 I'm really glad you enjoyed it and appreciated the push through. I think alot of the hobby is trying things for the first time and persevering through the inevitable road blocks. It's what gets me out of bed every day. Hope your having a good day and enjoying your hobbies and interests.
Ah wow, the over shoulder view is high praise indeed, thank you for watching, rewatching and commenting 😊 I really appreciate it! So glad you enjoyed it!
I have a serious amount of respect for you for persevering with this after your priming disaster. I would have chucked the lot in the bin and written the project off.
@toby4970 thank you! 🙂 You can get stl files for a bunch of factions on Wakes emporium if you have or know someone with a 3d printer (link in my description) I'm just getting into it, I was introduced to it by Jmac (Jmac Armies of Arda, checkout his channel) there are a few rules sets. The ones I would like to try are Warmaster and Pique
@@TheWizardsBrush, Warmaster is a really enjoyable game. Have fun with it! Unless you swerve to War of the Ring with a couple of minor additions for basing - also a stand-out game.
Welcome to Warmaster! Legit the best game GW's ever put out, in my opinion. Feels like no other. You're going to love it - especially with an army as good looking as this one.
@@TheWizardsBrushPsyched! Syked is getting done over by someone with a common Huddersfield surname. And it's 'expedite' - no a in the middle. ('Wanker!') Please kick me. Great vid, and terrific looking army (as you know). All best.
😄 🤣 right you are, forgive my slightly dyslexic lack of correct spelling and grammar. I googled the Huddersfield thing 😄 Who needs spell check when I have you. Ah thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it!
Something about epic scaled stuff is just appealing. Not just the scale of the battles but also the ability to field physical armies. Love to see more of this stuff.
That skit about guarding the toilets is halarious! Ive also wondered how do they workout who guards the beacons. especially the ones at mountain tops Lol! imagine joining the Gondorian army just to be sent to guard a pile of wood in the middle of nowhere. when Pippin lights the first beacon the rest must double check themselves in disbelief. random rant haha
😄 🤣 it is supposed to be a great honour to guard the beacons... or at least that's what they tell them. Yeah then pippin went straight to the royal toilets and did a similar thing... some guards are getting thier pay docked.
@gamesofwarstudio-GWS ah that's great, welcome 😊 so there are rules for Warmaster and Pique. I've yet to either so will be having a go at that soon and including some of my findings in future videos. If you check out the pinned comment from Wakes on this vid, he has info on amry lists for the game aswell. Enjoy!
10mm is a nice size :) I decided after I started a force for Balin's Expedition, that it would be way cooler to do them in 10mm, basically base them individually on 20mm bases, so using the same rules and measurements etc. but it means I can make the scenery of Moria look absolutely huge, without actually having to build a new room onto my house...
Nice work, I admire your commitment! One thing I have found useful is to try and identify which parts of the model are hardest to reach with a brush and paint those areas first. It doesn't really matter too much if you get paint on other areas at this stage as they adjacent areas will be painted over at a later stage. I generally first try painting a single section/ group to completion (as a 'prototype'), then apply the lessons learned during that process to the rest of the batch-painted army.
Well said, starting with the spears for instance might have been better using that method. I could have spent more time on the prototype stage for them, would have helped. Thank you for watching and commenting 😊 🙏
Also a very epic video! glad the algorithm brought me here! respect man. youve got my like and subscribe here from Middle Earth itself (New Zealand ) haha
Thank you! it was very tedious but... when they are on the table it does seem to add to the overall detail and coherence. At least that's what I tell myself!
Wow soooo much effort put into each detail! Insane mate! I would of fallen to madness like denethor doing even half of what you did 😂 Great vid as always 👍
Excellent work (and a funny, informative and well-produced video). A 10mm Top-Tip though mate (probs too late now though in fairness) - concentrate on the front of one rank and the rear of the other, as the opposite sides of both won't be seen when they are based and so any time spent painting them is a waste (thinking here of things like the shields and such on any of the wee chaps that are in the rear rank and not at one end). Love, A Warmaster player of 20+ years
Thank you! 😊🙏 I hear ya, Definitely a different beast to what I'm used to at 28-32mm. Bit of a learning curve for sure, overall I enjoyed it though and can't wait to do more. I think I will be taking a much more efficient aproach next time so will be taking all this on board. Especially from someone as knowledgeable as yourself. What armies have you got? I am very much looking forward to learning the game!
@@TheWizardsBrush I've got Chaos and High Elves in the original GW metals (and a small Undead army from before they split them off to Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts). I've also got a shit tonne of Cromarty and Forest Dragon STLs that I'm hoarding (I've become as bad with STLs as I am with physical models now). I've also got some 10mm historicals (Aurthurian) for use with a set of rules called Dux Bellorum - I've got early Saxons and Romano British in 10mm. I'm pretty keen on the scale.
Wow! That all sounds amazing 👏 and I bet it all looks incredible laid out! Oh god yeah I'm hoarding so much stuff, my problem is that I think its all cool and I have a little bit of everything.
Bought dark elf about 20 years ago and really loved them, but friends stopped playing or moved away. So no one to play with and only owned one army, now with 3d printing we can i can have all the armies ive dreamed of and have a spare to lend when i have guests who wants to play.
