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The Platform Of Realities!!!
Season 13 Episode 36 EASTLEA
Paternity DNA Testing
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That woman is humble and God fearing.May God provide her with a suitable soulmate.
@@masimomakoni7502 God fearing achimitiswa asina nemunhu asina kuroora?
Handihwo upombwe here?
Hunoitwa nevanotya mwari zviya? Saka kuchechi kwaakunakidzazve kana zvadai!!
Stop Judging that you may not be judged
Ngaanake mkadzi uyu. Uye azere nehunyoro. Varume musatidaro mufunge. God bless mai ava nemwana wavo
Dai ari murume atora mukadzi mudikisa tingadai tanzwa nekunzi varume tsvakai vakadzi vezera renyu.
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 maqwiqwi
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105😂😂😂age is jst a numbe
Unotoshaya kuti varume vanoda zvipi chaizvo upfave utaurise unongosiiwa
Vakadzi munonyanya kungorata musati ma visitwa.Maboorangoma Ayo!
The lady is so calmy , beautiful and innocent, she deserves the best
May this lady be blessed with a caring, loving husband.🙏
Guys ko kupfava kwakaita amai avo she is one in a million yho ,baba chibvisai 70 yenyu makasununguka ,wat a peaceful episode thank Yu guys ❤
Vakadzi hauvazive anopfawa pacamera kumba achikuonesa moto
Tajaira noise isu ,especially kutumikono twetsambra futa kudai
Vanhu zvamwari this man is a golddigger,and ruthless I knw him hakuna kwaanibuda achinoshanda ,akaunganidza dzinza redu achiri akuda kunoroora but haana kuuya .Itsotsi iroro ndotoshaya kuti vakadzi vanoitiswa sei nekatsotsi ikaka kanizviti ,ndine imba mota anenhema dzotyisa imi . ladies be careful.Anemakuhwa futi mhuri yedu yaka dhumaniswa musoro nemurume wanunoona uyu.Asi I tell you one day he will find his match .
Kanooneka hako
Katsotsi aka
Anooneka hake
Mazino manje
Kwenyu hakuna varume hre ,,, kwedu vanoponda munhu anoda kutivhiringa isu hanzvadzi dzavo,, dai vakaka taka tambwa aka
Uuuum this str 🔥 💯 👌 very humble and composed kuchine vanhu kunze uko wish I could help her with a bit I can afford ♥️. You represented us ♥️ wish you the best mwana wamai ❤❤❤❤❤
I feel pity for this woman. God will give you strength and heal you. Varume tisatora advantage ye situation inenge ine musikana or mukadzi.Kutambisa moyo wemunhu anenge achikuda it's karma
Situation ipi ipapa yakatorwa advantage of?
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105if you dont see the situation relax
You are a bitter soul shame
@@KevinButelezi mukadzi uyu aiziva kuti this man is married
A very humble, soft-spoken woman, and beautiful too. May God bless you, sis.
That’s what I thought too
Humble yechii munhu aidanana nemurume wemuridzi nxaaaa .leave God out of this mess.
@@nyarymatra he lied to her that he was not married, and he admitted it. asi hauna nzeve??
What a beautiful woman and soul.
Next time teererai mushe mugorega kutonga zvisiri fair,inga baba vati havana kumbomuudza chokwadi. Amai ava vakazoziva vatove ne mwana,tadii tavanzwirawo tsitsi. Imagine aito promiswa kuroorwa @@nyarymatra
A heart broken 💔 lady who was ready to settle for marriage. May the Lord heal your soul my sister and may all the desires of your heart be fulfilled 🎉🎉
But aiziva ka kuti murume iyu ari married
@@phyllisphiri7165 kkkkk but sekuru vako don't deserve this beautiful lady vanyeba makore havana 30 ava😂
@@phyllisphiri7165 inga murume ari kutaura wani kuti ndaimunyepera kuti handina mikadzi plus ndange ndambosiyana nemukadzi
@@phyllisphiri7165teererai munzwisise
@@phyllisphiri7165akazoziva later, the man confirmed he lied
Priz ndipeiwo# dzemkadz uyu ndimubatsire ne500
Endesa through Tinashe Mugabe kana uchida kubatsira!