😄 🤣 ah th hobby. I didn't think of it like that when I was making it but yeah I see that 🤣 who knew that 64k people would listen to me moan for half an hour. thank you 😊 🙏
Great video! In the future, have them printed with a 5mm gap and light supports at an angle, don't cure them with supports, with hot water and the right settings they peel off like butter! But then you have to cure them.
Yep! The humidity lesson. We all learn it at some point. For me it was with 18mm AB Napoleonic Spanish miniatures. Little tiny globules of primer all over the minis. What happened? Ohhh, humidity.
Wow, awesome video ! To complete your Gondorian army, you should also checked the 10mm rangers sold buy Rok minis and also the Rohan 10mm (I started a 10mm middle earth project few months ago with the wakes emporium and completed the army with other brands). Hope you will do a battle report vid with jmacc Mordor orcs army!
Great job, might try out 10mm lotr myself. Btw, holy shit thank you for making the mistake with priming in humid weather. For over 10 years of painting miniatures I've had no idea this could happen, now I know to be careful xD
Thank you 😊 🙏 Yeah I thought I would include that to save anyone else the pain 😬 however one person in the comments here said that it was most likely the primer itself (it is a cheap primer) and that humidity should help rather than hinder. There are conflicting reports on this subject
So many games like this, 40k, wfb etc all make so much more sense to me at this scale. They’re supposed to be epic battles over vast terrain and that sense of scale works so much better for me with 6-10mm figures. Plus it’s just much more practical and easier to work with in most cases. I’m surprised this isn’t more of a thing.😊
Yeah absolutely, it's nice having the bigger models for detail etc but I'm always hungry for the literal huge scale. I hope it does gain more popularity! I seem to be seeing alot of love for it so maybe that's already begun. Thank you for watching and commenting!
Same! I stopped playing warhammer but am hesistant to get back in because of the storage required. But playing it at 10mm? That would make it so much easier! And haven't even thought abuot achieving the epic scale of the timeperiod with the smaller scale a lot easier!
A huge part of the hobby is kit bashing and painting so it makes sense that this isn't as big in the hobby. Its still big enough though as epic scale is still a thing and on table it looks great seeing so many in a war. Also painting all of these even though they are small is a nightmare... I would much prefer to paint my standard size mini. Which is already annoying depending on pose if you fully assemble it or not
@lilpain1997 Yeah I like to paint things in a different scale when I get bored/frustrated with one, keeps me interested. Definitely enjoyed doing these overall even hough it was a pain, it's all pain really isn't it. But somehow we always come back for more. Thank you for watching and commenting 😊
@@TheWizardsBrush You are right on that ahaha, its honestly a pain to paint any model ahaha. I just got done finishing one deathwing knight... One of 5... It took me a few days. And I was annoyed throughout yet I already want to do the rest lol. Np it was a great vid
I haven't watched the full video, but the step at 3:40 is only needed because you printed them too close too each other. Just leave a little bit of room between the stands. And also pull the little supports away before curing, and its super easy.
Didn't print them myself so I couldn't do those steps but yes totally agree. Unfortunately my printer is out of action atm. I will defo be printing more so I will defo take heed of the spaces between them, so thank you 😊🙏
I love this. I've been testing epic scale on my FDM printer and they come out good so I'm working on getting some armies together and getting them printed
Great fun video, definetly earned a sub, but as someone who has painted a lot of small scale minitures, 10mm, 6mm, even 3mm stuff the moment you primed these black I knew it was going to be an exercise in frustration. When your painting small scale minitures, approaching it like you're painting 28mm is going to both drive you mad and waste time. These models are so small, and there's so many of them, that tons of that highlighting work is just lost. What you want with small scale is to make certain things pop and catch the eye. This means you want a light basecoat, you want colours to be one or two shades brighter than you would at 28mm. You want contrast, both colourwise, and paintwise. Contrast/speed paints have really, really helped cut down on the time needed for this scale. For these gondorians I would have done them Prime light grey/off white. Grey seer or equivalent. Do the armour cloth basillicarnum grey. Do the spears with thinned down snakebite leather. Paint the spears/helms/pauldrons a gunmetal. Paint the faces with a light flesh speedpaint of choice. Adding the splash of blue is fine, but just use the contrast over the white. Same with the gold. The shields should be done with a flat black rather than a speed paint to make them stand out. Can't help you with shortening the trees and shield trim, only god can help you there. Apply a wash of a very light brown. Watered down agrax or an agrax reikland mix works well. The idea here is to a) Darken the shadows of the contrast to create, uh, the other kind of contrast B) tie the miniature together into a cohesive whole. Highlight the skin with a very light skin tone. Hands and faces are one of those pop features. You don't need to do 28mm quality, just enough to look at these 1cm guys from 4 feet away and go "oh there's a face". Apply a very bright silver to the weapon tips, for the same reason. I use vajhello chrome. Here's some examples You've got some 10-12-ish napoleonics there, and then some 6mm (so half the size again) battletech infantry. Hope some of these tips are useful for anyone out there wanting to play smaller scales. As well as 3d prints, companies like kallistra, pendraken, magister millitum, spellcrow, and a bunch of others make resin and metal minitures that honestly, are so cheap they compete with 3d prints for price. 30-ish dudes is normally about six quid. The smaller you go the cheaper. Brigade's sci-fi offerings or Baccuss stuff will net you a few hundred guys for about £30-40. If you want plastics, warlords epic ranges are honestly, pretty high quality, though be warned they pack in a lot of detail, basically 28mm shrunk. If you want to go that route do the new hail ceaser stuff, on account of the models being 95% big bronze shield by volume. Edit: Oh, get some precision tweezers too, not just for the tufts but basically anything tricky hobby wise like tiny transfers. You can get them online or probably in your local hobby shop amongst the tamiya stuff. They're common in gunpla for applying stickers thinner than a gnats whisker.
Thank you 😊 🙏 Wow thank you for your detailed comment, you are clearly next level when it comes to this scale. I will take this all into account for my next dive into 10mm. Bit of a learning curve but the 10mm, 6mm community have been very generous and informative with there feedback. Including yourself! I've copied and pasted this into a document so I can use it to help me plan my next attempt. I'll have a look at the other ranges from the other companies you mentioned too, I am loving the wakes stuff atm though. I'm looking forward to playing trying the rule sets aswell.
Awesome! I've had an absolutely terrible experience with army painter spray primer. I heard they were supposed to be quite good but I'm definitely not going anywhere near them again. Never had these issues with Citadel spray primers, or even off the shelf stuff like Krylon.
3:20 you definitely don't want be clipping prints that have already been cured but if it's unavoidable give them a blast with a hairdryer or soak in some warm water 👍
Yeah agreed, unfortunately my printer was down so I got my mate to print them and send them so they were already cured. Definitely not ideal! I should have clarified that but hopefully peeps see your comment. Thanks for watching and commenting your feedback! 😊
I find painting a “Kill Team” awesomely tedious - can’t believe your amazing effort. Now that’s done - how about the Battle of Helms Deep in 10mm (both sides plus the Keep and mountain), ypu know, just for something to do on a lazy sunday afternoon ? 😜 Seriously, amazing work with such tiny detail 😁🇦🇺👍
Honestly all painting has a small (or large) amount of tedium built in, its worth it though in the end. Oh god, what are you trying to do to me 😂 Great idea. maybe. hmmm. it would be epic. damn you. doable in a casual 4000 afternoons. Cheers for watching and commenting! 🙂
A tip for fine detail work. I nicked the tweezers from my computer tool kit. What makes them better is they are spring loaded shut so that you have to squeeze to open them. Which means you can focus on getting stuff into place without having to keep the pressure up on the grip. Makes things a little easier and faster for placing detailed stuff on models, bases or what ever.
Believe my last comments got deleted because of my store link 😅
Nice video. I loved your use of light blue and the paint scheme for the fountain guard.
For those interested, there is a free army list for this army compatible with warmaster revolutions on my gumroad.
Ah that explains it!
Thank you, Im really glad you like the video and the paint scheme, the fountain guard are my favourite of your sculpts. They're all amazing tbf.
I will be checking out that army list myself :)
Love your minis and have quite a few of them. Still dreaming of getting a few small scale legion armies painted up for traveling.
Love the minis man, cant wait to start my uruk army
Lovely but not until the resin are less brittle and more resilient.
@@zargonfuture4046 Syria tech resin. Never had a break.
Far out this is so goooooooooooooooooooood bro
Ah thankyou dude! ☺️ 🙏 was alot of fun, even the bits that were annoying 🤣
@@TheWizardsBrush The siege crew goof hahahahahahah
😄 🤣 I was in my garden in 30degree heat in that helmet. I had to colour grade out my tomato red face. John has the orc side of the skit on his video. Be cool to do a skit with you at some point! Really enjoyed doing the voice one for the dwarf video. Hope your projects are going well!
@@TheWizardsBrush Hell yeah dude would be wicked fun, I'll be back to Middle Earth soon!!
I'll cook up a ridiculous skit with your name on it! Oooh nice! Can't wait for that!
wow, everything about this was incredible
Ah thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment 😊
Just searched up your channel! Looks amazing... subbed. That's my day sorted!
Yeah only couple minutes I’m already laughing and in awe. Great editing. Funny. Great content. Newly subbed indeed
@RegginaldRiglet ah thank you 😊 🙏 really glad your enjoying it!
This sums up why I always loved the Epic Scale 40k (back in the day). I used to see people skirmishing with 20 dudes and a tank around a ruined church and thinking.... 'Thats not an 'army' mate, give me a thousand dudes...and a titan, thats an army!'. Plus, like you, I used to love trying to get as much detail as possible in to those tiny tiny miniatures!
Yeah my sentiments exactly! this definitely begins to scratch that SCALE itch. Ah finally someone with my detail oriented madness, that's ace! thank you for watching and commenting! 🙏🙂
I do miss Epic scale!
Epic! I’m a huge Warmaster fan, so I sympathise with the ‘putting detail on 1000 infantry’ stage. Well done for persevering. You’ve done a great job!