Ita uda kudya bota kubatsira chii
number please kikiki
Pabvapaita vana manyenga vana 😂
😂😂😂 kubatsira chii ukuda bota iwe
Baba Makakanganisa kunyepa kuuraira Mai future muneutsinye kutambisa Mwana wavaridzi
Iye airara nemunhu asina kuroora, waasingazive kana hama dzake kut zvidudzire kutii?
Murume aienda kuchurch asina mukadzi here? Nekuti kashoma ikako kut mai vanosara kumba baba vachienda vega kuchurch. So aisaziva mudzimai wababa ava here?
Kutambisirwa future kuitasei, ko mwana mudiki here
Inga murume ataura wani kut nefirst wife takanga takambosiyana@@shingiraitrevormboto2105
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105ini ndakambooneswa hama dzese namwene izvo munhu anemukadzi murikutiiko
You are an angel young lady. As a mum with daughters my heart bleeds to see such a humble mature lady being cheated like that. Vakomana vemuchurch vamwe vacho they pretend. I have seen it. My daughter had a wedding but the guy only wanted a pass to move overseas. Mmmmmm the devil is at work
Cameraman has no chill😂😂ko kuramba achifocuser pamazino ababa😂😂
Ndapaonawo mufunge
😂😂😂😂😂mazino ndabuo
Ako ndokamwe kamukono manje ako ko kuchembera yet ariye mudiki...well done beautiful sister
Uda kuti adzore makore here? Haasi mwari kaa
@@WayneNgoniehe looks older than 30 uyo
He is older than 30. Pane makore epa birth certificate kozoti makore chaiwo chaiwo
Hakazivi makore ako uye emukadzi
Chandafarira azvininipisa murume even akatadza hake
Refreshing to watch. We needed this episode after vanhu vese huyayi !!😂😂😂 . Thank you Mr Mugabe. Wishing the beautiful lady all the best and may the Lord bless her with a faithful partner in the future
Taura hako 😂😂😂😂😂maranderasi
😂😂😂but vanhu huyayi is the best nekamukono kedzambara kkkk l always repeat vanhu vese huyayi
Waita hako murandakadzi proud of you hauna kunyadzisa...baba ndivo vanyara havo $70 ngavachibvisa vakasununguka
Well done amanini you are beautiful humble and telling the truth wish you all the best God will bless you ntombi 🎉🎉🎉
Shame mapudzi anowira kusina hari. Mai avo munhu akapfava uye ane mwoyo wakanaka. Vakango sanganawo zvavo netsotsi asi ivo vakazvibata .May g9d bless her.
Naivo mai itsotsiwo futi. Vakazvibira vachibikira bhinya ravasingazive.
Kana kune nzvimbo yaakuwanikwa matsotsi mazuva ano, kuchurch!!
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 vakaudzwa kuti ndiri bhudhi vari kuto tsvaga adi ivo vakawana kare.
@@sevaseva836 saka pa2 years dzese haana kutsvaka kut munhu anogara papi..hama yake ndiani..akaroora here..iye kwaakutorara nemhunhu pasina kana protection.
Mondiudza kut murume aiyenda kuchurch achisiya mukadzi kumba zvekut ava madam vavasingazive mudzimai wake?
2 years!
2 solid years!!
Imikaa...!! Hakuna zvakadaro.
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 hapasi pataurwa here kuti 1st wife yakamboenda or ndakanganisa kunzwa
Hakuna kani soft spoken kuda kuwana mamarks kuhama dzemurume haiwa first wife myb akatomboenda bcz f her kuziva aiziva zvake @@shingiraitrevormboto2105
Im in tears...last words from that lady andibata.
Mai avo vakatambiswa . Soft spoken.very gud wife material. May God give u a good husband
Imi musakurudzire chihure. Aisa ziva here kuti mukadzi ariko. Ndiri hama ya baba ava. This woman akaita kuti mukadzi wa sekuru 1st wife i suffer ne vana. . Ano nyepa mukadzi uyu.