Thank you 😊 🙏 Yeah it was a bit of dilemma, I love going the extra mile with detail but it's definitely not efficient 😄 🤣
I have about 5000 15mm fantasy figures….i feel the pain the lol
@wc9109 5000! Now that's what I'm talking about 👏 🙌 🫡 I bet! And then some... Respect man. Bet it looks amazing 🤩
Brilliant job, I'm a fan of MESBG and used to like Warmaster. One bit of advice for anyone painting a Warmaster army is to only paint the front of the front rank and back of the back rank on each base, and just do the tops of the obverse sides. It saves loads of time and you won't even see the legs on the "inside" of the bases.
Thank you, yeah definitely to save your sanity at the very least. Big learn curve this 10mm stuff!
Epic scale for LOTR is legitimate goal. This is the game of epic proportions.
Amen! 🙂 i can't wait to have a ridiculous amount of it all
That Gondorian force brings a tear to my eye. Time for me to trash it with my ORCS
Thanks dude, Let the battle for our time begin!
Tears to my eyes
This was a very fast subscribe. You're genuinely hilarious, I feel like so many channels fail with the comedy, especially skits but this hits my sensibilities right on.
Thank you! I really appreciate you subscribing too 😊 I love making skits so I'm really glad you enjoy them!
Awesome project man! Puts my little 12 hour painting marathon to shame 😂
Ah thank you 😊 🙏 ah mate 12 hours painting is no Joke, I salute you 🫡
@@TheWizardsBrush 🖖
The highest quality video I’ve seen in quite some time! Can’t wait to see more of your work!
Thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it. Working hard to get more out soon!
First time stumbling upon your videos. you are hilarious, love the content and im a huge LOTR fan
AH thank you, really glad you enjoyed it! more coming soon1
Great stuff! Fun, funny and inspiring. Good show
😊 🙏 thank you. Really glad you enjoyed it!
28mm gaming just cannot compete with the satisfaction that comes from a small scale large army on the tabletop. Especially linear warfare like your beautiful army! Good job
Yeah I agree! I love both don't get me wrong, but there is just something about 10mm! Thank you 😊 🙏
Your intros are 10/10 gold ❤
Thank you 😄 🤣 🙏 glad you enjoy them!
Thank you dude 🙏 making some cool things for ya!
Every time I find myself in the middle of a Maddeningly Tedious piece of work like this…
I try to remind myself that This Work is literally what makes the end result unique, rare, and the extreme Quality that gives it real value!
Well said! So true!
as soon as you said ''zenithal'' and ''gun metal'' i foreseen disasters that not even a Palantir could make you vision
And your army looks awesome!
Thank you 😊 🙏
Years ago I made a Macedonian/Seleucid army for Warmaster Ancients in 6mm scale. It’s still one of my favorite armies to display and look at - almost 100 soldiers in a single tightly packed phalanx unit just gives you a sense of scale on a completely different level!
Really loved seeing a LOTR army at this scale! Also enjoyed your sense of humor. Glad I got recommended this video!
That sounds amazing! how many overall in the army?
Yeah I'm really enjoying LOTR at this scale, thank you🙏 I really appreciate you watching and commenting.
@@TheWizardsBrush Army looks something like:
6 units of Phalanx
2 units of medium infantry
1 unit of Hoplites
3 units of cavalry
4 units of assorted skirmishers
Couple of command units
It’s pretty close to 1000 mini miniatures in what would be the equivalent of a medium sized Warhammer army!
Sounds like hell to paint, but 6mm is actually quite forgiving and easy to make it look good!
Though I did also get sick of painting brown, just like you. Too many spears!
@markb6978 unreal! So cool man
This is the first video of yours that I’ve seen, you’ve got yourself another subscriber in me!
Ah Thank you 🙏 So glad you enjoyed it. Welcome, happy to have you on board!
To paint the trees on the shields you could use piece of sponge or leather to just dab the paint. Much faster. To apply the little grass tufts, use tweezers. To make every step easier, use magnifying lenses or glasses. Also, if you had stuck to the canon colours, it all would be much easier, so you dug yourself into a hole there.
Instant sub for the banter alone. This was Fu*king amazing dude. Keep it up!
Thank you! 😀 you bishop of banterbury.
This is the best hobby content I've seen in years, incredible work.
Thank you 😊 🙏 I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
Great video! Awesome project and very funny style. New follower after this!
Thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it!
Your finished army looked amazing. You’re push through the process remind us that getting through to the end becomes worth it and inspires.
Thank you 😊 🙏 I'm really glad you enjoyed it and appreciated the push through. I think alot of the hobby is trying things for the first time and persevering through the inevitable road blocks. It's what gets me out of bed every day.
Hope your having a good day and enjoying your hobbies and interests.
Assumed this was already a massive channel. That lotr bit had me cracking up. Fantastic video and editing. You are gunna make it bigtime
I really appreciate it, its hard getting vids out right now around work etc, so its amazing motivation to know you enjoyed it. Thank you! 🙏
The juice was well worth the squeeze. Amazing job. Definitely subscribed.
Thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it!
These look amazing! Watched the video several times, love the work you put into it. Even my wife enjoyed over the shoulder viewing. Great stuff man!
Ah wow, the over shoulder view is high praise indeed, thank you for watching, rewatching and commenting 😊 I really appreciate it! So glad you enjoyed it!