@@phyllisphiri7165ko ivo sekuru vako vataura wani kuti havana kuudza munhu chokwadi kuti ane mukadzi
@@phyllisphiri7165hooo? Ko sekuru vainyengereizve ivo vaine mhuri futiwo nhaim, ndivo vakazo suffisa gogo 1st wife nekuda kwavo pakati pemakumbo.i
Sekuru vako vati vanga vasina kumuudza kuti vanemukadz.Iwewo wakutaurawo zvimwe tozivsa zvipi manjei@@phyllisphiri7165
@@phyllisphiri7165 saka since muri hama yababa avo, please tell us why mukadzi vavo asingaende kuChurch asi muroyi?
2 years murume achienda kuChurch ega come on, bvunzaiwo kuti whats wrong with her. Imba wavo was already divided. Bible says mukadzi can’t even fast without seeking permission from her husband because Mwari knows if that division happens satan is very quick to fill it in. Kutambudzika kwake mukadzi vababa ava it’s because she refused to go to church with him.
Don't worry my sister everything is going to be okay Mwari vachakupsi murume chaiye kwete kamukono ketsambarafuta you so beautiful that man is not of your class
Just stay Holy my sister God will favour you and give you someone
But tell her futi kuti atevedzere mitemo yaJehovah. Pre marital sex inongozokuparira. MaKristu tisiye mjolo, Jehovah havazvidi izvi.
Baba avo vaisava ne30 years pakatorwa this video javakachembere ako he just reduce makore kuti awachise mai ava chte
45 years seems more appropriate 😂
Kana kusatoziva makore ako chaiwo, kungwarangwanduka but doesnt look like he is educated.
Jaa he looks 45
😂 taurai henyu imi
The woman looks a lot younger than him
This lady is very educated, dai akakwaisa kuwana murume musvinu akatendeka saivo, handisati ndaona such a soft lady like this one ,vanorwadziwa asi vanogona kuzvibata
I respect this man even though vakaita chipfambi. He's remorseful.
Men learn from this lady.... Mukaita vana kunze, you will pay through the nose.
The men loves his original family but this has dented magariro ekumba kwavo.
Respect your families
Ko baba awo hawa gone kutenga Colgate here mazino kuita yellow kudaro. Zvakaoma vakadzi zvinhu zvamuno teerana nazvo soo kaa.
Anenge ane Mari mukomana uy9
Unenge uchiti ndo husband material
😂 Haaa mazino
😅😅😅 yoooh this comment 🙌😅
Rino nyenga rino warara, baba vanga vanakirwa but what a humble man both parties handina chishoro
Thank you cc muchawana anokudai nekamunakiro kawakaita chingozvichengeta usatambisirwa nguva na fake bro avo kunyepera kuzviita bro veku church achiziva hake kt ane mkadzi wake
Saka iye aisaziva mukadzi wacho here? Akadii kumbosvika kumba kwacho abate chokwadi asati apakura mbiya?
Itsotdiwo iro raida kutobawo murume weumwe. Mukadzi wemuface midzimu yake yakasimba chaiko.
Kuchechi vasikana vanonzi vharai makumbo kusvika akubisira. Havateerere shoko and church advice sisi avo. Vachadzokororwa futi manjemanje vakaramba vachifunga nekabhinzi kavo.
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 saka uchapedza comment section yese uchipindura Inga hama yako yataura wani kuti ndakamunyepera kuti handina mukadzi
@@ruthchimuka8784 iye akabvuma? Chii chaakazoitawo to verify kut haana mukadzi zvechokwadi?
Ndokuzungaira kwachoka ikoko!!
Ndanzwa hasha nekupusa kwerudzi urwu mhani. Sei vamwr vanasikana vedu vachiita kunge vane bvudzi chete mumusoro pfungwa musina!?
Dude is not 30yrs old. I refute that allegation.
Hanzi kushata chete😂😂😂😂.
No ways!! Munhu Mukuru uyo? Ko dzimwe 10 years arikuti hadziverengwe because Kwaive ne ESAP here😂😂😂😂
😅😅😅😂😂😂 yohwee @@Tsunamiluva
How is that guy 30 years is he not counting the other 10 years arikutonyepa futi
The lady is so beautiful and calm ,let's hope she won't be cheated again .
Tinashe ndipe number dzamai avo ndavada shaa ndiri single in Namibia
Chokwadi chakangonaka
I wife material iyo. Usazomutbisa zvakare
Yah vatsvagei she's very beautiful uye dignity iripo too kungoiti vakasangana nekatsotsi.
Bata Tinashe pa phone and try,you never know👍
That guy isn't 30yrs. I am crushing on that lady, she is charming, humble and i think she is too young for her age. Kwadzinorohwa matumbu ndokwadzinomhanyira.
From show yaJane yaiva nehuturu koyya Ina mummy vari soft as wool haaaa dna ndakutadzai ndokuti jata uku, kubva mudenga kutiwisa pasi😂😂😂😂😂
Ummm yajenny yaive yakaipa ndakazonakidza namama vachiti unomurumisa nembwa 😂😂😂😂
Amainini so humble, fabulous, clean, vakanyengedzwa chokwadi ndarwadziwa
Babamudiki full of pride, ruchengera
Mwari dai Amainini vakupaiwo sinyoro anogeza semi, anotya Mwari semi, chengetai mwana n mutono wedzeresa mari anyatsa kunzwa butter
Baba ava itsotsi vakatouya mulife yemukadzi uyu vane chinangwa hapana kana rudo mazizino eyellow nxaa
😂😂😂😂😂iyaaa vozve
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 watsamwa Cousin
l knew it kuti pamazino hapashaye achataura
😂😂😂😂 ok shona ya cho mwana vangu
Murume anyepa kuti iye mudiki kumukadzi , Mukadzi anoratidza kuti ndiye mudiki ,and soo beautiful mudzoke kuchurch Mwari akubatsire usabondere again
Thanks my sister you made me proud may the Lord bless you
Very humble, cool ,respectful kwete mamwe mabhinya evakadzi azere mudzimba umu. Nharo,stubborn,rudeness,kuda kutonga unteachable spirit full of i know. May be blessed nemunhu akabva kuvanhu usazopihwe hurombwa hwemurume
Do you want to tell us something bra please go ahead we are listening. 😜🤣😂🤣😂
Mukadzi akadai anonhongana nemurume akadai seiko.
Aah 😢
The lady is very beautiful and soft-spoken.
Hope you will find a king in your life who will love and treat you well.
Kumhanya hakusi kusvika.
Hanzi mwana akanaka ,eheka akafanana namai vake😂😂❤
This lady is so humble I wish I had a brother to marry her ❤
Kunyepa kwatangira pakunyeps makore...😂😂 Hanzi ndine 30 yrs amai vane 32 yrs
Apo ivo baba vacho ndakava tarisa vane 42 mai 30 😂😂😂
Murume 30 mkadzi 36
That lady is so humble. It clearly shows that anobva kune vanhu. She was just unfortunate that akasangana netsotsi remurume. I pray that Mwari aropafadze this lady with a loving and caring husband
Mapudzi anowira kusina Hari shame good lady ❤
Am proud of you mummy .bere iro kupinda mumbudzi kunohwanda nechurch richinyepa richanowana gehena rakarimirira richiri shaya dzinenge land side yegejo.well done mainini hamuna kutinyadzisa.
Weldon mainini. Next time musapakura bota musati manyatsoziva munhu. Havasi vose vanoti Mwari, Mwari vachaona humambo hwekudenga.
Saka imi munoti she wasn't aware kuti the guy is married? Ndokunyepa chaiko. 2 years dating a guy usingazive? That lady is not 18, she's 37, meaning akatobva from another marriage or relationships. She new what she was doing. Vaidya bota ravo kupi for 2 yrs??