I have a serious amount of respect for you for persevering with this after your priming disaster. I would have chucked the lot in the bin and written the project off.
Thank you 😊 🙏 oh I thought about it 😄 🤣 there have been many projects where that's crossed my mind actually.
The end result looks fantastic. How do you get into 10mm LotR? What’s the rule set? Is it the battle of the five armies rules?
@toby4970 thank you! 🙂 You can get stl files for a bunch of factions on Wakes emporium if you have or know someone with a 3d printer (link in my description) I'm just getting into it, I was introduced to it by Jmac (Jmac Armies of Arda, checkout his channel) there are a few rules sets. The ones I would like to try are Warmaster and Pique
Hell yeah! What a great video!
Thank you 😊 🙏
Great video and amazing painting! Better then i coild ever do.
Awesome to see more people doing smaller scales.
Thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it. I'm really enjoying 10mm, can't wait to do more.
That narration is golden. Spot on.
And the army? A thing of beauty!
Thank you 😊 🙏 glad you enjoyed and liked the army 😃
@@TheWizardsBrush, Warmaster is a really enjoyable game. Have fun with it! Unless you swerve to War of the Ring with a couple of minor additions for basing - also a stand-out game.
@andymeechan3924 ah yeh war of the ring has come up a couple of times in the comments I'll be sure to check it out!
Wow! Im literally just commenting to suppor your channel cuz this is just insane!!!
Thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it, I'm working hard to try get more vids out soon
Welcome to Warmaster! Legit the best game GW's ever put out, in my opinion. Feels like no other. You're going to love it - especially with an army as good looking as this one.
Yeah I'm syked to get a game in and thank you 😊 🙏
@@TheWizardsBrushPsyched! Syked is getting done over by someone with a common Huddersfield surname. And it's 'expedite' - no a in the middle. ('Wanker!')
Please kick me. Great vid, and terrific looking army (as you know). All best.
😄 🤣 right you are, forgive my slightly dyslexic lack of correct spelling and grammar. I googled the Huddersfield thing 😄
Who needs spell check when I have you.
Ah thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it!
@@TheWizardsBrush I'm hyperlexic but mildly autistic. Together we can fight crime.
@@TheWizardsBrush No problem. Send money.
HOLY SMOKES . This is a mindblowing project
Thank you 😊 🙏
Nice job for a saturday afternoon. Great army, love the paintjob
Yeah it is very satisfying, something about the smaller scale. Thank you 😊 🙏
Nice to see you watching Jordan Sorcery, he's great!!!
Ah yeah, Jordans great! Always love watching his vids
Amazing - also your cinematography is stunning
Ah thank you! 🙏 I really appreciate it! 🙂
Something about epic scaled stuff is just appealing. Not just the scale of the battles but also the ability to field physical armies. Love to see more of this stuff.
Yeah I agree, I will defo be doing more!
As a fan of small scale battles to represent massive armies this fills me with much glee
🙏 thank you 😊🧙♂️ glad u enjoyed it!
the sketch in the middle was just hilarious !!
great hobby work too of course lol
Thank you 😊 🙏 really glad you enjoyed it!
That skit about guarding the toilets is halarious!
Ive also wondered how do they workout who guards the beacons. especially the ones at mountain tops Lol!
imagine joining the Gondorian army just to be sent to guard a pile of wood in the middle of nowhere. when Pippin lights the first beacon the rest must double check themselves in disbelief. random rant haha
😄 🤣 it is supposed to be a great honour to guard the beacons... or at least that's what they tell them. Yeah then pippin went straight to the royal toilets and did a similar thing... some guards are getting thier pay docked.
This was awesome! Now I want such an army for myself
Thankyou 🙏You should! you won't regret it! 🙂
Absolutely amazing - looks sooooooo goooood! (And your Wisteria is lovely too)
Thank you 😊 🙏 and thankyou 🙂
Wakesemporium makes some great stuff
Yeah really like how close to the peter Jackson versions they are!
Amazing job, This is a great video very entertaining
Thank you 😊 🙏 glad you like it!
Oh great 😊 !!!
Thank you 😊 🙏
@@TheWizardsBrush +1 follower! I may have missed the information, but what rules (book?) do you use to play on this scale? John from France ;)
@gamesofwarstudio-GWS ah that's great, welcome 😊 so there are rules for Warmaster and Pique. I've yet to either so will be having a go at that soon and including some of my findings in future videos. If you check out the pinned comment from Wakes on this vid, he has info on amry lists for the game aswell. Enjoy!
@@TheWizardsBrush OK thanks ! :D
Great WORK! Can't wait for the battle report!
Thank you! 🙏oooh yeah may end up doing a battle report, I know Jmac has at least one on his channel 🙂
They look incredible, well done!
Thank you 😊 🙏 I really appreciate it
Love seeing the Jordan Sorcery videos playing while you work
Oh yeah Jordans Vids are on constantly while I work, so good! 😊
10mm is a nice size :) I decided after I started a force for Balin's Expedition, that it would be way cooler to do them in 10mm, basically base them individually on 20mm bases, so using the same rules and measurements etc. but it means I can make the scenery of Moria look absolutely huge, without actually having to build a new room onto my house...