She's so beautiful
Gawa iro rairnda ku svondo kunotsvaka wekumitisa imbudzi yemunhu
Mufesi uyo ane ka resemblance ka jah signal neka heti ako😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.😊
I am humbled by Mr Mugabe's science in action. Fantastic.
Baba pamakore manyepha 😮😮😮😮😮
Kkk taura hako
Kkkkk pameso pakaoma kudaro koti 30 years.Mudara vakazvidzikisira makore makore ava.Chero birth ravo vanenge vakatozonyorera nePenzura ini. NDATYA nazvo.kunyepera mwana kunyepera makore.saka chimwe vachatiudza cheshuwa chii nhai
Mwana sikana uyu anhe hunhu hunotyisa very humble ane respect.God will give you a good man that matches you.
This episode shows the current state of our society! The lady is 30 meaning she gave birth to the child in question at 28 and bota raidyiwa from age 26 to 27 pakaitika conception. She was desperate to get married without really unravelling the truth and the whole truth about this guy, Bota paraidyiwa raidyirwa kupi? How many times pakadyiwa bota? Did she ever visit any one of this guy's relatives? Did she ever in 2 years get to know where this guy resides? Man will always be cunning and i believe if it was not issue yemukadzi wa blaz ava anodya moto mai ava would still be with this guy vachidyirwa zvavo musaga! Learn or perish women!
she said she's 36yrs and the man is 30 amuna kunyatsonzwa
@@KimberleyMoyo-f8y aaah worse!! kkkk very desperate zvake and i dont think she would have had a problem being a second wife
I think from the start the guy didn't know the guys age until it was too late thus why he reversed the issue of marriage
First wife anga akambobva pamba, so this lady used to visit the guy's house
@@chandapiwahungwe7729 And surely for 2 years could not see kuti pano paive nemukadzi and also iye ndiye anga atokonzera kuti mkadzi wacho ambobva kkkkk
Please God provide this lady with a king. She is a natural Queen. Proved for her abundantly.
Karume ako kahure, pluz kushusha.. Ipa ndodzakavhara mwana wevanhu
God bless the woman uye murume uyu ndinotenda kubvuma kutadza kwaakaita
On snother note, why was this guy going to church alone without his family?
Something is amiss here
And also visiting the lady without ever revealing where he stays
No way any man can conceal he is married for long - he just used the lady when he had marital issues.
Probably promised to divorce his wife for her then went back to his wife
Baba ava ka vawana ndiri kure baba munoda maoko imi varume mukawana mukadzi akanaka munotambisa asi zvipurunyenye zvinohura munazvo mumba mudzimba baba ava tikasangana dakumwayai mbama.
My sister God bless you dai Mwari akupai murume kwaye
This man akarwadzisa this lady weduwe
Mukadzi akazvirwadzisa ega uyo!
Desperation ndoyakamuurayisa.
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105do u know this lady cz the way yaukumuattacker nayo comment section yese gave me a lot of questions than answers.
Bvunzaiwo ndanguri ndavaona @@josh_dat-guy4891
@@josh_dat-guy4891taura hako pamwe akarambwa naye coz panenge pane karuvengo😂
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 how do you know that?
May God bless this woman with a kind husband as she is, varume tonoomesera varandakadzi sometimes
Imi manini you are smart,beautiful, calm and honest y maipa munhu uyooo kiss 💋 neuyoo muchero wepakati kujangwa rakadaròoo mazino ayoooo bhoo here korogeti hakuna here
Zvemoyo haungazvinzwisise 😅😂😂..ipapa dzaitomboramba mabrothers aive vanhu vasvinu
I wish God to give me a woman like her... Humble not talkative.