That is a great idea 💡 I am so tempted to give that a go! Yeah so much more practical as well.
Nice work, I admire your commitment!
One thing I have found useful is to try and identify which parts of the model are hardest to reach with a brush and paint those areas first. It doesn't really matter too much if you get paint on other areas at this stage as they adjacent areas will be painted over at a later stage.
I generally first try painting a single section/ group to completion (as a 'prototype'), then apply the lessons learned during that process to the rest of the batch-painted army.
Well said, starting with the spears for instance might have been better using that method. I could have spent more time on the prototype stage for them, would have helped.
Thank you for watching and commenting 😊 🙏
I just have to commend you on that incredible thumbnail. Perfection!
Thank you 😊 🙏 I don't consider myself particularly skilled at thumbnails but this one seems to have worked.
@@TheWizardsBrush I loved it- it immediately made me laugh 👍🏻
@tunguskalumberjack9987 😄 ah good, I was giggling whilst making his head slightly too big for his hands 🤣
Criminally underrated channel
Ah thank you 😊 🙏
Also a very epic video! glad the algorithm brought me here! respect man. youve got my like and subscribe here from Middle Earth itself (New Zealand ) haha
Thank you! I really appreciate it and glad to have you! Ah nice, do you watch 3d games? He's from new Zealand, great channel!
@TheWizardsBrush nooo will Check em out! Keep up the good work!
woah! what a video! nice job! beautiful to see such a passion
Thank you 😊 🙏
The commitment to painting all those tiny white trees is insane!!
Thank you! it was very tedious but... when they are on the table it does seem to add to the overall detail and coherence. At least that's what I tell myself!
@@TheWizardsBrush it definitely does. The full force looked unreal at the end. V excited to see what you do with the heroes
daaaamn, had to like for the thumbnail alone, that one got me weak 🤣🤣🤣
😂 Thank you 🙏 I had good time making that one tbf
Absolutely eye watering 😊so small… love love love ❤️
Thank you 😊 🙏 ❤️
Wow soooo much effort put into each detail! Insane mate! I would of fallen to madness like denethor doing even half of what you did 😂 Great vid as always 👍
Hey dude, hope your good! Thank you! 😊 🙏 it did feel that at times, "abandon your posts!" Cheers dude!
Yes it was worth it. So cool! Thanks for sharing this process!
Ah thank you 🙏 I really appreciate you watching and commenting 😊
I didnt know Jamie Dornan loved wargaming! Epic video!
😄 🤣 do I look like him? Thank you 😊 🙏
You should try epic 40k, it's 6mm. You'd love it!
Good job on the painting and getting through all the tediousness of it all.
Yeah I remember when epic was a thing in the late 90's. Imperialis looks pretty cool too, I've been tempted. Any a time by that. Thank you 😊 🙏
Excellent work (and a funny, informative and well-produced video).
A 10mm Top-Tip though mate (probs too late now though in fairness) - concentrate on the front of one rank and the rear of the other, as the opposite sides of both won't be seen when they are based and so any time spent painting them is a waste (thinking here of things like the shields and such on any of the wee chaps that are in the rear rank and not at one end).
A Warmaster player of 20+ years
Thank you! 😊🙏
I hear ya, Definitely a different beast to what I'm used to at 28-32mm. Bit of a learning curve for sure, overall I enjoyed it though and can't wait to do more. I think I will be taking a much more efficient aproach next time so will be taking all this on board. Especially from someone as knowledgeable as yourself. What armies have you got? I am very much looking forward to learning the game!
@@TheWizardsBrush I've got Chaos and High Elves in the original GW metals (and a small Undead army from before they split them off to Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts). I've also got a shit tonne of Cromarty and Forest Dragon STLs that I'm hoarding (I've become as bad with STLs as I am with physical models now). I've also got some 10mm historicals (Aurthurian) for use with a set of rules called Dux Bellorum - I've got early Saxons and Romano British in 10mm. I'm pretty keen on the scale.
Wow! That all sounds amazing 👏 and I bet it all looks incredible laid out!
Oh god yeah I'm hoarding so much stuff, my problem is that I think its all cool and I have a little bit of everything.
Bought dark elf about 20 years ago and really loved them, but friends stopped playing or moved away. So no one to play with and only owned one army, now with 3d printing we can i can have all the armies ive dreamed of and have a spare to lend when i have guests who wants to play.
@@andersand6576 exactly. Sometimes we have to be the change we wish to see.
looks incredibly cool man
Thank you 😊 🙏
This is just insanely cool. What an achievement!
Thank you 😊 🙏
I love that 64k people have watched a video where the voiceover is about how boring this was. The hobby is unmatched. Great video!
😄 🤣 ah th hobby. I didn't think of it like that when I was making it but yeah I see that 🤣 who knew that 64k people would listen to me moan for half an hour. thank you 😊 🙏
Great video! In the future, have them printed with a 5mm gap and light supports at an angle, don't cure them with supports, with hot water and the right settings they peel off like butter! But then you have to cure them.
Thank you!! 😊 Agreed, definitely the best way! I didn't print these myself. My printer is out of action atm unfortunately.
Yep! The humidity lesson. We all learn it at some point. For me it was with 18mm AB Napoleonic Spanish miniatures. Little tiny globules of primer all over the minis. What happened? Ohhh, humidity.
Oof yeah it's definitely hurts, but well worth learning! I'm very careful with priming now, that's for sure!
You guys deserve more subscribers haha good stuff
Ah cheers 😊 makes it worth all the work!
Wow, awesome video ! To complete your Gondorian army, you should also checked the 10mm rangers sold buy Rok minis and also the Rohan 10mm (I started a 10mm middle earth project few months ago with the wakes emporium and completed the army with other brands).
Hope you will do a battle report vid with jmacc Mordor orcs army!
Oooh ok that sounds cool, I'll will defo check those out. Thank you 😊 🙏
Yeah defo will need to have a battle with Jmac soon
good job , looks nice👍
Thank you 😊 🙏
Great job, might try out 10mm lotr myself. Btw, holy shit thank you for making the mistake with priming in humid weather. For over 10 years of painting miniatures I've had no idea this could happen, now I know to be careful xD
Thank you 😊 🙏 Yeah I thought I would include that to save anyone else the pain 😬 however one person in the comments here said that it was most likely the primer itself (it is a cheap primer) and that humidity should help rather than hinder. There are conflicting reports on this subject
really enjoyed your video. 10mm is such a great size for table top gaming.
Thank you 🙏 Yeah I agree, im loving it so far! just looking at the army every day is satisfying cos of the size of it.
So many games like this, 40k, wfb etc all make so much more sense to me at this scale. They’re supposed to be epic battles over vast terrain and that sense of scale works so much better for me with 6-10mm figures. Plus it’s just much more practical and easier to work with in most cases. I’m surprised this isn’t more of a thing.😊
Yeah absolutely, it's nice having the bigger models for detail etc but I'm always hungry for the literal huge scale. I hope it does gain more popularity! I seem to be seeing alot of love for it so maybe that's already begun. Thank you for watching and commenting!
Same! I stopped playing warhammer but am hesistant to get back in because of the storage required. But playing it at 10mm? That would make it so much easier! And haven't even thought abuot achieving the epic scale of the timeperiod with the smaller scale a lot easier!
A huge part of the hobby is kit bashing and painting so it makes sense that this isn't as big in the hobby. Its still big enough though as epic scale is still a thing and on table it looks great seeing so many in a war. Also painting all of these even though they are small is a nightmare... I would much prefer to paint my standard size mini. Which is already annoying depending on pose if you fully assemble it or not
@lilpain1997 Yeah I like to paint things in a different scale when I get bored/frustrated with one, keeps me interested. Definitely enjoyed doing these overall even hough it was a pain, it's all pain really isn't it. But somehow we always come back for more. Thank you for watching and commenting 😊
@@TheWizardsBrush You are right on that ahaha, its honestly a pain to paint any model ahaha. I just got done finishing one deathwing knight... One of 5... It took me a few days. And I was annoyed throughout yet I already want to do the rest lol. Np it was a great vid
*_We need to free this man from his prison._*
Jmac must never be unleashed, he is in there for our protection. The dark lord of speed painting 🔥
Fantastic job, man 😄
Thank you 😊 🙏
I haven't watched the full video, but the step at 3:40 is only needed because you printed them too close too each other. Just leave a little bit of room between the stands. And also pull the little supports away before curing, and its super easy.
Didn't print them myself so I couldn't do those steps but yes totally agree. Unfortunately my printer is out of action atm. I will defo be printing more so I will defo take heed of the spaces between them, so thank you 😊🙏
They look sooooo good mate!! Wolverine technique is class hahahaha!
Thankyou 😊 🙏 Wolverine technique for the win! 🐺 😄 🤣
Great video, loving this scale of miniatures. I will have to look into them.
Thank you! Yeah they are so satisfying
I love this. More I need more! So funny 😂
Thank you 😊 🙏 more coming soon
Can’t wait for the next episode
😊 🙏 working on it right now
I love this. I've been testing epic scale on my FDM printer and they come out good so I'm working on getting some armies together and getting them printed
Thank you! 🙏😊 Ah ok cool, so they come ok on fdm at that scale?
Absolutely sensational!
Thank you 😊 🙏
Great fun video, definetly earned a sub, but as someone who has painted a lot of small scale minitures, 10mm, 6mm, even 3mm stuff the moment you primed these black I knew it was going to be an exercise in frustration.
When your painting small scale minitures, approaching it like you're painting 28mm is going to both drive you mad and waste time. These models are so small, and there's so many of them, that tons of that highlighting work is just lost. What you want with small scale is to make certain things pop and catch the eye. This means you want a light basecoat, you want colours to be one or two shades brighter than you would at 28mm. You want contrast, both colourwise, and paintwise. Contrast/speed paints have really, really helped cut down on the time needed for this scale.
For these gondorians I would have done them
Prime light grey/off white. Grey seer or equivalent.
Do the armour cloth basillicarnum grey.
Do the spears with thinned down snakebite leather.
Paint the spears/helms/pauldrons a gunmetal.
Paint the faces with a light flesh speedpaint of choice.
Adding the splash of blue is fine, but just use the contrast over the white. Same with the gold.