MaZimbo makaoma, kurwadziwa ne $70 apo manyepo too much. This lady was truly a victim of vultures in the name of Christ
Hakuna a 30 something year old lady who dates a man for 2 years, sleeping with him, achitadza kuziva kuti the guy has a wife. Ndokunyepa chaiko. She new vaiita chihure. And unfortunately she's the one who gets to pay the bigger price
Ndarwadziwa hangu baba ava vasadaro unotambisireyi mwana wevanhu kana usingamudi , what goes around comes around ukaita chakanaka wazviitira ukaita chakaipa wazviitira
Icho chihate kkkkkkk baba ava
This lady is truly wonderful. May the Lord bless her with a good husband.
i like the respect they have for each other. Rudo ruripo pavanhu ivava, blaz arikutya first wife chete.
Bamnini vakarwadziwa ne70 Mari. But mainini vakazvinakira havo & very soft spoken
Amainini wakanaka zvawo and wakadzikama zvawo.Baba awa ka hanzi mwana akanaka ini ndakashata.Mwana anenge akafanana namai wake
Hakuna munhu akadzikama anomitiswa asingazive kut waanodanana ane mhuri here or haana.
Hakuna zvakadaro.
...ndiwe x wife kani kkkk urikurwadziwa nemacomments arikupiwa mainini 😂😂😂 imwa painkiller cause haaa
Mkadzi iwe ndokuda hangu huya tigarisane ndikuchengeta iwe nemwana wedu,wakanaka hako. You are so calm n collected.
Kungoti mkadzi uyu aisaziva this type yetu socks twe white or ka hat kepa Mbare ako vanotutenga nepa window vari mubus matsotsi
😂😂😂😂 wondiuraya
Pachishona voti mapudzi anowira vasina Hari chokwadi. Zvekut Mai ava vahombe ku murume it's another chapter she said imi imi always and mukadzi pane vamwe vakadzi may the dear lord bless her azowanawo hake anomuda
Chihure nhachipedzwe murume uyu meso-meso aripo, kana uchidanana ne munhu taura chokwadi. Mukadzi uyu akabiwa ne mbavha iyi ye rudo
Mrandakadzi is so cool zvinofadza, imagine after nhema dzaakaudzwa aregerera mrume uyu so easily. May God continue to bless you ❤❤❤
Camera man I love you😂bhutsu iyooo zoomer futi 😂😂😂
This is one strong lady , who appears humble and well mannered
KAMKONO ketsambara futa ka fume aka. At least he asked for forgiveness.
Eish show iyi yakaitwa kare saka,coz baba vati mwana ane 2 yrs iye akabarwa 2020 and now avene4yrs
Kamurume aka makore hakawazive .
Tsvingudzi dzekuchechi idzi🤣🤣🤣kwake kutadza kuziva makore ake here 37 - 36 saka ane 37ka.
30 years ndinodziziva ini kana kablaz aka kaine 30yrs zveshuwa hmm yeah nhamo iri muZim yakapfunya chisero zveshuwa. Mazino ayo ndeemunhu ari muka 40 chakuti
Zvimwe nezvimwe mukadziii uyo she's humble wena and beautiful sweet ladie . TINASHE NDOKUMBIRAWO HANGU PHONE DZAMADAM AVO WENA . ❤
Mai she's beautiful
I wish my son would find someone like this lady to marry
@@monkeyplayvr true
Mukadz uyu akatambiswa nebenzi iri haaaaa ndarwadziwa nehunyoro huna amai ava sure,,, mapudzi anowira kunevasina hari,,, be strong my sister Mwari vachakupai munhu kwaye anokuda zvekukuda zviye
Asi sisi ava vakasvika 37 vasina kumboroorwa here?
Vatanga kuti 37 vakazoti 30 handina kuzvinzwisisa ini
Definition of "Rudo ibofu".