The shields should be done with a flat black rather than a speed paint to make them stand out. Can't help you with shortening the trees and shield trim, only god can help you there.
Apply a wash of a very light brown. Watered down agrax or an agrax reikland mix works well. The idea here is to a) Darken the shadows of the contrast to create, uh, the other kind of contrast B) tie the miniature together into a cohesive whole.
Highlight the skin with a very light skin tone. Hands and faces are one of those pop features. You don't need to do 28mm quality, just enough to look at these 1cm guys from 4 feet away and go "oh there's a face". Apply a very bright silver to the weapon tips, for the same reason. I use vajhello chrome.
Here's some examples You've got some 10-12-ish napoleonics there, and then some 6mm (so half the size again) battletech infantry.
Hope some of these tips are useful for anyone out there wanting to play smaller scales. As well as 3d prints, companies like kallistra, pendraken, magister millitum, spellcrow, and a bunch of others make resin and metal minitures that honestly, are so cheap they compete with 3d prints for price. 30-ish dudes is normally about six quid. The smaller you go the cheaper. Brigade's sci-fi offerings or Baccuss stuff will net you a few hundred guys for about £30-40. If you want plastics, warlords epic ranges are honestly, pretty high quality, though be warned they pack in a lot of detail, basically 28mm shrunk. If you want to go that route do the new hail ceaser stuff, on account of the models being 95% big bronze shield by volume.
Edit: Oh, get some precision tweezers too, not just for the tufts but basically anything tricky hobby wise like tiny transfers. You can get them online or probably in your local hobby shop amongst the tamiya stuff. They're common in gunpla for applying stickers thinner than a gnats whisker.
Thank you 😊 🙏
Wow thank you for your detailed comment, you are clearly next level when it comes to this scale. I will take this all into account for my next dive into 10mm. Bit of a learning curve but the 10mm, 6mm community have been very generous and informative with there feedback. Including yourself! I've copied and pasted this into a document so I can use it to help me plan my next attempt.
I'll have a look at the other ranges from the other companies you mentioned too, I am loving the wakes stuff atm though.
I'm looking forward to playing trying the rule sets aswell.
sick, although as an epic scale painter and player I would recomend to have a try at oil washes and those little sponges for eye makeup.
Yeah ive been wanting to give oil washes a try for ages, I will have a go on the next one. Thank you 🙏
Looks amazing
Thank you 🙏 😊
Awesome! I've had an absolutely terrible experience with army painter spray primer. I heard they were supposed to be quite good but I'm definitely not going anywhere near them again. Never had these issues with Citadel spray primers, or even off the shelf stuff like Krylon.
Ah right so maybe it was just the primer, I haven't had the issue since but bf I've avoided the AP primer.
3:20 you definitely don't want be clipping prints that have already been cured but if it's unavoidable give them a blast with a hairdryer or soak in some warm water 👍
Yeah agreed, unfortunately my printer was down so I got my mate to print them and send them so they were already cured. Definitely not ideal! I should have clarified that but hopefully peeps see your comment. Thanks for watching and commenting your feedback! 😊
THE DARKNESS WILL CONSUME YOU! Excellent roleplaying.
😄 🤣 thank you 🙏
I find painting a “Kill Team” awesomely tedious - can’t believe your amazing effort.
Now that’s done - how about the Battle of Helms Deep in 10mm (both sides plus the Keep and mountain), ypu know, just for something to do on a lazy sunday afternoon ? 😜
Seriously, amazing work with such tiny detail 😁🇦🇺👍
Honestly all painting has a small (or large) amount of tedium built in, its worth it though in the end.
Oh god, what are you trying to do to me 😂 Great idea. maybe. hmmm. it would be epic. damn you. doable in a casual 4000 afternoons. Cheers for watching and commenting! 🙂
A tip for fine detail work. I nicked the tweezers from my computer tool kit. What makes them better is they are spring loaded shut so that you have to squeeze to open them. Which means you can focus on getting stuff into place without having to keep the pressure up on the grip. Makes things a little easier and faster for placing detailed stuff on models, bases or what ever.
Oooh sounds good, I will try that! Thank you 😊 🙏
The skit game is strong in this video 😂 Great video man, 10 m prints incoming in my house !
Thank you 😊 🙏
Oooh ok what army you thinking?
@@TheWizardsBrush Would definitely be cool to have a Dwarven army!
Oh absolutely, that was my first thought when seeing 10mm lotr. Wakes doesn't have it yet but I'm sure he will soon!
Truly a captain of Gondor of the highest quality
I will not let the white city fall 🙏 although I may fall asleep at my post and or forgot my helmet, Sheild and or sword.
10mm is such a great scale. Been playing WW2 and Cold War in it for a few years now. Not done Fantasy yet, but it sure looks good.
Ah nice I bet WW2 in 10mm is great fun!
glad the algorithm picked this one up for me
Glad you enjoyed it 😃 😊
Thank you! 😊 🙏
man this video deserves an oscar!
Thank you 😊 😄 🤣
I really enjoyed this and probably will do this in the future. Gotta finish my current dol amroth pile of shame first lol
Thank you 😊 🙏 oh yes the pile of shame, we all have one! Yeah it is really satisfying.