If "moyo muti unomera paunoda" was a person, ☝️☝️☝️
😂😂kkkkk usadaro shamwari moyo ine mavanga yakakuvara yevazhinji nePhrase ramoyo muti iri .uzozoti ndidzurei hangu pandakazvimerera wabaiwa panyama nhete
@@dasilva8081 🤣🤣🤣🤣
😂😂😂 30 years kudii ipapa
Kachembere kababa ako
He looks 45+
Haaa zviuya hazvivanane zvokwadi. Sure ukaona mukadzi uyo kundenderedzana nekabharanzi akoo. She is beautiful and calm. Kombai murowe mhani
Mashoko edzidziso:- Tanga waziva shamwari yako zvakakwana musati Madyara Bota nechiwepuro. Well done dignified and humble lady
Saka bota oriwanepi, akura ka uyu anenge achitodawo. Varume ngavarege kunyepera vakadzi
Dignified munhu anomitiswa nemurime wemunhu asingazive? Iri papi dignity yacho ipapa?
Itsotsi iroo!!
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105kana dziridzo pfungwa dzaunoshandisa mazuva ese idzodzi ndakukunzwira hurombo. Didn't u hear the guy say ndakamunyebera, didnt u hear the guy say ndakatomuvimbisa kumuroora...the guy is to blame in all this, am glad they both agreed to co_parenting mune zvakanaka
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 she is very dignified and humble. Akasangana hake nezitsotsi rerume who promised her marriage only to chicken out nhumbu yabata.
Vasikana watch out for this man he is a scammer.
@@Fayrwa06 hakuna zvakadaro. Anosvika pakumitiswa nemunhu waasingazive nepaanogara chaiko!
Idununu iro!
Or aitoziva zvake zvaari kuita. Kutoda mwana nekuchengeterwawo zvake.
This woman deserves better. May the favor of God locate her
Makanaka mhamha vako ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ende vakadzikamira veduwe ❤❤❤❤❤
Kudxikama munhu achinhumburiswa asiri mumba? Ndokudzikama ikoko?
Ko ufeve ndehupi manje kana uku kuri kudxikama? Unless u r saying jesus and satan have swapped names!!
@@shingiraitrevormboto2105 aah imw moita sekuti kumba kwenyu hakuna vanhu vakamitisw seiko
Me patiently waiting to see the humble lady after reading the comments 😊
Sisi look for a honest man don’t waste your life with a man who is not honest
To single mothers please do thorough research usati wanyura ask for your suitor’s relatives especially his mother or father. Usaneta kubvunza mumwe wako kwaanobva kwaanogara. Ukaona asina kusununguka kukupa kuti utaure ne one of his relatives or to see where he stays RUUUUN run 🏃♀️ my sisters run. Muchasvika kupi muchituka rudzi rwemakumbo matatu.
She new the guy is married. The lady is not innocent at all. Vese vaihura
@@mbizi4573 I think pakupotsa nekuti baba vatsinhira vachiti havana kuudza amai kuti vane mukadzi
Thanx mwana vamai Hauna kutinyadzisa 🔥🔥🔥💃💃💃
Such humble and innocent souls are not worthy to be heart broken, thank you for forgiving him , forgiveness heals ,may God bless you
This kind of woman is hard to find. Kablazi ako kabharanzi, you can tell nemapfekero
So sorry dearest waka sangana ne tsotsi, God will give u the one who will treat as a Queen ❤asi nhai kana usingade munhu ko kushandisa protection than nhunhu ya bata wakuti ndine mukadzi🙄.
A very good looking lady and I'm into the behavior I wish I was not married I was going to ask for a hand in marriage with her child again she's loveable and well respected mukadzi aknaka hake uyu
This man is down to earth. It's unfortunate kuti haana kuwana a perfect partner from the start. I feel sorry for this woman.
Muri kutiiko
You mean the woman is down to earth?
Mwari ndichinjei ndive nemoyo munyoro sewemukadzi uyu l pray uzowana murume wechokwadi
I do understand the guy to doubt partenity yemwana. He had every right to doubt for sure because that lady is too good for him. Muchinda aitofunga kuti pane mbinga yaitorova poto. The lady is so good.
Vashoma madzimai akateruka kudai... Thank you my sister so humble
Manhanga anowira kusina hari shuwa mkadzi ari humble and wife material
The man lies to this beautiful woman down to earth very humble woman may God give you a perfect husband understand you ❤
What a humble beautiful lady.mat God remember you n give u the rightful husband